AUGUST 30, 2000

Leo: Good morning.
Greenlee: Leo.
Leo: Time to get up and survey your handiwork, Greens.
Greenlee: Hmm. Leo -- Leo, I'm blind. I can't see.
Leo: Open your eyes, dummy.
Greenlee: Leo, I can't. My eyelids are stuck together. Leo! They're -- my eyelids are paralyzed. I'm being punished! Leo!

[Leo laughs]

Leo: Just relax, Greenlee, would you? Relax.
Greenlee: Leo --
Leo: Here, ok, hold on, hold on, hold on. I want you to hold your breath for a second, and when I tell you, I want you to take a great big whiff, ok?
Greenlee: Uh.
Leo: Go.
Greenlee: Oh!
Leo: Now, that is what I call an eye-opener, Greenlee.
Greenlee: What died in there?
Leo: Here, now, I want you to take a big gulp.
Greenlee: Oh, I'd rather be blind.
Leo: Come on. This is guaranteed to cure the dog that bit you, Greenlee. It's an old family recipe. Come on.
Greenlee: You made it for me just now?
Leo: Yeah, well, Ryan didn't have any clam juice, so I dumped some water from a can of tuna fish in it.
Greenlee: Oh --
Leo: Come on.
Greenlee: Uh --
Leo: Greenlee, please.
Greenlee: Uh.
Leo: You're in dire straits. This will cure you.
Greenlee: Oh --
Leo: Come on.
Greenlee: I think I'm going to be sick.
Leo: No, you're not. Drink it. Now, if you can keep it down for 15 seconds, you're going to be cured. Come on.
Greenlee: Hmm --
Leo: No --
"t'was Brillig and the slithy toves did Gyre and Gimble in the Wabe all whimsy were the Borogroves and the Mome raths outgrabe beware the Jabberwock, my son the jaws that bite the claws that catch beware the Jubjub bird and shun the frumious Bandersnatch."

Greenlee: What does that have to do with anything?
Leo: How do you feel?
Greenlee: Better. Much better.
Leo: Now, don't overdo it.
Greenlee: Guck really works.
Leo: Yeah, but just don't overdo it. Whatever you do, try not to think about what's-his-name.
Greenlee: Oh. Don't worry. I won't. Well, I guess -- I have to call my grandfather and see how he's doing. Oh --
Leo: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy there, Camille.
Greenlee: Oh --
Leo: Easy. I already called her. He's doing fine. He slept right through the night.
Greenlee: Oh, thank goodness. How did she sound?
Leo: Like a talking rock of Gibraltar.
Greenlee: Don't believe her. She's worried to death about him. After 50 years together, they could never survive without each other.

[Greenlee sighs]

Greenlee: Leo, why are we incapable of a love like that?
Leo: I don't know. Maybe because we're weak, spoiled, and don't know the meaning of the word "sacrifice"?
Greenlee: Probably.

Ricky: You really think you can keep him away from me?
Eliot: Ricky, we're going to do whatever is legally possible to keep your dad from taking his anger out on you, ok?
Ricky: I don't want to go home, ever.
Eliot: We're working on that, Ricky.

[Knock on door]

Jack: Morning, Reverend.
Eliot: Morning.
Jack: This must be Ricky. Hi. How are you?
Eliot: Yes, it is.
Ricky: Hey.
Eliot: Ricky, this is Mr. Montgomery, our attorney. He'll be handling your case. He's going to tell us what we can do.
Jack: Could you excuse us for just a second, please?
Eliot: Yeah.
Ricky: Sure.

Eliot: What can you tell me, Jackson?
Jack: Well, did a background check on this kid's father. Turns out he's a cop, 15 years on the force. Right now he's under suspension for excessive force. Evidently, he does a little bit of that at home, too.
Eliot: Yeah.
Jack: His name's Henry Collins, but his co-workers on the force call him Hank the Tank.
Eliot: Hank the Tank.
Jack: Yeah. That ring a bell for you?
Eliot: I've heard of him.
Jack: Doesn't seem like a churchgoing guy. How could you have heard of him? Oh, while you were doing your stint as chaplain at Statesville. Oh, I'll bet old Hank the Tank did his best to fill all those cells.
Eliot: Yeah. Oh, he did.

