APRIL 10, 2001

Dixie: Where's Tad?
Jake: He rushed out of here. He saw the way you looked when you were talking to David, couldn't take it.
Dixie: Oh, God.
Jake: What did he say to you, Dix? What could you still possibly want to hear from this man?
Dixie: I don't know. I wish I hadn't listened.
Jake: Well, you have to go after Tad. You can't let him leave like that.
Dixie: Yeah. I can't.
Jake: You have to, Dixie.
Dixie: It's too selfish. I can't go after him now.

Anna: Oh, Robert. That was you, wasn't it? You stayed a bit longer this time. I almost saw your face. I can't take much more of this. Ah.
Bart: What are you doing?
Anna: Oh, I saw Robert.
Bart: Anna, you think you saw Robert.
Anna: No, for an instant. I'm remembering things. Come on, take a walk with me.
Bart: No, that's impossible. You'll be spotted. The place is swarming with people.
Anna: Oh, the wedding.

Man: Hoorah!
Woman: Bravo!
Dimitri: Ladies and gentlemen -- ladies and gentlemen, we're going to adjourn to the terrace now to continue the festivities just like in the old country. Now, the head chef from Vadsel has been flown out specifically for this occasion.
Ryan: I don't believe it.
Dimitri: And it is his privilege to tempt you with a table d'hote of Hungarian treats, including our family specialty, Transylvanian cabbage dumplings.


Gillian: I love that! Alex: They sound awful. I don't want any.
Eugenia: Oh, my dear. I hope we haven't made a dreadful mistake inviting those boys.
Dimitri: Well, darling, we asked for a wedding in the traditional Hungarian style, and I'm afraid we're going to get it.
Eugenia: Yes, but Stefan and Lazlo are so -- so --
Dimitri: So what, patriotic?
Eugenia: No, noisy.
Dimitri: The night is young. Trust me -- right around midnight, I think we're going to be in for a re-creation of the siege of Budapest.
Eugenia: Oh, yes, yes, Darling. Lena?

Gillian: Dimitri? Thank you, thank you. Thank you so much. This wedding couldn't be more perfect.
Alex: You know what? Dimitri is very good at orchestrations, however -- Laura? -- It was Laura that was the inspiration.
Dimitri: Alex is right. Laura called us and told us that there were two very sad people going to the town hall to get married.
Gillian: Oh, you did this? Thank you.
Laura: Of course. Well --
Gillian: Thank you.
Laura: I didn't send out the chef and the dumplings, but you guys deserved it. A love like yours should be celebrated in a big way.
Ryan: Thank you, Laura. I didn't know I could be this happy. Of course, I hope I'm saying that for the rest of my life.
Dimitri: Come on, come on. Before they leave the chapel, it's time for the first Hungarian wedding custom.
Alex: Oh, yes, it's lovely.
Dimitri: Let's go, let's go.

Leo: Hey, guys. I'm going to be taking off, but I just wanted to let you know that this was a really, really cool wedding. All right. Good night, Gillian. Ryan. I mean, bo-- I mean, yeah, Ryan. Boss? No? Ok. All right.
Gillian: Leo, stay. We want you to.
Leo: You do?
Gillian: Yeah. Come on. You two can't stay mad at each other. And you would have done the same thing. You did the same thing. You were sticking up for your brother, Braden. You even went to jail. Remember that? And soon you guys are going to work this out, and then you're really going to regret it that he wasn't here to celebrate with us.
Ryan: Yeah, I don't know about that, but stay. I want you to.
Leo: Thank you. I'd like that.
Ryan: And we'll discuss your employment and your living arrangements another time.
Leo: Whatever you say.

Dimitri: Gillian, Ryan, your loved ones would like to present you with your first wedding gift -- a carpet. May it cushion your footsteps for the rest of your married life.

Laura: See? It's a carpet of flowers.

Alex: Oh. This was such a beautiful wedding. Did you see the looks on their faces?
Dimitri: Priceless, priceless.
Alex: Yeah, and Eugenia when she said that thing to them? Dimitri: I cried. I couldn't help it.
Alex: And Edmund even seemed happy. Maybe he's finally --
Dimitri: Yes. I think he is.
Alex: Things are turning around for us -- at last. Perhaps is carpet of flowers is going to cushion our future, too.
Dimitri: Yeah, there's still one thing that troubles me, though.
Alex: What?
Dimitri: Getting to the terrace before the country cousins polish off the food.
Alex: Oh.
Dimitri: Oh, you think I'm kidding?
Alex: I know you're not kidding.
Dimitri: Come on.

