APRIL 11, 2001

[Dimitri hums]

Dimitri: Oh, did you see the look on those kids' faces? They were -- what's wrong?
Brooke: Oh, nothing. Nothing, Dimitri. I was just thinking about the time that Maria redecorated this room.
Dimitri: You still think about her, too, huh?
Brooke: Yeah, all the time. All the time. You know, especially when I'm here and I'm visiting or I see Maddie's smile.
Dimitri: Yeah, yeah.
Brooke: So, anyway, how are the lovebirds? Settling in? Or how are they now that they're locked in?
Dimitri: Yeah, well, you know, that tradition happens to be a complete waste of time on these two because I don't think they're going anywhere tonight.
Brooke: Well, they're a beautiful couple, you know, and I wish them every happiness.
Dimitri: Well, aren't you a soft touch.
Brooke: Don't let it get out.
Dimitri: I won't. Secret's safe here. Listen, have you seen Alex anywhere?
Brooke: Uh -- maybe she's with Eugenia or the cousins.
Dimitri: No, no, I just walked the cousins over to the guesthouse, so --
Brooke: Well, I heard Maddie and Sam talking about the lamb, so maybe she took them down to the stable? I guess you're stuck with the lamb?
Dimitri: Well, I suppose so. I don't think Chops would take too well living on a yacht.
Brooke: Where are you going?
Dimitri: Upstairs. Lazlo, Lena, and Bela, they have an early flight in the morning, so they're asking for Alex.
Brooke: No. Don't.

Greenlee: Wait a minute.
Leo: No, no, no --
Greenlee: Wait a minute.
Leo: No, no, don't even -- don't even analyze this. Don't even talk about it.
Greenlee: Stop, Leo. What are we doing? Gillian and Ryan looked at her with such tenderness, it made me want to weep. To be in the presence of such joy -- I only hope one day I'll experience that kind of love."

[Doorbell rings]

Laura: Hey.
Bianca: Hey.
Laura: So, I hope you brought the chips because I have salsa -- pineapple, mango, and jalapeno.
Bianca: Hmm. Sounds interesting.
Laura: Oh, it's the best.
Bianca: So, videos?
Laura: Oh, they're in my bag.
Bianca: Cool.
Laura: Where's your mom?
Bianca: She's not home yet.
Laura: Oh. So, she knows I'm staying over, right? She's cool with that?
Bianca: Oh, yeah, yeah. She knows, she knows, and she's very cool with it -- although she did make a huge point of telling Coral to make up the guest bedroom.
Laura: Oh. That's subtle.
Bianca: I thought so. So, what movies did you bring?
Laura: Ah, some classics.
Bianca: Yeah?
Laura: Yep.
"Night of the Zombies," "Cannibals From the Sewer," and "Return of the Hives."
Bianca: Awesome. I love horror flicks.
Laura: I know. I was totally in the mood for some cheap thrills. And I brought two of my favorites -- "Cheerleaders with Chain Saws" and "A Hunk to Die For." Yes!

Leo: Oh, ok, I get it. This is a church. We might get struck by lightning. Or maybe we already have.
Greenlee: We can't do this.
Leo: No, no, I hear you, I hear you. I'm not into sacrilege. Besides, these pews seem awfully hard, so let's go back to the Fidelity. It's all ours.
Greenlee: No.
Leo: No, it's ok. Ryan and Gillian are locked in honeymoon bliss. We -- Greenlee, what is it?
Greenlee: I've got to go.
Leo: Greenlee, wait, wait. What's going on? Was this some kind of a test?
Greenlee: Of course not.
Leo: Well, then, what? What? Are you trying to get me back for the other night at BJ's? Ok, ok, I was wrong, I was wrong. I was just trying to get you to admit that you still cared about me, and I just didn't want to admit it myself.
Greenlee: It doesn't matter.
Leo: No, no, I -- Greenlee, I think it does. That kiss said it all. We still care about each other.
Greenlee: That kiss wasn't real. We're under the spell of this chapel, of Ryan and Gillian's wedding.
Leo: No, no, don't even try to deny it, Greenlee. I couldn't tell whose heart was beating the loudest, yours or mine.
Greenlee: I feel it, too, Leo. I always do. But so what?
Leo: Isn't this what you wanted? Every time I turn around, Greenlee, there you are. It's like you stick to me, and no matter how hard I try, I can't pry you away.
Greenlee: Guilty as charged. I don't want to let go. I insist on getting what I want.
Leo: So, what was all that talk about you and I running away together?
Greenlee: I make stupid choices, ok?
Leo: No. That's your father talking, Greenlee.
Greenlee: No, this is me thinking beyond the next 12 hours.
Leo: We both live in the present. How many people do you know that don't have a clue how to do that?
Greenlee: And I used to make fun of those people. I accused them of not letting go and not having fun. But I understand now, and you have to learn from your mistakes.
Leo: Oh, so, what we have is a mistake?
Greenlee: I don't know. Maybe that's why things don't work out for us. If we go back to the boat and make passionate love all night long, what happens tomorrow? Where will we be then, Leo?
Leo: You're firing all these questions at me like I know the answers.
Greenlee: Every time that we start up again, we end up going in all these circles -- break up, make up --
Leo: Well, maybe -- listen. Maybe -- maybe we'll get it right this time.
Greenlee: And if we don't?
Leo: Why are you suddenly the voice of doom?
Greenlee: Because I'm afraid.