Stella: Oh, welcome back, Mr. Grey.
Brooke: Hey.
Stella: I just told Miss English I didn't think you were home yet.
Edmund: Thank you, thank you, just got in. Good morning, Brooke.
Brooke: Good morning. So how was Washington?
Edmund: Washington was Washington. But I got what I came for. I'll take those bags up later. I'll show you the notes.
Stella: I can handle them.
Edmund: Yeah?
Brooke: She can handle them. Hmm.
Edmund: Whoa, whoa, just let me --
Stella: Oh.
Edmund: Thank you. Need this. Meeting.
Brooke: So, are you sure you don't want a chance to go and have a little visit with Alex before we start this meeting?
Edmund: Actually, I went up there. She's not there. You have any idea where my beautiful fiancée could be?

Alex: Dimitri?
Alex: Dimitri?
Alex: Oh, I didn't dream you. Oh.
Dimitri: Oh, no. No, you didn't. And I didn't dream you, either.
Alex: I'm not going to lose you again. I can tell you that much.
Dimitri: I can promise you that you won't. I can promise you that.

[Dimitri laughs]

Alex: What?
Dimitri: I think I better finish getting dressed.
Alex: Why? Why?
Dimitri: Ooh.
Dimitri: Mmm. You smell so good. And look at that smile, huh? What a smile you've got. So how do I look to you?
Alex: Oh, you're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. You look a little tired, though.
Dimitri: Well, for a guy who's been dead over a year, I think I'm doing ok.
Alex: You forget, I've seen your medical chart. I know how sick you've been.
Dimitri: We're just going to forget all about that for now, right?
Alex: Have you been taking your medication on schedule? I found your pills, you know.
Dimitri: I missed yesterday's med dose, yes, yes, yes, I did.
Alex: You haven't changed. You think you're immortal, don't you?
Dimitri: What if I am?
Alex: Maybe you are.
Dimitri: What, you're taking care of business? Yes.
Alex: Hello? Oh, this is Dr. Marick here. Yeah, who am I speaking with? Oh, great. This is in regards to the Stanford patient. I need a week's worth of his medication sent over to my house. Yes. At Wildwind. You have the address. When the messenger comes, will you have him come to the Hunting Lodge, please? Thank you. I will. Bye.
Dimitri: Oh, you -- you are taking over, right? You're going to take right over.
Alex: Well, I feel I should. It's because of me you got so sick.
Dimitri: Oh, Alex, no.
Alex: It is.
Dimitri: No.
Alex: You were trying to find out about my past, and that's what made them come and take you from Seaview Hospital.
Dimitri: You were living under a terrible threat, and there wasn't anything I wouldn't have done to stop that.
Alex: It could have cost you your life. Charlotte wanted you dead.
Dimitri: I tried to get the truth out to you often, I did. I just -- I couldn't. I was helpless for so long. And then you had to walk through that all alone.
Alex: I wasn't alone.
Dimitri: I know that you weren't alone. You were with Edmund.

Edmund: Ok, thanks. Alex isn't at the hospital either.
Brooke: Are you worried?
Edmund: No. No, no, no. I don't have to worry about Alex anymore, thank goodness.

[Brooke snickers]

Edmund: So what do you think of the notes?
Brooke: It's remarkable. So, this is what the candidates said on this trip.
Edmund: Mm-hmm.
Brooke: And this is what the same people said on the same issues when they were not running for office. So we could just run them opposite each other.
Edmund: A little bipartisan doublespeak.
Brooke: This is great.
Edmund: Thank you.
Brooke: All right, I'm going to start the layout. And I think that you should take the morning off because you have done a wonderful job.
Edmund: Well, thank you. Yeah, I'm bushed.
Brooke: And gored. Oh, oh.
Edmund: Oh, oh, that's --
Brooke: Sorry.
Edmund: You know, the reason for our excellent wit must be because we have some new people in our lives.
Brooke: Hmm. Right. So, is there anything else that you need from me?
Edmund: Yeah. A favor. Alex and I are going to set the date, and we were wondering if you could ask your friend Rev. Freeman to perform the ceremony.
Brooke: Well, I hope you don't believe in long engagements.
Edmund: I don't. Why?
Brooke: Because my friend the reverend is moving on soon.

