AUGUST 20, 1999

Mateo: Hi. Can I come in?
Hayley: Edmund's not here right now.
Mateo: I'm not looking for Edmund. I was looking for you. Gillian told me you were here.
Mateo: I'm glad I caught you before you left.
Mateo: It's important we talk.
Hayley: Why? What do you want to talk about?
Mateo: Us, and how we move on from here.

Ryan: Raquel? Are you in there? It's Ryan.
Raquel: Ryan, what are you doing here?
Ryan: I'm looking for some answers.
Raquel: To what?
Ryan: To what happened last night at. S.O.S. You and Mateo -- the dance?
Raquel: You have some nerve asking me that. Well, what were you doing there with Hayley?
Ryan: Fixing the air conditioner.
Raquel: Oh, is that what they call it now?
Ryan: Hayley and I are friends. How many times do I have to say that?
Raquel: Don't waste your breath.
Ryan: Look, this thing's getting more and more convoluted, and it's got to stop, Raquel.
Raquel: Why? Tell me. And why are you making this your business?
Ryan: Because you said you weren't going to make another play for Mateo, that you were tired of the rejection.
Raquel: Yeah, well, things looked a lot different last night.
Ryan: So what's with all this stuff? You packing up, shipping out?
Raquel: Yeah, today.
Ryan: Why the rush?

Edmund: Alex, are you inside?
Alex: Yeah, Edmund. I won't be a second.
Alex: Sorry I took so long.
Edmund: I hope I'm not disturbing you.
Alex: Not at all. What can I do for you?
Edmund: I'd like to talk to you about my brother's will. May I come in?
Alex: Yes. Of course.

Jake: Hey.
Tad: Hey.
Jake: Dixie in there with Dr. Clader?
Tad: No. No. But he just gave her the all-clear. She's been released. I can -- I can take her home this afternoon.
Jake: Well, that's great, right? Well, why don't you look like that's such good news?
Tad: Well, I'm not sure it is. I mean, I'm still kind of afraid to face her. After I left you and Colby in the park, I came running over here, you know, raring to pour my heart out just like you suggested.
Jake: Yeah, so you could let her in on your feelings.
Tad: Right, right, right. Well, before I could get into the room, I ran into Clader down the hall and he told me she'd been released. I figured so far, so good. And then I took a look at her through the window through the door there and I saw her lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Could barely even see her breathing, the poor kid. She looked so lost.
Jake: So then what happened?
Tad: I chickened out. Suddenly, you know, getting a new change of clothes for Dixie was the most important thing in the world. So I ran home, took a shower, pulled some stuff together, and went my way back here, you know?
Jake: Tad --
Tad: Guess I'm just trying to buy myself a little more time.
Jake: You got nothing to be ashamed of, you know?
Tad: I don't know about that. Listen, I already put my foot in my mouth once. What happens if I walk in there and do or say something that makes it worse?
Jake: You won't.
Tad: How do you know that? The last three words she said to me were, "Get out now."
Jake: She's had time to calm down.
Tad: What if seeing me sets her off again?
Jake: "What if?" "What if?" Look, I'm no expert on relationships. That's obvious. Mine all end in disaster. One thing I know about you and Dixie is you have some -- some thing. Some kind of glue -- I don't know -- that makes things stick, that makes things work.
Tad: I don't know about that, pal. She's devastated. She thinks I never wanted this child in the first place. That's wrong. I mean, it's not true. I just didn't want something to happen to her because she was having the child.
Jake: Well, she'll understand that. She might not right now, but eventually she will.
Tad: I'll show you something. Look at this.
Jake: "Bess Martin."
Tad: Sounds like an astronaut, doesn't it? Neil Armstrong, Bess Martin. I was thinking we could name the baby after Dixie's mother. That is, you know, if we -- if we'd had a girl. Guess I was starting to dream some dreams for this baby myself.
Jake: Then you tell her. Don't -- you don't have to be so protective and strong all the time. Let her in on your grief. That way she won't feel so alone.
Tad: You're right. Ok. Ok. I'll try it.

Tad: Hey, honey. Look, honey, I -- I brought you some -- some clothes. Dr. Clader says that you're released. You can come home this afternoon, if you want. Dixie, don't -- don't you want to get ready
Tad: Listen, I hope you like what I brought you because, you know, I've always liked you in this. I -- look, I even remembered to -- to bring something for your hair, if you want it.
Tad: Ok. Yeah, well, it'll be right here if you need it. Just like me.

