APRIL 5, 2001

Edmund: Did I just call you "Anna"?
Anna: Yes, you did.
Edmund: Well, that just proves my theory.
Ryan: Really? What theory's that?
Edmund: You stare at a computer screen for two hours straight, it's going to fry your brain cells.
Anna: Oh, yeah. Edmund's been doing some research into my sister Anna and her daughter Robin.
Gillian: Right, you have that niece that you've never met, right? Are you going to try to find her?
Anna: At some point, when I'm better. Well, we'll see.
Edmund: You know, Peggy told Stella that there's a -- you know what I'm going to say -- there's a happy couple that wants to get married. Is there any truth to that rumor?
Ryan: Well, at 10:00 A.M. tomorrow morning at town hall, we have a date.
Gillian: Tomorrow this time, we're going to be husband and wife.
Anna: Oh, it's so exciting that they're running away to get married.
Ryan: Oh, just running to Main Street.
Gillian: Yes, it's just going to be the two of us. It's more intimate that way.
Ryan: No guests, I'm afraid. You guys aren't offended, are you?
Edmund: No. No, no, no. Just as long as you know that I wish you all the happiness in the world.
Anna: Oh, me, too.
Gillian: Well, I hope we can find the same happiness that you found. With Dimitri.
Anna: Oh -- finding the one person in your life that you want to share it with is everything.
Edmund: Bart? Bart? What are you doing here? I thought I told you, you know, the main house, go to the main house.
Anna: Bart and I -- we were out walking around the grounds and we saw that the lights were on here, so we thought we'd investigate. Then we came in and we found Ryan and Gillian. So he was just doing his job. Bart: I need to talk to you about security, Mr. Grey, in private.
Edmund: Sure. Excuse us.

Ryan: Wow. Bart certainly is very intense.
Gillian: Yeah, he seems very protective of you, Alex.
Anna: Yeah.
Ryan: Alex? Is there a problem we should know about?

Bart: You told me nobody used this place. What the hell are they doing here?
Edmund: Gillian's Dimitri's cousin.
Bart: I don't give a damn if she is Queen Sheba.
Edmund: Bart, she's used to the run of the place, ok?
Bart: Listen, that wasn't the deal. You promised me my girl would be safe here.

Gillian: What's going on? Is Alex in some kind of danger?

Derek: Dr. Hayward, you have the right to remain silent.
David: Wait a minute! This is outrageous!
Derek: Anything you say can and will be used against in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney and to have an attorney present during questioning. If you can't afford an attorney, one will provided for you by the government at no expense. Do you understand your rights as I've explained them to you?
David: Derek, what the hell is going on?
Tad: I guess your little joy ride's over, Dave.
Derek: Tad, why don't you let me do my job, please. All right, Dr. Hayward, just so you know, you're being charged with the unlawful administration of a controlled drug, which is a felony that carries a 15-year maximum sentence and a \$250,000 fine.
David: Well, this is absurd! I'm innocent! I told the police everything that I know.
Tad: No, you told the police you had nothing to do with the drugging of a boatload of innocent people.
David: That's correct!
Tad: Leslie Coulson was responsible for the entire thing.
David: Yes!
Tad: After all, she is the one that stole the vial of Libidozone from your office.
David: Yes, that's right! We have her on videotape!
Tad: Well, there you go. Because everybody knows the camera doesn't lie, right, Dave?
Dixie: Tad, what is that?
Tad: This is proof. It's all the proof I've needed to nail you for what happened at Ryan's party. So you go ahead and smile for the press, doctor. You just got caught with your flask in the punch bowl.

Reporter: Dr. Hayward, are these charges true? Dr. Hayward, did you do it?

Dixie: David, is it true?
David: No, no, of course it's not true, Dixie. Look, I already told you, I had nothing to do with what took place on that yacht!

Vanessa: Palmer, do something!

