DEC 14, 1999

Adrian: Trevor ought to be here any minute.
Mateo: Oh. I'll get my contract. Be right back.

Adrian: Yeah.
Tina: What? What?
Adrian: Oh, nothing. I heard you got a major plumbing issue. Mateo came to the rescue.
Tina: Do you want some coffee?
Adrian: Thanks. Must have happened pretty quick -- right after I left.
Tina: Yep. Right after. Listening to music in your spare time?
Adrian: Who said anything about music?
Tina: Then what is that?
Adrian: It is a listening device. When I was security consultant at this brokerage firm, this was part of my equipment.
Tina: Oh, cool. Can I try it? How does it work?
Adrian: Be very delicate here. There you go. Keep the volume turned down so you don't blow your eardrums into the next room.
Tina: Oh, God, this is so cool. How far can you go with it?
Adrian: Well, that depends.

Trevor: Hey.
Tina: Oh, morning.
Adrian: Hey, how's it going?
Trevor: Afternoon.
Adrian: Yeah.
Trevor: Coffee with --
Tina: Sugar.
Trevor: You got it. Thank you. Where's Mateo?
Adrian: He's right here.
Trevor: Oh.
Mateo: Hey, Trev. How are you doing?
Trevor: Good. I'll be better once we straighten this up. Sorry about the typo.
Mateo: No problem.
Trevor: But it's on the addresses, so that's important.
Adrian: Yeah.
Trevor: So you're signing -- you're signing green. You're signing red.
Adrian: Ok.
Mateo: Here's the old copy.
Trevor: Thank you very much.
Mateo: Can I have this one?
Adrian: You got it.
Tina: Excuse me.
Trevor: There you go.
Mateo: You know, this is so quick and painless.
Adrian: There you go. Well, gentlemen, this has been great, but if you'll excuse me, I need to make a phone call.
Mateo: The last one. All right, man. See you in a bit.
Adrian: You got it.

Trevor: So, it seems like Adrian's becoming a hands-on partner.
Mateo: Yeah. Well, you know, we're going to work that out.
Trevor: That's good.
Mateo: How's Hayley?
Trevor: She's fine.
Mateo: Yeah. Still living with you guys?
Trevor: Where else would she be?
Mateo: Oh, I figured maybe she and Ryan had moved in together.
Trevor: You're a couple of chapters behind.
Mateo: They're not living together?
Trevor: They're hardly even talking.

Ryan: "Ryan -- went to center city to check out camera ops for Hayley's show. Then I'm meeting Becca at the new pizza place on market street. Join us if you want. Scott."

[Ryan remembers conversations with Gillian]

Gillian: Ok, fine. But I would still like to know, what am I to you?
Ryan: You're my ex-wife.
Gillian: I'm not even your friend? I'm just your ex-wife? Some excess luggage that you threw in the garbage?
Ryan: Come on. It's "baggage," not "luggage."
Gillian: Yeah, well, that's what I thought, you know?
Ryan: No, no, no, no. That's not what I meant.
Gillian: No, no. That was exactly what you meant, Ryan. Thank God you finally admitted it. Now all the pieces fit.
Ryan: What? What are you talking about?
Gillian: For months you've been telling me you can't love, but you've left out the last part.
Ryan: What last part?
Gillian: What you meant to say was, Ryan, you can't love me.

[Knock on door]

Greenlee: Hey. I was just driving by, and I saw your car parked outside. Did you just get back from the hospital? How's Gillian?

Palmer: Well, I intend to convince this board to appoint David as the head of the Andrassy foundation.
Joe: But Dimitri's will was very specific, as you must know. He wanted Alex to head the foundation and, failing that, to recommend her replacement.
Palmer: Be that as it will, I tell you, if the foundation is going to be headquartered here, then the board is going to have to have something to say about it.
Alex: Hello, Joe. Palmer. Thank you very much for meeting with me before the fact I should explain why --
Palmer: It's not necessary. We're well aware of your objections to Hayward.
Alex: Well, no. I haven't explained fully why I'm so opposed to his appointment.
Palmer: Well, don't you think that it might be better if you expressed those feelings to the entire board? I have a -- not a very good feeling about these private pre-meeting meetings.
Alex: I know it's against protocol, but it's rather personal. And I was hoping that by explaining it to the two of you, I could spare myself and the rest of the board a great deal of discomfort.
Joe: Does this have to do with something in your past with David -- assuming that you do have a past with him?
Alex: Yeah, unfortunately I do. It wasn't a happy one. And I -- I can't forgive him for something.
Palmer: A lovers' tiff?
Alex: Oh, please, give me some credit. I wouldn't waste your time with something like that. No, this is serious. I hold the man responsible for the death of my best friend.

