AUGUST 16, 1999

Hayley: You're back.
Mateo: Yeah. Got home today.
Hayley: How was Texas?
Mateo: Hot.
Hayley: And Max?
Mateo: Great.
Hayley: Good. Great, great.
Mateo: What brings you by?
Hayley: The air conditioning went tropical, and you weren't around, so Carlos called me.
Mateo: What'd you do?
Hayley: Kicked it in the compressor and told it to get its act together.
Mateo: Decent advice.
Hayley: Well, crisis averted. I'll get out of your way.
Mateo: I was going to call you.
Hayley: Really?
Mateo: Mm-hmm.
Hayley: About?
Mateo: Things. Us.
Hayley: Really?
Mateo: Is there someplace you should be right now?
Hayley: No.
Mateo: Good, because I really need to talk -- talk to you. And that may take a while. Maybe all night.

[Music plays]

[doorbell rings]

Erica: Myrtle, hi.
Myrtle: Oh, hi, darling. Hi.
Erica: Oh -- Myrtle, I don't have time for a visit right now.
Myrtle: Sweetheart, I thought you would be packing for your vacation with Bianca.
Erica: Yes, my plane is leaving tomorrow, so, yes, I still have scads that I have to do.
Myrtle: Well, now, you pop this into your carryall. It's for Bianca. It's these hair clips, you know, the girls are crazy about.
Erica: Oh, thank you. I'm sure she's going to love them. Ok, then. Well, we will send you a card from our villa in Tortuga.
Myrtle: Oh. That's a very fancy outfit you're wearing for a night at home.
Erica: Oh, this? No, no. I was just trying this on.
Myrtle: Oh. And champagne, your best crystal. You didn't tell me you were having company.
Erica: Oh, just a boring business dinner.
Myrtle: Oh. Would your business by any chance have something to do with David Hayward?

David: Oh. The chest pain in four turned out to be acute indigestion. This is me signing out for the evening. If anyone else comes in with acid reflux, Dr. Pruker is on call.
Becca: Ma'am, we need help. My friend's pregnant, and she's bleeding.
David: Dixie. What happened?
Dixie: It's my baby. It's my baby.
Becca: She needs a doctor.
David: I'm a cardiologist. We need a wheelchair, stat. How long has she been bleeding?
Becca: 20, 25 Minutes.
David: Did she fall?
Becca: No, no. We were just talking, she stood up, and I saw the blood. We drove her here as fast as we could. We were afraid she'd lose the baby.
Dixie: I am not going to lose the baby. You have to save it. Oh, promise me, promise me. You forget about me. You just save the little girl, ok? Save my little girl.
Dixie: Don't let my baby die. Promise me.
David: I promise that I will do everything within my power to help you and your baby. Now, we're going to take you inside and see what's going on, ok?
Dixie: Ok.
David: What's open?
Nurse: One.
David: Ok, let's go.
Nurse: I'm sorry, miss. You'll have to wait out here.
Becca: Well, is there a phone I can use?
Nurse: Press nine for an outside line.
Becca: Hello. Tad Martin, please. It's an emergency. Well, as soon as he gets off the air, tell him to come to Pine Valley Hospital ER. It's Dixie, his wife -- she's in trouble. Thank you.
Scott: Where's Dixie?
Becca: She's in there with the doctor, and I just left a message for Tad.
Scott: Ok, let's get his dad down here. Excuse me, could you please page Dr. Joe Martin?
Nurse: The chief of staff?
Scott: Yes. That patient is his daughter-in-law.
Becca, are you ok?
Becca: I'm sorry. I am so scared. My mom's a midwife, and when a woman bleeds this early in her pregnancy, it's not good for her or the baby.

Dixie: Oh!
David: BP?
Nurse: 100/80.
Dixie: Oh, please, please save my little girl.
David: Did you reach Dr. Clader?
Nurse: He's on vacation. His associate, Dr. Banyon, is on her way.
David: We can't wait. The patient's going through early labor. The contractions are coming hard and fast. Draw .5 Terbutaline. Trying to stop nature from taking its course.
Dixie: Oh!
David: Dixie, we're going to give you something to ease the pain.
Dixie: No. No drugs. It's bad for the baby. No! I said no drugs!
David: The medication is simply to stop the cramping.
Dixie: Just don't hurt the baby, ok? I told you I'm having a little girl, didn't I? I dreamed it. She going to be ok?
David: We'll know more after I perform the ultrasound.
Dixie: I can't wait to see her. I can't wait to see my little girl.