Eliot: So, how goes our request with the court?
Jack: Well, I'm afraid the term "bureaucracy" was coined for just such times as this. What's going to happen is social services will send over a social worker that will evaluate the situation, and if they feel it's dangerous, they'll take the child out of there.
Eliot: Well, when are they going to pay the visit?
Jack: Well, they're understaffed. They say they'll do it as soon as they possibly can.
Eliot: Jack, wait a minute, no, no, no. We have to do this today. This kid is in danger.
Jack: Eliot, Eliot, it's not going to happen today. They have a lot of child abuse cases down there. There are a lot of kids in danger.
Eliot: This kid should not go back to his father. Look, maybe he can stay here at the Community Center --
Jack: Wait, no, no, whoa, no, wait -- hey, wait -- as the center's attorney, I've got to tell you, unless we have the law on our side, you cannot -- you hear me? You cannot keep this kid away from his father.
Eliot: His father is going to beat his face in just for coming here! I mean, how many more beatings can this kid sustain?
Jack: Look, Reverend, my adopted daughter was taken out of an abusive situation, so I think I know how you feel.
Eliot: No, I don't think you do, not if you put your faith in bureaucracy. Listen, I've seen this happen a million times. People get pushed when they're kids, and they push back when they turn into adults. I don't want that to happen to Ricky.

Becca: This is so exciting. I cannot believe The Valley Inn opened up in time, so you can have your party as soon as possible. Ok, this is going to be a huge party, so we have to choose lots of desserts. Which ones should we get, though?
Maitre d': Ms. Kane's exact words were "let them have whatever they want."

Bianca: I can't believe you actually expect me to miss school for a party.
Erica: Well, honey, you're the guest of honor. And besides, I mean, that's the only time I can get The Valley Inn.
Bianca: Mom, I don't even want this party, and I don't want to miss school. I promised Dad that I would be home by Labor Day. I don't want him to think that I'm avoiding him or something.
Erica: Oh, no, honey, of course not. I will call Travis. I'll explain everything to him.

Bianca: Um -- go for it.
Becca: Ok. Well, why don't you help me? I don't know which ones to get.
Bianca: I -- I don't care, really.
Maitre d': We also have to make a decision about hors d'oeuvres.
Becca: Oh, you are definitely going to have to help me with that. I don't know anything out hors d'oeuvres.
Bianca: Do you mind if we do this later?
Maitre d': Oh, no, of course not, Miss Montgomery. Just give me a call whenever you're ready.
Becca: Bianca? Why are you being so indifferent about all this?
Bianca: How many different ways are there of saying "I don't want this party"?
Becca: Well, it looks like you're going to have this party no matter what. So why don't we make the best of it? I mean, it's not every day that a superstar mom says, "hey, you can have whatever you want." I mean, think of all the other guests. Oh. That's kind of the point, isn't it?
Bianca: Look, I mean, Becca, honestly, would you ever trade moms with me for more than 10 minutes?
Becca: No. I wouldn't. You know what? I don't even know what I'm saying. I should just shut up.
Bianca: Look, I don't blame my mother. She is who she is, right? But did you know that every month she gets letters from girls all over the world who want her to adopt them, to give them advice?
Becca: Well -- but, I mean, that's so different, you know?
Bianca: No, no. Becca, I've read some of these letters, and these girls, they just seem so put together. They're so perfect.
Becca: Your mom thinks that you're perfect. I love the way that she always, you know, talks about you in her interviews. She is so proud of you.
Bianca: Yeah, I guess the real question is, why? Can we not talk about this right now?
Becca: Sure.
Bianca: So, are you and Leo friends again?
Becca: Um -- you know, I don't know. I doubt it.
Bianca: I can't believe he hasn't called you since last night.
Becca: Oh, he's called. He's left a few messages with Dixie. I just, you know -- oh -- haven't gotten around to answering them.
Bianca: Now who's being indifferent?
Becca: I should deal with this.
Bianca: Here you are.
Becca: Thank you.
Bianca: And I will give you some privacy, too. I'll go talk to the man about hors d'oeuvres.
Becca: Wait, wait, wait. The machine is on at your mom's house. There's no way that Leo would be out this early. Well, he gave me his cell number. I guess I could call that. But why would I need to call his cell number? I mean, there's plenty of phone lines at your mom's -- house. Oh. Leo's not at your mom's house, is he? Leo was out all night, wasn't he?
Becca: Leo was with Greenlee, wasn't he?
Bianca: We don't know that.
Becca: Yes, we do. He left me at S.O.S. to go find her.
Bianca: Becca, you have to hear Leo out on this one. I mean, I'm sure that he had good reasons.
Becca: Oh, yeah. God -- he's always got a good reason. He's always got some song and dance to tell me. You know what? This time he can tell his story walking.
Bianca: I feel so terrible. I do not want to be responsible for breaking you guys up.
Becca: No. You didn't break us up. We were -- we were never together. And I thank God for that. Just think of all the thoughts and the feelings that I've had for that guy, and -- they were just fantasies.
Bianca: Becca, don't write Leo off so fast. He needs someone like you in his life.
Becca: Yeah, well, tell him to get a head shrinker, preferably one that specializes in arrested development.
Bianca: You know, whatever you say, I still think that you have feelings for Leo, and I know how much he cares about you. I've seen the way he looks at you.
Becca: Well, if that's any indication, then he has feelings for Greenlee, too. I've seen the way he looks at her, and I guess I just haven't wanted to admit it until now.
Bianca: You mean, he cares for both of you?
Becca: I don't know. Maybe. I was just -- just so sure he'd prefer me.
Bianca: I bet he will.
Becca: Yeah? Well, too bad, because I'm not in the game any longer, you know? So he better go tell Greenlee how he feels about her before he loses her, too.

