AUGUST 2, 2001

Ryan: Opal, hi. Thank you, thank you. Thank you for seeing me.
Opal: Oh, well, frankly, you were the last person I expected to hear from, I mean, after yesterday.
Ryan: I really need to talk to you.
Opal: Well, ok, but I can't stay long. You know, I got to get back in case Tad tries to call me.
Ryan: Yeah, well, I know what it's like to be falsely accused. I really hope everything works out for him.
Opal: Thanks. You and me both.
Ryan: Listen, Opal, I see how stressed out you are, and I didn't help yesterday -- you know, the way -- the way that I acted.
Opal: Oh. I can't rightfully say that I blame you, Honey.
Ryan: It's just that I -- I get to a place where I don't feel anything. And it's a relief, and then -- something happens. I think I smell her perfume or I think I hear her voice, and then I turn around and she's not there. And then I have to die all over again.

Gillian: Comfort him, Opal. Tell him you understand.

Opal: I understand.
Ryan: How can you when I don't? I know -- I know in my heart that she's gone. But there are times when I -- I don't believe it. Like when you kissed me yesterday. Or when you touched me right now. I don't understand. My heart gets so full of hope. Where is that coming from?

Gillian: Tell him it's coming from me. Opal, tell him there's hope. Tell him. Reach out to him and let him feel my love.

Mia: Does it help?
David: Excuse me?
Mia: Casting your cares out to sea.
David: Believe me, I wish it were that easy.
Mia: Hey, I know you, don't I?
David: No, I don't think so.
Mia: Yeah, yeah. I've seen your picture in the paper. You're that MD. That's going on trial tomorrow. You drugged all the guests onboard a yacht?
David: A lesson to me -- never talk to strangers.
Mia: No, on the contrary. It's an honor to meet you.

Liza: Well, Colby is with her Mimi and Uncle Stuart, so it is just the two of us tonight.
Adam: Ah.
Liza: Scotch on the rocks?
Adam: Sounds good.
TV announcer: The people vs. Dr. David Hayward promises to be the trial of the decade. Now WRCW is live by remote where presiding Judge Kaye Campobello is about to hold a press conference.

Jake: Hey, Dad, listen, I'm just calling for a little update on Tad. What, still nothing yet? Ok. No, no, no, I got it elevated. Right now I have ice on it. Just give me a call if you hear anything, ok? All right, thanks, Dad.

Jake: Greenlee, what's wrong?
Greenlee: What's wrong? Ask me what's right.
Jake: Well, I know I'm going to regret this. What's right?
Greenlee: Nothing. Nothing's right. I'm tired of riding this merry-go-round. I want out of my life -- now.
Jake: So you've been with Leo, huh?

Laura: Leo, wait, wait. There's something I have to tell you before we make love.
Leo: What is it?
Laura: This is my first time.
Laura: You didn't know I'm a virgin?
Leo: Well, I never thought about it.
Laura: I have. Endlessly. All those times I tried to come on to you before I was sick, like it was no big deal, going to bed with somebody, like you were just another conquest --
Leo: Just another pretty face?
Laura: You know those pictures of me on the web?
Leo: Mm-hmm.
Laura: The photographer would pose me and tell me to try to look like I wanted it, like I couldn't wait to give it away. I didn't even know what he meant.
Leo: Well, you were just a kid, Laura.
Laura: And, anyways, I didn't want to just give my virginity away like it was a disease or something. I wanted my first time to be with somebody I loved. And I came close with Scott, but I wasn't ready. And then you happened. And I fell in love with you, Leo. The only man I would want to give myself to, heart and soul. And it is so worth the wait. I'm going to make love for the first time with my husband. Only man I ever loved. Ever will love.

