AUGUST 24, 1999

Scott: You actually think that I care more about my documentary than I do about what's happened to Tad and Dixie?
Becca: Well, except for the fact that you keep talking about the documentary --
Scott: Yeah, well, I care about it. But I'm not about to exploit another person's pain just to keep my cameras rolling.
Becca: Ok, well, that's all I'm asking is that you don't tape when they come back from the hospital.
Scott: I never intended to do that.
Becca: Oh. Ok. Good.
Scott: Have a little faith.
Becca: I do.
Scott: Look, it's just that when I came in and I saw you dismantling all the camera equipment, I freaked.
Becca: I know. I'm sorry. I just thought that would be the best thing to do.
Scott: No. I'm sorry. Look, we're done taping here. I guess it's just another example of how I need to hone my people skills, huh?
Becca: Remember when you spooked that guy at "The Cutting Edge"? Not exactly Mr. Tact, I guess.
Scott: You were just great with him.
Becca: Hi.
Tad: We're back.
Scott: Hi.
Becca: Um -- I'm really sorry, Dixie.
Tad: She's -- she's exhausted. I'm going to take her upstairs and try to get her to lie down.
Becca: Ok. Well, do you want some chamomile tea?
Tad: That'd be great. Thanks.
Becca: Ok. I'm going to go get some.
Scott: I'll come with you.

Tad: Dixie. Don't you think we should get you upstairs, settled in bed?
Dixie: I don't know. I was just thinking, trying to remember the last time I was here. It just seems so long ago. I was sitting on the sofa. Scott was taping me. I was making plans for our little girl.
Tad: I want you to know something. I would have given anything, anything in the world if I could have been here. And I should have been here, helping you, getting you to the hospital, holding you. I'm sorry. But I'm here now, and I promise you, everything is going to be ok. Come on, baby. Careful.

Mateo's voice: It's what I want. I hope that's what you want. Whatever happened between you and Ryan -- I'm over it. I hope we can put this all behind us. Can we?

Ryan: Hayley?
Hayley: What took you so long?
Ryan: Well, I didn't know what to get you, so I just got you a bunch of everything. Try the Middle Eastern. It's humus. It's got protein.
Hayley: No, really, I couldn't.
Ryan: You haven't been eating, have you?
Hayley: Please. Dot give me a nutrition spiel, please. Food is not what I need right now.
Ryan: Ok. Ok. I'm sorry.
Hayley: Is this coffee?
Ryan: Yeah -- decaf.
Hayley: Great.
Ryan: Ok. All right.
Hayley, what's going on? You look terrible.
Hayley: Yeah, well, my outsides are finally matching my insides.
Ryan: Listen. You said you wanted to talk. Here we are in a public place. We're following the new rules.
Hayley: Yeah, well, don't worry. If I look so hideous, I won't be much of a temptation for you anyway, now, will I?
Ryan: Ok, ok. Stop. Tell me what's going on.
Hayley: I don't know if I can say it out loud. Because if I say it, I have to think it, which means I have to accept it, which I do. And that means that this is the end cause I don't see how I can fix things from here.
Ryan: You went to your AA Meeting. You did go, right?
Hayley: Yes. And if it wasn't for those meetings -- this is what sent me running to that meeting. This is who sent me running to that meeting.
Ryan: Mateo. Why are you saying it's over?
Hayley: Because Mateo slept with Raquel.

David: You are Dr. Devane, aren't you? Don't you remember me? David Hayward.
Alex: Yes, of course. The cardiologist.
David: That's right.
Alex: Good to see you again. I have to go.
David: Are you here to see a patient?
Alex: No. I no longer practice medicine.
David: Well, there must be an interesting story behind that.
Alex: I realized there was more to life.
David: But yours was a brilliant career. I remember seeing you deliver a paper in Barcelona. You were the darling of the conference. The pharmaceuticals were practically throwing money at you.
Alex: I was never in it for the money.
David: That's right. You wanted to relieve suffering.
Alex: Yes. You and I had very different goals.
David: Now I remember. You had a halo floating over your head. I don't see it now.
Alex: Oh, excuse me.
David: Let me buy you a cup of coffee. I would love to share with you how I've fared since we saw each other last.
Alex: I'm really not interested. Good-bye.
Edmund: Alex. What are you doing here?

