AUGUST 11, 2000

Dixie: What are you doing?
David: Just taking your pulse. It's normal.
Dixie: Really?
David: Yep.
Dixie: I'll be fine. I promise -- no more skipped breakfasts.
David: I'm happy to hear that, but that's not the only reason why you collapsed.
Dixie: I know. You told me. The heat, low blood sugar. But it's just not my heart, so leave me alone.
David: No, your heart is perfect. It's the stress of lying to Alex and Edmund. Were you going to tell them about Dimitri being alive?
Dixie: Yes, I was. But I didn't. I hate lying, and I always end up knowing these secrets I'm not supposed to tell anybody.
David: Nobody wants to know the truth, Dixie, about themselves or anybody else. People see what they need to see.
Dixie: Really?
David: Really.
Dixie: What did Erica just do?

Erica: And this -- this is my absolute favorite of the entire collection. I've had my labs work eight weeks to get this shade exactly right, perfect.
Bianca: Eight weeks.
Erica: Yes.
Bianca: Wow. It's really pretty.
Erica: Well, if you like, you can send one of these to every one of your friends back home.
Bianca: Cool! Thanks.
Erica: Ok. Well, how many should I have them send up, honey? About 20?
Bianca: Um -- four.
Erica: Good. Ok. You know what I'm in the mood for now, what I think would be fun? I am in the mood for a makeover.
Bianca: Oh, God.
Erica: I think we'll start with the eyebrows and work down.
Bianca: No, no, Mom, please.
Erica: Oh, come on, Bianca. You're going to love this.
Bianca: But, Mom, I just got here. Can't you get used to me the way I am before you start changing me?
Erica: Honey, I don't need to change you. My goodness. You're just perfect the way nature made you.
Bianca: But we can improve on nature.
Erica: Well, honey, I have made a fortune doing just that. Oh, Bianca, have you noticed? Have you noticed how Enchantment has grown since the last time you were here?
Bianca: Ah. So that's the real reason for this mother-daughter morning? "Someday all this shall be yours."
Erica: Well, it can be if you want it. And I know that you, of course, don't know what you want right now, though I do think it would be time, you know, for you start thinking about it.
Bianca: Ok.
Erica: And I don't care what you choose to do, just as long as you're happy.
Bianca: You mean as long as I have it all?
Erica: Well, why not? I do.
Bianca: Do you, Mom?
Erica: Of course I do. Honey, I think that I have achieved just about everything that a person can achieve.
Bianca: Can we go look at the lipstick lab?
Erica: What are you thinking? Yeah, I know what you're thinking, Bianca.
Bianca: Mom! Ok, I'm not deaf. I've heard you fighting with your boyfriend.
Erica: Oh. Dr. Hayward is not my boyfriend. He's asked me to marry him.
Bianca: Mom, did you love my father?
Erica: Honey, where is this coming from?
Bianca: Just answer the question. Did you marry him because you were in love with him or because you were afraid of being alone?

Leo: You think you love me?
Becca: I don't expect you to say it back.
Leo: I -- I love being with you, too, Becca.
Becca: Leo? When I think about you -- I think about you all the time. When I'm not with you and you're unhappy, I just want to make everything better. I don't even know how to describe it.
Leo: Everything feels more real than it did before.
Becca: Yes! Like I'm suddenly awake.
Leo: Your heart starts pumping harder and your skin feels more alive. When I touch you, it's electric. And I feel a connection through every part of me.

Brooke: Our Moscow bureau chief has contacts with the rebels. I'm sorry I didn't think about it before.
Joe: You see, we know Jake survived the crash. What we don't know is where is he.
Tad: Or who's holding him, if anybody is holding him.
Joe: And the shape he's in.
Brooke: I will make it my first priority. It's the middle of the night there right now, but I'll make some calls, and if there's any answers, we will get them, ok?
Tad: Thanks, Brooke, very much.
Brooke: All right.
Joe: Bless you, Brooke. Gillian, how you doing?
Gillian: I'm fine. I have a really good feeling about this. And soon he's going to come home and it's all going to be over -- the anticipation, I mean.
Adrian: Oh, Tad.
Tad: Yeah.
Adrian: Yeah, I called your office. They said you were here.
Joe: Do you have any news?
Adrian: Yeah. The word's just come in. Jake has been found.

