APRIL 24, 2001

Greenlee: My fiancée and I would like two cappuccinos, please.
Waiter: Yes, Ms. Smythe.
Greenlee: Ah! Doesn't that sound scrumptious?
Leo: Thing like cappuccino to start the day, Greenlee.
Greenlee: I mean "my fiancée."
Leo: Oh.
Greenlee: I've never said those words before, and it's all because of you.
Leo: You're the one who proposed.
Greenlee: You accepted.
Leo: That's because I love you.
Greenlee: Oh.
Leo: So when should we tie the knot that binds? June?
Greenlee: Everybody gets married in June. There are 11 other months to choose from.
Leo: Well, which month is the penthouse going to be finished? It's kind of hard to be a romantic with Jake walking around fixing blenders and giving me the evil eye. You know what I mean?
Greenlee: Maybe we can move onto the yacht.
Leo: Well, considering how Ryan and Gillian feel about us, it wouldn't exactly be the love boat.
Greenlee: Well, there must be some way to convince them to let you move back.
Leo: Right now I'd rather concentrate on you.

Tad: Perfect. Just what I need -- Hayward's little brother for lunch. I need to --
Liza: No, wait, wait.
Tad: I'm not going to start a food fight. I'm just going to ask about David's legal problems, that's all.
Liza: Leave Leo alone.
Tad: I'm just going to --
Liza: He has his hands full. Just sit down for -- sit down.
Tad: Ok, fine.
Liza: Why did you invite me to lunch?
Tad: Well, I know that Dixie told you that I asked her for a divorce.
Liza: Yeah. She was a wreck about it.
Tad: Yeah, well, thankfully, there's been a change of plans. She asked me to wait, and we've both decided to hold off until we're sure that it's what we want.
Liza: That's good.
Tad: It's better than that. It's more than I could ever have possibly hoped for. So now I got to make sure I don't make any mistakes.
Liza: You won't.
Tad: I know. I have to beg you for a leave of absence.
Liza: No. No, I -- I can't -- I can't do it. I can't let you go. No.

[Girls laugh]

[Bell rings]

Man: Well, that concludes the tour. Welcome aboard, Mrs. Martin.
Dixie: Thank you so much. I really appreciate the opportunity.
Man: Yeah, well, with your resume and references and your past experience, I should be thanking you. It is very difficult to find dedicated substitute teachers.

[Girls laugh]

Man: Excuse me. Uh, girls? Shouldn't you be in class?
Shannon: Hi, Mr. St. Clair. No, it's our free period.
Heather: We're putting up fliers for the pep rally.
Mindy: Yeah.
Mr. St. Clair: All right. Well, carry on.
Heather: Ok, thanks. Bye. Ok.

Mr. St. Clair: You know, we've got a lot of really good kids at this school, including your son.
Dixie: Oh, yeah. I'm -- I'm very proud of JR
Mr. St. Clair: Yeah, well, you should be. You know, that reminds me -- Mrs. Ullman teaches JR.'s Civics class, and she's going to be taking a personal day this week. Would you like to cover for her?
Dixie: You know, as much as I'd love to get started, I'd prefer not to be assigned to any of JR's classes. Parents can be an embarrassment under the best circumstances.
Mr. St. Clair: Oh, I understand. But since JR won't be back until next week, it shouldn't be a problem.
Dixie: Be back?
Mr. St. Clair: Yeah. When Mr. Chandler requested that he be allowed a week off, I knew that JR would be able to make up the work. I only hope he's having a good time.
Dixie: Ah. Well, I can't wait to hear all about it.
Mr. St. Clair: So, now, if you can fill out your paperwork, we'll get you on the payroll.
Dixie: Great.