David: What are you -- Derek, come on!
Palmer: Lieutenant, Lieutenant? As you can see, the room is full of press and photographers. Can't we take care of this little misunderstanding --
Derek: Look, there is nothing to take care of, Palmer. I watched the videotape that the "Wave" crew took and in one shot, the good doctor was standing near the punch bowl. In another shot, he was clearly fishing his flask out of it.
Dixie: That's your evidence?
David: There was scotch in that flask! Oh, come on! I mean, unless prohibition's back, you have no grounds to arrest me!
Tad: You're a liar. You're the one that spiked Libidozone.
David: You know, I'm sick and tired of your false accusations, Martin!
Tad: And you did it.
David: I'm going to get you for this!
Tad: You were willing to endanger everybody on that yacht for one reason and one reason only -- to come between me and my wife.
Dixie: Tad, please --
David: That is a lie.
Tad: And everyone in town knows how he lied and manipulated his way into your life. It's no secret.
Derek: Come on, let's cuff him, let's get him out of here.
Tad: No, wait a minute. Wait a minute, wait a minute. Wait a minute. I've waited a long time for this and I've been through a hell of a lot. I just handed you Hayward on a silver platter. I think I deserve a minute.
Dixie: Tad, don't.
Tad: Please? The heart wants what it wants, right, Dave? You should know. You're the expert. You wanted Dixie. Only problem was she was married to me.
David: This whole thing is a farce.
Tad: No one can deny you save lives. And that's pretty heady stuff. You saved hers. But her gratitude wasn't enough for your ego, so you started to submit versions of your personality for her approval till you found one that she couldn't resist.
David: You keep it up, I'm going to sue you till --
Tad: The wounded doctor, the misunderstood genius, right? A man whose only shot at redemption was the love of a good woman. Well, she is a good woman. A very good woman. And when she did try to resist, when she tried to make her way back to her husband, when your lies fell flat and your charm failed, you had one more dirty trick in your little black bag --
David: This is not true!
Tad: Libidozone.
The only mistake you made is you didn't know you were being recorded.
David: This whole thing is a bunch of lies! Derek, please.
Derek: All right, let's cuff him, let's get him out of here.
David: Wait! You know, I'm not going anywhere with you! These charges are totally bogus!
Tad: Means, motive, and opportunity. It's all right here on tape and it's all a jury's going to need to nail you.
David: You've got to be kidding me! Are you kidding me? You think a jury's going to convict me on such flimsy evidence?

Gordon: They will after I testify. Hi, Dr. Hayward. Remember me?

Edmund: Bart, I'll see you back at the main house?
Bart: What about Alex?
Edmund: I'm here. She'll be fine.

Gillian: Edmund, tell me, is Alex in some kind of danger?
Edmund: Why would you say that?
Gillian: Well, for one thing, you've hired extra security.
Edmund: Oh, I wouldn't make too much of Bart.
Gillian: Well, Alex has made some enemies in the past. Is that maybe what it is? Has Charlotte been released from prison?
Edmund: No, Charlotte is safely behind bars, believe me.
Gillian: Then why was this Bart guy concerned about her safety? Edmund: You k
now that trip to South America when she picked up that virus? Well, that damn near killed her.
Gillian: Yeah, but she's better now or Joe wouldn't have let her come home, right?
Edmund: True, true, but you know Alex. She tends to overextend, so Dimitri hired Bart just to, you know, keep an eye on her.
Gillian: He pulled a gun on me and Ryan.
Edmund: No, that's not very good. He -- I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'll talk to him, ok?
Gillian: I'm just -- you know, I'm worried about Alex. She's been acting really weird.
Edmund: Well, that's because she's really not herself. You know, the -- the fever -- it left her with some residual disorientation.
Gillian: Edmund, she couldn't even remember that Ryan and I've been married before. Edmund: Well, you see? Her memory affected, but Joe said it was just a temporary thing. Believe me, she's going to be back to herself in no time.

