APRIL 23, 2001

Leo: You want -- you want me to marry you? Uh --

[Leo laughs]

Leo: You're -- you're serious? Oh.
Leo: You're not -- you're not fooling around, Greenlee.
Greenlee: No, Leo, I'm not.
Leo: My God, Greenlee.
Greenlee: This is it, Leo.
Leo: What -- what do I do?
Greenlee: Say "yes." Marry me.

Brooke: Honey, are you all right? I went to the emergency room looking for you.
Laura: I'm ok, I'm ok. It's nothing.
Brooke: Well, Erica said that you told her that you're hypoglycemic?
Laura: I was. I am.
Brooke: Well, did the doctor tell you that or --
Laura: Yes. But I'm fine, I'm fine. I'm sorry you had to worry.
Erica: Bianca? What are you doing?
Bianca: Nothing, Mom, nothing.
Brooke: You know, there seems to be a whole lot of "nothing" going on here. What is that? Are you on-line?
Laura: It's just -- it's a stupid web site. Some people think they're funny and they're not. Bianca and I went to a party and they took pictures of us and they posted it on the web. It's so lame.
Erica: Who did this, Bianca? What, did kids do something to you? What did they do to you, Bianca?
Bianca: Leave it alone. Leave it alone, Mom.
Erica: Oh, no.
Brooke: "Bianca's lover"? Addicted to Ecstasy? What? What is this?
Laura: It's a lie. It's a lie. They made it up. They said that they got it all from Bianca's journal, I mean, like that could really happen.
Erica: "When Laura hugged me, I felt something. It's been a long time since I felt something like that, since Sarah held me in her arms."
Laura: They made it up. Those idiots, they made it up, right, Bianca? I mean, that's not really from your journal. Is it? Oh, no. Bianca.

Ryan: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Gillian: What?
Ryan: Want to neck?
Gillian: Excuse me?
Ryan: Old American custom. You make out in the car and you hope the cops don't catch you.
Gillian: Yeah? Well, I'll perform any American custom you want me to, Husband.
Ryan: Is that right?
Gillian: Mm-hmm.
Ryan: Well, then how about we go back to the yacht and I come look for your cameo tomorrow?
Gillian: Oh, I would sleep so much better if I get the cameo first, and then we can -- we can knock on the yacht later at home.
Ryan: Neck, Gillian, neck
. Gillian: Whatever would I do with my keys? I can't find them.
Ryan: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait, wait, wait, wait, the door's unlocked.
Gillian: Ryan, let's just --
Ryan: Dimitri? Edmund?
Gillian: This persecution complex that you've developed is really starting to worry me, Baby.
Ryan: Just stay here, all right? Just wait one second. I'll be right back.
Gillian: It's ok that the door's open, you know? We're not staying here anymore, so maybe Dimitri just wanted to leave it open to get some air into the room.
Ryan: Hello?
Gillian: Hello?
Gillian: See? No monsters.
Ryan: All right, let's just find your cameo and let's get out of here, all right?
Gillian: Yes, sir.

Dimitri: Hello? Who's there?
Gillian: Hey, Dimitri, Alex, it's just me and Ryan.
Dimitri and Alex: Hi.
Gillian: Hi. Oh, no, don't tell me -- did you guys come all the way from the house to check up on us?
Dimitri: Well, actually, we were just walking around the grounds and I saw a light on up here. Is everything ok?
Ryan: Gillian misplaced her cameo.
Gillian: I insisted we come up here to look for it tonight.
Alex: Oh. Was it your great-great-grandma's cameo?
Gillian: See? Alex understands.
Dimitri: Ok, ok, well, let's have a look.
Gillian: Yeah, I thought I had it here, but I can't seem to find it. Ever since the wedding, it's just gone.
Alex: Well, it can't have disappeared, can it?
Gillian: Well --

Dimitri: Listen, we actually just came from the police.
Ryan: About Bart?
Dimitri: Mm-hmm. Apparently, they're going to do an autopsy after all.
Ryan: How's Anna?
Dimitri: She's very distraught. Alex is extremely concerned about Anna's state of mind, so we've increased security.
Dimitri: All right. So I've done everything I can to secure the estate, but Alex is still extremely worried about Anna's psychological well-being, so -- you know what? Let me close this window. Supposed to rain later.

