APRIL 2, 2001

Edmund: Do you have a Jack?
Anna: Go fish.
Edmund: Don't know what possessed me to teach you this game. You've won the last three hands.
Anna: Oh, it's a perfectly charming game. What, are you a sore loser?
Edmund: My son Sammy's a sore loser. I am merely embarrassed.
Anna: Oh, you don't fool me. You're letting me win.
Edmund: Yeah, that's it.
Anna: And it's working.
Edmund: Thanks. What's working?
Anna: Well, I haven't screamed or bolted for the door all day. Do you have a seven?
Edmund: Go fish. You know, I would love to take credit for that, but actually that's your doing. Your sister says you're responding to treatment -- beautifully, I might add.
Anna: Out.
Edmund: Again?
Anna: Yes.
Edmund: That's four games! You have obviously played this game before.
Anna: Yeah, I have. You owe me four jell-o cups.
Edmund: All right, this time I'm dealing from the bottom of the deck. That's it, that's it. Give me the cards.
Anna: No, I can deal.
Edmund: All right, I'm going to let you have it.

David: Well, you're looking considerably better than the last time I saw you, Anna. You're even glowing.
Edmund: What are you doing here?
David: Well, Joe was behind closed doors, so Alex asked if I would check Anna's vitals. If that's all right with you, Anna?
Anna: I suppose so, if Alex asked.
David: Any objections, Edmund?
Edmund: You heard the lady.
David: Good.
David: Take a deep breath.
Anna: Are you leaving?
Edmund: Just for a minute, just to give you some privacy. I'll be right back.

David: Again, please. Well, that's a lot better. Your heart was racing when Edmund left the room. But now it's nice and steady.
Anna: Really?
David: Really. Hmm, your heart's fine. And for good reason, I suppose. Isn't it ironic how things work out? I save Dimitri's life and everyone's world gets turned upside down. I save your life and it looks like everyone's going to get what they want.
Anna: What is that supposed to mean?
David: Well, I'm sure you know that Alex was going to marry Edmund until she found out Dimitri was alive.
Anna: Are you implying that Edmund can just plug me in as his bride, that Alex and I are interchangeable?
David: No, of course not. I just noticed how you and Edmund were getting close.
Anna: And you thought you had the right to comment on it. Well, I have an observation I would like to make. Arrogant pigs, such as yourself, are usually making up for serious shortcomings elsewhere.

Joe: Edmund. Change of plans.
Edmund: Joe, what is it?
Joe: We've got to move Anna out of this hospital immediately.

Laura: Hey. I got your message. What's up?
Gillian: Hey, I just spoke to Madame Colette and she's going to bring some sketches and fabric samples and everything. Hey, Laura. Isn't it great?
Laura: Yeah, I can't wait to see them.
Gillian: No, no, we're getting a big reward.
Ryan: Yeah, hey, we're getting a reward for turning in Vince and his operation.
Laura: Get out! How much?
Ryan: Well, Derek didn't say exactly, but I figure we'll just divide it four ways.
Laura: Thanks. So Leo's here, too?
Leo: Right behind you. So what's this I hear about a reward?
Ryan: Lt. Frye's bringing it over. And you know what? We might even give you some.
Leo: Great. Let me know when he gets here. I'll be in my room.
Laura: Hey, try to contain your excitement Leo.
Leo: I just have a lot on my mind right now.
Laura: Yeah? You want to talk about it?
Leo: Uh --

Derek: Ahoy.
Ryan: Derek, my new favorite person. Welcome. Come on in.
Gillian: Hey, Lt. Frye. We are so excited. We had no idea that we were getting a reward.
Derek: Well, you deserve it.
Laura: Hey, those guys are in jail, right? They're not out on bail?
Derek: Don't worry -- those guys aren't going anywhere but to prison, thanks to you. Look, I got some good news --

Leo: David, I need you to come down to the yacht as soon as you get this message. Just got a lucrative offer from Tad and Liza. It seems they're interested in a certain videotape in which you're the star -- seriously interested.

Tad: What the hell are we doing here? You'd better not be stringing me along, Feimster, I swear. What is this?
Tad: All right, look, enough is enough. You said you were going to take me to Leslie. Where is she?
Gordon: I'm not sure. She's supposed to be here.
Tad: Yeah, well, I don't see her anywhere here, do you?
Gordon: No, but she was --
Tad: If Hayward put you up to this, I swear, I'm going to make sure you are arrested today. Do you understand me?
Gordon: No, no, no way. She's here somewhere.
Tad: Yeah, well, you know what? I'll see you in jail, Gordo, ok?
Leslie: Tad.
Leslie: I knew you'd come.

