AUGUST 14, 2000

Erica: She wants to put me on hold? Well, did you tell her that this is Erica Kane? I see. Well, all right, I'll wait.
David: For what it's worth, I've loved you more than I ever loved anyone.
Erica: And I wish it could've turned out differently. I really do. You've given me some of the happiest moments of my life.
David: Good-bye, Erica. I'm going to miss you.
Erica: I know.

Erica: Yes. Yes, this is Erica Kane, and I want to give a party for my daughter. I want to give her a really, really great party, and I'm looking for a theme. Well, I don't want anything too cutesy because she's 16. Yes, I would like entertainment very much. In fact, I'd like a name. Good. Ok. Yes, fax me all the details. Thank you. Ok. I am going to give Bianca the biggest bash this town has ever seen.

Palmer: Erica. Val said just come in.
Erica: Oh, Palmer, hi. Yes. Oh, Palmer, I'm so happy that you had time to stop by.
Palmer: Well, darling, you said it was important.
Erica: Yes, yes. I'm giving a party for Bianca. Please, sit down.
Palmer: Oh, I didn't know she was in town.
Erica: Yes, she's in town for the rest of the summer.
Palmer: Oh, wonderful, wonderful. How is she?
Erica: She's so strong. She is so healthy, Palmer.
Palmer: And the eating problem?
Erica: Under control, thank God.
Palmer: Well, I'm glad to hear that. I mean, poor girl's been through enough. Both of you have.
Erica: Well, there were days I really felt that I might lose my daughter.
Palmer: Oh, come on. She has her mother's heart. She's a survivor.
Erica: Well. And she certainly has the love of friends like you. Palmer, I was hoping that you could co-host her party with me.
Palmer: Well, I -- there's nothing I'd like better to do, but unfortunately, I'm leaving on a Mediterranean cruise.
Erica: Oh, Palmer. Oh, Palmer, I'm so disappointed that you're not going to be here. Palmer, you know how fond Bianca is of you.
Palmer: Well, surely David can step in.
Erica: What do you mean?
Palmer: Well, your beau can co-host the party. I thought that David and Bianca were quite close.
Erica: Well, David is no longer a part of my life. Or Blanca's.

Dixie: Hey. David, what are you doing here? I thought you'd be off somewhere doing the wild mambo with Erica. I got to admit, I had my doubts about you two, I really did. Hello, what's up? Didn't you guys work things out?
Dixie: Oh. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. God, I'm sorry.

Brooke: Oh. I'm sorry.
Eliot: Why?
Brooke: Oh. Why -- if my Aunt Phoebe could see me now. Oh.
Eliot: Would she disapprove?
Brooke: Oh, you know, she's suggested that I let my emotions run away with me. Oh, you must think I'm crazy.
Eliot: I think you're lovely.
Brooke: Please, I -- you know, I -- I took advantage of your kindness.
Eliot: Do you think that I kissed you because I was being polite? I must be losing my touch. I kissed you because I wanted to.

Gillian: Ryan, you can't go to Chechnya. You could get yourself killed.
Ryan: I have to go, Gillian.
Gillian: Ryan, you have nothing to prove to me.
Ryan: I'm tired of living like this, Gillian. I don't want to feel guilty about being with the woman that I love, and every day that Jake is away is another day that we cannot be together.
Gillian: I know. I know, ok? But going to Chechnya is not the answer. What if something happens to you?
Ryan: Nothing is going to happen to me, Princess.
Gillian: I'm not going to be responsible for the two men I care about being in so much danger.
Ryan: Jake made his choice, Gillian. Now I've made mine.
Gillian: Ryan, please don't go.

Tad: Hi, kids. What's up?