Leo: Greenlee, this is me and you.
Greenlee: I know.
Leo: This is me and you and a marriage license. I mean, come on, it's -- it's not us. It's not who we are, and you know it.
Greenlee: So you didn't mean anything that you said to me tonight?
Leo: What? When? No! Well, yes, I meant every -- what are you saying?
Greenlee: Did you tell me you loved me last night at the Valley Inn just to get me back in bed?
Leo: No.
Greenlee: Then why did you say it?
Leo: Because it's the truth! I do love -- I totally -- I love, love, love you, Greenlee!
Greenlee: But not enough to marry me.
Leo: Well, since when does marriage even come into the equation?
Greenlee: Oh, I should have known better.
Leo: No, don't mix up the messages here, Greenlee. My -- my loving you and wanting to marry you are mutually exclusive. They have nothing to do with each other.
Greenlee: This is so typical! You freaked out when it came down to moving in together.
Leo: I do want to live with you!
Greenlee: In sin?
Leo: It -- what, are we all of a sudden religion fanatics?
Greenlee: Yeah, you want to live with me, you love me --
Leo: Yes!
Greenlee: But you don't want to marry me.
Leo: Yes. Double yes.
Greenlee: You don't want to marry me?
Leo: Greenlee, that's -- that's not what I'm saying. Look, we don't need wedding rings to prove how much we love each other.
Greenlee: Oh, that is such a cop-out!
Leo: That is so not a cop-out, Greenlee. I want a unique life that we create with the rules we write. I don't want to live up to anybody else's expectations. I want to live up to ours. Greenlee, when we made love just now, didn't you -- didn't you feel what I feel for you?
Greenlee: Yes.
Leo: And have you ever felt that for anybody else before?
Greenlee: No. Leo --
Leo: Greenlee, t me show you again how much I love you. Let me love you the way I know how.

Brooke: "I can't believe this is happening to me again, and I know how much I want to be with Laura. Even though she was high on X and hugging me for all the wrong reasons, all I could think of was 'never let go.'" Laura? Are you taking Ecstasy?
Laura: No.
Brooke: Were you high at this party?
Laura: Mom, no. I told you, those are a bunch of lame girls from school who have nothing better to do than make up lies about people who aren't anything like them. Bianca, tell my mother how sick those girls are. Tell my mother how Shannon made the whole thing up. Bianca?
Bianca: I can't.
Brooke: Oh, my God.
Bianca: I'm sorry, Laura.
Erica: Bianca, are you saying that --
Bianca: It's from my journal. I don't know how they got it. I don't know who would be so hateful. I -- I never meant for this to happen, ok?
Erica: Honey, we will get through this. I swear we will. Laura, are you an addict?
Brooke: Erica!
Laura: Oh, man.
Bianca: Mom, she's not an addict. She -- she took X and I knew about it.
Erica: So you lied to me.
Bianca: Mom, would you just stay out of this, please?
Erica: No, I will not stay out of this! Look what happened today at the high school! You sat there, you allowed her to volunteer for my teens against addiction program!
Bianca: Mom, you volunteered her for her! She didn't have a choice!
Erica: Laura, do you know what a horrible position you have put my daughter in?
Brooke: Erica, please.
Honey, I want to talk about this, ok? I don't want to do it here in front of them, though.
Laura: Mom, I just took X and I just did it a couple of times.
Brooke: You just took X? Do you hear yourself?
Laura: What? Like you didn't smoke pot or anything else when you were my age?
Brooke: This is not about me, Laura, all right? And I will be happy to talk to you about anything that you want to talk about as soon as we get down to why you would take such a dangerous drug like Ecstasy.
Laura: Mom, it's not like I'm smoking crack or anything. It's not that big of a deal.
Brooke: It is a big deal! We're going home. Let's go.