Greenlee: Whoa. Too much basketball?
Jake: Yeah, something like that.
Greenlee: Jake, a brace? That looks medieval. What happened?
Jake: Well, I seem to have stretched my interior cruciate ligament shooting hoops with some of the residents.
Greenlee: I told you basketball's a blood sport.
Jake: Well, looks like you were right -- for once.
Greenlee: Leo's not the only person who drives me crazy. I'm so tired of everyone using me as their personal dump site. I mean, Erica treats me like something she's stepped in. I've totally lost control of my life. No more. I will not be anyone's scratching post or the footnote to everyone else's tawdry melodramas.
Jake: So, what are you going to do about it?
Greenlee: I'm taking my life back and giving it a whole new makeover. Get ready for a brand-new me. New look, new face, new attitude. You see this dress? So not me. Reject pile. Reject pile. Huh -- reject pile. Reject pile.
Jake: Hey, hey, hey, hey -- that one's mine.
Greenlee: You know what? I'm so done waiting for life to make any sense. Anyone wants to hook their wagon to my star, then they'd better do it at warp speed because I'm zooming straight to the top.
Jake: Hey. Remember I told you there's a star out there with your name on it? In fact, there's a whole constellation.
Greenlee: Save your sweet talk, Jake. It's wasted on me.

[Jake groans]

David: It's an honor to meet me? You'll have to excuse me, but I'm going to take that with a large grain of sea salt.
Mia: You should take it as it was intended.
David: Look, whoever you are, I'd really --
Mia: My name's Mia. And I've been following your story in the paper.
David: You mean the tabloids, don't you?
Mia: No, I mean the story about how you saved that girl. You gave her a new heart. And that wasn't the first time. I mean, you take cases that most doctors won't even look at, and you cure diseases that don't have a telethon or a celebrity cachet.
David: I wouldn't submit for me sainthood just yet.
Mia: Well, you have a dark side, too. I mean, you fell in love with a married woman. You risked everything. You laid everything on the line -- your career, your freedom -- to prove you were worthy of that love. There's no crime in that.
David: Why don't you tell that to the judge when my case convenes tomorrow.
Mia: I would defend you in a heartbeat.
David: You just met me five minutes ago. How could you say that?
Mia: Because you and I are alike. We both know that love is the only thing worth living and dying for.

Ryan: Opal, I'm going to get us a table.
Opal: Oh -- I'm not so sure this is such a hot idea.

Gillian: Opal, this is incredible! He was up all night thinking about me. Opal: I don't want to hear this.
Gillian: When he touches you, it's me he's touching. When he looks at you, it's me he's seeing.
Opal: Yeah, and that means it's time to eliminate the middleman so as you two can make a direct connection.
Gillian: No, Ryan's not ready for that yet. You have to prepare him for our reunion.
Opal: Reunion? What the devil are you planning?
Gillian: I'm going to be Ryan's wife again, and you're going to help me.
Opal: You know, something about this does not sit too right with me. I feel like some piece of meat being thrown to a woman-eating tiger.

Liza: Opal? You all right?
Opal: Um -- I was just thinking that I'm really in the mood for a nice, juicy steak about now. Enjoy your meal.

Liza: Is there a full moon tonight?
Adam: Why do you ask?
Liza: Everybody's acting so peculiar.
Adam: With Opal, how can you tell?
Liza: I really thought we were going to have a quiet evening at home.
Adam: I wanted to make up for that romantic dinner we missed together. And watching the news doesn't cut it.

Robert: Mr. And Mrs. Chandler, always a pleasure.
Adam: Table for two, Robert.
Liza: Thank you.

Liza: Ryan and Opal are dining together.
Adam: What's so strange about that?
Liza: You didn't see the -- thank you -- kiss that Opal planted on Ryan at the S.O.S.

Ryan: This connection that I feel to you -- think I know where it's coming from.

Gillian: It's coming straight from my heart. Tell him.

Ryan: These -- these dreams that you've been having about Gillian --

Gillian: Tell him, Opal. Tell him. The dream only lasts as long as you're sleeping. But true love lives forever.

Jake, I didn't mean to hurt you. You look mad. Can I get you something for your knee? Some more ice or -- there's some chocolate chip in the freeze. Or I could give you a massage.
Jake: No. No, no, no, no, no. Don't touch it, Greenlee. It's -- it's fine. I just need to keep the ice on it and keep it elevated.
Greenlee: I'm sorry.
Jake: You actually said that like you mean it.
Greenlee: I do. You guessed right before.
Jake: Leo. What happened?
Greenlee: I sort of forced the issue, made him say it out loud to my face that we were over -- so I could get some closure and be free to pursue other options.
Jake: What options?
Greenlee: Forget it.
Jake: No, what, what? Other guy options?
Greenlee: Drop it, Jake, ok?
Jake: Did you tell Leo that I was the other guy?

