APRIL 18, 2001

Gillian: Ryan, are you there?
Ryan: Yeah.
Gillian: So what's your answer going to be -- yes or no?
Ryan: You know what? My cell one's kind of breaking up. Could you repeat the question, please?
Gillian: Alex invited us to have dinner with her and Dimitri tonight.
Ryan: And she's there with you right now?
Gillian: Yeah.
Ryan: Tell her we accept. And you know what? Ask her to stay where she is. I'd like to run something by her. It's very important.
Gillian: Here, you can talk to her right now on the phone.
Ryan: No, no, no, no. I'd like to see her face to face.
Gillian: Ok. Whatever. I love you.
Ryan: Yeah, I love you, too.
Gillian: So, I will see you later, then. I'll wait for you here.
Ryan: Why don't you wait for me at home.
Gillian: You mean the yacht?
Ryan: Yeah.
Gillian: But I don't want to leave our honeymoon turret yet.
Ryan: You know what? Just do what I ask, ok?
Gillian: Ok. Fine. I'll see you later, then. Bye.

Alex: Everything all right?
Gillian: Yeah, I guess. He wants you to wait for him.
Alex: Oh. Did he say why?
Gillian: Just that it's important.

Stuart: Ryan? Is there anything wrong?
Ryan: What could be wrong? My beautiful wife is waiting for me at home.
Stuart: Marian and I want you and Gillian to come and have dinner with us real soon.
Ryan: That would be great.
Anna: I'm sorry. I'm going to take off, ok? Thank you very much for showing me these paintings.
Stuart: You're welcome.
Ryan: Alex, Alex, Alex, Alex, what's your hurry?

Laura: Hey. What's happening?
Boy: How you doing?
Laura: Hey.
Bianca: Hey.
Laura: What's going on?
Bianca: Oh, didn't you catch the announcement in homeroom?
Laura: No. I slept through my alarm.
Bianca: Oh. My mom is giving a seminar for teens against addiction today
Laura: Oh. Well, beats another mind-numbing career day. I'll catch you later.
Bianca: Wait, Laura. Are you ok?
Laura: Yeah, I'm fine. Why?
Bianca: Well, you're kind of washed out. You got dark circles under your eyes.
Laura: Oh, well, nothing that a carbo load and a catnap in study hall won't fix. Hey, walk me to the vending machines.
Bianca: Oh, sure, I will. I just want to wait till my mom does her thing, you know. You should stay and watch.
Laura: For a lecture on drugs? Only if she's handing out samples. I'm kidding. I'm kidding.
Bianca: Yeah, I know, I know.
Laura: Hey, listen, just because I took Ecstasy last night doesn't mean I'm into heavy trafficking or anything.
Bianca: I know that, too. I want you here for moral support. It's kind of weird having my mother give a lecture in school.

Ms. Singer: Morning, people. Everyone find a seat.
Erica: Thank you.
Ms. Singer: Ms. Kane, I want to thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to be with us today.
Erica: Oh, it's my pleasure.
Ms. Singer: I want you to give Ms. Kane your full and undivided attention.

Erica: Thank you. I'm very excited to be here. I'd like to begin by sharing a story with you about a drug addict. She wasn't a criminal. She wasn't a bad person. As a matter of fact, at the time she became addicted to prescription painkillers, she seemed to have everything -- a successful career, a loving family, wonderful friends. That drug addict was me, and it still scares me to think how far I had fallen and how quickly drugs took over my life.

Vanessa: Oh, Leo, this waiting is excruciating.
Leo: Why don't you count all the suckers we fleeced. It'll take your mind off things. Vanessa: You think all I care about is money, don't you? Well, you are wrong. David is my son. I love him. I do not want him to die.
Leo: Don't worry, mother. David still might put you in his will after all.
Vanessa: Well, you go right ahead. You just stick all the pins in me you want. But you are as scared as I am because you know that bringing Dixie Martin down here is pointless! Your brother needs a miracle, and it is not Dixie Martin!

Leo: What, are you here to see my brother die, Martin? Are you going to do a little victory dance when he takes his last breath?
Tad: Relax. Take it easy, Leo, ok? I just came to see Dixie.

David: Dixie. You're here. You're really here.

