APRIL 25, 2001

Mr. St. Clair: The basketball game's over. You can gather your things without interruption.
Laura: I see the peepshow's gone.
Mr. St. Clair: I had one of the custodians remove them.
Laura: Yeah? Know what he did with the pictures?
Mr. St. Clair: I'm sure he disposed of them. Laura: Really? He dispose of Shannon, too? She was the one who posted them on my locker.
Mr. St. Clair: I understand she went to the hospital.
Laura: Great.
Mr. St. Clair: Laura, violent behavior will not be tolerated in this school.
Laura: Look, I told you in your office I'm really sorry I hit her. I don't remember doing it. It was like one minute she was in my face calling me these names, and the next it was too much and I lost it.
Mr. St. Clair: See, that's what concerns me, Laura. Under no circumstance can you attack another student.
Laura: But she attacked me first. She wouldn't back off. I mean, ask anybody.
Bianca: It's the truth. I was there, Mr. St. Clair. That stuff that Shannon and her group did to Laura was way out of line.
Mr. St. Clair: This district takes assault very seriously. Laura's lucky she's only getting suspended and not arrested.
Laura: Suspended?
Bianca: You can't do that.

David: Well, how am I?
Jake: Shh.
David: Keeping me in suspense for a reason?
Jake: You're not worried, are you, David?
David: Should I be?
Jake: About your heart? No. No, no, you're back in normal sinus rhythm.
David: That's good to hear. You need to work on your bedside manner, Jake.
Jake: Well, Dr. Hayward, I like to save my bedside manner for patients that matter. Now, if it were up to me, I'd have you discharged today because you're taking up valuable bed space.
David: Yeah, well, before you send me packing, have you determined the cause of my arrhythmia?
Jake: Your guess is as good as mine. But what I find puzzling is how you'd stabilize after your cardiac arrest. Then when it comes time for you to pay back your price to society, your ticker suddenly acted up.
David: "Acted up"? Is that a professional term, doctor? Maybe you should take my condition a little more seriously.
Jake: I think I'm giving your condition all the weight it deserves. But what I can't figure out is how you did it. I mean, you managed to buy yourself a little more time.
David: Excuse me?
Jake: You know, I once heard of a yogi that could stop his heart from beating and then start it up all over again. Although I'm sure that your methods are much less transcendental.
David: Oh, you know something, Jake? You probably should tread a little more lightly. You're coming dangerously close to a slander suit here.
Jake: Don't threaten me.
David: As a matter of fact, you shouldn't even be treating me, should you? I have witnesses who saw you openly attack me. I'm probably lucky to be alive. Maybe I should sue this whole damn hospital. What do you think, Jake?
Jake: Don't even think of dragging this hospital into your sick game, Hayward.

Joe: All right, what is going on here? What is going on?
Vanessa: Why are you yelling at my son? For heaven's sakes, you want to cause another heart attack?
Jake: You know what, Vanessa? I'm not yelling at your son.
Joe: I could hear you out in the hall.
Jake: Dad, he's in there talking about suing us.
Joe: Doctor, step outside, please.

Anna: Oh, that's him. That's the man I remembered. Is it --
Edmund: Robert Scorpio.
Anna: It's my husband.

Ryan: How did blood get on the floor?
Gillian: Are you ok? Could you have cut yourself?
Leo: Doesn't look like it.
Ryan: No, no, no, I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm not bleeding, but somebody sure is.
Ryan: I don't get it. I don't understand why there's blood on the floor. Where's Dimitri and Alex?
Gillian: They're on deck. You remember this afternoon we had those cases of champagne delivered? Maybe one of the delivery men cut himself.
Greenlee: Cases? Perfect. Let's open a few more bottles and toast our engagement. Please tell me it's not domestic.
Ryan: No, they're French. That's why they call them champagne. And they're not for you.
Greenlee: Leo --

Leo: Come on, guys. Look, I know that Greenlee says things sometimes that she probably shouldn't, but that's one of the reasons I love her and I'm going to marry her. Hopefully you guys can give her another chance. Our friendship means a lot to me and I'd really like to keep it.
Ryan: We're cool, Leo.
Leo: Yeah, but what I'm asking is if you could be cool with Greenlee, too. We're together now, please.
Ryan: Well, nobody can tell you who to love, so congratulations. I hope you two bring out the best in each other. God knows we're in trouble if you don't.
Leo: Thank you.