[Girls laugh]

Heather: Bianca, Bianca -- ahem.
Shannon: Hey, Bianca. Is something wrong?
Bianca: What do you think?
Shannon: If there's a problem, you can talk to me. You're my sponsor. I owe you.
Bianca: Well, now I owe you.
Shannon: You do?
Bianca: And you're going to get everything you deserve. Shannon: What are you talking about?
Bianca: "Bianca's dark secret -- her lover, Laura English, is a drug-addicted X freak." Gee, thanks for telling me about the web site. Did you think that I wouldn't figure out that you did it?
Shannon: You're spacing.
Bianca: "BabyKaneExposed"? I know you set up that web site.
Shannon: I didn't.
Bianca: You're busted. You're so busted. Don't even think about lying to me.

[Knock on door]

Edmund: Hello, anybody home?
Anna: Hi, come in.
Edmund: Hi.
Anna: When did you get back?
Edmund: Late last night.
Anna: Oh, right. You were doing some research?
Edmund: Yeah -- "Tempo," in Washington.
Anna: And now you're back, ready to keep an eye on me.
Edmund: It's not that, Anna.
Anna: Oh, come on. We both know that Alex and Dimitri would never have gone on that little cruise if you weren't here.
Edmund: You miss him, don't you? I'm sorry I wasn't here when Bart died.
Anna: Yeah, well -- you know, all the years we were together, he never left my side once. And when he needed me the most, I wasn't there for him.
Edmund: Well, if it's any small comfort, I -- I heard he didn't suffer. Alex said it was a heart attack.
Anna: Yeah, if that's what it was.
Edmund: You have doubts?
Anna: Yeah, with everything that's happened. What if he was murdered?

Gillian: Whoo! It's more like winter outside than spring.
Ryan: Yeah. Let's just hope it doesn't rain. I want everything to be perfect for our little voyage.
Gillian: Yeah?
Ryan: Ok, I've got a little champagne chilling. I've got -- all right. What's the matter?
Gillian: What if my cooking is terrible? Or they get seasick or I fall overboard?
Ryan: Ahem. Don't worry about it, all right? It's just Dimitri and Alex. They know it's just a trial run for a romantic cruise.
Gillian: I know, which is why I want it to be perfect. They gave us a gorgeous wedding, and I want to spoil them, too.
Ryan: Where'd you get the flowers?
Gillian: Wildwind. They're Alex's favorite. And did you know that Dimitri gave her a whole bouquet of lilies when they were courting?
Ryan: You have done your research.
Gillian: Yeah. I want them to remember happier times.
Ryan: Well -- ahem -- don't you worry about it. This cruise, we'll give them a cruise that they will never forget.
Gillian: You know, maybe they'll confide in us what's been bothering them. Maybe we can help them.
Ryan: No, this is a pleasure cruise. You know, I think we want to take them away from their problems.
Gillian: Yeah, you're right.

Dimitri: Ahoy, Mates.
Ryan: Welcome aboard!
Alex: Hi!
Gillian: Welcome!
Alex: Thanks for planning our great escape.
Ryan: Oh, our pleasure. Good to see you.
Alex: Hello, Darling.
Gillian: Hi!
Dimitri: Hi.
Gillian: Good to see you guys.
Dimitri: When do we weigh anchor, skip?
Ryan: Soon, soon. We're still refueling, but make yourselves comfortable and we'll let you know.
Dimitri: We'd love to. Thank you.

Gillian: Um -- would you come help me in the galley?
Ryan: Absolutely.
Gillian: Yeah? Come on.

Dimitri: Thinking about Anna, aren't you?
Alex: I was actually thinking about the last time I was here.
Dimitri: Yeah -- the night you disappeared. Oh, I remember that all too well.
Alex: It was also the night I found out that my sister was still alive.