Gillian: Tad, what are you doing here?
Tad: Looking for you. You were with us one minute at the hospital, the next you were gone. That happens quite a lot lately. And then whenever you reappear, you're usually with him. Don't you have some kind of dot-com fiefdom to run?
Ryan: Tad, I was just cutting through the park, and I saw Gillian. She looked upset, so I wanted to stay with her.
Tad: Yeah, you do look flushed.
Gillian: Have you heard anything from Jake?
Tad: No. Adrian is still trying to get in touch with his contacts, see what he can find out, try to figure t why it is that Jake doesn't want to come home.
Gillian: You know, he's risking his own life to save lives. It just doesn't make any sense to me.
Tad: No, it doesn't. Maybe he thinks there isn't --

[Telephone rings]

Tad: It's probably Adrian. Yeah, hello? Jake? Jake, can you hear me? What the hell is going on? Are you ok?

Eliot: Brooke, you did not take advantage of me.
Brooke: I just -- it just happened. I wasn't thinking.
Eliot: Neither was I. Felt great, didn't it, not thinking?
Brooke: I know, but out of nowhere, to --
Eliot: Just plant one on me?
Brooke: It's just embarrassing.
Eliot: Well, I think that it's thrilling, enthralling, exciting. What do you think?
Brooke: It's -- it's scary. I hope that you don't think that I try and ambush men with some sob story.
Eliot: I followed you here, remember? If anybody was ambushed, it was you.
Brooke: Just -- it's awkward. It's awkward because we work together --
Eliot: Brooke.
Brooke: At the Community Center. And now we're always going to have this between us. It's this thing, this -- I mean, the fact that I kissed you. I don't even -- I don't --
Eliot: There. I kissed you. We're even. Now what?
Brooke: I don't know. I -- I have some things I should do. I think -- I think that I should go.
Eliot: Brooke, if we start thinking again, we are going to think of a dozen reasons why we shouldn't be here -- the office, the church, the Community Center.
Brooke: I just think it would be better if --
Eliot: You mean safer. I mean, you know what? You're absolutely right. There is something to be said for safe. You want to go? I won't stop you.

Dixie: Look, maybe there's a chance.
David: No. No, it's over. Me and Erica are just too different. Or maybe we're just too much alike to really trust.
Dixie: I'm sorry.
David: Yeah, me, too. So, from now on, I guess I'll just leave love to the hard-core romantics like yourself.
Dixie: You don't mean that.
David: Oh, yes, I do. Apparently I don't have the talent for it.
Dixie: Look, maybe you just haven't met the right woman.
David: That's funny. All this time, I thought I had. Thank you, Dixie.
Dixie: For what?
David: For having more confidence in us than we had in ourselves.
Dixie: You're the one who put your heart on the line. That takes a lot of courage.
David: But I failed. You know, I wasn't planning on getting into this right now.
Dixie: It's ok. You can talk to me.
David: Well, I'm just not the type to share.
Dixie: No kidding.
David: Except with you. For some reason, I can talk to you about anything and not feel threatened.
Dixie: Well, that's called friendship. Maybe you're just getting the hang of it. You sure you're going to be ok?
David: Yeah.

Palmer: I'm sorry it didn't work out between you and David.
Erica: Oh, Palmer, please. You are not. You despise him.
Palmer: Well, the bastard doesn't deserve you. I got a good mind to call him up, tell him exactly what I think of him.
Erica: Trust me, Palmer, he knows how you feel.
Palmer: Yeah. Anyway, I don't like to see you hurt.
Erica: You know something, Palmer? This is really the best thing that ever could have happened because, I mean, now I can devote all my time to Bianca and my friends.
Palmer: There is an added bonus. You can get rid of Leo at the same time.
Erica: Oh, Leo, Leo. Well, no, I'm not going to throw him out.
Palmer: You are so softhearted. The last thing that ne'er-do-well needs is more coddling.
Erica: Well, what if I were to throw him out? What's the first thing he would do? I mean, he'd think he'd have no choice but to go running to Vanessa.
Palmer: Well, I certainly don't want that to happen.
Erica: And I don't, either.
Palmer: That is for Leo's sake.
Erica: Well, she's not any good for you, either, Palmer, and I know that you know that. So what are you going too? Are you going to divorce her?
Palmer: The only thing on my mind right now is this cruise. I am going to gamble until the wee hours, I'm going to sleep late, and then I'm going to eat everything the doctors say I shouldn't eat. And Vanessa is not going to be there to nag me.
Erica: She's not? Vanessa is not going on this cruise with you?
Palmer: Absolutely not.
Erica: Oh, Palmer! That's the best --

