APRIL 26, 2000

Adam: I want to get well, Dr. Benton. My life is waiting out there. People are depending on me out there, and I realize I've made a lot of mistakes. I want to repair that damage if it's not too late.
Dr. Benton: You know, you've threatened me, you've attacked my staff. This is the first time you've shown any sign of cooperation.
Adam: Oh. Yes, well, I've had time to think. I realize my -- my conduct has been inappropriate -- desperate, even. That's why I want to get well. I will do anything you want. Dr. Benton: Is there anything specific which has triggered this change of attitude?
Adam: My mother. God rest her soul. She came to me in a dream last night.
Dr. Benton: Oh. Do you want to tell me about it?
Adam: I was -- I was a child. I had done something mean to my -- uh, puppy, and I was hiding, and my mother appeared to me suddenly. She must have been 10 feet tall, and she said, "I'm going to punish you unless you make this right, unless you're a better little boy just like you're -- your brother."
Dr. Benton: Hmm. Did you love your mother?
Adam: Oh, yes. Of course I loved her.
Dr. Benton: Hmm.
Adam: Uh -- oh, and that's not -- it's none of that oedipal nonsense.
Dr. Benton: No. Did you and your brother compete for your mother's attention?
Adam: This doesn't have anything to do with my brother. I want to get well so I can get out of here. That's why I'm cooperating.
Dr. Benton: Well, cooperation is not synonymous with being cured, and recovery is not just giving me the answers you think I want to hear. Well, that's enough for this evening. You're making progress.
Adam: Well, then I'll be released soon, hmm?
Dr. Benton: We'll talk about that in the morning. Here's your medication.
Adam: But I'm getting better. You said so yourself.
Dr. Benton: Yes, yes, you are, but this will help relieve your anxiety.
Adam: Fine. Fine.
Adam: Ah.
Dr. Benton: Good. Well, see you later. Adam: Yes.

Adam: What a fraud. That quack doesn't know who he's dealing with.

Vanessa: Are you serious? Palmer asked you if I was having an affair with Paolo?
Leo: Yes.
Vanessa: What did you say? You didn't tell him anything?
Leo: Well, come on, mother. You raised me better than that. Of course I covered for you.
Vanessa: Oh. Thank you, darling.
Leo: But I wouldn't get too comfy. He knows something's up.
Vanessa: Well, I can handle my husband.
Leo: Yeah, well, the last time you thought that you had him wrapped around your little pinky, he tried to have you killed. Remember?
Vanessa: Well, our relationship is much more mature now, darling, and I assure you, he loves me.
Leo: And he's jealous, and he's possessive.
Vanessa: Well, he's a man. They're all alike.
Leo: Mother, don't get sloppy. Palmer is not like the others. He's n going to tolerate your extracurricular activities. He's a very dangerous man. And he's not the forgiving sort.
Vanessa: And when did you become such a puritan? Oh, never mind. Look, Paolo is dead. I will be a model wife from now on. I promise.
Leo: Yeah, well, before you start making promises you can't keep, have you considered the fact that maybe your cuckolded husband might have murdered Paolo?

[Knock on door]

Erica: Under the bed. No! In the closet.
David: Erica, I'm not about to hide.
Erica: No, you can't let him in!
Derek: If you don't open up, I'll get a pass key. Now open up!
Erica: David, you can't let him in. We don't have our stories straight yet. We need more time. You need a lawyer. David, I'm not letting you do this.
David: Erica, I can handle it, ok? I promise. It's ok. Trust me. Lt. Frye.
Derek: I believe I told you not to leave before you were questioned.
David: No, I believe you said don't leave the premises. And as you can see, we're right here.
Derek: And not too anxious to answer the door.
Erica: What a man and a woman do behind closed doors is none of your business.
David: What can we do for you, lieutenant?
Derek: Oh, well, now let me see. What would I be asking? Oh -- about the death of Paolo Caselli.
Erica: You can't just come barging in here and badger Dr. Hayward to answer your questions. That's against the law. David, don't answer one of this man's questions. You need your lawyer present.
David: You know, Erica, I think I'd like to answer the questions. Fire away.
Erica: David --
Derek: Well, your willingness to cooperate, Dr. Hayward, is admirable. But my questions aren't for you. They're for Ms. Kane.