Leo: Oh, you're looking much better.
Greenlee: Oh, oh --
Leo: Come on.
Greenlee: Ah, you think so?
Leo: You'll be back to pillaging in no time, Greenlee.
Greenlee: I really did some damage.
Leo: That's exactly what he deserves.
Greenlee: Leo, what are you doing here? You didn't have to watch me all night.
Leo: I should have left you here with an ax in your possession? This town has been very good to me.
Greenlee: Well, I hope you called to apologize to Becca. She couldn't have been happy with you leaving her on the dance floor.
Leo: I tried a couple times, but I couldn't get a hold of her.
Greenlee: Well, if she doesn't forgive you, I'll have a word with her.
Leo: No, that's -- that's ok. I think she'll be cool. But thank you. We actually won the dance contest.
Greenlee: How did that happen?
Leo: I have no idea.
Greenlee: I guess Becca brings out all sorts of hidden talents in you.
Leo: Yeah, that or the fact that the competition wasn't exactly out of a Jennifer Lopez video.
Greenlee: Hmm, that explains it.
Leo: So, should we clean up this carnage?
Greenlee: Certainly not. I want Ryan to see exactly what I think of him. Besides, I just remembered, you're the one that gave me the ax. You should clean up this mess all by yourself.

[Telephone rings]

Greenlee: Oh.
Leo: You want me to get it?
Greenlee: No, no, no, no, no. If it's Ryan, I'll get to describe the scene.


Greenlee: Hello. Wade. No, no, no, no, you can't. You can't do that.

Edmund: Maybe the reverend is kind of like, you know, a Father O'Malley. He's the star minister. He goes where they need him the most.
Brooke: That's not the reason. Eliot's supervisor doesn't think that his relationship with me is appropriate.
Edmund: You're kidding.
Brooke: And Eliot hasn't said anything to the contrary. Anyway, good riddance. I have more than enough work to keep me busy.
Edmund: Brooke, don't do this. Come on. I know you were starting to care about this guy.
Brooke: Please. All right? The last thing I need is consolation from a man who is hopelessly in love.
Edmund: Ok.
Brooke: So walk me to the car.
Edmund: All right.
Brooke: Come on. So what about this wedding now, huh?
Edmund: What about it?
Brooke: Does Alex want something big and splashy and --
Edmund: Alex will have whatever Alex wants.
Brooke: Ah.

