AUGUST 15, 2000

Edmund: No, actually, it's not like Brooke to blow off a business lunch yeah, if she checks in, put her through to my phone, ok? Thanks, Kelly.

Vanessa: Edmund Grey. Just the man I've been looking for.
Edmund: Well, good afternoon, Vanessa.
Vanessa: May I join you? Because I just had the most brilliant inspiration, and it came from reading the latest issue of your magazine.
Edmund: You read "Tempo"?
Vanessa: Religiously. And I was particularly fascinated with the latest issue, your profiles on the American entrepreneurs. With one glaring exception, of course -- Palmer Cortlandt.
Edmund: Well, you know, your husband is famous for shunning publicity, Vanessa.
Vanessa: Yeah, until now. But I have done an enormous job in convincing him to, well, sort of change his entire attitude toward the press. So, how soon can we set up an interview?
Edmund: Well, I'll have to check, you know, with my co-editor.
Vanessa: Brooke, yes. Oh, I'd love to meet with her as soon as possible. You know, big business is all the headlines. I'm sure you'll want to, you know, latch on to the momentum there.
Edmund: I believe your husband is looking for you.
Vanessa: Oh. Yes. Well -- please have Brooke call me as soon as possible.
Edmund: Yes, as soon as possible.

Brooke: So, what did I miss?
Edmund: Well, other than Vanessa trying to push a puff piece on Palmer, lunch.
Brooke: I'm really sorry. I'm just not myself.
Edmund: Oh, yeah? Who are you today?

[Brooke laughs]

Edmund: Why'd you miss the meeting?
Brooke: Because I had the best afternoon of my life.

Rev. Taylor: You've fallen in love with Brooke English? It's gotten that serious?
Eliot: I ripped a giant hole in Brooke's life. But it may be closing just a little. The pain is always there. But when I'm with Brooke, there is peace and hope and even joy. I think that she feels it, too.
Rev. Taylor: Eliot, I'm not saying that this is a bad thing. The past has made you the man you are today -- kind, compassionate. Yet you haven't told Brooke that you were driving the car that killed her little girl. Is that the act of a compassionate man?

Mateo: No, I realize it's late notice, I know, but how about if I send you a car? Ok? I'll buy you -- OK. All right. I hear you. I'll catch you later.

Hayley: No luck?
Mateo: Why -- why am I producing the show today? I don't know what I'm doing.
Hayley: Because, Mateo, somebody has to. And, besides, you brainstormed this idea with me and we make a wonderful team. And plus you'll make me shine on TV.
Mateo: Yeah?
Hayley: Mm-hmm.
Mateo: Oh, baby. You don't need my help to make you shine. But, listen, we do need a warm body to fill up that panelist that called in sick.
Hayley: Welcome to the wonderful and wacky world of broadcasting.
Mateo: Ok. What would Dick Clark do?
Hayley: I don't know -- cut me off before my intro? You get it? Cut me off --
Mateo: Don't panic. I have got an ace up my sleeve.

Leo: Hey, Bianca. You here for the taping?
Bianca: Sure, why not.
Leo: I thought you were spending the day at Enchantment.
Bianca: Yeah. I OD'd On lip gloss.
Leo: Ah, mother/daughter day went bust, huh?
Bianca: She wants to throw me, like, this retro coming-out party.
Leo: Cool. Count me in.
Bianca: You'd go?
Leo: Yeah. I'm a party animal. Mindless small talk's my thing.

Mateo: Ah, Bianca, hi. How would you like to be a panelist today?
Bianca: Uh-uh --
Mateo: Get you into makeup, right?
Bianca: No, no, no, no. Romance and relationships and all that, I know nothing about it.
Leo: Oh, come on, Bianca. It'll be fun. You on camera with me and Becca, telling the home audience if we got what it takes to be America's sweethearts.
Mateo: Yeah, yeah, come on, 30 minutes of your life -- please?
Leo: Or you could always go back to Enchantment where they're having a seminar on sunless tanning products.
Bianca: Oh, uh -- which is my good side?
Mateo: Oh, they're both beautiful. Come on.

Eli: All right, all right. Five minutes, everybody. We're live in five mutes. You two come with me.
Becca: Ok.
Eli: Set everything.
Becca: We'll look through it.