Anna: Everything squared away?
Edmund: Yeah. No problem.
Anna: Sorry that we scared you.
Gillian: It's ok.
Anna: Here you are, the night before your wedding, and the turret's crowded.
Ryan: Well, we weren't planning on staying.
Gillian: Yeah, I'm going to spend the night in my old bedroom in Wildwind since the turret's occupied.
Anna: Oh, but as I said, I don't come here all the time. It's just so I don't disturb Dimitri.
Gillian: Well, why don't I walk you back to the main house.
Edmund: No, let me. You -- the two of you should just, you know, do what you were about to do before you were so rudely interrupted.
Ryan: Hmm. Your Highness? May I escort you on a moonlight stroll through the apple orchards?
Gillian: Sounds heavenly.
Ryan: Ok, well, we'll see you two later.
Edmund: Ok.

Ryan: Ok, that was very, very weird. What -- what's going on in there?
Gillian: You felt it, too?
Ryan: Yes, I felt it. It's like they're talking in code or something. And what's with that Bart guy?
Gillian: Edmund said he just hired him to take care of Alex.
Ryan: "Hired"? What, like a bodyguard?
Gillian: More like a babysitter. And when I asked him if she was in some kind of trouble, he said no.
Ryan: What about that slip-up? Edmund calling Alex "Anna"? Did you buy his explanation for that?
Gillian: Well, I think that it's kind of normal. He was been doing research, he had Anna on his mind, so --
Ryan: Still, maybe you should spend the night on the yacht with me.
Gillian: Ryan, don't ask me to do that.
Ryan: Oh.
Gillian: Please.
Ryan: Well, I just -- I'd feel better if you did.
Gillian: No, no, I know exactly what you're going to feel. And my answer is still going to be no. Come on, we're wasting precious moonlight.

Edmund: You played the role of Alex perfectly.
Anna: No, I didn't. I dropped the ball a couple of times.
Edmund: You recovered like a pro.
Anna: I don't think Gillian bought it. You know, she and Alex are so close.
Edmund: I don't think you gave her any reason to believe that you're not who you say you were.
Anna: Alex. Oh, my God, they're going up to the house.
Edmund: Ok, ok. I'll find her, make sure she keeps our stories straight. It's getting to be you can't tell the players without a program.
Anna: You coming back?
Edmund: Wild horses.

Edmund: Boo!
Alex: Ooh! Oh.
Edmund: I'm sorry.
Alex: You gave me such a fright.
Edmund: What are you doing? What's up?
Alex: Just taking care of some last-minute details before the wedding. I thought maybe that this was Gillian, you know, and the surprise was ruined.
Edmund: Speaking of surprises -- Ryan and Gillian were walking the grounds and they walked into the turret.
Alex: Did they see Anna?
Edmund: They thought it was you.
Alex: Oh, no. What about Bart?
Edmund: That was a little more difficult. He pulled a gun on them.
Alex: Oh, dear lord.
Edmund: Yeah, but it's ok. I explained to them that Dimitri hired Bart to sort of look after you. Kind of a nurse ratchet on steroids.
Alex: This isn't funny, Edmund. I mean, Anna, she doesn't need that kind of added pressure. She's not strong enough yet.
Edmund: Don't worry about. She handled it beautifully. Your sister is amazing.
Edmund: Yeah, and she's fast I mean, why was she there? She said, "well, you know, when I get restless, I sleep there because I don't want to disturb Dimitri."
Alex: Oh. And Bart, I suppose, is the executive in charge of her well-being.
Edmund: You got it.
Alex: Right. I'll have to try hard to keep all these stories straight.
Edmund: I can make some flash cards. We could put them around the house. What do you think?
Alex: It'd be worth it to keep her safe.
Edmund: Speaking of which, I'm going to check on her and, you know, make sure she's ok.
Alex: Thank you -- for being such a good friend to her.
Edmund: My pleasure.
Alex: It must be hard for her to be so confined all day.
Edmund: Yeah. Yeah. Well, you know, once she is out of danger and we're sure of it, she can come and go as she pleases.
Alex: Yeah. Edmund: Life goes on whether we like it or not.
Alex: Give her my love.