Erica: You want to question me?
Derek: What was your relationship with the deceased?
Erica: I already told you, I hardly knew him.
Derek: Mrs. Cortlandt mentioned that you --
Erica: Vanessa is a liar. I never paid Mr. Caselli for his services.
Derek: So you weren't intimate with him?
Erica: Never.
Derek: But you did have a monetary arrangement?
Erica: Yes, I did, but not what you think -- not at all what you think. It was business. That's all.
Derek: What was the arrangement?
Erica: See, now, you make that sound as if it was something sordid.
Derek: I'm only interested in the facts.
Erica: And that's what I'm telling you -- the facts. I hardly knew the man. He tried to sell me real estate.
Derek: Ok, ok, let's move on. You stated earlier that Dr. Hayward spent most of the evening with you.
Erica: Yes, I did, and that's correct.
Derek: But you argued with Paolo Caselli in his room.
Erica: Who told you that?
Derek: Is it true? Did you have an argument with the deceased before he was murdered?
David: You know, I think that's all for now.
Erica: David --
David: Ms. Kane is not going to answer any more questions.
Derek: Sooner or later, you're going to have to answer my questions.
David: Later will be fine.

Erica: Why did you do that?
David: The police know about your fights with Paolo. That puts you at the top of their suspect list.
Erica: But I was just trying to explain all that to Lt. Frye. And if you would let me finish, I could have --
David: You were digging a hole deeper by the second.
Erica: No, I was not. I was attempting to clear my name. And now, thanks to you, he really thinks I do have something to hide.
David: I was trying to protect you.
Erica: I don't need protecting. You're the one who killed him.
David: No, I didn't.

Vanessa: How can you accuse Palmer of killing Paolo?
Leo: Mother, not so long ago, you were planning a party to celebrate your wedding, right? Palmer was busy hiring a hit man to kill you and frame me. It's a hell of a wedding present.
Vanessa: That was a major misunderstanding.
Leo: Yeah, well, this isn't. Palmer's suspicions are right on. This time he cut out the middle man and did the job himself.
Vanessa: Why are you trying to scare me?
Leo: I want -- I want you to be careful, Mother. Ok, Palmer is the type to shoot first and ask questions later. Be careful. You might be next.
Vanessa: The truth is, darling, you have never liked Palmer, and I'm not going to stand here and listen to you denigrate him like that.
Leo: What about his will?
Vanessa: Well, what about it?
Leo: Well, haven't you ever wondered why Palmer's been so slow in writing up a new one? I mean, why go through all the hassle of writing a will for a woman who's not even going to be around?
Vanessa: Oh, that's absurd. That's just absurd, Leo. He has plans to build us a beautiful new home. He's laying out our entire lives together. He loves me.
Leo: Yeah, and crimes of passion are so common, it's cliché.
Vanessa: Why are you tormenting me like this?
Leo: Mother, I'm just trying to help you, ok, just like you're trying to help me, right -- what, with the lawyer and the plans to jet me out of your life -- I mean the country.
Vanessa: You know, all this talk about palmer being -- darling, it makes you sound very desperate.
Leo: And why is it so easy for you to consider me guilty and not Palmer? Huh?
Vanessa: Oh, my, darling, because you were found standing over his body with blood all over your hands.
Leo: When was the last time you took a close look at your husband?
Vanessa: What are you trying to say now?
Leo: Check out his shirt sleeve. There's blood on his cuff.
Vanessa: No.
Leo: Yeah. Maybe your doting husband isn't the man you think he is.

Palmer: Oh, Vanessa. I've been looking all over for you.
Vanessa: Yeah?
Palmer: You didn't think you could get away from me that easily, did you?

Adam: There has to be something in here I can use to pick that lock.

