APRIL 6, 2001


In Michael Nader's absence, the part of Dimitri will be played by Anthony Adabbo.

Alex: Take the food into the pantry, all right? Stella's there.
Dimitri: Oh, and the flowers, too. Flowers, too.
Alex: Flowers? Great. Thank you. This way --
Dimitri: Alex, what about this?
Alex: What is it?
Dimitri: This gold box.
Alex: Oh, wait. How did it do?
Man: The cleaner said remarkably well, Ma'am.
Alex: I'm so pleased. Eugenia's going to love that. Thank you. Wait. I've got it. Oh, hi. Laura, you're early.
Laura: I had to watch it come together. Everything ok?
Alex: Everything's fine, yes. She hasn't come down yet, so --

Gillian: If I wanted to stay in bed, I would.
Alex: Oh, quick -- hide.

Eugenia: Oh, you are so stubborn.
Alex: Take this.

Eugenia: Can't you admit that I know what it's like --
Gillian: You're being so silly! Would you two please tell Grandmama that if I am to marry Ryan this morning, I have a thing or two to do?
Eugenia: She's impossible. But we know that, don't we?
Dimitri: Yes, we do.
Gillian: If I didn't know any better, I would think that you were trying to keep me from town hall and Ryan.
Dimitri: Somebody has to.
Gillian: What was that?
Dimitri: Hmm? What?
Eugenia: She has a scheduled breakfast with Ryan.
Gillian: That's right, and I'm already late. So if you will all please excuse me --
Alex: Oh, I'm sorry. That's out of the question.
Gillian: What's out of the question, Alex?
Dimitri: You're not going anywhere.

Ryan: Ok, Eggs Florentine, some freshly squeezed orange juice, lots of coffee -- lots -- and some fresh flowers, all right?
Waiter: Sir?
Ryan: I called earlier. I'm getting married today. It's for my bride-to-be, right? You know what? She'll be here soon, ok? Thank you.

Ryan: Hey, Jake. I didn't realize you were sitting right here.
Jake: Well, surprise, surprise, Ryan.
Ryan: Yeah, well, I just wanted to apologize. I didn't mean for you to find out about the wedding.
Jake: No, no. It's too late now. But I want to wish you all the best, both of you.
Ryan: Thank you.

Greenlee: Morning.
Jake: Hey.
Greenlee: What did Ryan want?
Jake: Just to bring me up-to-date.
The Princess is marrying the Con Man today.
Greenlee: Again? Let's hope this one sticks. So order whatever you want -- my treat. I know I was a little sassy to your date last night, and I want to make up for it.
Jake: What a crock.
Greenlee: What, Ryan and Gillian?
Jake: No, Greenlee -- you.
Greenlee: Excuse me?
Jake: You didn't invite me out for breakfast to make up anything, all right? You want something, so why don't you just get to it, will you?
Greenlee: Man, you are in a mood. Did he put a crab in your shorts or did I?
Jake: Do I really look like I'm in a mood for one of your games? Now, take a good look at me for about a second and a half and tell me, ok?
Greenlee: You're not still upset about Gillian and Ryan, are you? You're over her, right?
Jake: I swear, you are about as subtle as a battering ram.
Greenlee: I just want to lighten you up. What, am I going to have to get you another massage or what?
Jake: Never mind. Now I get it.
Greenlee: Get what?
Jake: You -- your motive for the day.

Leo: Haven't slept all night, man. Talked to Stavros. He said you and Gillian were meeting here for breakfast. So I hightailed it over here to wish you well before you tie the knot. What, I know -- I haven't shaved, but I have --
Ryan: I guess your brother finally got nailed for drugging the guests at my party. It says in here that they found a videotape with all the evidence that they needed.
Leo: I know.
Ryan: You know? Is that the tape that just mysteriously disappeared from the Fidelity? Is it, du Pres?