Tad: Careful, honey. There you go. Comfy? Listen, I want you to try and get some rest, ok? Just a little.
Dixie: Hmm. How's Junior and Jamie?
Tad: They're fine. Don't worry.
Dixie: No, but where are they?
Tad: They're fine. They're with the Archer boys.
Dixie: With the ferret?
Tad: With the ferret. But if it'll make you feel better, I can get Junior on the phone so you can hear his voice.
Dixie: Oh, that would be great.
Tad: Ok, honey.
Dixie: Yeah. Wait. No, no, no, no. No. He would sense something is wrong, and I should wait till they get back. We should tell them together.
Tad: You're right. It's just as well because overnights are pretty important to boys that age, you know. And I know from where I speak because Jake and I used to love sleeping over in the tree house of our best friends, Barney and Fred McNulty. Barney and Fred -- those were really their names. I could never figure out for the life of me if their parents didn't watch television or were just evil.
Dixie: What was so great about Barney and Fred?
Tad: Well, for one thing, they lived right next door to the gorgeous Gardella twins. Older women -- you know, freshmen? Cheerleaders. And from the tree house, with some binoculars, we could see right in their bedroom window. And if we got really lucky, they'd be in various states of undress doing this sexy little dance in front of a shrine to John Travolta on the wall.
Dixie: So you think that our boys are having a great time because they're being peeping Toms?
Tad: Who says they're not doing a sexy little dance? I'm sorry. You probably think I'm an insensitive jerk for trying to get you to laugh.
Dixie: No. No. If anything, it makes me love you even more, if that's possible. I just don't feel much like laughing.
Tad: Neither do I. But we will. I promise.
Dixie: Yeah. We will.
Becca: Ahem. I brought the tea, and I brought some honey, too.
Tad: I forgot to mention that Dixie takes it with lemon.
Becca: Oh. Well, I can go back downstairs.
Tad: No, no, no, no. Stay put. I'll get it.

Becca: Ok. Um -- here you go. It's been pretty hot out, I've actually been glad for the air conditioner, even though Granny Tyree said that it was owned by the devil. Dixie, if you need anything, anything at all, please just ask me.
Dixie: Thanks, sweetie. This tea's fine.
Becca: Ok. I'm sorry. I'm just going to put this away.
Dixie: Becca, wait. Give me the book. Really, give me the book. I want it.

Scott: How's she doing?
Tad: Well, better than I thought she would. But then again, I thought she'd be doing pretty terrible, so --
Scott: Well, you take it easy, too. I mean, you've been hit by a freight train as well.
Tad: What are you doing?
Scott: Labeling and dating the tapes we made here.
Tad: Ah, yes. The tapes.
Scott: Yeah. The project. Look, obviously things have changed. I won't use any of it if you and Dixie object.
Tad: Well, to be honest with you, pal, I don't even want to think about some of things Dixie said, you know, the way she was acting in front of the camera a few days ago.
Scott: Well, we can junk it. I mean, that's the wonderful thing about video. You can just tape right over it.
Tad: I'm sorry. I know how important the project is to you.
Scott: Yeah. But I -- I wouldn't do anything to hurt Dixie.
Tad: Make you a deal. We screen the tapes. Anything I think is not correct, we just edit out, ok?
Scott: Sounds fair.
Tad: Ok.
Scott: Thank you.
Tad: Just not right now.
Scott: Sure. Whenever.
Tad: What the hell was I doing? Oh, lemon.
Scott: Tad?
Tad: Yeah.
Scott: I'm real sorry about Dixie. If there's anything I can do to help -- take Jamie and Junior to my dad's cabin for fishing or -- I don't know -- whatever.
Tad: Yeah. Maybe. You're a good man, Scott.