Edmund: Anna, you got any proof Bart was murdered?
Anna: It's just a feeling, you know. I mean, his gun was drawn when they found him. Why? Was there someone here? Was he defending himself?
Edmund: Have you shared this with Alex?
Anna: Oh, no. No, I've brought too much trouble into her life without pestering with this. I'm sorry, I don't mean to be morbid. I guess the autopsy will tell us everything.
Edmund: Still, I don't feel real comfortable with you staying up here all by yourself now that Bart's gone.
Anna: Oh, really? I like it up here. It gives me a sense of independence, even if it's only an illusion.
Edmund: Would you mind if I got you another bodyguard?
Anna: Oh. Someone to watch over me everywhere I go? No, I don't think so. Besides, we've got this whole new security system, don't we? And the dogs? I think that's more than enough.
Edmund: You're vulnerable up here.
Anna: No, I'm not. I can take care of myself. I know my memory might still be a little AWOL, but the rest of me is perfectly fit. If there's any trouble, I can handle it. You don't believe me?
Edmund: Oh --

Shannon: This is totally bogus. You're my sponsor.
Bianca: Oh, please. That was just an excuse to get what you were really after.
Heather: What could you have that Shannon would possibly want?
Bianca: My journal. Isn't that why you came to my house that day?
Shannon: I needed to talk. I mean, I was going to go to a meeting, remember?
Bianca: That was totally for my benefit. The gardener found the schedule that I gave you in the bushes.
Mindy: What schedule?
Bianca: You know, the journal wasn't enough, was it? You needed the photograph, too. You took that.
Mindy: Me?
Bianca: Yeah, at the boathouse, of Laura hugging me.
Mindy: No, that was for the yearbook, I swear it!
Bianca: That was for the web site.
Mindy: It wasn't my idea. Shannon told me to --
Shannon: Shut up, Mindy!
Bianca: You guys are, like, dumb and dumber. Did you really think that you were going to get away with it?
Heather: So what if there's a web site? It's all true. You're the freak.
Mindy: Yeah.
Heather: You're just ticked off because you've been outed. You totally ratted on Shannon taking Ecstasy because you're jealous of her. Well, Laura takes Ecstasy and you don't have a problem with it. What's up with that?
Shannon: It probably takes X to make Laura more willing.

[Girls laugh]

Bianca: I want my journal back.
Shannon: And your mama wishes you were straight. Which do you think is going to happen first?
Bianca: I know that you took my keys, went into my house and stole my journal. That's trespassing and theft.
Mindy: Can't you take a joke?
Bianca: If I don't get my journal back by tonight, I'm calling the police.
Shannon: Yeah, right.
Bianca: And I'll give them your name first.

Tad: Look, Liza, it's not a big deal. I'm just asking for a little time off so I can focus on my marriage.
Liza: I'm not going to let you abandon Chandler.
Tad: I'm not abandoning Chandler. Ok? Look, it's just -- it's just for a little while. And I know damn well you can get by without me.
Liza: In case you haven't noticed, I have been. You've been obsessing about David and Dixie for so long that you have not made Chandler a priority.
Tad: Well, I'm sorry.
Liza: I'm not blaming you. I'm just saying I need you back full-time.
Tad: But our work together was part of the trouble in my marriage in the first place.
Liza: You know what? Make it part of the solution.
Tad: What is that supposed to mean?
Liza: It means that in case you've forgotten, you're good at what you do. You love your work. You do great work. Use it to reclaim your life.
Tad: Yeah, well, how do you suggest I do that? I was under the impression I had made such a mess of everything, I kind of needed a fresh start.
Liza: Oh, so you were just going to walk away? That worked so well before.
Tad: Point taken.
Liza: Listen, Dixie has the right idea. She's a good teacher. She does well at it. She knows she does. She's going to use her teaching to figure out who she is. Do the same. Dig in, get involved with Chandler, figure out what's important to you. Finding out who you are as individuals is the only way that you and Dixie are going to have a future together.

Greenlee: If the Fidelity's not an option, let's take one of the penthouse suites here.
Leo: Greenlee, are you forgetting? My mother lives here, and so does your father. It'd be like hell with room service.
Greenlee: There's something to be said for room service -- breakfasts in bed, lunches in bed, dinners in bed.
Leo: Yeah, we, as nice as that sounds, we cannot move into the enemy's territory, ok?
Greenlee: Vanessa likes me, and she's going to be thrilled that we're engaged.
Leo: Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of. First she's going to want to choose the china pattern. Then she's going to want to choose the crystal and then the silver and then, of course, there's the stationery and the linens --
Greenlee: I can handle Vanessa.
Leo: Greenlee, you haven't had to deal with my mother at full-strength.
Greenlee: I'm about to get my chance.
Leo: Oh. Maybe she won't see us.