Gillian: Jake, you're back!
Jake: Hey!
Gillian: Hey!
Jake: Oh. I was hoping you were working today.
Gillian: When did you get back?
Jake: I got back today. I went straight from the airport to see Colby.
Gillian: Oh.
Jake: I'm glad I did. She's grown a half an inch since I've been gone.
Gillian: Oh, you really missed her, didn't you?
Jake: Yeah, the word "agony" springs to mind.
Gillian: Aw.
Jake: It's good to see you, too. Sit, sit, sit.
I have something for you. Gillian: Oh, you do?
Jake: Mm-hmm.
Gillian: That's very nice. Oh, Jake. This is beautiful. Wow.
Jake: Yeah, they reminded me of you. The beads. They reminded me of those fried chickpeas you cooked up on the fourth.
Gillian: Oh. Well, thank you for thinking of me. I'm really glad you're back.
Jake: Yeah. So, how you been?
Gillian: Uh -- hanging in there, you know?
Jake: Yeah?
Gillian: Yeah, yeah. You were so wonderful to me the night when Dimitri died. Did you hear the news about Dixie? I'm really sorry about that. Is there anything I can do to help you or your family?
Tad: Yeah. You can make my wife want to come home again.
Jake: So what happened in there?
Tad: Not much. She acts like she doesn't even hear me. She barely looks at me, and when she does, I get the idea she wouldn't go anywhere with me.
Gillian: You know, when I went back to Wildwind right after Dimitri died, it was really hard. Everywhere I looked, memories came back to haunt me.
Tad: What memories? The baby wasn't even born yet.
Gillian: Well, sometimes dreams can haunt you as much as memories can.
Tad: You're right. You're right. There are catalogs all over the living room. Dixie had started buying baby clothes. I'm so stupid. I never thought to clean that stuff up. See what I mean? I should've realized something like that. I don't -- I don't know what to do to help her.
Gillian: Maybe I can help her get dressed. Maybe -- maybe she'll talk to me. I mean, it really helped me when I had somebody to talk to. Would you like me to do that?
Tad: Yeah. Yeah, that would be great, Gillian. Thanks. I appreciate it.

Gillian: Hi, Dixie. I hear you're going home.
Gillian: I'm so sorry about what happened.
Gillian: It's really hard to lose somebody you love, isn't it?

Raquel: I'm not going to let myself be hurt again, Ryan. I'm done.
Ryan: Looks like you're planning to go away for good.
Raquel: First, I'm going back to Texas to get Max, and then we're moving in with my cousin Angela, ok? So your convoluted situation will have one less complication.
Ryan: But this is all new, right? I mean, you hadn't mentioned this before. You would've taken all your stuff with you if you were planning this all along.
Raquel: Why does it matter when I decided to leave? Isn't the important thing that your dear, sweet Hayley won't have to see my face ever again? She can have everything now -- you, Mateo --
Ryan: Whoa, whoa, whoa. What's going on here? Why you so angry at Hayley?
Raquel: Why? How about because, aside from Max, I lost the most precious, sacred gift of my life to her? Only to see her treat it like dirt. She had Mateo's love. Do you know what I would've done to be in her situation? Of course you do. You probably feel the same way about Hayley.
Ryan: Raquel, that's just not true.
Raquel: When I first met you, you warned me to stay away from Hayley and Mateo because she had been through enough already. Well, what about me? Hayley didn't get torn away from her first true love! I did! Hayley wasn't legally married to Mateo! I was! And Hayley didn't bear him a child! I did! And I'm supposed to forget about all that? Forget about my dreams and my son's dreams? For what? So she could toy with his heart until she's tired of him? I could've made him happy. Now no one's happy -- not me, not Max, not even Mateo. She never respected our family. She doesn't even respect herself.
Ryan: Nobody's putting down what you went through, Raquel.
Raquel: Oh, stop it! Just stop it, Ryan! You came over here to tell me to back off Mateo. Well, you wasted a trip because I'm leaving, ok? Whatever happens, happens. But whatever it is, I hope that it hurts -- and I hope it hurts a lot because she ruined my life and I want her to pay.
Ryan: Well, I'm sorry you feel that way, but I don't know what you think is going to happen.
Raquel: Look, it doesn't matter, ok? I have a lot to do right now, so just leave!
Ryan: Raquel, I really think --
Raquel: Leave!