Tina: So, are you nervous?
Becca: Kind of.
Tina, I think I'm in love.
Tina: You and Leo kicked things up a notch since we last spoke.
Becca: Actually, just the opposite. We kind of slowed things down. Well, ok, listen. We're on the beach, and we were kissing, and things were getting a little heated. And he put the brakes on the situation to make sure the timing was really right for me.
Tina: Wow.
Becca: I know. I mean, he was so sweet about it. How could I not completely fall in love?
Tina: Being in love means putting someone else's feelings first.
Becca: Does Adrian do that?
Tina: Oh, to the max. I mean, the only reason he's doing this show is because I asked him.
Becca: That is so nice.
Tina: Yeah.
Becca: Where is he, anyways?
Tina: Beats me. He should be here by now, though. I --

Adrian: Come on, Ryan, make sense. Why would I piggyback you into a war zone?
Ryan: Because I can help you find Jake.
Adrian: Wait a minute. You're not putting your butt on the line to save Jake.
Ryan: I'm doing it for Gillian. Jake has got himself into a lot of danger, and she feels responsible, Adrian. If he doesn't get out of there alive, I don't want her carrying around that guilt for the rest of her life.

[Telephone rings]

Adrian: Mike? Yeah. Listen, tell me the plane and medical supplies are ready to roll. What? Come on, that's bull. Then get the White House involved. Damn it, Mike, I don't have time to be on standby. Yeah -- yeah. All right. Then stay on it, please.

Ryan: Adrian.
Adrian: The government won't clear the rescue mission.
Ryan: Which means what?
Adrian: It means -- it means if we're going to save Jake, we're on our own.

Gillian's voice: "Dearest Jake, I was so relived to learn you weren't hurt when your helicopter was grounded. I admire your wish to protect those poor children and pray that the lord watches over you."

Tad: Hi.
Gillian: Hey, Tad.
Tad: You writing a letter to Jake?
Gillian: How'd you know?
Tad: Actually, I just -- I finished one of my own. Nothing too serious, you know. Just baseball statistics and an invitation to his high school reunion. Ooh. Under the present circumstances, I didn't think it was a very good idea to include anything that was too heavy. You know what I mean? So, how about yours? Is there anything in there that might break my brother's heart?

Ryan: Adrian, you don't need the government's help to get you into Chechnya, all right? I may have a way to finance the rescue mission. Now, just -- how do we get into the country?
Adrian: Guess we could go in as medical staff. I mean, Red Cross could get us across the border. And there's always press credentials. I mean, that's like a free pass.
Ryan: Two free passes coming right up.
Adrian: What are you talking about?
Ryan: I used to work at WRCW.
Adrian: Maybe you're not such a pain in the butt after all. Come on. Let's go.

Mateo: Hi, Tina.
Tina: Everything --
Mateo: Good to see you. Where's Adrian?
Tina: I --
Mateo: We're about to tape right now, so --
Tina: I just called his cell phone --
Mateo: Right?
Tina: But I got kicked into his voice mail. I left him a message. He's got to be on the line.
Mateo: Oh. That's not good.
Tina: I know he's going to be here.
Mateo: Just tell me not to give up my night job, all right?

Hayley: And I have my panelists up here in these three chairs. Tiffany, Randy, this is Bianca Montgomery. She's our fill-in panelist, last-minute.
Tiffany: Hi.
Hayley: Bianca used to live in town. She's Erica Kane's daughter.
Tiffany: Oh. Hello, Bianca. I work at the Glamorama.
Bianca: Hi. Nice to meet you.
Tiffany: Do you know Leo Du Pres?
Bianca: Oh, we've met.
Tiffany: Oh. So, anyway, I met Leo a little while ago. Sometimes he lets me do his nails. We have a nice relationship. You know, I think it's going somewhere one of these days. But Leo is so sweet and everything. If he looked at me the way he looks at Becca, well, you'd have to blot me up with a sponge.

Hayley: Hmm. If you have any questions about the show, now would be a good time to ask.
Tiffany: Yeah.
Hayley: Oh, go ahead.
[Telephone rings]

Tiffany: Well, if we decide that Leo and Becca aren't compatible, can I have him as my consolation prize?

