AUGUST 25, 1999

Alex: What do you want?
David: Oh, not the cold shoulder again. Aren't you glad to see me?
Alex: Did you follow me here?
David: Of course not. Everyone knows the widow Marick is shacking up at Wildwind.
Alex: Oh, nicely put. Well, I'm just on my way out, so I'll see you to your car.
David: Alex, my old friend, are you trying to get rid of me?
Alex: You know what? I'm not in the mood to play this game. You stay here, do whatever you want. I'm going back to the lodge.
David: You go right ahead. I'll hang out and wait for Edmund to come back, find out how well he knows his poor, bereaved sister-in-law.
Alex: What are you doing here?
David: Looking for answers. At the hospital in front of Edmund, you pretended not to know me. But the truth is we do know each other -- quite well.

Dixie: Tad?
Dixie: Honey?
Tad: Ta-da! You're awake. Excellent.
Dixie: Who are you supposed to be?
Tad: I'm supposed to be on medication. Failing that, you can call me The Great Martini.
Dixie: Oh. You look familiar.
Tad: Do I? Perhaps you recognize my string of late-night television commercials.
Dixie: Oh?
Tad: Sofa king?
Dixie: You're a TV star?
Tad: Ah, yes, number one primo magician on television, especially with the ladies.
Dixie: Oh.
Tad: Facial hair drives them crazy.
Dixie: Magician. I get it now. What, you going to make me disappear?
Tad: Oh, never. Such a waste of a beautiful woman. Besides, you'll always be right here, baby. And as The Great Martini, I know exactly what's in your heart.
Dixie: Oh.
Tad: I know exactly what's --

[tad hums]

Dixie: Oh!
Tad: Cheap wand.
Dixie: Bravo.
Tad: There you go. You ain't seen nothing yet. Had a rough week. I'm ok now. Is it hot in here?

[Tad hums]

Tad: Just a sec. I'll get it. It's a mistake. A little drafty in here. Anyway, for my next illusion, I'll need a volunteer from the audience. Anybody? Anybody?
Dixie: Oh!
Tad: Don't jump at once. Anybody?
Dixie: Me, me!
Tad: How about you, miss?
Dixie: Me!
Tad: Oh, oh, oh. This beautiful woman right here will do nicely. Before we go any further, I must ask you, do you believe in magic?
Dixie: Oh, I do now. I do, I do.
Tad: If only. Baby, if I could, I swear, I'd snap my fingers, make all your dreams come true. But I'm just not that great a magician.
Dixie: Oh, you're a wonderful magician and you're a wonderful father and an excellent husband.
Tad: If I am, it's because of you. That's why I was so scared of losing you -- because you're the magic. You always have been.
Dixie: Is that a magic wand in your pocket or you just happy to see me?
Tad: Very good.

[Doorbell rings]

Tad: Oh.
Dixie: Oh. No, don't answer. Let Becca get it.
Tad: I can't, honey. She's at the store. You stay right here. The Great Martini will return and astound you with incredible feats of psti-- uh -- with the -- forget it. I'll return.

Ryan: I checked the restrooms. I checked the escalators.
Mateo: She didn't valet her car.
Ryan: She doesn't have her car.
Mateo: She drove with you?
Ryan: Yeah, she did. You got a problem with that?
Mateo: She's probably at AA.
Ryan: Not likely. She just did a meeting. Didn't help very much. That's why we came here -- relax, get a bite to eat.
Mateo: Are you the chauffeur the best friend? No, no. You're the confessor and the bodyguard, right what service do you not provide?
Ryan: This is not about me, man. You're the one who slept with Raquel. You. You're the one who made her run out of here.

Hayley: Water. Stone river spring water.