Gillian: Well, Greenlee, I will never forget how you helped me that night when the car got stranded.
Greenlee: Yeah, well, all I did was walk to a pay phone and call 911.
Gillian: You saved my life. Twice, actually.
Greenlee: I did?
Ryan: We never thanked you for calling the cops when those guys hijacked the yacht. Leo told us.
Greenlee: Yeah, well, I'm good with a phone.

Leo: See, isn't this great, everybody just getting along? I love it.
Ryan: There's another upside to you guys sticking around. We have to, you know, get used to dealing with very difficult passengers on our boat cruises, so we can practice with Greenlee.
Greenlee: Ha, ha. Very funny.
Leo: Wait a second. Did you just say "we?" Like -- like, as in we?
Ryan: Yeah, welcome back, man.
Gillian: And welcome home.
Leo: Yeah. All right. All right.
Greenlee: Well, can we at least toast to that?
Ryan: Yeah, I'll get the champagne. There they are! Champagne for everybody!

Alex: Ooh, what are we celebrating?
Greenlee: Leo and I are getting married.
Alex: Oh, congratulations.
Greenlee: And Leo's return to
Dimitri: Well, that is good news. Congratulations.
Alex: When's the wedding?
Greenlee: Oh, we haven't set a date yet. It just happened. I haven't even picked out a ring, but I can't wait.
Gillian: Well, if you want to have a big wedding, you'd better start planning right now.
Greenlee: Oh, yeah.

Ryan: You sure about this, man?
Leo: Oh, yeah, yeah. Absolutely.
Ryan: Well, what happened? You know, I remember you were almost, you know, getting together with Laura. I thought you and Greenlee were done.
Leo: Yeah, well, I still had it really bad for Greenlee. You know, Laura and I both knew it. After your wedding, we went back to the chapel and realized we still love each other. So, you know, if you hadn't let me stay, man, I don't know what would've happened, so thank you. Thank you so much for giving us a second chance -- in more ways than one.
Ryan: I had my fair share of those, too. Hope it works out, man.

Bianca: Shannon didn't just harass Laura at school. She broke into my house, stole my private property, and put highly confidential and personal information on the internet.
Mr. St. Clair: I will reprimand Shannon.
Laura: Oh, great. Shannon gets a slap on the wrist and I get kicked out of school.
Bianca: Mr. St. Clair, you saw the pictures that Shannon plastered all over Laura's locker.
Mr. St. Clair: Yes. And it's regrettable those photos even existed.
Laura: So that's what I get?
Mr. St. Clair: Laura, I'm also aware of how cruel teenagers can be to one another. But while I am sympathetic to how you must've felt seeing those photos, I can't condone your response.
Laura: It won't happen again.
Mr. St. Clair: My decision stands. You're still suspended.
Bianca: Mr. St. Clair, she has to finish. This is going to ruin her transcript. She's already been accepted to PVU.
Mr. St. Clair: The suspension isn't forever. It's just until her case can be reviewed by the student-teacher council.
Bianca: You don't have to do this. You're letting Shannon win.
Laura: You know what? Never mind, Bianca. We're wasting our breath. Don't worry. I'm out of here.

Joe: Now, listen to me, you cannot let your personal feelings interfere with your professionalism.
Jake: I know, I know, Dad. I'm going to get it together, all right, but I know he did something to bring on that arrhythmia.
Joe: Well, I certainly wouldn't put it past him. But you've got to let it go.
Jake: Ok.
Joe: I mean, he's done enough damage to our family already, not to mention the hospital.
Jake: Dad, I hear you, and I'm not going to do anything to add to your problems, ok?