Alex: Do you know about Edmund and me?
Dimitri: Yeah. Yeah. I saw you and Edmund and the children. You were all in costume. The terrace was decorated. You guys were laughing together. That's the night that Edmund asked you to marry him.
Alex: You were there?
Dimitri: I heard you say yes to marrying Edmund.
Alex: Well, you have to understand that -- we didn't want that to happen.
Dimitri: I -- I know that.
Alex: He was alone and I was alone, and we were trying to deal with losing you. Oh -- we tried so hard --
Dimitri: Not to fall in love. But you and Edmund did.
Alex: But we thought you were dead.
Dimitri: Alex, you don't have to explain this to me. If I had died, that's what I would have wanted -- you two together.
Alex: Yeah, we kept trying to tell each other that. We kept trying to believe that.
Dimitri: Alex, I love my brother. And he would make you happy. That's all I've ever wanted for you.
Alex: Oh, this is such a mess, isn't it?
Dimitri: Yeah. Yeah, it is, it is. I've stepped back into the world of the living when I probably had no right to. The one thing that could happen now, now that the surprise of me being alive is over, is that you would come to regret that I didn't die.
Alex: What?
Dimitri: No, I --
Alex: How can you say that to me?
Dimitri: I'm just saying that I have lived long enough to make sure that you're out of danger, that I have heard your laugh again, I've held you in my arms again. Alex, I never meant for us to meet again. You were Edmund's.
Alex: No --
Dimitri: I was on my way to Europe if the therapy worked.
Alex: Don't you even think of walking away again. You can't.
Alex: You're my husband. Couldn't you see last night how happy I am to have you back? Oh, I've always thanked God that you're here.
Dimitri: Alex, it's going to be devastating for Edmund when he learns the truth.
Alex: No. No. Imagine how he'll feel knowing that you're alive.
Dimitri: That's right. Edmund thinks I'm dead.
Alex: Well, yes, of course. He told me you died at Bryn Wydd.
Dimitri: Alex, the reason Edmund thinks I'm dead is because that's what David Hayward told him. At my request, he produced a death certificate to verify it.
Alex: What?
Dimitri: Edmund knew Dr. Hayward was treating me here. But he doesn't know that the therapy has worked.
Alex: But --
Dimitri: It's -- I -- I tried staying out of sight. I tried, and somehow, Edmund found me.
Alex: But then -- why didn't he tell me you were alive?
Dimitri: Because I insisted -- I insisted that he not. I was certain I was dying, and now he believes that I did. It was my doing. It -- Alex, don't be angry with him.
Alex: Oh, so he -- he knew you were alive and he couldn't tell me. And that's w he became so distant to me.
Dimitri: Yes, that's -- that's why.

Eugenia: Oh, was that Alex I saw driving away?
Edmund: No. That would be Brooke English.
Eugenia: Ah, Brooke.
Edmund: Mm-hmm.
Eugenia: Well, please don't tell Gillian. I mean, darling, she would insist that I wear my glasses.
Edmund: Yeah, I can see why she would say that.
Eugenia: Oh, pish-tosh.
Edmund: So, you haven't seen Alex, have you?
Eugenia: No. Her bed was made up early this morning, so I presumed she'd gone off to work.
Edmund: No, she didn't. I checked. Maybe she's with Gillian?
Eugenia: Well, it's possible. Gillian's nowhere to be found, either.
Edmund: Hmm. Maybe they were out doing wedding things together.
Eugenia: Yes, I'm sure that Alex is preparing something absolutely delightful for you.

Ricky: So what'd the lawyer say? Can I stay?
Eliot: He's working on it, Ricky. Listen, hey, take it easy. I don't want you to worry.
Rick: My dad's not going to like this. When he wakes up from his bender, he's going to come looking for me.
Eliot: Ricky, I told you that your dad is never going to hit you again, and I meant it.
Ricky: Yeah, but do I have to go home with him?
Jack: Gentlemen, some good news. Figured out how to untie one of those bureaucratic knots and get you out of this environment.
Eliot: What do we do?
Jack: Get an individual to come forward and request temporary custody of Ricky and agree to keep him in his or her care. That way we circumvent the whole foster care issue.
Ricky: So I can stay with you.
Eliot: Yes, yes. I'll make the request and Ricky can stay here.
Jack: Absolutely.
Eliot: Although, Jackson, I think I should tell you that I'm being transferred to another church.
Jack: As in leaving town?
Eliot: I am not going to go anywhere while Ricky is still in jeopardy, but as soon as we get him away from his father, Ricky will have to find somebody else for him to move in with.
Jack: Well, I hope it doesn't come to that because that could make it very complicated.
Brooke: I'm not going anywhere. I'll take responsibility.