Erica: This is all your fault.
Brooke: You stay away from my daughter! I mean it!
Erica: Don't you threaten me in my house!
Brooke: Well, don't you blame my daughter when you don't even know all of the facts. And as far as I know about your daughter, she is perfectly capable of making her own decisions and choices.
Erica: You heard everything I heard, Brooke. Why don't you take off your blinders and face the facts?
Brooke: Before you blame my daughter for everything that's wrong in the world, why don't you ask your own daughter why she was at a party in the first place when she is so against drugs? And as far as how I take care of my daughter, I can take care of her myself. I don't need any help from you.
Erica: Is has nothing to do with Bianca. This is all about your daughter, Brooke.
Brooke: What are you talking about? For God's sake, Erica, they were both at the same party. You cannot punt this!
Erica: Bianca was lured to that party by Laura, that much is clear!
Brooke: Yeah, it's clear to who?
Erica: Laura probably tried to get Bianca to take drugs, too, because misery likes company!
Brooke: Look, can we just handle this like normal human beings? I will talk to my daughter and you will talk to yours.
Erica: Talk? You think that talk is going to change anything? Look, Brooke, I know about drug addiction, I know about drug abuse. I know about it. I'm sorry I know about it, but I know way too much out it.

Vanessa: What is it now, Roger?
Roger: Do you really want me to repeat myself?
Vanessa: So you want my son to marry your daughter so somehow, after they get married, I can cut you in on what you so quaintly refer to as Greenlee's dowry?
Roger: You were listening. That's marvelous.
Vanessa: Yes. Well, Roger, don't you think it's a little backwards, a little cart-before-the-horse?
Roger: How so?
Vanessa: Well, first of all, how can you reappropriate your in-laws' money through me and my son?
Roger: Oh, don't you patronize me, Vanessa. Don't you think I know a scam when I see one?
Vanessa: Oh, well, I just think you're bored and you have nothing better to do with your time.
Roger: You and your son cut a swath through Europe, bilking every available rich and stupid family you could meet. I know this. It's legend in our circles.
Vanessa: Well, Darling, I hardly think we travel in the same circles.
Roger: You know very well that we do, Darling, and I know how the game is played. You came to this one-horse town because there is a decided spike per capita in old money here. You went after Palmer Cortlandt and then you forced your son on to my daughter.
Vanessa: Oh. Oh, yes, who you just treasure so deeply.
Roger: I do treasure Greenlee.
Vanessa: Yeah, you treasure her trust fund. You know, Roger, you've lived a very privileged and leisurely life and now wifey has dumped you. Cut you off, cashed you out? And you're just desperately looking for some way to reconnect with that -- hmm -- never-ending income. So you're actually going to resort to bilking your own flesh and blood in the most underhanded and inappropriate scheme concocted by a man. Really, Roger, it is pathetic.
Roger: Look, it's no secret that I'm suffering some embarrassment financially right now, but if you were to help me, Darling --
Vanessa: I can't. And I wouldn't even if I could.
Roger: I am warning you, Vanessa --
Vanessa: All right, you just listen to me for a minute, Roger. I cannot help you. Your plan, this inane plan, involves my son marrying your daughter, which is not about to happen in this century!
Roger: You know, I'm wondering, has he told you as much?
Vanessa: He didn't have to.
Roger: Because I'm here to tell you that they are very together and very ready for the next step.
Vanessa: Well, then I'm going to tell you that you're badly mistaken.
Roger: I know what I saw, Vanessa.
Vanessa: Oh, please excuse me.
Roger: Our children are deeply in love, my dear. I saw it tonight with my own eyes. Well. Well, what do you know? I guess I finally have your attention, don't I?