Dixie: Well, I can't believe Erica thinks that you and Alex are having a relationship.
David: Yeah, well, in all fairness to Erica, she has every reason not to trust me. She knows my history.
Dixie: Wait a minute. You said that you're ready to start a family, settle down.
David: Oh, whoa, whoa. You're expecting too much from me.
Dixie: Oh, come on. Would it kill you to admit that you want what other people have -- a home and a family? You can have that.
David: Well, maybe I'm not destined to have that.
Dixie: Who are you kidding? You know a relationship is a lot of hard work, with marriage, family. Sometimes it's a real pain in the butt, but it's very much worth it.
David: Thanks, Dixie. And by the way, you're not fired.
Dixie: Ah! I knew it. I know too much.
David: You're going to be ok?
Dixie: Yeah. Thanks. So, what, are you going to the hospital?
David: Uh -- eventually, but I think I'm going to try one more time to patch it up with Erica.
Dixie: Hey, good. Good for you. Lead with your heart.
David: Thanks for remembering I have one.

Erica: Well, who put such a ridiculous idea in your head? Barbara? Bianca, I loved your father very much. He gave me you.
Bianca: But that wasn't enough. You got involved with Uncle Jack.
Erica: There was much more to it than that. Why? What did Travis say?
Bianca: Nothing. Nobody is putting ideas into my head. I just never understood what it is you want.
Erica: Well, I want is to love a man who loves you in return, who makes you feel like -- like you're the center of his world.
Bianca: And did Daddy make you feel that way?
Erica: Very much so.
Bianca: You know, Daddy is a wonderful man. I mean, when I first moved to Seattle, I was really afraid of starting a new life there, and Daddy would tuck me in every night and remind me of our secret -- that he loved me most of all.
Erica: And he still does, honey. Believe me, that will never change.
Bianca: Mom, I am 16 years old. You do not have to explain to me that it wasn't my fault that you two split up. I know it wasn't my fault.
Erica: Ahem. Well, are you trying to say that you think it's mine?
Bianca: I don't know. That's what I'm trying to figure out. I mean, Mom, if love is so important to you, then why can't you ever make it last?

[Door opens]

Ryan: Hello!
Erica: Ryan!
Ryan: Oh, well, Val told me I could wait in here. Are you ready for me?
Erica: Oh, I'm sorry. We came in the back way. I'm -- look, to be very candid with you, I -- I'm afraid I forgot about our meeting.
Ryan: Oh. Well, do you need a minute or --
Erica: No, no. No. I guess not.
Bianca: I'll just take a look in the lipstick lab.
Erica: No, Bianca, please. Stay here and sit in on the meeting. Listen to Mr. Lavery. You've met my daughter, Bianca.
Ryan: Yes, I have. Nice to see you again, Bianca.
Bianca: It's good to see you, too.
Ryan: And I would love for you to stay.
Erica: Well, I warn you -- my daughter asks the hard questions.

Adrian: I'll tell you all I know right now, and it's not much. But he's been positively identified, and the area's still under attack.
Tad: Well, what does that mean, "positively identified"?
Joe: Yeah. I mean, has he spoken? Did anyone speak to him? What --
Adrian: No. They didn't get that close. But I'm very confident that the information is reliable.
Gillian: But what does it mean the area's under attack? How much danger is he in?
Adrian: I'll know more soon, all right, Gillian? My contacts are expecting further information.
Brooke: Do you know the name of the area where Jake was seen?
Adrian: Yeah. It's near the Argun River Gorge.
Brooke: All right. That will probably be helpful to my sources. I'm going to try them all again. Ok?
Tad: Thanks.
Joe: Adrian, we can't thank you enough.

