APRIL 4, 2001

Gillian: You know, there were so many times that I thought we'd never make it.
Ryan: I just wanted it to begin with the wedding, the wedding you wanted to have, the wedding of your dreams, you know.
Gillian: Ryan, as long as you're the groom, then it is the wedding of my dreams.
Ryan: Still, you're a princess.
Gillian: No.
Ryan: I wanted you to have it.
Gillian: No. Tomorrow, this time, we'll be husband and wife and I'll be Mrs. Ryan Lavery, and it'll be the happiest day of my life!

Ryan: Oh.
Gillian: Oh!
Ryan: I didn't think anybody else knew about this place.
Gillian: No one does.
Ryan: Somebody does.

Bart: Freeze! Both of you! Don't move.

Edmund: So tomorrow, Ryan and Gillian think that they are going to get married through a justice of the peace -- you know, 3-day-old flowers, the witnesses kind of snoozing in the folding chairs.
Alex: I can't wait to see their faces when they find out what you and Dimitri have done for them. And now Anna's feeling so much better, you know, I can help you with any arrangements if you like.
Edmund: You know what? I think we got it covered.
Alex: Ok.
Edmund: All right? Your sister really is recovering, isn't she?
Alex: Yeah, I'm very optimistic. Thank you for letting her stay here.
Edmund: Oh, please. She's your sister. Forget about it.
Alex: But you didn't know what you were getting yourself into.
Edmund: No. But it wouldn't have mattered. You know, we're doing the right thing, all of us.
Alex: I'm glad you feel like that. God, I always seem to be disrupting your life.
Edmund: Yeah. I didn't he much of a life till you came into this picture, so no apologies. We said that, right?
Alex: I know, but --

Dixie: Alex? Oh, Edmund. Are we interrupting?

Tad: You've got to give me the key because we don't want to be late for the prom, do we?
Leslie: No. I don't want to miss a single minute. Are you sure that I look ok?
Tad: You look -- you look beautiful.
Leslie: I knew it.
Tad: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Take it easy. You better wait for me to do that.
Leslie: I will. I will save every dance for you.
Tad: Glad to hear it. But now we've got to get a move on, right, because the music may have already started.
Leslie: You're just as excited about this as I am, aren't you?
Tad: Definitely. You bet. So, please, don't keep me waiting.
Leslie: Oh, right. Okey-dokey. Thank you, Tad. I have dreamed about this all my life.
Leslie: Oh. This night is going to be magical. It will be a night that we will remember forever.
Tad: Got that right.

Gordon: Where are you going? Why are you dressed like that? Where the hell are you taking her?
Leslie: It's "A Night in the Tropics."
Gordon: Excuse me?
Tad: The prom. At the high school, remember?
Gordon: What are you talking about?
Tad: It's the reason you're here, Gordon -- to drive us to the prom? Remember? Leslie's been looking forward to this for a long time, so that's why we hired you, to get us there in style. And we don't want to disappoint her, do we?
Leslie: No.
Tad: So can we go? Ok?
Leslie: Yeah. We don't want to be late.
Gordon: Look, is this what you want?
Leslie: More than anything in the whole world.
Gordon: Ok, then. Your chariot awaits.

Jake: This is a great table right here. Have a seat. So, first off, I just want to say I'm sorry about that little stunt that Greenlee pulled. She can have a very strange sense of fun.
Pat: It's very kind of you to put her up.
Jake: Yeah, well, she's a handful. But as I said, it's only a temporary situation.
Pat: Any idea when her place will be ready?
Jake: Well, see, now, that's a whole other story. Did you ever see the old "Twilight Zone" episode with the guy who had a stopwatch and could make time stand still?
Pat: Yes.
Jake: I'll bet you he was a contractor.
Pat: As long as you can hold on to your sanity.
Jake: Yeah, yeah. Well, that's the big question. Because I warned Greenlee that if she didn't start behaving that she might find herself on her own.
Pat: How did she react?
Jake: Same way she reacts to everything -- like a spoiled kid.
Pat: I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but I feel sorry for Greenlee. She seems so lost.
Jake: You think she's lost?
Pat: Yes. She's a lot more fragile than you think.
Jake: Well, I think if Greenlee's lost, it's because she refuses to ask for directions.
Pat: If she were to ask, what would you tell her?
Jake: At this point I would tell her to go ask someone else because Greenlee Smythe is not my problem.