Jack: We have arrived.
Erica: Oh, hi.
Bianca: Hey, Mom. Uncle Jack got us these killer cones. Want to try?
Erica: No, honey, thanks. No, no, no. Careful. Silk. Anyhow, looks like it was great.
Jack: Delicious.
Erica: Thank you, Jack. Thank you for picking Bianca up.
Palmer: Good Lord, Bianca -- is that really you?
Bianca: Uncle Palmer! My goodness!
Palmer: Would you just look at you. I mean, you're so grown-up.
Erica: Didn't I tell you?
Palmer: Oh, I'm sorry I'm not going to be here for your party. I hope you're still in town when I get back from the Mediterranean.
Bianca: Um, yeah. me, too.
Palmer: My. Well, Erica, I'll be in touch.
Erica: Ok, Palmer. Ok.
Palmer: Jackson.
Jack: I'm kind of sticky here.
Palmer: Oh.

Bianca: So, party? What does that mean?
Erica: Yes, that's right. I am going to give you the biggest bash Pine Valley has ever seen, and you are going to be the talk of the town.
Bianca: No, Mom, you can't.
Erica: I want to have a party for you.
Bianca: What about what I want?
Erica: You've been gone for so long. It'll be so much fun.
Bianca: I can't believe you're completely ignoring me.
Erica: Ignoring you? Bianca, I just want to show you off.
Bianca: So I have to wear a froufrou dress and let everybody stare at me?
Erica: You know what, honey? The only reason anybody would be staring at you is because you'd be the prettiest girl in the room.
Bianca: I don't like parties, Mom.
Erica: Honey, every girl likes parties, and you'll be the guest of honor.
Bianca: That's even worse. I'll be on display like some kind of freak. I'll have to make small talk with people I don't know and remember everybody's name and laugh at jokes that aren't funny. I don't want to do it, Mom. Don't make me.
Erica: Jack?
Jack: Well, actually, I think Bianca might have a point. I mean, she's just gotten here, she doesn't know that many people in town. Let her get settled in, reacquainted with her old friends, and then you can throw a party that'll knock our socks off. What do you think?
Erica: Honestly, you two. A party is the perfect solution to the problem.
Bianca: It's not a problem, Mom.
Jack: Look, if Bianca would be more comfortable waiting for a while --
Erica: Honey, you're going to love this, I promise you. You'll be in on the planning of every single detail with me. And it'll be wonderful, and it'll give us a chance to spend time together.
Bianca: Mom, we can spend time together without planning a party.
Erica: Oh, honey, I know that. I also know that you're probably -- you're feeling a little shy right now, and that is natural.
Bianca: Yeah, not for you.
Erica: Well, when you become involved, then you'll be just excited as I am. And you'll thank me.
Bianca: Uncle Jack, please talk to her.
Jack: Well, I'll do my best. But remember, I'm only one man.
Erica: Do you know how many girls would just give anything to have a party like this?
Bianca: I don't want it. Thank you.

Erica: Bianca, wait, please. Where are you going? Well, what was all that about?