Jake: Hey.
Dixie: Oh. Hi.
Jake: Don't tell me you're going in to see Hayward?
Dixie: No, I'm not. I'm going to get a tuberculosis screening. I've applied to teach at Pine Valley High School.
Jake: Great, great. Oh, well, it's right down the hall to the right.
Dixie: Ok. Dare I ask how he's doing?
Jake: He's doing better, he's doing better. I'd almost say he's back to normal, except he really never was normal.
Dixie: Right, I got it. So he's out of danger, right?
Jake: Yeah, Dix, he's out of danger, and as soon as he's put away for good, so will you.

David: Don't even think about shoving that behind my head.
Vanessa: I'm only trying to help, Darling. How are you feeling?
David: Better. It's a good thing you kept the right dosage.
Vanessa: Yes, well that was absolutely terrifying, David. I mean, my hands were shaking so badly, I was afraid I couldn't even hold the syringe.
David: Yeah, well, you'd better relish what I'm about to say because you're probably never going to hear it again. You did good, Vanessa. The potassium injection was exactly what I needed to buy some more time. Too bad I can't do it again.
Vanessa: Oh, please, Honey, let's don't push it. I mean, they could catch on, you know? Last thing in the world I need is to be arrested for helping you steal a controlled substance.
David: Oh, that's sight. We wouldn't want to tarnish your spotless arrest record, now, would we? I mean, after all, murder is more your style.
Vanessa: Well, you must be feeling better, Darling. You're downright horrible.
David: Well, I guess I won't have to look forward to flowers, then, would I?

[Dixie opens the door to David's room]

David: I knew you would come, that you wouldn't stay away.

[Dixie leaves without saying anything]

Vanessa: Oh, maybe now you would like that pillow?
David: I got to get out of here. I got to be with her. She's pulling away.
Vanessa: Oh, David, please. Please, if you ever get out of here, and I sincerely hope you do, you have got to steer clear of Dixie Martin.
David: Vanessa, don't even start.
Vanessa: No, no, no, she's been nothing but trouble for you. David, when you're free, you have to make an absolutely clean break. Now, you have to pull your life, you have to get your life back on track, even if it means leaving Pine Valley.
David: Oh, I plan on getting my life back, believe me.
Vanessa: Well, excellent, excellent. Maybe now you'll start cooperating with your attorney. Listen, Darling, I've been thinking about your case. I don't think there's any reason why we couldn't say that your flask was already poisoned with the Libidozone. You took a drink of it, so you were drugged just like everyone else.
David: Forget the lawyer, Vanessa. I'm not taking any chances with the courts. I need a sure thing. And as luck would have it, an opportunity has just presented itself. I overheard the nurses gossiping about a judge that was admitted.
Vanessa: A judge?
David: Mm-hmm.
Vanessa: No, David, David --
David: That's right, and he has a heart condition that's getting worse. Apparently, it's forcing him to resign from the bench. Now, this poor guy, his life is being yanked out right from underneath him. So I would like to offer him a brighter future.
Vanessa: By fixing his heart?
David: Mm-hmm, and his bank account. Let's just say that he'll have a million reasons to make sure that my case gets thrown out on a technicality.
Vanessa: Dav-- you're going to bribe a judge?
David: That's exactly what I'm going to do, Vanessa. And you're going to help me.