Erica: Well, you certainly chose a very interesting meeting place.
David: Well, they say confession's good for the soul, right?
Erica: David, I understand that there are things about you in your past that you would rather not discuss. But it's obvious that something has gone on between you and Alex, something -- and you haven't told me what it is. But whatever it is -- or was -- clearly, it's significant.
David: Are you afraid of what I might share with you?
Erica: You knew her, didn't you, before you came to Pine Valley?
David: Yes.
Erica: Well, that's not what you led me to believe. You said you loved me.
David: I do.
Erica: But you lied to me. Was it because you were afraid that the truth would upset me? Look -- whatever went on between you and Alex -- if you and Alex were lovers, I'm sure that that's very difficult to admit because there were feelings between you and it's very hard for you to talk about now because the feelings are still there.

Joe: Alex, what exactly do you mean when you say he was responsible for the death of your friend?
Palmer: That's an outrageous allegation.
Alex: Well, it isn't an allegation of murder. It's a statement of fact. He caused a tragedy, and he has never taken responsibility for it.
Palmer: Well, clearly, you're going to have to say something more than that, Dr. Marick.
Alex: Yes, I intend to. When I was at medical school, I shared a flat with a woman called Siobhan Ewing. We'd been friends since our early teens, I suppose.
Palmer: And this Ms. Ewing was the person you say Dr. Hayward killed?
Alex: We were at a local pub one night, and we met this American, very arrogant and cocky.
Joe: David Hayward.
Alex: Yes. And he joined us, uninvited, and introduced himself. Well, I was turned off by him from the first. However, my friend Siobhan and he, they hit it off, and they began to see each other. And I warned her to steer clear of him or at least to be very careful, but she didn't listen to me. She was crazy about him. She trusted him completely. But he didn't return her feelings. In fact, he was extremely cruel to her. You see, he was using her to get back at me.
Joe: To get back at you for what?
Alex: He'd made it clear that he was interested in me at first. But I turned him down because I could see what kind of a person he was.
Palmer: So you're saying that he went out with your friend to annoy you? Well, that's rather extreme, and I would say it's a narcissistic interpretation.
Alex: He is totally vindictive. He systematically destroyed my friend because I would have nothing to do with him.

David: The only feelings ex and I have for each other -- have ever had for each other -- are distrust and contempt.
Erica: It's not love gone sour?
David: Absolutely not. I have never, ever had any interest in Alex whatsoever.
Erica: But you did know her?
David: Yes. Come here. I knew her and her roommate, Siobhan. We met in London. I was there as a surgical resident trying to get a closer look at socialized medicine.
Erica: I see.
David: And I sure wasn't the person that I am now. I hadn't yet learned that people come into our lives for a reason.
Erica: What do you mean?
David: Siobhan was a student, and she was very lovely. We dated each other for a short time. It was nothing earth-shaking, till she got pregnant.
Erica: Oh. How did you handle that?
David: By telling her the truth -- that I wasn't in love with her, that I really had no wish to have a child in my life at that time. And I told her that whatever choice she made that I would support her, emotionally as well as financially. But she didn't want the help. All she wanted was me.
Erica: You make her sound obsessive.
David: She was unstable, perhaps even borderline psychotic. All the indicators were there. And Alex saw that. She claimed Siobhan was her best friend, and not once did she ever warn me that she was coming unspooled. She never prepared me for the possibility that --
Erica: That what?
David: Siobhan overdosed, and it wasn't an accident.
Erica: Did she die?
David: Yes. Suicide. And Alex blames me. Erica?
Erica: Are you?
David: Am I what?
Erica: Are you to blame for what happened to Siobhan?

Mateo: So, how do you know that Hayley and Lavery are hardly speaking?
Trevor: I shouldn't be saying anything. It's none of my business.
Mateo: Yeah, I think that's a little too late.
Trevor: I heard Hayley and Janet. I didn't get any details. I wasn't really listening.
Mateo: Well, what were they saying?
Trevor: They were talking about Hayley and Ryan's trip to New York for this TV thing. I don't know what happened, but she came back by her lonesome.
Mateo: And since then?
Trevor: She's pretty much been to herself.
Mateo: People fight. They makeup.
Trevor: No, that's not what this is about.
Mateo: No? How do you know? Why are you so sure?
Trevor: Because this thing was over before it began.
Mateo: What do you mean, "over before it began," Trevor? Come on, they -- Hayley and Lavery --
Trevor: They rolled the dice, but they never passed go.
Mateo: They didn't sleep together?
Trevor: That's what I would be saying.

