APRIL 30, 2001

Greenlee: Talk to me, Leo. Tell me what's going on. Don't do this to me. What happened out here? What was my father putting in his jacket? It looked like a newspaper article. Huh?
Leo: It was --

Ryan: Greenlee, can I talk to you, ask you some questions about that stowaway?
Greenlee: Ryan, I'm in the middle of something here with my father and Leo.
Ryan: Yeah, well, you know what? This is important.
Greenlee: So is this.
Gillian: Greenlee, I hate admitting I was wrong, but, listen, we really need your help. We need clues about who that stowaway was, and you're the only one who knows where he was hiding.
Greenlee: Oh, for crying out loud. I told you he was in the supply closet.
Gillian: Can you show us, then?
Ryan: Can we steal her for five minutes?
Greenlee: All right. Fine.
Leo: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Absolutely.
Greenlee: We're not done.
Leo: Ok.

Roger: I guess this is where you decide what really matters to you after all, Leo -- love or money.

Greenlee: This is where I found the guy. Can I go now?
Ryan: Tell me exactly what happened when you found him.
Greenlee: Well, I came in here to hide and give Leo a surprise, and instead I found this street kid with a knife. It was no joke. What?
Gillian: Isn't this the blanket you keep in your car?
Ryan: Yeah.
Gillian: So how did it get here?
Ryan: I don't know. And it's got blood on it.


Dixie: David, what's going on?
David: No. My lungs are burning. I got to get back in there.
Dixie: No, no, no. Just let the police and the firemen handle it.
Tad: Hayward, what about my father?
David: I checked him, Tad. His pulse is ok. He's going to be fine. Just loosen his collar and his belt.
Tad: Are Jake and Brooke still in there?
Dixie: David -- Tad, wait a second. Don't you go in there.
Tad: I have to go in there.
Dixie: No, no, no, no. They said the oxygen canisters are still in there in every room. You can't go in there.
Tad: It's the only way we can make sure everybody's out there safe and sound. Just stay here. I got to --
Dixie: Tad --


Dixie: Joe?
Nurse: He's coming to.
Dixie: He is? Joe? Joe? Joe, it's going to be ok. It's going to be ok.

[David coughs]

David: It's ok. Stand up.
Tad: Jake! Jake!


[Dimitri coughs]

Dimitri: Alex? Alex? Alex?

Tad: Jake!
Jake: Tad, help! Give me a hand, man. Give me a hand. Come on. Let's get out.
Tad: Move, move.
Jake: Over that way. Come on!

Tad: A little help!
Paramedic: Paramedic here! Over here.
Jake: Check her vitals right away. Listen -- where's Dad?
Tad: Out here somewhere. He's just coming to. Right there.
Jake: All right.
Tad: Pop, are you ok?
Jake: Listen, I'm going to stay with him. You get back in there. There's other people in there.
Tad: All right, listen, don't go anywhere.
Jake: I'm not going anywhere. You all right, Dad?

David: Put her over on this gurney right here. Right here.
Tad: Easy.
David: Tad -- extra gurney right over here.
Tad: Thanks. You guys watch it.

Tad: Brooke. Brooke?
Dixie: She's right here.
David: She's going to be all right. Did you get everybody out?
Tad: I don't know. I think so. There's a lot of smoke, cops all over the place, but I didn't see anybody else.
Brooke: Laura --
Tad: It's ok. You're going to be fine. You're just fine.
Brooke: My God -- Tad, Laura's inside!
Dixie: No -- wait, wait, wait --
Tad: No.
Dixie: Just wait a second.
Brooke: I don't see her.
Tad: It's all right.
Brooke: I don't see her. Get her!
David: Brooke, Brooke, it's ok. She's probably around here somewhere. Just wait. Just relax.

Officer: Area secure.
Brooke: Laura is inside! She's inside!
Tad: I didn't see anybody.
Brooke: No! No, she is in the -- in the exam cubicle in the back!
Dixie: Tad, wait -- Tad!
Tad: No, wait. Listen, listen. I just found out somebody's still in there in one --
Officer: No one goes back inside --
Brooke: Somebody needs to get my daughter out of there!
Tad: Send somebody --
Brooke: They need to get her out!
Tad: Her daughter's in there. Do something, please!
Officer: Steve, Eric --

Tad: Pop? Are you all right? Are you sure?