Greenlee: Yoo-hoo, Vanessa!
Vanessa: Oh! What a surprise, Dar-- oh!
Leo: Mother.
Vanessa: Oh -- and, Greenlee, don't you look particularly exquisite today.
Greenlee: Thank you, Vanessa. Or do you prefer "Mother?"
Vanessa: Ah! You eloped.
Greenlee: We're engaged!
Vanessa: Oh! Well don't keep me in suspense. Come on, show me the ring.
Leo: We haven't quite made it to that point yet, Mother.
Vanessa: Oh, well, don't wait too long, Darling. Believe me -- no matter what they say, bigger is better.
Leo: Thanks for the input, Vanessa.
Vanessa: Oh, oh, I hope you're going to let me plan the nuptials. Let me help -- oh, please. I know the most exquisite wedding planner -- Estie. Anyone who's anyone uses her.
Leo: Vanessa, please --
Vanessa: And I hope you're thinking New York because -- oh, one of the really impressive churches there.
Leo: Vanessa-- come on, Mother.

[Telephone rings]

Greenlee: Oh, sorry. Hello? Well, what's it doing in Spezia? Hold on. The contractor -- it's my marble. This could take a while.
Vanessa: Ah.
Greenlee: I don't care if there's a strike! All right?

Vanessa: You scamp, you. I knew you could do it.
Leo: Oh, I didn't do it for you.
Vanessa: Of course not, Darling. You did it for l'amour.
Leo: That's right.
Vanessa: Oh, Leo, think of the life you're going to live. I mean, love is so much easier when you're not on a budget.
Leo: Stop it, please.
Vanessa: Darling, I'm just thinking of you.
Leo: No, you're thinking of how you can tap into Greenlee's fortune. That's what you're thinking of.
Vanessa: Oh, please. This is such a happy occasion, Darling. Honestly, can we not turn this into a crass discussion?
Leo: Look, I've already warned you -- Greenlee's money is off-limits.

Liza: I don't know, maybe I said more than I should've. I mean, I'm concerned about you. I'm concerned about both of you.
Tad: Why? What else did you talk about?
Liza: What did she tell you?
Tad: Don't answer a question with a question. Did you talk about David?
Liza: She loves you.
Tad: Yeah, I know. Forgive me for being a pessimist, but I don't think that there's room enough in Dixie's heart for both me and Hayward. There certainly isn't room enough in my marriage.
Liza: She knows that.
Tad: What did she say?
Liza: She asked me how I got over you. Tad: You talked about you and me? What did you say?
Liza: I was honest. I admitted that there's a part of me that will always love you.
Adam: Really? Would you care to elaborate?

Shannon: If your icky journal is so important, I'll ask around. Maybe somebody knows something.
Bianca: Shannon, you'd better do better than that.
Shannon: Or what? Am I supposed to be scared?
Bianca: I'm Erica Kane's daughter. I can crash your whole world.

[Bell rings]

Mindy: Maybe Shannon should just give back the journal.
Heather: Shh!
Laura: Way to stay out of jail, Mindy.
Mindy: I didn't steal anything.
Laura: Well, then you're probably an accessory, and so are you.
Shannon: Look who's here! We've been waiting for you.
Laura: Why? Shannon: Well, you know, you and Bianca have been so nice to me lately, I just wanted to return the favor.
Heather: Ta-dum!
Ken: Whoa!
Marcus: Oh!
Ken: Who is -- look at this.
Marcus: It's the eyesore in the hallway.
Ken: Oh, my Lord!
Marcus: Look at the eyes and the hair.
Ken: Very, very talented. Very, very talented.
Heather: Yeah, isn't she?
Marcus: So nice.
Heather: She's got a great future.
Marcus: The eyes, right there.