Eliot: This place really brings back memories. You know, I used to hang out with my buddies here when I was a teenager.
Brooke: So did I. I'm surprised we never met.
Eliot: I was usually up to no good.
Brooke: Oh, what do you think, I came here to do my homework? Or, you know, steal flowers?
Eliot: Tell me more.
Brooke: Oh, I used to come here to escape from my Aunt Phoebe.
Eliot: I take it you spent a lot of time up here, then.
Brooke: Actually I spent the night once.
Eliot: This place was a great make-out place, wasn't it? Still is.
Brooke: Ahem. It wasn't hormones that kept me here overnight. I had had a fight with my Aunt Phoebe, and just to prove a point, I burnt rubber when I left the driveway and I sideswiped my Uncle Charles' brand-new car. So I thought I should stay out overnight rather than have him sideswipe my rear end.
Eliot: Brooke English, wild child.
Brooke: Oh, not anymore.
Eliot: Oh, I don't know about at.
Brooke: So, have you left your rebel days behind?
Eliot: Oh. Well, I hope so. I was always a slow learner. It took me quite a while to get past my rebel days. Isn't it amazing how just the smell of the air can take you back? I mean, I take a whiff of this air and I'm 18 again and anything is possible.
Brooke: I remember that feeling.
Eliot: Hey, you see that outcropping?
Brooke: Mm-hmm.
Eliot: I told a friend of mine one time not to dive off there because I knew how shallow the water was over there. Well, he dove in anyway. Knocked himself out.
Brooke: What happened?
Eliot: Well, I jumped in after him and I pulled him out before he drowned. He got lucky -- just got a headache and some stitches in his head. But I felt like I hero. I decided that very day what I was going to do with the rest of my life.
Brooke: You were going to play Superman. That was very ambitious.
Eliot: Hmm. I think that it was more ego than altruism. But then I blew it -- made some bad choices, and my life tanked.
Brooke: You know, you may have made some mistakes, but you're still saving people. Look at Evan. He's got a scholarship to college. And don't forget, you know, you pulled me from the path of a semi just recently, so --
Eliot: Well, that was totally selfish, I'm afraid. Well, look at the reward. I'm here with you now. It's more than I ever could've hoped for.

Tad: Yes, I can hear you. When are you coming home? Well, why not? I can't hear. What are you talking about, children? How many children? How long is that going to take? No, no. Wrong, Jake, wrong! That's the wrong answer. You got to get out of there right now. Do you have any idea what this is doing to Mom and Dad, what it's doing to all of us? As a matter of fact, you're not on the next transport out of there tomorrow, I'm going to come over and drag you home. I can't -- no, I can't make you that promise, and you know I can't. We want you home.
Gillian: Tad, please --
Tad: Wait, listen -- listen to me, ok? Jake, just listen to me. As a matter of fact, Gillian's standing right here.
Gillian: Jake? Hi, it's Gillian. Jake, can you hear me?
Gillian: Jake, it's Gillian. Can you hear me? Jake! Oh. I lost him.
Tad: It's not your fault, ok? It isn't. It was a bad connection. I could barely hear him myself.
Gillian: I was so close to hearing his voice.
Tad: Well, if it's up to Jake, nobody's going to be seeing him any time soon.
Gillian: What did he say?
Tad: That after the helicopter landed, they did make it to the hospital, which was in ruins.
Ryan: You mentioned children. What about the children?
Tad: 16 Orphaned children hiding out in the hospital, and they don't want to desert them. They want to get them across the border to Georgia where they think they'll be safe.
Gillian: Is that far?
Tad: Well, it might as well be the moon. They're in a battle zone. They got troops on one side, snipers on another, and a hell of a lot of gunfire.
Ryan: Are they armed?
Tad: Compared to what they're up against?
Gillian: Oh, my God.
Ryan: So, what now?
Tad: I don't know. I'm just going to find Adrian and try to figure out what our next move is. Gillian, I think you should know that before he had me hand you the phone, Jake wanted me to tell you that he loves you.