Jake: Just try to breathe deep, nice and slow. Keep breathing, keep breathing.
Pat: Oh, my head.
Jake: Just take it easy. Easy.
Pat: Jake, what happened in there?
Jake: I'm not sure. But I have an idea. Just keep breathing.

Fireman: All clear! Fumes contained.
Brooke: My daughter -- did you see my daughter inside?
Man: I'm sorry, Ma'am.
David: Ok, ok, ok. We'll go look. Laura!
Brooke: Laura -- oh, my God! Laura?
David: It's ok.
Brooke: Laura? Honey? Honey? Sweetie?

Ryan: Well, I know how he got on the yacht.
Greenlee: From that gross blanket?
Ryan: Yeah, I keep this in my car. So I'm guessing that he probably hid in the car and then -- I don't know -- when we docked, we parked at the dock, he probably just followed us onboard.
Gillian: So you think it's his blood?
Greenlee: Damn, I hope so.
Ryan: I want to find out how he got hurt.
Gillian: I want to find out why he's following us.
Ryan: You think they got him talking at the hospital?
Gillian: Should we go find out?
Ryan: Yeah. Let's go.
Greenlee: Can I go now? "Thank you, Greenlee. Sorry I ever doubted you, Greenlee."

Leo: Don't do this, Roger. Don't ruin your daughter's life again.
Roger: "Again"? Well, now, that's not very friendly, is it?
Leo: Look -- I know what you're thinking, but you're wrong. I love your daughter very much. I do. I don't care about the money or -- and I would never, ever hurt her.
Roger: You actually think that you can tug at my paternal heartstrings and make me think that this engagement is, what, a declaration of fidelity to my daughter?
Leo: No, no, no, no, no, no. No. That would mean that you got something besides ice water running through your veins. Look -- unfortunately, I know a thing or two about the way you operate. So I'm fairly clear that you're really not looking to rat me out to Greenlee about that ancient newspaper clipping you got stuffed in your pocket -- at least not tonight.
Roger: And how, may I ask, do you know?
Leo: Please, Roger. Put a sock in it. I know the game. You blow the whistle on me before I have a chance to marry your daughter and get my hands on her cash, you lose your last chip to get that money yourself. Greenlee will dump me, and you'll have to come up with some lame plan b to keep yourself in the style that you've become accustomed.
Roger: The point?
Leo: My point is that if you want the high life, you keep your fat mouth shut! So can we stop with the cat and mouse with Greenlee about the article tonight please?
Roger: All right. All right. I won't tell Greenlee about it yet.
Greenlee: You won't tell me what, Daddy?
Greenlee: Somebody better start talking, fast. I mean it. What the hell haven't you told me already?
Roger: Greenlee, it's nothing, really.
Greenlee: No, don't give me that. I'm not an idiot, Daddy. Is he threatening you?
Leo: No, no. No, no, no. He was just making me a business offer, that's all.
Greenlee: What business? My father doesn't know any business.
Leo: He's trying something new. He's trying to change his luck, his fortune, you know? He's talking to me about doing some investing.
Greenlee: You?
Leo: No, actually, he wanted me to talk to Palmer about investing.
Greenlee: Don't put Leo in the middle of some scheme to get money out of Palmer Cortlandt, Daddy.
Roger: What? Nonsense. I only meant --
Greenlee: You only meant to try and weasel your way into something you shouldn't. And now for some reason you want to use Leo to do your dirty work? Uh-uh. No way. It's not happening.
Leo: Greenlee, it's ok, really.
Greenlee: No, it's not ok. It's slimy. And what was that newspaper article you were showing Leo before when I came in here?
Leo: It was just a -- it was from the business section. It was a tip that he was showing me about the thing that he wants to invest in, that's all.
Greenlee: Well, that's typical.
Roger: Well, what is?
Greenlee: You getting all excited about some idea that you think you have that's original. Man, Daddy. Once some stock gets written up in the paper, it's yesterday's news. And since when did you start reading the business section? You wouldn't know a stock tip if it hit you in the face.
Roger: Look, Greenlee --
Greenlee: Whatever you're cooking up, leave my fiancée out of it, ok? We're not interested in going partners with you on anything. I mean, come on.
Roger: Well, I wouldn't be so sure about what you seem to believe about me, Greenlee. I know a lot more than you think I do. Leo recognizes that. Don't you, Leo?