Eli: Randy? Phone for you.

Randy: Hello?
Greenlee: Randy? I just saw your dog Gracie running down the street barking like crazy.
Randy: It can't be Gracie. Our yard's fenced. Who is this?
Greenlee: Me, from across the street. She must've jumped the fence or something. I tried to call to her, but she wouldn't come to me. I hope she's ok. I don't hear any barking now.
Randy: Oh, God. Thanks for calling.

Hayley, I hate to do this to you, but I got to go.
Hayley: No, no --
Randy: My dog got loose.
Hayley: No, no, no. No, no.
Randy: Sorry.
Hayley: No.

Mateo: Ok, everybody relax.
Hayley: No.
Mateo: Relax.
Hayley: We're sti
ll short a panelist. Mateo: What?
Hayley: Something about a boy and his dog. Please tell me you have another ace up your sleeve.
Mateo: Greenlee. Hi. How would you like to sit in?
Greenlee: Oh. I'd be more than happy to help.

Eliot: And Brooke has the most incredible eyes. They're deep blue with specks of amber. I looked into those eyes for the first time 12 years ago. I was Officer Josh Waleski then. I pled guilty to vehicular manslaughter. And then I found Brooke to apologize and to ask for her forgiveness.
Rev. Taylor: What happened?
Eliot: She looked at me, and then she looked away. And I saw the light in her eyes just go out. They became cold and flat, just like the rocks that we skipped across the lake today. At that moment, I realized that I had caused the end of two lives.
Rev. Taylor: I find it incredible that Brooke hasn't recognized you.
Eliot: Well, that was the only time that we'd seen each other, and prison changed me. Child killers are on the lowest rung of the prison food chain. I -- I got beat up pretty bad, had some reconstructive surgery.
Rev. Taylor: Changed your name.
Eliot: A new name to go with a new life -- freeman.
Rev. Taylor: And you're sure Brooke has shown no sign of knowing you?
Eliot: When I met her at the Community Center, she -- she was -- she was overcome with grief. How was I going to tell her that I was the man that stole the light from her eyes? How can I tell her now when her eyes shine with so much life?

Edmund: Well, Manny is sorry that he missed you, and revenue's up from last quarter. Earth to Brooke. Hello. Return to the mother ship.
Brooke: Oh -- what, what? Sorry.
Edmund: You were spacing out there. Somewhere over the rainbow or close to home?
Brooke: I think I'm falling in love, right in my own back yard.
Edmund: I know the neighborhood. Tonight I'm asking Alex to marry me.
Brooke: Oh.

Vanessa: Palmer, I think I've convinced Edmund to put you on the cover of the next issue of "Tempo," possibly as entrepreneur of the year. Now, is that not a publicity coup or what?
Palmer: In the future, you will refrain from interfering in my business affairs.
Vanessa: Palmer --
Palmer: I pay Wesley and Rogers a small fortune to take care of my public relations.
Vanessa: I am trying to do everything you want me to do. Honestly, what more can I do to prove my devotion?
Palmer: Will you stop making a spectacle of yourself?
Vanessa: This is for you.
Palmer: That's a gift for me?
Vanessa: For you, my beloved husband.
Palmer: Ahem.
Vanessa: Aren't they dazzling? They are perfect diamonds.
Palmer: You bought these for me?
Vanessa: Who else?

Adrian: So, did you hit Liza up for those press packets?
Ryan: No, no, no, no. I figured the fewer people that know about this, the better.
Adrian: What are you going to do, liberate the passes from the office yourself?
Ryan: Unless you've got a better idea.
Adrian: Well, whatever we got to do to get to Jake in time, I'm up for it.
Ryan: All right. I'll be right back.

Tina: Finally. Where have you been? The show's about to start.
Adrian: Tina, look, I can't stick around, all right?
Mateo: What? What, what? No? Oh -- no. No, no, no. You can't bail on this, man.
Adrian: Guys, listen, I'm sorry. This is a deal breaker.
Mateo: Adrian, you -- come on, man. This is business. You can't --
Hayley: Mateo, don't worry about it. We'll just build the show around Leo and Becca.
Adrian: Listen, I'm really sorry to keep you guys hanging.
Hayley: No time for regrets. We got a show to do.