Mateo: I did not sleep with Raquel.
Ryan: Hayley knows different.
Mateo: What are you talking about? What do you mean she knows different? Who put that idea in her head?
Ryan: You did.
Mateo: How? What --
Ryan: Come on, man, own up to it. You got it right in her face. You nailed her with that trip to Texas --
Mateo: I did that to settle Max in with his grandparents.
Ryan: Score a little time with his mom.
Mateo: I never gave Hayley reason to believe that I was sleeping with Raquel.
Ryan: No, no, you made out -- you made out like you and Raquel had it going on, and then you backed it up with that little dance number at S.O.S.
Mateo: All right, I admit that. I did do that to hurt Hayley.
Ryan: Payback's a big thing with you, huh?
Mateo: Come on. Please.
Ryan: Hayley is about to hit rock bottom here, Mateo. And Raquel -- personally, I can't blame her. She never denied that she wanted you. She loves you.
Mateo: Oh, I don't love her.
Ryan: It's too bad you didn't tell her that before you slept with her, though, right? Least she was big enough to tell Hayley the truth.
Mateo: I knew it. Raquel told Hayley that I slept with her.
Ryan: Yeah.
Mateo: It never happened!
Ryan: Raquel said it did.
Mateo: It didn't! I swear, I took her back to her place, she came on to me, I said, "Stop, I can't do this," and I left and I went to bed.
Ryan: So she lied?
Mateo: Think about it, man. She comes on to me. I reject her. The reason I reject her is because I love Hayley. So she goes and hurts Hayley.
Ryan: Why don't I believe you?
Mateo: I don't give a damn if you believe me or not. I have to find Raquel before she leaves town.
Ryan: Whoa, whoa. Wait a minute, wait a minute. Your wife disappears here, Hayley disappears, and you run off to find your ex?
Mateo: She's the only person who can fix this. Do you understand me? I'm doing that for Hayley.

[TV plays]

[Hayley turns channels]

[TV stops]

Hayley's voice: You're going away with Raquel?
Mateo's voice: You heard me.
Hayley's voice: The two of you together?
Mateo's voice: Yep.
Hayley's voice: Why?
Mateo: You want details?
Hayley: Yes.
Mateo: It goes like this -- you see, my wife walks out on me. And I need someone to turn to, someone who feels my pain. And Raquel, she just happens to be there. It didn't mean anything. It just happened.

Hayley: Turn off the picture, turn off the sound.

Raquel's voice: You wish it was over, but it's not.
Hayley's voice: What are you talking about?
Raquel's voice: Didn't you see us last night at S.O.S.? The way he held me, the way we were glued to each other on the dance floor?
Hayley's voice: Yes, I saw your floorshow. That's why I left.
Raquel's voice: It didn't end there, Hayley.
Hayley's voice: What do you mean?
Raquel's voice: Mateo took me home and made love to me.

Ruth: Are we at the wrong house?
Jake: Come on, Mom. Don't you recognize The Great Martini?
Ruth: Should I?
Jake: Yeah. We caught his act a couple of years ago. Where was it? The Crystal Ball.
Ruth: Ah. Was he any good?
Jake: Hmm.
Tad: Everybody's a critic. Get in here. Come on.
Ruth: Here is your dinner, darling. You put it in a 350 oven --
Tad: A 350 oven. Believe me, I know the drill. And by the way, thank you.
Jake: What's with the cape and the -- the facial hair?
Tad: I'm trying to lighten things up for Dixie.
Jake: Oh.
Ruth: How's she doing?
Tad: She's doing better physically. I'm running 24-hour room service so she doesn't have to get out of bed.
Jake: If she feels up to it tomorrow, encourage her to walk around a little bit.
Tad: Yeah?
Jake: Yeah.
Ruth: Is it ok if I run up and give her a quick hug?
Tad: Make it a long one. She needs it.
Jake: So.
Tad: How's my beautiful niece?
Jake: Oh, she's great. How you two doing?
Tad: Better.
Jake: Yeah?
Tad: Thanks to you. You were right. I mean, now that Dixie knows, even though I wasn't showing it, that this miscarriage wasn't something I wished for.
Jake: Good. So you two are seeing eye to eye on things a little bit more.
Tad: Almost. She wants to try again.
Jake: Getting pregnant?
Tad: Mm-hmm.
Jake: And you think this is a good idea?
Tad: No, I think we need some time -- to heal, to grieve, for things to get back to normal. So I told her I wasn't ready to start talking about another baby just yet. I think she heard me.
Jake: I hope she heard you. Tad, trying to have another baby could be tragic. You know that.
Tad: Yeah, I do know that. It's just that I don't want to have to say it to Dixie. I mean, she's fragile right now, the last thing I want to do is hand her another disappointment.

