AUGUST 19, 1999

Adam: Liza? John, leave it out there. I'll handle it from here on. Liza, I'm home.
Liza: I can't believe this. How come y didn't call me? I would've picked you up at the airport. Adam: I wanted to surprise you. Liza: I -- weren't you having dinner at the palace or something? Adam: No, I phoned my regrets. Liza: Oh, you shouldn't have done that. Now the Queen's going to take you right off her a list.
Adam: I don't care. I got so tired of dinner parties and garden parties and chitchatting with royalty. There's only one queen in my life and only one princess.
Liza: Aw.
Adam: Where's Colby? She sleeping?
Liza: No.
Adam: Oh, wait till you see what I bought her. It is quintessentially British.
Liza: And? What is it?
Adam: Close your eyes.
Liza: Well, wait a sec. If it's a gift for Colby, why do I have to close my eyes?
Am: Humor me.
Liza: Always. Did you bring home the heir or the spare to introduce them to our daughter? I think she's a little young for an arranged marriage, don't you?
Adam: Well, we'll wait for the next generation, thank you very much. All right. You can open your eyes now. What do you think?
Liza: Oh, my gosh. It's a Mctavish pram. It's -- I read about this in "Baby World." They're impossible to get.
Adam: Yes, yes. Look how this thing is constructed. She could run into a tank and not feel a thing.
Liza: Oh, my goodness. Adam: There's something inside for Colby's mother. Look inside.
Liza: Oh. Jewelry. Oh, goodness. Oh, Adam. This is beautiful. I love emeralds.
Adam: Well, Elizabeth wouldn't part with the queen jewels -- the crown jewels, I should say -- so I just opted for this.
Liza: Thank you. You know I love you.
Adam: You're welcome. I love you, too. Now, where's Colby? I can't wait another minute to see her.
Liza: She's with --
Jake: Me.

Tad: Dixie? Honey, I know how -- I know how bad you're hurting right now, but it's going to be ok. I promise you.
Dixie: That's easy for you to say.
Tad: What?
Dixie: I -- I heard what you said to Joe -- that -- that losing the baby was for the best.
Tad: No. No, no. Baby, you misunderstood. I didn't mean it like that --
Dixie: That if it had been up to you that, you know, she would have been terminated weeks ago?
Tad: No. No, Dixie, that's not true. I swear to God it's not true.
Dixie: It is true. That's what you wanted. Well, she's dead. Are you happy now?
Tad: Dixie, this isn't you talking. It's your grief. And that's fine. If you want to yell, then yell. Strike out if it makes you feel better. Anything --
Dixie: Don't touch me.

Mateo: I hate to break it to you, but there's no such thing as "happily ever after."
Gillian: You know what? You remind me of one of our mules we had on our farm in Budapest, just outside the town. They would pin back their ears and refuse to budge.
Mateo: Why should I forgive Hayley? Why do you want me to? Hayley cheated on me with Ryan.
Gillian: Mateo, one kiss is not cheating.
Mateo: How do you know it's just one kiss? They could have been sneaking behind our backs for months.
Gillian: No.
Mateo: How do you know?
Gillian: Because I know Ryan, and you should know Hayley better than that.
Mateo: Well, it turns out I really don't know Hayley.
Gillian: You know what? Even if it was more than just a one-time thing, it still doesn't matter.
Mateo: They could be making fools out of us, and it doesn't matter?
Gillian: No.
Mateo: Ok. If you had proof that Ryan was sleeping with Hayley, you'd still forgive him?
Gillian: Look, I'm not saying that it would be the easiest thing I've ever done. But if he asked me to, yeah, I would forgive him. That's what love does, Mateo.
Mateo: Sure, sure. And if I'd have been the one who had the affair, do you think Hayley would be so quick to take me back?
Gillian: Well, she forgave you for not telling her about your first wife, didn't she?
Mateo: That's different. Raquel means nothing to me, and Hayley knows that.
[Raquel is listening…unknown to Gillian and Mateo]