Mateo: Can I buy you a cup of coffee?
Hayley: Yeah, that'd be great.
Mateo: Light and sweet.
Hayley: You look tired.
Mateo: Sleep and I haven't been getting along lately.
Hayley: Yeah, I know how that is. I don't want to fight with you anymore.
Mateo: Neither do I.
Hayley: All right. Where do we go from here?
Ryan: Wow. Just give it a minute to crank. You'll feel a cool blast of air. All right. Mateo, you're back.
Mateo: Surprise.
Ryan: Thought you were in Texas.
Mateo: I thought you were fired.
Hayley: Mateo, the air conditioning blew. Ryan saved you a megabuck service call.

[Mateo throws some money on the table for Ryan]

Mateo: For services rendered.
Hayley: You are so far off.
Mateo: No, I'm on. I'm right on. I go out of town. He moves in. Help yourself, Ryan -- to my club, to my wife.
Hayley: Mateo, no. Please listen to me. Ryan is my friend, but I love you. Now, can't we go someplace, just the two of us, and talk our way out of this bottomless pit?
Mateo: Not a chance.

Erica: You think this is for David Hayward?
Myrtle: Yes, I do. Becca Tyree caught the two of you in a lip lock, and he was not checking your heart rate.
Erica: My goodness. Myrtle, you do go on. You act as if I'm 16 and never been kissed.
Myrtle: Hardly.
Erica: Well, good, because I can take care of myself, Myrtle.
Myrtle: Well, in that case, I'll leave you in peace -- just as soon as you phone Hayward and cancel your plans.
Erica: I will do no such thing.
Myrtle well, darling, in that case, tell Coral there' be three for dinner.
Erica: You don't even like David Hayward.
Myrtle: I don't trust that man. I wouldn't trust him further than I could throw that bowl of strawberries.
Erica: Well, this may come as a surprise to you, but I don't trust David Hayward, either.
Myrtle: Uh-uh. Now, don't you start playing the whizeroo game with someone who invented it.
Erica: No, I am serious, Myrtle. I think that David Hayward is egotistical and power hungry and -- and vain. And I think he can be a first-class son of a --
Myrtle: He's the son of Vanessa Bennett. Evil fruit from an evil tree.
Erica: No. No, Myrtle, he's not. He's nothing like his mother. David Hayward is as much like his mother as I am mine. Although sometimes I think it would have been better for me to be more like my mother.
Myrtle: Darling, you got more of Mona in you than you realize. Look at that warm heart of yours. You just -- you can't wait to give it away. Now, darling, you tell Myrtle, do you love David Hayward?
Erica: Certainly not.
Myrtle: Then why invite him into your life?

Hayley: You're angry, and you're hurt, and you're lashing out at me when I know you just want to hold me and make this all go away.
Mateo: I want you out of here.
Hayley: Mateo, please. Can't we find someplace away from everyone, just the two of us, where we can talk our way back to each other?
Mateo: Go to hell.
Raquel: Mateo, making a scene in public isn't good for business. Come dance with me.

Erica: Myrtle, honestly, why are you making such a big production out of this? I mean, one kiss and one dinner.
Myrtle: Because, darling, you have married a man for less.
Erica: Well, my goodness. How did we get on the subject of marriage?
Myrtle: Because that is what you do when you're bored or when you're between gigs or when you fancy you're madly in love with someone.
Erica: Myrtle, trust me on this. The idea of marriage to David Hayward has never once even entered my mind. I mean, I can certainly enjoy the company of a charming man without hearing wedding bells.
Myrtle: Unless you're looking for a father figure for Bianca or, for that matter, for yourself, maybe.
Erica: Myrtle, believe me, David Hayward's feelings for me are anything but paternal.
Myrtle: Never mind his feelings. It's what you see in him that's got me stumped.
Myrtle: Erica, dear, where did you disappear to just now?