Alex: I don't really know you, do I? Not anymore.
David: It has been a while, but the memory lingers on.
Alex: Oh, not for me.
David: Let's get reacquainted, shall we? So what have you been up to since we last dot, dot, dot?
Alex: I've been living my life, David.
David: That's all? Care to elaborate?
Alex: I got married.
David: Yeah, so I see. The M.D. Added a Missis to the front of her name. Tell me something, Alexandra -- why is it that everyone in this town seems to know you only as Dimitri Marick's widow? No one seems remotely aware of your illustrious career.
Alex: Well, I like my privacy.
David: You're a pioneer in your field, responsible for groundbreaking research. Why underplay your achievements?
Alex: We, the satisfaction's in the work, isn't it? I don't need public accolades.
David: Oh. Well, then if the word would get out that you happen to be one of the world's most distinguished neurologists --
Alex: I told you at the hospital, I am no longer practicing.
David: Yes. It's a stunning loss to global medicine.
Alex: The world will recover.
David: But you still have a license to practice medicine. I mean, just hanging up your stethoscope doesn't erase all that you've accomplished. I'm sure Edmund would be very proud to know that there's a doctor in the family.
Alex: I didn't go into medicine for recognition.
David: Yeah, so you said. But the question is, why did you leave it? Why would a doctor of your stature, your distinction, give up such a rewarding practice?
Alex: Feel free to speculate on your way out.
David: I think I will -- speculate, that is. Well, as a doctor, we deal with life-and-death situations on a regular basis. But we are only human. We make mistakes, prescribe the wrong meds, make a faulty diagnosis. Well, if the error proves fatal, it could end a promising career. Is that what happened to you, Alex? Did you make a fatal error? No telltale something that you're trying to hide?
Alex: I don't know what you're insinuating, but I resent it.
David: I remember the first time I heard you lecture -- pathology of the central nervous system. The auditorium was filled to capacity, standing room only. And you held that audience captive for three straight hours without anyone daring to sneeze for fear of missing something.
Alex: Oh, that is such an exaggeration.
David: Oh, come on, doctor. You had your own groupies, first-year residents fawning over you at grand rounds.
Alex: It's all ancient history now.
David: You're the same as me, Alex -- a born healer. Medicine was your life.
Alex: My life changed.
David: And what changed it? If you're no longer Dr. Devane, who the hell are you?
Alex: I'm Alexandra Marick.
David: With no husband to keep warm at night --
Alex: Oh.
David: No slippers to fetch, no pipe to light. You're out of two jobs, not one. So where do you plan to go from here?
Alex: I don't have to go anywhere, David.
David: What, you plan to hang around Weirdwind? Huh? Help the help polish the silver? Floss the gargoyles' teeth?
Alex: You make it sound so inviting.
David: You must miss practicing medicine. All those years of study, hard work. You spent half your life saving other people's lives. Are you trying to tell me that it doesn't mean anything?
Alex: No. Not anymore, no.
Don't touch that!
David: "Neurological Diseases and Neurogenic Mutations." Wow, that's interesting reading coming from someone who is disavowing all interest in medicine.
Alex: Give me that!
David: I saw you hide this book in your bag at the hospital. What's in this book that you don't want your brother-in-law to see?

Dixie: Hey, Ruth. I'm so glad that you're here.
Ruth: Oh, you are looking so much better.
Dixie: Well, I feel much, much better.
Ruth: You got color in your cheeks again.
Dixie: Your son put it there.
Ruth: Oh. I saw him in that outfit. Oh. Well, actually, he does -- he has a great gift for making people laugh, you know.
Dixie: Yeah, it makes him so good with the kids.
Ruth: He didn't have much to laugh about in his early childhood.
Dixie: Yeah, I know. Maybe having kids is like having a second childhood, though.
Ruth: Yeah. I suppose so.
Dixie: Whenever I watch him with Junior or Jamie, you know, playing video games or shooting hoops, it's like -- I don't know -- I don't know where the boy ends and the man begins, you know?
Ruth: Mm-hmm.
Dixie: He gets so lost in the moment. I hope he doesn't regress too much when I have the baby.
Ruth: Dix? You know, you're not pregnant.
Dixie: Oh, I know. I know, Ruth. I know I'm not pregnant. I know. I just -- but I want to try again.
Ruth: You've suffered such a terrible loss, you know?
Dixie: Dr. Clader said that I didn't lose the baby, though, because of my heart condition, you know, and that plenty of women carry a baby to term with only one kidney.
Ruth: Yes, I know it is possible, but with your -- oh -- with your kind of health, it's not -- darling, it's just not realistic.
Dixie: I know. It's a dream. But, you know, Ruth, when I was pregnant with Tad's baby, I -- I realized -- I got something back, you know, that I didn't realize I had been missing. Before, I would watch, you know, TV and the commercials for babies' formula or diapers. You know, I'd kind of click through them. And in the newspaper, you know, I didn't read the doctor's baby column. I wasn't one for the big potty debate.
Ruth: Dixie --
Dixie: No -- but, Ruth, I listened to the doctor's advice. I was a good girl. You know, I wasn't trying to get pregnant. But when it happened, it felt good. It felt right. I just want to hold tad's baby in my arms, you know? I want rock it to sleep while the family gets ready for bed. I want to listen to its heartbeat while the house settles down for the night. I want to tell the hostess at McKay's, you know, that we're a family of five and we need a highchair. That's just my dream, Ruth. And I'm going to keep on dreaming it.