Laura: What happened?
Brooke: There was some sort of a gas leak, and there was a fire, and there was a -- a lot of smoke and a lot of people passed out. We -- we couldn't find you.
Laura: I didn't know what to do.
Brooke: Oh, Honey.
Laura: I called out, but nobody came. So I had to pull the wires off me --
Brooke: The heart monitor, you mean.
Laura: Yeah. Was anybody hurt?
Bianca: I think everybody's ok.
Laura: Oh, you got socked into it, too?
Bianca: A little. We were more worried about you.
David: Laura, why were you on a heart monitor in the ER?
Laura: I did something stupid, but it's not a big deal.
Brooke: No, no, Honey. You tell him. Tell him because he needs to know.
Laura: I took X, but it was cut with speed, so -- my heart was racing and -- it's not that big of a deal.
Bianca: Laura, it is a big deal. She passed out. I brought her in because I thought something was wrong.
Brooke: David, what? What?
David: I'm just a little concerned about some physical signs that I'm seeing.
Brooke: What is it?
David: Laura, let me take your pulse. Yes, her pulse is thready. Nurse, I need you to set up Miss English for a heart monitor right now.
Nurse: I'm sorry, Dr. Hayward. I'd need authorization.
David: Fine. I'll do it myself. Come on. Let's move her in here. Come on, help me up.
Brooke: All right.
David: All right.
Brooke: All right. We got you, Honey. We got you. Ok?

Jake: What the hell is this?

Dimitri: Doctor -- she won't come to.
Pat: Gurney -- we need a gurney. Gurney.
Pat: Oxygen.
Dimitri: Why isn't she waking up?
Tad: Dad, you're just going to have to relax and try to take it easy.
Joe: Is Jake all right?
Tad: He's fine. Dixie and I both saw him.
Dixie: Yeah. Last time I saw him, I think he went to check on Laura English.
Joe: Is she ok?
Dixie: Well, I saw David checking on her. I think he saw something that he didn't like.

Jake: What the hell are you doing, Hayward?
David: Jake, get your hands off of me. This patient --
Jake: Is not yours. Not yours! Not now, not ever. You're not on staff in this hospital.
David: What, are you out of your mind? I'm helping her.
Jake: You go near this girl again, David, I'm going to break your other hand. I swear to God.
Brooke: Jake, what is wrong with you?
Jake: All right, Brooke, listen. He was fired from this hospital, he's under house arrest for a whole string of felonies, and he has no authority to treat anyone in this hospital.
Brooke: If he can help Laura, I want him here.
Jake: We have a whole staff of cardiologists that can help Laura. Don't think I don't know what you did, Hayward.
David: What I did? When, Jake? I was helping out in a crisis. Would you prefer that I let those people die from smoke and gas inhalation?
Jake: Which you caused.
David: What?
Jake: Now, you tried to create a whole diversion so that you could avoid transferring yourself to the state hospital penitentiary. But in the process, David, you nearly killed dozens of people out there.
David: You don't know what the hell you're talking about.
Tad: Jake, why don't you keep your voice down. I'm sure you don't have the whole story about what happened out there tonight.
Jake: You know what? Let me fill you in on the whole story, big brother. This man stole potassium from a locked med cabinet. He injected it in himself to decelerate his heart rate so he could avoid going to prison. I was just about to take him down to the lab right now to get a blood sample just to prove it --
David: You're out of your mind.
Jake: Until we had all this -- you're going to deny it?
David: Laura, are you experiencing any shortness of breath or --
Jake: All right, Hayward, come with me.
Tad: No, no, no.
Jake: You're not -- you're not treating her.
Brooke: Look, Jake --
Tad: Let it go. Let it go.
Jake: Hey, hang on.
Brooke: For now.
Jake: Excuse me.
Brooke: Leave him alone so he can examine her, please.
Jake: Sorry, but, Brooke, he is not on staff at this hospital anymore.
David: This patient needs to be on a heart monitor, ASAP, Jake.
Jake: David -- David, then I'm going to put her on the heart monitor, not you. You understand? You stay the hell away from her.