Mateo: I know I said some really harsh things and I was out of line, and I'm sorry for that. I hope you can understand why. I was really angry. I was angry because it hurt too much not to be. I had to stay angry for me to be safe. Do you understand? And what made it worse was that we weren't together. We weren't even speaking. I mean, you know, not really. And our trust -- it was broken. And I guess you can blame me for that because I never told you about Raquel I should have. But it can't end like this. Matter of fact, I don't want it to end at all. I'm willing to try again, forget all the mistakes, because all I care about is you. Us. That's why I have to be honest with you. That's why we have to be honest with each other.
Mateo: Whatever happened between you and Ryan, I -- I forgive you.
Hayley: Really? You forgive me?

Edmund: I hate to bring up the subject of Dimitri's will.
Alex: Oh, please don't feel you're being indelicate. It's perfectly logical.
Edmund: Jackson said that the two of you had spoken about it earlier.
Alex: Mm-hmm. Yeah. It's quite normal for newlyweds to redo their wills.
Edmund: Did you make up a new one?
Alex: Mm-hmm. Yes. And I gave Jackson our solicitor's number in London.
Edmund: Yeah, he mentioned that. He also mentioned he was having some difficulty getting through to him.
Alex: Oh. Maybe he's on holiday. I'll try and find out for you.
Edmund: I'm sure Jack would appreciate that.
Alex: Now, I don't know any of the specifics of Dimitri's bequests, but I do know that you, Sam, and Maddie figure quite prominently in his will. And I know he was a great admirer of Maria's foundation, so I'm sure he's made provisions for that, also.
Edmund: I see.
Alex: And I'm quite certain that he intended to keep providing for Gillian and Eugenia. He told me about the family situation, and I know he wanted to keep them quite comfortable for as long as possible. So if they have any worries about their financial stability, would you please put their concerns to rest?
Edmund: I'll let them know.
Alex: Thank you. As for my solicitor, I will try and contact him and have him send you a copy of Dimitri's will. Would you like it sent here or to your office?
Edmund: Wildwind, thanks.
Alex: Is there anything else?
Edmund: No, I think that's just about everything. No, that's not everything. There's something else.

Tad: It's awful quiet in there. What do you thinks going on?
Jake: Let's just give Gillian a little bit more time with her.
Tad: You're right.
Jake: Dixie's body's going through some hormonal shifts, not to mention all the emotional toll, but she'll come out of it. She will, on her own.
Tad: What am I supposed to do in the meantime?
Jake: Take it slow. Tad, you just can't take everything on your own. You expect to rush in there and make everything better, but it's got to be better on her own, on her own terms.
Tad: I just wish there was something I could do. She's been through so much already.
Jake: Both of you have. You need to take it easy on yourself, all right?
Tad: Yeah.

Dixie: I -- ahem. I know you lost Dimitri recently. That must have been very hard.
Gillian: Yeah. But, you know, life goes on, and I -- I feel like an observer.
Dixie: Do you ever -- do you ever worry that you're going to just forget him?
Gillian: I know I couldn't. I realized that after his funeral.
Dixie: Brooke thinks that I -- I should give Bess a memorial service.
Gillian: Bess?
Dixie: Yeah, that's -- that's what I was going to name my little girl -- Bess -- you know, after my mom. I didn't tell tad about it, though.
Gillian: I'm sure he would've loved it. It's such a beautiful name.
Dixie: No, I don't think he would've really cared.
Gillian: I'll help you get dressed, ok?
Dixie: Ok. That'd be nice.

Mateo: Look, I'm sorry it took so long for me to come around, but I -- listen, every night I was in Texas, I wanted to call you. I picked up the phone to call you, but I couldn't. I didn't know how you felt about me. And then last night I wanted to talk to you again -- remember? -- And I let my temper get the best of me, and that was a mistake. You know, it keeps happening. We get so close, then -- I don't know. I keep drawing the wrong conclusion. Like, I didn't think you cared about me until I spoke to Gillian this morning, and she told me that you still do care. So listen, you know, I think we should do whatever we can to turn this mess around before it's too late. It's what I want. I hope that's what you want. Whatever happened between you and Ryan, I'm over it. I hope we can put this all behind us.
Mateo: Can we?
Hayley: I can't do this

Stella: Oh, Mr. Santos.
Mateo: Oh, hey. Hi, Stella. How are you?
Stella: Was that Ms. Dion leaving? I was hoping to catch her. I have Max's pool toys. Perhaps you could give them to her?
Mateo: Wait, wait -- Raquel was here? How long ago?
Stella: A short while ago. She came to pick up the rest of Max's things. This was in Sam's room.
Mateo: Did she -- did she talk to Hayley?
Stella: Yes, I heard them talking.
Mateo: Did you hear what they said?
Stella: No, I didn't really hear what they were saying. Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Santos. It must be hard having Ms. Dion and your son move away. Such a beautiful family.