Vanessa: Leo! Darling.
Leo: David here?
Vanessa: What a nice surprise.
Palmer: And good evening to you, too.
Leo: Have you seen him?
Vanessa: We only just arrived ourselves.
Leo: Well, shouldn't he be here?
Palmer: Why so anxious?
Vanessa: Well, his brother is receiving a highly prestigious award tonight. He's just excited, aren't you, darling?
Leo: I just don't understand why he's not here, that's all.
Vanessa: Well, Leo, why are you so anxious to see David? I mean, is something wrong?

Dixie: I'm sorry. We didn't mean to barge in like this.
David: Well, the door was open and we thought that --
Dixie: We'll go.
Edmund: No, no, please. It's all right.
Alex: No, no, no.
Edmund: Stay.
Alex: You're always welcome here, Dixie.
Dixie: Oh. Thank you. It's so good to see you looking so well.
Alex: Yeah. David yes, you've made an amazing recovery. In just two short days, you look like a whole new woman. Ahem.
Alex: What brings you here?
Dixie: Well, it's the Thurston Prize for Medical Research. David and I don't feel right about accepting it without you.
Alex: You won the Thurston Prize?
David: You didn't know?
Dixie: Well, David won for his research that saved Dimitri's life. And he very generously included me, and I thought, well, if I'm going to be a part of this, you should be, too.
Alex: Oh, that's so gracious of you. And you, David.
David: It was Dixie's idea.
Alex: I'm sure it was.
Dixie: So can you be there to accept the award with us?
Alex: Tonight? Dixie: It is. I'm so sorry. It's so last-minute.
Alex: No, I really -- I can't tonight.
Edmund: Alex just got released from the hospital.
Dixie: Oh.
David: Well, you'd never know that from those rosy cheeks.
Alex: I just don't think that I should be out anywhere.
Edmund: I agree.
Dixie: Well, I -- I'm sorry that you can't join us. I mean, you were so much a part of the research and everything, and I really was just an observer, you know?
David: No, Dixie, you were so much more than that. I mean, you helped Dimitri stay the course, keep up his treatment.
Alex: David's right. You do deserve this.
Dixie: That means so much coming from you. Thank you. But I would feel better if you were there to share the award.
Alex: It's enough that my husband's alive and well. Don't you think? Dixie: Of course. Of course. That's what really matters.
Alex: You just didn't want me to feel overlooked. I don't, truly.
Dixie: Good. All right. Well, you rest. Rest well.
Alex: I will.
Dixie: Ok.
David: Is there anything that you would like us to say while give our acceptance speech?
Alex: No, I'm sure you have that covered.
David, can I talk to you a minute? It's -- it's about the foundation.
Dixie: Oh. Well, it's fine with me. I'll just wait outside.
Edmund: Actually, I'm on my way out. I'll walk you to the car.
Dixie: Oh, lovely. You can catch me up on how Sam and Maddie are doing.
Edmund: I hope you're into a lot of bragging.
Dixie: Sure. See you later.

Alex: Well, I suppose congratulations are in order.
David: To all of us.
Alex: That's very magnanimous of you.
David: Well, Dixie's right. You contributed a great deal to my research, Alex. It was your expertise that made the cure viable.
Alex: No. You discovered the hormone therapy and made it work. You deserve to be honored. What you don't deserve is to be walking around a free man.