Eli: Ok, everybody. We have very little time. Let's go. Let's get into places. Everybody. Ladies.

[Becca gasps]

Becca: What? Greenlee's on the panel?
Hayley: Look, it was a last-minute thing. We were desperate, ok?
Becca: Ok, ok.
Hayley: I know you're not the best of friends. Please.
Becca: I guess it'll be ok.
Eli: Ok, here we go! We're going to go in five, four, three --

[music plays]

Hayley: Hi, everyone. Welcome to "Wave." I'm Hayley Santos. Situation -- two of your friends get together and start dating, and you think, A, this is a match made in heaven, or B, nitro has just met glycerin. Please welcome our brand-new couple on the scene, Becca and Leo. Our totally informal panel will be asking them questions and see if they think that these two have what it takes to go the distance. And if you wish, you can try this at home by logging on to and cast in your opinion. Do you think that Leo and Becca have what it takes to go for the gold?

Gillian: Tad, what I have to say to your brother is private, but I'm not giving him the bump off, if that's what you're asking.
Tad: It's "brush-off." It's nice to know, anyway.
Gillian: I was actually looking for Ruth, but Joe said she went home.
Tad: No, she went home. A while ago. Whenever Mom gets upset, she likes to cook.
Gillian: Well, I should go.
Tad: Gillian -- got a minute?
Tad: I think you should know something. Jake isn't just my younger brother. He's not just somebody that I love. He's somebody that I respect. You know? Somebody I look up to. And when I think about him over there risking his life and why he's doing it -- for all those children -- and then I see you and Ryan together, it kind of drives me nuts. So, at the risk of being indelicate, if you're turning to your ex-husband for comfort, that's one thing. But if there's anything else going on, I want to know the truth.
Gillian: Tad, not too long ago, Jake was fighting for custody of Colby. We both knew she wasn't his daughter. Keeping that secret was torture.
Tad: I remember.
Gillian: When Jake found out that his brother knew something all along that would hurt him so deeply, it crushed him. He saw it as betrayal.
Tad: I know. I don't know whether or not he's forgiven me.
Gillian: Then, Tad, please consider this -- if Ryan and I do share a secret, it's not fair to you to get you involved in that.
Tad: This isn't about me. It's about Jake. My brother comes first.
Gillian: I know, and with me, too. I love Jake. Really. All that matters right now is that he should come back home and be safe. Please believe me.

Eli: People, we are back in 30 seconds.

Tina: Adrian, why did you change your mind about doing the show with me?
Adrian: Look, it's no big deal, all right?
Tina: It is to me.
Adrian: Tina, life is not like a TV game show, ok?
Tina: You don't think the panel will think we're compatible.
Adrian: All right, honestly, I don't give a damn what they think.
Tina: What is up with you? Why are you freezing me out like this?
Adrian: Look -- some news came in about Jake, all right? And it's not good.

Eli: Places, everybody! Quiet! Quiet down now. Here we go. In five, four, three --
Hayley: Hi, everyone. Welcome back. We're chatting with Leo and Becca. Leo, you've lived all over the world, and, Becca, you've described yourself as somewhat of a country girl. Do you think that your different upbringings has created problems in your newly forming relationship?
Becca: Not that I'm aware of.
Leo: We do come from different worlds, but -- I guess what brings us together is something -- I don't know -- universal?
Tiffany: Well, how much do you really know about each other? I mean, what's Leo's favorite ice cream?
Becca: Rum raisin.
Tiffany: Well, Leo, if you were going to buy Becca a ring, what's her favorite gemstone?
Leo: Well -- ahem -- tradition says diamonds, but since blue is her favorite color, I would -- I would probably get her a sapphire.
Hayley: Becca, is that right?
Becca: Absolutely.
Greenlee: You two are positively scary.