Edmund: I didn't mean to upset you earlier in Joe's office.
Alex: You know, I really can't take another interrogation. I've told you everything I could. I honestly don't know what else you expect.
Edmund: Neither do I, ok? I've been hounding you for answers that may not even exist.
Alex: Hmm.
Edmund: And I realized that after you left Joe's office, and I owe you an apology. And what you said was right -- that I've been persecuting you in a way to deal with my own grief.
Alex: Well, I never actually used the word "persecuting."
Edmund: You were being kind. Nevertheless, I've just had a really hard time dealing with my brother's death and the suddenness of it.
Alex: And in walks a brand-new wife you've never even heard of.
Edmund: Yeah. And I guess I -- ahem -- went on my reporter's instinct. It's just a hazard of the trade.
Alex: Maybe you should write murder mysteries.
Edmund: It's been suggested before. Anyway, I realized something. Something you said in Joe's office was that you've had -- well, I've had many, many years of many fond memories of my brother, and you -- you've only had a few. And I don't mean to compromise those feelings by making you focus totally on his death, and I'm sorry, and will you forgive me?
Alex: Dr. Martin -- is he satisfied with the details of Dimitri's death?
Edmund: So am I.
Alex: Thank you.
Edmund: So, what are you doing for dinner?
Alex: What?
Edmund: I mean, do you want to join us or you want to have Peggy make up another tray tonight?
Alex: Actually, I'm not very hungry at all. Perhaps a tray would be better. I was thinking of going for a walk on the grounds, getting some fresh air --
Edmund: Yeah.
Alex: By these beautiful rosebushes. They're lovely.
Edmund: Maria used to walk through those. Yeah. Same garden. Listen, I'll tell Eugenia and Gillian of Dimitri's generosity.
Alex: Thank you.

Jake: Do the boys know?
Tad: No. No, they're still at a friend's house. That's another thing -- I have no idea how I'm going to tell them. They were so excited about the baby.
Jake: Maybe it's best that they're gone. I mean, you and Dixie can go home, get settled in, spend some time alone.
Tad: If she'll go near me.
Gillian: Dixie's dressed.
Dixie: Gillian? Are you leaving?
Gillian: Yeah, I have to get back to work now, but I'm leaving you in really good hands. So you just hang in there and I'll come back in a few days to visit you, ok?

Jake: So, how's she doing?
Gillian: She's shaky, but I think she's going to go home.
Jake: Yeah? Well, good. Good. I'm glad you were here. I don't know what you said or did, but it seems to have helped.
Gillian: I hope so.

Tad: Gillian turned out to be quite a sensitive person, didn't she?
Dixie: Yes, I like her very much.
Tad: You ready to go?
Dixie: Don't we have to, you know, take care of the discharge papers or something?
Tad: No, no, that's all taken care of.
Dixie: Get a wheelchair, then?
Tad: Well, as a matter of fact, I think that one's already on its way. I'm happy you're coming home, honey.
Tad: Well, I'm going to have to tell my old man to turn down the air conditioning in this place. It's freezing. Honey, you shivering? Here. Try this on for size.
Dixie: I should do something with my hair. Is that hair band in here?
Tad: It's there in the pocket. No, no, no! Dixie, don't! Don't.
Dixie: Why? What is it?

Jake: So, how are things with you and Ryan these days? It's ok. You know, you can talk about him.
Gillian: He was really wonderful since Dimitri's funeral. You know, he was like his old self -- kind and gentle. And it was really nice. You know, I mean, it gave me hope. It made me think that maybe there's hope for us, that we can get back together.
Jake: Good. I'm glad he was there for you. I mean, it'd be selfish of me to think otherwise, right?

Axel: You haven't called me.
Hayley: Yeah, I haven't had much time. You know, I was busy at the club with -- Mateo was away and all that, so --
Axel: Is he back now?
Hayley: Yeah.
Axel: You -- you didn't get up to speak.
Hayley: Yeah, I thought I'd give somebody else a chance for a change.
Axel: Nothing to share?
Hayley: Nothing new.
Axel: That's not the feeling I get.
Hayley: Axel, I really can't do this right now, ok?
Axel: Are you sure you can manage? I have an audition in Center City, but I can reschedule.
Hayley: I just heard you stand up there, talking about how much you wanted this commercial. You are going. I'll be fine. I'm going to wait around. There's another meeting in a couple hours, so I'm just going to wait for that. You go. Go on.
Axel: Double duty, huh?
Hayley: Anything that keeps me from taking a drink, so --
Axel: Look, whatever it is, it sounds pretty serious.
Hayley: Not as serious as rush-hour traffic in Center City, which is exactly what you're going to hit if you don't get out of here now. Come on.
Axel: Look, I forgot to give you this last time. It's my beeper number. Please use it.
Hayley: Ok. Thanks. Go. Go on. Break a leg.

