AUGUST 31, 2000

· Man: Assaulting a cop. · That's going to cost you, Rev.
· Eliot: Look, don't push it, · Collins. · You're already on suspension, · remember?
· Officer Collins: Yeah, · well, I got some friends who are · going to make your life rough.
· Eliot: What, you tough guys · hiding behind the badge? · You wear a uniform, you think · you're above the law, you can · hurt an innocent kid?
· Officer. Collins: I'm going · to sue you for slander!
· Brooke: Listen, listen! · Everybody just calm down. · Mr. Collins, threats are not · going to help your son. · And there isn't any need · to be physical. · It's why Ricky got here · in the first place.
· Eliot: Ricky, I'm sorry I hit · your dad.
· Ricky: Yeah, well, the old · man had it coming.
· Eliot: No, no. · No, Brooke's right. · I can't justify my actions. · I want you to remember you can · stay here for as long · as you want.
· Officer. Collins: Look, I don't · need any bible thumper messing · in with my family. · Don't I know you from somewhere?
· Eliot: Well, I can tell · you one thing, I've never seen · you in church because · if I had --
· Officer Collins: That's · because I like to sleep in · on Sundays.
· Ricky: He means he likes · to sleep it off.
· Officer. Collins: Watch · your mouth, kid! · Look, just grab your stuff, · and we'll catch some breakfast · on the way home.
· Eliot: He doesn't want to go · with you.
· Brooke: Mr. Collins, · why couldn't Ricky stay here · for the day at the shelter? · He's great. · He helps out whenever we need · him.
· Officer. Collins: Because he's · got chores to do at home.
· Brooke: Well, maybe he's · earned a day off, a couple · of hours, you know --
· Officer Collins: Look, · Mrs. -- Whoever you are --
· Brooke: Brooke English.
· Officer. Collins: Miss English, · you got kids of your own?
· Brooke: Yes, I have three. · I have a son and two daughters. · My little girl passed away.
· Officer. Collins: I'm sorry · about that. · You must have loved her like · there was no tomorrow.
· Brooke: There wasn't any · tomorrow for her. · She was killed by a drunk · driver.
· Officer. Collins: That's · the worst. · I hope they caught that scum.
· Brooke: What is your point, · Mr. Collins?
· Officer. Collins: Look, you love · your family. · I love my son. · He belongs at home with me.
· Brooke: His home doesn't seem · to be a very safe place · right now.
· Eliot: And if you love him · so much, why do you hit him?
· Officer. Collins: Kids need · discipline. · You give them an inch, · all of a sudden they think · they own you.
· Eliot: "Discipline"? · Did you say -- · you call a black eye discipline?
· Officer. Collins: Look, · I gave him a little shove. · His face met a table. · Ok? · He's always been a clumsy kid. · Ain't that right Ricky? · Look, I know my rights. · You can't keep my boy · without a paper from the court, · so I guess we're out of here.
· Eliot: Ricky -- Ricky? · Ricky, if you need me, you call · me any time, night or day.
· Officer. Collins: Yeah.

· · Eliot: I promised that · I would not let him get · his hands on him again! · Collins is not going to make · a mockery of me.
· Brooke: Eliot, stop. · Stop.
· Eliot: Brooke, do you know · what that creep is going to do · to Ricky as soon as they get · home?
· Brooke: Listen! · Listen to me, all right? · Jack said family services. · If everything goes ok, we will · have a court order within · an hour, we can take Ricky out · of his father's home. · But until it's legal, we cannot · do anything. · We just have to wait. · All right? · So we can hold on a few more · minutes.
· Eliot: How much longer can · Rick hold on?