David: I apologize if I insulted you, Anna. It was not my intention.
Anna: Saving my life does not give you the right to discuss my sister's intimate relationships, especially in such a glib, careless manner.
David: Alex and I are colleagues. I meant no disrespect.
Anna: Oh, of course you didn't. She's told me all about you.
David: Really?
Anna: Yeah, really.
David: And what did she say?
Anna: Well --
Edmund: Is everything all right?
David: Oh, everything's better than all right. Anna's doing exceptionally well.
Joe: Well, that's very good to hear.
Anna: What is it, Edmund? Dr. Joe, what?
Edmund: There's a slight change in plans.
Joe: Anna, we're going to have to move you out of the hospital. We had a patient disappear from ICU D her sister is taking legal action against the hospital.
David: Leslie's
sister is still suing? Joe: Indeed. According to our legal team, yes. That means that agents and regulators are coming by to inspect for malfeasance. They're going to be checking every nook and cranny, snooping everywhere, and if anything appears even slightly irregular --
Anna: It's ok. I understand.
Edmund: We checked with Alex and she thinks that you're strong enough to be moved.
David: I agree. Will you be taking her to Wildwind?
Edmund: Why do you care? Let me remind you Anna's existence remains confidential.
David: Take it easy, Edmund. My lips are sealed.
Edmund: Good, keep them that way, or mine won't be.
David: You're doing very well, Anna. Keep up the good work.

Joe: Ok, I'm going to start arrangements to move Alex out of the hospital. I'm going to have to lift the quarantine, but I'm going to do it only at the very last minute as she leaves. That way we can still keep people out, ok?
Edmund: Thanks, Joe.
Anna: Well, well, well. You may not be a card shark, but you certainly took a bite out of Hayward. Whatever you've got on him must be big.

Gillian: Is it a check?
Ryan: Derek, did you take the taxes out or --
Laura: So we're going to be in the newspaper, right?
Derek: One question at a time, ok? Now, the reward's in the form of a check, but you're going to have to wait for that ticker tape parade. Now, the other reason why I'm here is that I really need to collect some more evidence from you, so which would you rather do first?
Ryan: Money, please. Yo, Leo? Hello? What's up? You in on this or what?
Leo: Dollar bills give me chills. Ante up, Lieutenant.
Ryan: We're splitting this four ways.
Derek: Well, that's very diplomatic of you. Congratulations.
Ryan: Aren't there a few zeroes missing on this?
Leo: Five-- are you kidding me? 500?
Derek: Look, we're e Pine Valley police department, not Beverly Hills cops. This is the best we can do.
Leo: Unbelievable.
Derek: But if it's too small for you --
Ryan: Hold it. I didn't say that. You know, it's still 125 bucks each.
Laura: Yeah, I need a new flash for my camera. It'll cover it.
Leo: Yeah. And I needed a new tie. Gee, thanks, Lieutenant.
Derek: You're welcome, Leo. We threw in saving your life for free.
Gillian: Lt. Frye, we really do appreciate it. I guess we just let our imaginations run a little wild.
Leo: Not to mention that we really needed the cash.
Derek: Which brings me to the second reason why I'm here. I need the money that Vince loaned you.
Leo: What?
Derek: It's evidence, Leo.
Leo: No, it's ours.
Derek: It's the police department's, pending further investigation.
Leo: But -- you can't do that.
Derek: I can and I will.
Ryan: Uh, lieutenant, we need that money. Leo borrowed it for our wedding. We're getting married soon and --
Derek: I'm sorry, Ryan. Ryan, I am sorry. The money was stolen. It didn't belong to Vince or Leo or you.
Laura: Yeah, except we already spent it.
Leo: Yeah. Florists and caterers and whatnot. They're really, really, really expensive. It's criminal. May as well be arresting them.
Laura: Right. I mean, and if we'd known, we might not have spent it so quickly.
Derek: "We"?
Laura: Yeah. We're planning their dream wedding.
Leo: Yeah, and dreams don't come cheap.
Gillian: Leo, Laura, listen, I really appreciate what you guys are trying to do, but, Lieutenant, we -- we didn't spend everything. We spent, like, maybe a couple hundred dollars. I still have the rest. I can bring it to you.
Derek: Thank you, Gillian. And I'm sorry about your dream wedding.
Gillian: Oh -- that's ok. I mean, who needs all that stuff? As long as we have each other, all our dreams will come true.