[Hayley starts to phone Ryan]

Hayley: No. I cannot do that to him. Ok.
Ryan: Hey.
Hayley: Oh. Oh, Ryan. Thank God you're here. Thank God.

{Alexandra remembers Dimitri on the plane before he became ill]

Alex's voice: Tell me about the house.
Dimitri: Oh, the house. Oh, right. All right. Well, it's very grand. You are in for a big surprise.
Alex: Lots of creaky, old ancestors?
Dimitri: No, we banished all those creaky people to the west wing. But that entryway --
Alex: Yeah, masses of ancient stone and wood.
Dimitri: Yeah, the same. And the staircase -- the staircase --
Alex: Oh, the cavalry could charge down it, 10 abreast.

[Alex imitates a bugle]

Dimitri: Oh, you have been there.
Alex: There's this big room off the entryway. The ceiling is way above you. There's this cozy nest of solid mahogany and leather for resting your bum.
Dimitri: Hmm.
Alex: There's paintings and books and candles and flowers. Oh, it sounds awful. Take me back.

Edmund: Stella, would you ask Peggy to send a dinner tray over to the hunting lodge for Alexandra?
Stella: Again?
Edmund: Yeah, I guess she's not quite ready to, you know, be around everybody.
Stella: It's too bad -- a time like this when you need your family the most.
Edmund: Yeah, well, Stella, she's not really family.
Stella: Well, you're wonderful people. She should come to supper.
Edmund: Yeah, well, maybe tomorrow. But for tonight --
Stella: I'll see to it. Oh, Mr. Grey, do you have one of your wife's books upstairs in your room?
Edmund: No. Why do you ask?
Stella: Well, I was going to return them to the library, but one's missing. You had four. Now there's only three.
Edmund: Oh, well, you can just leave them there. I'm not finished my research yet.
Stella: Oh, I thought you and Mrs. Marick were finished.
Edmund: Did you say Mrs. Marick?
Stella: Yes, sir. I saw her leafing through them this morning. Perhaps one of the children picked up the other book. I'll look around for it.
Edmund: No need, Stella. I have an idea where that book is.

[Knock on door]

Edmund: Alex, it's Edmund.


Edmund: Alex? Alexandra?

[Door closes]

Tad: Honey, it's nothing. I'm telling you, it's nothing. Would you just please give it to me?
Dixie: Is it some other woman's phone number?
Tad: No, of course not.
Dixie: Then what is it?
Tad: Honey, it's nothing, ok? It's just -- look, it's just a little something I scribbled on a piece of paper a couple days ago. It's just a doodle. Would you please --
Dixie: No. You've got me really curious now.
Tad: Dixie, give it to me, ok? I really don't want you to get upset.
Dixie: Upset?
Tad: Yes.
Dixie: "Be-- Bess Martin"?
Tad: I'm sorry, honey. I know I should've discussed it with you first, but I kind of thought that we would name her Bess after your mom. So I -- I wrote it down on a piece of paper, you know, took it out for a test drive, kind of see how it would look.
Dixie: You've been carrying this around in your pocket?
Tad: I'm sorry. I swear to god, I'm sorry. I never meant you to find it. I'm sorry.

[Dixie realizes that Tad has been suffering as much as she has and they hug]

Ryan: Hey, hey, hey. Now, what happened? Why you so upset?
Hayley: I was at a meeting and I thought I could handle it, so I told him that he could leave.
Ryan: Told who? Just -- just slow down a second.
Hayley: Ryan, you don't understand.
Ryan: What happened? Hayley: I really need a drink. I want a drink so bad.
Ryan: Hayley, no, what happened?
Hayley: I need a drink.
Ryan: Just tell me.
Hayley: I got to get out of here. Will you please take me --
Ryan: Yes, yes, yes, yes. Just calm down.
Hayley: Please, Ryan --
Ryan: Ok, ok.
Hayley: Take me away from all of this, please? Please?
Ryan: I will, I will. Come on. Come on. Shh. It's ok.

[Hayley and Ryan do not notice Gillian watching them]

[Car approaches]

[Raquel hides from Mateo outside and leaves without Mateo seeing her]

Mateo: Raquel?

[Horn honks]

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