Dimitri: Milady?
Alex: Oh, how sweet. My favorite. Mmm.
Dimitri: Hey, remember that beach town that you took me to in England?
Alex: Uh-huh. The one with the carousel?
Dimitri: Mm-hmm. I was thinking maybe we could go there next summer.
Alex: Yeah.
Dimitri: Yeah? And then we could take off to Hungary for a family reunion.
Alex: Oh. Hmm. I miss Lazlo and Bela already.
Dimitri: Believe me, they cannot wait to get you on their home turf, make a real Andrassy out of you.
Alex: Does that involve howling?
Dimitri: [Hungarian accent] Well, if you must, but only in full moon. [Normal voice] come here.
Alex: This was an excellent idea.

Gillian: So, do you guys like tea and scones?
Dimitri: Not exactly what I was in the mood for, but --
Alex: Hey! Do you have clotted cream?
Ryan: Of course we do.
Gillian: We tried to --
Alex: Impressive.
Gillian: To personalize this cruise. We want to do that for all our clients. And I wanted to re-create your first date. Do you remember what you did?
Alex: Yeah.
Dimitri: I believe it involved a rare lamb chop.
Alex: No, it didn't.
Dimitri: Yes, it did.
Ryan: Really? Well, would a rack of lamb do?
Dimitri: Mmm.
Gillian: As long as it's not Chops.
Ryan: Chops?
Gillian: Yeah, Chops -- the lamb that Lazlo and Bela gave us.
Dimitri: Believe me, if Chops made it through the wedding, I think he's going to live to see a long and happy life.
Gillian: Good. If you'll excuse me, I'm just going to go check up on things in the galley.

Dimitri: Oh, so -- come here, you -- what's our itinerary, Captain?
Ryan: I'll tell you what -- I'll go get the charts from the navigational station, and I'll show you what I had in mind.
Dimitri: Okey-doke.
Alex: I'm really glad we did this.
Dimitri: Mm-hmm. I feel like we're a million miles away from Wildwind.
Alex: Yeah. Dimitri: And I intend to make the very most of it.

Man: Aah!

Anna: Still think I'm helpless?
Edmund: I never did. Hey --

[Anna laughs]

Edmund: I just got news for you -- if they do come after you, there may be two of them.
Anna: Oh, good point.
Edmund: Yeah.
Anna: Well, come at me. Come on.
Edmund: Anna, you don't have to prove your mettle to me.
Anna: No, I'm not. I'm trying to prove that you don't have to worry about me. Come on, come at me. All right. Maybe you should surprise me. I promise I'll be gentle.
Edmund: I can't do this.
Anna: It's all right. You're not going to hurt me. I survived a boat explosion, remember? Apparently, I'm pretty tough.
Edmund: It's not that.
Anna: Good. Come on, then.
Edmund: Ahem -- no.
Anna: What's wrong?
Edmund: I've done this before. With Alex.
Anna: I'm sorry. Very thoughtless.
Edmund: No, it's not thoughtless. You had no idea. Look, just -- I'm sorry. I just -- the plane was delayed out of New York, and I can never sleep on planes.
Anna: I thought you said you were in Washington. Why did you lie?

Marcus: Guys, check this out. These are much better than the pictures I downloaded.
Shannon: What's the matter, Laura?
Laura: These pictures are --
Mindy: These aren't stolen. We downloaded these. They're free!
Bianca: Let's take them down!
Ken: Hey, hey, take it easy!
Laura: No! What, wreck the show? Oh, I'm photogenic. Check out the light in this. I'm sexy, huh?
Bianca: Laura -- Laura: You like that one? I can autograph it for you. Come on, you guys, get closer. What are you waiting for? This is your chance to get close to Laura English, right? You can reach out and touch me.
Ken: Ooh.
Marcus: All right. What a show.