Liza: Jake had some time this afternoon, so he was going to spend some time with Colby.
Jake: I'm going to take her down to the new tot lot in Sherwood Park. Everything's geared to toddlers and little babies.
Liza: Hello, my sweetie --
Adam: It's not a good time, Jake.
Jake: Well, it's a beautiful day out, and she's already had her nap.
Liza: Yes, you have.
Adam: I just got back from London. I would like to spend a little time with my -- with my wife and child. So why don't you come back tomorrow?
Jake: I have to work tomorrow.
Adam: Well, then come back the next day.
Jake: Adam, you know that I have a right to see Colby. And I cleared it with Liza --
Liza: With me.
Adam: Yes, well, that was before she knew I was coming home early.
Liza: Ok. You know, let's not just have a fight about this or anything. We don't want to upset you, do we? No, we don't. You're not going to be gone long, right?
Jake: No. Just a couple of hours.
Liza: Yeah just a couple hours.
Adam: Couple of hours.
Jake: Yeah.
Liza: It'll be good for her. She can get some air. You know how she loves the ducks and the swans and everything. And besides, I could have some quality time with my handsome husband.
Adam: All right. But make sure you put on plenty of sunscreen.
Jake: I will. I will. Thank you. I do tend to burn a little.
Adam: I meant Colby.
Jake: I know what you meant. You don't put sunscreen on babies under six months, anyway.
Liza: Ok. There's a hat. It's in the stroller outside. And there's an extra bottle for you in case you get hungry. Have fun. Have fun.
Jake: Thanks.
Adam: Two hours. No more.
Jake: [Imitates Adam] two hours. Ok.
[Normal voice] see you later.
Liza: Ok. Can you get her out?
Jake: Oh, yeah.

Liza: I know this is discouraging. I do. And he's not going to be gone that long. It's just that he's been gone. He hasn't seen her. He's been doing this medical convention in San Francisco.
Adam: Well, then he should have a great many things to do rather than to encroach on my time with Colby.
Liza: Well, he missed her. It's the first time he's been away from his daughter. And he's only going to be gone a couple of hours. What do you think? Think you might be able to make do with the other woman in your life?
Adam: Yeah. Yeah.

Dixie: Look, just go, all right?
Tad: Wait, wait. Dixie, you don't understand. Sweetheart, I only said that to Dad because he'd just finished explaining to me --
Dixie: I don't want to talk about it. I don't.
Tad: I'm not going to just let you lie here and think I don't care that you lost our baby.
Dixie: You're glad. You never wanted to have it in the first place.
Tad: That's not true.
Dixie: It is true.
Tad: No, darling, it's not. I promise you. Look, at first, I admit, I had concerns --
Dixie: "At first"?
Tad: But anybody would.
Dixie: Tad, "at first"? I thought you'd -- I thought you'd come around.
Tad: I had. Baby, you know I had. I trusted this baby was meant to be because you believed it.
Dixie: So it was an act?
Tad: Dixie, how can you say that?
Dixie: Because. Honey, I was lying here this morning. I was bawling my eyes out, and you didn't shed a single tear. You just sat there. You know, this isn't like it's some job you lost or a decline in the ratings. It was our baby.
Tad: Well, you know that I'm -- I'm not -- sometimes it's hard for me to just --
Dixie: What? Just to pretend to feel something that you don't?
Tad: Please don't put words in my mouth.
Dixie: Just leave, ok? Please?
Tad: Dixie, you're not even going to give me a chance?
Dixie: Please go. I don't want you here.
Brooke: Tad, you -- maybe you should go.
Tad: No. No, I'm not leaving. I'm not going --
Dixie: Get out! Get out!

Gillian: How do you know that Hayley knows Raquel means nothing to you?
Mateo: I've been telling her for months.
Gillian: You led Hayley to believe that you were going away with Raquel to Texas.
Mateo: Ok. I did go with Raquel, but that's became I was worried about my son and how her parents were going to treat him. Do you know for years they tried to get Raquel to give him up for adoption?
Gillian: Excuses, excuses.
Mateo: It's not an excuse. I wanted to make sure for myself that they didn't treat him badly. That's why I went.
Gillian: Well, you know what I mean, Mateo. You -- you -- you wanted Hayley to think that you were getting back together with Raquel. You wanted her to suffer just the way that you've been suffering ever since you found out what happened on the beach that night.
Mateo: I don't play those games, all right? That's Hayley's department.
Gillian: You know, last night when you two were looking at each other, everybody else just disappeared. I saw it. Everybody else saw it -- the love you two have for each other.
Mateo: Until Ryan showed up.
Gillian: And you just immediately jump to the wrong conclusion.
Mateo: How do you know I'm doing that?
Gillian: Because -- because Hayley told me that you're the only man she's ever loved. She told me so last night.