[Cell door opens]

Vanessa: David? David, look at me.
David: Why are you here?
Vanessa: This is Thomas O'Neal. He's the attorney I urged you to call last night but you didn't. I've brought him here, David. Darling, you're being arraigned this morning.
David: I'm fine.
Vanessa: No, you are not fine, David. You need legal representation. You need help, darling. You need --
David: What I need is Dixie, Mother. That's all.
Vanessa: David -- David, Darling, I know you're ready to fall apart. David, I want you to calm down and focus on yourself, darling. You're facing very grave circumstances. I mean very serious charges, David. Now, Mr. O'Neal says he can help you no matter what the nature of the state's case may be.
Mr. O'Neal: That's if you're willing to work with me, Dr. Hayward. I mean, your mother has explained to me that there are some personal issues at stake here for you, but you must realize you need --
David: What I need is Dixie.
Vanessa: Dixie's the reason you're in this jail in the first place, David! And I warned you over and over --
David: Oh, yes, that's right. And what was at the root of those warnings, mother? You didn't want me to jeopardize your personal meal ticket.
Vanessa: David --
David: Oh, come on. You're so transparent, Vanessa. Even Dixie was able to call it. You didn't want me anywhere near her because Palmer didn't want me anywhere near his niece. It had nothing to do with your so-called concern for me.
Vanessa: That is not true, David.
David: Of course it is. You're hanging on to this marriage by a thread and everything it brings.
Vanessa: David, I really do want to help you!
David: Oh, come on. What a crock. You want to be a billionaire's wife, and it doesn't look good for you if the billionaire's niece runs off with me, now, does it? Palmer likes a wife who knows the meaning of "let my will be done."
Vanessa: Oh, David, honestly -- David, please don't do this to yourself, darling. No woman in the world is worth this, you know, and especially not Dixie Martin. You are going to be locked away from -- you won't go anywhere with anyone if you don't accept some representation, David! Darling, I am truly frightened for you.
David: Oh, please. There are only two things in the world that frighten you, Vanessa -- watching your bank account get seized and seeing your two sons happy.
Vanessa: David --
David: You can't stand seeing somebody actually love me, can you? You spent your entire life trying to make me as shallow and as superficial as you. If somebody actually loves then, it spoils your perfect record, doesn't it?
Vanessa: All right, David. You listen to me. If you won't allow me to help you now, if you won't allow Mr. O'Neal to represent you, you're going to be locked away for years, Darling, cut off from everyone -- and especially the one person you say you need more than anything in this world. Now, you go ahead and you stand there and you be defiant and you cut me out of your life. But you remember that I offered you the help you say you needed most and you turned me down flat. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, Mr. O'Neal. Guard!
David: O'Neal -- can you really get me out of here?
Mr. O'Neal: There are no guarantees. But I'm damn good at my job, Dr. Hayward.
David: Let him in.

Dixie: Well, last night was one of the worst nights of my life.
Tad: Yeah. Me, too. You turning your back on me, on us -- I'm afraid I had a hard time understanding --
Dixie: Yeah.
Tad: I still -- still can't.
Dixie: I know. I --
Tad: I don't even believe this is happening.
Dixie: Tad --
Tad: I had proof -- the truth -- that everything I said about Hayward was right for months, and you turn your back on me without even telling me what you were thinking?
Dixie: Listen to me. I was up all night thinking about this, ok? I came to see you as soon as I could.
Tad: Why, so you could tell me I was wrong? That I was wrong about David, even after everything that's happened?
Dixie: Tad, stop.
Tad: Fine. I'll stop. If that's the case, I really don't know why you came to see me because, believe me, I got your message loud and clear last --
Dixie: I was wrong, ok? I was totally and completely wrong. I'm so sorry.

Greenlee: Jake, I swear I had no idea that Leo would show up here.
Jake: You know what?
Greenlee: What?
Jake: I don't believe you.
Greenlee: Oh -- come on, Jake. What do you want from me?
Jake: I want nothing from you. But I got a suggestion for you -- why don't you try being honest with Leo? If you don't die from the shock, you might be surprised at how much more fulfilling your life is with a little integrity.
Greenlee: Hey.
Jake: I don't have time for this.

Leo: Ryan, look, you've got this all wrong.
Ryan: The tape was on my yacht, Leo.
Leo: Adam's yacht.
Ryan: Adam's yacht.
Leo: Sorry --
Ryan: Hayley came by to visit. She was really desperate to find it. Do you remember that? And I thought I'd found it. But then when she played it, it was some space video. What was that, Leo?
Leo: Ryan --
Ryan: The real tape disappeared, and you just happened to be on the yacht that day.
Leo: Well, I'm on the yacht every day.
Ryan: Don't do that. Don't. Don't -- makes you look like an idiot.
Leo: Listen to me --
Ryan: Listen to what, what -- another one of your excuses?
Leo: No. I -- see, what -- this --
Ryan: You made that tape disappear to protect your brother -- your brother -- the same guy who drugged the punch at my party. My reputation has been dragged through the mud for weeks. The company still hasn't recovered from this.
Leo: I know.
Ryan: You know? Do you know that marriages ended because of this? Do you know that? Do you know that Laura English almost died because of that?
Leo: This is a lot more complicated than you even know. Ryan --
Ryan: Right, right. How much did David pay you? I really hope it was worth it.
Leo: Good luck at your wedding today.
Ryan: Hey, Leo -- you're fired.