Waiter: Mr. Cortlandt? This is for you.
Palmer: Oh, yes, the itinerary. Thank you very much.
Waiter: You're very welcome.
Vanessa: Palmer? What itinerary?
Palmer: Well, you recall the Mediterranean cruise we took last year.
Vanessa: Oh, you sweet, sweet, darling man. You didn't forget our first anniversary, Palmer. And, what, you've forgiven me? Oh, good.
Palmer: Not so fast. First of all, you tell me how you paid for these.
Vanessa: Well, I -- I pawned some of my jewelry.
Palmer: I know you sold the good pieces. I know because I was there.
Vanessa: Well, I held back a couple.
Palmer: Such as?
Vanessa: The emerald earrings.
Palmer: Oh, the emerald earrings! Oh, yes -- the one stone that you lost in Paolo's bed.
Vanessa: How on earth can I ever wear them again, knowing the pain that they caused you? Palmer, listen to me. I am not the same woman I was.
Palmer: I believe you. However, these will always remind me of your infidelity.
Vanessa: Palmer? Palmer hmm?
Vanessa: Well, then, what about the cruise?
Palmer: Oh, the cruise. Well, if you'd just take a peek in this envelope, you'll see that there's passage for one. I'm sailing alone.

Edmund: So you're in love, huh? I thought this guy Eliot -- he was a little too secretive for you to get close to.
Brooke: That was before. He's told me about his past.
Edmund: Hmm. Why do I smell a story?
Brooke: He did some time at Statesville. Needless to say, it's a time in his life that he's not proud of.
Edmund: What was he in for?
Brooke: Theft. I didn't get the specifics, and I didn't ask for anything else.
Edmund: Doesn't sound like the girl reporter I know.
Brooke: Edmund, I'm confident that he's going to give me the whole story when he's ready. And the important thing is that he has turned his life around. He's not the man he used to be.

Rev. Taylor: Eliot, you prayed for guidance, and your prayers led you back to Pine Valley. You're here for a reason.
Eliot: I know. I told myself that I had to come back here -- that for Brooke to see how radically I had changed would help her to release her anger, that the monster that killed her daughter no longer existed.
Rev. Taylor: Then why are you faltering?
Eliot: Because when I looked at my conscience, I realized that I didn't come back here for Brooke. I came back here to be forgiven.
Rev. Taylor: God has already forgiven you.
Eliot: God spared my life. I cannot tell you how many times I wished that he would have taken me instead of Laura. Getting Brooke to face this tragedy again is pointless when there's nothing that I can do to change the past. Getting down on my knees and begging for her forgiveness is not going to bring her daughter back. And I can give her so much more.
Rev. Taylor: Eliot, I love you like a son, and I'm going to talk to you the way a true father would talk to a son. You can't continue to see Brooke with this secret standing between you. Now, if you can't face up to it, maybe I'll have to talk to her.
Eliot: Brooke told me that she separates her life into two parts -- before Laura's death and after. Now, the after part hasn't been too great. But I saw Brooke today in an unguarded moment. There was an hour -- just an hour when she wasn't thinking about her loss. I want to build on that. I want to stretch that into an hour, into a day, into a lifetime.
Rev. Taylor: Do you truly believe that that can happen?
Eliot: My own life is divided into two parts -- my old self died, and the second half, my rebirth, has been a miracle. I want to share that with Brooke. I want to help her find peace and joy -- all of the things that are rightfully hers. That's my purpose. That's why, by the grace of God, I'm still here.

Brooke: All right, that's enough about me and Eliot. I want to hear about you and Alex. Does she suspect -- does she -- that you're going to pop the question?
Edmund: What, that I'm going to pop the -- no.
Brooke: Yeah.
Edmund: I think she's -- if she does, she's amazingly calm, to tell you --
Brooke: Aha.

Arlene: Brooke, don't call the cops. I didn't drive myself here.
Brooke: Oh, you and a designated someone?
Arlene: No, I hired a chauffeur.
Brooke: With a well-stocked bar?
Arlene: Oh, he's well-stocked, believe me.
Brooke: Hmm.

Edmund: Surprised you didn't pull her hair out.
Brooke: Well, at least she's not drinking and getting behind the wheel of a car.
Edmund: I understand.
Brooke: Don't get me wrong. I still think there should be a special place in hell for people who drink and drive.