Raquel: I probably should have called first, but I was out this way and I figured that I'd stop by.
Stella: Max's pool toys. Let me see -- I mean, I thought I saw them in the mud room. Wait, wait. I didn't realize you had a pool at the new condo.
Raquel: Oh, no. We don't. But my cousin Angela belongs to a community pool. We'll be staying with her until we find something permanent.
Stella: Why? Are you moving out of your brand-new condo? I'm sorry. It's none of my business.
Raquel: It's all right, Stella.
Stella: It's just I come from a broken home myself, and, I mean, I know it's hard on a child when he can't be raised by both his mom and dad.
Raquel: Well, sometimes it just can't be helped.
Stella: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I mean, it's just you're a good mother and Max is such a sweet little boy. I'd hoped the two of you will get what you wanted -- to be a family.
Raquel: I'm afraid that's just not possible with Mateo, so we're moving on.
Stella: Well, let me just see if I can't round up Max's toys.
Raquel: Thanks. Take your time. I'm in no hurry.

Hayley: Raquel.
Raquel: I didn't know you were here.
Hayley: Yeah. Gillian invited me to spend the night last night.
Raquel: Oh, well, I just -- I just came by to pick up some of Max's things.
Hayley: Yeah, I know. What's this about you guys moving out of the condo?
Raquel: You were eavesdropping?
Hayley: No. I overhead you when I was coming down the stairs. What happened?
Raquel: Isn't it obvious? You won.

Liza: Well, it sounds like you had a great trip.
Adam: Not nearly as great as it would have been if you and Colby had been with me. I didn't have anyone to share it with.
Liza: Well, Colby and I will definitely be with you next year.
Adam: Well, we may not have to wait that long. It may happen sooner than you think.
Liza: What are you saying? What are you talking about? You have something up your sleeve?
Adam: I left London one day and drove out into the country, down to Kent.
Liza: Mm-hmm.
Adam: Did you know that Kent has the most amazing gardens.
Liza: Actually, I don't think I've ever been to Kent.
Adam: Really? Well, I rounded a bend, and I saw this profusion of roses. They were cascading off a rooftop and down along this old rock country wall. I didn't know there were that many colors of roses.
Liza: Mmm. Sounds heavenly.
Adam: It was heavenly. The scent was so strong, I could smell it before I ever rounded the bend.
Liza: Oh. I tell you, I used to dream about having a thatched-roof cottage with roses tumbling off of it.
Am: Really?
Liza: Yeah.
Adam: Well, isn't that fortunate because I bought it.
Liza: You bought it?
Adam: Bought it. Yeah. What do you think?
Liza: Oh, my gosh. Oh, my. This -- you know, this -- this looks exactly like the cottage I used to dream about.
Adam: Can't wait to take you and Colby.
Liza: Oh.
Adam: How about next week? I'll clear my schedule.
Liza: Oh. I -- we can't next week.
Adam: Why? Has Jake already staked his claim? No, I will take my daughter and my wife anywhere I want, wherever I want. To hell with his rights!

Dixie: Sorry you had to see that.
Brooke: Dixie, I'm so sorry about what happened. I'm sure you don't want any visitors right now, so I'll -- you know, I'll come back another time, really.
Dixie: No, no. Don't go, please. Stay.
Brooke: Are you sure?
Dixie: You're a mother. You'll understand.
Brooke: Oh, honey. Tad understands. He just -- he just doesn't know what to say to you right now.
Dixie: No, he doesn't understand. Joe and Jake and Tad -- they've been fighting me on this baby ever since I found out that I was pregnant.
Brooke: Dixie, do you remember when I had the ectopic pregnancy and everybody told me that I was risking my life? Remember?
Dixie: Yeah. You ran away.
Brooke: I was determined, you know? Nobody was going to take the baby away from me.
Dixie: That's right. That's what I should have done was I should have run away because then I wouldn't have had any stress. I wouldn't have had people hovering over me every minute of every day.
Brooke: Listen. The point is, is that nothing was going to change what happened. And that was the hardest part to accept.
Dixie: But what if I'd stayed in bed, you know? What if I'd taken better care of myself?
Brooke: It isn't what you did or what you didn't do.
Dixie: I had this dream. Tad and I were sitting on folding chairs, and we were at this little ballet recital. And she had on this little tutu and little butterfly clips in her hair. And a big smile. She was real.
Brooke: Of course she was.
Dixie: Why doesn't Tad understand how I feel?
Brooke: Oh, honey.

