APRIL 13, 2001

Bianca: Hey.
Leo: Hey. Your Mom around?
Bianca: No. Why?
Leo: You remember last fall when I followed you to that gay bar and Greenlee was behind me?
Bianca: Yeah, of course.
Leo: I was thinking -- that must have been pretty hard on you.
Bianca: Having Greenlee find me at the Blue Angel?
Leo: No, I mean, it must have been pretty hard for you to trust me the way you did that night because you told me your secret. Besides Sarah, I was the only one on the planet who knew that you were gay.
Bianca: I knew you wouldn't tell anybody.
Leo: Because you trusted me.
Bianca: I still trust you, Leo.
Leo: Do you trust me enough to keep my secret?
Bianca: What secret?
Leo: The one I'm about to tell you.
Bianca: Leo, besides Sarah, you're the best friend I've ever had. I won't hate you.
Leo: Can I ask you something?
Bianca: Of course.
Leo: And I'm not fishing.
Bianca: Ok.
Leo: Why do you like me?
Bianca: Like I said, I trust you.
Leo: Yeah, but, why is that? What did I do to make you like me?
Bianca: I never broke it down to a list of reasons.
Leo: What I don't get is what made you believe in me. I don't exactly ooze sincerity, if you know what I mean.
Bianca: Leo, why are you questioning yourself like this? You're one of the greatest people I've ever known.
Leo: No, Bianca, I'm not. You don't know the half of it.
Bianca: I don't care.
Leo: Well, how could you say that?
Bianca: Nothing that you could say could make me change the way I feel about you or our friendship. You were my lifeline last fall, Leo. I don't think I could have gotten through it without you.
Leo: What if I told you that everything you feel about me is based on a lie?
Bianca: I don't buy it.
Leo: You don't even know what it is.
Bianca: Leo, going by your warped logic, I could say the same thing about you believing in me.
Leo: What do you mean?
Bianca: I mean, before you knew I was gay, everything you knew about me was based on a lie.
Leo: No, that's not true, Bianca.
Bianca: When I told you the truth, did you feel differently about me?
Leo: When I lived in Europe with my mother, we used to scam people for money. We would lie, we would get what we wanted, we'd run, we'd spend it all, and then we'd look for the next target. We started to get a little messy. Vanessa thought that people were getting too nosy, so she thought a continental shift would reopen the market for us. That's when we came here.
Bianca: Is that it?
Leo: Bianca, you don't know what we would do.
Bianca: Did you kill people?
Leo: No. No.
Bianca: Ok, then go on.
Leo: Bianca, we came to the states, Pine Valley, because we had a specific target in mind. My mother was going to befriend your mother, hoping that that would lead to other connections. but she couldn't pull it off. It was a man's job, if you know what I mean. That's why she brought me in on the scam.
Bianca: Leo, I'm not really sure that I'm following all of this.
Leo: My mother was after Palmer.
Bianca: Ok. It looks like that worked out, right?
Leo: Oh, yeah, it did, but she also had somebody in mind for me.
Bianca: Not Becca?
Leo: No. No, not Becca. Becca was just a tool to get to the real prize.
Bianca: Ok, Leo, why don't you just say it.
Leo: I was going to seduce Greenlee Smythe. I was going to marry her, I was going to clean her out, and I was going to run. But it wasn't that easy.
Bianca: Because you fell for her, right?
Leo: Bianca, that doesn't make it right.
Bianca: I didn't say it made it right.
Leo: Do you hate me yet?
Bianca: No, and stop that.
Leo: Stop what?
Bianca: Deciding for me what I'm feeling. I can do that all by myself. Just let me think for a second, ok?
Leo: Let me ask you a question. 10 Minutes ago, you said I was one of the best people you know. What am I now?

Greenlee: Come on. You don't just hate your children without a reason.
Roger: Greenlee, this is entirely inappropriate.
Greenlee: I used to think it was because you didn't want to share me with Mommy. But that doesn't make any sense because I'm more invisible to her than I am to you. So what is it? Do you just not like me?
Roger: I am not going to do this here, Greenlee. I am not. Erica, please come with me.
Greenlee: Look at me, Daddy.
Roger: I'll explain all of this to you --
Greenlee: Look at me, damn it! I'm your daughter.
Roger: And you are making a spectacle of yourself.
Greenlee: Why do you treat me like your dirty little secret?
Roger: And why do you on any given day choose to embarrass yourself and the family?
Erica: Excuse me, I really -- I'm leaving. I can't listen to this.
Roger: No, please, don't let her ruin our evening.
Greenlee: Don't -- "her"? What about her? Does she even know what you're after?
Erica: Look, this is obviously a private -- it's a family matter.
Greenlee: Not anymore.
Roger: Listen, I will not let you talk to Erica like that.
Greenlee: I don't give a damn about Erica. She's just your type, though. You two deserve each other.
Erica: I'm leaving.
Greenlee: Don't bother. Three words -- watch your purse.