Eliot: Hi.
Brooke: Oh.
Eliot: Are you ok?
Brooke: Yes. Why -- why?
Eliot: You're at the hospital.
Brooke: Oh, no, no. I'm fine. The Martin family is trying to find their son Jake in Chechnya, and "Tempo" has sources. They asked me to help.
Eliot: Any news from Jake?
Brooke: Not really. This is all my fault.
Eliot: What?
Brooke: That we can't have a conversation, a regular conversation now.
Eliot: What do you mean? Of course we can.
Nothing's changed. Brooke: No, Eliot. I owe you an apology.

Leo: Are you cold ?
Becca: No.
Leo: Are you crying?
Becca: No.
Leo: This shouldn't be upsetting, Becca.
Becca: It's -- it's just being here. Can we go somewhere more private?
Leo: I don't think so.
Becca: Um -- you want to stay here on the beach?
Leo: No. I don't want to go someplace more private. I can't do this. I'm going to take you home.
Becca: Why do you want to stop? What am I doing wrong?
Leo: You did nothing wrong, Becca. Believe me, you had me at "I think."
Becca: Then why?
Leo: Just because as much as I want us to be together, you don't, not yet.
Becca: No, I do. I'm ready.
Leo: Becca, you really aren't.
Becca: Leo, why don't you believe me?
Leo, I love you. I know what I'm doing.
Leo: Being in love and making love to somebody are two entirely different things.
Becca: Not for me.
Leo: That's why I'm taking you home.
Leo: Look, just so that we're clear, I do want to make love to you. I do.
Becca: Let's get out of here.
Leo: Becca, don't be angry with me.
Becca: I'm not angry with you. I just want to go.

Brooke: We're just getting to know each other. You don't owe me any explanation about your past.
Eliot: About my being incarcerated.
Brooke: Look, you know, I had no right.
Eliot: Listen, part of getting to know someone is learning about their past.
Brooke: My only excuse is something that you said to me, and that is "the truth is usually never as bad as what we can imagine."
Eliot: Well, we all have responsibility for what we've done. It doesn't do any good to run away from things.
Brooke: It's never worked for me.
Eliot: No?

Adrian: Excuse me.
Brooke, were you able to reach --

[telephone rings]

Brooke: Oh.
Adrian: This may be the call I've been waiting for.
Brooke: Ok. Here, come here.

Adrian: Sword here. Yeah. What? No, I don't understand. Why? What do you mean, there's en no reason given? No, no, I -- ok. No, thanks. You guys have been a great help.

Gillian: What is it now?
Tad: What don't you understand?
Adrian: My contacts were able to infiltrate the hot zone, but -- look, Jake is safe and he's not being held.
Joe: Well, thank God for that.
Tad: But?
Adrian: He was offered a way to come home.
Gillian: That's wonderful. When is he coming home?
Adrian: He's not. He turned the offer down.
Gillian: What do you mean, he's not coming home?
Tad: Are you saying he could leave, but he wants to stay?
Adrian: Nobody understands, all right? But he said no.
Brooke: I'll hold my calls to the Bureau Chief, and you'll keep me, you know, informed?
Tad: That's probably a good idea. We've obviously got some thinking to do. I'll keep you posted, ok?
Brooke: Ok. All right.

Eliot: Brooke, you want to go get a cup of coffee in t cafeteria?
Brooke: Oh. Well, I don't want to keep you from your work.
Eliot: Hey, I got a couple minutes.
Brooke: It's tempting. Actually, I should go. Ok.

Erica: Bianca, what do you think, sweetheart?
Bianca: I think it's an awesome idea. I mean, your greatest dream, anywhere in the world -- everyone I know would want to do it.
Erica: Well, that's a ringing endorsement.

[Telephone rings]

Erica: Oh, no pun intended.
Ryan: Yeah. Excuse me.
Erica: Sure.

Ryan: Hello.
Gillian: Something's happened. Can you meet me in the park?
Ryan: Yes, right away.

Ryan: Well, they just can't get along without me. I'm afraid I'm going to have to get going.
Erica: I understand. I will have one of my attorneys call you this afternoon.
Ryan: And I will be waiting. Thank you, Erica.
Erica: Ok.
Ryan: And thank you, Bianca. I'll see you.
Erica: Bye.