Vanessa: And just what am I supposed to be doing while you're out cruising the Mediterranean?
Palmer: You have your work at the Community Center.
Vanessa: Thank you.
Palmer: Ahem.
Vanessa: And how am I supposed to live? You've cut off every single ounce of my credit.
Palmer: No, no, I've made arrangements with the management. You'll have your room and board, three lovely meals a day, one drink before dinner.
Vanessa: You get some sort of perverse pleasure out of seeing me go through this extreme humiliation?
Palmer: Well, I must say I did enjoy watching you up to your giblets in chicken parts. But no. No. To answer your question, watching you suffer has very limited entertainment value.
Vanessa: Palmer, surely there is something we can salvage out of this marriage. I mean, you and I like each other. We understand each other.
Palmer: Well, I'll think about it as my yacht docks at Torcello, sipping an Absinthe at sunset. Sipping an Absinthe at sunset. Arrivederci, Vanessa.

Vanessa: Bon voyage.
Waiter -- bring me an Absinthe.
Waiter: I'm sorry, Ms. Cortlandt, but you're over your limit.
Vanessa: I've had one drink. I'm not driving, and I live upstairs.
Waiter: No, I mean your credit limit. You're only allowed one alcoholic drink per day.

Vanessa: Ah. Oh -- Mrs. -- Mrs. Chandler? Vanessa Cortlandt.
Arlene: Oh, Palmer's wife.
Vanessa: Are you dining alone?
Arlene: Well, it's just me, myself, and my mid-afternoon snack. Call me Arlene.
Vanessa: Oh, thank you. Let me buy you a drink, huh? I think it's about time the two wealthiest women in Pine Valley got to know each other, huh?

Adrian: Listen, I got to go to Chechnya to bring Jake out, ok?
Tina: Promise me you'll come home to me.
Adrian: I promise. Excuse me. Could you give me a moment with Ryan? So, did you score those press passes?
Ryan: Full press credentials.
Adrian: Great. Now all I need is a photo of you to dummy these up.
Ryan: Oh, yeah. Driver's license ok?
Adrian: Yeah, that's perfect. Listen, how are we going to finance this thing? I mean, we're going to need a plane, a pilot, lots of cash. Listen, Pal, we got to grease a lot of palms over there, and they do not take plastic.
Ryan: Trust me when I tell you we will have all the cash we need in a couple of hours.
Adrian: Just how did you manage that?
Ryan: I have my sources. Come on. Let's get on this.
Adrian: All right.

Bianca: So, Becca, what do you think holds two people together?
Becca: Well, I think there's a basic attraction. But the most important thing is trust and honesty.
Hayley: Leo, do you agree?
Leo: Mm-hmm. It works for me.
Greenlee: Leo, tell me, honestly, when's the last time you made love to someone?
Leo: I don't think that I've ever made love to someone.
Greenlee: Rephrase -- when's the last time you had sex?
Leo: It's not like I'm keeping track. I thought that this show was about relationships and what makes couples connect.
Greenlee: Sex is a major part of that connection.
Hayley: Let's the keep the topic of focus on -- on romance. Ok? Greenlee, you have any questions for Becca?
Greenlee: Hmm. A hypothetical situation. Imagine you're at a secluded lake, and you and Leo are going at it hot and heavy, and you want to make love, only Leo passes and turns you down. Wouldn't you be totally crushed?
Becca: No. I would think that he respected me and he was waiting until the time was right for both of us.
Greenlee: But to be totally honest, isn't it possible that you just don't turn Leo on?
Becca: What did you tell her? What -- no!
Leo: I didn't tell her anything.
Becca: No!
Leo: Becca, come here.

Hayley: Wait! Wait! No one ever said that the road to true romance was a smooth one, so let's pause now for a station --
Leo: No, no, no, no, no, no. Please, I -- I'd like to answer Greenlee's question.
Hayley: Ok.
Leo: If I did turn down the chance to make love to Becca, it had nothing to do with not being attracted to her. Becca's incredible, and I respect her values. And if I'm ever lucky enough to get closer to her, we'll both know when the time is right to take that next step. I wouldn't expect you to understand. You don't know how to make love. All you want is a sensation to numb reality. Why, you'd hit the sheets with anything with pants, Greenlee.
Greenlee: You lying pig.
Hayley: Ok. We're going to take a break now, pause for station identification.
Greenlee: Pig!
Hayley: Are we out?
Greenlee: Pig!
Hayley: Security? That's enough! That's enough!
Hayley: No!