Waiter: Sir, when do you expect your bride?
Ryan: That's a very good question. She's late.
Waiter: We're ready for her when you are, Mr. Lavery.
Ryan: Thanks.
Come on, Gillian. What's going on?

Gillian: Dimitri, this concern of you is adorable, but I am already late to meet Ryan.
Dimitri: Well, it's we'd like to spend some time with you this morning, Gillian.
Alex: That's right.
Eugenia: That's right.
Gillian: I told you all last night that I'm getting married today. Do you remember that?
Alex: Vaguely.
Gillian: What?
Eugenia: It's just that we want to say a proper good-bye.
Alex: Yes.
Gillian: Grandmama, I'm just getting married. I'm not leaving the country.
Dimitri: But we haven't spent nearly enough time with you.
Eugenia: No.
Gillian: When, this morning?
Alex: Ever.
Gillian: Oh. What is going on with all of you? Ah! Is it Ryan? Do you have a problem with him? Oh, no. Don't tell me you don't like him after all?

[Telephone rings]

Alex: Hello?
Ryan: Hello, Alex. It's Ryan.
Alex: Yes.
Ryan: Is Gillian still there?
Alex: Yes, she is.

Gillian: See, that's Ryan, calling to see where I am because I'm so late.

[Phone clicks]

Ryan: Hello?

Gillian: Alex, did you just hang up on Ryan?
Alex: Yes. That should do it.
Gillian: That should do what? Huh? Have you all gone mad?
Eugenia: Well, you see, when Ryan calls again, there won't be any answer, so he'll have to come over here.
Gillian: And then what?
Alex: You'll see.

Greenlee: Hey. You ok?
Leo: I'd like to be alone.
Greenlee: I'm not leaving, Leo. I'm not leaving you.
Greenlee: David's arraignment is happening this morning, right? And you want to be here for him?
Leo: Right. This way I can remind my brother that he's about to be charged with half a dozen crimes because of me.
Greenlee: You're not the reason David's in trouble, Leo. He managed that all by himself.
Leo: Yeah, but he got caught because of me. And he paid me to keep quiet, Greenlee. I took \$100,000 from David to suppress evidence. Can you believe that? \$100,000, Commonly referred to as blackmail.
Greenlee: Know what I think? I think you would have kept that tape of whatever it is from the cops even if David hadn't given you the cash.
Leo: And why would you think that?
Greenlee: Because he's your brother and you love him.
Leo: Please. How could you come up with something like that?
Greenlee: Because I know you. And you want your family to be normal, and they're a freaking disaster area. And I know that because I have the same problem.
Leo: Greenlee, your family is a day at the beach next to mine.
Greenlee: Whatever. We both come from the same warped mentality. It's hard to shake.
Leo: But I want to she it. I want out of this mess.
Greenlee: So do I. You want to escape together?

Dixie: Listen, I was up all night trying to make sense out of the last couple of months. It wasn't easy to look at all of my lapses in judgment and all of the pain and the heart-- but I forced myself to because I owe that to you, Tad, and I suppose I owe it to myself.
Tad: Why'd you run out of the room when I showed you the tape?
Dixie: There was just so much to process. I mean, it was -- it was all there -- the tape, the lab tech's confession, and David's reaction to everything. I just couldn't take it all in. I guess I just couldn't handle the truth.
Tad: About David?
Dixie: About who he is. I just felt like everything I believe got whipped around on me, you know, everything I built up for myself just got yanked out from underneath me, you know? Everything I thought since I started working for him.
Tad: What does that mean?
Dixie: I -- it was obvious who he was. When I first started working for him, I knew that. But I blocked it out because I wanted to fix him.
Tad: And you couldn't?
Dixie: No. If I'd just accepted it, I -- I wouldn't have -- I wouldn't have hung around him. I -- I wouldn't have paid any attention to him, and none of this would have happened.
Tad: I don't want you blaming yourself for things -- for the things that he's done. You were manipulated.
Dixie: No, Tad, I let him. I let him manipulate me because I needed him --
Tad: To? Go on, say it.
Dixie: I needed somebody who I could hold on to. I needed somebody to convince me that I mattered.