Bianca: Well, I'll just let you get back to work.
Erica: No, no, Bianca. I want to answer your question.
Bianca: I don't remember what I asked you.
Erica: It's a fair question. Why can't I make my relationships last?
Bianca: Mom --
Erica: The answer is I don't know. I do know that I always expect them to. Every time I fall in love, honey, I am so sure that it's going to last forever. And when it doesn't, it hurts me very, very much.
Bianca: I'm sorry, Mom. It's really none of my business.
Erica: Oh, honey, of course it is. You're growing up. I mean, you're thinking about love now. I just wish that we had more time to have these kinds of talks. I hope that in the next few years you meet someone wonderful and that you and he love each other for as long as you live. It's just, honey, that it doesn't always work that way.
Bianca: I know, Mom. It doesn't.
Erica: But you know what the secret is? Never give up. I have never given up on trying to find a love that lasts, and I never will.

David: Hello, Erica. Hi, Bianca.
Bianca: Hi. I -- I think I will go down to the lab now.
Erica: All right, honey. I'll join you there in a few minutes. I haven't forgotten about our makeover.

[Bianca sighs]

David: I told Val to hold your calls.
Erica: I didn't think there was anything else say.
David: I guess that depends entirely on you.
Erica: I've said everything I need to say.
David: You gave me an ultimatum.
Erica: And you chose Alex.
David: Oh, for heaven's sake, Erica. Alex is a colleague. We run the foundation together. She was upset that day. That's all.
Erica: About what?
David: About Dimitri. She started thinking about him, and it brought her down. I just happened to be there.
Erica: But she despises you. I mean, she always did.
David: All right, you know, we can't keep going on with this argument. How many times do I have to tell you that I love you before you actually believe it?
Erica: Until it feels like more than just words.
David: Well, right now, I'd settle for those words from you. Tell me, Erica, do you love me?

[Music blares]

Leo: Whoa!
Bianca: Hey, ok. Sorry. Sorry. I was just trying to drown out memories of my morning. You've been to the beach.
Leo: Yep.
Bianca: Looks like you had just about as much fun as I did. What happened?
Leo: Sunspots, I think.
Bianca: Sunspots? Really?
Leo: Something went seriously amiss with the universe. At else could make me actually turn down sex?

Dixie: Well, I know that you feel that this is a very serious event in your life, and it is, but I've got to tell you that I envy you. This is a very exciting time, all these feelings --
Becca: No, no, no, no. I don't think that you understand. What good is it if I'm going to have all these moral principles if I'm going to chuck them out the window the first time I feel really tempted?
Dixie: I am sure your moral principles would have kicked in eventually.
Becca: Dixie, I asked him to take me somewhere private.
Dixie: You did?
Becca: Yes.
Dixie: What did he do?
Becca: He told me that I wasn't ready.
Dixie: He's the one that stopped it?
Becca: He is the one.
Dixie: And what would have happened if he hadn't stopped it?
Becca: I don't think that I would be here sitting talking to you right now.
Dixie: And after that?
Becca: I probably would have regretted it.

Ryan: What happened?
Gillian: Jake's been found.
Ryan: Is he all right? What happened? What'd he say?
Gillian: He's well. He's free. He's not a prisoner.
Ryan: Oh, thank God. So when is he coming home?
Gillian: He's not coming home.
Ryan: What do you mean, he's not? Why not?
Gillian: Because he doesn't want to, and I know why.

Tad: What is it?
Adrian: He's not reachable. Could be a while before my guys get through to him again.
Joe: What am I going to tell Ruth?
Adrian: You tell her that Jake is alive and that my guys have actually seen and spoken to him.
Joe: How soon before your men call again and you can get in touch?
Adrian: I am not going to wait for them to call again. I'll call every day if I have to. But one way or another, we are going to get a straight answer.
Joe: Ok. Thank you very much, Adrian. You've really come through for us.
Tad: No kidding. I owe you one, right?
Adrian: All right. See you guys later.