Dixie: Oh.
David: Dixie, try to lie still during the ultrasound.
Dixie: Oh. I want to see her. I want to see my baby.
David: Dixie, please try to lie still. Can you do that for me?
Dixie: Just make my baby all right.
Ruth: David, I heard you paging Joe --
Dixie: Oh --
Ruth: Dixie.
Dixie: Ruth.
Ruth: Oh, honey. Oh, it's all right. I'm here. I'm right here. What happened?
David: She started bleeding and cramping.
Dixie: But it's ok because I'm not cramping anymore. I can go home now. I'm fine. Ow.
David: Stan is on vacation.
Dixie: Make it stop. It's too soon. It's too soon.
David: Stan is on vacation. His associate is en route, ok?
Dixie: I don't want another doctor. I don't. I want you. You're the only one that can make it all right.
Ruth: Take it easy, darling. Take it easy. The doctor's doing everything he possibly can.
Dixie: Oh, come on, baby, hold on. Mama's here. Mama's here.

Tad: Where is she?
Scott: She's through there with your mom and Dr. Hayward.
Tad: Is it her heart?
Becca: It's the baby. It might not --

[Dixie screams….]

Dixie: No!
Tad: Honey?
Nurse: I'm sorry, sir. You can't --
David: No, it's ok. It's ok. It's her husband. It's all right.
Tad: Baby, I'm here. What is it? What happened? Is she going to be ok?
Ruth: Dixie's not in any danger.
Tad: Baby, you all right? What's going on?
Ruth: Well, the baby didn't make it. Dixie miscarried.
Dixie: I'm sorry. She wouldn't wait.

David: Ruth, I'm sorry.
Ruth: I'm sorry, too. I'm sorry for them. I'm sorry for Joe. I'm sorry for me. What happened?
David: The fetus is no longer viable. But it's retained with the placenta in the uterus.
Ruth: So she's going to need a D and C
. David: That's right -- as soon as possible -- to prevent hemorrhaging and infection. So, how do you want to handle this?
Ruth: Well, let me try to talk to her, ok?
David: All right. I'll clear an OR., And I'll get Dr. Banyon up to speed.

Ruth: Listen, I know how much this baby meant to both of you. Only God knows why these things happen.
Tad: How soon can I take her home?
Ruth: She's got to stay here overnight because they're going to do a D and C.
Tad: What's that?
Ruth: Dilation and curettage. To remove the placenta and the fetus.
Dixie: Stop calling her a fetus. She's my daughter, and I won't let you kill her. I won't.

Hayley: I don't know whether to laugh or to cry.
Gillian: Hayley, listen, I -- I brought Raquel here to have some fun. I'm really sorry.
Hayley: Hey, it's a free salsa club.
Ryan: Well, there's no reason we got to hang around here.
Gillian: Right. Let's blow this joint. We can go over to Wildwind. Edmund and the kids would love to have you.
Hayley: I -- I left all my stuff at Trevor's.
Ryan: So I'll take you over there. We'll pick it up. Come on. I'll give you guys a lift. Lavery's Livery at your service.
Hayley: Ok.

Mateo: All right. I'm -- I'm beat.
Raquel: The night's still young in Texas.
Mateo: Yeah. I don't want to spoil your evening. If you want to stay, you can stay.
Raquel: But I don't have a ride. I came with Gillian.
Mateo: Well, then I guess I'll take you home.
Raquel: Ok.