Greenlee: You are so over, Du Pres!
Leo: Psycho.
Bianca: Leo, I did not tell Greenlee what --
Leo: No, no, no, I believe you. Greenlee's a natural-born leech.
Mateo: Ok! Do you guys promise to behave?
Leo: Hey, I'm cool. She's the one that's freaking out.
Greenlee: He's not worth my energy.
Hayley: Eli! I want to do the final wrap myself. Everyone else can go. I've had it --

Greenlee: Don't you dare come near me.
Leo: I would rather gargle glass, Greenlee. The thought of touching you makes my skin crawl. You know, you say we're friends, best friends? What a crock. Friends want their friends to be happy. But you are so lost without Ryan, you expect me to wallow in your misery.
Greenlee: Like Becca is going to make you happy.
Leo: I got a chance, Greenlee. You know, and I -- I would think that you'd be happy for me. But you're so stuck on yourself that -- you know, Ryan's got you tagged for the self-centered nothing you are. You know that?
Greenlee: Ryan and I are not over. We are going to be so damn happy together while you freeze your butt off waiting for Becca the ice queen to defrost.

Tad: I believe you care about Jake and that you want him home safe and sound like everybody else. The fact is what's going on between you and Ryan is absolutely none of my business. But I need your help. Please, just -- help me keep the home fires burning.

Ryan: Mr. Midori, a great investment opportunity has come up, and I'm wondering if I could cash some of the incredibledreams.Com stock a little early. And what are the chances that we could push up the IPO date?
Mr. Midori: Not my call, Ryan. Those transactions are regulated by the SEC. We're two years away from going public.
Ryan: Two years? Two years away? I can't possibly wait that long.

Waiter: Would you ladies care to run a tab, then?
Vanessa: Oh, no. The drinks are on me, please. Oh. Ah, where's my head? I left my wallet upstairs when I changed purses. I --
Arlene: That's all right. Here's a C-note. We can run a hell of a tab on that, can't we, Sweetie?
Waiter: You sure can.
Vanessa: Well, let's drink and play catch-up, hmm? Where is Adam, anyway?
Arlene: Oh, well, he gone fishing for some reason. He goes on this whoop trip every year -- he used to, anyway, with his brother.
Vanessa: Oh, Stuart, yes. What a tragedy. It's lucky Adam found you in his time of grief, though. And believe me, I don't -- I don't believe any of the gossip going around at all .
Arlene: Oh -
Vanessa: Well, you know how people love to talk. well, word on the grapevine is that Adam only married you because he was, you know, out of his head with grief over losing Stuart,
Arlene: Jealousy.
Vanessa: Isn't that the truth, though. But I say no matter how you managed to catch Adam, more power to you.

[Telephone rings]

Arlene: Hmm. One second.
Vanessa: Hmm.

Arlene: Hello?
Marilyn: Arlene? It's Marilyn, from the Queen of Hearts?
Arlene: Look, I thought we made this clear. I call you, not the other way around.
Marilyn: Yeah, but I had to know if you've heard from Stuart.
Arlene: No. Why would I?
Marilyn: Because he took off and didn't say good-bye to anyone. He just left a note saying that he had gone fishing.

Brooke: Edmund, I hope your proposal to Alex goes exactly as you have planned it.
Edmund: Thank you.
Brooke: Yeah.
Edmund: Good luck with you and Eliot. You deserve some happiness. And if he gives it to you, God bless you.
Brooke: Thanks.
Edmund: Come on.

Rev. Taylor: Eliot, you have to know in your heart that you can't continue with a relationship based on a lie.
Eliot: What do you expect? That I should compound Brooke's hurt by revealing myself?
Rev. Taylor: No. Brooke's suffered enough for one lifetime. That's why I'm requesting that you be transferred to another parish.
Eliot: Is that my only choice?
Rev. Taylor: No. You have free will. You can tell Brooke the truth, or you can tell her good-bye and never see her again.


Adam: I don't belong here without --

Vanessa: Stuart Chandler is alive? And you've kept this news from his loved ones?

Dixie: If you want to go see Alex, you should go. Just do it now.

Edmund: The magic will never be over if you marry me.

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