[Knock on door]

Jake: Hey. Dad.
Joe: Hi, son. Hi.
Jake: How you doing?
Joe: How are you doing? Sorry to come in like this unannounced. When I told your mother I might be coming by, she insisted I bring this over. This is for your window sill.
Jake: Thank you.
Joe: And this is a housewarming present from me.
Jake: Wow. Look at that. They're cold, too.
Joe: Taken to drinking them warm?
Jake: No way, no way. The colder, the better. You going to have one?
Joe: You betcha. Thought you'd never ask. Quite a place you got here.
Jake: Thanks. Thanks. Here you are.
Joe: Thank you, Son. So, what will we drink to?
Jake: You know, I'm going to let you do the honors, Dad. I'm not really much into toasting today.
Joe: Why not?
Jake: Take it you weren't invited to Ryan and Gillian's wedding.
Joe: Oh. That was today. I forgot. Sorry.
Jake: No, no. I mean, I knew it was going to happen sooner or later. You know what? That's not even the only thing. I just -- nothing makes sense anymore. We got Tad and this stuff with Dixie and --
Joe: Yeah, well, you can say that again. Here I've been running around, putting out one fire after another. First, we got this lawsuit by Leslie's sister against the hospital, and then the PR nightmare of Dr. David.
Jake: At least we got him to sign that letter of resignation.
Joe: Oh, well, you did. That's thanks to you. Have you heard from Tad?
Jake: No, but I spoke with Dixie after Hayward's arraignment. I don't know what's happened to her, Dad. What could possibly be going through her head?
Joe: I don't know. I think Dixie's trying to find out what's going through her head, too.
Jake: Well, I'm sure she is. But she just confirms what I've suspected all along -- I don't have a clue as to what women want or how they think.
Joe: Well, you've bounced back. You're still trying to understand women.

[Joe hold up Greenlee's bra]

Jake: Now, that's not mine.
Joe: Mighty glad to hear it, Son.
Jake: It's Greenlee's. She's my roommate here now.

Dimitri: Ok. Why don't you want me to go upstairs?
Brooke: How dramatic of me.
Dimitri: Yes.
Brooke: I just -- you know, I just didn't get a chance to talk about this beautiful wedding -- you know, everything that you did for Ryan and Gillian.
Dimitri: Ok, well, truth be told, your daughter masterminded the whole thing. Yeah, Laura tipped us off that Ryan and Gillian were on their way to town hall to get married, and the clan naturally sprung into action.
Brooke: Yes, I heard that she -- you know, she said something. I didn't know that she was the -- one of the prime instigators of it, though.
Dimitri: Well, you know, I guess, then, modesty runs, along with discretion, in your family. You know, I'd probably trust you with any secret.
Brooke: How did the cousins get over here on such short notice?
Dimitri: Oh, the cousins -- they were easy. The lamb -- that's another story. But, you know, even as tough as it was, it was all worth it to see the look on Ryan and Gillian's faces.
Brooke: Yeah, I am glad that you were able to make their dreams come true.
Dimitri: Well, only as far as the wedding's concerned. The rest of it -- that's all up to them. Yeah, finding someone you love, that you can share your life with, that's -- that's everything. And believe me, if I learned anything in this last year, I learned that.
Brooke: Hmm.