David: You seem to know a lot about me, Mia. But what about you? Do you live here?
Mia: Ah -- yeah, I just arrived in town. So, are you nervous about the trial tomorrow?
David: Well, let's just say that I'm confident of a positive outcome.
Mia: Well, if I was on the jury, I would vote not guilty.
David: Thank you.
Mia: You must really love her, huh? I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. It's none of my business, and I know you've got a lot on your mind, so I'll just wish you luck and say good-bye.
David: Mia -- wait. Don't go.

Adam: Now, isn't this more romantic than sitting home, watching the news?
Liza: Much. So, what do you have in store for me later?
Adam: That's an in-house secret. But I'm confident you won't be disappointed.

Opal: Ryan, I want you to feel as sure as my heart is beating that you will love again with all the passion that you knew before. True love never dies. It waits to be reborn. Surrender and your life will begin again and my life will begin again and we shall be reunited in love as we were in life.

Kaye: Well, good. Nice running into you.
Adam: Yes.
Kaye: Enjoy the evening.
Adam: Thank you.

Adam: Well, small world, eh? What are the odds of running into a total stranger twice? What are you looking at?
Liza: Ryan and Opal. Remember that kiss I told you about? It looks like history's about ready to repeat itself.
Ryan: I have to -- I have to get some air.

Gillian: Ryan, come back.

Liza: Are you all right?
Ryan: I don't know.
Liza: I just saw you and Opal. You looked pretty intimate. What's going on?
Ryan: It's -- it's very weird. I don't know. All of a sudden, I have these feelings, these feelings that I thought died with Gillian. And it's Opal that's making me feel that way.
Liza: What way?
Ryan: I know it sounds crazy, but I -- I want to be with her.
Liza: With with? You want to sleep with her?

Greenlee: I told Leo that you and I had -- you know.
Jake: What?
Greenlee: Gotten closer.
Jake: You told him to make him jealous.
Greenlee: Why do you always think the worst of me? You are forever accusing me of having ulterior motives. I told Leo about you and me because I care about you. And I want to keep on caring about you. But I don't want to hurt you the way Gillian did. I couldn't stand myself if I did that to you, Jake.

Leo: You ok?
Laura: Yeah, I'm better than ok.
Leo: It wasn't too intense?
Laura: No, not at all.
Leo: Because you're still recovering and everything, so --
Laura: No, I feel great. I feel like I can run a marathon.
Leo: Whoa. You may be ready to race, Sweetheart, but I'm going to need some more recovery time, ok?
Laura: I feel your heart beating. I feel mine, too. There's so much love I have for you, Leo, in Gillian's heart. Where do you think her love for Ryan went?
Leo: I don't know.
Laura: I don't think love ever dies, do you? I think it just gets stronger and stronger, like my new heart, like my love for you. How could it not? You make everything so perfect. You're so -- you're so perfect.
Leo: Laura, don't hang that label on me. I'm so far from perfect, it's not even funny.
Laura: That's how I see you.
Leo: Then you're seeing things. I made more than my share of mistakes. I'm going to make more. You have my word on that, Laura. I'm never going to change.
Laura: You're too hard on yourself, Leo.
Leo: I'm way too easy on myself.
Laura: Your life's been rough.
Leo: My life's been too easy.
Laura: No, you've had to pay for your mistakes just like --
Leo: With money that wasn't even mine. When that ran out, I found some other sucker to pay my way.
Laura: We've all done stuff that we are not proud of.
Leo: Laura, you've had some pretty tough breaks, but what's my excuse? Daddy who abandoned me, mother who never understood me? Does that excuse my selfishness? Hell, no.
Laura: But you're not the same person anymore.
Leo: I'm exactly the same person. I don't deserve to be loved by someone like you.
Laura: Yes, you do.
Leo: Laura, we are so different. You waited to make love because you wanted it to mean something. I never waited for anything in my whole life. I grab what I want like a greedy little child, hoping that the new toy, the candy, the latest distraction will make me feel better about myself, fill that hole inside me. I'm always looking for that one, true thing that will last, something that will give me a reason to even be on this planet, you know.
Laura: Then you can stop looking. That one, true thing is us.
Leo: How do you know that?
Laura: I just do. I feel it. You didn't grab me. You took your time and you fell in love with me, Leo, so you could be sure that this was the one -- the one, true thing to finally make you happy.
Leo: And now that you found me --
Laura: You can relax, stop beating yourself up. This is the rest of your life, right here in my arms. Believe in this, Leo. Believe in our love. You won't doubt yourself again, I promise.