· Leo: Becca, please, give me · a minute. · I can explain to you about last · night.
· Becca: What's there · to explain? · You had to run a quickie errand · for Erica.
· Leo: I lied.
· Becca: About the quickie · or the errand?
· Leo: I tried to get back · to the club, ok?
· Becca: But you were obviously · having too much fun somewhere · else.
· Leo: No, I was having a blast · with you. · I wanted to spend the rest · of the night with you.
· Becca: Well, you can't be · in two places at once, Leo.
· Leo: Becca, let me make it up · to you. · Come on, we'll do something fun · and romantic, anything you want. · Anything goes. · Let's just sit down and talk · about it.
· Becca: Leo, just tell me. · Where did you spend the night · last night? · And before you incriminate · yourself, Bianca told me that · you didn't make it back · to Erica's.
· Leo: I was involved · in a crisis situation.
· Becca: You had to tend · to a sick friend?
· Leo: The details would bore · you. · What matters is I wanted to get · back to the S.O.S., But I had · a friend that was in deep · trouble.
· Becca: And that friend that · was in deep trouble just · so happened to be Greenlee · Smythe. · Am I right?

· [Telephone rings]

· Edmund: Edmund Grey.
· Greenlee: Edmund, · it's Greenlee Smythe. · I'm looking for Gillian.
· Edmund: She's not here. · Why don't you check · the hospital. · Maybe she's working today.
· Greenlee: She's not there. · I already checked. · Is it possible that she left · town, went on a trip · or something?
· Edmund: If she did, · she didn't tell anyone.
· Greenlee: Well, could · you check her room, her closet, · see if her clothes are missing · or anything? · Or her luggage. · Or maybe she, like, · scribbled a note with an airline · or --
· Edmund: Greenlee Smythe?
· Greenlee: Yeah.
· Edmund: If I see Gillian, · I'll give her your message.

· Greenlee: Damn you, · Ryan, and your precious · Princess! · Where the hell are you?

· [Knock on door]

· Greenlee: Who is it?
· Hayley: Hey, it's Hayley.
· Greenlee: Come in.
· Hayley: Hi. · Sorry I didn't call first. · I -- · I see your computers are down.

· Alex: I'm going up · to the house to talk to Edmund.
· Dimitri: Alex, I don't want · to lose you again.
· Alex: Well, he has a right · to know you're alive.
· Dimitri: Yes. · Yes, and it's my job · to tell him. · I made him believe that I went · off to die. · I'm the one who should set · things straight.
· Alex: Well, can you?
· Dimitri: Yeah, yeah. · What I did was wrong. · It wasn't fair to Edmund, · and it wouldn't be right · to send you in my place. · I'm just doubtful that he won't · be too thrilled to see me.
· Alex: Yes, he will.
· Edmund: No, no, Alex, · he's not just my brother. · I am now his rival. · I'll see him alone. · I owe -- I owe him that.
· Alex: No, wait. · I can't let you do this.