Ryan: Raquel and Mateo? I find that hard to believe. As much as my opinion has changed of Mateo recently, I just don't think he would do something like that.
Hayley: Yeah, well, I got it from a very reliable source -- Raquel. Ahem.
Ryan: Raquel told you that, and you believed her? How do you know she's not playing you?
Hayley: Oh, no, she was playing me. She didn't tell me just so I'd know. She told me to crush me. It was a great parting shot.
Ryan: Well, are you sure you can trust Raquel about something like this?
Hayley: No. I just started thinking back, you know. I started listening to myself because Mateo planted the idea a while back. He wanted me to know something was going on between them when they left for Texas together. You know, at the time, I thought it was BS.
Ryan: Well, maybe it was.
Hayley: Ryan, you saw them together last night at S.O.S. Now, what do you think was on their minds? I can tell you this much -- it wasn't Max's last report card.
Ryan: Ok. All right. Well, so they made a spectacle of each other on a dance floor, Hayley. It doesn't mean that they went home and --
Hayley: Only they did. They did.
Ryan: Says Raquel.
Hayley: And ain't it a kick in the pants that I would wind up believing her? Huh? I know Mateo. I trust Mateo. I was -- I was about to tell her. All she had to do was point out the fact that he never mentioned to me that he was married before, and it shut me up really fast. You know I can't trust Mateo.
Ryan: You can't trust Raquel, either.
Hayley: I can trust my own eyes.
Ryan: What does that mean?
Hayley: If she had told me that they were suddenly in love, I would have known that she was a liar. She wasn't basking in the afterglow, Ryan. She was full of anger and pain because she knew that Mateo slept with her to hurt me. It was payback for you and me. He used her, Ryan.
Ryan: Ok. I guess I -- I see what you're saying.
Hayley: You believe me now?
Ryan: Well, it explains why Raquel was so strung out when I saw her earlier today.

Alex: I just -- I got myself all turned around, but I'm all right now because that's the way out.
Edmund: Do you know Dr. Hayward?
Alex: He was kind enough to give me directions when I got lost.
David: I was only too happy to. I'm Dr. David Hayward. And you are?
Alex: Alexandra Marick. David: Well, you certainly have been the topic of conversation around here in these parts.
Edmund: Are you ok? I mean, why are you back here? Is everything all right?
Alex: Yes, it's fine. It -- I lost this bracelet when I was here earlier, so I came back to look for it, and luckily it was exactly ere I had dropped it.
David: It's a great thing about Pine Valley residents -- they're unscrupulously honest, which I find personally refreshing. Don't you?
Alex: You're going back to Wildwind. I came by taxi.
Edmund: Yeah, you can come with me.
David: Mrs. Marick, I would like to offer you my condolences for your loss. I didn't know Dimitri very well, but I do know that he will be greatly missed in this town.
Alex: Thank you.
Edmund: Alex, shall we?
Alex: Hmm.

Hayley: Raquel was furious.
Ryan: When you said she was angry about being used, it just made sense. That's what she sounded like.
Hayley: Did she hint about anything that went on between her and Mateo?
Ryan: No. I mean, if she did, I didn't pick up on it. She said she couldn't wait to get away, that she didn't care what happened to any of us. She said something that kind of makes sense now -- that she doesn't want to get hurt again. It was so genuine, like she was really hurting.
Hayley: I guess she was. I guess I can almost feel sorry for her. But I don't. Because she has spent months doing whatever it takes to try to get my husband into bed, and when it finally happens, he does it to hurt me?
Ryan: Have you seen him since you spoke to Raquel?
Hayley: I saw him this morning at Wildwind.
Ryan: And did you confront him about what she said?
Hayley: No, because I couldn't get any words out of my mouth. I couldn't even stand the sight of him. I had to get out of there, and I went to a meeting.
Ryan: Well, what was he saying?
Hayley: Everything to convince me that Raquel was telling the truth.

[Mateo on telephone with Max]

Mateo: Hey, Bud. How's Texas? Good. A cow. Wow. What color was it? Yeah? You weren't afraid? Pretty impressive. Pretty impressive. I'm proud of you. No, no. I don't know what time your mom's getting in. Can I speak to Abuela? Thank you.

Mateo's voice: I hope we can put this all behind us. Can we? Hayley: I can't do this.

Mateo: Hi. Clara, yeah. Yeah. He is, isn't he? Yeah. Listen, can you do me a favor? When Raquel gets in, can you tell her to call -- tell her to call me. Ok? I don't care what time it is. And tell her it's urgent. Ok. Thank you.