Bart: Anna, what do you think you remember?
Anna: A face. It was very clear this time. Had to be Robert. Oh. I cat take this anymore. I feel stronger, and I need to get out there and find him.
Bart: Anna, Robert is dead. He died in the same accident that almost took your life.
Anna: Well, I didn't die.
Bart: Well, Scorpio wasn't that lucky.
Anna: How can you be sure?
Bart: Because he didn't have me to save him.
Anna: I'm never going to feel fully alive until I find out what happened to my family. You have to help me. I need to go.
Bart: Anna, nobody wants you out of here any more than I do, but not today. There's danger out there. I've been with you long enough to know when there's danger.

[Music plays]

Myrtle: Oh, just look at this.
Laura: Whoa.
Brooke: Oh, my goodness. Oh, my.
Myrtle: Oh, and champagne. Thank you.


Dimitri: Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please?

[Music stops]

Dimitri: Our staff is passing among you with champagne right now. If everyone would please take a glass and join us in a toast to the happy couple.

[Music plays]

Leo: What's this, Greenlee? I figured you'd be the first one with a glass of champagne.
Greenlee: Oh, no, I'm not staying. I just wanted to take a look at the decorations and I was going to go.
Leo: No, no. Stay. It's ok.
Greenlee: I'm not invited. It wouldn't be cool if Ryan and Gillian sicced the hounds of Wildwind on me for crashing their big day.
Leo: Well, I happen to have a personal in with both the bride and the groom, so --
Greenlee: Leo, the groom fired you.
Leo: Yeah, well, stay tuned for the latest developments.
Greenlee: Really?
Leo: Mm-hmm.
Greenlee: What happened?
Leo: It seems some people can't stay mad at me for too long, Greenlee.
Greenlee: Now, there's a line I've used on you.
Leo: Where do you think I stole it from?
Greenlee: Well, at least they didn't get Hungarian champagne.
Leo: No, it's Chateau Montrechet, 1922.
Greenlee: You know what? I don't feel good here. I'm going to sneak out before anyone notices me. Here.

Gillian: I have.
Greenlee: Hi. I -- I came with Leo with the rings. I was leaving.
Gillian: Oh, must you? Oh, please stay.
Greenlee: You want me to stay?
Gillian: Yes. I'm -- goes to show you how happy I am, Greenlee. I'm even glad to see you.
Greenlee: Oh.
Gillian: I just can't hold a grudge today, so please stay and celebrate with us.
Greenlee: If you're positive. Thank you.

Leo: Well, I think it's time to toast the happy couple.
Dimitri: Everyone, may I have your attention, please? Everyone gather around.
Dimitri: Well, it comes as no surprise that Gillian was always the favorite of the Andrassy cousins. I personally believe it was because of her fearlessness. Believe me when I say there is nothing that this young lady would not dare to do. As a matter of fact, we had a nickname for her when she was young, which roughly translates to "the cousin most likely to break her neck before she grows up." I'm sure many of us remember when she was 8 years old and she ran away from home on the back of the biggest stallion in the family stable. And then there was that incident a few years later when she was caught dancing naked in the fountain at the casino in Monte Carlo.
Ryan: Wait a minute. I didn't hear about that.


Dimitri: Believe me when I say Eugenia and I definitely had our share of worries about her over the years.
Eugenia: That is very true.
Dimitri: Yes, we wondered if the right man would ever come along for Gillian. And eventually, there was Ryan. Not that he met the family's high standards at first, I assure you. As a matter of fact, I believe there are a few Hungarian words to describe the way that Ryan used to be. But their love changed them. They became wiser, more giving human beings. And although we will always worry about our princess, at least we know that with Ryan, she has what truly matters -- true love. And someone with whom she can share everything that lies ahead. So please raise your glasses with me, for, ladies and gentlemen, I give you Mr. And Mrs. Ryan Lavery.