· · · Hayley: So, what hurricane · blew through here?
· Greenlee: Don't worry, · there wasn't a break-in · or anything.
· Hayley: Hmm. · More like a breakdown. · Sort of gives the term "Computer · Hacker" a whole new meaning.
· Greenlee: So, what brings · you by, Hayley?
· Hayley: Well, funny thing. · You weren't at "Wave's" · production meeting. · Then I remembered that swan dive · you almost took off of S.O.S.' · Bar last night, so I thought · that you might need some coffee · and aspirin. · A little something to sop up · the extra alcohol. · A bagel?
· Greenlee: Thanks. · And thank Mateo for catching me. · That vodka really hit me hard.
· Hayley: Yeah, the bartender · said you were knocking back · doubles like the world was about · to end.
· Greenlee: Yeah, I had · a really bad night.
· Hayley: I've been there · myself. · It's not any easier · in the morning, is it? · Wake up with a hangover · and the dry heaves. · So, this is a first · for Greenlee Smythe. · You're wearing the same outfit · that you actually had on last · night. · Is this a fashion statement? · Hayley from "Wave" wants · to know.
· Greenlee: I think you know · already.
· Hayley: Well, I'm putting it · together. · I guess you took out of the bar · and came over here to take · your rough night out · on the computer. · And not because you were · thrown off-line.
· Greenlee: I was drunk. · I was mad at Ryan, ok? · Thanks to him, · I'm in deep you-know-what.
· Hayley: You're not pregnant, · are you?
· Greenlee: No, no, no, no. · Ryan and I aren't involved like · that anymore. · He just hit my life like a comet · and then left me for dead. · Now he's gone, · and I can't find him.
· Hayley: Greenlee, why would · you want to?
· Greenlee: Because · the company's also in deep · trouble.
· Hayley: And this is · your headache because --
· Greenlee: Because I'm a major · stockholder.
· Hayley: Is that why you were · hitting the bottle so hard? · Because take it from someone · who has seen life · at the bottom of a shot glass. · Whatever your problems, · alcohol is never your answer.
· Leo: Yes. · I was with Greenlee all night, · but I was the only one that · she could turn to.
· Becca: Oh. · Is that the line that she used · to get you into bed?
· Leo: Becca, we didn't sleep · together. · Greenlee made her ablutions · to the porcelain altar. · I just held her head.
· Becca: Why do you keep · looking at the entrance?
· Leo: I'm meeting somebody. · It was pure luck that I ran · into you like this. · Do you mind if we hook up later?
· Becca: What for?
· Leo: You're still mad.
· Becca: Well, I feel a little · left out here. · I mean, you and Greenlee clearly · have something going on.
· Leo: I told you, we didn't · sleep together.
· Becca: Well, it doesn't · matter. · You two are as close as lovers. · You both pray to the same God · of vanity.
· Leo: Becca, I will never · understand Greenlee, not even · if I live to the next · millennium.
· Becca: Well, maybe that's · part of the attraction.
· Leo: You're the main · attraction. · You're the only woman that · I want to be with. · Greenlee is like my sister.
· Becca: Well, every time that · your sister starts snapping · her fingers, you go running. · And this time you lied about it.
· Leo: I didn't think that it · would be a big deal.
· Becca: Lying is a very big · deal to me, ok, Leo? · Look, you wouldn't lie · to Greenlee. · I bet there are no secrets · between you guys.
· Leo: Yeah, · that's your fantasy.
· Becca: No. · Look, you and Greenlee have · something going on, and I don't · understand it. · And I don't even know if I want · to understand it. · All I know is that I'm so tired · of playing second best.
· Leo: Look, I'm sorry if life · isn't as simple as Granny Tyree · led you to believe back · in Pigeon Hollow.
· Becca: No. · No, look. · No, don't do that. · Don't make me think · that it's my fault, ok? · That I'm too backwoods · to understand your slick city · ways, all right? · I take pride in my values · and my background. · And for you to belittle them · is just --
· Leo: Sweetheart, you don't · have a lock on values, ok? · I happen to have a scruple · or two up my sleeve, and I could · prove it to you if you would · just cut me a break.
· Becca: Ok. · Ok, then. · Come on. · Tell me about Greenlee's big · breakdown and why you're · the only person that could be · there for her. · Come on, Leo. · Make me understand why there is · nothing to forgive.

· Alex: I should be the one · to speak to Edmund. · We're engaged to be married, · for God's sake.
· Dimitri: I noticed that · you had taken his ring off.
· Alex: Yeah. · I promised him a future. · He trusts me.
· Dimitri: What will you say?
· Alex: I don't know. · He needs to know about last · night, that we made love. · That will hurt him terribly, · and you shouldn't be there · for that because it's not fair · to him.
· Dimitri: Alex, · it's hurting you. · You love him.
· Alex: Yeah.
· Dimitri: You know, when I see · the two of you together, · I can see it. · I can hear it in your voice -- · the caring, the tenderness. · I don't want you to suffer.
· Alex: Well, that can't be · helped. · You and Edmund have done · everything for me. · You both risked your lives · for me, and now it's time · I risked something. · Do you understand that?
· Dimitri: Yeah. · Yeah, I do. · I do, and you're right. · You go spend some time alone · with Edmund, · and then I'll come up.
· Alex: I better get dressed.
· Dimitri: Alex, what -- · what are you going to tell him? · What?
· Alex: I don't know. · I don't.