Mia: So you're pretty positive you'll be acquitted in court tomorrow?
David: I guess you can say I have faith in our justice system.
Mia: I don't know. Innocent people have been known to go to jail.
David: Who said anything about being innocent?
Mia: Did she believe in you?
David: Who?
Mia: Dixie, the woman you laid everything on the line for.
David: You know, I'd really rather not discuss that right now if you don't mind.
Mia: I don't mind if you don't mind me saying this -- I think your Dixie chick is a fool to walk away from you.
David: I know your game.
Mia: Game?
David: Come on. We didn't just run into each other by accident.
Mia: You don't think so?
David: No. I know who sent you.
Mia: Really?
David: Really. So you're busted. You see, the way I figure it, I've had a run of miserable luck. And God felt sorry for me, so he sent you to cheer me up. Which proves that random acts of kindness really do exist, even for sinners such as myself.
Mia: Yeah. I believe in you it's as simple as that.
David: Something tells me nothing about you is simple.
Mia: I've got to go now.
Mia: I really do have to be going.
David: You have somebody waiting for you?
Mia: Yeah, something like that.
David: Well, maybe I'll run into you again sometime.
Mia: Anything is possible. Good luck.

David: I'm not going to need luck, Mia. I've got Adam Chandler in my back pocket.

Adam: Should you be drinking the night before going to trial?
Kaye: Oh, I always allow myself one. Isn't it funny, us running into each other like this?
Adam: I've had bigger laughs.
Kaye: Well, I'm not stalking you, Adam, if that's what's got you worried.
Adam: What I'm worried about is Liza finding out you're hearing the Hayward case.
Kaye: Your wife does strike me as someone who doesn't miss much.
Adam: You're right about that.
Kaye: And she knows you have a personal interest in Hayward walking away a free man.
Adam: She knows I'd do anything to protect my s-- family.
Kaye: Up to and including influencing the presiding judge. Seems to me, Adam, you have too Many balls . . . in the air. Drop one, your whole world could come crashing around you.
Adam: I won't let that happen
. Kaye: Really? Can you prevent that?
Adam: Rest assured, your honor. I have a contingency plan.

Ryan: I don't want to -- I don't want to go to bed with Opal. It's not like that.
Liza: Well, then what way is it?
Ryan: I don't know. You know how when you meet someone for the first time and you feel like you've known them your whole life? I just know that I've never felt this way about anybody except for Gillian.
Liza: I'm really worried about you.
Ryan: Yeah, and you think I'm not? Ok, Opal was having these dreams about Gillian. And I was really jealous because every night I go to bed and I just -- I pray that I see her, but she never comes. The dreams never come. Even if they did, I would still wake up alone. Liza, what am I talking about?

Opal: Gillian, it almost happened again. I was a whisker away from kissing Ryan.
Gillian: I know, I know. I could almost feel his lips touching mine. It was just --
Opal: Don't -- don't -- don't go any further. My hot flashes are having hot flashes.
Gillian: I know. Ryan is an incredibly sensual man.
Opal: Well, I'm sorry, but I cannot do this anymore. You are going to have to find yourself another psychic connection.
Gillian: Opal, you can't stop now. Ryan's responding to you.
Opal: He's responding, all right.
Gillian: Just wait until he comes back. He's so receptive to my vibrations. He's almost ready to receive the real me.
Opal: Well, I'm sorry, Honey, but I cannot take him where he needs to go.
Gillian: Well, I'll do all the work. All you have to do is just --
Opal: All I have to do is get myself gone. Now, all you have to do is face the fact that you are dead so that Ryan can move on with his life.
Gillian: No. Will never accept that. I will never leave Ryan. And you won't leave him, either. Not until I have my Ryan back.
Opal: I'm sorry. I can't stay.

[Gillian enters Opal's body!]

Greenlee's voice: If there's no chance of us ever being together again -- not now, not in a few months, not down the line -- I need to know that right now. Because I won't spend my life waiting for you to decide what the right thing to do is. It's not fair.
Leo's voice: I love you me than I can say, but how can I take away the one thing that helped Laura stay well enough to live? How can I do that?

