AUGUST 29, 2000

Leo: Hello? Anyone here?
Greenlee: You lying, using, two-timing -- welcome home, Ryan!
Leo: I'm not Ryan, you idiot!
Greenlee: What -- what?
Leo: Hello!
Greenlee: Leo.
Leo: Do you mind telling me why you just almost chopped my head off with this ax, Greenlee?
Leo: What happened?
Greenlee: I hate him. I am going to kill Ryan for what he did to me. I swear.

Adrian: This is the landing strip in Eastern Chechnya, Ryan. And over here is where Jake is hiding out with the refugee children. This here is more or less the rebels' line in the sand.
Ryan: Jake's behind that line.
Adrian: Yeah, ground zero for our problems. Not only do we have to deploy ourselves after we land, we got to get everything else that we're carrying over some pretty rough terrain. Now, if we're lucky enough to get through all of that without any incidents, there's really no guarantees that Jake is going to still be in the area where we think he's at.
Ryan: So how long is it going to take us to get there?
Adrian: That all depends on the weather and the fighting in that area. Could take us a couple of days.
Ryan: All right. Now, assuming that we find everybody, we still got to make it back to the original landing strip, right?
Adrian: Yeah -- well, I wish.
Ryan: What are you talking about?
Adrian: Look, Ryan, these landing strips -- they don't last for more than a couple of days. They bomb these strips as soon as they flush them out.
Ryan: You're kidding.
Adrian: Look. You know how to use one of these?

[Ryan shoves clip into gun]

Ryan: I'll figure it out.
Gillian: No.
Adrian: What was that?

David: Dixie.
David: Did you call Dimitri?
Dixie: Mm-hmm.
David: Did you tell him that I'm still on my way to drop off his meds?
Dixie: Hmm.
David: Is that a yes?
Dixie: Mm-hmm.
David: You know, I really wish that you would get over all this, Dixie. I'm doing what my patient wants. End of story. I'm on my way to Wildwind.
Dixie: Oh, David -- wait, wait. Oh, I'm not -- not feeling well.
David: What, are you lightheaded?
Dixie: Yeah.
David: Did you have lunch?
Dixie: No.
David: Dixie, I keep telling you that you have to eat.

[Dixie sighs]

David: Do you have shortness of breath?
Dixie: I just got a little riled up after that argument that we had, and now I'm feeling a little overheated and a little lightheaded, and you said that I should tell you whenever I feel that way.
David: Your pulse is normal.
Dixie: Oh, God, that's good. That's -- whew, that's really --
David: You're not feeling sick at all. So you wt to tell me what this -- oh, no. Dixie -- did you tell Alex that Dimitri is alive

Alex: Are you -- are you real? Are you --
Dimitri: Alex. You are so beautiful. Everything about you.
Alex: I thought I saw you at the airport. I knew I couldn't have because -- because you're gone. You're -- you're gone. You can't be here. You're not here.
Dimitri: You're -- you're right. I'm -- I'm not here. I'm as dead to you now as I was.
Alex: Am I losing my mind?
Dimitri: Alex --
Alex: Finally?
Dimitri: I am dead to you. Let me stay that way. Turn around. Pretend you never saw me. It's easier this way. I swear.
Alex: No.
Dimitri: Just turn. Turn -- turn around. And if you do, when you turn back, I'll be gone. Alex, Alex -- just -- please. Please.
Alex: No. Oh, my God. Oh, my God!
Dimitri: Oh, Alex. Oh, my love.