Tad: Yeah. Listen, how did Jake sound the last time you spoke with him?
Joe: You know, that was some weeks ago. And a lot of static. But from what I could tell, he sounded fine.
Tad: Did he mention Gillian?
Joe: Yes, yes, of course.
Tad: What did you say?
Joe: I said that all she talked about was getting him back home. Why?
Tad: Nothing. I'm just trying to figure out what's going through his mind.
Joe: I'm sure Gillian is very much on his mind. Where'd she go anyway?
Tad: I don't know. I didn't see her leave.
Joe: Well, can't say as I blame her. Her nerves must be really raw. I mean, first, she hears her husband's coming back and then that he's not coming back and no explanation.
Tad: Hmm. Would you excuse me, Pop? I think I'm going to go look for Gillian.
Joe: Ok, all right. See how she's doing, and, Son, put a positive light on all this, huh?
Tad: Yeah.

Ryan: What? Why wouldn't Jake want to come home?
Gillian: I don't know. Maybe he knows what he's coming home to.
Ryan: Yeah, but even so, I mean, why not come and face it and straighten it out? I mean, how long can he keep you in limbo like this?
Gillian: I don't know. I don't have the answer to that, but maybe -- Ryan, even though they've located him, he's still lost on the inside.

David: Tell me that you love me.
Erica: I have told you that I love you many times.
David: Then if you love me, trust me.
Erica: I want to.
David: But you don't.
Erica: To trust you, David, I would have to feel -- I mean, really feel -- that I'm the center of your world.
David: Erica, try to remember where I come from, ok? My father put my mother at the center of his world. He erased himself entirely for her.
Erica: Oh --
David: And I watched with my own eyes as my mother drove him to suicide.
Erica: And that's why you have a wall around your heart.
David: That may be the case, but I have opened up my heart to you.
Erica: No, David, you haven't. Not completely. You always kept something for yourself because you don't trust me either. And without that, David, we don't stand a chance. Boy, and people always accuse me of being spoiled and self-centered. Boy, is that not true.
David: No, I know it isn't. You give a great deal. You've given me a great deal.
Erica: I guess I just want a lot back. Oh, do you know that Bianca just asked me why I can't make love last?
David: She did? Just now?
Erica: And I told her that I don't know, but maybe it's simple. I know what I need from the man I love, just like you do. And the fact is I don't love you the way you need me to. And I don't think that you love me the way I need to be loved.
David: Don't say that.
Erica: Because it's true.
David: So, this is it, then?
Erica: Yeah. This is it.

Eliot: I hope you don't mind that I followed you.
Brooke: I saw your bike in my rear-view mirror. I just thought that I had lost you.
Eliot: No such luck. Listen, I don't want you to think that we can't have a conversation, that any topic but the news and weather is off limits to us.
Brooke: But I make you uncomfortable.
Eliot: Just when you ask me about myself, my past.
Brooke: It's not your past I was thinking about just now. You're good at what you do.
Eliot: Thank you. What exactly have I done?
Brooke: My poor Aunt Phoebe has spent the past several years trying to figure out why I go from one dead-end relationship to another. And I have wondered myself. And after a couple of conversations with you, I realize why can't live my life like a normal person. Because I can go back and divide my life into two parts -- before Laura's death and after.
Eliot: You've lived a full life since then. You've given birth to a son, you've adopted a daughter. You have accomplished a lot since you lost your little girl.
Brooke: I know. But I can't remember what it's like to wake up in the morning and not feel like something is missing, someone that you love so much and you lose them. I can't do it again. And I've -- I've tried. And I fail every time.
Eliot: You didn't fail with Jamie. I see how much he loves you, how much your friends rely on you.
Brooke: Don't you understand? I want to give him more. I want joy in my life again. I want to feel whole. Why do I have to carry this pain and this guilt? Why won't it stop? Why?
Eliot: You're in a dark place right now.
Brooke: Always. That's what I'm trying to tell you.
Eliot: You know that there are many people in this town that love you.
Brooke: Yeah. I could make a list for you. But I'm at the center of nobody's life. I mean, even my son lives somewhere else half the time. I've -- I've sort of gotten accustomed to my loneliness. You know, I -- I'm sort of proud of it. I've made it strong. It's been -- it's been something that I've been able to hold on to as I watch other people be happy. But ever since meeting you and talking to you, it's more painful, and I don't know why. I just -- I just don't want to feel this way anymore.
Eliot: I'm sorry.
Brooke: Yeah, yes. Maybe I should hate you for opening up my eyes.
Eliot: If I could go back in time and change what happened to you, I would.
Brooke: I'm not looking for a miracle.
Eliot: What, then?