Tad: Take it easy. Leo, I'm not here to gloat over David.
Leo: Shove your last respects, all right? My brother doesn't need your phony sympathy.
Tad: Look, I'm serious. As much as I hate your brother's guts, I don't want him dead. That's his style, not mine. Have you been here for a while? You look exhausted.
Leo: I'm ok.
Tad: Look, I'm being sincere. I really hope he makes it. I mean, look at it this way -- if he dies, his stock goes up, and at this point, I don't think I can compete with a dead saint. Dixie in with him?
Leo: Yeah, I brought her over here.
Tad: Did he ask to see her?
Leo: No. He's still unconscious. I asked Dixie to come be with him. It sounds corny, but I thought that she might be able to give him the will to hold on.

Joe: David's coming out of it.
Leo: Is he going to be ok?
Joe: I don't know yet.

David: It wasn't a dream. You're really here.
Jake: Well, Hayward, you must have done something good in another life.
David: No, I think it was this one.
Jake: Well, your respiration, DHR., and brain activity checks out normal.
Joe: Dixie, whatever you did worked. Now David needs a complete physical.
Leo: Are you just going to let her walk out of here?
David: Yes, I am.
Leo: Aren't you afraid she won't come back? David: I'll never be afraid again, Leo.

Dixie: David's going to live. Why are you here, Tad?
Tad: I just came to check up on you, make sure you were ok.
Dixie: I'm fine.
Tad: Good, that's -- that's all I needed to hear.
Joe: Tad, Tad, wait, wait.
Dixie: No, no, it's ok. Let him go, Joe.
Joe: Ahem. Dixie, ordinarily I don't interfere in my children's personal lives, but there is something you need to know, and it something you're certainly not going to hear from Tad. Last night, he is the one who stopped Leslie from killing David. It's your husband who saved David Hayward's life.

Alex: Oh, I was going to go to the market and see if I could get some fresh asparagus for dinner. Now I guess I have to wait for Ryan.
Gillian: I'm sorry. I'm sorry if this is an inconvenience.
Alex: No. Did he say what he wanted?
Gillian: No, but -- may have something to do with the newspaper clippings we found up in the turret.
Alex: What newspaper clippings?
Gillian: Oh, well, just some articles about Anna, you know, your sister, and how she died.
Alex: Oh, I'm sorry. That must have upset you.
Gillian: No, no, it's ok. We just didn't expect it.
Alex: Ever since I found out I had a sister, you know, there's been so many questions. So Dimitri and I, we ran a search on the internet --
Gillian: Alex, you don't have to explain yourself. I know that your past is complicated.
Alex: A lot of undiscovered territory.
Gillian: Yeah. I'm sorry. We didn't mean to snoop.
Alex: No, I shouldn't have left them lying around.
Gillian: Look, you don't have to talk to Ryan if you don't want to.
Alex: Oh, I don't mind, really.
Gillian: You and Dimitri -- you've been so great to us, throwing us this beautiful wedding and -- I don't know how to ever say thank you enough.
Alex: Oh, that's not necessary.
Gillian: I missed you, you know, when you were gone. And I love you like you're my own sister.
Alex: Oh, I love you, too.
Gillian: And I'm so glad that you and Dimitri are back together and that you're happy.
Alex: You're happy, too, aren't you?
Gillian: Yeah, I'm delirious. My world couldn't be more perfect. I'll see you later, ok?
Alex: See you.

Anna: Why? What is it?
Ryan: You know, I -- I can't even believe I forgot this, but Dimitri asked me if I ran into you to escort you back to Wildwind ASAP.
Anna: Oh. Did he say what was so urgent?
Ryan: No. He just told me I got to get you home.
Anna: Yeah, well, I -- I do have my own car, so --
Ryan: He wanted me to give you the full chauffeur treatment. I guess he's worried about you, about being so sick.
Anna: I'm perfectly capable of driving myself.
Ryan: Take advantage of this one-time offer. Don't worry, I'll send good old Bart back for your car.