Dixie: No, I did not tell Alex that Dimitri is alive, ok? I swear to you. That's the truth.
David: Then why are you acting like a lunatic, telling me that you're not feeling well when you're perfectly healthy, thanks to me.
Dixie: Because, I told you, I was just upset about the argument that we had earlier, and, you know -- it this office. You know, I didn't sign up for this when I agreed to work with you. It's all been a little unsettling, ok?
David: No. No, there's something else going on.
Dixie: Oh, there has to be something else?
David: What is it?
Dixie: I told you. I wanted to talk to you about what was happening with us, ok? Wanted to talk to you about us.
David: "Us"? You're kidding, right?
Dixie: Oh. You know -- thanks.
David: You just told me not one half-hour ago that you had no respect for me, that you thought I was miserable and lonely and controlling.
Dixie: Guess what. You want to know the truth? I did send Alex to Wildwind.
David: You didn't.
Dixie: I'm sorry, ok? She came in here and she knew that there was something that we were keeping from her. She knew it! And so what was I supposed to do? She wouldn't leave until I was going to tell her the truth.
David: So you told her!
Dixie: Yes. No, I didn't tell her. I didn't tell her. I just sent her to Wildwind. I told her to go to the Hunting Lodge is all I said.
David: "Just." "Just."
Dixie: Look, now it's up to them, ok? Now it's between the two of them and that's the way it should have been from the very beginning. We had no right to keep these people apart.
David: No! No! You had no right, Dixie. No right at all. You went against the express wishes of a patient!
Dixie: Can it! Would you?
David: Do you have any idea what kind of damage this could have done?
Dixie: Dimitri is going to be recovered. He's going to be fine. He's going to live a long, long life, and you know that. And to tell you the truth, I actually feel better than I've ever felt in a long, long, long, long time, and I'm sure Dimitri feels great. And I'm really wishing that I had done this a hell of a long time ago.
David: You don't have a clue as to what is at stake here! A patient's wishes is paramount!
Dixie: Oh, shut up. You know, I'm so sick of you and your doctor BS. It is so old and boring and I don't believe it, ok? This is about so much more than that. You and your stupid little control games.
David: That's it. It's not too late to stop this.
Dixie: No, no, no. You want to get out of here? You're going to have to go through me first. You ready for that?

Leo: What did Ryan do now, Greenlee? So he's still sleeping with the Princess married-to-someone-else, which makes him a louse. Which makes me right. Which makes this an so-told-you-so, but we'll let that go. Look, Greenlee, you were still in pursuit mode. It didn't work out. Just, come on, let it go. Unless, of course, you succeed in killing him with this ax. Then you're going to be filing your nails with an emery board that I smuggle into your jail cell in a cake.
Greenlee: I saw them. I saw them together.
Leo: Greenlee, you've got to let this go, please.
Greenlee: I needed someone. I needed help. And I went to Ryan because I didn't have anyone else to ask, Leo.
Leo: Greenlee. You've got to pull yourself together. I'm not used to seeing you like this. It's making my scalp itch.
Greenlee: Don't you get it, Leo? I thought that Ryan was actually starting to care about me again. I thought that we had a chance to be together again and then wham! I see him with Gillian and it all comes crashing down on me. It was like being stabbed, Leo! And then he asked me to take care of his company, but he was just using me again, like some cheap -- and Wade -- I actually went to that slime ball Wade and asked for a $3 million loan to cover his tight butt and -- and -- oh, God I risked everything that matters to me for him, and he doesn't even care! He -- he doesn't care about me at all.
Leo: You're right, Greenlee. You're right. He doesn't care about you one bit.
Greenlee: Oh!
Leo: And you were right to look for a way to make him pay.
Greenlee: I was?
Leo: Yes. And I'm going to help you do it.
Greenlee: You are?
Leo: I am. You're going to get revenge. Greenlee, you're going to get revenge on Ryan right here. Right now. Are you up for it?

Ryan: Sounded like it was a voice.
Adrian: Ryan, you're hearing things.
Ryan: You heard it, too.

Adrian: Ok, Roger that. Ryan, this tin can we're flying in isn't exactly state of the art, you know? Could have been anything. You know what? This is the problem right here.
Ryan: What, the supplies?
Adrian: Yeah, he thinks we're going to have a problem landing this thing.
Ryan: Well, that's a great thing to hear from a pilot when we're five miles in the air.
Adrian: Yeah, well, all of this extra weight is slowing us down. He thinks if we jettison some of this stuff off here, we may have a chance of landing this thing on schedule.
Ryan: Which we have to do.
Adrian: Yeah, in a war zone that would be the difference between crashing and landing.
Ryan: Beautiful, beautiful. We can't get rid of this stuff at this altitude, can we?
Adrian: Don't worry. He's been bringing us down slowly for the last half an hour. We're probably only about 10,000 feet now.
Ryan: Ok, listen, I'm going to get the hatch. You start handing me boxes.
Adrian: Ok.
Adrian: Come on, Ryan. Get that thing open.
Adrian: Come on. Better get your side. Ready?
Ryan: You ready?
Adrian: Yeah, ready.
Ryan: Push.
Adrian: All right, help me with this one over here. Come on. Jeez. I thought this was just blankest.
Ryan: We can't keep that hatch open forever, Adrian. Come on!
Adrian: No, come on.

