APRIL 28, 2000

Janet: It's ok, sweetheart. There's nobody out there.
Amanda: There is, too. He's watching us.
Janet: Amanda? Look, Tiffany's ready to take you over to her house for that sleepover. Remember?
Amanda: I can't. I have to wait here in case the man comes back and tries to scare away Daddy.
Janet: There's no man out there. There's no one going to scare your daddy away because your daddy isn't here. You have to stop saying that you see him.

[Knock on door]

[Amanda gasps]

Janet: What?
Amanda: It's him -- the man that's following me. Don't answer it, Mommy.
Janet: Well --
Tiffany: Don't be scared, Amanda, please.


Tiffany: What do we do? Janet: We answer the door.

Jack: Hi.
Janet: Jackson.
Amanda: Jackson!
Janet: Thank God it's you.
Jack: Hey, Amanda.
Amanda: You'll help Daddy, right? You'll keep the man away from him?
Jack: Oh, sure I will. Don't you worry about that. I'll take care of that, ok?
Amanda: Thank you.
Jack: Ok. You're welcome.
Janet: Sweetheart, it's time for you to go. I'll call you before bedtime, ok? Sleep tight. Thanks, Tiffany.
Jack: See you later, kiddo.

Janet: Do you see what is happening?
Jack: Yeah, I do, and I'm sorry.
Janet: Amanda thinks a man is following her. I don't want you to play into this. I think she should drop this routine.
Jack: I followed up on some things since we last spoke, Janet, and the fact of the matter is Amanda's not making this up. She is being followed.
Janet: My God, is it Trevor?
Jack: No. No, honey, it isn't Trevor. It's the police.

Leo: Yeah, come by the station if it works for you. Ok, great. Later.
Well, you're here late, Becca.
Becca: Helping Scott.
Leo: Oh. Ok.
Becca: What, no running commentary, no side bets?
Leo: Look, I heard about Scott's dad's missing and all. I hope that it all works out.
Becca: Well, we think it's going to because we just went to the cabin and we think that's where he's been hiding.
Leo: Great.
Becca: So, you're speaking to me even though I top your hypocrite list?
Leo: After my last 24 hours, your betraying me to Scott is so minor that it's nothing, you know?
Becca: What's going on?
Leo: I'm being questioned by the police about a murder.
Becca: What?
Leo: Yeah.
Becca: The -- Paolo at the Valley Inn. I heard about that. Oh, my gosh.
Leo: Yeah. They found me with the body.
Becca: What? Are you serious?
Leo: Yeah. Dead.
Becca: Leo, he's the guy that got messed up with Marian that you hired.
Leo: You think that I killed him, Becca?
Vanessa: Leo!
Becca: No.

Vanessa: Thank goodness I found you. Excuse us, if you would, please, dear. Leo, would you mind telling me what the devil you are doing?
Leo: I was just talking to that girl that you ignored. You remember Becca.
Vanessa: I don't have time for this. You were supposed to wait at the Valley Inn to meet with Palmer's attorney.
Leo: I needed air, ok?
Vanessa: You walked out on him, darling. You have any idea what Walter charges an hour?
Leo: Don't fret. I fired him before he could even bill you a cent.
Vanessa: Yeah, he told me that you said you didn't need a lawyer.
Leo: I don't. I didn't do anything.

[Vanessa gasps]

Vanessa: Derek is still going to question you, my dear.
Leo: I know. I just got off the phone with him. He's on his way down here right now.
Vanessa: And you cannot talk to the police without an attorney present. It doesn't matter what you did or didn't do, darling. Leo, don't you know that?
Leo: I can handle this, ok?
Vanessa: Just stop being such a petulant child.
Leo: I'm not the problem, ok? Now, Palmer -- that's a whole other story altogether.
Vanessa: And what does that mean?
Leo: Your husband can be lethal when he's jealous. You know that. And he did have that odd blood stain on his shirt sleeve back at the crime scene, remember? He was pretty wound up thinking that you and Paolo might be an item, mother.
Vanessa: All right. Palmer does not think that way anymore.
Leo: Oh, right. I get it. You drove it out of his head -- all night long.
Vanessa: Will you stop being disgusting?
Leo: You told him that you loved only him.
Vanessa: Leo --
Leo: So you showed him. And you saved your own behind in the process.
Vanessa: Leo, listen to me. Palmer did not kill Paolo and he has no interest in killing me.
Leo: Today.
Vanessa: Listen. He's offered you his attorney. Doesn't that show you anything about loyalty?
Leo: No. It tells me that your addled old husband is trying to buy some protection. More specifically, he's trying to make sure that I don't leak anything about you and Paolo.
Vanessa: Oh, and what would that possibly be?
Leo: Oh, I don't know. How I hated Paolo for disgracing your honor, how I vowed revenge. I mean, if not me, mother, who would have killed Paolo in a desperate attempt to preserve your honor?
Palmer: And just how did the dead man compromise your honor, Vanessa?