Tad: I'm afraid that Jake is going to lose it.
Dixie: Do you believe what he said?
Tad: No. I mean, this would be a pretty big stretch, even for Hayward. I think Jake is digging himself in a great big hole. No matter what he thinks of Hayward as a man, he's a damn good surgeon. He saved your life numerous occasions. And if he thinks something's wrong with Laura, I think Jake should listen to him, no matter what he thinks he's trying to pull to stay out of prison.
Dixie: Jake said that David did something, you know, to himself to keep from being transferred.
Tad: Yeah, I know. I heard.
Dixie: Did you see him? You saw him. He was carrying people out of here.
Tad: See him? Dixie, I was helping him. How sick could he be?

Pat: No, no, no. Your kids are both fine, Joe. You don't need to go back in there. Everyone's fine. We need our chief of staff in one piece. Now, don't make me arm-wrestle you.

Dimitri: Alex? Alex? It's Dimitri. Come on, angel, you have to wake up. Come on, Alex.

[Alex coughs]

Dimitri: Oh, thank God. Thank God. Ok. All right. It's all right, it's all right. You're going to be ok. You're going to be fine. You're going to be fine.
Alex: The boy --
Dimitri: What did you say?
Alex: Where's the boy?

Greenlee: There's more going on here. What was that last crack supposed to mean?
Roger: "Crack"?
Greenlee: About you knowing more than I think you know. About what?
Roger: Business. I know more about business than you think I do. That's what I meant.
Greenlee: Please.
Roger: What, you don't believe me?
Greenlee: I think you should get off the boat.
Roger: Greenlee, don't do this.
Greenlee: No, you guys are arguing about something and you're not telling me what. All I know is that if it rains on my happy engagement parade, dad, I'm going make you walk the plank. This is like the happiest day of my life, and I'm not going to let you or some thug with a knife ruin it for me. I want to be alone with my fiancée.
Roger: As well you should be.
Roger: Look, I wish you every happiness, Greenlee.

Greenlee: Are you going to be honest with me?
Leo: Greens --
Greenlee: No, I mean it, Leo. Don't try and protect me from him. I want to know if my father's threatening you.
Leo: He's not.
Greenlee: Is he threatening us?
Leo: Not -- no.
Greenlee: Leo, don't play me, ok? I thought we were going to be honest with each other from now on.
Leo: I know.
Greenlee: Well, are we going to be?
Leo: Greenlee, I -- I want to be honest with you. I want to tell you everything.
Greenlee: Then tell me. There's nothing left for me to be disappointed in with my father. Don't worry about hurting me. He's already done that for me a thousand times over. What -- what did he say to you?
Leo: He doesn't -- he doesn't believe in us, ok?
Greenlee: I don't give a damn. Do you?
Leo: No, but --
Greenlee: But?
Leo: But he said something that I don't want to leave here unsaid.
Greenlee: Ok, now you're bugging me.
Leo: Your father thinks I'm marrying you for the money.
Greenlee: This is news?
Leo: Greenlee, when the father of your fiancée accuses you of marrying his daughter for the cash, it's kind of a big deal.
Greenlee: Not in my family it isn't. Leo, come on.
Leo: "Come on" what?
Greenlee: You're not going to let this bother you.
Leo: Yes, I am going to let this bother me! Your father thinks I'm marrying you for your money!
Greenlee: Who cares?
Leo: I care! I don't want people thinking that about us!
Greenlee: Leo, I know the truth. You know the truth. What else matters?
Leo: No, this is going to hang over our heads until we deal with it, Greenlee.
Greenlee: Not mine. I know you love me.
Leo: Why can't I be upset about this?
Greenlee: My father wouldn't know what love is if it bit him on the face. And he's projecting his own stuff about money on to you. Now, let's talk flowers.
Leo: What? Flowers?
Greenlee: And cake and music. Oh, and I have to tell grandmother right away so she can start planning the parties.
Leo: Parties?
Greenlee: Engagement parties.
Leo: Plural?
Greenlee: Oh, Leo, don't act so surprised. There's going to have to be, like, six parties minimum before the wedding. I mean, first there's -- there's the announcement party, where grandmother will introduce us to the club as a betrothed couple. And then -- and then -- and then there's the main engagement party, you know, like a formal sit-down dinner. And then there's the shower thrown by my girlfriends. Oh, well, maybe Grams can throw that, too. Um -- and --
Leo: Greenlee, Greenlee, please. It's not just your father who's going to think the worst of me.
Greenlee: Do I have to give you my "I don't care" speech again?
Leo: People know me. They know my history. They know all about my mother's marriages of convenience, and it -- it's not like I'm a Kennedy, if you know what I'm saying.
Greenlee: Do you think that's what I'm looking for?
Leo: Greenlee, my bloodlines are a little suspect, and you know that.
Greenlee: Ok. Listen carefully. I don't care. Leo, what is the big deal?
Leo: I want to be the best husband for you that I can be, and I can't do that --
Leo: And that was?
Greenlee: You are so amazing. You want people to know that you love me because you want to do right by me, as my husband.
Leo: Yes. And I want to head this off at the pass.
Greenlee: Head what off at what pass?
Leo: People thinking they know what they can't. And I know what to do, Greenlee, but you have to agree with it. And, frankly, it's a deal breaker.
Greenlee: "Deal breaker"?
Leo: Yeah.
Greenlee: Like you won't marry me unless I agree to it?
Leo: Right.
Greenlee: You're scaring me.
Leo: I'm sorry. It's actually just a formality, but -- this is going to change completely the way I feel about marrying you and the way the rest of the world sees us.
Greenlee: What is it, Leo?
Leo: I want a pre-nup.
Greenlee: What?