· Edmund: Alex --

· · Brooke: Jack, finally.
· Eliot: Hey, what happened · to family services? · Can Ricky stay here?
· Jackson: Well, I finally got · them to assign a social worker · to the case.
· Brooke: Meaning?
· Jackson: Well, meaning that · she'll go to the Collins · household, she'll do her look · around, file her report, · hopefully within the next · few days.
· Brooke: Wait, we got to get · this kid out of here now before · he runs into his dad's fist · again.
· Jackson: Listen, I think · for now Ricky is safe.
· Eliot: You don't know that.
· Jackson: I know that Hank · the Tank there knows that we're · watching his every move, · and I think he's going · to behave.
· Eliot: Well, maybe.
· Jackson: I know cops like · this. · This guy cares a lot more · for his precious pension than · he does for his own kid.
· Brooke: So what do we do now, · just wait?
· Jackson: Brooke, I'm doing · my best to get this case moved · to the top of the heap. · I don't know what else I can do, · really, now.
· Brooke: I know, I know.
· Eliot: If it's not too late · already.
· Brooke: Thank you, Jack.
· Jackson: It's my pleasure. · I'll keep you posted if anything · comes up.
· Eliot: Thanks.
· Jackson: Hang tough, · all right?

· Brooke: Eliot, where are · you going?
· Eliot: Brooke, I am going · to Ricky's house.
· Brooke: Didn't you hear · anything Jackson said?
· Eliot: Yes, I did. · Ricky needs me now.
· Brooke: Jack is sure that · his father is not going to hurt · him, at least not for the time · being.
· Eliot: Yes, well, I'm not · so sure.
· Brooke: Mr. Collins has · everything to lose -- his job, · his son.
· Eliot: Mr. Collins is · at the point where he just · doesn't give a damn. · That makes him a very dangerous · man.
· Brooke: The family service · will issue a court order.
· Eliot: Oh, Brooke, how naive · are you? · The law doesn't stand up · for little kids like Rick. · It stands up for creeps like · Collins. · I mean, do you really think that · a court order is going to keep · him from beating his kid?
· Brooke: I have to believe · that there is some justice.
· Eliot: Justice is blind. · They can't see a child's body · pummeled and lifeless.
· Brooke: I care about Ricky, · too. · I care about him as much · as I could for any child who's · at risk. · For you, it's more personal. · What does this boy mean to you

· · Leo: Becca, all I can tell · you is that Greenlee's got some · personal stuff going on.
· Becca: Personal stuff? · What kind of personal stuff? · I mean, is she teasing · a pool boy? · Is she going to get raped? · Does she have an illness? · Come on, tell me. · If it matters to you, it matters · to me.
· Leo: I'm sorry, Becca. · I can't betray Greenlee's · confidence.
· Becca: Why am I not · surprised? · Oh, God, here comes your mother.

· Vanessa: Well, good morning, · Becca. · Don't you look lovely. · Leo darling. · Well, can't tell, you I was · beyond thrilled to get · your message. · I knew somehow, someday you'd · forgive me. · And I am thrilled and ever · so grateful.
· Leo: Mother, why don't you go · grab us a table, and I'll be · with you shortly.
· Vanessa: Oh, very well. · All right, I'll go ahead · and order all your favorite · things. · I haven't forgotten how to take · good care and spoil my favorite · son.

· Becca: What? · What? · You and your mother -- · you've made up?
· Leo: It's complicated.
· Becca: It's just too · complicated for a simple girl · like me from the Hollow. · In fact, your whole life is too · complicated for me. · We're finished, Leo.