Brooke: Dr. Benton? Dr. Benton: Brooke. It's good to have you back.
Brooke: Oh, thanks.
Dr. Benton: What can I do for you?
Brooke: Well, the desk nurse said that we could talk to you about having my friend, Arlene here, admitted into the detox program.
Arlene: I don't need detox. I just need a friend with a sense of humor. Know anyone?
Brooke: Arlene, I left you alone for half an hour and found you downing my best cognac.
Arlene: Oh, don't be stingy. I was celebrating.
Brooke: Yeah -- the fact that you survived your most recent car crash. She was DUI
Dr. Benton: Well, entering a detox program depends on several factors. Tell me, Miss --
Arlene: Vaughan. Arlene.
Dr. Benton: Ms. Vaughan, are you willing to be admitted?
Arlene: No. I don't need it.
Brooke: She has a problem, and she needs help before she hurts herself or somebody else, or worse.
Dr. Benton: Well, I wish I could help, but if Ms. Vaughan is unwilling to cooperate, it would be a waste of facilities.
Brooke: Can I talk to you for a minute in private?
Dr. Benton: Yes, I have a few minutes.
Brooke: Arlene, come on over here. Sit down and don't move.
Arlene: Aye-aye.
Brooke: Listen, she has a long history of alcohol-related problems.

Arlene: Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

[Knock on door]



Arlene: Oh, that cognac must have a packed a punch. I -- that's an ugly hallucination.


Arlene: Adam, is that you?
Adam: Arlene, you have to help me get out of here.

Gillian: What's that?
Ryan: Uh -- I don't think we did that.

[Door opens and closes]

Gillian: Who is that? There's nobody here.
Joe: Gillian?
Gillian: My God.
Joe: Gillian, where are you?
Gillian: It's Joe. It's Jake's -- it's my father-in-law.

Gillian: Um, hi.
Joe: Ah. There you are. My goodness, didn't you hear me calling? I was getting worried. What's going on?
Gillian: Uh, this really is not what you think it is. I swear I can explain everything.
Joe: Explain what?
Joe: Gillian, you all right? You look a little flushed.
Gillian: I'm fine. I was just exercising.
Joe: By candlelight?
Gillian: But I'm fine now, thanks -- thanks to you, now that you're here.
Joe: Well, I came as quickly as I could once I got your message. And luckily I was able to find the emergency generator and I turned it on. But where is everybody?
Gillian: Well, Alex and Edmund are in London, and Grandmama went to visit a friend in New York, and Sammy and Maddie, they're with Isabella for the night.
Joe: Oh, my goodness. Well, you know, if you'd like some company, I could stay a while.
Gillian: Aw. It's fine. Joe, I'm just going to -- I'm just going to go to bed and sleep.
Joe: You sure? Because you could throw -- you know, pack a few things and come spend the night with us. Well, you know best. So, this is what you've been doing while your husband's been away.
Gillian: Oh, I was just practicing for Jake.
Joe: That's very sweet. Gillian: Well, you know, it's really not as easy as it looks. It's --
Joe: Well, I'm sure you'll be a pro by the time Jake returns. Oh, which reminds me -- Jake called. And what he wanted was to give me his new cell phone number. He wants you to call him.

Erica: Of course you killed him. You said you did.
David: No, I didn't. You said I killed him. I didn't say a word.
Erica: But you let me believe that you did.
David: I had no reason to kill him.
Erica: You had every reason to kill him. You were jealous of my relationship with Paolo and you had to go and take that tape away from him to protect me. You actually had more reason than anybody, David.
David: Why would I be jealous of your relationship with an employee?
Erica: Well, you were jealous of him. I saw your face in the dining room when he kissed me, and that was even before --
David: Before he was on the payroll?
Erica: How could you do that, David? How could you let me go on believing that you killed him?
David: Well, seemed to make you so happy.
Erica: How low will you stoop to get what you want?
David: You thought I was capable of murder. Maybe I'm the one that should be insulted here. Oh, come on. Where are you going?
Erica: You know, you complain about the trust issue in our relationship, and then you pull something like this? How dare you lie to me.
David: I didn't.
Erica: Yes, you did, and you took advantage of me.
David: Well, you seemed to enjoy it as much as I did.
Erica: Oh, don't be disgusting.
David: Well, you were pretty crazy about me when you thought I was a cold-blooded murderer.
Erica: You know what? You're impossible.
David: Oh, come on, Erica. All right. Ok, ok. Come on, stop this, will you, please? Look, we have something really special here. I'd like to hold on to it. How come every time we get close, we start to self-destruct?
Erica: Well, not lying anymore would be a big step in the right direction.
David: Hmm. Ok. Well, how about no more jumping to conclusions, no more testing each other, and no more hiring gigolos? It gets really messy when they get killed off.
Erica: You laughing at me?
David: No. I have the utmost admiration for you. And I love the fact that you nearly decked Vanessa with that glorious right hook.
Erica: Well, I was just getting warmed up. Wait till I find Donald Steele.
David: Come here.