David: So, what do you think you can do?
Mr. O'Neal: Well, I think I can discredit the state's only real witnesses.
David: Leslie.
Mr. O'Neal: Clearly unstable. She kidnapped a kid.
David: Gordon?
Mr. O'Neal: Gold digging turncoat.
David: You really think this can work?
Mr. O'Neal: There's no direct evidence, no smoking gun, if you will.
David: What about that tape?
Mr. O'Neal: Even that could be shred to pieces, believe me. So, you see, there's no real proof that you gave that drug to anyone, David.

Erica: I wouldn't count on that.

Ryan: Did you just hang up on me?
Alex: Yeah, I think I did.
Ryan: I tried calling back, but I kept getting a busy signal.
Alex: Right. Phone's off the hook.
Ryan: And why is that?
Dimitri: Well, we can't exactly tell you just yet, Ryan.
Ryan: Why not?
Dimitri: I don't think Gillian would want us to.
Ryan: Ok. Will somebody tell me what's going on here? Where's Gillian and why are you two acting like this?
Alex: Gillian's gone.
Ryan: Gone -- what do you mean? Where?
Dimitri: It's not as bad as it sounds. I mean, she did leave word for you before she took off.
Ryan: "Took off"? What are you talking about? What did she say?
Alex: Gillian said that she wouldn't be able to marry you today at the town hall.
Ryan: This is one of those Hungarian jokes, right? That weird sense of humor you-all have that nobody else gets?
Alex: Like the French? I'm not Hungarian, so it doesn't count.
Ryan: Well, then, what the hell's going on?
Dimitri: Well, it's really very simple. Gillian is not marrying you at town hall today. That's the truth.
Ryan: Why?
Dimitri: Well, Ryan, I'm sure she has a reason. You want some coffee or something?
Ryan: Dimitri, will you cut this out please? Gillian wants to marry me today like we planned!
Dimitri: But she's not here, Ryan.
Ryan: I don't believe that. She's here in this house right now. You know what? I'm going to go look myself.

Alex: Ooh -- I don't know.

[Dimitri laughs]

Dimitri: Are we being too cruel to the poor kid?
Alex: I'm not sure, but I think it's working really well.
Dimitri: Do you? Do you?
Alex: Yes, I do.
Dimitri: You think we're going to be able to pull this off?
Alex: Yes, I do. Are you going to go get into your birthday suit?
Dimitri: Don't you mean my monkey suit, darling.
Alex: I know what I said.

[Dimitri growls]

Tad: Well, I'm sorry if you really think -- thought -- that you didn't matter because you do. You matter to your children. You matter to your family and your friends. Most of all, you matter to me more than anything because I love you more than I can possibly say.
Dixie: I never doubted that, Tad. Ok? Let me just get this out, ok? It started when you went to work at Chandler. Your job was important. You were important. Your focus just sort of shifted -- and that's not a judgment. Please, that's not a judgment. That's just a fact. It's just the way it was. And Junior started high school and he started pulling away. And I know this sounds lame and weak, but that's the way it felt. It just felt like you guys didn't need me anymore. So the job just became really important with David, you know, and I think from the beginning it was important to him, too. And I just thought if I could save this man from himself, then maybe I could save me, too. I know it doesn't work that way. I -- I know -- I know that that was wrong.
Tad: What are you going to do now?
Dixie: Well, telling you this was the first priority. And then I thought I would go to David's arraignment. And then I don't know.
Tad: Why? Why do you have to be there?
Dixie: Well, I have to make sure that -- I have to see how he's going to try and get out of this.
Tad: He can't. He can't get out of this one, Dixie.
Dixie: Honey, you don't know him as well as I do. You don't know the level of deceit that lives inside of him. He's never going to stop trying to lie his way out of this one, and I have to be there to make sure that he doesn't get that chance. Ok? Is that ok with you?
Tad: Let's go together.
Dixie: Thank you.