Jake: A little off-roading here. Oh, look who we have here. Hey, working on your tan on office hours is a no-no. Uh-oh. Ratings? I knew it. Colby, I keep telling him he's got to have more hair-pulling and people throwing chairs and men confessing that they do actually wear spiked dog collars and pate leather pumps, but he never listens to me.
Tad: Not today.
Jake: Why not today?
Tad: Because Dixie lost the baby.
Jake: What, did she miscarry?
Tad: Yeah.
Jake: When?
Tad: Last night. She started to bleed, and nobody could stop it.
Jake: I'm so sorry.
Tad: Yeah.
Jake: I -- I didn't know. I just got back from California.
Tad: That's ok, pal. I figured. It's all right.
Jake: So, how's she doing?
Tad: Bad. Worse than bad.
Jake: Well, why aren't you with her?
Tad: Because she threw me out of her hospital room.
Tad: She overheard me say something to Dad, misunderstood. I was standing out in the hallway saying that maybe this miscarriage was for the best, and now she -- now she thinks I'm some kind of monster.
Jake: Tad, she just needs time to let all this stuff just sink in.
Tad: No, no. You didn't see her face. The look she gave me -- like she thinks it's all my fault.
Jake: It's nobody's fault. She needs -- she'll realize that, all right? She just -- she knows it's not your fault. She knows it was a high-risk pregnancy I mean, what --
Tad: Yeah, a high-risk pregnancy for her. Nobody expected her to lose the baby.
Jake: Well, we all knew it was a possibility. It always is.
Tad: It doesn't make it easier for her. She accused me of getting what I want.
Jake: Tad, she doesn't mean that. She doesn't --
Tad: What if -- what if she's right? I mean, I hate to admit it, but all the time she was -- she was praying for that baby, you know, I was praying for her -- that she'd be around to hang that goofy tinsel she likes on the Christmas tree or stash Easter eggs for the boys, you know. Be a mother to them. Be the first thing I see every day I wake up.
Jake: I know. I know.
Tad: Well, she can't forgive me for that, you know? Every time she looks at me, she sees a selfish, insensitive jerk.
Jake: You want me to talk to her?
Tad: Good luck. She's tarred you with the same brush, pal. And Dad. As far as Dixie's concerned, the Martin men were never really rooting for this baby in the first place.
Jake: Because we care about her. We don't want her to risk being on dialysis for the rest of her life or worse.
Tad: Yeah. Well, you know that and I know that and Dad knows that, but Dixie doesn't care. The only thing she cared about was our baby girl. She was willing to die to have her. I just didn't feel the same way. Now she hates me. I can't help it, Jake. I love her too much. I'm not going to apologize for that. not now, not ever.

Hayley: Oh, I won. What are you talking exactly?
Raquel: Mateo doesn't want Max and me around. That's why we're moving.
Hayley: And Mateo said this to you about Max?
Raquel: Not exactly in those words, but --
Hayley: Not in any words.
Raquel: Look, it's pretty clear that's what he meant, ok?
Hayley: Raquel, did you and Mateo have a fight or something?
Raquel: Or something.
Hayley: Look, I don't know what happened, ok, but I want you to know -- and I mean this -- I feel for you.
Raquel: You feel for me?
Hayley: Yeah. I know it's not easy losing your first love. That's never an easy thing. Especially -- you guys have a child involved.
Raquel: Look, I don't want to talk about this.
Hayley: Well, I know that it's -- I know it can't be easy for you.
Raquel: What, because he doesn't want me anymore? Oh, no, I thrive on rejection. Doesn't everyone?
Hayley: Raquel, you're a beautiful woman. You can have any guy you want. You have a lot to offer a guy, and someday you will find somebody --
Raquel: Look, I found that someone! It was Mateo! What happened to the vows of loving me forever, huh?
Hayley: That was a long time ago, and the sooner you realize that it's over, the better you're going to be.
Raquel: It's not over. You wish it was over, but it's not.
Hayley: What are you talking about?
Raquel: Didn't you see us last night at S.O.S.? The way he held me, the way we were glued to each other on the dance floor?
Hayley: Yes, I saw your floor show. That's why I left.
Raquel: It didn't end there, Hayley.
Hayley: What do you mean?
Raquel: Mateo took me home and made love to me.

Mateo: Hayley can't love me. She's all wrapped up in her stuff, ok? She's --
Gillian: Oh, just -- you know, just stop being so damned stubborn. Don't you see, Mateo? It worked.
Mateo: What worked?
Gillian: You. You. You wanted Hayley to be jealous of you and Raquel dancing together. Now, you might not admit it, but I know it's true because I've done the same thing to get to Ryan.
Mateo: Ok. Maybe I was going for that.
Gillian: And now Hayley thinks that you might be getting back together with Raquel.
Mateo: No way. I brought her home, and that was it.
Gillian: Nothing happened?
Mateo: No.
Gillian: Because you're still in love with Hayley. You're just too damn proud to admit it. Men! You men -- why are you all so impossible?
Mateo: Ok, all right. What if -- what if -- I'm not saying I do, but what if I did still love her? Ok? It's just not going to work out between us.
Gillian: Why not? I just told you Hayley still loves you. Yeah, you've both been hurt, but, Mateo, you can fix that.