Erica: When I hit bottom, I was actually trying to score pills from a dealer on Front Street. Now, I know that you all think that that could never happen to you. If you're snorting crystal meth or using Ecstasy -- those are just party drugs, right? Well, one overdose and the party's over. Own your own lives. Don't let drugs own you. Ok. Ok, you got the message. And now I need -- I need you to help me spread that message because the most important weapon we have in this war on drugs is information, and it's really important that we get it out there, especially to the kids in elementary and junior high schools because the average age of a first-time drug user is 12 years old. We have to get to those kids before the dealers do. So if you're drug free and alcohol free, please, I need you to volunteer for my teens against addiction campaign. We need you -- we need you to be trainees to help the counselors and to answer telephones on the hotlines. I'm only asking for a few hours a week, I promise, that's all. So, do I have any volunteers?
Ms. Singer: Come on, people. If you don't want to do it for humanitarian reasons, volunteering looks really good on your college apps.
Erica: Mrs. Singer, would you pass out those brochures to the students? Shannon, look, I really appreciate your volunteering to help. I really do. But I think that it's a little too early in your own recovery to be counseling others. So, do we have any other volunteers?
Erica: Bianca. Thank you. You will do a wonderful job. I know that you will. Anyone else? Yes? Good. Oh, excellent, excellent. Thank you so much. Ok, I need you to just put your names and your phone numbers right here on the sign-up sheet and list the hours that you are free during the week.

Heather: Too classic -- Bianca sucking up to her mom.
Mindy: Mommy's little pet.
Shannon: She's going to pay for dissing me. She's going to pay big-time.

Jake: You are one lucky guy, David. Those pain meds that Leslie spiked through your IV should have killed you.
David: Hmm. Better luck next time, huh?
Jake: Well, you don't have to worry about that. She's locked up nice and tight in a padded suite so she won't get a second chance.
David: Good.
Jake: Listen, just relax and I'll be back to check that dressing.
Leo: You mind if I stick around for a minute?
Jake: I think your brother can handle a short visit.
Leo: You really had us going there, Bro. We didn't know if you were going to make it.
David: Believe me, I had the same thought.
Leo: So how'd you smash up your hand?
David: Ah, it's not important. Dixie -- was she your idea? Thanks.
Leo: What I don't get is why did you let her walk away? Why didn't you ask her to stay?
David: I didn't have to. Dixie came here because she loves me, Leo. That's all I needed to know.

Dixie: Hey.
Tad: Hey.
Dixie: You got a minute?
Tad: Look, Dixie, you don't have to explain anything. You know, I know that you came here for David and that Leo brought you. It's all right.
Dixie: I'm not here to talk about David. I'm here to talk about me. Can we sit?
Tad: Sure. Sure.
Dixie: Ok. You ready for a shocker?
Tad: I think I've just about had my quota, thanks.
Dixie: I went to Liza for advice. I just felt the need to get a little perspective, and, you know, you're really lucky. She's a good friend to you.
Tad: Why? What'd she say?
Dixie: Well, she didn't really talk much. She mostly did a lot of listening, but I told her how lost I've been feeling and how I feel like I've kind of lost my purpose in life. I mean, other than being a mom to Junior, what am I?
Tad: You used to know.
Dixie: Well, not anymore, and I can't ask you or David to figure it out for me. It's something I have to kind of discover or rediscover for myself.
Tad: How are you going to do that?
Dixie: Well, I thought I would go back to teaching.
Tad: Really?
Dixie: Yeah. I mean, I can't, you know, get a full-time teaching job right now, but I can substitute teach, and then there's always summer school. What do you think?
Tad: Does it matter?
Dixie: Yeah. Yeah, it matters to me what you think.
Tad: I think if I'd ever had a teacher like you, I wouldn't have wasted a moment in study hall. I think that if teaching is a gift, you've definitely got it.
Dixie: It's just something that I feel like I need to do, you know? Something that I'm good at and that I can do on my own.
Tad: On your own. Well, I guess we're both on our own these days. You know, I -- congratulations. I wish you nothing but the best, ok?
Dixie: Tad, Tad, wait. There's something else that I'd like to discuss with you, ok?