Jake: I don't get it. You heard everything that Hayward just said to you right now. He confessed everything. The man is guilty. I mean, you can't still believe that we're trying to gang up on him.
Dixie: Well, yes, you were right, and I was wrong. David is guilty just like everybody else said he was. He's going to get what he deserves. And, boy, I wish I could join in on the celebration.
Jake: We were hardly celebrating.
Dixie: Sure you are. David's disgrace and his humiliation -- it's what half this town has been waiting for, but I can't feel that way because everything he did, he did for my sake.
Jake: For your sake, Dix? He broke up your marriage. The man poisoned people. He ruined people's lives.
Dixie: I know. I know what he did, and I came here to condemn him just like everybody else. But after listening to him, I just can't.
Jake: He got to you.
Dixie: Yeah, he did. And I hate myself for it, but I can't -- I can't deny it, you know? I look at him, I don't see the devil like everybody else does. I just see who he could be. He's gotten in my heart somehow, and I can't get him out.
Jake: It's sounding to me like you don't want to get him out.
Dixie: Of course I want to get him out. I wish I had never met h. I wish I'd -- I wish I'd stayed clear of him in the first place.
Jake: Then you stay clear of him right now. Whatever he just said to you, he is lying, Dixie. He is manipulating you the same way he's been all of these months.
Dixie: I even agree with you that that might be true. But what chance does he have if there's nobody on his side?
Jake: Wait, wait -- what are you talking about, "what chance"? Chance for him? What about Tad? He loves you. His heart is broken. He is out there shattered right now, hoping he is going to get back together with you.
Dixie: I feel the same way, but what am I supposed to do, pretend like I don't have feelings for another man?
Jake: Yes. Absolutely. Because, in time, you're going to forget all about David Hayward.
Dixie: Just like Gillian forgot all about Ryan?
Jake: Excuse me?
Dixie: Is that what you're telling me to do? That's your advice? You want me to lie to Tad just like Gillian lied to you over and over again?
Jake: It may have taken me a while to realize it, but it was always Ryan. For God's sakes, Dixie.
Dixie: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I don't mean to hurt your feelings, but that's the fact -- that she lied to you and that hurt you. I don't want to do that to Tad.
Jake: There's a big difference. You and Tad belong together. And no matter what's going on in your mind right now, whatever you think that you feel for David Hayward, it doesn't even compare to what you have with Tad.
Dixie: But Tad is going to want -- he's going to want things to go back to the way they were, and they can't. You know, he's going to be like you and he's going to say, "hey, it's over," and it's not.
Jake: Why isn't it? You can make it over.
Dixie: I don't know. I'm trying to explain it to you, ok? I'm sorry it doesn't make any sense, but that's just the way I feel. I can't help it. I have some sort of responsibility to David.
Jake: A responsibility? It's not a responsibility, Dixie. It's a self-indulgence.
Dixie: Excuse me?
Jake: You're not Florence Nightingale. You're not a guardian angel. You have a wonderful heart. And you might think it's some sort of a calling to try to make David Hayward a better man. But you have a husband, Dixie, and two sons.
Dixie: Yes, I'm supposed to be a Martin wife, and what a great disappointment I've been to you all.
Jake: No, no. I'm not even saying that. I would never say that. You just -- you just need to think about Tad and your family. And his heart is broken and he misses you. And you have a great man, and you have a great life with him and -- I mean, you just said it yourself. He just wants things to go back to the way they used to be, and he wants things just to be the way they were before this ever even happened. You think about it, all right? You just need to take a good look at everything you have and just try to figure out if it's worth giving it all up.

[Music plays]

Bianca: My goodness. It's so beautiful. It's so romantic.
Laura: You wish Sarah was here, don't you? Does she like weddings?
Bianca: I don't know. I'm sure she would have loved this one. We didn't get to spend a whole lot of festive occasions together in our past.
Laura: Don't worry, Bianca. Even though you didn't have them in your past doesn't mean you won't have good times in the future.

Ryan: You know what? I feel like dancing. How about you?
Gillian: Yes.
Dimitri: No, no, no, no, no. Hold, hold. Not so fast, pal. You want to dance with the bride, you're going to have to pay for her.
Ryan: What? You're not really doing that, are you?
Dimitri: We are really doing that. Ladies and gentlemen, let me have your attention, please.