Anna: Oh. I've wanted to remember something real for so long. And when I do, I -- I can't take it.
Edmund: It's a lot to handle.
Anna: I look at this picture and I have all these feelings churning around inside, but I don't -- I don't have a memory of what our life was like. Or what he was like. I want to know that.
Edmund: You will. You've already started to remember things.
Anna: Oh, bits and pieces. It's -- it's so frustrating.
Edmund: Did I make it worse by bringing you this?
Anna: Oh, no. No, it's amazing, amazing that you would go to that trouble for me. Thank you. Thank you so much.
Edmund: Good, because I brought more. I went to -- ahem -- Port Charles. There's General Hospital.
Anna: Oh.
Edmund: And there's the Port Charles police station where you used to work.
Anna: Oh, God, you went to Port Charles? You took all these photos?
Edmund: I just hoped that they would jog your memory. And that's the home where you and Robert lived.
Edmund: Anna, what is it?
Anna: I don't know. I feel comfortable looking at them, you know, like there familiar. Can I keep them?
Edmund: They're yours. I hope they help.
Anna: You're fantastic. Thank you for doing this for me.
Anna: Is there anything here that relates to Robin?
Edmund: Nothing specific.
Anna: Oh.
Edmund: But I found out where she is. Would you like to see her?

Ryan: Well, I think tonight is a success so far.
Gillian: I think so. Just look how much in love everybody is.
Alex: Dinner was great.
Gillian: Yeah?
Greenlee: Really? You didn't find the wine a bit too robust? It nearly overpowered the lamb.
Ryan: I'll speak to the sommelier.
Leo: I thought that everything was excellent. Especially the service. Absolutely impeccable.
Gillian: Thank you, Leo. We aim to please. Anybody care for some coffee?
Alex: Yeah, thank you.
Dimitri: I'd like some, too, thanks.
Ryan: Coffee coming up.

Greenlee: Let's sneak off into your stateroom and have some dessert.
Leo: Um --
Greenlee: Come on.

Leo: Uh, Ryan and Gillian, everything was absolutely marvelous. Thank you. Alex and Dimitri, we'll do it again sometime.
Ryan: Whoa, hold on a minute! Where you going? The night's still young.
Leo: Yeah, well, we have a wedding to plan.
Alex: Yeah.
Leo: So if you'll excuse us.
Ryan: Well, you're going to miss out on all the entertainment.
Greenlee: What entertainment
Gillian: Oh, we have a floorshow, and you are all it. So who wants to go first?
Alex: No.
Greenlee: Karaoke? You're kidding, right?
Ryan: Not kidding at all. You guys have to choose, you have to choose. Don't start that.

Mr. St. Clair: Laura, there's no need to completely clean out your locker.
Laura: Well, why put off till tomorrow what you can do today, right?
Bianca: Laura, this is only temporary until the student-teacher council can rule.
Laura: Right.
Mr. St. Clair: Girls, I have a meeting with the school board. Laura, I hope to see you soon.

Bianca: Laura, I'm so sorry about this. I wish they had never gotten a hold of my journal.
Laura: It's not your fault, Bianca.
Bianca: It's not yours, either. This is completely unfair.
Laura: Well, you know, thank you for sticking up for me in front of the principal, especially after I pushed you away. I appreciate it. Really, I hope we can be friends.
Bianca: Well, I think we both know that's impossible now.
Laura: Oh, come on, Bianca. I'm not going to be doing Ecstasy. I can quit. I know how much you hate it.
Bianca: Well, I mean, that would be great, Laura, but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about my journal, what I wrote about my having feelings for you.
Laura: It's ok, Bianca.
Bianca: No, it's not. It's true. And I know that you don't feel the same way about me. I know that you feel uncomfortable around me now. That makes me so embarrassed.
Laura: No, I just got a little weird. I'm over it.
Bianca: I'm not. So I just think that I should back off.
Laura: I should go, Bianca. I'm really sorry.