Anna: Don't!
Bart: What are you doing here?
Ryan: I could ask you the same question.
Bart: Don't get smart with me!
Anna: It's all right, it's all right. It's Gillian and --
Bart: You know them?
Anna: Yeah, they're family.
Gillian: Alex, what is going on here?
Anna: Oh. This is our new -- a bit overzealous -- security guard.
Bart: I was just doing my job.
Anna: I know, but you don't need to protect me from my family, do you? Put the gun away.
Gillian: I didn't realize that we needed extra security.
Anna: Oh, well, you can never be too careful. We were just walking around and we noticed that the lights were on here, and we wondered who on earth it could be and we came in and here you are. That'll be all.
Bart: I'll be downstairs if you need me.
Gillian: I didn't think anybody else knew of this place. Dimitri told me that nobody has been staying here ever since his father passed away, but it looks like somebody has been staying here.
Ryan: Yes, it does. Maybe you've got a squatter or something. Adding a guard to security is probably a good idea.
Anna: Right. I'll call security immediately. Maybe you guys want to go up to the house. I' catch up with you.
Ryan: What is this? Oh, is this yours?
Anna: Yeah, it is. Thank you.
Ryan: Are you the one that's been staying here?
Gillian: Alex, are you staying here?
Anna: Yeah. Dimitri -- well, Dimitri brought me up here to see you after I was ill, and I just loved it so I've been coming here to read and sleep sometimes because I've been very restless since I was ill and I didn't want to disturb Dimitri, my husband.
Ryan: Right. I'm just surprised that you'd want to hike all the way up here so soon after being released from the hospital.
Anna: Oh, it's not that far. And I -- it's good for me, you know. I just keep the meds here just in case.
Gillian: So you still need that medication? Because I thought you were completely recovered.
Anna: Oh, I am. Just in case I had a relapse.
Gillian: Alex, you shouldn't be up here all alone.
Anna: No, I'm fine. I don't want you to be concerned.
Ryan: No, Gillian's right . You shouldn't be alone.
Anna: I'm fine, really.
Ryan: Still, I'm surprised Dimitri let you come up here all by yourself.
Anna: He doesn't know.
Gillian: He doesn't know you could have a relapse?
Anna: Well, because it's such a remote possibility and I didn't want to worry him, and nor should you.
Gillian: No, we won't say a word.
Anna: Ok.
Gillian: Oh, Alex. I'm so glad to see you. You're so brave. I missed you!
Anna: Oh. I missed you, too.
Ryan: The virus that you had -- it's not -- it's not, you know, contagious?
Anna: No.
Ryan: No?
Anna: Well, not anymore.
Ryan: What's it called?
Anna: What?
Ryan: The disease. It's got to have a name.

David: All right, Alex. What's it all about this time, huh? My lack of medical ethics, my many evil conspiracies, or just my overall deficiencies as a human being?
Alex: It's about what Dixie doesn't know.
David: We have a deal. I keep my mouth shut about your sister and --
Alex: I know, and I keep quiet about you poisoning the punch.
David: I never admitted to doing that. I just don't need your paranoid presumptions complicating my life any more than they already are.
Alex: Relax. I'm not going to turn you in. I care about my sister's safety too much for that. Unfortunately, I also care about Dixie.
David: Ah. Here we go.
Alex: No, do you care about her? If you did, you'd want what's best for her.
David: And you think you know what that is?
Alex: I know you. And I know your wants and needs come first. Dixie's come second.
David: Oh, you don't have a clue as to what I share with Dixie.
Alex: Maybe I don't. But I know that she's a whole person, unlike you. She gives her heart and her trust openly. She shoulders the consequences to her family, her reputation, her sense of self. You have never been that forthright, not ever.
David: Maybe I am with her. Did you ever think of that?
Alex: Is that why you've told her that you drugged her husband? Listen to me, David. You think you love her. What you love is having such a pure, kindhearted person believe in you. You have never shown her your other side. You've scammed her totally.
David: That is so wrong.
Alex: No, I don't think so. You're such a fragmented man. You put parts of your life into boxes. You have your past, your work, your ambition --
David: Dixie sees me for who I really am.
Alex: No, she sees the man you put on display, the one that you've pieced together to gain her sympathy. She doesn't know the real you. Oh, and when she finds out your overwhelming egotism and the lies, she's going to walk away from you.
David: Suppose she doesn't. Hmm? Suppose being with me is the greatest relief she's ever had. Suppose she's trapped like you think I am.
Alex: Oh, God, you're so arrogant! Do you love her enough to be at all concerned about what she's going through? She's losing her family.
David: Dixie knows what she wants, Alex. She wants to be loved by me.
Alex: No, that's what you want. You pursued her. She's -- she's confused, David.
David: What -- who made you her keeper, by the way?
Alex: She is such a generous, loving woman. I mean, she came here tonight wanting to share your award with me. She deserves a man as giving and selfless as she is. Do you honestly believe that you could ever be that man? I mean, God, have you ever once in your miserable life been that man?
David: I don't need to hear this.
Alex: If this great love that you supposedly feel for her is real, then you give her what she deserves. And in my opinion, that is a life without you in it.