Erica: Well, when I was 16, I would have been delirious if my mother ever gave me the kind of party I plan to throw for Bianca.
Jack: Bianca is not you, Erica.
Erica: Jack, I know that. I just want to make her feel special, that's all. I want to be able to show her how proud I am of her. Can't you see it, Jack? Can't you see Bianca all dressed up and laughing and flirting and dancing?
Jack: Yeah, I can see that. But have you asked her if that's what she wants?
Erica: Well, I didn't have ask her, did I? I mean, she just told me.
Jack: Yeah, she did.
Erica: And she's going to have such a wonderful time. She just doesn't know it yet. Jack, I really would appreciate your support on this. I mean, I'm sure you can see that she really is a little bit withdrawn.
Jack: What I've noticed, Sweetheart, is that that little girl is growing up, but she's trying to figure out who she is.
Erica: And obviously Barbara has the parenting skills of a Cretin. I'm going to have to undo the damage.
Jack: Hey, why not "undo the damage" by throwing a nice little, intimate barbecue in the back yard?
Erica: A barbecue?
Jack: Yeah.
Erica: Are you kidding? Jack, I think my daughter is worthy of a little bit more than a wienie roast. I've been on the phone with a wonderful party planner from New York who's --
Jack: Don't you think that's maybe just a little bit too much?
Erica: No, don't even say it. This is not a competition thing. I really just want what's best for Bianca.
Jack: All right, just stop for a second, ok?
Erica: What?
Jack: This is Jack you're talking to here. Now, your enthusiasm for this is very touching. But there's something else going on here. What is it?

Brooke: I used to come here with Benny Sago.
Eliot: A boyfriend? I'm jealous.
Brooke: Yeah. He was the bane of my Aunt Phoebe's existence, as far as I was concerned. Benny was her chauffeur, and she could not tolerate the idea of the two of us together, which is why I think I liked him even more.
Eliot: Naturally.
Brooke: Really, we used to come here a lot. We would, you know, talk and conspire, among other things. Skip stones.
Eliot: Are you a stone skipper? Show me.
Brooke: Well --
Brooke: Ugh. Well, I -- well, can you do any better?

[Brooke laughs]

Brooke: Oh, a professional stone skipper.
Eliot: We'll see. We'll see.
Brooke: Yeah. Ok, ok.
Eliot: He winds --
Brooke: Is this -- is this a man thing? I have never been able to do this in my life.
Eliot: You just haven't had the right teacher. Here, come on. Let me help. Let me have your hand.
Brooke: Ok.
Eliot: Put it right in the crook of your finger there.
Brooke: All right.
Eliot: All right?
Brooke: Oh, that's the ticket.
Eliot: Yes. Now, bring it back. Throw your wrist into it, ok? On three. One, and-a two, and-a three. Wow. Well, your technique's improving.
Brooke: Sure.
Eliot: Just need a little more body motion.
Brooke: Ok.
Eliot: Ok? Ok. Same thing.
Brooke: All right.
Eliot: Come here. Hold your hand up, like so --
Brooke: Oh. I dropped my stone. Ok.
Eliot: You can do it.
Brooke: Ok. I can do it.
Eliot: Hey!
Brooke: Hey! Did you see that? I can't believe that! I've never done that in my life. It skipped twice. Did you see that?
Eliot: Congratulations.
Brooke: Wow. I am impressed with myself. Ooh.
Eliot: Whoa.
Brooke: Four times. Is that a record?
Eliot: Huh. Hardly.
Brooke: Oh, showoff. Here, I'm going to challenge you.
Eliot: Gimme. Come on.
Brooke: Ok. All righty, then. All right. Whoa, that went the distance.
Eliot: That's a winner.
Brooke: Oh. Oh, thank you.
Eliot: I hereby pronounce you queen of stone skipping.
Brooke: Oh, thank you. And just to show you how gracious I am, I'm going to give you a chance to redeem yourself. Here.
Eliot: Hmm?
Brooke: Shall we? Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
Brooke: Uh -- I think the stone has to hit the water to count.
Eliot: I'm sorry, Brooke. I have to go. I just remembered I have a meeting. We're electing a new deacon. I cannot be late.
Brooke: It's all right. You know, I'm supposed to be meeting Edmund right now, too. We're meeting with a new sales manager, but I think I'm going to play hooky a little while longer. It's such a beautiful day.
Eliot: Well, don't let me ruin it for you. Stay, enjoy yourself.
Brooke: Thank you for the lesson.
Eliot: I want a rematch.
Brooke: Ok. See you.
Eliot: I'll see you.
Brooke: Ok.