Jake: What's that?
Greenlee: My stuff. The stuff you didn't put in storage.
Jake: What, you going somewhere?
Greenlee: I'm moving upstairs to my penthouse -- finally.
Jake: Greenlee, your penthouse is not even ready yet.
Greenlee: I know.
Jake: I was just up there. The scaffolding is still up. There's no electricity. You don't even have a front door
Greenlee: So, I'll use the service entrance and rough it.
Jake: You?
Greenlee: Remember our night under the stars?
Jake: Yeah, yeah.
Greenlee: I can make do if I have to.
Jake: Well, you really don't have to. I mean, you can just -- you can just continue to stay right here.
Greenlee: Not the best idea you've ever had.
Jake: I don't know. I mean, it seems like we were not doing too badly so far.
Greenlee: No, we've had fun. Mostly. But I ink it's time I get out of your hair.
Jake: Still in love that Leo, huh?
Greenlee: I think I always will be. I'm sorry.
Jake: Now, listen, don't apologize. Just don't drink alone, ok?
Greenlee: I won't. You take care of that knee.
Jake: Yeah, yeah, I will.
Greenlee: Bye, Jake.

Liza: Well, it was your idea to go to the Valley Inn.
Adam: Yes, it was. And aren't you bored with it all? The same restaurants, the same people, the faces, day after -- it's a rut. We're in a rut, a mindless rut.
Liza: I love my rut.
Adam: Well, we'll get back to it. But first I want to shake up our life a little bit.
Liza: How much shaking are you talking about?
Adam: I'm talking about walks on a private beach, five-star dining en suite. Hmm? Colby swimming with the dolphins and you pampering yourself in the resort spa.
Liza: Spa?
Adam: Spa. Shangri-la.
Liza: Never heard of it.
Adam: Neither has anyone else. Best kept secret in Maui. And now I'm going to call the pilot and have him fuel the engine and get ready to take you and Colby to Maui.
Liza: And where will you be?
Adam: I'll be -- I have a few things to do here, you know, and then a week of fishing with Stuart in Idaho.
Liza: Why do I get this feeling that you're trying to get rid of me?
Adam: Oh, Sweetheart. I'll miss you like crazy. But you deserve a break. You've been working two jobs -- WRCW and Chandler Enterprises. You need a day at the beach, away from all those endless meetings and -- and appointments and --
Liza: Mm-hmm, and you'll join me as soon as you can?
Adam: I swear, as soon as I can.
Liza: All right. I will call Myrtle, see what she's got in the boutique for resort wear.
Adam: Wonderful.

Winifred: Excuse me, Mr. Chandler.
Adam: Yes, Winifred, what is it?
Winifred: There's a young woman outside who wants to see you.
Adam: Does this young woman have a name?
Winifred: She said it's Mia.
Adam: Yeah. Tell her to come in. Don't tell anyone she's here, not even Mrs. Chandler.
Winifred: Mr. Chandler --

Mia: To show me in and not tell anyone I'm here. Hi.
Adam: I said I would contact you.
Mia: Yeah, I know, but these things are known to cause brain cancer, so I thought I'd just put in a personal appearance.
Adam: You have something to report, I assume.
Mia: Yes. I spent a nice afternoon at the beach with Dr. Hayward. Now, the guy seems kind of desperate for company, which should make him a pretty easy target.
Adam: Excellent.
Mia: Ok, so, what's next on the agenda?
Adam: I want you to bide your time till after Hayward's trial.
Mia: You know, the guy thinks he's going to walk.
Adam: If he does, I'll cut him off at the knees. And you're going to help me.

Ryan: Robert, can you do me a favor? This should cover it. Would you tell the lady that I was -- I was called away on urgent business?
Robert: Very good, Mr. Lavery.

[Gillian has taken over Opal's body]

Opal: Ryan?
Robert: Ma'am? Mr. Lavery wanted me to tell you that he was called away on urgent business.
Opal: Why did he leave? Didn't he see me -- his wife?
Robert: He wanted me to tell you that the check's been taken care of.
Opal: I did it. Ryan's love brought me back. I'm home. I'm finally home. I'll never leave Ryan ever again.


Edmund: I loved your sister, but that's over.
Anna: Are you sure?

Mateo: I've got the perfect plan to flush out the guy that's after you, Tad.

[Gillian talking to Ryan - as Opal]

Opal: I am inside Opal. I'm using her body to talk to you.

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