Tad: Leslie?
Leslie: Tad.
Tad: Are you -- are you all right?
Leslie: Yes, I'm fine, now that you're here. Thank you for coming. This has been a nightmare.
Tad: Yeah, I can see that. Listen, how did you get here? Did David kidnap you?
Leslie: No, no, Gordon brought me, and thank God he did. David was going to kill me. I mean, I heard him talking to my sister and trying to convince her to take me off the life support.
Tad: I know, Jake told me all about it. I'm sorry.
Leslie: I couldn't open my eyes, I couldn't speak. I mean, I tried to signal with my finger, but nobody saw me.
Gordon: I'd heard about her accident, that she was being blamed for spiking the punch at Ryan's party. Didn't take me long to figure out who was setting her up. Then I snuck in.
Tad: Wait a minute. You mean you took her out of ICU?
Gordon: Well, I had to. I had to get her out before Hayward finished what he started.
Leslie: I was waking up when Gordon came for me.
Gordon: Thank God she was able to breathe without a respirator.
Leslie: Gordon saved my life, Tad.
Gordon: I've been taking good care of her.
Tad: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I can see that. I mean, I have to say that, under the circumstances, your -- your recovery -- it's miraculous.
Leslie: Well, I'm not ready to die yet. Too much unfinished business.
Tad: You mean putting David away?
Leslie: I can't think of that now.
Tad: Why not? You don't have to be afraid. I promise you, I'll make sure that David never comes anywhere near you ever again.
Leslie: You mean that? You'll -- you'll protect me from David?
Tad: It's a promise. Just let me take you to someplace safer, ok?
Leslie: I'll go anywhere with you, Tad. You just tell me where.
Tad: Well, for starters, why don't we -- why don't we try the hospital, ok, and then -- and then maybe the police. Do you feel well enough to move? Because maybe -- maybe we should get ourselves an ambulance. Gordon, can you call an ambu--
[door locks]

Tad: Gordon? What the hell is this? Gordon? Gordon! Gordon, open the door right now!

[Pounding on door]

Tad: Gordon!
Tad: Oh, fine. What is this? What are you doing?
Leslie: Well, I'm waiting for you to calm down so we can pick up where we left off.
Tad: Gordon, if you don't open this door, I swear I'm going to kill you!
Leslie: Save your voice, Tad. Gordon can't hear you. The door's made of steel.
Tad: I don't get it. You know, I just -- I don't get it. You're too much, you know? I mean, first you fall off a building. You survived a coma, you were kidnapped out of ICU, You got through a plot against your life! You know, any human being would take one of these things as a life-changing experience. You know, and instead of that, you're -- you're sitting up. You're sitting up and you're not counting your blessings. You're just trying to pull one of these little psycho stunts!
Leslie: I am not a psycho.
Tad: Are you kidding? Look around! Look -- look at yourself! This -- this -- oh, boy, this is really certifiable.
Leslie: What makes you think that I'm trying to pull something on you?
Tad: Oh, well, gee, you know, I don't know, Leslie. Maybe it's the fact that, you know, when I walked in five minutes ago, you were kind of stretched out on your deathbed there, you couldn't squeak out a sentence. Now you're sitting up and you're just as weird as ever.
Leslie: Well, you see the effect you have on me? It's wondrous!
Tad: That's just terrific. You know what? I just want to say for the record that whatever the hell you think is going to happen here is not, ok?
Leslie: Relax, ok? Gordon just wanted to give us some time to ourselves. He knows how much I've wanted to talk to you.
Tad: To talk to me?
Leslie: Yes. I need to tell you how sorry I am -- for everything that's happened to you since that night on the yacht.
Tad: Fine. Good. Terrific. Apology accepted. Now, do you have a key to this door?
Leslie: Please don't hate me, Tad.
Tad: I don't hate you, ok? I'm just starting to feel a little weirded-out here. I'm getting kind of claustrophobic, so can you open that door?
Leslie: I'm not letting you out until I'm ready.
Tad: Ok. When might that be?
Leslie: When you've shown me. Proven you've forgiven me.