Anna: Dimitri? Darling, I'm home. Ryan brought me back.
Dimitri: I searched the grounds. There's no sign of her any--
Anna: Hi. There you are. You wanted Ryan to fetch me back. Here I am.
Dimitri: Ok.
Ryan: We ran into each other at Stuart's gallery. Alex is one of those people that seems to be several places all at the same time.
Dimitri: Well, thanks for bringing her home.
Ryan: No problem. Quick question -- Alex, what time do you want us for dinner?
Anna: I don't know. Is 7:00 too late?
Ryan: Fine. Should we bring anything?
Anna: No, just your charming selves.
Ryan: See you at 7:00.
Dimitri: Ok.
Ryan: Actually, Dimitri, who were you looking for just now?
Dimitri: Alex, naturally.
Alex: Here I am, Darling.
Ryan: Will the real Alex Marick please step forward?
Ryan: So much hasn't been adding up around here. Alex has been acting like two different people. Well, guess what -- she is. One of these two people is your wife, and one of them is Anna Devane, who was supposedly killed in a boat explosion.
Anna: I'm Anna.
Ryan: So you're not a ghost. Well, what's the deal? What the hell is going on?
Dimitri: Ryan, calm down. We're going to try and explain everything to you.
Ryan: Yeah, you're right you're going to explain everything, like is this dangerous? It's got to be, right? I mean, you used to be a spy. No threat to anybody while you were dead, but now that you're alive, you're a threat to all of us.
Alex: I don't believe that you are in danger.
Ryan: Really? Then why'd you hire Bart, hmm? That's your bodyguard, isn't it? And what about these? What about these, these articles? "W.S.B. Agent killed in boat explosion"? What is this? Who's trying to knock you off? Do they know you're still alive? Are they coming after you? Will somebody please answer me?
Alex: All right. I will explain everything.

Laura: Hey. Peace offering.
Bianca: Oh, do we need one?
Laura: Well, I sort of left you in the lurch. I was starving, though.
Bianca: That's ok.
Laura: So I missed the show. How was it?
Bianca: Well, my mom is recruiting people for the teens against addiction campaign.

Mindy: I wonder what Laura sees in Bianca, the little narc.
Heather: I think it's more what Bianca sees in Laura.
Mindy: Oh, Heather, don't go there.
Heather: It's so bogus -- Bianca volunteering to fight the war on drugs while her girlfriend is totally wrecked.
Mindy: I know. She ratted Shannon out quick enough.
Heather: Hmm.
Mindy: I wonder why she doesn't turn in Laura.
Shannon: Hello, Mindy. Take a clue. Didn't you get a shot of Laura and the Binkster having a hug fest in the bushes last night?
Mindy: You mean they're more than friends for real? I thought we were making that up. Oh, I told you not to go there! Ooh!

Erica: Honey, I'm so happy you volunteered. Thank you. What about you, Laura?
Laura: Me?
Erica: May I count on you to support teens against addiction?
Laura: Why me?
Erica: Because it's a wonderful way to help others. It's a great way to give back to the community. I'm sure your mother, Brooke, would approve. Unless, that is, you think that you're not qualified.
Laura: No.
Erica: I think your own experience would be an asset.
Laura: My experience?
Erica: Yes. You've grown up in a very rough neighborhood in New York. You know the street culture.
Laura: Yeah, well --
Erica: I think kids can relate to you.
Laura: Pine Valley isn't exactly Fort Apache.
Erica: I know. You're right. Drug use is much more insidious here. The suburbs' best kept secret. So, may I count on you to volunteer for the program?
Laura: Sure, I guess, if you think I can help.
Erica: Wonderful, wonderful. I'm going to have the teens against addiction office coordinate your volunteer schedule with your counselor. Bob, can we have another picture, please? Ready? Can we do another one?
Bob: Ready?

Shannon: Smile now, bitches. We're sending you down.

Leo: Man, you are even more whacked than I thought, you know that?
David: Or now that I'm going to be ok, here comes the abuse?
Leo: I'm the original man without a plan, David. I don't even see my day past my breakfast cereal. And here you are throwing away your career, your whole life, for Dixie, on spec. You didn't even know she loved you until 10 minutes ago.
David: Best 10 minutes of my life.
Leo: What's with you, man? What's with the altered state of mind? What, did you die and go to heaven?
David: I guess you can say that, Leo. I had this terrible nightmare that I knew I was going to die and nobody cared. This whole town showed up to thumb their noses at me and tell me good riddance. Everybody except Dixie. She didn't want me to die, Leo. She willed me back to life. She loves me.
Leo: Uh -- I don't mean to put a damper on things, but did you get that in writing?
David: No, I didn't have to. When I woke up and saw the look in her eyes, I knew what was in her heart. I'm going to fight for her, Leo. I'm not going to let Tad win.
Leo: Well, that's a noble sentiment, David, one that I subscribe to, actually, from a distance, but I think that there's one minor detail that you might have overlooked.
David: Oh, yeah? And what's that?
Leo: David, you confessed in court. You're going to prison. The only way you're ever going to talk to Dixie is on the phone through one of those plexiglass partitions.
David: No, you're wrong, Leo. I am not going back to prison. Now I have every reason to be free.