[Doorbell rings]


Ryan: Hayley? You home? It's Ryan.

[Doorbell rings]

Ryan: Hayley.
Your car is here. You didn't go anywhere else.
[Doorbell rings]

Ryan: Hayley!
Ryan: Hayley?
Hayley! Hayley! Hayley!

[Ryan pounds on window]

Ryan: Hayley! Hayley! Come on!

[Ryan breaks down door]

Ryan: Hayley. Hey, hey, hey, hey. Come on. Talk to me. Hayley? Wake up, wake up. Ok. Ok, you're going to be ok. You're going to be ok. You're going to be ok. Come on. Hayley, you're going to be all right.

[Telephone rings]

Hayley's voice: You've reached the Dillons'. No one's here to take your call, so do your thing at the tone.

[Answering machine beeps]

Mateo: Hayley, you there? It's me. Pick up. Hayley, listen, we have to talk. Hayley? Are you there?

Jake: Deciding to have a baby's not exactly a rational process.
Tad: Hmm, you should know that better than anyone.
Jake: Exactly. When I signed on to be Liza's sperm donor, I knew zip about having a baby, you know.
Tad: As I recall, you referred to it as a clinical procedure, just like having your teeth cleaned.
Jake: You know, I didn't want to have a baby, you know? I mean, Alley's pretend pregnancy pretty much cinched that as well in my mind. But then -- I don't know -- something happened --
Tad: Yeah.
Jake: A couple months before Liza gave birth.
Tad: It's called falling in love with your own child. Imagine that.
Jake: Hmm. Can I offer you a piece of brotherly advice?
Tad: Could I stop you?
Jake: Why don't you and Dixie just take it easy. You don't need to make these life decisions right now. Just take it easy.
Tad: I've already decided. I can't go through this again, Jake. I don't want to risk Dixie's life, spend the next nine months of our lives together waiting for her to explode.
Jake: Well, try to find a way to make her understand that.
Tad: Well, I'm trying.

[Doorbell rings]

Jake: Well, I'd love to stay and eat, but duty calls, so -- can you give Mom a ride home?
Tad: Yeah, no problem.
Jake: All right.
Liza: Hi. The whole welcoming committee.
Jake: Oh.
Liza: Look who just woke up.
Jake: I have to go to work. I want to stay and play.
Liza: I know. Well, give a hug.
Jake: Ok.
Liza: Yes. Want to say hi to Daddy? Oh, you are going to take her to the park on Saturday, right?
Jake: Yeah. Yeah, I'll come by about, what, 10:00?
Liza: Ok. That sounds perfect. We'll be ready.
Jake: All right. Bye, my precious.
Liza: She's a pumpkin.
Jake: Yeah. Uh-huh. Take it easy.
Tad: I will. Drive safe.
Jake: All right.
Tad: Careful. So?
Liza: Oh, listen to you. Thank you.
Tad: How's show business?
Liza: Oh, good. Oh, could you get the folder out of my briefcase?
Tad: Yeah, would that be the one disguised as a diaper bag?
Liza: I consolidated, and -- no, on the side, right there. Oh.
Tad: Ok.
Liza: Thank you. I'm just going to ask you maybe just once about this lovely outfit that you're wearing.
Tad: What? I'm trying to give Dixie a few laughs, that's all.
Liza: And does hospital security let you go by like that?
Tad: They didn't have to. She's upstairs.
Liza: What? Tad, you idiot. Why didn't you tell me?
Tad: I just told you. She got home this afternoon.
Liza: Well, you know what? I'm out of here.
Tad: What are you talking about? You just got here.
Liza: Because I would not have brought Colby if I knew that Dixie was at home. Seeing a baby's the last thing that she needs to see after what she's been through. Come on.