Becca: Hey. Hey, Scott, have you heard anything yet? Is Marian ok? I know. I don't blame her. Yeah, Liza already left. She's with Tad and Adam, and they should be at the cabin right now. Stay positive. They could be with Stuart right now.

Officer: The roof caught. There's hardly anything left.

[Car approaches]

Officer: Here we go.

[Car doors open and close]

Adam: Been trying to find a way into Willow Lake for 20 minutes.
Officer: That's right, sir.
Adam: All the roads are blocked.
Officer: That's right.
Adam: Don't "sir" me. We have to get to the lake. My brother's in there.
Officer: There's been a fire, sir. There's no civilian access until we can make sure that the fire's under control and that it hasn't taken hold in trees.
Tad: A brush fire?
Officer: A summer cabin.
Adam: Cabin? My brother has a cabin. It's right inside the woods here. We know he's been staying there. Somebody has to bring him out to safety. Are you idiots listening to me?
Liza: No, Adam, don't.
Tad: Adam, this is not the time.
Adam: Move the road block, or I'll drive through it.
Officer: Sir, get back in your vehicle and turn around.
Adam: Fine! I'll move it --
Tad: Adam, wait!
Liza: No! No, Adam, don't.
Adam: Let go of me, you --
Liza: Don't.
Adam: Idiot!
Liza: Please.
Adam: Take your hands off me. I have to get to my brother! I have to get to Stuart!

Stuart: No. Let go, let go. Let go. No. Let go. No. Let go.

Esther: It's ok. It's ok.

Stuart: Let go.

Esther: It's ok. It's just a bad dream. It's ok. It's all right. With that crazy wife and brother of yours screaming at each other on TV, I'd have nightmares, too. It's all right. This trailer keeps me safe, and it'll do the same for you, Stuart. Oh, please, let him stay here with me. It'll keep him safe always. I swear I will love him forever if you'll just let him stay

Liza: Adam, please calm down.
Tad: Adam, calm down.
Liza: If you keep acting this way, they're going to arrest you. Is that what you want?
Adam: I have to get to my brother.
Tad: Listen, listen -- guys, take it easy on him, ok? His brother's been missing for 48 hours. Now, we got word he might be up at the cabin. He just wants to go in there and make sure he's all right. That's it.
Adam: Let go of me, you idiot.
Tad: Adam, shut up! Just let somebody else handle it, all right?
Adam: Who, you? You're the reason we're standing here, Martin.
Liza: Adam, please. If you keep acting this way, you're not going to get what you need. Now, please, if you'd just release him, I'm sure he'll calm down and everything will be fine. Please. Thank you. Thank you so much.
Adam: Gentlemen, I just want to get into the woods to find my brother, to find out that he's safe, that he's all right.
Officer: I understand. We're just not authorized to clear anyone through until we know that it's safe.
Adam: It's not going to be safe until I can find my brother.
Liza: Adam, don't.

[Tad coughs]

Liza: Are you ok? He's having trouble breathing. I think it's the smoke. He has terrible asthma.
Officer: Do you have an inhaler with you?

[Tad wheezes]

Liza: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. He's having trouble breathing.
Officer: Loosen the tie.
Liza: Go.

[Tad coughs]

Liza: Are you ok?
Officer: Can you exhale?
Liza: Hold on, hold on, hold on.
Officer: Just take some short breaths.
Liza: Let me get the button.