Anna: Ok.

[Edmund whistles]

Edmund: Who's the Babe?
Anna: That's Ms. Babe to you. You know, I -- I just can't -- I --
Edmund: Let me.
Anna: I hate jewelry.
Edmund: You wear it well for hating it.
Anna: Is that it? Oh, why couldn't I do that? So, how do I look?
Edmund: You look great.
Anna: Where does it hurt?
Edmund: Excuse me?
Anna: Oh, well, I'm supposed to be a doctor now, so I should be able to diagnose all your ills. You want to start with Hayward?
Edmund: I thought your days of super sleuthing were forgotten.
Anna: Hmm, unfortunately, or fortunately, maybe they are. But my powers of observation still remain.
Edmund: Along with an active imagination.
Anna: Well, it's obvious that you despise the man, and I'm certain he's not in love with you. And Alex says he can't be trusted. So whatever it is that's keeping him in check is what you have on him. Something that could ruin him, right?
Edmund: What exactly did Hayward say to you?
Anna: Oh, nothing worth repeating. But I'm right, yeah?
Edmund: Go fish. There's nothing wrong with your powers of observation. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you David's deep, dark secret.
Anna: Oh, no, no, no. I don't want that. That would be like peeking at the back of a mystery novel. No, I'm -- I'm going to try and figure this out for myself.

Edmund: Joe. Quarantine lifted?
Joe: Yes. Dimitri and your friend Bart have a car waiting. So I think it's time for Alex to leave our hospital.
Anna: Ok.
Edmund: Here, let me help you. Got that?
Anna: Um, my purse right there.
Edmund: Ok. Here you go.
Anna: Ooh. Ok.

Gillian: It's all there, Lieutenant, except for the few hundred dollars that we spent.
Derek: Well, consider that a bonus.
Leo: It's not fair. We almost got killed. We don't even get to keep the money?
Derek: Look, I understand --
Leo: Ridiculous.
Derek: I understand how you feel, all right? But this money was bad from the get-go. Look, I appreciate everything you went through and I will remember your help in the future next time you get into trouble.
Leo: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Anyway, look, Lieutenant, you know, since you're willing to let a few hundred slide, what about half? What do you say? We won't tell anybody. You can keep a little for yourself.
Derek: Oddly, Leo, I know you mean well.
Ryan: All right. Ok, Leo, just drop it, all right?
Leo: Come on --
Ryan: I'll walk you out, Lieutenant. Drop it.

[Leo sighs]

Derek: Ladies, Leo.
Gillian: Bye.

Laura: Sorry, Leo.
Leo: Thank you for trying.
Derek: Dr. Hayward.
David: Good afternoon, Lt. Frye.
Leo: Uh, will you excuse us for a second?
Laura: Sure.

Laura: Hey, Gillian, you want to make some phone calls? We should cancel the caterer?
Gillian: Oh, you know what? I have to catch the dressmaker before she gets here.

Leo: What took you so long?
David: This better be good, Leo.
Leo: What, the scene of the crime make you nervous, Bro?
David: What is all this about Tad and Liza? What do they know about that tape?
Leo: Only that it exists and they want it, in the worst possible way.
David: But I destroyed it right after you gave it to me. So you see, Leo, there's no alleged tape. This pathetic attempt to threaten me is a complete waste of my time and yours.
Leo: Are you willing to bet your life with Dixie on that? If the answer's no, David, you'd better follow me.

Gillian: Oh, Madame Colette, I am so sorry. I tried to call you to catch you before you came here.
Madame Colette: Oh, I pride myself on being prompt. I've got some fantastic fabric samples for you -- silk taffeta, chiffon. I am thinking about the skirt, of course. I've already finished the bodice -- hand-beaded. Ooh! You are going to look ravishing. Ah! The groom cannot see the dress! Out, out, out! Oh, unless, of course, you don't believe in bad luck.
Gillian: Oh, no, no, no, no, it's not that. It's just -- oh, I'm so sorry, but we're going to have to cancel this order.
Madame Colette: But why? You don't like my design?
Gillian: No, I love it. I think it's so beautiful.
Ryan: Madame Colette, I know that I had told you to spare no expense, but the circumstances have changed. Madame Colette: Circumstances?
Ryan: Yeah, like, um, we can't pay you.
Gillian: But, of course, you know, we would pay you for everything you've done, all the work. You just send us the bill, no problem.
Madame Colette: Hmm, thank you. Oh, it is such a shame, Cheri. You would have looked dazzling.
Gillian: Oh, don't forget your drawing.
Madame Colette: Keep it. I designed it especially for you. Bonne chance, mon ami.
Gillian: Bye.