[Gillian screams]

Gillian: I'm not a blanket

Tad: Looks like a pretty slender showing for a dance contest there.
Tina: You're a little late.
Tad: Yeah, I know. I'm sorry. I apologize. I guess that Dixie and I both blew it. We were going to meet here and cheer on your contestants while longing for our lost youth. Who won?
Tina: Becca and Leo.
Tad: You're kidding. You never know. Well, I tell you what. If you promise not to throw us out when she gets here, I promise we'll make the most of the aftermath. How's that? We got a deal?
Tad: What's wrong? You ok?
Tina: I wasn't supposed to say anything until after he was on his way.
Tad: He who?
Tina: Adrian left for Chechnya tonight. He wanted me to call you in the morning, but --
Tad: He's going after Jake. On his own?
Tina: He felt really strongly that he had to keep this whole thing really quiet. There could be a lot --
Tad: A lot of risk. He obviously feels he's taking a big chance.
Tina: He kept telling me that it was a routine operation. Standard spy stuff, but I don't buy it.
Tad: I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Tina: I'm so worried for him, Tad.

Adrian: Gillian, do you have any idea how close you just came to being thrown out of this plane?
Gillian: Yes, and I'm sorry. This wasn't the way I wanted you to find out.
Ryan: What were you -- what were you thinking?
Gillian: I couldn't let you do this alone, Ryan! I tried to tell you that. All right, I tried, but I couldn't, so here I am on the plane. Come on, just say something.
Adrian: Ok, I'm going to tell the pilot we've got company.

Gillian: Ryan, you're on this plane for me, and I couldn't let you take this chance alone. What if something happened to you and I wasn't -- it doesn't matter because I am here. What? I didn't have a choice, Ryan. I had to do this. Come on, don't look at me like this. Don't look so angry.

Adrian: HenryK is not pleased.
Ryan: Neither am I. Do me a favor. Tell HenryK we're turning this plane around.
Gillian: What?
Ryan: We're taking you back to Pine Valley, Gillian.

David: You know, if this wasn't so damned serious, it would be almost ironic. I mean, look at you, Dixie. All these lectures about me being a control freak? And what do you do the first opportunity you have? You send Alex off to be with her husband, who she thinks is long dead. And Dimitri, you set him up for an encounter, one that I swore that I would help to prevent. And I'm the control freak? I'm the one with the god complex? Let me tell you something, Sweetheart. You're a hell of a lot worse than I am.
Dixie: Typical response. You know, that's spoken like a true scientist, like a true clinician, like a person who has no heart, no feelings.
David: You don't know what I'm feeling.
Dixie: You're right, I have no idea what you're feeling. But you know whose feelings I do understand? I understand Alex and Dimitri's. And do you know why? Because you put me in the situation of understanding how they're feeling. And you expect me to lay back and not give them the facts that they're both screaming for? Alex was in here crying and upset because she keeps feeling Dimitri all over the place. And Dimitri is about to spontaneously combust because he's longing for this woman that he loves so much! And you expect me to just leave that alone?
David: Yes! Yes! Yes, that's what I expect! Dixie: Well, you're wrong because you don't understand anything about love, about feelings, about two people who would give anything for each other, who would do anything, give up their entire lives because they love each other, because they want to give to each other, because they care about each other. Life does not go on in a stupid operating room, David. It happens here, between two people with feelings, with hearts, who care about each other --

Alex: Where -- how --
Dimitri: I have dreamed -- I have longed for this moment. But all I ever -- ever dared hope for was just one little kiss.
Alex: You were at the hospital, weren't you?
Dimitri: Close enough to feel you.
Alex: Why didn't you?
Dimitri: Alex, Alex, I didn't know if the treatment would work. I couldn't put you through another death.
Alex: But you're going to be alright? You're going to be all right now?
Dimitri: With you to live for, how could I not be?