Janet: The police are tailing my daughter? She told me someone was following her, but I didn't believe it. She kept insisting it was Trevor.
Jack: Well, these stories of her seeing Trevor are the reason that the police put a tail on her to start with it.
Janet: How did they hear about it?
Jack: Evidently she said something at school. One of the teachers overheard it. They called the authorities.
Janet: Oh, dear lord.
Jack: No, no, no, no. Don't worry about this. I've already talked to Derek. I've told him to call of his --
Janet: Derek? Derek is trailing my daughter? He's the one controlling this?
Jack: Janet, Janet, you know that Derek would never do anything unless he thought it was exactly the right thing to do for everybody concerned. But if he does smoke Trevor out --
Janet: He can't smoke him out. He's not here. Trevor's a million miles away from Pine Valley.
Jack: Do you know that for a fact?
Janet: I know it in my heart. Because if he were here, I'd feel better, and I don't. And I cannot let this go on. My daughter cannot be used as a pawn in the middle of a police investigation.
Jack: I agree. And we can stop this.
Janet: We can? How do we do that? I mean, exactly how?
Jack: All you have to do is say the word.

Vanessa: Well, what brings you here, darling?
Palmer: I followed you.
Vanessa: You what?
Palmer: Yes, you bolted out of the apartment. I was quite concerned.
Vanessa: Oh. Well, thank you, darling. That's so sweet of you.
Leo: I think that you should answer Palmer's question about Paolo, mother. About compromising your honor. Oh, I'm sorry. That's probably a conversation between a husband and a wife. I'm sorry. Well, she's all yours, buddy.

Becca: I couldn't help but see the three of you over there earlier.
Leo: Yeah. You should have had the sound up. It's one hell of a movie.
Becca: What's up, Leo?
Leo: Oh, they want me to use their high-priced lawyer. I don't want to.
Becca: If you're the suspect in a crime, maybe you should use a lawyer.
Leo: You think -- you think that I killed Paolo, don't you?
Becca: I'm trying to help.
Leo: I'm sorry.
Becca: You know, you were up to your ears with that thing with Paolo and Marian, and getting a lawyer's not such a bad idea.
Leo: Yeah, well, that whole mess with Marian is the least of my worries with Paolo, believe me.
Becca: Meaning what? Oh, my God. Paolo's the guy that you owed money to, isn't it? Oh, my -- why?
Leo: I didn't exactly owe it to him. He was blackmailing me.
Becca: Leo, this is really serious.
Leo: Yeah. If the police find out about that, becca, I promise you that I will take the fall for killing him. They won't even look at anybody but me.

Palmer: You seem awfully nervous, Vanessa. Were you connected at all with this Caselli character?
Vanessa: Of course not.
Palmer: Well, I -- I heard what Leo said. Obviously you knew him. The question is just how well.
Vanessa: Hardly at all, darling.
Palmer: Huh? Then what did Leo mean by your honor being compromised? I want a straight answer and the truth.
Vanessa: Oh, dear lord. Palmer, you're making me do this. If my honor was compromised, it was at risk because of Leo.
Palmer: Yes? How?
Vanessa: Paolo was
blackmailing Leo. Palmer: With what?
Vanessa: You know Leo. I mean, he gets in these things over his head. When he couldn't come up with the money, Paolo decided to come after me. And that's when he accosted me in the hallway. He literally ripped off my necklace -- that beautiful necklace you gave me, darling. And it was almost like -- I can't speak the word.
Palmer: So Caselli threatened you and then he blackmailed Leo?
Vanessa: Darling, if we're not careful, Leo is going to be doomed. Now, promise me -- promise me you're not going to speak to this about -- to anyone. Now, just keep it between us. Please?

Becca: Leo, this is terrible. No wonder you're scared. You know what? We've got to do everything we can to protect you.
Leo: You know, just when I think that I have nothing left to lose, there you go again, Becca, making me think that I could lose everything. Would you do me a favor?
Becca: Of course I will.
Leo: Will you go distract my mother?
Becca: You want me to go over there?
Leo: Yeah, keep her occupied. Make conversation or something.
Becca: Why?
Leo: Could you just do it, please, and not ask questions?
Becca: Ok.
Leo: Ok. Thank you.