Laura: So are you sure you still can't keep the gown? It's gorgeous.
Gillian: Oh, you know what? It's really not important. And it'll be -- it'll be easier this way. I can just get something from Myrtle's boutique, just get something off the rack.
Laura: Are you sure?
Gillian: Yeah, yeah, of course I'm sure. Ryan, you know what? Maybe this is a sign. Remember? I've been telling you all along we should just have a small, little wedding, so why don't we just get married tomorrow?
Ryan: You mean elope?
Gillian: Yeah. Yeah, now that we don't have anything to plan or -- let's just do it.
Ryan: Tomorrow? So you want to go to the town hall and be married by the justice of the peace? That's really what you want?
Gillian: Yeah. No more fuss, no more complications. Let's just -- let's just do it.
Ryan: Ok. How can I refuse, if that's what you really want. We'll be -- we'll be married tomorrow.
Gillian: Oh, I can't wait.
Laura: This is the biggest day of your life. I mean, what about your family and your friends?
Gillian: Oh, yeah. Uh, I have to call my family and friends and tell them not to come. But they'll understand. I'm going to do it now.
Laura: Just like that?
Ryan: Yeah. One of the biggest days of our lives, just like that.

Leslie: Tad, you've been through every square inch of this basement. That door is the only way we're getting out of here.
Tad: Leslie, don't you know that this is a mistake? How can you be so sure that Feimster isn't working for David in some kind of way, huh? Don't you think it's convenient that just as you start to recuperate, he shows up to spirit you out of the hospital? Not only that, now we're both locked in here?
Leslie: Look, Gordon wants David to go down just as much as we do. This isn't about Gordon or David. This is about us.
Tad: Leslie? Leslie, look at me, ok? We do not have time for this.
Leslie: This is the perfect time. The door's locked. It's just me and you.
Tad: No, no, no, no, it's not just about me and you. It's about everybody in town. Too many people have been hurt too many ways. Look, neither you or I can afford to think about anything other than taking David down right now.
Leslie: Well, we will. We just have to plan our strategy.
Tad: No, no, we don't.
Leslie: Listen, my testimony will just be perceived as speculation. I don't have proof that David spiked the punch on the yacht.
Tad: I do. Right here. Ok? Right here. I finally have all the proof I need -- we finally have all the proof we need right on this little videocassette, all right? Ok? And now we can't get out of here to use it? Come on, Leslie, we got to get through that door.
Leslie: You -- you have proof? Well, why haven't you gone to the police before now?
Tad: I was on my way when Gordon found me and brought me here. Now do you understand how important this is? It's right here. We can finally put David away for a long time. You don't have to worry about him ever again. He'll be out of both of our lives for good.
Leslie: And this tape is legit? You're not just saying that to get out?
Tad: Absolutely not. Come on, we can do this. Listen, think about it, ok? He set you up. He tried to kill you, twice. You should want this every bit as much as I do.