Greenlee: Whoa.
Ryan: Well, that is something I never thought I'd hear you say.
Greenlee: I haven't had much occasion to use it. Guess I finally found someone who can keep up with me.

[Doorbell rings]

Greenlee: Do you have a guilty conscience? Ignore it.


Ryan: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I remember Liza saying that the super had to come by to fix the fuse box. He's just going to let himself in if I don't let him in, ok?
Greenlee: Is he cute?
Ryan: I'll find out for you. Give me a second, ok?

Ryan: Hello? Hello?
Hayley: Oh. Hi. I'm sorry. I didn't think that you were home.

Mateo: Trevor I saw them. Lavery buttoning up his shirt. She comes down in a nightgown. I mean, what am I supposed to think? It's a little obvious, no?
Trevor: That he stayed.
Mateo: Yeah, that he stayed. That he more than stayed.
Trevor: Never happened.
Mateo: No?
Trevor: Never happened.

Adrian: So, gentlemen, we have any loose ends to tie up?
Trevor: I don't think so. Sorry I took so much of your time. Thank you. Congratulations on your partnership. I think it's going to go a long way. It's got a long way to go.
Adrian: See you later, Trev.
Mateo: Thank you.
Trevor: Anytime.

Adrian: So, this holiday party we have next week -- are we going to book talent, or are we going to go with that DJ. We talked about? Hello? Mateo?
Mateo: Oh. Oh, uh --
Adrian: What's wrong?
Mateo: D.J. Nothing. Nothing's wrong. I just talked to Trevor. He told me that Hayley and Ryan, they never, you know -- they never slept together.
Adrian: Seems logical to me.
Mateo: She knew -- I mean, she knows that I think they did. Why would she want me to believe something like that? I mean, that's terrible.
Adrian: Well, why --
Mateo: It's not true.
Adrian: Well, why would you allow her to think that you left Ryan trapped in that burning car?
Mateo: That's different.
Adrian: How?
Mateo: Because she made up her mind that I had turned my back on him. I mean, no matter what I said, no matter what, she was going to believe what she wanted to believe. Nothing I said was going to change her mind.
Adrian: Isn't that why Hayley didn't tell you that she never slept with Ryan?

Hayley: I'm supposed to meet Scott here. We're heading into Center City to interview camera operators for the new show.
Ryan: Oh. Wait a minute. You guys must have got your signals crossed. He left a note. He's already there.
Hayley: Oh, you're kidding. I must have misunderstood him or something. I've been spacing out a lot. You know, I'm lucky I know what day it is.
Ryan: Listen, starting your own show is huge. It's not just going to stop.
Hayley: Well, I really appreciate, you know, all the hard work you put in with the sponsors and everything.
Ryan: Oh, hey, it's my job.
Hayley: This is weird. Don't you feel like this is weird?
Ryan: What?
Hayley: Talking to each other like we don't know each other is weird.
Ryan: Yeah, it is. It is. It is. But it's not always going to be this way. We'll get used to our new terms.
Hayley: I hope so. I really miss my best friend.
Ryan: I miss mine, too.
Hayley: Maybe we could go have dinner, you know. I mean, business dinner. Just strictly business. We could talk about, you know, our new terms and everything. I'm really sorry. I should have called before I came over. I hate when people do that to me.
Ryan: No --
Hayley: Do me a favor and tell Scott to page me or call me when he gets in, ok?
Ryan: Yeah.
Hayley: Thanks.
Ryan: I will.

Greenlee: I didn't realize how much Hayley meant to you.
Ryan: Nobody means that much to me.