Edmund: Hey.
Alex: Oh, hi.
Edmund: Hi.
Alex: Did you get Anna settled upstairs?
Edmund: Yeah, she's fine.
Alex: Ok.
Edmund: You -- you're freezing.
Alex: I know.
Edmund: What are you doing running outside without a coat?
Alex: Oh, it's better to run when you don't have a wrap, isn't it?
Edmund: Good point. How about a brandy, warm you up?
Alex: Oh, yeah, that'd be great.
Edmund: Ok.
Dimitri: Oh, Darling. I was looking for you earlier. Where'd you guys disappear to?
Alex: Oh, we took the long way back from the Turret.
Edmund: Check on the kids.
Dimitri: Oh, well, no matter. Listen -- Lazlo, Lena, and Bela, they're leaving on a flight early in the morning, and they want to say good-bye to you tonight.
Alex: Oh, what a shame they have to leave so soon. Brooke, will you excuse me?
Brooke: Oh, of course.
Alex: You know, I meant to say earlier, I love that top on you. It's really nice.
Brooke: Thanks.
Alex: Ok.
Dimitri: Come on. Let's go.
Edmund: Well, I was going to have a nightcap with Alex. You care to take her place?
Brooke: Edmund, look at me. What are you doing?

Laura: So, blood and guts or really bad effects?
Bianca: Don't forget bone-chilling screaming. Darla Larieux has, like, the greatest scream.
Laura: Not to mention the eyes.
Bianca: Oh, right, right, right, and the trembling. It's like -- "is anybody there?"
Laura: Yes, but the really breathy breath. But I like the trembling.
Bianca: "Is anybody there?"
Laura: Yes, yes, and more eyes. Ok, now, you hear the creaking. You're getting closer and closer. You're terrified. You can hardly breathe.

[Laura screams]

Laura: Bianca, come on!
[Bianca screams]

Bianca: Oh, my -- I hate you!
Laura: But your scream can hold out any day.
Bianca: Laura, you're so wicked!
Laura: Ok, I'm sorry, but to make it up to you, maybe I'll make you one of my deluxe hot fudge sundaes. Do you have ice cream and chocolate sauce?
Bianca: Are you kidding? Grab the salsa, I'll bring the chips.

[Laura screams]

Bianca: Oh!

Mindy: Did you hear that? It sounded like somebody screamed.
Shannon: It was probably some movie.
Heather: Are you sure you can do this?
Shannon: Please. All I have to do is find her stupid journal.
Heather: I just don't want you to be stuck with her for half the night.
Shannon: Can you guys wait for a while? Listen, if I find it and I can't get rid of her, I'll cell phone you and you can ring the bell or something.
Mindy: Ok. But it's too cold to wait out here. We'll be waiting in the car.
Heather: Good luck.
Shannon: Thanks.
[Doorbell rings]

Bianca: Shannon. Shannon: Bianca, thank God you're home. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know where to go.

Leo: You don't have to be afraid of me. The last thing I want to do is hurt you. You have no idea how much I mean that.
Greenlee: I'm not afraid of you. I'm afraid of me.
Leo: Ok, what -- wait a minute. You're not going to do something stupid like douse yourself with water and pretend you fell through the ice over at Miller's Pond, are you?
Greenlee: See? There's a perfect example. I always do the wrong thing, and while I'm doing it, I honestly think that I'm making some grand gesture that'll prove how much I -- you know what? I'll just disappoint you again, Leo, and then that'll be it. You'll leave me and --
Leo: Is there no way to stop this runaway train? Because I'd like to get off it right now.
Greenlee: No. No, you're not leaving me. No, I'm doing the leaving this time, and I'm going to do it now before it's too late.
Leo: Too late for what?
Greenlee: Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. I'm not going to bother you anymore, I promise. Good-bye, Leo.
Leo: No, Greenlee --
Greenlee: Let go of me. Let go of me! Let go! Let go! Let go.