David: All right, Leo, here we are. Want to tell me why?
Leo: Did you really want to continue r conversation where we could've been overheard?
David: I'd rather not continue this conversation at all.
Leo: All right, then humor me. I saved your butt today, David. Tad Martin offered me $250,000 for a copy of the tape that proves that you were the captain of HMS Libidozone. A quarter of a million dollars. David, do you have any idea how tempting an offer that was? Don't -- hey, don't worry, I turned him down flat. Don't get -- although looking into that smug face of yours, I can't for the life of me figure out why.
David: What happened to the hundred grand I gave to you, Leo? Don't tell me you blew through it this quickly.
Leo: It's tied up in investments.
David: You lost it, didn't you? You know something? You should've been more careful with your hard-earned cash, little brother. You're not getting another dime from me.
Leo: Did I ask you for more money?
David: Don't -- don't insult my intelligence, all right? You're trying to shake me down.
Leo: I should've given him the damn tape. I would've been rich and I would've been able to watch them cart you off to jail.
David: Oh, give it up, Leo. There's no tape.
Leo: No, there is a tape, David. It exists.
David: Ok, you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to call your bluff. You show me that tape and I will hand-deliver it to Tad Martin personally. Then you can collect your cash with my blessings.
Leo: You arrogant son of a -- all right.
Leo: It's gone.
Leo: It's gone.
David: Oh, you know something? You really missed your calling, little brother. That was quite a performance. You know, I almost bought that shocked expression on your face.
Leo: It was right here.
David: Bravo, bravo!
Leo: You have it, don't you? How did you know that I put it in there?
David: Oh, Leo, Leo, just -- curtains down, all right? The show's over.
Leo: Tell me the truth, David.
David: Oh, the truth? Well, that's rich coming from you.
Leo: Stop it! Do you have the tape? Oh, my God, Tad and Liza. They must have followed me here.
David: You know something? That really was quite a performance, so I think I owe you something for the entertainment.
Leo: No, no, you have to believe me, David.
David: Yeah.
Leo: David, if they have that tape, you're finished.
David: Yeah, look, this is all you're getting, so don't try --
Leo: No, I don't want your damn money! It's not about the money! It's never been about the money!
David: If it's not about the money, Leo, what's in it for you?
Leo: I'm trying to help you! Why can't you see that? Why can't you get that through your fat head?

Leslie: Put the tape away, Tad. We'll use it against David soon enough.
Tad: When?
Leslie: It's one of the things that unites us, you know.
Tad: What does?
Leslie: Hating David, wanting to see him destroyed.
Tad: Right. Right. So you know how badly we got to get out of here because we finally have a fighting chance.
Leslie: Look, I'll come through for you, Tad. You already came through for me.
Tad: I have?
Leslie: You saved my life.
Tad: How?
Leslie: When I was in the coma. I was ready to give up. I didn't think that I had anything to live for. Until I heard your voice calling my name, calling me away from death.
Tad: Uh-huh.
Leslie: I came back for you.
Tad: So we could nail David, right?
Leslie: So we could both get what we want. On one condition.

Ryan: I don't know, I don't know, I don't know. I wanted Gillian to have that dress, I wanted her to have that wedding, the wedding of her dreams.
Laura: So you're not really down with that JP wedding idea?
Ryan: No. And neither is Gillian, believe me. It's just a -- a brave front she's putting on for my benefit. It's just an act.
Laura: Yeah, well, she's probably trying to spare your feelings.
Ryan: Yeah. It's part of it, but I also think that Gillian doesn't feel like she deserves the attention.
Laura: That's crazy. Of course she does. You both do.
Ryan: It's a long story. Her -- her dad was very selfish. He gambled away the family fortune and brought a lot of shame to the family title, and Gillian -- she doesn't feel like a princess right now. But for that one day -- that one day I wanted to make her feel like -- I don't know -- a queen or something.
Laura: That's beautiful, Ryan.
Ryan: Yeah. Well, I can forget about that.
Laura: Well, there must be some way to convince her just to wait while you raise the money.
Ryan: I consented to a simple wedding tomorrow, so we're going to have a simple wedding tomorrow. At least there is one good thing that came out of it -- we'll be married sooner than later.
Laura: Yeah, well, it wouldn't have to be that much later.
Ryan: No, it's ok. It's all right. I may not be able to deliver on the big wedding, on the wedding of her dreams, but the happily-ever-after part? I'll deliver. Take that to the bank.