Vanessa: Leo, why are you being so difficult? Every hope I've ever had for you is being fulfilled.
Waiter: Your champagne, Mr. du Pres.
Leo: Thank you.
Vanessa: Thank you. You know what? I am going to be a marvelous mother-in-law. And lord knows I'm one of the few people in town who can stand your bride-to-be.
Leo: Is this your way of scoring points?
Vanessa: Leo, I genuinely like the girl.
Leo: If she didn't have a name and a trust fund, you wouldn't give her the time of day.
Vanessa: Neither would you, my pet.
Leo: That's not true.
Vanessa: Leo, have you ever been involved seriously with a woman who wasn't filthy rich? And be honest.
Leo: I love Greenlee.
Vanessa: And good for you, Darling.
Leo: I'm not going to live off her money.
Vanessa: Ah. In love and noble, too. I am really very proud.
Leo: You're sucking up, Mother, and it's not going to work.
Vanessa: Can't I just --
Leo: You're not going to get a dime of Greenlee's money, all right?
Vanessa: Let me be happy for you for one moment!
Leo: I don't know. It's a new concept.
Vanessa: Tell me -- who else knows the good news?
Leo: You're the first.
Vanessa: I'm honored.
Leo: Don't be.
Vanessa: What do you think Greenlee's father is going to think of this match?
Leo: That's not my concern. As of now he's out of Greenlee's life, and I'm going to make sure it stays that way.

Greenlee: Hello. I missed you, fiancée
. Leo: I missed you more.
Greenlee: I missed you more.
Leo: No.
Greenlee: Do I get some?
Leo: Mm-hmm.
Vanessa: Now, I -- I would like to propose a toast to my darling son and his exquisite bride-to-be. And may your lives be rich beyond measure, with love and happiness.
Vanessa: Well, I am so anxious to get started on your trousseau. Do you think you might be free to spend the day in New York, hmm?
Greenlee: I'd love to!
Leo: She's busy.
Greenlee: I am?
Leo: Mm-hmm.
Vanessa: Oh, dear, dear. Just engaged and already playing the husband.
Leo: We have the thing over at the yacht.
Greenlee: Oh, that's right.
Vanessa: Aren't you persona non grata there?
Leo: Oh, not for long. I'm getting my job back, Mother.
Vanessa: What on earth for? I mean -- well, Ryan never really appreciated you -- your talents, did he?
Leo: No, I liked my job there. And now that I have a wife to take care of --
Vanessa: Isn't that sweet.
Leo: Good-bye, mother.
Greenlee: Bye, Vanessa.
Vanessa: Bye, darlings. That's my boy.

Roger: Celebrating?

Adam: Am I interrupting?
Liza: No. Not at all. I was just telling Tad --
Adam: How much you still love him.
Tad: A part of her.
Liza: A part of me. You are the love of my life.
Adam: And you are mine. And you are a pain in my behind that I tolerate for my wife's sake.
Tad: Ever the soul of generosity.
Adam: Well, is the pep talk over?
Liza: Adam.
Adam: When are you going to reconcile with your wife and stop whining to mine?
Tad: What do you suggest I do, hmm? Grab Dixie by the hair and drag her off to some cave?
Adam: Well, the sensitive approach doesn't seem to be working.
Tad: Thanks for the advice.
Adam: While you're mapping out your strategy to get Dixie back, you might consider JR.
Tad: I am considering JR.
Adam: Well, then why are you wasting time? The boy is in pieces over this.
Liza: All right, you know what? That's enough. Please.

Dimitri: All right, so, are we going to be able to navigate around Sunrise Island?
Ryan: Well, there's sandbars here and here.
Dimitri: Mm-hmm, yeah, and here and here and here. But is that a problem?
Ryan: You know what? If we get under way soon, the tide will be high enough that we can do it. You want to get going?
Dimitri: Anchors aweigh, my man.
Ryan: All right.
Dimitri: You want to -- you want to go outside and get some fresh air?
Alex: Oh, I was just going to have my scone.
Dimitri: Well, let's have it out on the deck.
Alex: See you in a bit.

