DECEMBER 27, 1999

Amanda: Mommy, I'm hungry. Can I have some Christmas cookies?
Janet: Sweetheart, you haven't even had lunch yet.
Amanda: What's for lunch?
Janet: Soup. It's already in the bowl. Just pop it in the microwave for 30 seconds.
Amanda: Ok.

Janet: Well, I don't see anything about a dead woman's body being found. Still -- don't worry. Just relax. Sophie can't bother us anymore.

Amanda's voice: Show her that pretty pendant that you never wear.
Janet: Like I said, it's just costume.
Hayley: Oh, my gosh. It's wonderful. Is this handmade? There can't be too many of these around.
Amanda: Put it on, Mom.
Janet: Uh --
Hayley: It's really fabulous. Here. Where'd you get it?
Janet: Oh, it's been so long, I forget.
Hayley: Uh-huh. An old flame, huh?

Sophie: Janet, it's me, Sophie.
Janet: Sophie Malinowski?

Rae: Thank you.
Leo: Lovely fragrance. Is that Invitation?
Rae: Well, you have a very sophisticated sense of smell for someone so young.
Leo: Oh, I'm experienced with the finer things in life.
Rae: Are you trying to flirt with me? Is that it?
Leo: I thought I was doing better than trying, doctor.

[Rae laughs]

Leo: May I call you Rae?
Rae: Yes, if you tell me why you've asked me here. Thank you very much.
Leo: Well, as you know, I'm working on tad's new show, "Nothing But The Truth."
Rae: Right.
Leo: And we're hoping to attract a certain caliber of guests. So I was wondering if you had a wish list of people you'd like to expose. If so, I should start working on it.
Rae: Aren't you a production assistant? I mean, I thought Tad was in charge of the guest list.
Leo: I was hoping to do more than fetch coffee and doughnuts.
Rae: Ah.
Leo: Besides, production assistants don't normally take beautiful ladies to lunch.
Rae: Is that so?
Leo: Yeah.
Rae: I see.

Vanessa: Leo, what are you doing here?
Leo: Hello, mother. You said this is the only passable restaurant in town, right?
Vanessa: Well, it is, but --
Palmer: We just assumed, of course, that you might be at work.
Rae: Well, actually, this is sort of a working lunch. Leo is trying to pick my brain.
Vanessa: For what? Well, I mean, what does a relationship expert know about the world of electronics?
Rae: I don't know.
Vanessa: I mean, Leo is, of course, vice-president in charge of international relations at Cortlandt Electronics.
Rae: Well, isn't that odd, because I thought he worked for WRCW for Tad Martin's new show.

Liza: Oh, Barry. I hope you're not here with more presents from Adam.
Barry: No, no. Just -- just to drop off some papers he requested. Um -- is he around?

[Telephone rings]

Liza: No, he's not. I don't know when he'll be back, so why don't you just leave them with me.
Barry: Oh, I can't. They're confidential.
Liza: I won't peek.
Barry: Liza, you're in the midst of a hostile divorce.

Winifred: Excuse me, Mrs. Chandler, but your assistant's on the phone.
Liza: Eli?
Winifred: Yes. It's something at the studio, something about the satellite feed.
Liza: Oh, not again. Oh. Ok, I'll -- oh, my briefcase is upstairs. I have to use the upstairs phone. Tell him I'll be there in just a couple minutes?
Winifred: Yes, ma'am.
Liza: Thanks. This is going to take a while, so if you want Adam to get those papers, you might want to just leave them with me.
Barry: Well, maybe he'll be back soon. I'll -- I'll just stick around for a while.

Barry: Adam. Adam! Are you here?
Adam: Keep your voice down.
Barry: Man, this is insane, all this sneaking around.
Adam: How do you think I feel, crawling on my belly in and out of a vent no bigger than a rabbit hole so I can pretend to be Stuart doing his ridiculous impersonation of me?
Barry: I wouldn't call it ridiculous. It fooled a lot of people.
Adam: Barry --
Barry: Yes, all right. I'm sorry. Do you want to tell me why I'm here?
Adam: Yes, yes. Liza fell for that phony invitation to the world television conference. She and Colby will be flying to Monaco on New Year's Eve.
Barry: Well, that's good news.
Adam: Yes. But in order for my plan to work fully, I need proof of paternity. How's that coming?
Barry: I still don't have a blood sample from Colby.
Adam: All right. We don't need it.
Barry: Well, no -- I can't get near her stem cells without Liza's permission.
Adam: No, forget Liza. David Hayward is the key.
Barry: Hayward? What's Hayward got to do with this?
Adam: He did a DNA. Test on Colby. He used it as leverage against me for months. I'm sure he still has it.
Barry: Even if you're right, he's not about to hand it over to me.
Adam: Of course not. He knows you're my lawyer. He'd rather burn it. So you have to break into his office and take it.