Vanessa: Leo. Leo, why are you so anxious to find your brother? Now, what is going on?
Leo: I just want to congratulate him, that's all.
Vanessa: You don't think I buy that, do you?
Leo: This is a major honor, right, Mother?
Palmer: You bet it is. And the hospital could use some positive publicity, especially after the headlines that David's been making.
Vanessa: All right, Darling. Only positive thoughts tonight, please. And after this award, the whole, tire community is going to realize how important David is to the entire medical community.
Palmer: Well, spoken like a proud mother.
Vanessa: Yes.
Palmer: But, you know, his future there is not so --
Vanessa: I know, I know.
Palmer: And he's been warned, and so have you.
Vanessa: Yes.
Palmer: Yes.
Vanessa: Perhaps we should sit down. Are you staying, Darling?
Leo: What kind of a little brother would I be if I wasn't here to shake his hand, right?
Vanessa: Well, you might have worn something a bit more appropriate.
Leo: Well, I'm not sticking around.
Palmer: Just as well.

Vanessa: Ah. Don't think for a moment I'm buying this.
Leo: Where the hell is he?

Jake: That is amazing.

[Jake and Pat laugh]

Jake: That's good, Pat. That's good.
Liza: Jake?
Jake: Liza, hi.
Liza: Hi.
Jake: Well, you know Dr. Trowbridge. She works with us at the hospital.
Liza: Nice to see you.
Pat: Hi.
Liza: Can I speak to you alone just for a moment? It's important. Jake: Yeah.
Pat: I'll just go get some hors d'oeuvres.
Liza: He'll be right with you, I promise. I'm sorry.
Jake: Thanks, Pat. Be right back.

Jake: Hey. What's up?
Liza: Have you seen Tad recently?
Jake: Well, not in the last few hours, no.
Liza: Well, I keep trying to call him and leave messages on his cell phone. I just keep trying to reach him. He's not returning my calls. I'm starting to get worried.
Jake: Why, why? What's he up to now?
Liza: It's complicated.
Jake: Well, now, Liza, should we be calling the police about this or what?
Liza: Not right now. I think maybe he needs more time.
Jake: You're not going to tell me what this is about?
Liza: Wait a second. Whoa! You're not going anywhere until you tell me where Tad is.

Leslie: What happened to "A Night in the Tropics"? Where's the music and colored lights? This isn't the prom.
Tad: I know. It's ok. Leslie: No, it's not ok. This is a hospital. Why are we here?
Tad: It's all right. I'm still here with you.
Leslie: No!
Tad: Just you and me.
Leslie: No, no! This isn't what you promised.
Tad: I know it isn't. And I'm sorry, but this is -- this is better for you. This is what you need.
Leslie: No, no --
Tad: Yes, it is.
Leslie: It's not what I need! What I need is you, Tad. And you tricked me! You lied to me!
Tad: Gordon, do me a favor -- go find a doctor, tell her she needs emergency care and sedation.
Leslie: No! No!
Tad: Gordon, go! Leslie --
Leslie: No, no, you can't do this! We're supposed to be at the prom! No.
Tad: It's all right, it's all right. It's all right. Listen. Honey, listen to me -- there is no prom. Leslie, there is no prom. It's all in your mind.
Leslie: No.
Tad: I'm sorry, that's why you have to be here.
Leslie: No.
Tad: Yes.
Leslie: Oh, they'll kill me.
Tad: No, they won't. Leslie: I won't survive if I stay!
Tad: I promise you this is where you're going to get better.
Leslie: No, that's not what you want. That's not what anyone wants.
Tad: All I want is to help you get better.
Leslie: Don't touch me!
Tad: Leslie, please. If you calm down, we can at least talk.
Leslie: Don't tell me what to do!
Tad: Ok? Please --
Leslie: Don't!
Tad: Let me --
Leslie: No! Get away from me!