Dixie: Liza? Hi.
Liza: Hi.
Dixie: Thought I heard your voice.
Liza: Hi, Ruth. I was just bringing some stats by for Tad. I know you need your rest, so we're going to go.
Dixie: No, no. Don't go rushing off.
Liza: How are you feeling?
Dixie: Oh, I'm a little crampy, but otherwise I'm ok.
Liza: Good. If there's anything I can do, you know, just let me know.
Dixie: Well, actually, you know, if Ruth doesn't have first dibs on her grandbaby, I'd love to hold Colby.
Tad: Well, honey, are you sure you're up to it?
Dixie: Yeah. Hi. I got you. Oh, I got you. Oh. Hello, sweetheart. Hello. You're Mama's precious angel?

David: Why are you hiding this book from Edmund?
Alex: Oh, you have such a suspicious nature. It goes hand in hand with a guilty conscious, you know.
David: My conscious is so clean, you can dine on it.
Alex: Oh, whatever. Give me my book.
David: Your book? Well, let's take a look. "Property of Pine Valley Research Hospital Library."
Alex: The book, David.
David: Do you enjoy check-out privileges or did you steal this book?
Alex: Don't be ridiculous.
David: Well, since you no longer practice
the healing arts -- Alex: I like to keep up with the latest procedures.
David: Latest procedures? This book was published years ago. Well, let's see what late-breaking technology you're trying to keep from Edmund Grey.
Alex: Stop it!
David: Well, it'll probably go easier if I go to the index. Let's see. Ok. A, B, C, D -- D. Demarco, Defalco, Devane. Photo, page two. Well, let's take a look. And what is this? Dr. Alexandra Devane, posing with her colleagues. Oh, the paper opening the Hapsburg conference. Uh-huh. Caused quite a stir. Does Edmund know about this? We should call him down. I'm sure he'd be very proud.
Alex: Don't do this.
David: And what are you going to do to stop me?
Alex: Who I was, what I did -- it has no bearing on my life here in Pine Valley.
David: The past is the present, Alex. It's the future, too. Inevitable, inescapable.
Alex: Are you still the same man you were 10 years ago?
David: Pretty much.
Alex: Oh. How sad for you.
David: I'm recoiled to my true nature. I suggest you make peace with yours.
Alex: I have. So I'd appreciate your discretion.
David: And how much is your appreciation worth?
Alex: I'd consider it a personal favor.
David: Really? Hmm. Oh, I'm sorry. You'll have to excuse me. I -- I seem to remember the same request of you a few years back -- a personal favor -- and you cut me off at the knees.

Dixie: She's so precious. Yes. She sleeping through the night?
Liza: Mostly.
Dixie: That's so great. I remember Junior, you know, when he couldn't sleep, he used to cuddle in with us. Do you remember that?
Tad: Yeah.
Dixie: It was so nice.

[Colby fusses]

Dixie: Yeah. Opal used to say that we would spoil him, but I don't know any college kids who still sleep with their parents, do you? Huh? She sitting up yet?
Liza: Well, with the help of a bunch of pillows.
Dixie: Aw. Such a great age. Yeah. They'd roll over and hold their heads up like little turtles. First solid food, right? First tooth. First step, huh?
Tad: Honey, I really think Liza's got to be going.
Dixie: Oh, no, no. Five more minutes, please? I remember Junior's first step. I remember his first day of school. Yeah. Yeah. He wouldn't let me walk him to class, so I walked him to the edge of the school yard. He had that space busters lunch box. Do you remember that? Yeah. And when he got all the way to the door, he turned around and he gave me the big thumbs-up sign. He didn't cry, though. He was so good. But I did. L the way home.
Dixie: Oh, she's smiling at me! Tad, I think she remembers me!