Tad: Ok, sweetie, I got you your lemon.
Dixie: Oh, thanks.
Becca: Did you want the honey with that?
Dixie: Oh, no. No, thanks.
Becca: Ok. Is it still warm enough?
Dixie: Yeah, it's fine. Thank you.
Becca: Ok, well, I'm going to go downstairs, but if you guys need anything, just give me a holler.
Dixie: Ok
Becca: Ok?
Tad: Thanks, Becca.
Becca: Bye.

[Tad reaches for the baby book Dixie has]

Dixie: No. It's ok. I feel better.
Tad: You do?
Dixie: Yeah. In fact, I've been sort of thinking about something. I was so wrong when I thought that you didn't want this baby. I mean, you wanted her as much as I did.
Tad: Of course I did.
Dixie: Isn't it amazing how we both thought of the same name?
Tad: I don't know. Sometimes I think that we can read each other's mind.
Dixie: Yeah. But it's just great how those two words, those two names went so well together, right? Bess Martin.
Tad: Good name for a lawyer or a doctor. Movie star. Even a soccer player.
Dixie: God bless her. She's gone now, ok. And that's her name, and we can't ever use it again. All right?
Tad: All right. Now, I really want you to try to get some rest, ok?
Dixie: Well, I'll rest soon, you know, but I just feel like talking a little bit more, ok? Dr. Clader said that we did everything right with this pregnancy.
Tad: I know.
Dixie: And that, you know, the miscarriage, you know, didn't have anything to do with my heart or my kidney, you know, that it would have happened even if all those other risk factors were still involved.
Tad: So you can't blame yourself for anything.
Dixie: Well, yeah, but you know what that means, don't you? It means that there's no reason why I couldn't carry a child to term and it's not impossible for me to have a healthy baby.
Tad: Sweetie, I really don't think you should be talking this much so soon after. Why don't you -- why don't you try to get some sleep?
Dixie: All right. I'll rest. I will. Listen. Just be happy, Tad, because we can have our little girl. I mean, she won't be the one that we lost, but we can have a baby together. Please. I want to try.
Tad: Honey, I'm sorry. It's a -- it's a little too soon for me to start talking about having another baby.
Dixie: Oh, I know. I know. It's ok. I mean, I have to rest, anyway. Dr. Clader said I have to get my strength back.
Tad: You got to get back to being perfect. Don't worry. We have a lot of time to talk about this.
Dixie: Honey, I just want you know that, you know, with everything that happened, I didn't mean to take any foolish risks. I just -- just wanted to have a baby with you.
Tad: I know. I know.
Dixie: And it just makes me so happy to know that I can. You know? I mean, when I lost Bess, I just felt like I was falling into this really dark place. But after Dr. Clader gave me that wonderful news, I feel so good. I feel like I can see light again. So please don't be angry with me for talking about it. Be happy -- happy that our dream is still possible.

Becca: I'm really sorry about the way I jumped on you earlier. You were great with Tad and Dixie.
Scott: When I saw how she looked when they walked in that door --
Becca: I know. She was in this daze.
Scott: You know, she wasn't even pregnant that long.
Becca: I know, but now they have to stop thinking about this baby that was coming. I mean, it was so real to them. It was already practically here.
Scott: And that perfect picture they had in their mind -- so happy. Now it must just come back to them and they can't even stop it, and now it just gives them pain.
Becca: That's it.
Scott: It's weird. We called the video "49 Ways to Leave Your Lover." We brought in Tad and Dixie to show how a couple can make it work -- for that perfect ending. But now it's so clear to me that so much that happens, even in a go marriage, is unhappy.
Becca: I guess that's why so many people break up.
Scott: Oh -- Tad said he'd go over the tapes. Maybe there's some stuff we can salvage.
Becca: Really? That's good.