Arlene: You want me to help you?
Adam: Give me the nail file.
Arlene: Oh, I don't think you're supposed to have sharp objects.
Adam: Blast it, Arlene, you've got to help me get out of here.
Arlene: Help you? Are you nuts? Well, of course you are. That's why you're here.
Adam: Arlene, sober up. This is serious.
Arlene: Oh, yeah? Well, last time I asked you for a favor, you blew me off.
Adam: Time is of the essence. Help me.
Arlene: It's a good thing I have a big, forgiving heart. Consider this your Christmas present. Toodles.
Adam: Wait, wait, wait. Wait! I'll make it worth your while.
Arlene: What do you have in mind?
Adam: All the booze you want.
Arlene: Forget it. There are plenty of men out there who'll buy me a drink.
Adam: I'll buy a liquor store. You can swill the entire inventory for all I care.
Arlene: That's not the way to ask for a favor.
Adam: All right, all right. Of course not. Whatever you want, Arlene.
Arlene: Anything?
Adam: Anything. Try me.

Orderly: Hey. What the hell are you doing here?
Orderly: What are you doing here?
Arlene: I'm sorry. I'm a wreck. I just admitted my sister for addiction. It's the family crutch for generations. It's our dark, ugly secret.
Orderly: There's no reason to be ashamed of alcohol or drug addiction. It's a disease.
Arlene: Oh, no, honey. It's not hooch or pills. It's -- for sex. Nymphomania. I, myself, was a real mattress-thrasher a few years ago. No man was safe. Oh, hey, don't be nervous. I'm proud to admit that I've made a full recovery, for the most part. But every once in a while, I see a pair of strong hands and broad shoulders, and the tingles start. Before I can remember the 12 steps, I'm on to third base, heading for home. I feel a relapse coming on.
Orderly: Perhaps you'd like to see a doctor.
Arlene: I'd like to see what's under that uniform. Do you know of a good place for us to be alone?
Orderly: I'm on the job, lady.
Arlene: Well, I'd love to hear all about it. It must be -- oh, it must be really stressful.
Orderly: You're placing me in a very awkward position.
Arlene: Oh, really? Well, I have a more entertaining one in mind.
Orderly: Come on.

Adam: Take your time, Arlene.

Gillian: Jake wants me to call him right away?
Joe: When you're ready.
Gillian: How is he?
Joe: He sounded good. He sounded good.
Gillian: Did he say anything about his plans or --
Joe: Well, I guess he's got involved with some volunteer group of doctors in some project or other. He didn't get into details. But we really didn't talk all that long. He was calling from ER., You know.
Gillian: Well, sounds like he's keeping busy.
Joe: Yeah. I think work is good for him.
Gillian: It's good. Did he say when he was coming home or --
Joe: No, but he did say he very much wants you to call him when you feel up to it. Gillian, sweetheart, I know this is very, very hard on you. Actually, it's hard on both of you. But he really -- he does love you. And knowing you're here and waiting for him, he'll find his way back.
Gillian: Jake is such a wonderful man.
Joe: You're the best thing that's ever happened to him. Well, I think it's time I was on my way back home. Don't worry about all the lights. The emergency generator will go off as soon as the main power comes on. You sure you're all right?
Gillian: Yeah. You're so kind to me. Thank you.
Joe: You're family now. I want you to know, if ever you need anything, you just make a phone call.
Gillian: I will. Thank you.
Joe: Ok.
Gillian: Good night.