Leo: What did Wade say?
Greenlee: If I don't pay him back with interest and a penalty right away, he wants an introduction to my grandfather.
Leo: I'll talk to him. Wade and I go back some time.
Greenlee: Then you know there's nothing I can do if he wants to collect.
Leo: Well, then you're going to have to get the money back from Ryan, Greenlee.
Greenlee: I don't know where Ryan is.
Leo, I've put the three million back in the company, but I don't have a way to get it out. Oh, my God. I am so stupid! I don't have authorization! How could I have gone to that gangster and -- don't tell me "I told you so" or I will grab that ax!
Leo: I won't. I would never tell you "I told you so," not until we find a way out.
Greenlee: I know a way out.
Leo: What?
Greenlee: I'll go to my mom and dad and throw myself at their mercy.
Leo: They're going to give you three million-plus?
Greenlee: I'll have to confess everything about how I went nuts over Ryan and risked Gramps' life.
Leo: But if you can get the money, who cares?
Greenlee: They'll just say they were right all along about me being a flake.
Leo: Who cares what they think?
Greenlee: Don't you get it, Leo? They're never going to let me out of their sight again. I'm going to have to follow them around on their world travels to Nairobi on safari, to Indonesia to dive for pearls, to Armenia for the ostrich races -- just Mom, Dad and me until they're dead, or I am.
Leo: Oh, God, Greenlee.
Greenlee: Oh, so what? I deserve it. At least Gramps will be safe and no one around here will have to see my face again.

[Greenlee sighs]

Greenlee: Good-bye, Leo.
Leo: No, forget it.
Greenlee: What do you care if I stay or go?
Leo: Of course I care, Greenlee. With you out of my life, who am I going to have to remind me what a useless waste of air space I am?
Greenlee: Oh, Leo, there will always be plenty of people to tell you that.
Leo: Yeah, but still, I would feel responsible if you went off with your parents and got pecked to death by a wild Armenian ostrich.
Greenlee: I'm going to miss you, Leo. If my Gramps' life weren't in danger, I wouldn't go to my folks in a million years.
Leo: Well, then, wait, Greenlee. Come on. Let's talk about this for a couple minutes. What does he want with your grandfather?
Greenlee: Well, he didn't spell it out, but obviously, he's looking for a way to launder his dirty money.
Leo: Well, it just so happens that your grandfather isn't the only legit businessman we know.
Greenlee: Who are you thinking of?
Leo: My stepfather -- Palmer Cortlandt.
Greenlee: He'd give you $3 million?
Leo: Oh, hardly. But there's Vanessa.
Greenlee: You can't go to your mother. You hate her. Besides, she doesn't even ha access to Palmer's money anymore. He's humiliating her by making her a pauper. Everyone knows that.
Leo: Yeah, but maybe this is the motivation she needs to get back on top.
Greenlee: What, by helping my grandfather?
Leo: No, by helping me, Greenlee. By helping me. I mean, she's been looking for a way to get forgiveness after she pinned Paolo's murder on me. I can collect.
Greenlee: Leo, I don't have that much time to fool around.
Leo: Look, just let me talk to Vanessa, ok? If she can't get the three million, maybe she can talk Palmer into taking on a new business partner.
Greenlee: You'd sic Wade Randall and your stepfather?
Leo: Well, I would say they're pretty evenly matched. Just promise me that you won't go to your parents until -- until I talk to her.
Greenlee: Ok, but --
Leo: Well, just trust me, Greenlee, ok? I know what I'm doing.
Greenlee: I know what you're doing, too.
Leo: What am I doing?
Greenlee: You hate being on the outs with your mother, and so this is a perfect excuse for the two of you to kiss and make up.
Leo: Yeah. You got me, Greenlee. That is exactly what I'm doing. Thank you for the opportunity.
Greenlee: Oh, you're welcome. So go, then. Go see Vanessa.
Leo: You're going to be all right?
Greenlee: I will be as soon as I hear from you.