Ryan: Some help, please!
Jake: Whoa, whoa.
Ryan: Jake.
Jake, Hayley's in trouble.
Jake: Jim, get a gurney over here. What happened?
Ryan: I don't know. I found her at Trevor's, passed out. I don't know. I don't know.
Jake: Let's get her into exam room one over here. Easy, easy.
Ryan: Ok, ok, ok. I tried to wake her up, but she's been like that all the way over.
Jake: I don't smell alcohol. She been drinking?
Ryan: What? Where'd that come from?
Jake: Look, I know she's had a problem with drinking before. Has she been drinking? Help me out here. Might be alcohol poisoning.
Ryan: Ok, she has had a lot of trouble staying sober lately.
Jake: All right. Anything that might have happened to push her over the limit, get her upset?
Ryan: Yeah, she found out that Mateo slept with Raquel.
Jake: Oh. That's enough to push anybody off the wagon.
Ryan: Look, she went to a meeting this morning, but I know she's still been struggling.
Jake: Well, her eyes are clear. Her pulse is level. I don't think it's anything alcohol-related.
Ryan: I know for a fact that she hasn't been eating or sleeping.
Jake: Probably severe exhaustion, dehydration. I'll go get some smelling salts.
Ryan: Ok, ok. Hayley, come on. Hang in there. Hang in there. You're going to be all right. You're going to be ok.

Mateo: Hayley, it's me again. If you're there, pick up. Hayley? Guess you're not there. All right.

Mateo: Dino? Hey, it's Matt. No, no, I'm still at the airport. I tried to catch Raquel before she left town, but I missed her. Yeah. Listen, have you been there since the opening? Ok, great. Have you seen Hayley? All right, listen, if she shows up, just keep her there for a while, all right? Don't tell her I'm looking for her. Just make sure she stays put. All right. Thanks.

Jake: Hayley, Hayley, it's Jake Martin. You're at the hospital. Can you hear me?
Hayley: Ryan?
Ryan: Hayley. Hayley. Thank God. Thank God you're ok.

Tad: Ok. Well, you don't want to overdo it on your fir day, honey.
Ruth: Tad's right, darling. You have to get some rest.
Dixie: What, and leave my little visitor here?
Tad: Well, Liza's got to get going.
Liza: Yeah, I do. I have a million things to do.
Dixie: Oh. Well, I have an idea. Why don't you leave Colby here, and then you can run your errands and whatever and this little sweetheart and I can get to know each other better. What do you say, just us girls?
Liza: Well, you know, I know that Colby would love to stay with you guys, but we're having lunch with Adam, so --
Dixie: Oh.
Liza: You know, actually, Colby and I could walk you upstairs and Colby could tuck you in so you could get some rest.
Dixie: Oh. Well, ok. Yeah, that'd be great. Ok, come on, let's go. Yeah. I got you, hon.

Ruth: Listen -- Dixie just lost a baby, and it's only natural for her to be drawn to Colby.
Tad: Drawn to her? Didn't you see her, Ma? She didn't want to let her go.
Ruth: Well, would you? I mean, I know you're terribly, terribly worried about Dixie, but so am I.
Tad: What'd you talk about upstairs?
Ruth: What else? We talked about babies.
Tad: Dixie wants one.
Ruth: She wants something to fill that void of sadness that's in her.
Tad: Well, she's got Junior. She's got Jamie. She's got me. She's got a family. Why isn't that enough?
Ruth: Oh, it is, darling. Let me just -- let me see if I can explain it to you. I'm talking about Dixie's dream. Dixie has a dream. Now, it's not practical, it's not reasonable, but many dreams are not. It's like losing something that you think you're never going to get back again.
Tad: Well, if I have to take a choice between losing my wife and losing a dream, I'll take door number two.
Ruth: Ok, now, look, give her a little time. She'll get there. She will realize that pregnancy is not the only option.
Tad: Ma, from your lips to the lady I love upstairs.

Liza: Are you ok? You comfortable?
Dixie: Yeah. Yeah. You know, Liza, I know you lead a very busy life, but whenever you can, just drop whatever you're doing and spend time with your daughter. You know, the time is so precious, and there's so little of it.
Liza: I know.
Dixie: Oh, I so wanted to give you a playmate. I pictured you and Bess having tea parties and playing in the summer. Phone calls and boys and secrets. I so wanted that for both of you. I wanted that for me, too.
Liza: Come here, you. Come here. Come here, you. Yeah. Oh. Oh.

[Colby fusses]

Liza: Oh, here, here.

Alex: You know damn well why I wouldn't help you. What you did was unconscionable. I wasn't about to help you cover it up.
David: And how do I know that you haven't done something equally despicable, something that you would go to great lengths to conceal?
Alex: You needn't concern yourself with that.
David: You asked for my help, Alex. Given our history, you must be desperate. Just how desperate are you? Hmm.
Edmund: Hayward. What the hell are you doing here?

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