[Music stops]

Dimitri: We are going to now proceed with the next Hungarian wedding custom. Being that I am fortunate enough to be Godfather to the beautiful bride, it is my happy duty to auction off all of her dances to the highest bidder.
Ryan: Oh.
Dimitri: So let's hear it -- who's going to give the first bid?
Leo: Oh, oh, oh, oh. Andrew Jackson says that I get the first dance.
Greenlee: Ulysses s. Grant is a much better dancer.


Man: We'll see where you coming from.
Ryan: What do I do? What --
Dimitri: They're coming back with the bid. Now, listen, listen, let's get in the Hungarian spirit here, guys. Traditionally, men did not bid with such a mundane thing as money. Now, what they would do is they would offer up their gifts and services for the couple to use in their new life. So let's use our imagination. Let's be creative. Who's going to have the first bid? Come on, let's hear it. Somebody, offer it up. Let's go. Sam.
Sam: I'll swab the deck of the Fidelity for a month.
Dimitri: You've won yourself a dance with the new bride. Step up, Sir.

[Music plays]

Brooke: He is so handsome.
Edmund: Yes, he is.
Brooke: I tell you, he put in quite a bid. Where's yours?
Edmund: Oh, it's coming. [Hungarian accent] I will breed the finest goat in all of Pennsylvania.
Brooke: You know what? It looks like your cousins beat you to it.
Edmund: [Normal voice] What?
Man: We offer a lamb for the bride.
Dimitri: Oh.
Gillian: Oh.
Ryan: What? Whoa. Hold it. Hold on a minute. All I have to offer you is my heart. That's all I have. Please, dance with me.

[Music plays]

Laura: Mom, I know what would be good for you. Why don't you get back together with Edmund.
Brooke: Edmund? My God. Honey, I thought you were going to offer me a Mimosa. Um --
Laura: What? You have a lot in common, and you like each other.
Brooke: Honey, we -- we're friends and we work together. He's barely over Alex, not -- I mean, that's not the point anyway. Honey, there's nothing between us except friendship and work.
Laura: Ok. Sorry. Bad idea. So, you want a Mimosa?
Brooke: I'm ready. Come on.

Alex: That is hard to believe.
Leo: I know. It's not at all like David to confess like that. I mean, I thought for sure that he would at least go down fighting, but he's giving up. He doesn't care anymore about anything.
Dimitri: Well, I wouldn't worry too much about David. I'm sure he knows exactly what he's doing.
Leo: I'm going to go get some more punch. See you guys.

Dimitri: Ok, ok. Alex: We have nothing on David now. If he's confessed, that means that we can't do anything to stop him from talking about Anna.
Dimitri: Well, I wouldn't be too concerned about it right now, Alex.
Alex: Why? Because he's in custody? That's all the more reason to talk. There are people waiting out there to kill her. All they need are her whereabouts.
Dimitri: Well, hopefully David's got enough on his mind, he's not going to be too worried about Anna right now.

[Music stops]

Gillian: Ryan?
Ryan: Yes, my princess?
Gillian: Can there be too much happiness?
Ryan: Not for us. Not for us. We deserve it.
Gillian: I almost feel greedy, like -- like we can have everything, even I feel like God will give us children one day.
Ryan: We will have children one day. Somehow we will.

Ryan: I would like to have a toast of my own, please. To Gillian -- the woman who gives me everything.
All: To Gillian!
Ryan: Hey!
Leo: Whoo!