David: Damn it.
Brooke: David, what is it?
Jake: Hayward, why are you still here?
Brooke: I want you to talk to me. Honey, I'll be right back, ok?
Laura: Something wrong?
Bianca: No, I'm sure everything's fine.

David: I don't want to alarm you.
Brooke: It's too late.
David: I made the most cursory evaluation based on a short reading of Laura's heart monitor.
Brooke: And you're concerned about what you've seen so far, right?
David: Yes, I am, Brooke. I'm certain that there's something else going on here.
Brooke: I don't understand. I mean, something besides the drugs that she took?
David: Yes.
Brooke: I don't understand.
David: When was Laura's last physical?
Brooke: Uh -- actually, she was scheduled for a regular checkup next week. A year ago in China when she hurt -- when she hurt her back.
David: Ok, and nothing came up that was questionable?
Brooke: Not with her heart, no.
David: Look, Brooke, I don't know what it is yet, but I would lay odds that there's something more going on than just an accelerated heart rate from Ecstasy -- even with the speed.
Brooke: What are you saying?
David: Well, it could be any number of things, ok? I mean, it could be something that she picked up when she was in the far east, some kind of viral infection, that this could be affecting her heart in some way, all right?
Jake: Hayward, Hayward, Hayward -- hang on here. You are not Laura's doctor.
David: Here we go again.
Jake: Stop trying to frighten her mother.
David: I'm not trying to frighten her, Jake. I'm telling her what to expect with her daughter's case.
Jake: All right, Brooke, he is using your daughter's case to try to deflect the attention away from his own.
David: Lousy son of a --
Jake: You know why he's doing that? Because he's trying to get out of his prison term. He played superman in here today to make his own case look good. And now he's trying to be the clairvoyant doctor when he knows nothing about what's really going on with your daughter, Brooke. He couldn't, not with the little amount of information he has to go on.
Brooke: Jake, I don't give a damn about any of this. My daughter is in there. Her color is bad. Her heart rate is erratic. And this is a cardiologist who knows a thing or two about this, and he is telling me to be concerned. So please don't ask me to ignore that. Not now.
Jake: I understand what you're saying, but we have a very skilled cardiology department in this hospital that is more than capable of taking care of -- of dealing with Laura's case.
Brooke: Where are they? Are they in there with my daughter?