David: Erica, I swear to you that I am not to blame for Siobhan's death. If I am guilty of anything, it is of being too immature and too self-absorbed to see how sick she really was.
Erica: Why is Alex so furious with you?
David: She insists that I knew that Siobhan was suicidal and that I gave her the key to the hospital medicine cabinet, knowing that she was going to steal the drugs for her overdose.
Erica: But you gave her the key?
David: No. No. Absolutely not. Siobhan stole the key from me. Look, I may have been blind at the time, but I wasn't a complete imbecile. It would have been like handing her a loaded gun. I wasn't in love with the woman, but I certainly didn't wish her any harm. Don't be fooled by Alex's quest for justice. There are far more selfish motives behind her actions.
Erica: Namely?
David: There are some details that you don't need to know. Anything else that I say is going to be ungentlemanly.
Erica: Oh, well, that's just too bad I mean, you have to keep telling me now. You know very well if you don't tell me now, I'll just wonder what it is that you're hiding -- which is, of course, exactly what Alex keeps implying and saying.
David: It's not just Siobhan's death that's driving Alex. She's angry about other things.
Erica: Enlighten me.
David: After Siobhan and I started seeing each other, she went away for the weekend to see her family. I misunderstood when she was coming back, and I went to her apartment. Alex was there alone, and she -- she put the moves on me. And I admit that it wasn't my loyalty to Siobhan that stopped me from taking what she was offering.
Erica: So you've said. So, what was it?
David: A feeling. I didn't trust her motives. And, frankly, I was never interested in the woman.
Erica: So you turned her down?
David: Yes, I turned her down. And to say that she didn't receive it well is an understatement because from that moment on, she made it her life's mission to humiliate me. She used Siobhan's suicide to discredit me in London, and that's exactly what she's trying to do here. What? You do believe me, don't you?

Alex: He knew what a state she was in, yet still he gave her the key to the narcotics cabinet.
Palmer: Well, he can't have known that she really intended suicide.
Alex: He knew. When Siobhan told him she was pregnant, she said that she would kill herself if he refused to be part of her life.
Joe: Alex, how do you know this? Were you present? Did you witness this argument?
Alex: Well, no. A friend of his told me after the funeral. But he drove her to her death.
Palmer: You know, that's a very serious charge. We're going to have to have a little proof about that.
Alex: I am the proof. I was there. My God, if I thought it would have spared Siobhan's life, I would have slept with him.
Joe: Alex, isn't there someone who can substantiate your story?
Alex: You think I'm making this up?
Palmer: Well, a doctor's
reputation is at stake here. Alex: Oh, you're concerned about how this will reflect on you.
Palmer: No, I'm just as concerned about the effect that your actions will have on the reputation of this hospital.
Alex: Well, I am sorry, but I cannot have Dr. Hayward heading up the Andrassy foundation under any circumstances. And if it were up to me, I would have him thrown off the staff of this hospital.

Erica: Well, let's all give thanks that it isn't up to you.
David: I'm sure that Alex has made it brutally clear that I was romantically involved with her roommate. But I had no responsibility in regards to her suicide. I had no idea that she was even entertaining the thought.
Alex: You knew. She told you.
Erica: Well, now, you had your say, haven't you, Dr. Devane?
Alex: It's Marick.
Erica: Why don't you examine the man who David Hayward is today, what he's achieved as a professional, what his future holds, and what the future of the Andrassy foundation could be with David at its helm.
Joe: You know, I have examined the qualifications of the other candidates, and it's true -- no one stands out as more qualified.
Palmer: I absolutely agree.
Alex: Well, I have no issues with his surgical qualifications. It's his lack of character and conscience that troubles me.
David: What happened to Alex's friend was a tragedy in any and every way. And the natural tendency is to assign blame. It's human response to circumstances that are beyond our control.
Alex: Oh, for heaven's sake. You don't have a degree in philosophy or psychology. It's not your place to speculate as to why I blame you. But I think you should answer for it.
Palmer: That is what he's trying to do.
David: Thank you --
Joe: Alex, Alex -- Alex, please.
Alex: You've conveniently forgotten some important facts, haven't you?
David: I don't believe I have.
Alex: Oh, I'm sorry, but I don't think I heard you mention the fact that the circumstances surrounding Siobhan's death cost you a fellowship. Clearly there were other people besides myself that thought you were culpable. Or was there another reason that your grant was canceled?
David: Why don't you tell Joe and Palmer exactly who was awarded the fellowship that I lost?
Alex: That has nothing to do with it. I'm talking about the events that caused you to lose the grant, not what happened afterwards. And obviously someone was going to get the fellowship.
David: Well, how lucky for you that you happened to be there to catch it when it fell.
Palmer: Is that true?
Alex: Well, yes, but it's irrelevant.
David: "Irrelevant"? Your irrational attempts to destroy my reputation professionally has been nothing if not personal. Now, I'm counting on the good sense of these men and the absolute lack of evidence to end this vendetta here and now.
Joe: Well, may I speak, Palmer, to you and David alone, please? Excuse us.