tad: Have a seat. Now, you know something, as much as I hate to have two brothers in harm's way, if anyone can pull this off, it's Adrian.
Tina: You really think he can do this?
Tad: He's got to. I'm sure they both know what they're doing, ok? We're just going to have to keep the faith.
Tina: We have to believe in them.
Tad: Look at the bright side, ok? I mean, Adrian used to do this kind of thing all the time, for a living.
Tina: Right.
Tad: He's got a lot of experience.
Tina: Absolutely.
Tad: I'm sure he doesn't think he can do this on his own. He does have somebody lined up to help him, right?
Tina: He must.
Tad: Ok, I'll bite. What is it you're not telling me?
Tina: Tad, Adrian asked me not to tell anyone anything other than you and then only to tell you that he went over there.
Tad: He obviously thinks he's taking a risk. And I'm not surprised. I mean, knowing Adrian, his life could probably depend on it. But I'm going to have to tell Dixie.
Tina: That should be fine. He's already told Opal.
Tad: How did she take it?
Tina: She tried to be brave. She told him that she was proud of him.
Tad: So basically she's a wreck.
Tina: Yeah. Well, any mother would be.
Tad: All right, I'm going to have to call her. I'd like to call Dixie, too. I mean, she was supposed to meet me here. She's late. Something's up. Do you mind?
Tina: No. That's fine.
Tad: Thanks.

[Telephone rings]


David: I had to do that just to shut you up, Dixie. Dixie, don't go silent on me now. Dixie. Come on, say something.

[Telephone rings]

Leo: Take this ax, Milady, and exact your revenge on the lying, using, pumped-up, puffed-out loser who rents this loft. By the power vested in me by the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, as my friend, my confidante, my partner in crime -- destroy.
Greenlee: Destroy what?
Leo: This.
[Leo hits Ryan's computer keyboard with the ax]

Greenlee: Are you serious?
Leo: Dead.
[Heavy metal plays]

[Music gets louder]

Leo: Come on. Come on.

Singer: I got a lot of money but I know you know it's a crime but I'm not about a lot of money

Greenlee: That felt really good.

Leo: Then continue. Go ahead, Greenlee, there's more. There's plenty more. Come on.

Singer: Just leave me alone keep telling me I don't belong and if I come around you're going to give it to me I'm gonna

Leo: Come on! Yeah!

Singer: I'm gonna get it keep telling me I don't belong

Leo: That's right. Come on! Bravissima! Come on! Bravissima! There you go. Come on. Right here.

Leo: Go on! Here you go. Yes! More!
Leo: Yeah! Do it! Yeah!

Singer: So go on now

Leo: Yeah!

Ryan: Adrian, will you please tell the pilot that we're turning this plane around.
Gillian: Ryan, just stop it.
Ryan: Adrian!
Adrian: What, you think I didn't ask him already?
Ryan: So what's the problem?
Adrian: Ryan, we don't have enough fuel! We've barely got enough fuel to get us where we're going.
Ryan: Come on!
Gillian: This is great! This is great. See, I'm supposed to be on this plane. It's a surprise. Don't do this to me.
Ryan: Princess, you know how much I love you, but I'm not letting you risk your life to come with us.
Gillian: Ryan, you need my help in case something goes wrong and if everything goes right.
Ryan: Listen to me. As soon as we land, we'll find the first red cross station, and we're turning you over to them.
Adrian: Look, I'm going to radio ahead.
Gillian: No, no, you will not. Ryan, I am not going back without you.
Ryan: We're dropping you off at the first Red Cross station. You don't have a choice, Gillian.
Gillian: Like hell I don't! You cannot send me back home. No way are you going to send me back home. You cannot force me and you know that. Do I have to remind you of how stubborn I can be?
Adrian: Oh, great! This is perfect.
Gillian: I know! This is just great. Thank you, Adrian. Thank you.
Adrian: Gillian, don't you realize you've screwed Jake's life up enough?
Gillian: How dare you, Adrian. I am on this plane because I want to bring him back home.
Ryan: Listen to me. You are not coming with us to Chechnya. Do you understand that? And if you don't listen to me, so help me God --
Gillian: What? What, Ryan, what? He you going to leave me?
Ryan: Why are you doing this?
Gillian: Because you're my life.
Ryan: I'm not going to have one if you come along with us.
Gillian: And I'm not going to sit home waiting for them to send you back to me in a box. Are we clear?
Ryan: Yes, we're very clear.
Gillian: Good.
Ryan: You're leaving if I have to take you home myself.