Anna: Hi.
Bart: Anna, we have to leave here. Too many people know you're here.
Anna: Oh, no, I think convinced Ryan and Gillian.
Bart: It was a mistake for us to come here.
Anna: Well, we had to. I was so ill.
Bart: It's too dangerous.
Anna: Don't you think it was worth the danger to get me well again?
Bart: Anna, we have to leave here when you're strong enough.
Anna: And go where? Bart, you've been more than a friend to me. You've taken care of me all these years. You've practically given up your life for me. And I love you for it, you gruff old goat. But coming here, I feel like I'm starting a new life. I have family and I have people that care about me.
Bart: I care about you.
Anna: I know you do. Please be happy for me. Your caring has paid off. I feel reconnected to the rest of the world. Don't you?
Bart: The world is a dangerous please, Anna.
Anna: But we're safe here.
Bart: In an estate, 100 acres covered with woods? Aren't you afraid?
Anna: I'm so tired of living in fear. I want to take my life back as the person I used to be.
Bart: You don't know who that is.
Anna: I will, though. I'm getting stronger. My memory's getting stronger. One day I will be more than a fragment of a broken life. I'll be Anna Devane again.
Bart: Anna, your sister's been filling your head with all kinds of dangerous ideas. Let the world believe you died in a boat explosion.
Anna: But I survived for a reason, and it's not to live cooped up here like a hermit. I'm sorry, but I believe that I have a destiny. And I want to follow it, whatever it is.
Bart: We had a good life before.
Anna: Yeah, we did. I don't want to argue. I'm kind of tired.
Bart: You rest.
Bart: I won't be far.
Edmund: Bart? How's Anna?
Bart: You promised me she would be safe.
Edmund: She will be. You have my word.
Bart: If anything happens to her, you're a dead man.

Tad: What's the matter, David? You look a little pale all of a sudden.
David: Dixie, this is a frame-up.
Dixie: That's Gordon from the lab -- the guy who disappeared.
David: Yeah, I know. He was working with Leslie. Tad must have found him and paid him to indict me!
Gordon: We both know that's not how it played out, David.
David: No, don't -- don't listen to him, Dixie. He's lying! Leslie stole the Libidozone! I saw her pouring it from the flask at the party! I tried to stop her and the flask fell into the punch bowl!
Tad: Now, would that be the flask with the scotch in it? You know, it's just too bad that Leslie isn't here to defend herself. Oh, actually, you know what? I just remembered -- she is. She's under armed guard at the hospital. She's conscious and she's ready to give her statement to the police. And just so you know, she's one the ground floor so she won't do too much damage she accidentally falls out the window.
David: Dixie, you know I'm telling the truth. Please tell me that you believe me. Tell me.
Derek: Can we please cuff him and take him downtown?
Dixie: Wait a minute, wait a minute. What happened to innocent until proven guilty?
Derek: He will get this day in court, Dixie.
Dixie: Does he have to wear those?
Derek: It's procedure, I'm sorry. Let's go.

Reporter: Did you do it, Dr. Hayward?
Second reporter: Did you spike the punch at Ryan Lavery's yacht party?
Third reporter: Did you do it for love, Dr. Hayward?

David: Dixie, please tell me that you believe me!

Reporter: Dr. Hayward --

David: Dixie, please!

Reporter: Give me one comment.

Leo: This is all my fault. Greenlee: What are you talking about, Leo?
Leo: I buried my own brother.

Reporter: Dr. Hayward?