Becca: Mrs. Cortlandt? Hi. Could I talk to you for a second?
Vanessa: Not now, dear, please.
Becca: It's about Leo. Please.
Palmer: Go ahead. Speak to the girl, darling. I have to make a phone call -- to Walter.
Vanessa: Fine, darling. You won't tell?
Palmer: No. No, no, no. I just have to apologize for missing an earlier meeting, all right? The rest -- we'll see about that.

Vanessa: Oh, thank you, darling.
Well, all right. What is it? I really am pressed for time.
Becca: I understand. But I need to talk to you somewhere private -- it won't take long -- where no one can hear us. Vanessa: All r
ight, all right. Where? Where?
Becca: Ok, ok. Come with me.

Leo: Palmer?
Palmer: Hmm?
Leo: Can we speak frankly?
Palmer: Oh, I think that's a good idea.
Leo: Ok. First of all, I'd just like to thank you for offering the services of your lawyer, Walter. It is very, very generous of you.
Palmer: Yes, I thought so.
Leo: And I'd also like to thank you for taking such good care of my mother through all this. Also very generous.
Palmer: Right, right. Now, let's cut the soft soap and get down to business. What is it?
Leo: Ok. Here it is. I am so grateful to you for everything that you've done for me that I am willing to cut you a deal.
Palmer: Is that so?
Leo: Yeah, absolutely. You see, I -- I have this feeling in my gut -- sort of a burst appendix kind of feeling -- that if I stayed around here long enough to chit-chat with your lawyer confidant, Walter Hines, that I'd be knee-deep in his setup by now.
Palmer: Setup?
Leo: Of me. Come on, Palmer. I'm not as naive as you think.
Palmer: What?
Leo: You know, you paid Walter to have me screwed over. You paid him to get me convicted of murder.
Palmer: A bit paranoid, are we?
Leo: You know what? That's funny because that is exactly what I was just thinking about you. You want me to take the fall for this murder because, hey, it takes care of two big chunks of business for you.
Palmer: Oh, yes?
Leo: Yes. I mean, first of all, you get to see me put away, out of your life forever. But, you see, that's only the gravy, Palmer. The main course is my taking the fall for you because we both know who really did kill poor old Paolo, don't we? It wasn't me. It was you.

Janet's voice: Why did you do it? Why did you make that phony confession?
Trevor: That dead body was tied to you. And I don't want my daughter's mother spending the rest of her life behind bars.
Janet: What about her father? Disappearing isn't going to solve anything.
Trevor: It'll keep the cops from sniffing around you. Play a little dodge ball, stay low, keep them running as far away from you as possible.
Janet: How long will you be gone?
Trevor: I don't know.

Janet: What do you mean, we can get the police to leave Amanda alone if I say the word? What word? "I'm guilty"?
Jack: It's not quite as simple as that. Janet, the night that Sophie died --
Janet: You mean I killed her.
Jack: No. No, that's not what I mean.
Janet: No -- what?
Jack: I don't want you to do that.
Janet: Why not? Tell the truth -- you don't want me to do that, Jack? You don't want me to say that I killed her, that Trevor took the rap and now he's gone?
Jack: Now, you listen to me. What happened that night was self-defense. I know that, and you know that. And I know that Sophie had been hounding you and threatening you from the moment she got out of jail and it was her that brought that crowbar to the warehouse and that she had every intention of using that crowbar to kill you.
Janet: Why are we even talking about this? I'm doing exactly what Trevor wants me to do.
Jack: That's right. That's exactly what we're all doing -- what Trevor wants -- because he thought this was the best way to protect everybody. But you know what? There's no arguing with Trevor when he gets his mind set.
Janet: So, what are you saying?
Jack: That I thought that either Trevor or I or somebody would have fixed this by now, would have made it right by now, that the three of you would be back together as a family, that your little girl wouldn't be hallucinating visits with her father, for God's sake. I'm sorry.
Janet: Don't apologize, Jackson, because you're right. Every night when I lay in bed alone, I think about that night. I wish I could go back in time, relive it and take responsibility for what I did. I'm willing to. Should I just turn myself in? That's what I'm going to do. I'm going to turn myself in.