Greenlee: Hold it.
Leo: Greenlee --
Greenlee: Where is it written that marriage has to be conventional?
Leo: Look, face it, Greenlee -- marriage does not work. Those couples that you see married for, like, 60 years, that's a freak of nature. Like I said before, you believe that your parents got married because they adored each other and that's why they ignored you, but what's left of that relationship now? A lawsuit. My mother married Palmer, hoping that he'd have croaked by now, but the guy's like a machine. He's going to live to be, like, 110. Tad and Dixie? Splits. Adam and Liza? It's a train wreck waiting to happen, Greenlee. It's all a bunch of hooey.
Greenlee: Leo --
Leo: Look, listen to me -- Greenlee, we can rise above all that. We can be fabulous forever. We don't need the rice or the rings or the homeowner's insurance to prove it, ok? We can make it up as we go along. We'll never get bored. Can't you see that? We don't need a marriage license. We have each other.
Greenlee: I need it. I do.
Leo: Greenlee, don't say "I do." Those two words are the beginning of the end of a billion good relationships that didn't have to die.
Greenlee: What if I want all that? Doesn't that matter?
Leo: You don't want all that, Greenlee.
Greenlee: How do you know?
Leo: Because I know you.
Greenlee: I know you, too, and something is different.
Leo: What are you talking about?
Greenlee: I feel something different coming from you and I'm nervous about it.
Leo: Greenlee, everything's different. I told you I loved you tonight.
Greenlee: But why did you say it? Why now? Tell me what's really going on, Leo, please.

Dimitri: Hey. I thought I closed this window and locked it before we went to the police station.
Ryan: The door was unlocked when we got here, too.
Dimitri: It was?
Ryan: Uh-huh.
Dimitri: All right, you know what? It's nothing, Ryan. It's nothing. We can't overreact to everything. We're going to drive ourselves crazy.
Ryan: You still think Bart died of a heart attack?

[Dimitri sighs]

Dimitri: That I don't know.
Ryan: I hate keeping this from Gillian, Dimitri.
Dimitri: I know, but right now, for Anna's safety, this is what we got to do.
Ryan: Know what? I'm just going to keep her away from here from now on.
Dimitri: I know you're trying to do that. That's why I was surprised when I saw your car outside.
Ryan: The cameo meant a lot to her. I thought it would be suspicious if I kept refusing to come here.
Dimitri: No, no, Ryan, you did the right thing, you did. And like I said, I've increased security, so I feel a lot better about things.
Ryan: Really? What have you done?
Dimitri: Well, we updated the electronic system and hired a couple of really nasty guard dogs.

[Dogs bark]

Gillian: What on earth?
Ryan: It's ok. It's ok, Gillian. Dimitri and Alex hired a new security team. They've got some guard dogs. I'm sure they're just doing a training run or something like that.
Dimitri: Yeah, probably.
Alex: Right.
Gillian: Guard dogs? They sound vicious.
Dimitri: Well, that is the idea, right?
Gillian: Well, it seems like they're coming closer. What could they have found? You know what? This is useless.
Alex: What is?
Gillian: This, this. My cameo's not here and you two seem so serious.
Dimitri: Hmm? What?
Alex: We do?
Gillian: Yeah. Yeah, and you're depressed and overwrought and --
Dimitri: Well, Gillian, you know --
Gillian: It's --
Alex: It was the guard, Bart, passing away and everything.
Dimitri: Yeah.
Gillian: Well, then maybe you guys need to take a break. Maybe it's a -- a great idea that we came after all, right?

Roger: Look at my lip.
Vanessa: Tsk, tsk.
Roger: Hmm? I think I have a welt, courtesy of your son.
Vanessa: Well, Leo doesn't suffer fools lightly.
Roger: I'm telling you that our respective offspring are head-over-heels in love.
Vanessa: Well, I'm not really certain yours is capable of it. But in any event, it's not news to me because Leo has already told me he does love Greenlee.
Roger: So don't you think a proposal will follow that, my dear?
Vanessa: No, I do not, and that's all there is to that.
Roger: This isn't over, Vanessa.
Vanessa: And I'm telling you it is. This inane plan for my son to marry your daughter is never going to happen because the man in question will not marry the girl. So will you please leave me alone? You know, you're really boring me to tears.
Roger: You know what? You have run far too many scams not to have made a mistake somewhere alone the line. I'll find that mistake. And when I do, I think you'll really enjoy doing business with me.
Vanessa: Oh-ho.
Roger: Don't underestimate me. I do some of my best work under pressure.
Vanessa: Hmm.