Bianca: Mom, what are you doing here?
Erica: Well, I thought you might still be here. I have good news. I just came from Uncle Jack's office and he was successful in having that hideous web site taken off the internet.
Bianca: Well, at least that's something.
Erica: Yes.
Bianca: Mom, I've decided that I want to press charges against Shannon, Heather, and Mindy.
Erica: Oh, Honey.
Bianca: They broke into our house and they stole my journal.
Erica: I know, Honey, and I know how violated you must feel and I understand your wanting to really give those girls what they deserve. Believe me, that was my first impulse, too.
Bianca: So we'll do it?
Erica: No. Uncle Jack convinced me that it would be better just to let this whole thing blow over and not call more attention to it.
Bianca: Mom, I'm not afraid of negative publicity.
Erica: No, I know you're not, Honey. That's not what I meant. It's just that, well, Jack doesn't want those girls to think that they've gotten to you. And I have to agree with him. I mean, you are head and shoulders above those petty little twits.
Bianca: So, what, we just let them get away with it?
Erica: No, no, not completely. To begin with, I'm going to have a conversation, a major conversation, with your principal and I know that Brooke will, too. But in terms of retaliating, I really am with Jack on this. It's much better just to let it die down before it escalates.
Bianca: So, once again, Shannon wins.
Erica: No. The administration will discipline Shannon and her parents will hear from me. But that will be the extent of my involvement in this and it should be the extent of our involvement.
Bianca: Mom, I hate this.
Erica: Honey, listen to me, school is going to be over in a couple of months and you're going to be out of here. In the meantime -- in the meantime, why don't you just keep your distance from that whole crowd, from everyone?
Bianca: You mean Laura, too, don't you?

[Music plays]

Dimitri: This would be good for you.
Ryan: Are you insane? I'm not singing that. Wait, don't think you're getting out this.
Alex: I'm not singing.
Gillian: Yes, of course you are!

Greenlee: Come on, we have got to get out of here. There's no way I'm singing into Mr. Microphone or listening to anyone else do it, for that matter.
Leo: Oh, come on, Greenlee, can't you just play along, for me?
Greenlee: No fair. You know I'll do anything for you.

Ryan: Leo? Leo, hey! Wow! Cut that out! Get over here! Help me pick a song here! Damn, get a room or something.

[Telephone rings]

Gillian: Oh, Greenlee, you know what? That might be the launch checking to see if the waiters are ready to go ashore. Do you mind getting that, please?


Greenlee: Not at all.


Greenlee: Hello, the Fidelity.
Laura: Oh, Greenlee. Look, it's Laura. I got to talk to Leo.
Greenlee: I'm sorry, but Leo's busy at the moment.
Laura: Come on, Greenlee, just put him on. It's really important.
Greenlee: So is this. We're cruising and in the middle of our engagement party. Good-bye.

Leo: Was that the launch?
Greenlee: Uh, nope. Wrong number.
Leo: Oh.

Gillian: Ok, everybody. Who's going to go first? Huh?
Ryan: Oh, yeah!
Gillian: Come on, come on, Ryan! Let's show these shrinking pansies how much fun it is.
Ryan: What? Me? No, no, no, absolutely not. That concludes the entertainment portion of the evening.
Leo: No, no, no, not so fast! Are you going let your wife call you a shrinking pansy, you big shrinking pan-- you're up. Go.
Gillian: Baby? You want me to go solo?
Ryan: I don't think so ahem. All right. Leo, I'd better not see any bootleg copies of this, man.
Leo: I would never do that.
Ryan: All right. Check one, two, three! Check!
Gillian: Check.

["I Got You, Babe" plays]

Ryan: Pine Valley, we love you!

Singer and Gillian: They say we're young and we don't know but we won't find out until we grow
Ryan: That was beautiful. Well, I don't know if that's all true because you got me and, baby, I got you
Leo: Yeah!
Gillian: Yeah!
Ryan and Gillian: Babe I go you babe.
Ryan: Oh, I got you.
Gillian and Ryan: I got you, babe

Greenlee: Hokey, ok? We got to go before they pull us into it.
Leo: Greenlee, we're at sea.
Greenlee: Leave it to me. I'm really good at finding out-of-the-way places. Have you ever had a high-sea rendezvous? I'll be right back.
Leo: Ok.

Gillian: I got you, babe yes, baby.