Roger: Oh. The scene, the insults -- I am so very, very sorry. I should have told you that Greenlee was my daughter before. I don't blame you for being angry with me.
Erica: You think I'm angry with you?
Roger: Oh, of course. And with very good reason.
Erica: Well, then you are wrong because I understand everything completely.

Tad: Letting Hayward win? That's what you think I'm doing?
Jake: That's what it feels like to me. I mean, if you're looking to move out of mom and dad's into my place, it doesn't sound to me like you're holding out much hope for your marriage.
Tad: So you automatically assume I'm divorcing Dixie?
Jake: It's starting to look like it.
Tad: No, it's not. It's too soon. I don't know what's happening yet, Jake.
Jake: Even after what happened in the courtroom?
Tad: Yeah, absolutely. Look, even if I wanted to, I could never cut off Dixie that easily.
Jake: Ok. All right, all right.
Tad: I saw her afterwards, you know?
Jake: You did see her?
Tad: Yeah.
Jake: So you talked to her?
Tad: Mm-hmm.
Jake: And?
Tad: It didn't go great.
Jake: Did she say she was in love with Hayward?
Tad: She didn't have to. She wasn't just fooling around on me with some other guy. Whatever the hell you want to call it, she's in some kind of relationship with Hayward. And now I have to learn how to deal with that.
Jake: Did she tell you that you were going to have to deal with it?
Tad: Like I have a choice? Look, no matter what happens, if we get back together or we don't, I have to learn to live with the fact that now my wife has feelings for Hayward. Even when she knows the truth about him. And I can't expect my feelings about that to just turn off like some kind of light switch. I mean, you know how I am.
Jake: I'm not so sure I know how you are.
Tad: I'm a jerk.
Jake: Because you want your wife to commit to you, Tad, does not make you a jerk.

Guard: Can I get a doctor here?
Tad: What the hell is this?
Jake: Just hold on, hold on. All right, what happened here?
Dixie: Jake, he broke his hand, and they handcuffed him.
Jake: All right, all right. Will you put Dr. Hayward in exam room one, please. Dixie, Dixie, Dixie --
Dixie: What? I want to go with him.
Jake: Just stay right here, will you, please?

Roger: What is it that you understand, Erica?
Erica: Your feelings about Greenlee.
Roger: You do?
Erica: Oh, she would try the patience of any parent. I mean, look, I've met quite a few people in my life, but I have rarely met anyone as arrogant or as manipulative as she is. I mean, to say that she is lf-centered is to not even begin to explore the inability she has to even respect that there are other people in the world.
Roger: Well, she is my daughter, and I'm supposed to be able to forgive her.
Erica: Are you? Look, she blackmailed my daughter. She almost killed Laura English. Did you know this? And then she blamed it on my daughter.
Roger: Excuse me?
Erica: She is loathsome. I'm sorry if this offends you.
Roger: Oh, I'm afraid it doesn't. I'm just surprised that you're able to understand my predicament and not buy into my daughter's poor-little-rich-girl routine.
Erica: Roger, I know what it's like to grow up without a father or a father's love, and if my father had ever reached out to me, I would never have pushed him away.
Roger: Thank you.
Erica: I have just tried to imagine for years, you know, why my father couldn't be a part of my life. And there you are -- you're trying to do just that.
Roger: Well, I'm afraid Greenlee thinks that I chose her mother over her.
Erica: Well, my father left both my mother and me. And it made me vulnerable and even jealous, but not criminal.
Roger: You see, I don't think my daughter has that kind of insight into herself.
Erica: Greenlee wants more from you than you can give her. That's all I see.
Roger: Yes, yes. It's always been that way.
Erica: And no matter what you say or what you have done to reassure her, she always wants something else. She can't even name it, but she always wants something more.
Roger: Yes. Yes, that's it exactly.
Erica: And then she blames you, she punishes you because you don't know how to please her.
Roger: Is this what your relationship with Bianca is like?
Erica: With Bianca? No. Oh, no. Look, about your in-laws, Millicent and Woodruff Greenlee?
Roger: Erica, I know what you're going to say.
Erica: Well, it bears repeating, don't you think? Greenlee just implied that your interest in me might be financial because your in-laws, your former in-laws, are no longer welcoming you to dinner at the club. Is she right?