Jake: Hayward -- where do you draw the line?
David: I'm telling you, Jake --
Jake: Let me rephrase that. Do you ever draw the line?
David: I'm telling you, Jake, this is not a ploy.
Jake: And you're preaching to the wrong audience. I'm telling you that that woman --
David: Listen to me please. Laura English is in cardiac distress. Now, forget about what you think of me. Forget about everything that you've been accusing me of this last hour and remember what you know of me as a doctor, Jake. Now, there is something seriously wrong with that girl in there, and it has nothing to do with her drug use, ok? Now, do you honestly want to throw me out of here without my consult, Jake? Do you?

Alex: I -- I don't need this. Thank you. Thanks. Whoo. My patient -- have you seen him? The young kid with the leg wound?
Dimitri: Darling -- Darling, I'm sure he's being looked after.
Alex: How do you know that?
Dimitri: Come on, Alex. Look, it's been very chaotic around here, ok? I want you to come over here. I want you to sit down and put on this oxygen mask for a few minutes like the nurse suggested.
Alex: I don't want any oxygen. I'm all right.
Dimitri: Hey -- listen to me. You were passed out for several minutes. Now -- come on -- terrified me out of my mind. Come on, let's come over here. I don't want you to argue with me.
Alex: I -- I don't need --
Dimitri: Sit over here. We're going to have a nice little oxygen cocktail.
Dimitri: Come on. Nice steady breaths, all right?
Alex: Yeah.
Dimitri: There we go. That's one way to keep you quiet.
Alex: You think they're looking after the boy?
Dimitri: I'm not sure how much "boy" is left in that young man. I mean, he had quite an attitude on him.
Alex: Oh, he's frightened. He's hurt.

Gillian: Alex! Are you ok?
Dimitri: She's fine. She's already giving me a hard time.
Ryan: What the hell happened in here?
Dimitri: I'm not quite sure, actually. There was a -- there was a fire and some gas leak, people passing out in the ER. It was crazy.
Gillian: Did you pass out?
Alex: Yeah. I'm all right. I just -- I lost my breath for a minute, that's all.
Dimitri: What are you guys doing here?
Gillian: We found something on the yacht.
Ryan: Yeah, this blanket. It's got blood on it, and it was in the supply closet where that kid was hiding.
Alex: Oh, I wish I knew how he'd hurt himself.
Ryan: Is he here?
Alex: Dimitri thinks he's being looked after in one of the cubicles.
Ryan: You know, I was starting to feel sorry for that guy, but stowing away on the yacht, threatening Greenlee with a knife. My patience is definitely starting to run out.
Gillian: Ryan thought he was just some runaway kid who needed some help, but now he's been threatening people and hiding --
Ryan: Has he started to talk to anybody yet?
Dimitri: Actually, we haven't seen him since he's been brought in.
Ryan: Really?
Dimitri: Yeah.
Ryan: Well, maybe they'll let us talk to him.
Gillian: Yeah. I'm coming with you. Are you sure you're ok?
Alex: Yeah, I'm all right.

Alex: Ooh. I need to go see him.
Dimitri: No, no, no. Bad idea.
Alex: Stop it. Stop it. Don't fuss. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I need to see him. He wants to tell me something. Maybe he's ready to talk.

Gillian: He's not there.
Dimitri: What?
Ryan: We lost him.

Greenlee: I don't need a prenuptial agreement, Leo.
Leo: I do.
Greenlee: You? Why? You don't have any money, Leo.
Leo: I want a pre-nup protecting you from me. I'm going to call my attorney, I'm going to have him draw something up, and I want to sign it, like, tomorrow.
Greenlee: Are you for real?
Leo: Greenlee --
Greenlee: You don't want any of my money?
Leo: I don't want to live off your trust fund, Greenlee. I want to make a living and I want to support the both of us.
Greenlee: Why?
Leo: Because I want to live off what I make. I want us to live off what I make and what you make, if you get a job, but that's it.
Greenlee: You want me to get a job?
Leo: No. That'd be great if you did, but --
Greenlee: You want to get a job? Like with hours and a desk?
Leo: Yeah, whatever. As long as it pays.
Greenlee: Oh. You're kidding me.
Leo: Greenlee, I want to do this right. I don't want you to ever have any doubts about why I'm marrying you. This is important to me.
Greenlee: Yeah. I'm getting that.
Leo: Listen, I don't ever want you to -- to see what I do or the way I act as being the way your father treated your mother.
Greenlee: I couldn't. I love you so much.
Leo: So I'm calling a lawyer.
Greenlee: Ok. And I'm going to tell my father in person so I can see his smug little face when I tell him my perfect fiancée wants a pre-nup --
Leo: No, no, no, no, no, no. No, don't do that, Greenlee. I don't want your -- I don't want to give your father any opportunity to get mixed up in our lives ever again.
Greenlee: Leo, I want him to know about it.
Leo: Well -- ok. We'll -- we'll tell him together tomorrow, after we sign the pre-nup. Ok?
Greenlee: Ok. You're the best thing that's ever happened for me.