Greenlee: Where are we going?
Ryan: We're going on a cruise. You are going back to the dock.
Leo: Ok, this will just take a second, and we'll be out of your hair.
Ryan: Leo, you're interrupting.
Leo: I thought you don't take the Fidelity out, Ryan? What gives?
Ryan: Gillian and I are trying to start this romantic cruise business, and Dimitri and Alex agreed to be our guinea pigs.
Leo: Romantic cruises? Wow, that's a phenomenal idea. Isn't that right, Greenlee?
Greenlee: Hmm, definitely.
Leo: Well, even if there are some minor problems.
Ryan: Such as?
Leo: Well, if you only take out one couple, you can't cover the costs and still expect to hit a profit. You got to take out three or four couples to make it worth your while. Isn't that right?
Gillian: Well, that's exactly what we're planning on doing, Leo.
Leo: Well, then, you've got another problem.
Ryan: And you have the answer?
Leo: That's right. You and Gillian alone can't effectively take care of the needs of all those people. You're going to need some help.
Ryan: Which would be --
Leo: du Pres at your service.
Ryan: Yeah, I don't think so.
Leo: Oh, come on, man. We make a great team! Remember when we coerced that wannabe bungee bride into another dream instead of suing us?
Ryan: How about the time you made me be your manservant?
Leo: Ah. What about the time I got Philomena to set up the computer system?
Ryan: Yeah, and you charged her to work for us.
Leo: Well, what about the time I made the Valentine's party a huge success?
Ryan: You got us involved with a loan shark and nearly killed us!
Leo: All right! Fine. I'm sorry, I messed up a few times. But, come on, I really need a place to stay. And I need the job, and I really, really need the money.
Ryan: You weren't this excited about work when you had a job. What changed?
Leo: I'm engaged. And I need to take care of my new fiancée, Ryan, Gillian.

Dixie: Hello, everyone.
Liza: Hi, Dixie.
Adam: Well, I'm glad you're here. This has gone on long enough. There's a nice table right over there, quiet and secluded. Go make up.
Dixie: Actually, Adam, I'm here to talk to you.
Adam: Why? What do you -- what do you want with me?
Dixie: Well, give me a minute and I'll tell you.
Adam: All right. If you'll excuse us for a moment.

Liza: Tad, she needs time.
Tad: How much time?
Liza: Be patient.
Adam: For God's sakes, Dixie, stop mooning at Tad and tell me what this is about.
Dixie: Well, it's about JR. Why isn't he in school?
Adam: He's fishing with Stuart.
Dixie: Fishing? What about his classes?
Adam: J.R.'S having a hard time right now.
Dixie: I know that!
Adam: Yes, you do, but you're too caught up in your own melodrama to do anything about it. Well, I've done something. There's nothing like fishing with Stuart to put things back in perspective.
Dixie: I'm not questioning Stuart's wisdom. I'm questioning yours. Do you really think it's in his best interest to miss a week's worth of school?
Adam: When was the last time you did something in our son's best interest?
Dixie: That's not fair.
Adam: Well, at least I haven't trashed a marriage because I have the hots for a felon.
Dixie: You know, I'm not going to do this, ok? Next time you take our son out of school without contacting me first, I'll see you in court.
Adam: Dixie -- Dixie, I'm sorry. Get it together before you lose more than you already have.

Roger: Aren't you going to offer me a glass of champagne?
Vanessa: You can't afford it.
Roger: Oh. I think that's all about to change.
Vanessa: Hmm.
Roger: Oh. Delicious, isn't it?
Vanessa: Hmm.
Roger: You and I -- in-laws?
Vanessa: Well, I wouldn't count on too many holiday get-togethers.
Roger: Oh, come on. Why so sour? Isn't this your dream come true?
Vanessa: Ah.
Roger: Your handsome son marrying my wealthy daughter?
Vanessa: Oh, Roger, really. This is a love match, not a lottery.
Roger: Are you cutting me out?
Vanessa: Well, according to my son, neither one of us will ever seen a penny.
Roger: Oh, I beg to differ. You see, I will gladly walk my daughter down the aisle, but I won't give her away. Oh, no, no, no, no. She's cost me far too much for that. I plan to recoup some of my investment.
Vanessa: Yeah, well, what do you have in mind?
Roger: Perhaps I'll have a little chat with Leo about the facts of life.