Leo: Look, I'm not going to marry Greenlee and take her money.
Bianca: I know that. So what's the problem?
Leo: I'm worried that Greenlee's going to find out.
Bianca: From your mother?
Leo: She's desperate, Bianca. And she couldn't care less if Greenlee or myself get caught.
Bianca: Do you think that she would go that far? That she would blackmail you?
Leo: Bianca, who are we talking about here? This is my mother we're talking about.
Bianca: Do you love Greenlee? I want a straight answer, Leo.
Leo: Yes.
Bianca: And you don't want to hurt her?
Leo: Of course not.
Bianca: Then you have to tell her the truth before your mother drops this bomb on her.
Leo: No way. No way, Bianca. She'd hate me.
Bianca: Another human being might, but Greenlee? She's not exactly a saint herself. And frankly, Leo, she owes you.
Leo: Bianca, we've been breaking up and getting back together every five minutes because we're not real with each other. Finally, we're starting to get that way, and I'm supposed to tell her the reason why I met her in the first place? She'd never get over it.
Bianca: Do you trust her?
Leo: No, not exactly.
Bianca: Then you're perfect for each other.
Leo: What? Do you think this is simple for me?
Bianca: No, I don't.
Leo: You're 17. What do you know?
Bianca: Not much, but you asked me. And if you really care about Greenlee, none of this other stuff should matter, not to you and not to Greenlee.
Leo: Bianca, what are you doing to me?
Bianca: Telling you to have a little faith, like you would always tell me.

Laura: It's for real! I got in!
Bianca: To Pine Valley?
Laura: Yeah. I guess that jerk from the admissions office was right.
Leo: Congratulations. That's great, Laura.
Laura: Thank you.
Bianca: That is so awesome. You must be so psyched.
Laura: Yeah, well, I feel like I can finally relax. And I want you to come with me.
Bianca: Oh, what do you mean?
Laura: I'm not interrupting anything, am I?
Leo: No. No, I was just leaving, actually.
Bianca: Are you sure, Leo?
Leo: Yeah.
Laura: Because there's this letter-burning party at the boathouse, and everybody's bringing their acceptance and rejection letters, and we're going to torch the notes and celebrate the goes. Are you sure you don't want to go, Leo? I don't think everyone there is going to be underage.
Leo: No, I have to go and meet Greenlee, so --
Bianca: You have a good talk with her, Leo.
Leo: Yeah, I will. Congratulations.
Laura: Thanks.

Bianca: I'm sorry about him, Laura.
Laura: Oh, forget it. I came here to see you. I want you to come with me. I didn't even know Leo was here.
Bianca: Oh, he just dropped by to talk.
Laura: Is everything's ok?
Bianca: Mm-hmm. Oh, yeah, he's fine.
Laura: Yeah? Well, I'm fine, too, and I'm going to college in the fall.
Bianca: You knew you were going to college, Laura.
Laura: No, I never know anything until it happens. I never count on anything to go my way.
Bianca: Well, you worked really hard for this.
Laura: My point exactly. And now it's a time for no work at all. So, are you going to come to this party with me or what?
Bianca: Yeah, sure, let's go. Let's go.