Erica: It's quite a mess you've gotten yourself into this time, David.
David: Do you want to tell me why you're here?
Erica: You really don't know?
David: Well, I know what I heard you almost say in front of my attorney and the guard just now. You think you know some way to connect me to a Libidozone drugging?
Erica: It's the wrong time and the wrong place
David: What is that supposed -- oh, no.
Erica: Good.
Good. A bell went off.
David: Erica --
Erica: So you do remember the night that I suddenly pulled a Michelle Pfeiffer in the Valley Inn dining room, singing on the piano, coming on to everything in pants --
David: Just hold on for a minute, ok?
Erica: And how you whisked me away to your hotel suite and took advantage. You took complete advantage of my unintentional altered state -- unintentional for me, right, but not for you, David.
David: I -- I really never intended to take advantage of you, Erica. Not for a second.
Erica: You had me right where you wanted me, David -- high on an aphrodisiac and alone with you in your hotel suite. And even after we made love, I knew that something wasn't right. I told you I felt drugged. I -- I left you. Then you obviously made a bigger mistake.
David: What? What was that?
Erica: Turning to Dixie Martin. I feel in some way responsible for that.
David: You do?
Erica: You loved me, David, and I broke up with you. But I had no idea that you were going to completely lose your mind like this. You poor thing. I mean, I certainly can't help but feel somewhat responsible.
David: You think -- all right, wait a minute. I just want to make sure that I have this straight. You think that I drugged a boatload full of people because you dumped me, Erica?
Erica: When you say it like that, you make it sound very silly, don't you? But I don't think the reality was very silly. What other explanation could there possibly be, David?
David: Well --
Erica: And don't think that this is a sympathy call, by the way.
David: You did just call me a "poor thing" a minute ago.
Erica: You drugged me, David, and you knew that I was in recovery. I work so hard every day to keep my sobriety, and you know that. But to think that you would go this far, to think that you would just jeopardize everything, that you would compromise me --
David: I'm sorry --
Erica: And you would compromise yourself --
David: Look, I'm sorry that I drugged you, Erica. But you have to believe me -- I never intended to humiliate you or hurt you in any way.
Erica: But you know how serious I am about keeping clean.
David: I know, I know. It was a horrible mistake. And it was a serious lack of judgment on my rt. But, look, I'll never forgive myself. So whatever you do or whatever you think of me, I know that I deserve it.
Erica: I didn't see it coming. I mean, I knew that you missed me, but this, David -- this is tragic.

Mr. O'Neal: David? Judge is ready for you.
David: All right. Let's go.

Leo: Greenlee, I've been trying to escape my family since I was old enough to walk. But it doesn't work.
Greenlee: So far.
Leo: No, it doesn't work because no matter what I say, I can't seem to walk away. It's like I get this sick comfort from being close to my family while we all self-destruct.
Greenlee: Leo, don't say things like that to me when you know that I know better.
Leo: I don't know better. That's the thing.
Greenlee: You're beating yourself up, and there's no reason for it. David has been the biggest screw up in this town for a long time, and just because he wears a little lab coat and has the "doctor" thing in front of his name doesn't mean that he gets a free pass. You can't lump yourself in with these people that you're related to, ok? You're better than they are. You're human.
Leo: Do you know my family code, Greenlee?
Greenlee: Leo, don't do this.
Leo: No, no, no, no. This is helpful.
Greenlee: You're going to line yourself up with these lunatics just because --
Leo: No, Greenlee -- shh. Whether we admit it or not, we all live day to day. No matter what we've done or what's to come, score where you can no matter what the cost. Oh, and run.
Greenlee: When we found each other, we scored -- big.
Leo: And we wrecked it. We were doomed.
Greenlee: No, we weren't doomed. We just got stupid.
Leo: No, we were doomed, Greenlee, because we both knew that if we wanted that relationship to work we had to trust each other. We had to trust each other. But we don't trust each other. It's genetically impossible for us to trust each other, and you know it.
Greenlee: What would you say if I told you that I trust you, Leo? I trust you.
Leo: I don't trust myself.

[Door opens]

Reporter: Mrs. Cortlandt --
Vanessa: Not now, please. Leo, I need a word with you this instant.
Leo: What? No pleasantries, Mother? Must be serious.
Vanessa: Leo, your brother is just about to be arraigned. I should --
Leo: Ok, ok. Greenlee, you don't want to watch this right now, really. Ok? Let the lecture begin. Thank you.