Vanessa: David, David? I want you to use your phone call to call this man. He's one of Palmer's lawyers. Darling, he'll help you.
David: Dixie -- Dixie, please tell me that you're not going to stop believing in me! Please! Dixie, please! Don't stop believing in me, Dixie!

[Reporters talk]

Joe: Everybody, everybody, all right, the show's over!
Jake: We want to clear this room now!
Reporter: Just a few words.
Jake: All press in the lobby.
Joe: No, that's enough. Thank you very much.

Tad: Are you ok?
Dixie: No, I'm just about anything but ok.
Tad: I don't blame you. It's been a hell of a night.
Dixie: Just doesn't seem real, you know? One minute I was accepting an award --
Tad: Dixie, the last thing that David Hayward deserves is to be put upon a pedestal like some kind of hero, because he's not.
Dixie: You couldn't wait till the dinner was over?
Tad: No. I'm sorry, but no. I had the proof and I had to move fast. With David, there's no other alternative. If you don't believe me, ask Gordon.
Gordon: Dr. Hayward asked me to duplicate the formula for Libidozone after he used it on himself.
Dixie: He used it on himself?
Gordon: Yeah. It was part of his research. He promised if I helped, he'd share the profits.
Dixie: So you mixed up a batch of this drug?
Gordon: Uh -- actually, no, I did it more than once. First he tried it out on Erica Kane. And then, thanks to his recklessness, almost everybody at the yacht party got a dose. And then when people started flooding the ER that night, he asked me to falsify the toxicology reports. And then I started to get really nervous because my career was on the line and Hayward didn't give a damn. And when I threatened to go to the police, he swore that he'd take me down with him, and then he paid me to disappear. Look,you know, I -- it was wrong. I mean, I was wrong to help him and take his money. I should have reported him. But I -- I was scared. I didn't want to go to jail. But I should have said something because lives were ruined that night on the yacht because of did and the drug, and for that I'm deeply and truly sorry.
Tad: Now do you believe me?
Dixie: The tape, your proof -- I want to see it.
Dixie: I want to see the tape. Now!

[Door closes]

Ryan: So are you ready to call it a night?
Gillian: No. I wouldn't be able to fall asleep, anyway.
Alex: How was your walk?
Ryan: Oh.
Gillian: Oh, it was beautiful.
Alex: Yes, you know, the night before I married Dimitri, it was raining cats and dogs and I thought it was beautiful as well. It just goes to show that love is weather-proof. Sit down.
Gillian: So how are you feeling?
Alex: Better, thank you.
Gillian: You changed your clothes.
Alex: Well, yeah, I spilled tea on myself. So, how excited are you about tomorrow?
Gillian: Very. Very excited.
Alex: The town hall. It's a bit different from the last time. It was here, wasn't it, at Wildwind chapel?
Gillian: Yes, it was.
Alex: I heard -- Dimitri told me that you were just about to marry Scott Chandler, and then Ryan walked in, took his place as the groom?
Ryan: Your memory seems to be coming back.
Alex: Yes. Well, it's about time doddering old Alex got her act together. I'm sorry about what happened there with Bart.
Ryan: Actually, you already apologized for that.
Alex: Well, it bears repeating. I can't imagine what you thought when you walked in, saw me standing there with a strange man holding a gun on you.
Gillian: No, that's ok. We've already forgotten all about it, haven't we?
Ryan: Yeah, forgotten all about it.
Alex: Good. Right. I'm going to go upstairs and wait for Dimitri. He's coming back from this awards to-do, so I'll give you some privacy. Big day tomorrow. Good night, Darling.
Gillian: Good night.
Ryan: Good night.
Alex: Night.

Gillian: What?
Ryan: That was weird. That was very weird. First, she doesn't remember that we got married at all, and now she remembers every single little detail about it?
Gillian: That's a good sign. That means she's getting better, she's recovering.
Ryan: No, no, no, that wasn't the only thing. We were in the turret when Alex and Bart showed up with the gun. We were there first. She said it the other way around. She said it backwards.
Gillian: Are you sure?
Ryan: Yes, I'm positive. She said she couldn't imagine what we thought when we found her and some strange man holding a gun. That's not the way it happened. So what the hell's going on?