Mateo: That's totally different. That's a totally different thing. If she would have told me that she never slept with Ryan, that's -- come on.
Adrian: Oh, then it would have been fine, huh?
Mateo: Yeah.
Adrian: Everything would have been just great?
Mateo: Yeah.
Adrian: You'd have believed her?
Mateo: Maybe. I don't know, man. She told me she slept with the guy. How am I supposed to take that? It killed me.
Adrian: Ok, all right. But they weren't. So, where does that leave you two now?
Mateo: Nowhere. We're finished.
Adrian: Mateo, come on. Ok, if that's the case, then why do you care whether she slept with Ryan?
Mateo: I don't care. I don't care.
Adrian: Who are you kidding? Ever since Trevor told you, this is all you've been able think about.
Mateo: It's a big change.
Adrian: Oh, yeah. I'll say so. I'm sure you thought for a long time that Hayley had taken the big break from you -- maybe she had moved on, decided maybe she would sleep with other men. And, hey, even you said it was killing you. You said that yourself, right?
Mateo: Yeah.
Adrian: Now you find out that it hasn't happened. What does that mean?
Mateo: Who knows why they didn't do it? Maybe she had a headache or they got in a fight or Ryan cut himself while he was shaving his chest. I don't know.
Adrian: Ok, all right. Relax, relax. I'm going to back away from this. I can see you're getting pretty ticked off.
Mateo: I'm not ticked off. But thank you.
Adrian: But I will suggest one last --
Mateo: Yeah, sure.
Adrian: One last possibility.
Mateo: Go ahead, go ahead, go ahead.
Adrian: Ok. You say it's through between you and Hayley, right? Maybe you ought to look at that again.
Mateo: What, are you trying to test our relationship now?
Adrian: No, no. No, no. I'm not trying to test this. But as far as I'm concerned, this relationship, our partnership, is solid as a rock.
Mateo: Then why are you hassling me?
Adrian: Because it's the season for giving.
Mateo: So I'm supposed to thank you for busting my chops like this, huh?
Adrian: Well, I just think that -- you know, I'm talking about you and Hayley, man. I really think that you guys ought to give each other a break. That's all.

Hayley: I went to the loft to look for Scott, and it just never occurred to me that Ryan -- forget it.
Trevor: What, that Ryan would be getting along fine without you?
Hayley: Thanks, Uncle Pork Chop. I know I can always count on you for just a dollop of sympathy.
Trevor: Sorry, Tink. I just never could take you and Ryan too seriously.
Hayley: Why not?
Trevor: Because all he ever was was a pretty boy detour for you to go down while you were working out what was going on with Mateo.
Hayley: That is so not true. Ryan was -- Ryan is one of my closet friends.
Trevor: Yeah, but that's what he is, right? A friend, right? Ever ask yourself why that is?
Hayley: I'm asking myself why I don't sew your wife's mouth shut.
Trevor: Oh, don't take this out on Janet. I overheard it. I was -- it was by accident.
Hayley: Oh. Of course.
Trevor: So -- it's Christmas soon.
Hayley: What does that have to do with this?
Trevor: You can't ignore him.
Hayley: Mateo? Oh. Watch me. He wants nothing to do with me, which is fine with me because I'm not too keen on him either these days.
Trevor: Where do you get off thinking he wants nothing to do with you?
Hayley: Where do you get off thinking he does?
Trevor: Because I was over at S.O.S. Today.
Hayley: Yeah, yeah? And? What?
Trevor: Well, we got to talking, Mateo and me.
Hayley: What did you say?
Trevor: And somehow, I don't know exactly --
Hayley: Tell me. You tell me now.
Trevor: Well, we started talking about, you know, Ryan and you and that you and Ryan never really -
- Hayley: You told Mateo that I never slept with Ryan?
Trevor: Well, I wasn't telling a lie.
Hayley: You told him that?
Trevor: Well, it's the truth, Tink.
Hayley: So what?
Trevor: "So what?"
Hayley: Trevor! I never wanted him to know that!