Brooke: I know what's going on with you and Alex.
Edmund: What do you think you know?
Eugenia: Oh, Edmund. Oh, excuse me, Brooke, but Maddie is ready for bed, and she insists that you read her a story and tuck her in.
Edmund: Ok. Thank you.
Brooke: You know, I really need to be going.
Edmund: No, no, no. Wait, wait -- we need to finish this conversation, Brooke. Do me a favor. Help me out here. We need as many character voices as we can.

[Greenlee cries]

Leo: Shh. It's ok, Greenlee. It's ok.
Greenlee: No, I didn't want to do this.
Leo: You don't have to be embarrassed. It's ok.
Greenlee: Of course you can say that. You're probably happy I'm blubbering all over you. Oh. Your leather jacket.
Leo: It's ok. It's just a little saltwater -- oh.
Greenlee: Shut up, you Cretin! God.
Leo: That's better.
Greenlee: So now what?
Leo: Nothing. We'll see what we can do from here.
Greenlee: We've tried that one-day-at-a-time thing, Leo. It doesn't work for us.
Leo: Yeah, we tried -- we said that we were going to try the one-day-at-a-time thing, but we didn't, Greenlee.
Greenlee: Well, what makes you think it'll work now?
Leo: I don't -- blind faith, sheer ignorance. I don't know, Greenlee. This is the first time in my life I've tried to do the normal thing. I mean, I'm willing to try to stumble through it if you are -- anything to keep you from walking through that door.
Greenlee: You mean that?
Leo: I really do. So what do you think?
Greenlee: Ok. So I guess we'll meet the gang at the soda shop and grab a root beer float. I'm sorry. This is just way too weird.
Leo: What is it that you find so weird about me, Greenlee? Is it my ears or my teeth? Is it my hp in my back?
Greenlee: You're a nut!
Leo: No, I'm a fool. Greenlee, there's something that I need to tell you.
Greenlee: Really?
Leo: Yeah. You were terrific today. Everything at the courtroom and afterwards, it was -- I don't know -- I just -- I really, really, really appreciate you. And I know that I don't tell you that often enough. But I do.
Greenlee: Thanks. I don't mind being with you, Leo. I always want to -- oh. We should go. It's late.
Leo: All right. Ladies first.

Edmund: Thank you. Your voice was great. Maddie appreciated it. How about that nightcap?
Brooke: How about we just finish what we started?
Edmund: Ok. There's nothing going on with me and Alex.
Brooke: I saw you. I saw you sneaking upstairs with Alex. You had your arms around her.
Edmund: Oh, Brooke -- it's not what you think.
Brooke: Hmm. Well, then, you better practice your alibis so that you get your stories straight.
Edmund: No, no, no, no. What y saw -- you didn't see what you think you saw.
Brooke: Don't patronize me.
Edmund: I'm not. Brooke, let it go.
Brooke: I can't let it go. You're better than that, and so is Alex.
Edmund: You're jumping to conclusions, ok, and you don't know the facts.
Brooke: So, then, why don't you tell me the facts?
Edmund: I can't.
Brooke: Yeah? Well, I can tell you the facts. Fact -- last summer you were engaged to marry Alex. Fact -- Dimitri came home and she went back to him. Fact -- you went into a blind rage and nearly went crazy and you said you wished that Dimitri was dead. Am I leaving anything out?
Edmund: No, you're pretty thorough.
Brooke: How can you resort to this? It's sordid, and it's beneath you.
Edmund: I wish -- I can't stop you from believing the worst, Brooke, but I sincerely wish that you wouldn't.

[Door opens and closes]

Brooke: I wish that I had left an hour earlier, how's that?

Alex: Oh, good, you're still here.
Brooke: Where's Dimitri?
Alex: Discussing the finer points of polo with Lazlo. I'll have that drink now.
Brooke: I -- I have to get going.
Edmund: Whoa.
Alex: Already?
Brooke: Yeah.
Edmund: Let me -- I'll talk to you tomorrow, ok?
Brooke: I have meetings all day.
Edmund: You do? Well, then let me walk you to the car.
Brooke: No, it's ok. I can get there by myself. Why don't you stay, have a drink with your brother's wife. I'll see myself out.
Alex: Good night.

Alex: What was that about? Did you two have an argument?
Edmund: Worse. Brooke thinks that I'm having an affair with you.