Vanessa: Oh, David, David, you must be running a fever if you expect me to offer a judge, to hand over a million dollars.
David: Hey, relax. I'm not asking you to come up with the money. I just need you to make sure that Judge Pomeroy comes to see me and you find out anything you can about his condition.
Vanessa: How do you propose that I do that, hack in the hospital computer?
David: Chat with the nurses, Vanessa. Come on, this is child's play for you.
Vanessa: Oh, honestly. First you have me steal a drug, then -- then you involve me with bribery of a judge. David, David, I can't do it. I mean, I'm sorry, Darling, I love you. I love you more than anything in the world, but this is just too risky.
David: I'll throw in a half-mil for you.
David: I knew that would get your attention. Has Palmer put you in his will yet?
Vanessa: No, he hasn't gotten around to it.
David: Then consider this a 401k. I'm sure you could use a safety net as you wither on the vine, Vanessa.

Vanessa: What's that? Ay-yi-yi.
Roger: It's impressive, isn't it?
Vanessa: How much do you want?
Roger: A million dollars. For starters.

Vanessa: Well, David, you're throwing around a great deal of money here, Darling, I mean, just like that. I mean, my, my, my. Are you sure you have that kind of disposable income?
David: You don't have to worry about my net worth, Vanessa. It's very secure. Now, there's a social worker here in the hospital. Her name escapes me right now. You find her, ok? You ask her for a blank power-of-attorney form. She keeps them for medical emergencies.
Vanessa: You're giving me power of attorney?
David: Well, it's the only way that you're going to be able to transfer the funds. But before you start salivating, Vanessa, you should know that there is a limit as to how much you can do in one transaction. You get greedy and I'll swear that you used undue pressure on me in my weakened state.
Vanessa: Well, your trust in me is rather overwhelming.
David: Yeah, well, I don't have much of a choice, now, do I? So what are you waiting for, hmm? You hesitate another minute, I'm going to reduce that fee by 100,000. 60, 59, 58, 57, 56, 55 --

Anna: No. I can't see her yet.
Edmund: Anna, you could -- you could be disguised as Alex. You could be going on a business trip. We could keep Robin at a distance from you so she'd never see you.
Anna: No. I can't risk putting her in jeopardy. Someone wants me dead. We could lead them straight to her, they could use her to get to me. It's too dangerous.
Edmund: Ok. We'll play it your way for now.
Anna: I want to see my daughter more than anything, more than -- she and I are really strangers to each other now. But if I ever do see my daughter again, I want to have all my faculties back, be the mother that she remembers, a whole woman. Not this pathetic shell.
Edmund: Hey. You are not pathetic. You are incredibly brave. And you will see your daughter again. I promise you.

["I Got You, Babe" plays]

Ryan and Gillian: I got you, babe
Gillian: Yes! I got you, babe! Whoo!

Alex: Terrible!
Dimitri: Remarkable!
Alex: It was remarkable.
Gillian: I know, I know, I know. I know, I know, we may not be the world's greatest singers, but --
Ryan: What?
Dimitri: No.
Gillian: Did you guys see how much fun we had? Come on, you guys next.
Dimitri: No, well, it's dessert time, right? I smell the sweets in the room. I know they're around.
Ryan: Yeah, yeah, dessert time. You're not getting out of it that easy.

Alex: Leo, where's Greenlee?
Ryan: Her voice can't be worse than mine.
Alex: Absolutely.
Leo: She's in the powder room. She'll be back for the next performance.
Gillian: Which means you guys are next.
Dimitri: Oh, trapped.
Gillian: Come on!
Alex: I can't believe I survived Bryn Wydd to meet my fate doing this.
Dimitri: No, come on, come on, let's get it over with.
Ryan: Yes.
Gillian: Good. Any requests?
Dimitri: Maestro, please.
Alex: "God Save the Queen"? Do we have that? That's the only thing I know.
Dimitri: How about "God Save the Couple"?
Gillian: Well, Greenlee better hurry up. She might miss her turn.
Leo: Yeah.