Myrtle: Judging by that smile, you've got it bad for Hayward, and that ain't good.
Erica: Myrtle, it's really sweet of you to be so worried about me.
Myrtle: It has nothing to do with sweetness. Now, I promised your mother that I would keep an eye on you, and that is a promise that I'm going to keep till the day I die.
Erica: Well, wouldn't it be more fun for you to play poker with Phoebe and Opal than baby-sit me?
Myrtle: I can party with these girls anytime. Now, before you remind me once again how grown-up you are, let me speak my mind, and then -- then I will leave you alone.
Erica: Ok.
Myrtle: Darling, you have been looking for love all your life. Now, sometimes it lasts longer. It's stronger, so it lasts. Then in the end, it's gone and a heart is broken. And more often than not, it is yours.
Erica: Well, are you telling me that I should give up on love?
Myrtle: Love? Give up on love that makes the world go round? Of course not. Of course not. I just want you to be careful. When you do give your heart away, make sure it's to someone worthy.
Erica: Well, what if the man does turn out to be David Hayward? I mean, would he have your blessing?
Myrtle: He would have to pass mustard with me. But I'll tell you this -- if Dr. High-and-Mighty Hayward ever hurt you, he would have hell to pay, and I would be there to collect.
Erica: Oh, Myrtle, thank you for caring so much.
Myrtle: Don't thank me. Remember, even if you don't love the man, your heart could still be broken.
Erica: All right, I'll remember.
Myrtle: All right.
Erica: Myrtle?
Myrtle: Yeah?
Erica: There is one thing. Please do not say one word to the girls about David Hayward and me because I am certainly not ready to go public about this relationship.
Myrtle: Well, now, if you want to keep something secret, you be careful who you kiss in a public boathouse.
Erica: I love you, Myrtle. You drive carefully, ok?
Myrtle: Yes, I will, darling. Have a good trip.
Erica: Thank you.
Myrtle: Bye.
Erica: Bye.

Erica: Well, it is getting late, isn't it? There is something that David Hayward has to learn and learn quickly -- Erica Kane does not like to be kept waiting.

Ruth: Sweetheart, listen, Dr. Hayward would not prescribed a D and C unless it were absolutely necessary.
Dixie: I'm not going to do it, no.
Tad: Shh. Mom?
Ruth: What?
Tad: Why don't you give us a few minutes alone, ok?
Tad: Thank God you're ok. I was so scared. We got to work to keep you that way, darling, for Junior, for Jamie, and for me. You got to trust Dr. Hayward. Oh, baby, he only wants what's best for you. You know -- he cares about you. He told you you could carry the baby to term when no one else would. You listened to him then. You got to listen to him now.
Dixie: No. Dr. Hayward is wrong.
Tad: Baby, I'm -- I'm sorry. The baby's gone. We lost our daughter. We got to let her go.
Dixie: No.
Tad: I'll be right here with you --
Dixie: She needs me, and I'm not going to let h go.
Tad: I'll be right by your side holding your hand the entire time, I swear to God.
Dixie: No. This isn't my fault, is it?
Tad: No. No. You did everything perfectly. You did everything right, honey. You loved her and you fought for her from the moment this whole thing started, but she just wasn't strong enough to make it. You did everything in your power to save a life that couldn't be saved. But now you got to save your own.

Ruth: Well, Tad is in with Dixie trying to persuade her to have the D and C.
Scott: It's not fair.
Becca: God, she wanted this baby so much.
David: Dr. Banyon's in the OR. Prepping for Dixie's procedure.
Tad: She still hasn't given her consent.
David: She refused?
Tad: She doesn't want the baby destroyed.
David: Would you mind if I spoke with her?

David: Did the meds stop your cramping?
Dixie: I feel fine. You can go.
David: Not yet.
Dixie: I'm not going to let you take her.
David: How would you like to see her? Did you have an ultrasound with Junior?
Dixie: Yes. I have a picture of him in his baby book. He was sucking his thumb.
David: Well, that's quite common.
Dixie: I could see all of his fingers and his toes.
David: Well, that's good. That's fine detailing. You see, in life, god takes care of the major brush strokes first. There you go. That's your baby. I know it's a little fuzzy right now, but you can still make out the head right here. And this happens to be the spinal column.
Dixie: That's my baby.
David: Mm-hmm. I'm going to magnify the image, Dixie, so that you can see your baby's heart, ok? See that? Four chambers?
Dixie: Yeah, I see.
David: I'm showing you the heart, Dixie, because that's my specialty. You know how it works, don't you, as a muscle?
Dixie: Yep. It pumps the blood and the oxygen into the body.
David: Right. Now, I want you to take a good look at your baby's heart. This tiny heart should beat around 122 beats a minute. Your baby's heart is still, Dixie. She's not moving. There are no signs of life. I'm sorry.