Gillian: I saw it in Tad's eyes. He doesn't think Jake's going to make it back.
Ryan: Don't, Gillian. Don't. Jake is going to be fine.
Gillian: He's facing so much danger. You know why he's trying to save those children? Because of Colby. He lost her, and he doesn't want to lose any more kids.
Ryan: Gillian, Jake made his choice.
Gillian: This wouldn't have happened if I hadn't lied to him.
Ryan: A lot of people lied to him.
Gillian: No. I made a vow to him and I broke it, and I'm breaking it now with you.
Ryan: That's why I have to go there, Gillian, because it's the only way to make things right.
Gillian: Ryan, listen -- I love you for being so brave. But please, I'm begging you -- please don't go to Chechnya.
Ryan: You know I hate the thought of being away from you for even one day. Now, if Tad came looking for you, Princess, you know the rest of the Martins are wondering where you are.
Gillian: I should get back to the hospital, see if Ruth or Joe needs me. I'll see you later.
Ryan: Yes, you will.

Jack: I know what you're doing, ok, and please, don't do it. Don't make a project of Bianca to take your mind off whatever's eating at you.
Erica: I would never do that to my daughter.
Jack: No, I know that. Not intentionally, but something's going on here. What is it?
Erica: My daughter is here and she's healthy, and Enchantment's about to post the best quarter it's ever had.
Jack: That's all very good news, but there's a glaring omission here, Erica.
Erica: What?
Jack: How's David?
Erica: I assume he's fine.
Jack: You assume he's fine?
Erica: Well, I've been very busy with Bianca ever since she arrived.
Jack: Too busy to see David.
Erica: I told you how devoted David is to his career.
Jack: Oh, yes, that's right. You were going to give him a little more space.
Erica: And David can have all the space he needs.
Jack: Well, I can only take that to mean that you two have had another spat?
Erica: You know something, Jack? This is really none of your business.
Jack: Listen, Kiddo. You know I'm on your side here, right?
Erica: All right. We broke it off.
Jack: Well, I guess I'm sorry to hear that.
Erica: No, actually, it's a good thing. I mean, David is not right for me. I'm relieved.
Jack: Well, tell you the truth, so am I. I never really liked that guy. But I know you. And I know how much you put into making this relationship work, and you can't make me believe that because it hasn't you've clicked your heels together three times and everything you and David had never existed.
Erica: Jack, what do you want me to say? David is out of my life.
Jack: Just that easy, just like that?
Erica: End of story.

Bianca: Did you break up because of me?
Erica: Oh, no. Of course not, Bianca. No. David and I had problems long before you came back. Look, it just wasn't meant to be.
< Bianca: Mom, you said he proposed.
Erica: But a proposal doesn't always lead to marriage.
Bianca: It has for you.
Jack: Well, not every time. I'm going to go run off the two scoops and sprinkles I had, ok?
Bianca: Thanks for the ice cream, Uncle Jack.
Jack: You're welcome.
Bianca: So, why didn't you want to marry David?

David: Here. Eat this.
Dixie: I'm not hungry.
David: Oh, come on. I don't want your blood sugar to drop. You promised you wouldn't faint anymore.
Dixie: Ugh.
David: Good.

[Pager beeps]

David: Oh, great. I have that lab report I've been waiting for.
Dixie: Let's go.
David: No, no, no, no. You finish your muffin. That's an order. And thanks, Dixie.