Edmund: Bart doesn't think I can protect you.
Anna: Yeah, he worries about me so much.
Edmund: Can't fault the guy for that.
Anna: He's concerned that the circle of people that know about me is growing.
Edmund: I think Ryan and Gillian bought your cover.
Anna: You do? I don't know. It's not easy pretending to be Alex.
Edmund: In what way?
Anna: Oh, she's much more controlled than I am, you know. I'm more likely to fly off the handle, speak my mind. You know, you said we were different. She's more British, stiff upper lip.
Edmund: Oh, don't downplay your sister too much. She's got her moments. In Bryn Wydd when I was a hostage, she basically came to my rescue. She had the strength of about 10 men. She's was ferocious. I'll never forget it as long as I live. What, am I rambling?
Anna: No. It's very enlightening. Tell me, Edmund, did something happen up at the house with Alex?
Edmund: Just that I brought her up to speed on what happened here. And she thanked me for being your friend and --
Anna: So endlessly understanding.
Edmund: Beats putting your fist through a wall.
Anna: I can imagine. Oh. I'd kill to get out of this place. Isn't there somewhere I can go where I won't be noticed?
Edmund: As a matter of fact, there is.
Alex: Oh. Thank you.

Anna: Oh, you sure know how to show a girl a good time.
Edmund: It's the family mausoleum.
Anna: Yuck.
Edmund: It's the final resting place of for generations of Marick's.
Anna: You're not a Marick, though, are you?
Edmund: Oh, that I am.
Anna: Oh.
Edmund: Well, not in name, but definitely in blood. See my father here? Well, I'm his little bastard son.
Anna: Oh.
Edmund: Unacknowledged in his lifetime.
Anna: You're ok with that?
Edmund: More or less.
Edmund: See, I didn't know how I was for a while, either.
Anna: Oh. Edmund: And then one day somebody taught me that life is for the living.
Anna: Your wife?
Edmund: Yeah. Yeah, Maria, she was really special. When she died, I -- I didn't really want to go on living. But we had children, and they give you a reason to live. I had to love them twice as much. You know what I'm saying?
Anna: Oh, children. Such a blessing.
Edmund: Yeah, they are. When I look at Maddie, I see Maria. And I can feel her just looking out for us, saying it's ok to move on.
Anna: Have you?
Edmund: More or less.
Anna: Hmm. I wish I could.
Edmund: You will. You will when your memory comes back. Hey, you can't know what the future is until you know where you've been.
Anna: I know where I've been. I know all about my history. The life and times of a spy named Anna Devane. Two husbands, a child, and a life I can't connect with.
Edmund: You will. Give it time.
Anna: Yeah, but how much time? You know, I mean, I can't wait forever. What if my memory really never comes back? What do I do? I mean, do I just continue living in limbo, hearing about my life secondhand? Why can't I remember?
Edmund: You will. When you're ready.
Anna: And then what? Will my life take a turn for the better or the worse?

Gillian: Ryan, Alex has been through a horrible ordeal. We're lucky she's alive.
Ryan: I agree. I agree.
Gillian: So if she's acting strangely, then she has good reason to.
Ryan: Hey, don't get me wrong. You know how much I like Alex.
Gillian: But?
Ryan: But, I mean, she's got a whole other life that even she doesn't know about, that whole spy/espionage thing. It's not exactly like she's the girl next door.
Gillian: So?
Ryan: "So?" Do you remember last summer at the hunting lodge? You called me to help you hide a corpse. A corpse. That man was trying to knock her off.
Gillian: Ryan, that was all in Alex's past.
Ryan: Really? You sure about that?
Gillian: What? Are you thinking that Bart may be a double agent or an assassin?
Ryan: I don't know, I don't know. I have no idea what he is. I just know that I love you, and if anything happens to you --
Gillian: Nothing is going to happen to me. Tomorrow I'm going to marry the man of my dreams and we're always going to be together and we're going to grow old together.
Ryan: You promise?
Gillian: I promise.
Ryan: I'd still feel better if you spent the night with me.
Gillian: Don't you ever stop? It's tradition that the bride and groom cannot spend the night together before their wedding.
Ryan: That's an American tradition. You're Hungarian.
Gillian: Oh. You want me to give you the rundown on Hungarian traditions?
Ryan: Well, that depends on what they are.
Gillian: Hmm.