Anna: No, no, I can walk by myself, I promise. Alex put tea out for us.
Edmund: Well, that's great. It'll warm you up.
Anna: I don't feel cold, but I'll have some, anyway. Will you join me? What is it? Is someone out there?
Edmund: No, it's just Bart. He's just checking the grounds. You know, we weren't followed, but he likes to, you know, make sure.
Anna: Oh, yes, he does. Oh, I didn't think I'd ever say this, but I actually missed this place. There's a certain charm to it. Wonder if I'll ever get to see the rest of the grounds.
Edmund: You will. I'll take you on a tour.
Anna: Thank you.
Edmund: We'll just have to, you know, work it around Alex.
Anna: Is she up at the main house?
Edmund: Yeah, she's getting some more of your clothes -- or her clothes for you, actually.
Anna: Fuss, fuss, fuss, fuss.
Edmund: And blankets and Dimitri's going to come by, and Alex actually wants to check on you, make sure you're not too tired from the move.
Anna: Oh, I'll tell you what's exhausting is all this clucking over me. Honestly, I feel fine. And I'd very much appreciate not having to drink my tea alone.
Edmund: I -- it's late. I really should be getting back to the --
Anna: Is your shift over, then?
Edmund: What do you mean? There is no shift. We talked about this.
Anna: Oh, yeah, when I asked you why you were being so nice to me.
Edmund: You didn't believe me when I said I just enjoyed your company?
Anna: No, I did believe you. I just think there's more to the story.
Edmund: Another mystery you're working on?
Anna: I'm aware of your history with Alex. I'm also aware of how much I resemble her.
Edmund: You're her spitting image. But you're two very different people, and I am very much aware of those differences, ok?
Anna: However, your feelings run deep.
Edmund: That was another lifetime ago.
Anna: You still love her, don't you?
Edmund: Well, I see we've moved from mysteries to romance novels.
Anna: Oh, yeah. I'm a sucker for a good love story. I much prefer a happy ending over a cliffhanger any day.
Edmund: All right. Try this story. Beautiful doctor meets a handsome but seriously ill count. They fall in love, they get married. They survive impossible odds and miraculously the beautiful doctor saves the count's life. The end.
Anna: Oh. I think you left out a couple of chapters there. Like the handsome count's dashing brother and how he saved the beautiful doctor when the count was presumed dead.
Edmund: I like my version better. It's cleaner and simpler.
Anna: You're the writer.
Edmund: I'll have that cup of tea, if you're still pouring.
Anna: Excellent. I don't mean to pry into your life, but since I don't have a memory of my own, I might as well. I seem to be constantly trying to put together bits of information. It's turning into a habit.
Edmund: Maybe you're just inherently nosy.
Anna: Maybe so. You came dangerously close to hurting my feelings.
Edmund: Sorry. You can ask me just about anything.
Anna: And you will dodge the question with expert precision. Milk?
Edmund: Mm-hmm.
Anna: All right. I'll let you off the hook where my sister is concerned. But please don't give me a hard time about anything else because I'm trying to hold onto my memories now and that means that I can hold a grudge.
Edmund: Wouldn't want that.
Anna: No.
Edmund: I'll make you a deal. From now on, my life is an open book.
Anna: Likewise. Plenty of blank pages, but open nonetheless. Sugar?
Edmund: No.

Laura: Can I speak with Dimitri Marick? Yeah, please tell him it's Laura English. Dimitri. Hi. Sorry. I hope I'm not interrupting anything. Well, no, no, it's kind of important. Um, Ryan and Gillian are planning to elope tomorrow. Yeah, and we've got to stop them.

Leo: Tad and Liza must've followed me here. David, if they got their hands on that tape, this is serious.
David: Wait a minute -- what are you doing, Leo? Are you trying to mess with my head?
Leo: No, I told you I'm trying to help you! But it's a moot point now, isn't it, because the tape's gone! And whoever has it is going to use it! You know what? Maybe it's for the best.

David: Liza. Hi, this is David Hayward. Listen, there's something I want to discuss with you. Are you going to be at home or at the office? Good. I'm on my way.

Tad: Great, great. Now there's a condition. Ok.
Leslie: Don't be alarmed, Tad. I'm on your side. I will always be here for you.
Tad: Yeah, so you say. What do you want?
Leslie: Lean down so I can tell you.
Tad: I can hear you fine from here.
Leslie: That tape is burning a hole in your pocket, isn't it? You just can't wait to get out of here.
Tad: Leslie, we should both want to get out of here. Come on, have you got the key?
Leslie: You know, I've always wanted to give you whatever you wanted, Tad -- anything at all. I just want to be good to you.
Tad: Ok, I believe you. I really do. But right now the only thing I want more than anything else in this world is to take this tape to the proper authorities.
Leslie: Look, I have been through hell and back. What about what I want?
Tad: We both want the same thing, don't we?
Leslie: Yes, we do. And I can let you out of here so you can destroy David. But I will still have wants and needs of my own. And more than anything in the universe, I want you to love me, Tad. I want you to marry me.


Greenlee: What do you think?

David: There is no tape.

Liza: So who's really lying?

Adam: I love that boy, and if you love him, too, you will consider his needs and reconcile with Tad immediately.

Leslie: This will end badly.

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