Anna: Well, the name of the disease is Manaus. Yeah, the capital of the Amazon? They named the virus after that.
Ryan: The Manaus virus. I've never heard of that.
Anna: I know. It's very rare outside of the region. That's why I was so sick, because it took a long time to identify. But now, you know, it's under control and I'm better.
Gillian: Why don't you sit down.
Anna: Oh, all right.
Gillian: Sit down, yes.
Anna: So, why don't you tell me about the wedding. When is it?
Ryan: Actually -- ahem -- here you go. It's tomorrow.
Anna: Tomorrow?
Ryan: Yeah.
Anna: Well, you look so relaxed. Don't you, like, have a million things that you could be doing?
Gillian: No. No, it's going to be real simple -- just us, and we're going to go to town hall. So we're very excited, and we don't have a lot of things to prepare.
Anna: Oh, that sounds lovely.
Gillian: Yeah, we want it simple. We don't want a big celebration because that's not what's really important. It's just us.
An: Oh, you're absolutely right. But that's not what either of you really want, is it?

Tad: Look at me. You're sick and you've been hurt and you need medical help.
Leslie: You don't care about me.
Tad: Yes, I do.
Leslie: No, you've never cared about me. You only care about Dixie and getting her back.
Tad: I want you to get the help you need.
Leslie: Yeah, so I can help you put David away.
Tad: That's not true.
Leslie: Stop lying to me! That's all you've ever done is use me and lie to me. Well, you know what? I'm not -- I'm not going to tell the police what I know. Why should I? Why should I care if you get back your precious Dixie Belle?
Tad: Leslie, listen to yourself. You're not thinking clearly.
Leslie: Don't you dare say that to me -- ah! Oh!
Tad: Stop.
Leslie: If I'm a little confused, it's because of all the lies that you've told me. You told me that you loved me!
Tad: No. No. I never told you that, and you know it. I always said I love Dixie and only Dixie. But that doesn't mean that I don't care about you, that I don't want to help you get what you need.
Leslie: Yeah, so that I can testify against David.
Tad: No. You're not well. I'll take care of him myself. I swear it.
Leslie: Oh, yeah, yeah. No, you won't. You have tried everything that you can think of, and you've lost out to him at every turn -- ow! No wonder your wife doesn't want you. No wonder she fell in love with somebody else!

Liza: Where is Tad?
Leo: I have no idea.
Liza: The last time I saw him, he was following you.
Leo: Well, why was he following me?
Liza: To see what you were up to. I haven't seen him since.
Jake: All right, Leo, if you know where he is, you'd better tell us.
Leo: I'm telling you I haven't seen him, all right?
Liza: Well, I hope you're not lying to me. Because if you are, I'm going to make your life a living hell.

Leo: She is a scary woman.
Jake: Better believe it.

Liza: I don't think Leo knows where he is.
Jake: Well, so where does that put us?
Liza: Oh, I'm worried. I'm really worried.

Greenlee: So, what major mess have you gotten yourself into this time?

Gillian: You're wrong, Alex. This is exactly what we want. As long as Ryan and I can be together forever and as long as I can be his wife and he can be my husband, then that's all we want.
Anna: Oh, you guys so obviously love each other. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry. I tend to do that.
Gillian: No, you didn't pry. You're family. Oh, and I've never been so happy in my life.
Anna: But aren't there people that want to share your happiness with you?
Gillian: Yeah. And we want them to. We just -- you know, not tomorrow. Tomorrow is our day, our special day, just the two of us.
Anna: Oh, it's so exciting! You guys -- you're going to start your whole new life together. You're going to get to learn things about each other in ways that you really -- you can't imagine until you're actually married.
Ryan: Yeah. You know, except that we've already been married. You didn't forget that, did you?

Tad: Leslie, please -- if you don't stop struggling, you're only going to hurt yourself.
Joe: Tad --
Leslie: Let me go!
Tad: I can't do that.
Joe: You found her. Where was she?
Tad: I don't have time to give you the whole story, Pop. All I can say is she needs help and she needs it now.
Joe: Sedative.
Leslie: No! No! No! Let me go!
Tad: It's all right.
Leslie: Let me go!
Tad: It's ok. It's ok.
Leslie: No, it's not ok! All I ever wanted was for you to love me!
Tad: I know. It's all right, Leslie. It's all right. That a girl. I've got you.
Joe: I'll have the nurse call the psych resident. Now, you stay with her. Don't leave her alone for one second. Nurse? Have the psych resident go into cube one.