Erica: Yes, hello. This is Erica Kane. I have an appointment with Dr. David Hayward, and he's a little bit late. Did he leave a message for -- no. I see. All right, thank you.

Myrtle's voice: Remember, even if you don't love the man, your heart could still be broken.

Gillian: What was going on with Mateo tonight?
Hayley: He had another meltdown.
Gillian: Because he saw you and Ryan together at the club?
Hayley: Doesn't take much to set him off lately.
Ryan: It's not as if we were partying.
Hayley: I got a distress call, and Ryan tagged along so he could fix the air conditioner.
Gillian: So you were together at Trevor's?
Ryan: At the loft.
Hayley: I went there after my meeting.

[Bell rings]

Gillian: Oh, that's Grandmama.
Ryan: Hey, hey, relax. You guys stay here. I'll go see what she wants.
Gillian: I messed up. I -- I shouldn't have taken Raquel to the club.
Hayley: Oh, you didn't know we were going to be there.
Gillian: What's going on with you and Mateo? I mean, are you going to get back together again?
Hayley: Damned if I know.
Gillian: Do you want to get back together with him? I mean, do you still love him?
Hayley: I couldn't stop loving Mateo if I tried.
Gillian: Well, then you better do something about it fast before Raquel steals him.

Raquel: I know it's none of my business, Teo, but I really hate the way Hayley's treating you.
Mateo: Hey -- so you want me to stay and help you pack?
Raquel: No, we can do that later.
Mateo: Yeah?
Raquel: Yeah. Max has his catcher's mitt and his maps. He's fine with that.
Mateo: Life is simple.
Raquel: It can be when you don't fight it.
Mateo: Sure was a lot simpler back in Texas. Ah, man, those airplane seats are not made f comfort, huh?
Raquel: Are you sore?
Mateo: Yeah.
Raquel: Turn around. I can fix that. Turn around. It's not going to hurt.
Mateo: Ok.
Raquel: Ooh. You're really tense. You have to relax a little. Let the stress flow down your arms and out your fingertips.
Mateo: Oh, yeah, that's --
Raquel: Is that better?
Mateo: Yeah. Thank you.
Raquel: You're welcome.

[Raquel kisses Mateo]

Hayley: Did Raquel say something to you about Mateo?
Gillian: No. Not in so many words. But, you know, they've been spending a lot of time together.
Hayley: Well, yeah. So have Ryan and I. Doesn't mean I'm going to steal him away from you.
Gillian: Well, just don't waste any more time. If you think you and Mateo have a chance to get back together again, do it before it's too late. Hayley: I think it's too late already.
Gillian: No. You know, I don't believe that. I mean, you two are just perfect for each other.
Hayley: I used to think that, too. Now I'm not so sure. I'm going to go to bed before I become a big old downer. So I'll see you in the morning. Good night.
Gillian: Good night.

Gillian: Hayley's gone to bed.
Ryan: Yeah, I just saw her on the stairs. She looks pretty whipped.
Gillian: You know, I just -- I don't get it. I mean, Hayley loves Mateo. He loves her. So why can't they just work things out and get back together?
Ryan: Mateo's got a lot of pride.
Gillian: Well, then you're going to help me so that we can put them back together.

Mateo: I can't do this. I can't.
Raquel: Why? We can finally be together.
Mateo: I don't want that.
Raquel: But on the dance floor, Teo, the way we moved -- it's still there.
Mateo: I did that to hurt Hayley. Look, the music stopped as soon as she left.
Raquel: You mean you still love her after everything she's put you through?
Mateo: Oh, come on. I thought you understood that.
Raquel: I need you to go.
Mateo: Raquel, come on --
Raquel: Please, just go. Go!

Tad: Dixie? Honey? Sweetie? Is she ok?
David: She's a little drowsy. She's been sedated for the D and C.
Tad: Thank you.
David: No. Don't thank me. I really wanted this baby for Dixie.

Erica: Excuse me. I was told that told that Dr. Hayward is in the ER.
Nurse: He's with a patient. I could have him paged.
Erica: No, no. Please, don't disturb him. Just give me something I can write on.
Nurse: Oh, sure.
Erica: Thank you.
Nurse: Mm-hmm.
David: Erica….

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