Dixie: I didn't know you were here.
Tad: You were at the jail with David?
Dixie: I went to visit him, yes.
Tad: And he broke his hand?
Dixie: I went to see him, Tad, to tell him that he was on his own, to tell him that any decisions that he was going to make about his future or about his court case that he would have to make without me, that I was completely aware that he was grandstanding and that I wasn't going to put up with it.
Tad: How did he take it?
Dixie: What do you mean, how did he take it?
Tad: What do you mean, what do I mean? How did he take it when you broke it off with him?
Dixie: Not great.
Tad: Hmm. Ok. So let me get this straight. Ok, you go see the gifted surgeon in his jail cell to tell him he's on his own, and the world-renowned cardiologist who literally holds people's beating hearts in the palm of his mitt breaks his hand?
Dixie: What's your point, Tad.
Tad: My point is that is the world's worst piece of grandstanding I've ever heard of. I mean, if that's not amateur, theatrical, total desperation, "I throw myself on the altar of you," I don't know what is. And you know what? I have no idea how to top that. What's more, I don't even want to try.
Dixie: You think that I want you to compete with David? That I think this is some sort of game?
Tad: No. I don't think it's a game. I know you don't think it's a game. But every time he makes a move, it's like he's playing some chess championship. Now, I got to admit, slamming his hand into a cinder block wall may not be too elegant, but it certainly is effective because here you are. And you're in a cold sweat because obviously you -- you're in love with him.
Dixie: Don't say that.
Tad: You told me he made you feel like you mattered, right?
Dixie: I was saying that to try to explain --
Tad: Why don't you explain it to me. Why don't you explain why you would go to a man like that to get whatever it is you feel that I'm not giving you. I mean, why him?
Dixie: Why would you go to Liza to get whatever it is that I'm not giving you?
Tad: I don't know how many times we can put each other through this.
Dixie: I don't know, Tad. I'm sorry I don't see very clearly right now. I just went to David to tell him how I was feeling, and he hurt himself. And so I came here to make sure that he was all right. And beyond that, I haven't given it a whole lot of thought. I'm sorry, I can't see very straight right now.
Tad: Well, I can. I can see just fine.

Amy: Carolyn, are they still backed up in radiology?
Carolyn: Yeah. You got a minute?
Carolyn: Guess who was brought in with a broken hand.
Amy: I heard. And he was cuffed.
Carolyn: Dixie Martin came with him.
Amy: She's a glutton for punishment. I hope it hurts.
Carolyn: He was white as a sheet.
Amy: Serves him right. When I think about what he did to me and now Dr. Martin's daughter-in-law and her -- is he in an exam room?
Carolyn: Yes, exam one.
Amy: I hope they make his cast too tight and then send him off for good.

Roger: You think I'm after your money?
Erica: I'm asking you.
Roger: Would you believe me if I said I'm not?
Erica: That would depend.
Roger: I understand. You have to be careful. And now that you know who I am and what my standing in this town is, I don't blame you for doubting me.
Erica: Why didn't you tell me who you were when we first met?
Roger: Well, Erica, I told you that I was here to see my daughter to improve on our relationship.
Erica: And that part was true?
Roger: Yes. Obviously I wasn't very successful. Look, my marriage had failed, and I did not want you to know that my wife's family was shunning me or that my ungrateful daughter had it in for me. I'm trying to make a fresh start, and I'm trying to do it on my own merits, not on the bloodline of a family that I married into over 20 years ago. I was accused of marrying up the day that marry and I got engaged. But I married my wife because I loved her, not because she was a Greenlee. And I worked very hard all my days to make sure that my wife and my in-laws were proud of me. I never did anything to benefit by their social graces or by their wealth. I never took advantage of that. But it was just never enough. I was never successful enough. I never quite reached their expectations. Maybe that's why I'm so abrupt with my daughter. Her attitude of my underachieving seems to be genetically predisposed. Look, all I can say is that I was never in their league, and they just never let me forget it.
Erica: Well, I can certainly understand that.
Roger: Well, Erica, I find that hard to imagine.
Erica: Oh, Roger. I grew up in a very middle-class family. My father abandoned both my mother and me, and then my mother worked in the hospital to support us. I know very well what it's like to work hard to get things that are better than what fate handed you.
Roger: I don't know what to say. Your support of me is so unexpected.
Erica: Well, you don't know me very well, do you?
Roger: No, I guess I don't.

[Music plays]

Laura: I'll see you in a little bit.
Bianca: Oh, hey JR.
J.R.: Hey. Did you come with Laura?
Bianca: Yeah. She's so psyched. She just got in to PVU. So, how are you doing?
J.R.: I'm fine. Why?
Bianca: Well, I just, you know, heard that things have been sort of tough for you at home.
J.R.: Not anymore. David's in jail, and I'm happy. I came here to party.

Man: You're in a good mood.
Laura: Oh, the best.
Man: I could make it better.
Laura: Yeah?
Man: Interested? I got great X. Even for people like you who aren't virgins anymore.
Laura: You think you know everything about me, don't you?
Man: You want it or not?
Laura: Yeah, I want it.