· Edmund: We've be down this · road before. · You want to fill me in?
· Dimitri: Oh, Edmund. · Hayward is still treating me, · and it -- · it looks like I'm going to live.
· Edmund: You wrote me a letter · saying you were going off · to die. · You had Hayward show me some · death certificate.
· Dimitri: Yes, yes, yes. · That's what I wanted. · I had planned to repatriate · somewhere in Europe. · A new life, a new identity. · That's --
· Edmund: Well, why did · you come back here?
· Alex: I was just on my way up · to see you. · I wanted to try to explain.
· Edmund: Where's your ring? · Your engagement ring · I got you -- you took it off?
· Edmund: Is this some kind · of a sick game? · You die, and then you come back · from the grave. · Huh? · You conspire with Hayward, · you make us all believe that · you're dead again. · Why do you want to put us · through that pain? · Why? · Was it you at the airport? · That w you, wasn't it? · What, did you hide, wait till · I went to DC so that you could · come and see Alex all · by yourself?
· Alex: No, it wasn't like · that. · It wasn't like that.
· Edmund: How was it? · How many times did I tell · you I wanted to say, · "Alex, Dimitri's alive"? · How many times? · Do you remember? · I begged you to go and tell her. · I begged you to go to her, · no matter how sick you were, · because she deserved to know · the truth. · But you said no, she was better · off not knowing. · What a load of bull that was. · You came -- you came to her, · all right, didn't you? · You just waited. · You just bided your time until · I was gone, then you made · your move. · You waited until -- · you waited until she was alone. · You wanted her all to yourself.
· Alex: Edmund, stop it!
· Edmund: And then you took · her.
· Alex: It didn't happen like · that.

· Greenlee: Don't worry, · Hayley, I'm not turning · into a lush. · Last night was just the worst · night of my so-called life.
· Hayley: I got that. · I also got the teeny-weeny · suspicion that you might be · a little bit jealous of Becca.
· Greenlee: Please. · Me, jealous of Princess · "you couldn't pry my knees apart · with a crowbar"? · I hardly think so.
· Hayley: Well, it just seems · like when Leo and Becca won · the swing competition, you were · leading the anti-cheer. · Seemed to me that you would have · liked to have been partnered · with Leo off the dance floor.
· Greenlee: No, that was just · me giving Leo a bad time. · We're sort of natural · antagonists.
· Hayley: You mean like · e time he reamed you out · on national TV?
· Greenlee: Yeah, kind of. · But I know Leo didn't mean any · of that. · Like I didn't mean anything that · I said from the sidelines. · Yeah, I think he's wasting · his time with Becca, · but it's his time to waste.
· Hayley: So your hard night · wasn't over Leo?
· Greenlee: No. · I busted my budget. · I'm broke until the year 2095. · Is there any chance I could get · an advance on my salary?
· Hayley: How much · of an advance do you need?
· Greenlee: $3 Million.
· Hayley: $3 Million? · Well, gee, Greenlee, I don't · think that WRCW has it · in the budget. · You want to tell me what · you need the money for? · Are you in some kind of trouble, · Greenlee?
· Greenlee: Not if I can get · the money. · It's an investment in my future.
· Hayley: Why don't you ask · your grandfather. · He's got that kind of money.
· Greenlee: Yeah, well, · my grandfather's got troubles · of his own. · Only he doesn't know it yet.
· Hayley: Look, the drinking · and this rampage and · the money -- you're out · of control. · And I'm really worried · about you.
· Greenlee: Don't bother. · No matter how crazy my life · gets, I always manage to land · on my feet.

· Leo: Finished? · Becca, what do you mean?
· Becca: It means I can't take · it anymore. · It means good-bye.
· Leo: You don't mean it.
· Becca: Yes, I do. · So long.
· Leo: You can't do this here.
· Becca: Your mother doesn't · like to be kept waiting.
· Leo: Hold on. · Please don't go anywhere. · I'll be right back.