[Eliot and Brooke kiss]

Ryan: We don't know why Jake isn't coming home. But we know it's his choice. Gillian, we've put our lives on hold long enough.
Gillian: It's not going to be that much longer. Adrian has his contacts.
Ryan: I can't wait for Adrian and his contacts to decide our future, Gillian. It's time that I got involved in this. I'm going to go to Chechnya, and I'm going to bring Jake back.
Gillian: No, you're not.
Ryan: Yes, I am. I can't wait any longer.
Gillian: Ryan, you can't go to Chechnya! Having Jake in Chechnya has been hard enough for me. What if something happens to you?
Ryan: Nothing's going to happen to me, ok? Nothing. I'll make damn sure that I'll come back in one piece.
Gillian: No! Ryan, you have a business. You have investors counting on you. Ryan: Ye
s, I do, I do, which means I have a lot of money at my disposal --
Gillian: I know, I --
Ryan: The kind of money that makes things happen, Gillian, here or in Chechnya.
Gillian: No. Ryan, you can't be serious. You're not going to use your company's money to help Jake. Ryan: I know how I can do this.
Gillian: No.
Ryan: I know how I can do this.
Gillian: No, you're not going to do this for me.
Ryan: It's not for you, Gillian. Baby, it's for us. It's for us. It's the only thing that matters to me. Dot you know that? I'll do whatever I have to do, whatever I have to do to keep us together.

Dixie: Do you think that it's possible that you could love him?
Becca: Yes. I definitely think so. Maybe that's why I was trembling?
Dixie: Maybe. And after what you just told me about Leo's behavior at the beach today, I think it's really possible that he could care for you, too.

Leo: I've been waiting for her for months. I thought I was going to have to wait till the next millennium. And there she is, begging for it. And what do I do? Turn into Mr. Nice guy, Mr. Nobleman.
Bianca: Well, why did you?
Leo: Problem is the girl in question.
Bianca: Becca, I'm assuming.
Leo: Yes. Becca. She's a virgin. But she doesn't want to have sex until she's sure that it's the real thing.
Bianca: Oh. Well, that's kind of cool.
Leo: Are you a virgin?
Bianca: Hey.
Leo: I'm sorry.
Bianca: Hey, did my mother put you up to this?
Leo: Yeah, right. Look, it's none of my business. I'm sorry. Guess I used up my chivalry quota for the day. You forgive me?
Bianca: Yeah, yeah, I forgive you. And I am a virgin.
Leo: Really? Still a big deal, huh, even in the 21st century.
Bianca: Well, why wouldn't it be? Oh, look, the subject hasn't exactly come up yet in my case. I'm only 16, you know. I have other things on my mind -- school, my horse --
Leo: Your horse? Smart to wait.
Bianca: Stop it. You know what I mean. Now, let me ask you a personal question.
Leo: No. The answer is no, not for a long time.
Bianca: No, seriously, did you just want to sleep with Becca, or do you really love her?
Leo: No, I -- I think I'm going to take that shower.
Bianca: Hey, Leo -- anytime you want to talk.

David: For what it's worth, I've loved you more than I ever loved anyone.
Erica: And I wish it could have turned out differently. I really do. You've given me some of the happiest moments of my life.
David: Good-bye, Erica. I'm going to miss you.
Erica: I know.

Erica: Yes, hello. This is Erica Kane. My daughter is in town, and I'd like to give her a big party, but I mean a bash like this town has never seen before.


Erica: I am going to give you the biggest bash Pine Valley has ever seen.
Bianca: No, Mom, you can't.

Eliot: Do you want to go? I won't stop you.

Gillian: Ryan, please don't go.
Tad: Hi, kids. What's up?

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