Bianca: So, what's going on with your mom and Tad? Are they still separated?
J.R.: I have no idea. They don't tell me anything anymore.
Bianca: You know, when my mom and dad --
JR.: Look, Bianca, you want to stop? I'm fine, really.
Bianca: I know you're fine, Junior.
J.R.: Ok, let's go get a drink or something.
Bianca: What do you think they have?
J.R.: I'm sure they have age-appropriate beverages.

Mindy: Why we are not planting a bucket full of Ecstasy on Bianca Montgomery is way over my head.
Shannon: Everything's over your head, Mindy. We have to time this right.
Mindy: But if we get her to carry and call the cops --
Shannon: Like, is anything to you not obvious? What do you want to do, hit the police over the head with a sledgehammer?
Mindy: Heather, why is she being such a wench to me?
Heather: Shut up, Mindy. What's the plan?
Shannon: Does anyone listen to me?
Heather: I listen to you, I just don't understand how getting Bianca's journal is going to help us flatten her.
Mindy: Yeah. We already know she's gay. The whole world does.
Shannon: This is going to make the gay bombshell look like a slow news day, girls. Trust me. Bianca's mother is going to have to pick her up off the floor with a mop when I'm done with her.

Leo: Ok, are you going to tell me why you were crying?
Greenlee: I'm fine.
Leo: Greenlee, you were curled up in a ball on a chair in the lobby. You're not fine.
Greenlee: It's no biggie, Leo.
Leo: What's no biggie?
Greenlee: Same old garbage.
Leo: Did you see your father again?
Greenlee: I don't want to talk about him.
Leo: What did he do to you?
Greenlee: Nothing, like always. I came here to meet you.
Leo: I know.
Greenlee: You said it was important.
Leo: It is. Kind of. Well, not kind of. Uh --
Greenlee: Oh, no, no, no. Oh, God, no.
Leo: What? What?
Greenlee: I knew it. I knew this couldn't be happening to me. I knew I couldn't get another break.
Leo: Greenlee, what are you talking about?
Greenlee: You changed your mind.
Leo: Changed my mind about what?
Greenlee: About us.
Leo: What about us?
Greenlee: You don't want to be with me. You don't want to get back together. You wanted to let me down easy. You saw me crying, and now you don't know how to say it.
Leo: Greenlee --
Greenlee: Wait, just give me a minute.
Leo: Greens, listen --
Greenlee: No, no, no. I need you to do me a favor. Please, just do one more favor, and don't say anything until you agree to it. Well?
Leo: Well, what? You told me not to talk.
Greenlee: Will you do me one last favor?
Leo: Greenlee, this is --
Greenlee: Damn it, Leo!
Leo: Ok, ok. Ok, what is it?
Greenlee: If you're going to break up with me, can you just pretend not to do it until tomorrow morning? Because you know what? I don't think I can handle it if you leave me tonight. I really, really don't.
Leo: Greenlee, come on.

Dixie: Tad, wait. Listen, I'm sorry. If I could -- if I could say what you wanted to hear, I would, ok?
Tad: If you could say what I wanted to hear, you'd be lying.
Dixie: I can't deny that I have feelings for David, all right? But I want you to know that I'm working on it and I don't want to and --
Tad: And it matters that I know this?
Dixie: Yes. I hope so. I'm just, you know, hoping maybe that you could just give me a little time.
Tad: See, I just don't know what to say to that, Dixie.
Dixie: How's Jamie?
Tad: He's like the rest of us. He's trying to tough his way through this.
Dixie: How's --
Tad: He keeps asking for you.
Dixie: How's staying at Ruth and Joe's?
Tad: It stinks. They're worried about me. Matter of fact, that's why I'm here today. I was asking Jake if I could live with him for a while. Might be a little too "Three's Company" -- you know Greenlee is there. But till I find a place of my own, it's probably the best I can do.
Dixie: That's good.
Tad: I would like to consider seeing Junior if that's all right.
Dixie: Of course, of course. I want you to.
Tad: He's ok?
Dixie: Well, he doesn't talk to me much.
Tad: Have a seat.
Dixie: Sure.
Tad: I just want you to know something. Now I know what I did to you, how it must have felt -- with Liza, after I --
Dixie: Listen, listen -- I told you before that this isn't payback.
Tad: You know what it is, though?
Dixie: What?
Tad: It's worse. This -- this is awful. I mean, this is worse than us sitting here talking like two complete strangers. I mean, we're discussing, you know, people we love and things that we've shared in our lives, and absolutely none of it is in context anymore.
Dixie: Well, maybe not now, but --
Tad: In time? In time.
Dixie: What do you mean?
Tad: I don't know if I can live that way. I don't know if I want to.
Dixie: Well, neither do I.
Tad: Ok, so why are we agreeing just to put off the inevitable?
Dixie: The inevitable?
Tad: Yeah, the inevitable. Why don't we just stop fooling ourselves and start thinking about ending this?
Dixie: My God, Tad.
Tad: I think maybe we should -- maybe we should start talking about the divorce.