["Dancing in the Street" plays]

Leo: If she's lucky.
Greenlee: Perfect.

[Cork pops]

Erica: Yes, Honey, I do think it would be in your best interest to stay away from Laura.
Bianca: My best interest? Boy, that sure covers a lot of territory, doesn't it?
Erica: Oh, I don't want to argue with you.
Bianca: Well, neither do I, but let's just be honest here -- you heard me telling Laura that I had feelings for her, didn't you?
Erica: I was not eavesdropping on you. I really wasn't. You were talking while I was walking up.
Bianca: Mom, I believe you. But now you're all freaked out about it.
Erica: I'm concerned. Yes, I am. Unrequited love in any form is very painful.
Bianca: Mom, I know that there's no future in a relationship with Laura. I wrote about my feelings for her in my journal because I thought it would be private. That's how I work things out.
Erica: I'm glad that you can deal with things so well.
Bianca: And I know that this is really hard for you to deal with, but I hope that one day I meet someone who feels for me the same way that I feel for her and that we can have a healthy, normal relationship, just two people in love.
Erica: I want you to be happy, too.
Bianca: Well, that's good, mom, because that day is coming, and when it does, I just hope you can accept it.

Laura: No, they can't be engaged. I can't believe I just fell for that. I should've just called Leo's cell phone in the first place.
Laura: "Out of range." Maybe they are at sea. Maybe it's true.
Laura: I am so pathetic.
Laura: Hey, Sweeney? Yeah, it's Laura. Hey, what's up? No, no, definitely not me. Actually, that's why I was calling. Um, can I get some now? Yeah, or even a double hit. Actually, make it a triple. Cool, cool. I'll meet you at the mall.

David: Did you have any problems?
Vanessa: Oh, no. She was very aware of your situation and offered her heartfelt sympathy
David: Hmm, very touching.
Vanessa: Sign right there and there.
David: Don't get any ideas, Vanessa. I'm revoking this power of attorney the second that this transaction is completed.
Vanessa: Of course, Darling.
David: Yeah, of course. Here's the bank account number, ok? You have the bank in Switzerland do an electronic transfer of $1.5 million to the Pine Valley Savings & Trust. Pay whatever fees they require. I want those funds in there immediately.
Vanessa: You know, David, you are asking me to do a very big thing.
David: You're not trying to shake me down for more money, are you, Vanessa?
Vanessa: Oh, Darling, I want to keep you out of prison more than anything else in the world.
David: Good answer. So what are you waiting for? The clock's ticking.
Vanessa: Well --
David: Don't forget your purse.
Vanessa: Oh, yes. Thank you.

David: Good. Soon, Dixie. Soon.

Anna: Oh, Lord, I don't know what's the matter with me. God, so frustrated.
Edmund: Did you ever have a scrapbook?
Anna: What?
Edmund: A scrapbook? You know, you tape pictures in it and -- you could take those pictures and you could write underneath each one whatever your thoughts are, whatever your feelings, whatever dream fragments. Anything. Anything you want.
Anna: That's kind of a nice idea.
Edmund: Ok. Then why don't I get a big book with lots of blank pages. We'll start on it tonight.
Anna: Cool.
Edmund: Ok. And someday -- someday you'll show it to Robin.
Anna: Maybe.
Edmund: Here, I got it. What's this?
Anna: Oh, I don't know. What is that?
Edmund: It's a picture of Alex.
Anna: Oh.
Edmund: It's -- Eugenia's been looking for that picture all over the place. How the hell did it get here?

[Music plays

[Telephone rings]

Leo: Hello?
Greenlee: Leo, it's me. I found the perfect spot.
Leo: Greenlee, I -- you can come back. It's over now.
Greenlee: Oh, no, you can come and get me. I'll make it worth the search.

[Greenlee screams]


Jake: So what are you up to now, David? You trying to con a judge?

Shannon: You might want to give her a hand. The girl is totally wasted.

Ryan: Hey, hey, hey, hey!

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