[Pager beeps]

Erica: Oh. Don't tell me. An emergency. The hospital.
David: Well, that's a very good guess.
Erica: Well, I wonder if Lt. Frye's going to allow you to leave the premises.
David: Well, I guess I'm just going to have to ask him.
Erica: Well, I'm coming with you.
David: Ok.
David: What's that?
Erica: It's an emerald. I found it the other day in Paolo's bed, actually.
David: A souvenir?
Erica: A woman had been there before I arrived. I found this emerald and a broken vase with flowers.
David: Ah, the passionate type.
Erica: Well, I think whoever owns this emerald may have something to do with Paolo's murder.
David: Why don't you give it to the police?
Erica: I don't think so. You really think they'd believe me? No, no, no, they would think that I was just trying to shift the blame to someone else, someone rich and female.
David: Well, how do you know it's a real emerald?
Erica: Well, fake emeralds are dipped in oil to darken their color. But you see this? You see how dark this is? This hasn't been dipped. You see the variation in color? You see all these inclusions? In a diamond, they would be considered flaws, but in an emerald, they're considered gardens. In fact, they're called gardens, and they're very desirable.
David: Hmm. Well, you certainly know your gems.
Erica: I certainly do. And I know something about this particular woman. It's a very distinctive stone. Well, if anyone can find her, I can.

Vanessa: I would like a brandy.
Palmer: The police closed the bar. Tea?
Vanessa: Palmer, Leo just told me some very distressing news.
Palmer: He confessed?
Vanessa: No, it's not that. He told me -- well, it's gossip -- can you believe that someone has the gall -- the gall to whisper that I was involved with that awful Paolo?
Palmer: You don't say?
Vanessa: No. Imagine me, a happily married woman, you know, playing around with a third-rate gigolo.
Palmer: Imagine!
Vanessa: Surely you don't think I'd break my wedding vows for nonsense like that?
Palmer: Oh, no, no. For richer and richer an
d richer and blah, blah, blah. Vanessa: Well, it's obviously, Palmer, a smear campaign, and Erica's behind it. Now, you know she hates me. And what better way to ruin our lovely lives together than by spreading vicious rumors?
Palmer: Now, Vanessa, you would blame Erica for everything from world hunger to a broken fingernail.
Vanessa: All right. Whatever. She'd better stop spreading this -- this malicious gossip.
Palmer: Oh, yes, what a terrible thing to have your reputation sullied.
Vanessa: Thank you, darling. I knew you'd understand.
Palmer: Well, is it true about you and Paolo?
Vanessa: Oh! That is what I love about you, your puckish sense of humor, darling. Oh, no, sweetheart. You are the only man and all the man I will ever need. It tickles, dear.

Derek: All right, Leo, Leo, come on. You know I still have some questions for you.
Leo: No, on, no, I already told you. Not until my lawyer arrives. All right? Now, if you'll excuse me, lieutenant, I do believe that I owe this gorgeous creature a dance. Thank you. Come on. Come on.
Greenlee: What are you doing?
Leo: Shut up and dance. A little music, please.

Derek: All right, I'll meet you in the dining room.
Officer: Ok.

David: Lt. Frye? I just received a page from the hospital. I'm needed for emergency surgery. Any problem with me leaving?
Derek: No, you can go. But until we've talked, don't leave town without notifying the police.
David: You got it. Just got the all-clear. I'll be at the hospital if you need me
Erica: You still owe me a dance.

Erica: Opal.
Opal: Oh, I saw you and Dr. Dave having a little smooch.
Erica: Opal, did you tell Det. Frye that I was arguing with Paolo in his room?
Opal: Heavens, no. I've been doing everything in my power to stay away from that guy.
Erica: Well, if you didn't tell him, then somebody -- somebody else did.

Palmer: Well, it's been a long night. What do you say we have some brandy in our suite, just the two of us?
Vanessa: Well, I'm not really sure we can leave yet, darling. Why don't we just find a nice, quiet table in the bar and see if we can get some tea there.
Palmer: As you wish.
Palmer: Are you coming?
Vanessa: Yes, of course I am, darling.

Greenlee: This is too weird, Leo. What are we doing, dancing while the Titanic sinks?
Leo: Yeah, something like that.

Gillian: Ryan, I --
Ryan: Are you? Are you going to call him?
Gillian: He's my husband.
Ryan: That phone number doesn't change what you said to me, that you love me.
Ryan: Well, I should go.
Gillian: I'm sorry I hit you on the head.
Ryan: Oh, Gillian, you did a lot more than that.
Gillian: You dizzy?
Ryan: Yeah, as a matter of fact I am pretty dizzy, but not from being hit on the head. I'm out of here. You have a lot to think about.