Shannon: I couldn't go home. I couldn't stay at the party.
Bianca: Well, hold on. What party?
Shannon: Darrell Waters, you know? He's a senior on the varsity track team. His parents are in Acapulco, and he had the house all to himself.
Bianca: So, of course, he threw a big party.
Shannon: Everyone was there, and they were all partying.
Bianca: You mean doing X? You didn't do any, did you?
Shannon: Almost. I know what you told me to stay away from parties and people who were using, but I just got this new shirt and I really wanted to show it off.
Bianca: I understand, Shannon.
Shannon: You know? And it's been such a long time since I've had a good time. I just wanted to hang out and be normal for a while.
Bianca: You know, Shannon, doing drugs isn't exactly normal.
Shannon: Everyone does it, and I miss my friends.
Bianca: I -- I know. That's got to be really tough on you.
Shannon: So what? Am I supposed to cut them off completely?
Bianca: Maybe.
Shannon: I don't want to be an outcast. I'm so confused. That's why I came here because I knew you could help me out, right? Friends don't let friends take X.
Bianca: Shannon, I think it's really, really great that you walked away from that party, and you know that you can talk to me anytime. But what you should really do right now is find yourself an NA meeting.
Shannon: What?
Bianca: Come on, Shannon, you're doing counseling. This is the perfect time to find a meeting.
Shannon: But I don't know anything about those meetings.
Bianca: You don't have to know anything. All you have to do is go.
And maybe you'll find yourself an NA sponsor.
Shannon: But you're my sponsor. You're trying to push me off on some stranger now?
Bianca: Shannon, drugs aren't my problem. We had a deal. The deal was that I would be your sponsor until you found a real one at NA. Are you serious about this?
Shannon: I left the party.
Bianca: That's really good. But now you need to follow up with the meeting. That is, if you want to get better.
Shannon: Ok. I will. I -- I don't even know where those meetings are.
Bianca: My mom has a booklet. It has a listing of all the local 12-step meetings. It's right upstairs. Just wait right here, ok?

Shannon: Ok. Ok, where is it

Alex: Oh, no, that's awful.
Edmund: Cheers.
Alex: Brooke thinks that you and I were upstairs carrying on while my husband -- well, what am I saying? It's bad enough that she thinks we're having an affair.
Edmund: Brooke is my best friend, and I can't tell her the truth because I have to protect Anna's safety.
Alex: No wonder she was so curt just now. Oh, what must she think of me?
Edmund: You don't want to know what she thinks of me.
Alex: Oh.
Edmund: I keep telling myself we'll straighten this all out when this is all over.
Alex: Whenever that is.
Edmund: That may be sooner than you think. I forgot -- Anna told me that she had a memory of her late husband Robert.
Alex: Really? When did this happen?
Edmund: Upstairs. She told me before in the room.
Alex: What exactly did she say?
Edmund: She said she saw a man, handsome, dressed in a tux. But the important thing was how she felt.
Alex: How did she feel?
Edmund: She said she felt like she knew him.
Alex: Yeah?
Edmund: And she needed to see him.
Alex: Oh. Oh, my goodness. She must be having a breakthrough. This is -- I wish I had a photograph of Scorpio.
Edmund: Let me see if I can get one from the Internet.
Alex: Yes, do that. If this is happening, she might be remembering other things as well. It's very exciting.


Edmund: Did you hear that?
Alex: Yeah. Dimitri?
Edmund: Maybe it's Bart.
Alex: Oh.
Edmund: Bart?
Alex: Dimitri?
Edmund: Stella?

Alex: Hi.
Dimitri: Sorry it took so long.
Alex: Did you just come in and then go out again? Dimitri: In and -- no. No, I didn't. Why?
Alex: Oh, we just thought we heard somebody.
Edmund: Yeah, maybe it was Eugenia in the wine cellar.
Alex: Or maybe it's not just Brooke that has an overactive imagination.
Dimitri: Brooke? What are you guys talking about?
Alex: You need a brandy.
Edmund: Yeah.
Alex: We'll explain.
Edmund: Yeah.
Dimitri: Ok.