Alex: You should have come to me sooner, before this, before I made a commitment to Edmund.
Dimitri: Alex, I was certain I was dying. I wanted to spare you going through that pain again.
Alex: Well, like when I thought you'd walked into the ocean, you were trying to spare me from seeing you die? Don't you get it? I love you! I want to share everything with you.
Dimitri: Ok, ok. It was -- it was Dixie who finally convinced me to stick with the therapy and not leave. She knew what I couldn't admit to myself -- that I did want to tell you that I was alive and that I loved you. Now, it is not right for me to decide what you have to do. It has to be your own choice. It's either Edmund or me.
Alex: Oh, Dimitri. What are we going to do?

[Telephone rings]

Alex: Hello?
Edmund: There's my girl. I'm looking all over for you. What are you doing in the Hunting Lodge?

Jack: Brooke, are you sure you want to bring a troubled teen into your house? I mean, you've got Jamie to think about, for Pete's sake.
Eliot: Ricky is a good kid.
Jack: Well, I'm sure of that.
Eliot: He's just been kicked around too much in his life. Brooke, you know that I would never let Jamie be in any danger.
Brooke: Eliot and I can both sign the petition. And then if he has to leave town, I will be responsible.
Jack: Okey-doke. I'll make it happen.
Brooke: Ok.
Jack: I'll see you two later.

Eliot: I appreciate this.
Brooke: He deserves a break.

Man: What the hell are you doing here, huh? What's the matter with you, boy? You too stupid? You can't answer my questions? You're coming home now.
Ricky: No, no!
Man: I'll teach you to run away from the old man!
Ricky: I don't have to go with you, Dad. I don't have to go home!
Eliot: Get off of him!
Brooke: Eliot! Eliot, no! Eliot!
Eliot: There's no way you're taking that kid out of here!
Eliot: What, do you think you can do anything to him just because he's your kid?
Man: You're crazy!
Eliot: You miserable piece of garbage! Well, you're not going to do nothing, not while --
Brooke: Eliot! Eliot, stop it! Stop it! Stop it before you do something that you'll regret.
Man: I'm going to have you arrested for kidnapping and assault. Everybody knows that a son belongs with his father.
Eliot: Well, you do what you have to do your kid is not taking one step out of here. He deserves a better father than you!

Bianca: Finally, all the hors d'oeuvres have been chosen.
Becca: I hope it wasn't too much trouble for you.
Bianca: This party is going to happen whether my mother has to drag me here in a sack. So I might as well make the best of it.
Becca: Well, I have a good idea. How about you and I, we just talk to each other all night and we don't talk to anyone else and act really stuck-up?
Bianca: No! No, Becca. I want you to have fun, too. But --
Becca: But what?
Bianca: I'm really sorry. I hope you don't mind, but I have to invite Leo.
Becca: No -- God. Invite him. I don't care. You know what? I'm going to have a good time at this party whether he likes it or not, and so are you. Trust me.
Bianca: Oh, no.
Becca: What?
Bianca: I was being bratty, and I told the man no caviar. My mother is going to flip.
Becca: Well, you better go find that man and tell him you want buckets of it!
Bianca: Ok.
Becca: Go!
Bianca: Excuse me.

Leo: Bianca. Have you seen my mother?
Bianca: No, haven't, but there is someone here who needs your attention.
Leo: Thank you. Hey. I've been calling you since 7:00 This morning. Ever since I left last night, it's been completely insane. I would have much preferred to be with you.
Becca: Whoa, whoa, Leo. Just take a breath. You know? I don't have time to hear any lame excuses. I'm going to be late for work.
Leo: Well, when will you have time to hear my lame excuses?
Becca: I think pretty much never.
Leo: Whoa, Becca -- please don't go.

Alex: I didn't realize you were back. I -- I have to see you.
Edmund: Likewise. Shall I come down to the Hunting Lodge? It's, you know, private, and I have the morning off.
Alex: No, I'll -- I'll come to you.
Edmund: Ok. Hurry up. I want to kiss you. I love you.
Alex: I love you, too.


Hayley: I see your computers are down.

Leo: I've come up with a way for you to make up for all the misery you've caused.

Edmund: Alex?

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