Hayley: Mateo showed up at Wildwind all contrite, talking about how -- talking about how we can fix things -- you know, the mistakes we've made in the past and how it's not too late for us and how we can move on and how he is over what happened between you and me and he has forgiven me now.
Ryan: Well, isn't that big of him? What, does he believe in double standards?
Hayley: No, see, we're even. He's matched me adultery for adultery.
Ryan: But we didn't do anything.
Hayley: If Raquel hadn't have put me wise, I would have believed him -- this complete 180 of his.
Ryan: Well, do you believe that he's sorry?
Hayley: Oh, yeah. And it isn't even the -- you know, the fact that he slept with somebody else. I mean, I'd like to think that if Mateo cheated on me that he would really be sorry and that we could somehow get past it. This isn't that. This is revenge, spite --
Ryan: Hypocrisy.
Hayley: Yea. And now that he's hurt me, he's won. And so he can forget the whole thing because he wants to forget what he's done.
Ryan: I think you're right.
Hayley: What kind of a man is he, Ryan? How can I ever trust him again? If he can do this, he's capable of anything.
Ryan: It always burns me when he turns into that macho idiot and starts bossing you around.
Hayley: No wonder I'm losing my mind. You know, but then he can be so good to me. He tells me that I'm the sun and the moon and the stars and --
Ryan: Yeah, I've seen him like that, too.
Hayley: And then his temper comes and I'm this black hole. You know that he actually today apologized about his temper to me, but then he really didn't mean it because he blamed his temper on me -- it was my fault because he says he's not sure how I feel about him.
Ryan: Why doesn't he just ask you and listen to the answer?
Hayley: Because when Mateo is like this, he has all the answers.
Ryan: Remember Lee Hawkins was around, and he was trying to protect you, but he wasn't really telling you what was really going on? The way he spoke to you, the way he treated you in front of people over and over again?
Hayley: Yeah. Yeah, he said that he was doing it for my own good, to protect me because he loved me.
Ryan: Yeah. Like guys who beat their wives and say that's because they love them.
Hayley: And I'm telling you, Ryan, I'm not like one of those women.
Ryan: No, you're not.
Hayley: And I'm never going to be like one of those women.
Ryan: No, you're not. No, you're not.

[Mateo comes up to Hayley and asks…]

Mateo: Can -- can we go somewhere and try to work this out?

David: Yeah, I was wondering, you remember Alexandra Devane, don't you? Right, that's the one. Do you know what ever became of her? No, nothing like that. I was just wondering, that's all. Well, that sounds promising. That's a good idea. Why don't you call me if anything comes up, all right? I'll be in your debt, Geoffrey. All right. Tallyho.

[Telephone rings]

David: David Hayward. Bianca. Well, it's nice to hear your voice. Oh, don't worry about it. It was my pleasure. I'm happy that you enjoyed it. So, you having a good time with your mother? Uh-huh. Well, that's good. I'm happy to hear it. Look, would your mother happen to be there right now? All right. Thanks, Bianca. You take care.
Hello. Likewise, Miss Kane. Look, I know that you'd rather not talk to me in front of Bianca, but I thought I would tell you about this interesting lady that I just met -- Dimitri's widow. Yes, you've made it very clear that you distrust her. But how much do you really know about her? A fortune hunter? Yes, I'm still here. I was just thinking.

Alex: Really? So Hayward's as good as all that?
Edmund: Well, he did save Erica Kane's life. Of course, that was colored by the fact that he was driving the car and caused the accident.
Alex: Oh. Still, to number Erica Kane amongst your patients.
Edmund: Something to drink?
Alex: No, thank you.
Edmund: He's not shy about publicity, either. I've read he had many celebrities as patients.
Alex: Yeah. But if he's that famous and talented -- please don't take this the wrong way -- what's he doing here in Pine Valley?
Edmund: He just arrived recently. It wouldn't make me feel bad if he just crawled back where he came from.
Alex: So it wasn't my imagination. I thought I sensed a little chill between the two of you.
Edmund: Well, he may be a gifted surgeon, but he lacks basic human decency.
Alex: Are you talking from personal experience?
Edmund: Yeah. Dimitri and I felt the same way. The way he treated Gillian was cruel and nothing short of criminal.
Alex: Gillian?
Edmund: In large part, he's responsible for the breakup of her marriage to Ryan.