· Vanessa: Leo, darling. · I've been waiting so long · for this reunion. · Tell Becca she just can't · monopolize all of your time.
· Leo: Have another cup · of coffee, a scone with honey. · I'll be with you in a moment.

· · Leo: Becca, you cannot break up · with me in the middle · of the Valley Inn dining room.
· Becca: Why not? · Well, here's a souvenir · or something.
· Leo: I don't want anything · to remember you by. · I want you.
· Becca: You think you want me.
· Leo: Did I dream the last · couple of weeks? · The days at the lake? · The three-hour phone calls? · The way we moved on the dance · floor? · I thought that we were starting · something good.
· Becca: I did, too. · But every time that we get · close, Greenlee gets in between · us and you go running after her.
· Leo: But I always come back.
· Becca: Don't you get it? · I don't like being second best, · ok? · I feel like the trash that · you keep forgetting to take out.
· Leo: Becca, you know that · I don't see you like that.
· Becca: Look, I know -- I know · that I can't be your whole · world, but I just -- · I wanted to give myself to you. · I wanted us to mean something · more, really matter to each · other.
· Leo: I wanted that, too.
· Becca: No, you thought · you did. · Look, I know that you didn't · have that bet with Greenlee, · and I do think that you still · wanted to get me into bed, · but what would happen the next · morning? · Would Greenlee call with some · fresh hell and you'd have to go · put out the flames? · I just -- · I don't want my first time to be · our last time, Leo. · So I'm going to -- · I'm going to put myself first · and I'm going to walk away. · You don't know what you missed.

· Vanessa: Leo, darling. · Come, come sit down. · We have so much catching up · to do. · What? · Why are you so blue? · That little hillbilly abusing · you? · Well, don't give it a second · thought because she's really not · worth it.
· Leo: One more word about · Becca, and you will never see me · again. · Do you hear me?
· Vanessa: I'm sorry. · I'm sorry. · I don't want us to get off · to a bad start. · It's just that, Leo, you know · I've always wanted the very best · for you.
· Leo: Yeah, well, · then you should have given me up · at birth.
· Vanessa: Oh, please. · You don't mean that.
· Leo: Don't get the wrong · idea, ok? · All is not forgotten. · I still see you for the mother · that feeds on her young, ok?
· Vanessa: All right, · all right. · If you just invited me here · to wound me, I might as well · leave.
· Leo: Wait until you hear · my offer.
· Vanessa: What's this about · an offer?
· Leo: I've come up with a way · for you to make up for all · the misery you've caused.
· Vanessa: Darling, you do know · that I will do anything · in my power to make certain that · we're close again.
· Leo: Good. · Listen up. · Here's what I want you to do.