Vanessa: No, just --
Reporter: Mrs. Cortlandt --

Vanessa: Later.
Reporter: One statement.
Second reporter: Just one statement, please.
Leo: Back off.

Vanessa: Well, Leo, frankly, I don't even know quite how to begin.
Leo: Ok. We, then let's try being frank. We'll work our way down from there.
Vanessa: How could you be so careless with that videotape incriminating your brother?
Leo: I guess good news travels fast, huh?
Vanessa: He's family. How could you, Leo?
Leo: Come on. Who do you think you're talking to here? Remember me, the son you were going to send to prison for your little crime of passion?
Vanessa: I would never have let it go -- will you ever let that go?
Leo: Doubtful. And another thing -- you do know how bad you wear this mama lion thing, right? It's like costume jewelry on a monarch.
Vanessa: Leo -- Leo, you really have no reason at this moment to be so uncivil to me. All I'm trying to do is hold together the lives and the reputations of my sons.
Leo: Do you mind if I see your handbag for a second?
Vanessa: What?
Leo: Your handbag. I'm suddenly feeling like I could barf.
Vanessa: Oh, Leo!
Leo: I don't want to lose it all over the floor.
Vanessa: Don't you dare be glib with me at this moment.
Leo: What, with a mother like you playing the scene of her life?
Vanessa: What are you talking about, Leo?
Leo: Mother, come on. Crisis brings out the diva in you, and this is the perfect excuse for you to play the aggrieved mother with the rotten sons who ruined your life and disappointed you at every turn, right? Yeah. Frankly, it makes me sick.

Reporter: Just one statement, Ms. Cortlandt.
Vanessa: I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Reporter: Just one statement.

Jake: Well, Dr. David, since you're all tied up, I'll open this up for you. Think this sums it up pretty nicely.
Vanessa: David, what is it?
David: Dr. Martin is showing me my letter of resignation, which basically means I'm fired.
Vanessa: Well, how can they do this? They're convicting you before --
David: Forget it, mother. It's only the first surprise of the day. Who knows what's next?

Ryan: Dimitri!
Ryan: I can't find Gillian. I can't find anybody. Listen, if this is some kind of joke, I'm really not laughing. Dimitri, will you please tell me where my bride is? What's going on? Why are you wearing --
Dimitri: Here. This is for you.
Ryan: What is it?
Dimitri: It's a tux. I believe I got the right size. I hope the sleeves aren't too short. Sometimes that's a problem.
Ryan: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on a minute. Wait. You got me a tux?
Dimitri: Yes, I did, my man.
Ryan: Why?
Dimitri: Get dressed and she'll tell you.
Ryan: Gillian?
Dimitri: Better hurry. She's waiting.

Bailiff: All rise. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Part Number 5674HG5. The honorable Judge Connelly presiding.
Judge: All right, let's get on with it. Dr. David Hayward, you've been charged with -- all right -- 76 counts of simple assault, reckless endangerment, unlawful --

David's voice: I'm not confused here. I've never been more sure of anything in my life, Dixie. I love you. I love you for who you are and what you are, for your willingness to let life get messy, for your unwillingness to take the easy way out. Judge: As to the matter of bail, does the prosecution have any recommendation --

David: No bail.
Mr. O'Neal: David --
Vanessa: Oh, good God --

[Judge pounds gavel]

Judge: Order. I'm sorry. You were going to say something, Dr. Hayward?
David: Yes, your honor. I said no bail.
Judge: Counsel, have you advised your client that he is not to speak unless he is --
David: I'm guilty, your honor. I'm guilty of all charges, and I should not be set free -- not on bail. Not ever.

Dimitri: Well, I did good, didn't I?
Ryan: Dimitri, do you want to tell me why we're at the chapel and why I'm wearing a tux?
Dimitri: Shh, shh, shh, shh. You always ask so many questions?
Ryan: I do when I'm completely confused, yes.
Dimitri: Well, Ryan, I believe if you open the doors to the chapel, all your questions will be answered. Go on. Open them. Open them.


Leo: I've got to go to the wedding, Greenlee. I've got his rings.

Ryan: There's something that I haven't told Gillian.

Erica: Poor David. He's just -- he just lost his mind.

David: I want you to know everything that I did.
Jake: Get Dixie out of here.
David: And I want you to know why I did it.

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