Gordon: I found a doctor. He's on his way.
Joe: Gordon. Gordon Feimster.
Gordon: Hello, Dr. Martin.
Joe: Where have you been? You've been missing for months.
Gordon: I've been traveling.
Joe: You're in serious trouble, you know. You falsified lab reports!
Tad: Pop, I'd hold off on the hanging if I were you. Mr. Feimster's done an awful lot to redeem himself.
Gordon: Thanks, Tad.
Tad: It's all right. It's a long story. Right now I got to find Dixie. Where is she?
Joe: She's -- she's at the Valley Inn. That's where I'm going now.
Tad: I can see that. What is it, some kind of party?
Joe: Well, your friend David is receiving a prestigious medical award which he is sharing with Dixie.
Tad: It's the last thing he's going to share with her.

Leo: I really don't have time for you right now, Greenlee.
Greenlee: I might be able to help.
Leo: With what?
Greenlee: Whatever trouble you're in with your mother and Liza.
Leo: What makes you think that --
Greenlee: I saw you talking to both of them, and none of you looked too happy. Liza looked like she was going to take your head off.
Leo: That's a really overactive imagination you got there, Greenlee.
Greenlee: Why won't you let me help you?
Leo: Why don't you go bother your new roommate? Looks to me like he's talking to a pretty hot-looking lady doctor over there.
Greenlee: So?
Leo: So, you're not jealous?
Greenlee: Jake is a friend. Stop trying to change the subject. You're in trouble, Leo. It's obvious. Let me help you.
Leo: You can't.
Greenlee: Well, at least tell me what's going on.
Leo: I did something really stupid that might get David into a lot of trouble. I've been trying to warn him, but he won't listen to me.
Greenlee: So let him find out the hard way.
Leo: I can't.
Greenlee: Why not if you hate your brother as much as you say you do? You care about your brother, Leo. Admit it.
Leo: Like you care about your father? I have things to do.

Palmer: Anything she says, I'll sue you.


Palmer: And that man over there is the bodyguard.
Vanessa: Oh, Darling. He's far too modest.

Woman: Dr. Hayward? Dr. Hayward?
David: Yes, right here.
David: All right. We'll do some more pictures later. Ok? Thank you.

Palmer: David.
David: Palmer.
Dixie: Hi, Uncle Palmer.
Vanessa: Well, it's quite a surprise seeing you on my son's arm this evening.
Palmer: Not to put too fine a word on it.
David: Dixie's sharing this award with me, Mother. She was my partner all the way through it.
Palmer: The less said about that, the better.
Dixie: Excuse me.

Dixie: Palmer, I'm very proud to be sharing this award with David.
Palmer: I hope that's all you're sharing.
Dixie: Please don't do this now.
Palmer: I can't help it. I really can't. Seeing you with him -- it hurts me so deeply. I thought by now you would've learned when you were being used.
Dixie: Well, I could say the same of you.
Palmer: No. See, I always know. Dixie, this infatuation has got to stop. It is a mistake, and I hope you know how to fix the mistake.

Vanessa: David, have you seen your brother tonight? He seems very anxious to talk to you.
David: Really? I'm sure Palmer's trying to scare Dixie away again.
Vanessa: Well, that doesn't seem to do much good, does it, Dear? I think you should call Leo. It might be important.

Palmer: Excuse us.
David: Sure.

Man: Dr. Hayward?
David: Yes? Oh, hello.
Man: Hi.
David: Hi. Man: I just want to say congratulations for winning the award.
David: Thank you very much. It's good to see you again.
Woman: My husband is here because of the surgery you performed. It saved his life. As far as 're concerned, you deserve a prize in all the books.
Man: That's right.
David: Well, that's very generous of you. Thank you for coming. Enjoy yourselves tonight.
Man: Have a good night.