Liza: Shallow breaths.
Tad: It's ok. If I can talk, it'll be better.
Officer: Ok, they're sending an ambulance.
Tad: It's all right. I'll be ok, really. Thanks.

Officer: Hey, where'd the other y go who lost it about his brother?
Liza: Oh, my husband went to go get Tad help. There was an ambulance right down at the end of the dirt road. I'm sure he'll be right back. Oh, my gosh.

Officer: All right, we've got an unauthorized individual in the fire zone. Copy?
Liza: Maybe you shouldn't help anymore. Let me handle it.

Adam: No, no, no, no. No.
Fireman: What the hell are you doing here? This is a restricted area.
Adam: Stuart, Stuart --
Fireman: You can't be here. Don't you realize how dangerous this is?
Adam: Stuart -- this is my brother's house. He was here. How'd this happen?
Fireman: We don't know that yet. Look, you cannot be here. This is not a safe area.
Adam: We're twin brothers. We look -- he looks exactly like me. He was here.
Fireman: When we got here, this place was empty and on fire, all right? Ok, now, look, just come with me, ok? We'll take you down to the squad leader. He can contact the forest service. We'll find your brother.
Adam: I can't leave here. Not without my brother.
Fireman: Listen to me. No one is here. No one could have gotten past the troopers down there.
Fireman: Hey.
Adam: Stuart!
Fireman: Hey!
Adam: Stuart!

Officer: Man. Look at this place.
Liza: Thank you for bringing us up here, John.
John: I'd be a mess, too, if it were someone in my family. Guess I understand now.
Liza: Where's Adam?
John: I haven't heard.
Liza: Oh, no. Adam -- what happened?
Fireman: He tore in there before we could stop him. The place is unstable. A beam fell.
Liza: Oh, no.
Adam: Liza, Stuart wasn't in there. He wasn't inside.
Liza: Are you sure?
Adam: Yes. Yes, there was no sign of him. There's nothing, nothing.
Tad: Is that true?
Fireman: No, I didn't see anything. It was pretty badly burned up in there. No way to tell. A lot of fallen beams. Excuse me.
Tad: Thank you.

Adam: I used to teach Stuart what to do in case of a fire when we were kids. Just kids. I warned him and showed him. If -- if he was in there, he got out. I know he did. I know.

Janet: It's time, Jackson. I can't take care of myself or Amanda. And I can't stand the guilt anymore. I killed Sophie.
Jack: No, you did not kill Sophie. You defended your own life. So I don't want to hear you use the word "killed" or "murdered," not even in private. You got me? Janet, do you really think that I would even suggest a thing like this unless I was sure that you could walk away with virtually no prison time?
Janet: With my record? What's changed?
Jack: Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I still trust the system, and I hope you still trust me. And I have an angle.
Janet: Trevor will be furious.
Jack: No, he won't because this is going to work.
Janet: I just want to slap him for taking off, anyway.
Jack: Yeah, well, I wouldn't mind taking a swing at him myself. Let's hope we can both do it very, very soon.
Janet: I miss him so much. It's so quiet around here. He never shut up. You know that?
Jack: Do I know that? Why do you think I thought he'd make such a great lawyer?
Janet: I mean, not even when we went to bed at night. He couldn't go to sleep until he'd gone through his entire day. I mean, from morning till night. He'd start with "well, I got up this morning and got in the shower. Nicked myself with the razor. Then I went over to the doughnut shop, and, you know, they gave me this doughnut, and the hole wasn't even round." He'd run on and on like that from the morning right up until we shut off the night-light. And it drove me absolutely crazy. And now I miss it so much. And I look at Amanda, and I can see it in her eyes. She is lost. I mean totally lost. And I know the look because I see it in my own eyes when I look in the mirror. So go ahead. Call Derek. Right now. Let's get this over with.
Jack: I'll take care of you. I promise you that. I'll use the phone in the kitchen.

Image: Janet? Janet, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault.