Hayley: That is a filthy lie, and you know it.
Raquel: I know when a man's made love to me.
Hayley: And so because of that you're moving out of the condo. That makes sense.
Raquel: You think that just because Mateo slept with me he still cares about me? He was using me.
Hayley: Using you for what?
Raquel: To get back at you.
Hayley: Mateo would never do that.
Raquel: Maybe not the Mateo you think you know, but I've known him a lot longer.
Hayley: You've finally lost it, Raquel.
Raquel: So you really think that he's never cheated on you?
Hayley: I don't think. I know. I know.
Raquel: Mateo's faithful in his mind, but the rest of him -- Hayley, when we were together, he used to come by my house late at night smelling of perfume, and it killed me. Just like it's killing you.
Hayley: The man you're talking about doesn't exist.
Raquel: The man I'm talking about married you without telling you that he'd been married before. A man who could lie about that could lie about anything.

Dixie: Oh, they're just so different from us. You know, maybe they just don't get it. Oh, thank you. You know, I was having this conversation with Tad about Hayley, and, you know, she'd just found out from the doctors that, you know, she had to wait a while to get pregnant, you know? And she was devastated. You could see it. But he just blew it off.
Brooke: What do you mean?
Dixie: He said something like you know, "Oh, she's young," you know, "she's got plenty of time." Can you believe that?
Brooke: Well, listen, for one thing, you know, men -- you know, they don't have to answer to this biological clock.
Dixie: Yeah, right. They can have children until they're 90. It's just not fair, you know? I mean, the minute I found out that I was pregnant, I fell in love. You know? I mean, I couldn't see her, I couldn't touch her, but I just loved her so much.
Brooke: I think men -- listen, I think they're more literal sometimes. I think they just -- they need something to hold. But you also know -- you know how much Tad loves Jamie and Junior. You know that. And I think that he would have loved this little baby just as much.
Dixie: I picked out a name for her.
Brooke: Oh.
Dixie: I didn't tell Tad. I wanted to wait a couple of weeks, you know, until I was into my --
Brooke: What was the name?
Dixie: It was Bess. You know, after my mom. I think she would've liked that.

Jake: Maybe she's suffering from some kind of postpartum depression. You can't take everything she's telling you right now to heart.
Tad: That's easy for you to say. She is my heart. When I see her in pain, it drives me crazy. All I want to do is make it better, and every time I try, I just make it worse.
Jake: Because you're being you.
Tad: What do you mean?
Jake: Tad, you keep things close to the vest. You're just trying to be strong with her.
Tad: Somebody has to be. I should be strong for her, right?
Jake: Well, maybe not. Maybe she just wanted to see you put your fist through the wall for a change or yell or drop to the ground bawling your eyes out -- something to show that it's affecting you, that you're letting it in.

[Pager goes off]

Jake: Oh. What's that say?
Tad: It's the hospital.
Jake: I forgot my cell phone. I got to go find a pay phone.
Tad: Ok.
Jake: I'll be right back.
Tad: Jake?
Jake: What?
Tad: Can I hold my niece while you make the phone call?
Jake: You sure?
Tad: Yeah. Come on, man. I think I remember how to hold a baby. Come on, give me my niece.
Jake: All right, all right. Keep the bottle in, though. It's her best friend.
Tad: You're such a good baby.
Jake: All right. I'll be right back.
Tad: You're a good girl. I got it.
Jake: Ok.
Tad: Come on, we're going to chill out right here for a while. Hello, my sweet. Come on, you want some?