Erica: Would you like to come in for a drink, Roger?
Roger: Yes, I would, but I'm not real certain that I should.
Erica: Why is that?
Roger: Well, I guess I'm not real clear on where we stand. I mean, I asked you earlier if you trusted me, and I never really got a response.
Erica: Well, I don't think that I know you well enough to answer that question quite yet.
Roger: Well, considering what Greenlee said --
Erica: You think that I would believe Greenlee over you?
Roger: I like you, Erica. I hope you'll give me a chance to show you who I am.
Erica: You're complicated.
Roger: Is that good?
Erica: Well, I don't know. That would depend.
Roger: Do you have any interest in a complicated man?
Erica: We'll see. Call me.
Roger: I will. Tomorrow.

Leo: Greenlee, I'm not breaking up with you.
Greenlee: Don't mess with my head, Leo. I can't take it.
Leo: I'm not messing with your head. I'm more interested in your heart, Miss jumping-to-conclusions.
Greenlee: You wouldn't believe my father, Leo. I ran into him here with Erica Kane, and he pretended not to know me.
Leo: Are you serious?
Greenlee: Yeah, he brushed me off like I was some cocktail waitress who screwed up his drink order, and he tried to leave without talking to me.
Leo: So what did you do?
Greenlee: Well, I made sure he didn't leave before Erica knew I was his daughter.
Leo: Good for you.
Greenlee: I really am nothing to him -- nothing but my trust fund. And now that he's cut off from that -- I'm sorry I was so sure you were here to break up with me. I don't know what I would do without you.
Leo: Oh, Greenlee. Listen, it's ok.
Greenlee: Ok. So, tell me -- tell me what you wanted to say.
Leo: Well, it's sort of big, so --
Greenlee: I can handle it.
Leo: Yeah, you can.
Leo: I love you, Greenlee.

[Music plays]

Laura: Oh.
Bianca: Hey.
Laura: Hey. Do you have any idea how incredible you are? Bianca, do you know what a beautiful person you are?
Bianca: Laura, what's got into you?
Laura: I just feel like I never -- you mean so much to me, and I never tell you.
Bianca: Well, you certainly haven't told me this way.
Leo: Well, see, that's terrible. I should fix that. I just -- I love you so much, Bianca. I just really love you.

Dixie: Divorce? Are you sure?
Tad: Yes.
Dixie: You have to know that I never wanted -- really -- I do love you.
Tad: I can't do this right now, ok?
Dixie: Tad, please.
Tad: I'll call you. No. Please. Please.

Doctor: Well, that should take care of the pain,
David, but I think we're going to have to operate.
Jake: Your x-rays show a boxer's fracture in the right hand. Dr. Lambert believes that surgery is the right course. I suppose that isn't such bad news. Microsurgery beats prison, doesn't it? I'll call the OR and get you set up.

David: Leslie?
Leslie: David.
David: What are you doing?
Leslie: I made it.
David: Wait a minute. Ah!
Leslie: No thanks to you, I might add.
David: Why are you here?
Leslie: Look into my eyes, Dr. Hayward. Look closely.
David: What? What do you want?
Leslie: Not much. Just this -- to see you a dead man.
David: Leslie --
Leslie: Don't fight it, David. This is your lucky day because your lovely parting gift from this world is going to be my face in your head just before you kick.
David: Wait, please.
Leslie: Oh, it's too late.


Laura: Why don't you try it. I'll be with you the whole time. Nobody even has to know.

Dixie: You're going to try and take my son away from me so you can get back at me.

Greenlee: Like it?
Leo: What's not to like?

Tad: Leslie?

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