Tad: Hey.
Dixie: I'm sorry.
Tad: Yeah.
Dixie: I'm so sorry.
Tad: I know. You're a wonderful person. I mean it. It's easy to be crazy in love with somebody when you like them as much as I like you. Matter of fact, if I had to make a list of all my favorite people on the planet, you'd be right at the top.
Dixie: Why are you saying that?
Tad: Because when I think about all the stuff I've put you through over the years, it's almost more than I can bear.
Dixie: Tad, don't say that.
Tad: I mean it. I mean it. By any reasonable standard, I don't deserve you.
Dixie: Tad, that hurts too much to hear that now.
Tad: Why? Don't you realize how incredibly lucky we've been? Over the years, no matter what we've been through, we always found our way back to each other. Kind of makes you think we always will.
Dixie: That what I'd like. I'd like us to be able to fix things.
Tad: That was perfectly obvious when you stopped by the house this morning. You were jumping through those mental hoops trying to explain how something like David could happen, you know -- empty-nest syndrome, all that other stuff. You're trying to convince yourself.
Dixie: Listen to me. The life that we had together -- that means everything to me.
Tad: I know. I know it does. And if you were anybody else, you'd probably pretend like everything was fine and that I had nothing to worry about, but that's not who you are. I know you too well. And I know that there's no way you could possibly come back to me without telling me the truth, no matter how painful. I'm right, aren't I?
Dixie: Yeah. You're right.
Tad: Yeah. And the truth is you're in love with David.
Tad: There's words for everything.
Dixie: The way I love you is nothing like the way that --
Tad: Say it.
Dixie: That I love David.
Tad: You know, for a while there, I thought your fascination with Hayward was a sexual thing. You know, it hurt, but at least it was easier to understand, you know. The fact that he was such a disgusting person, you know, maybe he was offering you something exotic or dangerous and that's the way that he could fool you. But that's not it, was it?
Dixie: No.
Tad: Then I thought maybe it was your -- your love of lost causes. Let's face it -- if you only fell for upstanding citizens, I never would have stood a chance.
Dixie: Honey, you can't compare yourself to David, ok? There's no comparison.
Tad: It wasn't the thing between me and Leslie on that yacht, was it? When I told you about that, it -- it was already done, wasn't it?
Dixie: Honestly, I don't know.
Tad: Was it when you kissed him? Is that when it started?
Dixie: I -- I don't know how it happened. If I'd -- if I'd known what was going to come of it, I wouldn't have let it happened. You got to believe that.
Tad: I do. I do. Maybe you're right, you know. Maybe there aren't words for something like this. You can't explain why people love each other, not really. But somehow, he was able to crawl into a little corner of your heart. And I thought I had the whole thing. How could it happen? There's got to be some reason. How could you possibly fall for somebody like that?
Dixie: You don't want me to say kind things about David.
Tad: Can you? Can you say one kind thing about David Hayward?
Dixie: Yes.
Tad: No --
Dixie: Tad --
Tad: Please, please. Come on. I mean, maybe -- maybe it would help me understand.
Dixie: He said that -- he said that I was -- well, I have -- he said that I had -- I had talent, that I had talent as a healer. He said that my touch could perform miracles. You think I shouldn't have believed him?
Tad: No. Your touch can perform miracles. I've known that for years. I'm sorry I didn't tell you that. I wish I had.

Leo: What happened? I thought you were having a good time.
Greenlee: I was. I was, surprisingly. And then -- I don't know -- I saw Gillian and Ryan looking at each other and I heard the sweet things that they said to each other, and I was just consumed with this dreadful, tight feeling right here. I don't even know what to call it.
Leo: I do. It's called envy.
Greenlee: No. No. No, I'm happy for them. I'm glad that they can feel that way about each other.
Leo: While you're in church anyway.
Greenlee: No, this has nothing to do with those two, Leo. It's me. Ryan toasted Gillian and said, "she's the woman who gives me everything." Who will ever say that about me? Will I ever find that kind of connection with another person? The kind of devotion that lasts a lifetime?
Leo: Oh, come on, Greenlee. Devotion? Lifetime? You don't want that.
Greenlee: Yes, Leo, I do.
Leo: So do I.