David: So, would you like to dance with the miracle worker?
Dixie: I'd be honored. But maybe it's not such a good idea.
David: Dixie, who cares what other people think? It's just a dance. I mean, come on. We have the right to enjoy ourselves this evening. We're celebrating, right? This is our night. Who knows when we can do it again?
David: I've waited for this my whole life.
Dixie: David --
David: I love you, Dixie. I'll always love you.

Leo: David, I need to talk to you.
David: Leo, not now, please.
Leo: It's important. Come on.
Dixie: Go ahead. Go ahead. I'll be right here.

Leo: Come on.
David: Ok. All right, Leo. What? What is it?
Leo: You have to get out of town right now, right away.

Anna: Yes, of course I remember that you were married. I mean, yes, you know. But this is the marriage that counts -- this one now.
Ryan: Yeah. Well -- whew. You know what? We've got a big date tomorrow. What do you say we turn in?
Gillian: Yes. Yes, but you know what? I think I'd rather spend the night at Wildwind the night before my wedding.
Ryan: Oh, sounds good to me.
Anna: Oh, you're going to have such a wonderful life together! I can tell it. It's going to be great.
Gillian: Yeah.
Ryan: Yeah, me, too. Me, too.
Gillian: Gillian. Well, why don't you come down to the house with us?
Anna: No. I'm going to stay here and read.
Gillian: I don't think you should do that.
Anna: It's fine. Bart's outside.
Gillian: Please? Please? Please, we're begging you so that we don't have to worry about you all night.
Anna: Oh, sure, if you put it like that.

Edmund: Anna, you in here? I --
Ryan: Anna? Who's Anna?

David: What are you talking about?
Leo: No, listen to me, David. You have to get out of town before it's too late.
David: Why?
Leo: No, I don't have time to explain. Just, please, trust me!
David: I don't think so, Leo.
Leo: You're making a big mistake, Bro.
David: All right, I'll take my chances. I am not leaving here. Not tonight.

Dixie: What's going on?
David: Just my little brother playing one of his games.
Leo: I'm not playing games, David.
Dixie: Well, then, what is it?

Jake: Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your attention, please? We're ready to get started, so please take a seat. I'm Jake Martin. My father, Joe Martin, was supposed to be here to make the introductions as Chief of Staff at Pine Valley hospital. But it seems that he has been detained, so if you'll bear with me, I'm going to fill in for him. We are here tonight to present this year's John B. Thurston prize for medical research to Dr. David Hayward and Dixie Martin.
Jake: Dr. Hayward and Ms. Martin, please come on up.
Leo: I know -- I know that this is the worst possible time, but you have to believe me. You have to get out of here.
David: I'm receiving an award, Leo.
Leo: David --
Dixie: Are you coming?
David: Yes, I'm right behind you.
Dixie: You should go up ahead.

Jake: Ladies and gentlemen, Dr. David Hayward.


David: Thank you, Dr. Martin. Thank you. Thank you all very much. Thank you. You know, when I first decided to go into medicine, I made a vow that I was going to do everything I could to help fight life-threatening diseases. And I have to tell you, it hasn't been easy. It seems that with every step we move forward, disease keeps pushing us back. That's why this award is so very special because it's going to enable us to help save more people's lives -- lives that would be claimed by disease, lives of people whom we love. And where love exists in this world, you have to hold on tightly. You have to fight to make sure that nothing takes it away. It's a struggle. It is. It's a struggle that requires support, commitment, sacrifice from doctors, nurses, support staff, researchers, and most of all, patients. Now, I would like to accept this award this evening on their behalf. But I would especially like to thank the woman whom I share it with -- my partner, my assistant, my inspiration -- Miss Dixie Cooney Martin.

Tad: Sorry to interrupt!
Dixie: God, Tad, no. Please, can't this just wait one more night?
Tad: This one's out of my hands.

Derek: David Hayward, you're under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney and to have that attorney present during questioning. If you can't afford an attorney, one will be provided for you free of charge. Do you understand your rights?


Ryan: Alex, is there a problem we should know about?

Gordon: Hi, Dr. Hayward. Remember me?

Leo: This is all my fault.
Greenlee: What are you talking about, Leo?
Leo: I buried my own brother.

Dixie: I want to see the tape, now.

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