Tad: Baby, have you seen Adrian?
Dixie: No. Why? What's wrong?
Tad: Jake called.
Dixie: Wait, Jake called?
Tad: Yeah.
Dixie: What? Where is he? What happened?
Tad: Get this. He's playing hero to 16 orphans who got stuck in some battle zone. Nobody wants to evacuate until they're safe and sound.
Dixie: Oh, my God. Do you think Adrian will be able to help them get out of there?
Tad: I'm praying he can. If anybody can, it's Adrian. He's got the training. Jake's going to need all the help he can get.
Dixie: Man. You want to go, don't you?
Tad: You're damn right I do.
Dixie: Oh, Tad, please, please don't.
Tad: Honey, it's ok. It's ok. Jake convinced me not to. He pulled the old what-about-Mom-and-Dad routine on me.
Dixie: Good. He's absolutely right.
Tad: Even if that's true, what am I supposed to do, sit around and do nothing?
Dixie: Nothing? What are you talking about? You're the head of the family. We need you. I need you. I mean, I want Jake to have all the help he can get and have all those patients get out of there and everything. But more than that, I want you with me and the kids. I'm sorry if that's selfish, but I can't help it. You're my life, ok? You big lunatic. And I'm not going to let anybody take you away from me.
Dixie: You know, a man doesn't have to be in a war zone to be a hero. You're doing the right thing.
Tad: I don't want to be a hero. I just want Jake back. Listen, I got to go find Adrian. I'll let you know if I hear anything, ok?
Dixie: Ok.

Dixie: Oh, hi. Did you find the lab report?
David: Yeah, yeah. I heard you talking to Tad.
Dixie: That was a private conversation.
David: Does your husband have any idea just how lucky he really is?

Erica: Bianca, what David and I had together was very, very special. It just didn't work out.
Bianca: Are you sad?
Erica: With my gorgeous daughter here, going to spend the rest of the summer with me? Are you kidding? I've never been happier. So, what do you think about the party?
Bianca: Oh, Mother, please.
Erica: Bianca -- look, we have a lot of decisions we have to make.
Bianca: I would rather go swimming with Lily.
Erica: Ok. Well, you can do that, too. That's not a problem. Please, honey, just give this a chance. I think you might even surprise yourself. I mean, listen to me. We can go to New York and pick out a beautiful dress for you. And we can spend a day of beauty at one of those great spas. We could have manicures and pedicures and facials. Bianca, you're so beautiful, and you have accomplished so much. I'm so proud of you, honey. You deserve a party.
Bianca: Mother, all you talk about now is this stupid party. I mean, who is it for, me or you?

Adrian: Hey. I been looking for you. Listen, I need some time off from IncredibleDreams. Is that cool with you?
Ryan: Yeah, yeah, yeah, fine. What's up?
Adrian: Jake.
Ryan: You're going after him?
Adrian: Yeah, that's the program.
Ryan: But I thought the state kicked you out last time --
Adrian: It's all right. I got to try a different approach.
Ryan: Well, that sounds kind of risky. When are you leaving?
Adrian: Soon as possible. I just got new recon information. There's a major military offensive headed for the Argun River Valley. If that's correct, Jake and those kids don't stand a chance.
Ryan: Oh, my God.
Adrian: I've got to find Jake before the army does.
Ryan: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Not without me, you don't.

Jack: Well, well, well. Here I am running myself to death trying to take the edge off. What's this, a new trend in stress relief for us type-A personalities?
Brooke: Oh, it's great, isn't it?
Jack: Yeah, it's great if you like rocks. What?
Brooke: I have wanted to skip stones my whole life, and now I can.
Jack: Really? Your whole life?
Brooke: Yeah.
Jack: Imagine that.
Brooke: Now I can. I am so happy. Truly. Truly. Don't ask me to explain why because I can't.
Jack: Well, that's the end of running for me. I'm going to check this rock thing out. I'm going to go back to the rock store and get some. You want me to walk you back? I'm done with this.
Brooke: I'm ready.
Jack: Ok, good.
Brooke: Come on.
Jack: Let's go.
Brooke: Ok.
Jack: Will you help me up the stairs?
Brooke: Yes, sure.

Rev. Taylor: Eliot? You haven't told Miss English the truth yet, have you?
Eliot: No, I haven't. I couldn't.
Rev. Taylor: What happened?
Eliot: I am falling in love with Brooke. How can I tell her that I killed her daughter?


Tad: Is there anything in there that might break my brother's heart?

Edmund: Tonight I'm asking Alex to marry me.

Rev. Taylor: If you can't face up to it, maybe I'll have to talk to her.

Vanessa: I think it's about time the two wealthiest women in Pine Valley got to know each other.

Greenlee: Leo, when's the last time you made love to someone?

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