Dimitri: Ok, ok, ok! And now continuing in the Hungarian tradition, we are going to get rid of the bride and the groom --
All: Yay!
Gillian: Oh!
Dimitri: So the rest of us can continue to have some fun!
Edmund: Oh, yes! [Hungarian accent] and as your Hungarian jailer -- [laughter]
Edmund: It is my duty to lock you two up.
Dimitri: Yes! Yes!
Ryan: All right, all right!
Alex: Don't worry -- we have a beautiful suite prepared for you upstairs. Beautiful.
Ryan: Uh -- well, I -- thank you, but I hope you don't take this the wrong way. We're going to have to pass on that. We decided a long time ago that we're going to spend our very first night as man and wife in our special place in the Turret, but thank you.
Dimitri: Well, don't you even want to take a look at the bridal suite? It's -- it's beautiful. Maybe you'll change your mind.
Gillian: I'm sure it's beautiful, Dimitri, but we would much rather spend our first night in our special little Turret.
Ryan: That's right.
Dimitri: Ok. If it's -- if it's the Turret that you want, then the Turret you shall have.
Edmund: [Nomral voice] Yeah.
Dimitri: Ok. So we'll all gather together and we'll march over there with you and we'll lock you up for the evening, and we're going to do that just as soon as we --
Ryan: Just as soon as you --
Alex: Just as soon as we complete the last of the wedding traditions. I was just talking to Lazlo and Bela.
Dimitri: That's right, the last of the wedding traditions. I almost forgot.
Alex: The bride and the groom, they -- they offer each other a glass of wine.
Ryan: Really?
Alex: And they take a sip from it. And then they exchange glasses and they take more sips.
Dimitri: Very slow sips.
Alex: Oh, very, very slow sips until it's all gone. But, you see, they have to finish every last drop --
Dimitri: Can't spill any.
Alex: Or else they start all over again.

[Door opens]

Edmund: Hey there. We got to get out of here.
Bart: What happened? Is it a security breach?
Edmund: No, no, nothing that bad, but the wedding couple wants to spend the night here and there's nothing we can do about it.
Anna: It will be a bit crowded.
Edmund: Yeah. Let's go. We can stay at the main house. We'll hide you there. Bart: I knew this wasn't going to work.

Dimitri: Brilliant stalling tactic, Darling.
Alex: Oh, my goodness. There's no such thing as a Hungarian sipping ritual?
Dimitri: There is now.
Alex: There is now.

Brooke: Hey there.
Laura: Hi.
Brooke: Listen, I'll meet up with you in a minute.
Laura: Ok.
Brooke: I'm going to give Jamie a call.
Laura: Sure.
Brooke: Ok, Sweetie.
Laura: Bye.
Brooke: Bye.

Dixie: I wish more than anything that I could not hurt you this way.
Tad: No, you told me the truth. And I appreciate that because as bad as this is, it's just better this way. But now I got to be honest. And I don't think it's possible for me to hold you in my arms knowing that you love someone else.
Dixie: But I -- but I want -- but I want to be -- I want to love you. I love you. I want to just love you.
Tad: Yeah, well, that's not the way that it's happening, is it?
Dixie: Listen, you said before that we'd been lucky, that we'd been able to work things out before.
Tad: Yeah, well, before we were dealing with my weakness or your pride or our anger. That -- those things are minor league compared to this.
Dixie: I know but --
Tad: For God's sake, you just told me that you love someone else. And now I'm just supposed to walk back to my car and go home and go to bed and then go to work tomorrow and then sit behind my desk the entire day hearing those words playing over and over and over again in my head?

Leo: We screwed up, Greenlee. We could have had what Ryan and Gillian had.
Greenlee: Do you really think so?
Leo: We were halfway there.
Greenlee: So what happened?

Man: Here we go!
Dimitri: No, wait, wait! This is as far as we go. Now it's time to bid a fond farewell to the bride and the groom.
Eugenia: Ma petite.
Gillian: I love you, Grandmama.
Eugenia: Ryan.
Laura: Bye, Gillian.
Gillian: Thank you.
Alex: Love you, Darling
Gillian: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Ryan: You don't really have to lock us in. I think I can handle that part.
Dimitri: I think you can, too. Good night, cousin.
Gillian: Good night, Dimi. Thank you.

Brooke: No, I'm only going to stay a little while longer, and I'll bring you a piece of wedding cake, ok? All right. I'll see you real soon, sweetie. Bye-bye.

[Door opens]

[Brooke looks up]

Edmund: [Talking to Anna] All right. This will be perfect. I don't think anybody's going to see us. We can hide in my bedroom, ok? Here we go.


Brooke: Edmund, look at me. What are you doing?

Shannon: I really hope you're not mad at me. I didn't know where else to go.

Jake: I don't have a clue as to what women want or how they think.
Joe: Huh. You've bounced back.

Greenlee: If we go back to the boat and make passionate love, what happens tomorrow?

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