Becca: Leo has told me that he's a suspect in this murder.
Vanessa: And he's not guilty.
Becca: I know.
Vanessa: And it happens to be a family matter, which doesn't concern you, if you don't mind.
Becca: Ok. Well, I'm worried about Leo, and I want to help.
Vanessa: Well, I will handle getting my son's life back on track. And it's going to start with him staying away from this station. From now on, he'll spend all his time at Cortlandt Electronics.
Becca: He quit Cortlandt Electronics.
Vanessa: An error in judgment and easily remedied. Then he won't have time for these extracurricular activities he's somehow picked up along the way.
Becca: You are a piece of work.
Vanessa: Pardon me?
Becca: Where do you get off telling your son what he should do and who he should care about?
Vanessa: How dare you speak to me that way.
Becca: Oh, I'm just getting started. You really should back off and let your son live his own life.

Palmer: You're accusing me of killing Caselli and then framing you?
Leo: No, it's -- it's more than an accusation, Palmer. It's the truth. And I will go straight to the police tonight unless you promise me two things.
Palmer: Oh, this'll be rich.
Leo: First of all, you get that sleazy lawyer of yours to make sure that I don't get pinned for this. And then you take care of me and my mother financially from here to eternity, including after you decide to dump her, which, frankly, we both know is inevitable.
Palmer: You arrogant, spoiled child. You know who I am? You have any idea who you are dealing with?
Leo: Yeah, a murderer with a history of violent behavior sparked by jealousy. You were at the hotel. You had blood on your shirt sleeve. And you suspected my mother of sleeping with Paolo. It's called motive.
Palmer: How dare you.
Leo: Easy. I mean, you put a hit out on her before for the same reason, and you tried to have me blamed for that, too. Remember?
Palmer: Your mother will never turn on me. And if you go ahead with this accusation, she will turn her back on you.
Leo: No, my mother -- my mother would never let me take the rap for this. Not even for you.
Palmer: Are you sure of that? I mean, really sure?

Derek: Excuse me, Mr. Cortlandt. Leo, you ready to answer some questions?
Leo: Ah, Derek. How you doing, buddy? Yes, ask away. I'll answer anything you want to know.

Janet: I can't believe this.
Image: I did this to you. I pushed you to do things you didn't want to do. I convinced you that Sophie had to go. And now you're going to face the charges for killing her, and it was me.
Janet: I have to do this for me, for Amanda.
Image: What if Jackson can't do what he says he can?
Janet: What?
Image: He told you to have faith in him, in the system. That's not enough. Janet, don't you see? He wants you to go to jail.
Janet: No.
Image: He wants you to clear Trevor's name, and then he's going to throw you in the can. And you can't go through that hell again, and you know it. You'll really crack this time, and it's all because of me.
Janet: Jackson's a good man. He cares about me.
Image: He's in the cops' pockets. He's Brooke's best friend, for crying out loud. Brooke wants you in jail. Hayley wants you in jail. They all think they know what's best for you and Amanda. Well, we really walked into their trap this time, didn't we? They've been trying to figure out a way to get rid of you for years.
Janet: That's not true.
Image: Listen to me, sister. Here's the deal. You turn yourself in, there isn't going to be any leniency. You killed a woman in cold blood. You let your husband take the blame for it. They're going to try you and fry you. Do you want to take that chance?

Derek: Ok, Leo. If you're ready, let's go someplace private where we can talk.
Vanessa: My son is not answering any of your questions without his attorney present. I won't allow it.
Leo: No, no, no. It's ok. I don't need a lawyer. Especially yours.
Derek: Let's do this with a minimum amount of drama.
Palmer: Derek, Derek, I really would like to have a word with you -- well, in respect to my stepson, hmm?
Derek: Ok. Ok, Mr. Cortlandt. Over here.

Vanessa: Ok. You see, darling? Palmer is trying to help.
Leo: You know, I think you're right, mother. I think Palmer really sees my side of things now. Now, I'm going to talk to Becca for a second.
Vanessa: Darling, that girl is trouble. You should have heard the way she talked to me. So rude.
Leo: Is that right? Well, I'm going to have to go ask her all about it.
Vanessa: Leo, Leo --

Leo: So, what'd you say to my mother?
Becca: Is she complaining?
Leo: Oh, yes. She's very put out. Not that I mind.
Becca: I told her that she should stop running your life -- or something like that -- while you were talking to Palmer. So, did you get what you wanted from him?
Leo: Palmer?
Becca: Yeah.
Leo: Yeah. He's over there clearing my name as we speak.
Becca: Really?
Leo: Mm-hmm.