Laura: Come on, guys. Get closer. Yeah, this is once-in-a-lifetime stuff, huh? Hey, don't be shy. You like what you see? Yeah? Speak up. We're all waiting on you, Ken.
Shannon: They're your pictures. You like them?
Laura: Oh, I think they're hot. But they're nothing compared to what's on-line. Isn't that right, Marcus? Shannon blew it. Not only have I done X, I've done double-X, I've done triple-X, but I was younger then. Yeah, all peaches and cream -- that's part of the sicko fun, isn't it?
Bianca: Laura, why don't we get out of here.
Laura: Oh, no, no. I'm just warming up. Marcus and his buddies -- they want more, don't they? I'll finish off what Shannon started. Nothing like a bump-and-grind, right? Don't try this at home, girlies. This is strictly for professionals.
Bianca: Laura --
Mindy: What is she doing?
Laura: Oh, I'm just getting started. Like what you see so far, Marcus?
Bianca: Laura, don't do this!
Laura: Hey, you don't like it, leave.
Shannon: What a hoot. I mean, Bianca doesn't want to share her girlfriend. Why don't you guys kiss and make up. Show us what the two of you do when you sit at home watching horror flicks.
[Laura socks Shannon on the nose]

Mindy: Your nose! Her parents paid a fortune!
Shannon: I'm going to kill you! You hear me? I'm going to kill you!
Laura: Bleeding all over the hallway -- that's attractive.
Shannon: Oh, my god! I'm bleeding!
Bianca: Laura, we need to get out of here.
Laura: Oh, now you're my friend? Make up your mind.
Bianca: I want to help.
Laura: I don't need your help. Excuse me.

Marcus: That was psycho, wasn't it?
Ken: Yes, it was. This is Bianca's girlfriend?
Marcus: Yeah.
Ken: What a waste. Ridiculous.

Roger: Certainly, I deserve something.
Vanessa: For what? Neglecting Greenlee her entire life?
Roger: Oh, come on. Our children are engaged because of me.
Vanessa: Oh, you are hardly a matchmaker.
Roger: You don't understand. I had a little row with Greenlee, and I'd be willing to bet you another bottle of that fine champagne that she just leapt into Leo's arms and proposed because of it. You see, I know my daughter. She's very impulsive. That makes her easy to maneuver.
Vanessa: Yeah, well, my son is very determined to keep both of us away from her.
Roger: What, you're giving up?
Vanessa: What's that?
Roger: It's impressive, isn't it?
Vanessa: How much do you want?
Roger: A million dollars. For starters.

Anna: Why did you lie about going to New York?
Edmund: I wanted to tell you the truth.
Anna: But you didn't.
Edmund: I wanted to make sure that it was the right moment.
Anna: Now is good. Tell me.
Edmund: I went to your home.
Anna: Port Charles?
Edmund: I brought something back from your past.

Woman's voice: Please leave immediately. All personnel, you have two minutes to vacate the premises.


Ryan: You're getting married?
Gillian: You and --
Greenlee: Me!
Leo: Isn't it fabulous?
Ryan: It's something, all right.
Greenlee: How about some champagne? Don't worry. I know where it is.
Ryan: How does she know where my champagne is? Greenlee?

Gillian: What is it, Ryan?
Ryan: Uh -- it's blood.


Bianca: I've decided that I want to press charges against Shannon, Heather, and Mindy.

Anna: That's the man I remembered. Is it --

David: I knew you would come, that you wouldn't stay away.

Ryan: I'm not bleeding, but somebody sure is.

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