· Vanessa: No, · it's preposterous. · It is impossible. · And then dealing with this thug · Wade? · No.
· Leo: Are you kidding me? · It'll be like old Hollywood · week. · What was the name of that awful · spaghetti western you did back · in the 1950s? · Vanessa: What, "Johnny · Moncho"? · "Mondo Mondo" -- · I don't know. · No, it was the 1960s, and it was · the late 1960s.
· Leo: Whatever. · You were the American senorita · who was kidnapped by the evil · baron robber Don Emilio, right?
· Vanessa: Yes, I know, · and I escaped with the treasure · from Santa Rosita, and I saved · the village from a landslide. · You know, I did most of my own · roping and all of my own · riding in that.
· Leo: There you go. · There you go. · And you can shine again, · Vanessa. · You can help somebody else · in need.
· Vanessa: So you just want me · to ingratiate myself with this · Wade person?
· Leo: You could do it · with your eyes closed. · Or open, depending on · your personal preference.
· Vanessa: Is he at least · good-looking?
· Leo: Right down to · the designer suits and · the unmoveable hair.
· Vanessa: So you want me · to convince this Wade that · he can use Cortlandt Electronics · for some of his money laundering · activities? · Darling, that is totally · impossible.
· Leo: Why?
· Vanessa: Why? · Because I'm skating on thin ice · with Palmer right now. · Why don't you set this Wade · person up with Chandler · Enterprises?
· Leo: Because I don't have · an in with Chandler Enterprises. · You're married to Palmer · Cortlandt. · It's the perfect connection.
· Vanessa: No, no, no. · It'll never work. · Palmer is far too savvy, · my darling. · No, he'd know I'm up · to something.
· Leo: He's cruising · the Mediterranean. · What Palmer doesn't know won't · hurt you. · Isn't that your motto?
· Vanessa: Oh, gosh, · it's so dangerous. · No, no, no. · What, exactly, would you want me · to do?
· Leo: Just be your duplicitous · self. · Wade won't actually infiltrate · Cortlandt Electronics. · You'll just scam him · into believing that you could · make it happen.
· Vanessa: Ok. · May I at least ask how · you managed to get yourself · in this trouble in the first · place?
· Leo: It's not my own skin · that I'm trying to save, ok?
· Vanessa: Well, then, whose? · Not the little hayseed Becca?
· Leo: No, it's somebody else, · somebody who bit off more than · she could chew.
· Vanessa: Well, who? · Can't be Erica. · She's far too smart to get · involved with the criminal · element. · So who is it?
· Leo: Listen, I'm not going · to sit here and play · 20 questions with you, ok? · Just answer my question. · Are you in, or are you out?

· Alex: There wasn't a plot. · He didn't plan to see me last · night or any other night.
· Edmund: Just fate, · do you think?
· Alex: I don't know what · you would call it. · He was here waiting for David · to bring his medication.
· Edmund: What were you doing · here?
· Alex: Dixie told me to come. · I opened the door, and I saw him · standing there. · You can imagine. · I thought I had lost my mind.
· Edmund: But you didn't. · And so you just fell into each · other's arms?
· Alex: No. · He wanted to walk away, · as though he hadn't been here.
· Edmund: Oh, he knew. · He knew you'd never let him walk · out that door.
· Dimitri: Edmund. · Edmund, I know how confusing · it -- · I know how much you must hate me · right now.
· Edmund: You got that right, · brother

· Eliot: I'll bet any amount · of money that Hank the Tank is · working on Ricky right now.
· Brooke: You mean beating · him up?
· Eliot: Oh, there are many · ways to break down a person that · don't include showing · the bruises. · Collins doesn't want his kid · crying to family services, · right? · So he does a 180. · He swears that everything · at home is going to start · working out, everything is going · to be ok, that he's learned · his lesson, that, well, he's not · going to treat his son like · a punching bag anymore.
· Brooke: And Ricky will want · to believe that.
· Eliot: Well, sure, he will. · Every kid wants to believe that · his dad's an ok guy. · I mean, Ricky might even change · his story. · He might end up telling family · services that he got his cuts · and bruises from, what was it, · falling down stairs · just like his old man said? · And, hey, things will be ok · for a while. · And Hank will be on his best · behavior. · Cut back on the booze, · maybe even rustle up dinner one · night. · Well, the kid will take one look · at that meal, and he'll probably · say something like, "I'm not · hungry right now." · And this will really steam · the old man to no end. · So he heads off for the fridge, · and he grabs a cold one. · Veins bulging from his neck · as he pops the top and aims · the spray at the kid, · laughing his head off. · His kid doesn't laugh. · So he slaps his kid in the back · of the head, and he says, · "what's the matter? · Don't you think that's funny?" · And then he slaps him again, · and the kid just sits there · and takes it. · And takes it. · Until one day he finally hits · back.
· Brooke: Is that how it went · with you and your father?
· Eliot: You know, the sad · thing about it is the Rickys · of this world, they can't win · for losing. · I mean, even if he has the bad · luck of surviving his childhood, · he turns out to be just like · dear old dad. · Lesson in survival. · Throw the first punch. · When you get mad, get even.
· Brooke: What happened when · you left home?
· Eliot: Oh, me and my dad -- · we went out and we had a few · farewell drinks. · We got into a fight immediately. · It doesn't matter for what · reason. · By that point, we just irritated · each other so much anything · would set us off. · He slapped me in the face, · and I slapped him back, · sent his false teeth flying · across the room. · And I spent the next decade · trying to prove to everybody · what a tough SOB I was. · Just like the old man. · And when I had a load on, no one · was safe. · I mean no one.
· Brooke: Eliot, that was · a long time ago. · You are a different person now.
· Eliot: Yeah, but the problem · is that by the time I changed, · it was too late.
· Eliot: I'm sorry, Brooke. · Listen, it's my problem to deal · with my own anger. · This is my cross to bear.
· Brooke: Eliot, who are · you angry at? · Yourself? · Your father?
· Eliot: Listen, I shouldn't · burden you with my life. · The one that's important now is · Ricky.
· Brooke: I like it when · you talk about yourself. · You do it so seldom, and when · you do it, it's like you're you. · You're looking over your own · shoulder, editing and judging. · I just wish you could find it · in yourself to let yourself be · open and to let whatever is · stoking that furnace just burn · itself out.
· Eliot: But then all that · would be left is ashes.
· Brooke: I wish I could help · you. · I wish you could find it · in your heart to just let me in.