Ryan: Hayley and I are having a bite to eat. She can't go anywhere with you right now.
Mateo: Could you please leave so I can talk to Hayley?
Ryan: I'm not leaving you alone with this guy.
Mateo: "This guy"? I'm her husband.
Ryan: Well, not really.
Mateo: I didn't come here -- I didn't come here to argue with you. I was hoping maybe you and I could, you know, try to talk things out.
Hayley: Sorry. No. I don't want to talk to you.
Ryan: You heard her.
Mateo: Hayley, don't do this. Come on. You know we can work this out. I told you I was sorry for everything.
Ryan: And I told you that we were having lunch, so why don't you just get out of here before it gets to trouble.
Mateo: You don't want trouble. Get out of my way.
Ryan: I don't think so. I'm not going to stand here and watch you boss her around.
Mateo: Who do you think you are? Who do you think you are? You're nothing! You're nothing to me, and you're nothing to her.
Hayley: Like you know. Now, get out of here, Mateo. I can't stand the sight of you.
Mateo: What are you talking about? What happened?
Hayley: Too much. And things aren't going to be fine now just because you think they're fine. I know the truth, and I told Ryan. And now we both know you slept with Raquel.
Mateo: I did not sleep with Raquel.
Hayley: You should be happy I found out about it. It makes your payback plan complete.
Mateo: Whose fantasy is this? You. You told her this, right? You put this idea in her head?
Ryan: No. No, actually, I didn't. But had I heard about it, I wouldn't have told her because she doesn't really need it right now. She's trying to fight like hell to stay sober because of everything that you're dumping on her.
Mateo: And you're just there to take care of her, aren't you?
Ryan: Actually, no, I'm not. I have nothing to do with this. Nothing. Except that I know her and I know how much she loves you and how much you're throwing it away.
Mateo: All right, look, I let her down. I didn't put her first. But I apologize for that, all right? I don't even blame her for running to you.
Ryan: Look, why don't you get it through your head, ok, Mateo? Nothing happened between Hayley and I. And all the moralistic crap that you've been laying on her, that was for nothing. Nothing! And this payback scheme -- sleeping with Raquel to get back at Hayley -- that's even lower --
Mateo: I never touched her! I didn't touch Raquel. Is this how you get her in bed, by telling her stuff like that? Is that what you do?
Ryan: I didn't sleep with Hayley.
Mateo: Fine, fine.
Ryan: That happened in your head.
Mateo: I don't have time for you, all right? I'm not here for you.

[Mateo looks around….]
Where the hell did she go?

Edmund: You know, I think I've said too much already.
Alex: You haven't really told me anything, though I gather that this Hayward came between Gillian and her husband.
Edmund: Good choice of words. Let's just say if this were the 19th century, he would be challenged to a duel.
Alex: Oh. I get the picture. I really like Gillian. She's so sweet. But she seems so sad. And I feel it's somehow more than her unhappiness about Dimitri's death.
Edmund: I'd say you were right, although she adored Dimitri.
Alex: Well, yeah. And, you know, he felt the same way about her.
Edmund: Yeah. She's taking his death really hard. But you're right. I mean, there's more. She's had a very difficult year. Her marriage never should have broken up -- not the way it did. I mean, everybody knows that she and Ryan still love each other.
Alex: Oh. I understand her unhappiness. I really like talking to her. She has a certain strength about her.
Edmund: Yeah, which wasn't always apparent.
Alex: And a very eccentric grasp of the English language.
Edmund: Oh, yeah, there is that. She says she never knows what language she's thinking in.
Alex: That would explain it.
Edmund: You speak any foreign languages?
Alex: Here I thought we were having a nice friendly chat, and you're still grilling me.
Edmund: We were, and I'm not.
Alex: Yes, you are. You're trying to find out things about me.
Edmund: That is not true. Not at all.
Alex: For the record, I know nothing about the Brooklyn Dodgers.
Edmund: What?
Alex: Yeah. You know, in the old American war films, that's how they found out who the German spy was -- the one who knew nothing about the Brooklyn Dodgers.
Edmund: "Stalag 17," Bill Holden.
Alex: See?
Edmund: By the way, I've been meaning to ask you, did your missing bag ever arrive?
Alex: No, it didn't. No.
Edmund: It seems like a lot of things are missing these days, Alex. I'll look into it.
Alex: Thank you.
Edmund: Well, look at the time. Maddie's nap time is just about over. I promised I'd take her for a walk.
Alex: Oh, don't let me keep you. Thank you for the lift.
Edmund: You're welcome. Will you be staying at the hunting lodge the rest of the day? You don't have to answer that.
Alex: Go.

[Edmund leaves]

[Footsteps approach]

Stella: Come back here. You can't just barge in here unannounced.
David: You don't need to announce me. Mrs. Marick and I are old friends.

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