Leo: No, you can forget about being partners in crime. I'm not working with you ever again.
Vanessa's voice: Why not just stay with Greenlee and let her take care of all these things?
Leo: It's out of the question. Forget it.
Vanessa: Why? She's mad about you. She's dying to give you -- keep you accustomed to the lifestyle that you know so well. All I'm asking you to do, darling, is accept your good fortune.
Leo: And give you a cut?
Vanessa: Oh, what is it? You don't want to share now? I shared.
Leo: No, no, no, that's not it.
Vanessa: Then what is it, Leo, your conscience oh, Darling, please. This is working better than either one of us ever even dreamed.
Leo: No, there is no plan, Vanessa.
Vanessa: Well, then there is no discussion. Because I'm not going stand by and let you throw away one once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Leo: I love her, Mother. I love Greenlee so much. And I don't care what you do or you say or you think. You're not going to control me anymore. I love her. And I'm not going to do anything to hurt her.

Greenlee: I know I'm right. Something has changed for you.
Leo: Greenlee -- I love you.
Greenlee: Stop saying that.
Leo: Stop saying that?
Greenlee: Show me how, show me why. Tell me what it is that made you come to me tonight and tell me that you love me.
Leo: It's just -- I haven't been a saint, ok?
Greenlee: That again? I don't care what you did before or who you did it with. I don't care, I don't care, I don't care!
Leo: It's just that, Greenlee, you don't know everything that there is to know about me, and I'm wondering --
Greenlee: It doesn't matter, ok? There is nothing that you can say to me that would make me not want to be with you -- nothing.
Leo: I believe you. I really do. But --
Greenlee: Then what are we afraid of, Leo?

Laura: It's ok. You look fine.
Bianca: Are they still fighting in there? I just couldn't take any more.
Laura: You know, Bianca, we talked about this before, right? I mean, I thought you -- I mean, I didn't think you liked me like that at all. I ought we cleared that stuff up.
Bianca: Laura, I know you're not gay, so, yeah, we cleared that stuff up.
Laura: But that stuff that you wrote about me in your journal --
Bianca: If I asked you to forget about it, would you?
Laura: How can I forget that?
Bianca: Because you were never supposed to see that, Laura. No one was. No one on earth. Those are my private thoughts. I didn't want you or my mother or your mother or the freaking internet to look at them.
Bianca: What? What do you want?
Laura: Nothing. I don't want anything.
Bianca: You wanted to come over and -- and be closer to me and you stopped yourself. Now that you know how I really feel, you can't even touch me anymore, right?
Laura: Bianca, cut it out.
Bianca: No, you cut it out! What did you think I would do to you, Laura? Did you think that if you came over here and hugged me, I would grab you and plant one on you or something?
Laura: Don't be like that.
Bianca: Don't be like what, gay? I am gay and I have feelings for you! You were never supposed to know about them! So what do we do now?
Laura: I don't know, Bianca. The way I see it, since we're not friends anymore, according to you, we don't really have to do anything about the way you feel about me. You said you didn't want to talk to me ever again. So I guess this is what you wanted, right?
Bianca: Right now, all I want is to disappear. And I want my father back and I would like there to be one person on this earth who could understand me.
Laura: I'm -- if you'd let me, I want to help you.
Bianca: You know, Laura, I don't want your sympathy.
Laura: I know. I want to understand what you're feeling and I want us to be friends again. I really do. I care about you, Bianca. Please let me help.
Bianca: All right. If you want to help me, then forget about this, ok?

Erica: Bianca, they're leaving.
Laura: Mom, I'm just trying to talk to Bianca.
Brooke: Now, Laura. Let's go.
Erica: Laura's older. She should know better. And she should never have involved you in her problems. And as for that Shannon and her hateful friends, I mean, believe me --

Bianca: Mom, could you just stay out of it, please?
Erica: Honey, it's cold. Come on, let's go in.
Bianca: Mom, don't you have to make some calls?
Erica: Calls?
Bianca: Yeah, damage control. Don't you have to head off this story before it hits the press?
Erica: All right, I'll wait for you inside, till you feel like talking.