Ryan: Thank you for the help.
Alex: Do they know anything?
Ryan: No, they don't know anything. Not a thing. I offered to go to the station, give a composite sketch, but, you know --
Gillian: Yeah, I guess in all this confusion, they didn't realize the boy was missing.
Dimitri: It's been a real madhouse around here. I'm not surprised.
Ryan: Perfect time for him to skip out unnoticed.
Alex: He's hurt. I don't know how far he would've got.
Ryan: You know what I'm going to do? I'll talk to some of the guards outside, see if anybody saw him.
Dimitri: Good idea.
Gillian: Let's go.
Alex: Ok, good-bye.
Ryan: See you.

Alex: He has a serious injury to his leg. It's badly infected.
Dimitri: Yeah, well, you gave him antibiotics, didn't you?
Alex: No. We didn't get a chance. We were about to, and then all hell broke loose.
Dimitri: Well, hell, you know, after everything Ryan just told us --
Alex: He's not dangerous. He's scared.
Dimitri: Well, whatever. I don't think he's coming back. He was pretty anxious to get away from us.
Alex: I don't know.
Dimitri: Well, at least I've increased security. Wildwind is a lot more protected now with the new guards and the guard dogs on the grounds.
Alex: You know, I'm going to check with the other staff.

Brooke: Tom, what's the matter?
Tom: It's Laura. Brooke, she's been hit by a car.
Brooke: Oh, my God. Well, how is she? I mean, she's ok, isn't she?
Tom: I'm very sorry. She's gone.

Tad: Brooke?
Dixie: Hey.
Brooke: Oh, hi.
Dixie: Hi.
Brooke: I just had to come out here for a little while. I didn't want to scare her.
Dixie: Look, Laura's in good hands. You've just got to try to calm down.
Brooke: David thinks that there's something wrong with her heart.
Tad: Did he tell Jake?
Brooke: Jake doesn't want to know what David is thinking. I don't know what I would do if something happened to her.
Dixie: Oh, Sweetheart.

Bianca: Everything's going to be all right, Laura. You'll see.
Laura: David looked worried, Bianca.
Bianca: Yeah, I know.

Jake: If there's something wrong with Laura, we're going find out what it is, we're going to treat it and get her well again -- without your help, David.
David: You know damn well that I can spot things faster than any cardiologist on this staff, Jake.
Jake: No, I don't know that.
David: Come on!
Jake: What I do know is that you didn't want to take a blood test to find out what you did to yourself to that's too bad, David. Guard, why don't you help me escort Dr. Hayward here down to the lab.
Officer: Thanks for cutting me loose, Doc. I've got to put all this into a report. I have backup coming.
David: I am not leaving Laura until you get someone from CCU down here to do an evaluation.
Jake: Are you telling me what to do, David?

[Alarm sounds]

David: Back away. Back away.
Bianca: She was just talking. She passed out.
David: She's in arrest.

[Monitor flat-lines]

Brooke: Oh, Laura. No.

David: Just relax, Laura.
Brooke: Laura, no, no --
Jake: Ok, ready? One -- one and two and three and four and five. One and two and three and four and five. One and two and three and four and five.


Anna: So busy trying to fix me. Who's going to fix you?
Edmund: I don't need fixing, Anna.

All: Surprise!

[Monitor flat-lines]

Bianca: I'm so scared. What if she dies?

Dixie: Come on, let's -- let's go home.

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