David: Alex, I was just going to page you.
Alex: Can it wait? I'm on my way to see Joe.
David: This won't take long. I have to show you something.
Alex: I'm taking care of some things for the foundation.
David: We both need to take care of things for the foundation, and this is where we're going to do it. We'll never have to be out of each other's sight again.

Rae: I think I prefer working with Tad, so if you'll all excuse me --
Leo: Rae, wait.
Rae: Nice try, kid. Nice. I'm glad to see you're doing so well.
Palmer: Thank you.
Leo: Thank you, mother. You just chased away a valuable source.
Vanessa: What was that woman talking about?
Palmer: Vanessa, what is this about Leo working for Tad Martin? What --
Vanessa: You work for Palmer. You don't work for some two-bit talk show host.
Leo: Actually, I work for both of them.
Palmer: Two jobs? Two -- you're holding down two -- well, well, well, well, well.
Leo: This thing at WRCW is only part-time -- weekends, nights. I promise that I won't slough off from my duties at C.E. In fact, I'm going to help shape our corporate image. Well, I need hands-on experience with the media, right?
Palmer: In that case, we'll let you go back to work.
Leo: Well, thank you, sir. That's exactly what I intend to do. Good-bye, mother. Palmer. Would you mind picking up the check?
Palmer: No, no, of course not.
Leo: Thank you. See you guys.
Vanessa: Well, you certainly have to give him credit for initiative, don't you, dear?
Palmer: Hmm, hmm --
Vanessa: But, Palmer, if you prefer that he devote himself solely to Cortlandt Electronics --
Palmer: No, no. No, no, no, no. Not to worry, my dear. No, no, I'm sure my company can get along one day without Leo. And just think of all the money I'll save on expense accounts.
Vanessa: Palmer, when the time comes for a promotion, you won't pass him up, will you, dear?
Palmer: Well, of course not, my dear. Certainly not. After all, he is your son. Look, there's Erica. Let's say hello, shall we? Erica, how goes it?
Erica: Hello. Just great, Palmer. How was your Christmas?
Palmer: Well, all things considered, very civilized.
Erica: Well, Palmer, that doesn't sound too enthusiastic.
Vanessa: Oh, well, of course, we were flying down to St. Bart, but then Palmer's still recovering from the shooting.
Erica: And you mean you stayed here with Palmer? Well, that is so loyal. Vanessa, I'm so impressed.
Vanessa: Well, Leo was disappointed, however. He loves Christmas carols on steel drums.
Palmer: Oh.

Maitre d': Excuse me.
Ms. Kane, Dr. Hayward just phoned. He's sorry, but he won't be able to make lunch.
Erica: Ah.
Vanessa: My, my. Another cozy little meal destroyed without warning. David can be so inconsiderate.

Alex: Well, I'm not sharing an office with you, David.
David: Well, I'm sorry to hear that, but Joe has only allocated a few hundred square feet for the foundation. We need that for lab work.
Alex: Yeah, I understand, but I prefer to choose my own but I prefer to choose my own accommodations.
David: I'm sure you would, but I'm sure you would agree that any money spent should be to hire lab technicians, develop research, find cures, you know, save people's lives, that kind of thing. And I thought that this would be a good solution -- turn this office into the new headquarters for the foundation.
Alex: What happens if one of us has a visitor or we're both talking on the phone at the same time?
David: I guess we'll just have to be flexible. I'm willing. All right, come on. Try this out for size. Come on.
David: Now, isn't that comfy?
Alex: Yes.
David: Good. Now, first order of business -- I received a few applications for the lab technician's job.
Alex: Already?
David: Mm-hmm.
Alex: How come?
David: Well, I put the word out to various facilities -- Johns Hopkins, Columbia Presbyterian -- offering qualified technicians a hefty increase in their present salaries.
Alex: You shouldn't have done that without consulting me.
David: Well, we do want the very best, don't we? And to get the best, you have to pay top dollar.
Alex: I suppose you're right.
David: I knew you'd see it my way. When I put my mind to it, I can be irresistible.
Alex: Not to me.
David: That was a joke, Alex.
Alex: This isn't a good idea. Oh, my goodness me. Are you all right?
Rae: Oh, I'm sorry. Are you all right?
Alex: Yes.
Rae: You're Dr. Marick. I remember seeing you at the Cortlandt's' party.
Alex: Yeah.
Rae: I'm Rae Cummings. Actually, I've been trying to track you down.
Alex: Why?
Rae: I've discovered we have a mutual friend.
Alex: Oh, who?