Gillian: Will you guys be our incredibledream guinea pigs?
Dimitri: Hmm.
Ryan: That is a great idea.
Gillian: Yeah! So tomorrow we can take a cruise out to nowhere and -- and that way we can practice before we open up to the market and clients to pay.
Alex: Well, we'd pay you.
Dimitri: Oh, absolutely.
Ryan: Absolutely not. That would be a deal-breaker. No, this is our way to say thank you for everything you did for the wedding. Plus, you're doing us another favor. You're letting us try this out on people that wouldn't really mind if we made a mistake or two.
Dimitri: Ahem.
Gillian: Or 10.
Alex: Well, let's see.
Gillian: But it would still be fun.
Dimitri: Ryan, listen, no disrespect intended, but I know you're trying to raise some capital here. I mean, what if Adam Chandler finds out about this?
Ryan: Don't worry about it, don't worry about it. I have a fund put aside for research and development. Adam will never know the difference.
Alex: Are you sure?
Ryan: Yes, I'm positive. He gave me one mandate -- to make incredibledreams work.
Dimitri: Hmm.
Alex: Oh. Well, I'm up for it.
Dimitri: Yeah? Well, I'm not going to turn down free travel. Sounds great to me, so --
Alex: Cool.
Gillian: Cool.
Dimitri: Oh, what should I bring?
Alex: It's a day trip, Darling.
Ryan: Just bring yourselves.

Ryan: That was a good idea.
Gillian: Yeah, I thought so, too.
Ryan: Hey, you going to be all right leaving here without your cameo?
Gillian: Yeah. It's not here.
Ryan: Ok. Ahem. Well, we'd better get going, then. We've got guests tomorrow.

Greenlee: I'll tell you what we have to be afraid of, Leo -- nothing. Because it's right with us. I don't have anything to worry about ever again as long as I know that when I wake up in the morning and when I go to sleep at night, you're next to me. And if you're next to me as my husband with a ring on your finger and another on mine, I'll know that I didn't try and make us happen, I let us happen. For once in my life, I didn't try and force something that wasn't there. I was just given a gift of what was. Listen to me, Leo -- it won't be perfect. It can't be. But we could make it great. If you marry me, I'll screw something up at least once a day and get forgiven. I'll burn some stupid dinner I never should've tried to cook and you won't care. I'll lie on a beach, holding your hand while the water touches our feet, and I'll just squeeze your hand to let you know that all I want, ever, is to be next to you. And then you'll laugh at me and tell me I'm crazy and you'll kiss me so hard that my knees will go weak. If you stay with me, Leo, I'll have your children. And we'll raise them with all the love that both of us never knew. I'll get stretch marks and you won't care. I won't care. All I'll care about is you. Let me make love with you forever, Leo. Let me be your wife. What?
Leo: I'll do it.
Greenlee: I -- I -- I -- Leo: You ran out of words after that last stand, huh, Greenlee?
Greenlee: You -- you mean it?
Leo: Well, frankly, I think I'd be taking my life in my hands if I said no to you now.
Greenlee: I don't want you to marry me if you don't want to marry me.
Leo: No, no, no, there's one thing you need to remember about me, Greenlee -- I don't do anything I don't want to do.
Greenlee: Oh, my God. Oh, my God!
Leo: You can stop freaking out on me.
Greenlee: I can't believe it!
Leo: Stop that.
Greenlee: You're incredible. I am so happy. I have never been so happy in my whole life!
Leo: I want you to be happy.
Greenlee: I want us to be happy.
Leo: We are, we are.
Greenlee: And we always will be, I swear. We're engaged.
Leo: We're going to get married.
Greenlee: Oh! I love you so much!
Leo: I love you. I love you more than anything.

Erica: Yes, Jackson Montgomery, please. Jack, it's Erica. Yes. Yes, I am upset. It's happening. What I was afraid of for Bianca. Oh, Jack, they're hurting her.

Ryan: Bet we find your cameo at home.
Gillian: It's not there, Ryan, I know.
Ryan: Well, then I'll buy you a new one. I know, I know, I know. I know it won't be a family heirloom, but how about this -- how about I buy you a new one and we can make our own new memories, and then your great-great-granddaughter can lose it.
Gillian: Come on, just take me home, you silly boy.

[Car starts]


Liza: There's a part of me that will always love you.
Adam: Really? Would you care to elaborate?

Bianca: And you're going to get everything you deserve.

Greenlee: We're engaged!

Ryan: Welcome aboard!

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