Adam: I don't care if Jake Martin takes us to court. You have legal custody.
Liza: Whoa, whoa. This has nothing to do with Jake.
Adam: Well, then what? You said Colby's ear infection was all cleared up.
Liza: I have an annual affiliates' meeting. It could last all week. Colby has her second set of immunizations. She can't miss those.
Adam: Oh. Guess I was being a little overly proprietary, wasn't I?
Liza: Look, you're just feeling a little deprived.
Adam: Yes, I am.
Liza: That's all. But hopefully not replaced. I still think of her as your daughter, Adam.
Adam: You're just saying that to make me feel better.
Liza: No, I'm not. You have accepted Jake into our lives, and I know how difficult that is. I know it hurts every time you see Jake with Colby.
Adam: Well, sometimes we just have to change the way we think about things, keep an open mind.
Liza: Boy, I never thought I'd see the day.
Adam: What day?
Liza: Oh, when Adam Chandler's talking about having an open mind and changing the way he thinks about things. Next you'll be launching into a peace sign and singing songs from the musical "Hair."
Adam: You're making fun of me.
Liza: No. I'm loving you. You have reinvented yourself, and you have far exceeded my expectations and my dreams.
Adam: Well, the path I've taken hasn't always been paved with good intentions.
Liza: That was the old Adam, and he's not here anymore. Neither is the old Liza. We have both walked through the fire, and we're better people for it. And I think we're closer than ever.

Mateo: I can't forget what happened. I --
Gillian: Oh, for God's sake, Mateo. It was one kiss.
Mateo: How do you know?
Gillian: Why do you Americans have to be so puritanical?
Mateo: How do you know it's just one kiss?
Gillian: Because Ryan told me so, and he wouldn't lie to me. No matter how much it hurt, he would always tell me the truth.
Mateo: Ok. So let's say you're -- for argument's sake -- that you're right.
Gillian: I am right. Now, go. Just -- just forget about your stupid pride and do it before it's too late and you might lose Hayley forever. What do you have to lose?

Hayley: Wow. You must really hate me.
Raquel: On the contrary, I'm trying to help you. I never intended to --
Hayley: You're trying to help me by telling me that you and Mateo made love?
Raquel: Look, we've both been hurt by him. If he could sleep with me to get back at you, the next time he's trying to make somebody jealous, he'll just hop in the sack with you and, wham, bam, he's gone. He didn't even spend the night. How's that for a great guy?
Hayley: So this confession of yours is a courtesy to me?
Raquel: Look, I'm sick of all the lies, and I'm sick of protecting Mateo, ok? He's always talking about doing the right thing. Well, right now he's trying to punish you because he feels that you left him to be with Ryan. So we have to pay because of his pride?
Hayley: And "we" would be who?
Raquel: "We" -- you and me. He made me feel so cheap, Hayley. And he's the father of my son. I thought that meant something. But I guess we're all the same in the dark.
Hayley: No way.
Raquel: Look, I'm through with him, Hayley. Last night really opened my eyes. Do you really want to be with a man who treats women like that?
I have to go. Will you tell Stella that I'll come by later?

[Raquel talks to herself after she's left the house]

Raquel: There. You got what you deserve.

Brooke: Dixie, I think you and tad -- you need to talk. Maybe I can go and find him.
Dixie: No, really, please. Please, I don't want to see him right now.
Brooke: He's hurting, too.
Dixie: He's not hurting. He's relieved.
Brooke: He's relieved because you're ok.
Dixie: No, he's relieved because this is over, that I lost the baby. You know, everybody kept calling her a fetus. I mean, she's my daughter. Why doesn't anybody understand that?
Brooke: I think there's something that maybe would help you -- if you had a memorial service for her.
Dixie: Can you do that? A memorial service after a miscarriage?
Brooke: Why not? I think it would be a way for you to say good-bye to Bess.
Dixie: I don't want to say good-bye.
Brooke: I understand. Honey, you're not alone, ok? You're not alone. You're not. Shh.

[Tad talks to Colby]

Tad: You know something? Your mother and I are good friends. We go way back. Your grandmother, too. That's another story -- one I hope you never hear. Yeah. When you were born, you know something? Your mom told me that she felt like she got a lifetime of Christmas presents and birthday presents all wrapped up in one. How about this? Want some of that? Have a cigar. Oh, yeah, that's -- nah, I'm driving. I got two boys myself, but I'm kind of partial to little girls like you. You're going to be a heartbreaker, you know that? You sure are. You want to know a secret? Can't tell anybody. All right? Yeah? Ok. I was going to name my daughter Bess after Dixie's mom. She was a good woman. The best. She'd have to be to have a little girl like Dixie. And I know that Dixie would have loved that child more than anything, but I would have loved her just as much.

Raquel's voice: You think that just because Mateo slept with me he still cares about me? He was using me.
Hayley's voice: Using you for what?
Raquel's voice: To get back at you.

[Knock on door]

Hayley: Stella?


Hayley: Stella?

[Hayley opens the door to find Mateo standing there]

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