Palmer: Derek, this is so difficult for me. I've begun to feel l as just -- well, he's really my son.
Derek: Listen, Palmer, if you know why Leo was in that room with Paolo or about any connection that Leo had to the deceased, I want to hear it.
Palmer: Derek, damn it all. Leo just asked me to use my influence to buy him off. I'm afraid that Leo's running scared.
Derek: Are you saying that Leo --
Palmer: Well, here are the facts. My stepson was being blackmailed by Caselli, and now Caselli is dead. So draw your own conclusions.

Adam: Liza, I'm going to call in my private security team, have them scour the woods, see if they can find any sign of Stuart.
Liza: Adam, I just want you to sit down and just relax, just for a minute.
Adam: Better yet, you make the call. Tell them you want one full team, and I'll start the search myself.
Liza: Oh, Adam, please don't do it.
Adam: Liza, please don't do what everyone else is doing and telling me I can't do this. I -- I -- I have to do it. I have to find Stuart. I have to make things right with him. I have to bring him home. Look at me. I'm nothing without him. He's the other half of me, the half -- the half that I need to go on living with. Stuart is -- is in such pain right now. He needs me, too. He relies on me, even though he doesn't have any use for me at the moment. I just have to find him. I have to find him before -- before he hurts himself, before the hate takes hold of him.
Liza: Stuart doesn't know how to hate, Adam.
Adam: He does now. I taught him.

Tad: Where's he going?
Liza: He's going into the woods to search for Stuart. He's desperate, Tad.
Tad: What's this?
John: You can't come in here. This is a restricted area
Liza: How did a camera crew get in here?
Tad: Is that one of ours?
Liza: No. We should see --
Tad: Come here.

Reporter: Tommy, roll it. We've got a body.
John: I thought you said there was no --
Fireman: We found it under the debris. Ma'am?
Liza: Who is it?
Fireman: We can't tell. But when we lifted up the remains, we found this.
Liza: Oh, God. Oh, God, no.

Leo: Come on. You want to dance? I'm feeling footloose.
Becca: Stop it. This isn't funny.
Leo: What? Relax, would you? I'm going to get everything I want. I feel it.
Becca: Well, you want what? I feel like something nasty is about to happen.
Leo: No, no, no, no, no. Blue skies. Come on.
Becca: No -- Leo, will you just be serious for once in your life?
Leo: I am. I'm being serious.

Vanessa: How did it go with Derek? Is he going to leave Leo alone?
Palmer: I told Derek exactly what he needs to know.
Derek: Yes, that's all I need. Thank you.

Derek: Leo Du Pres.
Leo: Come on, Derek. What's with the formality? We're old friends --
Derek: You're under arrest for the murder of Paolo Caselli. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney and to have an attorney present during questioning. If you can't afford an attorney, one will be provided for you free of charge.

Image: Did you get it? That a girl. I knew you could do it. Now, you keep it hidden, and when Jackson comes back in --
Janet: I know what I have to do.
Image: You kill him.

Reporter: This is Diane Sanders with an exclusive report from Willow Lake, where a fire has apparently taken the life of Stuart Chandler, twin brother of Adam Chandler. Stuart had been missing for two days. Tragically, the search ended here --

John: All right, that's it.
Reporter: Let me go.
John: You're shut down, and you're coming with me.
Reporter: This is Diane Sanders, and now back to the studio.

Tad: Are you sure it's Stuart's?
Liza: It has the date -- 2/24/99. My mother put it on his hand, and he never took it off and --
Liza: Adam?
Adam: Oh, God. Oh, Stuart. Stuart! Stuart!


Janet: I'm going to send you back to whatever hell you came from.

Vanessa: When you saw me with Paolo, did you become so insanely jealous that you decided to kill him?

Liza: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. He has a heart condition. Help!

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