· Vanessa: Leo, look, I know · that it pains you to ask me · for help. · And I do appreciate · your friend's predicament, · darling. · But what you're asking me to do · is just outrageous.
· Leo: I'm not asking you to go · to bed with the man, · although the choice is yours. · And if he ends up dead, I'm sure · that you would supply me · with an airtight alibi.
· Vanessa: Are you going · to hold that debacle with Paolo · over my head forever?
· Leo: I'm giving you · an opportunity to crawl back · into my good graces.
· Vanessa: Don't look now, · darling, but Greenlee is · signaling to you. · By the way, Millicent's quite · concerned about that young lady.
· Leo: I thought that Millicent · dropped you after she found out · that Palmer cut off your credit.
· Vanessa: One still hears · things at Glamorama. · And Millicent believes that -- · well, she says that Greenlee's · never home. · She doesn't have any idea what · trouble she could be into. · By any chance, would Greenlee be · mixed up with the mob?
· Leo: Mother, don't be silly.
· Vanessa: That's who it is, · isn't it? · I'm right.
· Leo: Look, I don't want · to talk about Greenlee right · now, ok?
· Vanessa: She's the one, · right? · Oh, darling, what is it, · true love? · Come on, why else would · you jeopardize yourself · for this, except for a nice, · available heiress?
· Leo: Mother, please. · I tried love once. · It's too much work.
· Vanessa: Oh, come on, · darling. · A handsome young man like · you needs companionship.
· Leo: Ah, fine, I'll buy · a cocker spaniel. · What's your answer? · Are you in, or are you out?
· Vanessa: Darling, how could · you ever doubt me?
· Leo: I'll be in touch.

· Greenlee: So, Leo, did it · work? · Is Vanessa onboard?
· Leo: It's full steam ahead.
· Greenlee: Thank you, Leo. · I owe you my life.
· Leo: Yeah, and then some.

· Vanessa: Oh, my. · Greenlee Smythe would make · a lovely addition to the family. · Her trousseau alone -- · ooh.

· Alex: How can you talk about · hating each other? · He's come back to us. · We should be thankful for that.
· Edmund: I should be thankful · that my fiancée slept · with my brother?
· Alex: Well, Edmund · he's my husband.


· Dixie: I think that we both · know what has come between us. · It's that kiss.

· Tad: I'm sorry. · Is everything ok?

· Opal: Wherever Stuart is, · I think he's trying to send · you a message.

· Edmund: How am I going · to stop loving you?

· ·

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