Jake: Well, Dad, that pretty much ends the tour. And by the way, tell Mom that the tulips definitely look better in the bathroom. Hopefully, Greenlee's perfume and hairspray won't kill them.
Joe: Tell me, when is Greenlee's loft going to be ready?
Jake: Another few weeks or so, something like that.
Joe: A few weeks? Well, that doesn't sound all that long, but --
Jake: Hey, hey, I'm way ahead of you. I know what you're getting at here. Greenlee and I are barely even friends.
Joe: Huh. She's a beautiful young woman. And she is also, it seems to me, very -- how shall I put it? -- Complicated.
Jake: Dad, I'm finally getting my life back in order. The last thing I need is a tornado tearing through it. If I ever hooked up with Greenlee, that's exactly what it would be.
Joe: You know, you do seem to be making her something of a personal project, letting her stay here while her apartment gets all fixed up, bringing her home for dinner, letting her stay the night.
Jake: Look, if you think you're surprised. I think that's the first time that Greenlee's ever had leftover meatloaf.
Joe: Yeah, Woody and Millicent don't strike me as the plain-food type. I guess her parents aren't, either.
Jake: Well, I guess you could say that her dad has definitely given me some insight to Greenlee, and she's nothing more than an afterthought to him.
Joe: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
Jake: Well, it really is too bad because she's got this tough-brat facade, and all it does is cover up just a world of pain. So if you ask me, do I feel sorry for her? Sometimes. Do I want to throw her out that window? Most of the time.
Joe: Spoken like a true youngest son.
Jake: Well, believe me, every day that goes by, I thank the good Lord that I grew up in a Martin household. You and Mom did a pretty good job.
Joe: Well, there you go. Nice to hear it. I'll pass that on to your mother. And I'll also tell her that you got walls and running water.
Jake: Thanks.
Joe: I'll let you get back to your tinkering. And maybe you should pick up a little bit around here.
Jake: That's right. I'll get Greenlee right on that when she gets in here.
Joe: Right, yeah.
Jake: So, hey, thanks for coming by.
Joe: Good to see you, Son.
Jake: Thanks for the cold one, too.
Joe: Yeah?
Jake: Say hello to Mom.
Joe: I will, Son. I will. Good night.
Jake: Good night, Dad.

Jake: How's it going, Leo?
Leo: Better, thank you. What's going on with the blender?
Jake: Well, a certain young lady whose name we shall not mention decided to make frozen margaritas, except the ice cubes mangled the blades.
Greenlee: Whoever heard of a blender that doesn't chop ice? We'll just toss out that piece of junk and get a new one.
Jake: "Piece of junk"? Well, this piece of junk happened to be a housewarming gift from Kelsey, ok, and I really want to keep it. So I know this might seem radical for you, but I like to salvage things before I chuck them out.
Greenlee: You really got to get out more.
Jake: Now, it's funny you should mention that Greenlee because I almost didn't get out at all the other night, thanks to you.
Greenlee: Listen, it won't happen again. Just don't let us keep you from your repair work.
Jake: It just so happens I'm getting up early in the morning, so I'll turn in. Leo, oh, hey, nice to see you.
Leo: Good to see you. Take car
Jake: We will.

Leo: You know, Jake's got a point. Sometimes it is better to fix things before you just chuck them.
Greenlee: Like us?
Leo: We're not completely mangled, are we, Greenlee?
Greenlee: No. I guess not.
Leo: So, how long before your new place is ready?
Greenlee: Who knows? The contractors say they're coming, and then they don't show up, or they have to order something else.
Leo: So it'll be a while yet?
Greenlee: Maybe. Jake's cool with the living arrangements, though.
Leo: It's got to be kind of weird. You know, sharing a room, sharing a loft like this. I mean -- yeah, the bathroom situation must be unbearable for both of you, isn't it?
Greenlee: I don't believe it. Leo, you're jealous.

Laura: What the hell are you doing?
Shannon: Oh! I was just looking for a tissue.
Laura: I'll take that. Here, Shannon. Blow.
Shannon: Thanks. You practically gave me a heart attack.
Laura: What are you doing here?
Shannon: I came here to talk to Bianca.
Laura: Oh, please. For months, you didn't even speak to her. I don't think sucking up to Bianca is going to get your position back at Enchantment.
Shannon: Believe it or not, Bianca's my friend.
Laura: Yeah, right. And J-Lo's coming over here for a photo shoot. You know, I wonder what Bianca's going to say when I tell her you've been snooping through my backpack.
Shannon: I was looking for a tissue. What's the matter? You got something to hide in there? You're not exactly a stranger to drugs now yourself, are you? I wonder how Bianca will feel about you when I tell her you love to go rolling.