Dixie: Turn it off. I've seen enough.
Waiter: Excuse me, but I think someone should take this home.

Derek: All right, doctor, you'll be arraigned first thing in the morning. Now would be a good time to call a lawyer. You're entitled to a phone call.
David: Just leave me alone.
Derek: All right. Yell if you change your mind.
Leo: David.

Gillian: Ok. You ready for your lesson in marriage, Hungarian style?
Ryan: Oh, yes, I am. Bring it on.
Gillian: Ok. The night before the wedding, the bride gets stolen, and then the groom has to pay ransom.
Ryan: Well, you're worth a king's ransom.
Gillian: Oh, and then there's the broom ritual. The bride has to take a broom and sweep the floor to prove that she's a good housekeeper.
Ryan: Well, if you sweep anything like you cook, we're in a lot of trouble.
Gillian: Oh, and then, after the ceremony -- after the ceremony, the bride gets put up for sale, and then everybody has to form a long line if they want to dance with me, but they have to pay. They have to pay with, like, goats or cows or lambs or a chicken or -- or something like that -- anything to start the housekeeping.
Ryan: Wow. Well -- ahem -- that seems perfectly normal. But after the ransom and after the sweeping and the cows and chickens and stuff, what's the ritual for the husband and wife, you know, kind of getting together?
Gillian: You know that ritual just as well as I do.
Ryan: Oh. Hungarian Rhapsody.
Gillian: No. Not until after the wedding.
Ryan: Which means?
Gillian: You're out of here! Ok? Until tomorrow.
Ryan: Well. But promise me that after tomorrow we will never spend a night apart.
Gillian: Not for the rest of our lives.

Edmund: Our pasts are what define us -- good and bad. But I got a feeling that you remembering yours is going to be liberating, and that's good.
Anna: Yeah, but I'm not sure that it's the right thing for me to remain cloistered here. You know, if I were to get out into the world and retrace my life back to the boat explosion, it might jog my memory.
Edmund: Maybe. Maybe. But until we're absolutely sure the people who are a danger to you are no longer, you're staying here. Well, not right here, but you're staying here with the people who love you and care about you. Ok? Come on.

Leo: David, I'm sorry. I tried to warn you, but --
David: You made a copy of that tape.
Leo: I told you, but you wouldn't believe me, David. Look, Mother's got Palmer working on the case. We'll get the charges dropped and --
David: No! Don't you get it, Leo? I don't give a damn about the charges! My life means nothing without Dixie! If she buys Tad's word over mine, I have lost her.

Tad: Please don't turn away from me. You've seen the tape, you heard from Gordon. You finally know what Hayward has done. The evidence is all there. It's overwhelming. I'm sorry about the way you feel. But at least you know the truth, that I was right. I wasn't paranoid, I wasn't deranged. I was only trying to protect you. You believe me, don't you? Dixie, please tell me you believe in me.
Dixie: I just need to be alone, ok? I just need to be alone.
Tad: Dixie?


Alex: Gillian said that she wouldn't be able to marry you today at the town hall.

Leo: I want out of this mess.
Greenlee: Want to escape?

Man: There's no real proof that you gave that drug to anyone.
Erica: I wouldn't count on that.

Dixie: I'm so sorry.

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