Adrian: Look, we can't turn this thing around, and we can't throw her out of the plane. Might as well get some sleep, all three of us.
Gillian: I'm not going home.
Adrian: Look, I don't want to hear it. Should have never let you talk me into bringing you along, Ryan.
Ryan: You couldn't pull this off without me, Adrian.

Gillian: And you couldn't pull this off without me, Ryan. Don't look at me like that. It's not nice.
Adrian: Here. There's only two bedrolls. What are you doing?
Gillian: I'm fine, ok? Just don't mind me.
Ryan: The plane's climbing, Gillian. It's going to get very cold. Why don't -- why don't you try this?
Gillian: I'm fine, Ryan. Just pretend I'm not here.
Ryan: You're going to be cold.
Gillian: I'm fine, ok? Don't worry about me.
Ryan: Listen, why don't you take the bedroll, and I'll use the blankets.
Gillian: Only if that means you'll change your mind.
Ryan: About you riding shotgun?
Gillian: I'm not touching a gun -- unless I have to.
Ryan: Ok. You get some sleep because you're going to have a very long flight home when we land.
Gillian: Fine. Do whatever you want. This is not bad at all, actually. And I'm not going home.
Ryan: You're going to freeze, Princess.
Gillian: No, I'm not.

Dixie: Hey.
Tad: Oh --
Dixie: I missed you so much.
Tad: Are you sure?
Dixie: Yeah. You want me to prove it to you? Come here.
Tad: Whoa.
Dixie: Why, what's wrong?
Tad: Nothing. It just feels like there's something attached.
Dixie: Oh, would that be so bad? Come here.
Tad: Guess not. But, look, there is something important that I --
Dixie: No, you know -- I -- I don't want to talk. I don't want to talk. I just -- I just want to hold you, ok? Come here. Come on.
Dixie: Oh.
Dixie: What? I just -- I just want to be with you.
Tad: All right. You know how much I love you, right?
Dixie: Yeah, so why are you pushing me away?
Tad: No, I think you're the sexiest thing on two legs. It's just that -- well, something's happened to you tonight. I can feel it. I just want to know what it is, that's all.

[Alex and Dimitri make love]

[Leo whistles]

Greenlee: I'm all alone now, Leo.
Leo: You're not alone, Greenlee.
Leo: I'll be here for you. I'll always be here for you.

Ryan: Is that better? Is that better?
Gillian: Much. Does this mean you're going to let me come with you to find Jake?
Ryan: Absolutely not. I'm dropping you off at the Red Cross.
Gillian: No, you're not.
Ryan: Yes, I am.
Gillian: No, you're not.
Ryan: Yes, I am.
Gillian: No.

Tad: Oh, Sweetie, come on. You've been on edge for weeks now. Something's going on. I want to know what it is.
Dixie: It's pretty big, Tad.
Tad: Ok. Go on.
Dixie: It's Dimitri Marick. He's alive. I've known for weeks. He's been under David's care for weeks. I've known from the beginning, and I couldn't tell you or Alex or anybody. And it's been a patient confidentiality thing and it --
Tad: Sweetheart, I am so sorry. Baby, no wonder you've been on edge.

Alex: Oh. I felt you close to me so many times. I thought I was losing my mind. But I wasn't. I felt your love. Hmm. I have a lot of questions to ask you.
Dimitri: I know, I know. Shh, shh, Alex. Just tonight -- tonight there's just the two of us.


Becca: Leo was out all night, wasn't he?

Greenlee: Good-bye, Leo.
Leo: I'm not letting you go.

Brooke: Stop it before you do he something that you'll regret.

Alex: Hello?
Edmund: What are you doing in the Hunting Lodge?

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