Greenlee: So, you don't want to get dragged down by all the stuff that goes on in a relationship. I understand. It can drain the life out of you.
Ryan: Yeah. Still sounds kind of harsh, though.
Greenlee: Maybe, but it makes sense.
Ryan: It makes a lot of sense. Besides, you don't want to get too caught up in your head because then you're not spending enough time on the body. And I want to stay nice and in tune with everything up close and personal.
Ryan: What? Are you ok?
Greenlee: I am. Are you?
Ryan: Yeah, of course. Why?
Greenlee: It just feels kind of different since -- since we got interrupted. Like you're on autopilot.
Ryan: Really?
Greenlee: Yeah. I just want to feel like you know who you're with, like you know it's me. Oh, come on. Don't get all broody and Russian lit over it. We can do it some other time. It's totally cool.
Ryan: Greenlee, wait a sec.
Ryan: I don't want you to go.
Greenlee: You never did tell me what happened with Gillian. When the hospital called, you freaked.
Ryan: I don't want to talk about Gillian, all right? I just want to be here with you. And I'm smart enough to know exactly who I'm with. I'm with the woman with the beautiful skin, the beautiful eyes, and the many, many gorgeous other parts.
Greenlee: I know it's not my reputation, but --
Ryan: What? You've got a reputation?
Greenlee: I'm a good listener. Before, after, during.
Ryan: Shh, shh, shh, shh.

Trevor: So you don't tell Mateo that you didn't sleep with Ryan, and Mateo doesn't tell you that he didn't leave Ryan in that car when it was going to blow up. That makes perfect sense to me. Now you're both even.
Hayley: Please. Please, no more interfering.
Trevor: Tink, you don't want to tell Mateo that you didn't sleep with Ryan because Mateo knows that you wouldn't sleep with somebody that you don't love. Ergo, you don't love Ryan. Ergo, you still love Mateo.
Hayley: What?
Trevor: It's deductive reasoning, Tink. You still love Mateo. And the sooner you deal with that, the happier you're going to be.

Erica: I know you tried to seduce David. You used your friend's suicide as your revenge.
Alex: Oh, is that what he told you? Thought you were smarter than that. You have no idea what lies in store for you if you don't give up this -- this juvenile obsession with him.
Erica: Are you threatening me?
Alex: No, it's kind of like a prediction. He has you convinced that I'm dangerous, doesn't he?
Erica: Oh, he told me the truth.
Alex: Oh, did he? The man you think you know doesn't exist. When you look at him, you are looking at an illusion.
Erica: I do wish you would just give this up.
Alex: He will destroy you. He's done it before. Are you willing to be next?

Hayley: I don't want you interfering in my life anymore, ok? Because I don't need a man to feel complete or fulfilled or anything else like that because as far as I'm concerned, there aren't enough hours in the day already.
Trevor: What about all those little extra hours at night, huh?
Hayley: You know what? Write yourself a self-help book, ok? But I don't want to hear about it because I'm on my own. And I like it that way. So stay out of my life.
Trevor: She loves him. Oh, boy, does she love him.

Adrian: Hey. Quit dipping into the profit margin, will you?
Tina: Oh. I'm sorry, Adrian. I was just zoning out. I --
Adrian: Oh, relax. I'm sorry you had to hear all that stuff.
Tina: What's there to be sorry for?
Adrian: Well, it's obvious that Mateo loves Hayley just as much as he ever did.
Tina: That's not so clear to me. And they're not even married anymore. And at least he didn't say anything bad about me.
Adrian: You don't let anything get in your way, do you?
Tina: Not if I can help it.
Adrian: Well, I must say you have your work cut out for you.
Tina: I'm up to it.

[Greenlee talks to Ryan while he is asleep]

Greenlee: I'm not fooling myself. I know I don't mean anything to you now. But I will.

Erica: As touched as I am for your concern for my well-being, let me assure you that I can take care of myself.
Alex: Yeah, that's what Siobhan thought until she met David.
Erica: Where's Palmer?
Joe: I sent him back to his room. He needs more rest than he's been getting. He's all right. He's all right. I just don't want him overdoing it. Why don't we sit down.
Joe: Now, I have never made any secret of my feelings toward Dr. Hayward, and he certainly is well aware of them. But as chief of staff, my focus has to be on what's good for the hospital. I've listened very carefully to the story of your unfortunate friend from both points of view. And to be honest, I've listened with a particular care to see if there was some concrete, irrefutable reason why Dr. Hayward should not be made director of the foundation.
Alex: But I've given you plenty.
Joe: No, there's no proof that he caused the death of your friend. If there were proof, he'd be cleaning out his office right now. And as matters stand, we have only to consider his professional qualifications, which are impeccable. On other non-medical matters, such as character, something else again, but it doesn't concern us here. Dr. Hayward is an asset to this hospital. So if the Andrassy foundation is to be situated here in the hospital, as was Dimitri's wish, I have no choice but to recommend Dr. Hayward to be the director.

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