Bianca: All right. That's enough, Shannon
Shannon: I'm sorry. This is how I am without my candy. Laura, forget everything I said, ok?
Laura: You want whipped cream on your sundae? That's what I came in here to ask you before I realized you have company.
Bianca: Yeah, Laura, that'd be great. Thank you.
Shannon: Laura's in a mood, huh?
Bianca: Shannon, I don't want to talk about Laura, ok? Here is the booklet. The meeting times are listed inside, ok?
Shannon: Thanks. I'm really trying to do this, Bianca. I even started writing in that journal you gave me. I'll let you read it sometime if you'd like.
Bianca: I don't want to read it. It's private. Remember I told you you're not supposed to let anybody look at it. Look, there's a meeting at the Community Center in a half an hour. I really think that you should check it out.
Shannon: I will. I really hope you're not mad at me. I just -- I didn't know where else to go.
Bianca: That's ok. Just call me tomorrow, ok?
Shannon: I will. I better get going if I'm going to make that meeting. You're the best.

Bianca's voice: "Agreeing to be Shannon's sponsor may be a really dumb move. She's always sniping at Laura, and I hate it. I played off Shannon's remark about Laura using drugs, but I know Laura does. And I really wish she wouldn't. I'm afraid if I bug her about it, I'll lose her friendship."

[Mindy and Heather giggle]

Shannon: Are you guys berserk? I thought you were waiting in the car.
Mindy: We were, but you were, like, totally taking forever, so Heather decided that we should ring the bell and run.
Heather: Looks like we didn't need to. Did you get Bianca's journal?
Shannon: No. Laura English was there, and she jumped all bad on me. God, I'm really sick of freaks like her thinking they're in control. She needs to go down. Hard.

Leo: Me, jealous, Greenlee, of Dr. Dudley do-right? Please, come on.
Greenlee: You hate me living with Jake.
Leo: I am not entirely comfortable with it, ok? Fine, there you go. He walks around here in his muscle shirts, fixing things, people, appliances.
Greenlee: Jake barely tolerates me. He's letting me stay here out of pity. Wow. That was so honest, I'm dizzy.
Leo: So the good doctor hasn't shown you his bedside manner yet?
Greenlee: I can't believe I'm going to say this, but you have nothing to worry about.
Leo: Good. All right, well, then, I'm going to be taking off so I can get back in time to call you.
Greenlee: You promise?
Leo: I will. I will.
Greenlee: So, should we shake hands or something?
Leo: Definitely something.

Dimitri: Ok, well, that explains why Brooke almost dislocated my shoulder when I tried to walk up the stairs earlier.
Edmund: Well, we should be thankful that it was Brooke and not Erica.
Dimitri: Yeah, well --
Alex: I shudder to think.
Edmund: Let that be a warning to us, you know? No more big parties in this house.
Alex: Absolutely. But we had to give Gillian and Ryan their wedding.
Edmund: Yeah.
Alex: Besides, I'm a sucker for an impromptu wedding.
Dimitri: You ready to turn in?
Alex: Yeah. I want to get up early and work with Anna in the morning.
Dimitri: Ok, well, until then. Good night, Edmund.
Edmund: Great day today.
Alex: Yeah.
Edmund: You, too.
Alex: Except for a couple of little bumps.
Edmund: Good night.
Alex and Dimitri: Good night.

Edmund: Eugenia, how was the wine cellar?
Eugenia: The wine cellar? Now, I wouldn't know. No, Stella and I are just assessing the damage to the house.
Stella: The house is nearly back to order, Sir.
Edmund: Oh, good. Well, time for me to turn in.
Eugenia: Night-night.
Edmund: Good night. Good night.

Eugenia: Well, you know, this room doesn't seem bad, does it? Oh. This must go over there. We must replace Alex's picture. Why did we move Alex's picture?
Stella: We didn't, Ma'am.
Eugenia: We didn't? Well, who did?


Vanessa: Propose. Marry the girl. Live happily ever after.

Erica: I warned you never to hurt my daughter.
Greenlee: Look real close. Do you see any fear?

David: Dixie, you came.

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