Arlene: Are you having fun, or you want to try this?
Adam: Yes. Arlene? Arlene, let me out of here.
Arlene: Oh.
Adam: It could be too late already. Come on.
Arlene: Not so fast.
Adam: Arlene, open this door or you're going to be very sorry.
Arlene: I don't respond well to threats.
Adam: For God's sake, there's a life at stake here.
Arlene: Yeah, my quality of life. You owe me.
Adam: All right, what do you want? Clothes? Money?
Arlene: A place to live. More cash. I'm tired.
Adam: All right, you got it. Let me out. What now?
Arlene: I want you to make things right between Hayley and me.
Adam: I'm fresh out of miracles, Arlene. It would be easier to walk through this door.
Arlene: Good luck.
Adam: No -- all right, all right. I will try.
Arlene: You promise?
Adam: I promise I'll try.
Arlene: I don't know. You'd say anything to get out of here.
Adam: I swear to you on Colby's life that I'll talk to Hayley. Now, are you going to let me out of here or not

Erica: Opal, are you sure you didn't tell Lt. Frye about my arguing with Paolo?
Opal: I swear on my mother's grave. My lips have been zipped, especially around the cops.
Erica: Well, you told Dixie. So, did you tell anybody else?
Opal: Well, I might have --
Erica: Oh, I can see.
Opal: Made a teensy mention of it to Palmer.
Erica: Why did you do that?
Opal: Well, because I am worried about you, that's why, and he would never blab to the cops, anyway. He cares about you as much as I do.
Erica: And what about Vanessa?
Opal: Are you crazy? You think I would tell that witch?
Erica: No, not you, but Palmer might have said something to Vanessa. I'm sure he did because she went slithering right to Lt. Frye, and now he's acting like I am the killer.
Opal: Is that why you're here, to talk to him?
Erica: No. Heavens, no. Do you remember that emerald I found in Paolo's room?
Opal: Yeah. I recognize it, but I still can't place it.
Erica: No, neither can I. But if I can find the owner, maybe I can find the killer.
Opal: Now, don't you go playing Nancy Drew about this. It could be very dangerous.
Erica: Look, Paolo was seeing a lot of women, and one of them might have killed him. This is the clue.

Vanessa: Palmer?
Palmer: Hmm?
Vanessa: I want you to see the new upholstery in the lounge. It's dull, but I like it.

Leo: So, are you still set on becoming a Gillian clone?
Greenlee: You don't think I could pull it off?
Leo: No. You're too much your own woman, Greenlee. I can't see you pretending to be something you're not, not even for the great cause of l'amour.
Greenlee: Obviously, you've never been in love. Leo: Oh.

Ryan: May I have this dance? Please?
Greenlee: What are you smiling at?
Ryan: You. You look so radiant, Greenlee. And now that I know the real you -- the real you, why have you been holding back?
Greenlee: I thought that's what you wanted.
Ryan: I want you. Only you.
Greenlee: I'm right here.

Leo: You're kind of funny. Did you eat too many crab cakes?
Greenlee: I'm happy. That's all.
Leo: Are you sure? I could get you some water.
Greenlee: That's ok. I'm about to get everything I ever wanted.

Joe's voice: Call Jake. He loves you, Gillian.

Ryan's voice: Gillian, that number doesn't change what you said to me, that you love me.

Gillian: Ryan, what are you doing here?

Dr. Benton: I'm sorry. I can't help Ms. Vaughan without her cooperation.
Brooke: Will you at least try to convince Arlene to check herself in? Oh, God. Where is she?
Dr. Benton: Well, maybe she went to the commissary or the ladies' room.
Brooke: I doubt that. More than likely, the nearest bar. I have the car keys, but I wouldn't put it past Arlene to hitch a ride.
Dr. Benton: That's odd.
Dr. Benton: Adam? Mr. Chandler, are you awake?
Brooke: This is Adam Chandler's room?
Dr. Benton: Yes.
Brooke: Adam? Adam, did Arlene come in here?


Edmund: There's footprints under the window. Someone's watching us.

Mateo: Why don't you go try that on?
Hayley: I thought you were hungry.
Mateo: I am.

Scott: I think we might have found my father.
Liza: What?

Stuart: Ooh. Ah.
Esther: Bad dream?

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