Dixie: Joe told me that you saved David's life.
Tad: No. I think that honor is yours.
Dixie: You never cease to surprise me, Tad.
Tad: Do you mind if I cut this a little short? Because -- I really don't know what more we have to say to one another. I don't want to be rude. I really don't. I mean, if you want to go back to teaching, I think that's wonderful, you know, and if you want to find yourself, then Godspeed, you know. I truly wish you well, but nothing's really changed between the two of us, you know. I really don't know what more we have to discuss.
Dixie: Our divorce.

Leo: David, the time to try to beat these charges was before you confessed to the judge.
David: Well, I can't fight for Dixie if I'm behind bars, now, can I, little brother?
Vanessa: David. Jake just told me you are going to be all right, Darling.
David: Vanessa, I want to get my life back, and I need you to help me get it.
Vanessa: Of course. You know I'll do anything.
Leo: He thinks he can beat the Libidozone rap and avoid a prison stretch.
Vanessa: Oh, well, my, my, my, what a change of heart here. Well, what was it, David? A near-death experience? Dixie's TLC. Do the trick?
David: Never mind, ok? I just want you to call O'Neal, tell him I want to see him right away.
Vanessa: Oh. Yes, well, your lawyer wasn't very impressed with your courtroom histrionics, you know, Darling.
David: I admit my confession was ill advised, but O'Neal can turn it around, ok? I'm not going to spend another day behind bars.
Leo: It's good to hear the fight back in your voice, Bro.
Vanessa: Well, we do not do martyr very well, do we, darlings?
Leo: Hair shirts aren't our style.
David: All right, listen, you two, I want to make sure that you keep my legal strategies to yourself for the time being, ok?
Vanessa: Of course, Darling.
Leo: Our lips are zipped.
David: Good.

Jake: David?
David: Yeah?
Jake: I want to change that dressing on your hand.
David: Sure. Vanessa: Oh, well, we'll get right out of the way. Never fear, dear. Mommy's on the job.

Jake: All right, let's have a look at that hand. Dr. Lambert wants to do surgery as soon as you have those pain meds out of your system.
David: So you're saying I'm on hold for the next day or two.
Jake: That's correct. She's going to operate, and then you're going to head straight back to the county lockup to await your trial.

Dixie: Tad, I want you to hold off filing for divorce.
Tad: Why? What good is it going to do to wait?
Dixie: It would just be great if you could wait, you know, for me to catch up.
Tad: You don't want the divorce?
Dixie: Well, I don't know. I mean, I may not have any right to ask this, but I don't know what's going to happen in the next few weeks or months. But I've just kind of been revisiting our old life in my head, and I'm so homesick for us. We were so good together. And if there's the slightest chance, you know, why throw everything away if there's this littlest chance that we can have it all back again?
Tad: Just a second now. I want to understand what you're saying here. You want to fight for us? Dixie, do you love me?
Dixie: Of course I love you. I'm always going to love you. We've just done a lot of damage to ourselves and to the boys. And I don't want to do anything that we can't take back. You know, until we're really sure about where we stand. So please don't file for the divorce. Not yet.

Laura: Oh, my God. A drug counselor. How can I get out of that?
Bianca: I don't know. I'll find some kind of way to get you off the list.
Laura: How?
Bianca: I don't know, but I'll do it. Just don't worry about it, ok?
Laura: Bianca, thank you. I know you're not high on me getting high.
Bianca: Whoa, whoa, Laura.

Alex: So those are the reasons that we brought Anna here -- firstly, to get her proper medical attention.
Dimitri: And because she's safer here, Ryan.
Alex: Right.
Ryan: Safer from whom?
Anna: We don't know.
Dimitri: All right, you know what? You need to know this. There was an incident at Bart's cabin up in Ontario. It was a surprise assault. A man was killed, but we don't know who he was, we don't know who he was working for.
Ryan: You're not making this up?
Alex: No. I wish we were. But until we know that Anna is out of danger, we have to keep up this charade.
Dimitri: And you can't tell anyone Ryan: OK, fine. But I won't lie to Gillian.
Alex: No you can't tell her. It's too risky.
Ryan: She's my wife. You expect me to lie to my wife?
Alex: Ryan, listen to me -- Anna survived a brutal attack on her life, and she has spent years fighting her way back. As long as she is a target, we have to take every precaution necessary to keep her safe.
Ryan: Really? So that's why I found her strolling through Stuart's gallery completely unprotected?
Anna: Yeah, I'm stupid. That won't happen again.
Ryan: You can guarantee that?
Anna: I guarantee it.
Gillian: Ryan?
Alex: Please don't give her away.

Gillian: Alex. Hey, there you are.
Alex: Hi.
Ryan: I thought you were going to wait for me on the yacht.
Gillian: Yeah, I was, and I got bored waiting. So, did you two have a little chat?
Ryan: Yeah.
Gillian: Everything ok?
Alex: Mm-hmm.
Ryan: Alex and I can't agree on something. I want to bring a bottle of wine to dinner, but she insists we just come as we are.
Gillian: That's why you ordered me out of here?
Ryan: Well, I didn't order you.
Gillian: Yes, you did. You practically threw me out and ordered me away.
Ryan: Well, I just wanted to, you know, see how you took orders from your new husband.
Gillian: I don't take orders.
Ryan: Oh.
Gillian: I simply agreed to love and honor, not obey.
Dimitri: So, we're on for tonight then, right?
Gillian: Mm-hmm. Back to the yacht?
Ryan: Yeah. You know, I'll meet you there. I just want to run some dot-com numbers by Dimitri.
Gillian: Ok. I'll go back to the turret and pack up the rest of our things.
Ryan: Ok.
Gillian: I'll wait for you downstairs. Bye, guys.
Alex and Dimitri: Bye.
Gillian: See you tonight.

Ryan: Nice. Very nice. I just get married, and you've already got me lying to my wife.

Bianca: Laura, are you ok?
Laura: Yeah.
Bianca: Do you want to sit down somewhere or something?
Laura: No, no, I'm fine, really. I'm fine.
Bianca: Laura, you look 10 shades of pale. Let me take you to the nurse's station.
Laura: No, it's just -- it's crashing blood sugar or something.
Bianca: Are you sure it's not the drugs you took last night?
Laura: Yes, I'm sure. What, you think I had a flashback or something?
Bianca: I don't know. I've never done Ecstasy, ok?
Laura: Aren't you mommy's good little girl. Excuse me while I get out of the drug-free zone.
Bianca: Laura, wait!

Erica: Bianca. Hi, Sweetheart. I'm glad to find you. I want you to help Ms. Singer coordinate the volunteer programs.
Bianca: Not now, Mom.
Erica: Bianca?
Bianca: Not now. I have to find Laura.

Tad: You remember when I left town a while back?
Dixie: Yeah?
Tad: I was giving up on us because I thought you had. And then Jake grabbed me and reminded me that, you know, all the stuff we've been through together, the good times and the bad times. And as bad as the bad ones were, they couldn't touch the good ones. So that night I made up my mind. I decided I was going to do whatever I had to to fight for us, even if at the time it felt like a losing battle. But when you told me that you were in love with David, I figured it was time to quit.
Dixie: And that's when you asked me for the divorce.
Tad: Honey, I was just trying to set you free because I assumed you'd made your decision. I guess you haven't.
Dixie: Is it too late for us? Should we -- should we stay in it and fight for it?
Tad: Well, I'll tell you what I will do. Ok. Put the divorce on hold for a while, till you and I both make up our minds, till we decide together that there really is nothing left and that we don't belong together. So ok, forget about it for a while. But the next move is yours because I have no doubt of who I love.

Leo: You're really going to try to bluff your way through this, David?
David: I'm not bluffing, Leo.
Leo: You heard Jake. As soon as they fix your hand, they're going to turn you into hamburger with the wheels of justice.
David: Well, then I got to do everything I can to stay in this hospital, don't I? Because I got to be free to fight for Dixie.

Ryan: You know what? I really hate lying to my wife.
Alex: I know. It seems we've put you in an impossible position. Dimitri but you did the right thing, Ryan.
Alex: Yes.
Ryan: Answer me one question -- did I lie to Gillian for Anna or did I do it for us?
Alex: Both.
Dimitri: You think about it. The less Gillian knows, the safer she'll be.
Ryan: You'd better be right about that.

[Gillian screams]


Greenlee: I'm laying my heart out there for you. Pick it up and give it back to me or walk out that door.

Erica: What are you two doing here at my house?

Bianca: I'm afraid that you were poisoned.

Ryan: He's dead.

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