David: Excuse me. Alex, are you all right?
Alex: Yeah. Yeah.

Barry: It's out of the ques--
Adam: Shh!
Barry: It's out of the question, Adam. I am an officer of the court. I took an oath to uphold the law, not break it.
Adam: For crying out loud, Barry, I'm asking you to bend the rules a little.
Barry: Burglarizing his office is not just bending the rules.
Adam: Barry, are you refusing to help me?
Barry: I am not going to commit a crime for you.
Adam: This is a lousy time for you to discover ethics.
Barry: Well, I could -- I could be disbarred.
Adam: So what? I just spent all of Christmas eve listening to the whole Martin clan oohing and aahing over my baby, Colby, and Jake Martin usurping my rightful position. I want -- I want proof of that baby's paternity. I want to prove she's mine so I can wipe the stupid smiles off of their smug faces once and for all. And I'm asking you to help me.
Barry: Oh, Adam, Adam -- I'm not breaking into David Hayward's office.
Adam: Fine. I'll do it myself.

Janet: Amanda? Amanda, could you come out here for a minute?
Amanda: What's the matter, mommy?
Janet: Did you leave my necklace on the mantelpiece?
Amanda: What necklace?
Janet: This one.
Amanda: No. Isn't that the one you asked me about right after Halloween?
Janet: Never mind. Go back and have your lunch.

Trevor: Babe, what's this doing in the trash?

[Trevor holds up large, fake candy cane like the one Janet hit Sophie with]

Janet: What did you find in the trash?
Trevor: Bigger than a bread box.
Janet: Where -- what trash can?
Trevor: In the garage. Amanda brought it home -- souvenir from "The Nutcracker." All the kids got one. You remember?
Janet: Oh, right. Yeah. Trevor so why'd you throw it away?
Janet: Well, I didn't mean to. There was just so much wrapping paper after we exchanged gifts, it must have gotten mixed in.
Trevor: It's a little big to miss, isn't it?
Janet: Well, it was knee-deep.
Hey, I got this great idea.
Trevor: What?
Janet: I've been thinking, how about if we go to Paris and celebrate New Year's Eve?
Trevor: Whoa. Paris, babe.
Janet: Come on. Don't you miss Tim? Don't you want to see him?
Trevor: Yeah, sure, but --
Janet: Trevor, let's plan a trip. Come on. We'll take Amanda. She really misses her brother, and she didn't get to go last time.
Trevor: Yeah, that sounds great, honey.
Janet: Good. I'm going to call the travel agent.
Trevor: No, wait a minute. I'm thinking maybe spring, April. I mean, I don't mean right now.
Janet: No, I mean now. Right now.

[Doorbell rings]

Liza: I'll get it!
Jake: Hey.
Liza: Hi. Jake you're here. I thought that you'd be at work.
Liza: Oh, no. Miss the homecoming?
Jake: She's sleepy.
Liza: My little baby. Come here, sweetheart.
Jake: Good pass.
Liza: She is sleepy.
Jake: Yeah.
Liza: Oh, so, did you see Barry?
Jake: Who?
Liza: Barry Shire. Did you -- did you see him leaving as you came up?
Jake: No. No, the only people we saw were the landscapers taking down your Christmas lights. Boy, you guys don't waste any time putting the holidays behind you.
Liza: Well, it wasn't very festive around here. So, did you have a good Christmas? Did she see Santa?
Jake: Oh, she was so cute. She loved the Christmas tree lights. She kept trying to hug the tree, and dad was going nuts. I think he took about five rolls of film. But she was just wonderful. I mean, she was like a Christmas present everybody could share.
Gillian: Everybody made such a fuss over her.
Liza: Listen to you. You're talking. You -- you're -- the aphasia's --
Jake: It's -- it's almost gone. It's another reason to celebrate.
Liza: Oh, that's fantastic. Oh, I hate to do it, but I guess I should put her down.
Jake: Yeah, yeah.
Liza: She's sleeping.
Jake: She's very tired.
Gillian: Do you want me to take her?
Liza: No. No, no, that's ok.
Gillian: Gillian's great with her.

[Colby coos]

Jake: Oh. She sings this Hungarian thing. I don't know. It puts her right to sleep.
Gillian: My nanny taught me.
Liza: That's great.
Jake: Yeah. There's something else I want to talk to you about.
Liza: Ok. Well, do you think you could find everything? I mean, you just put a little blanket over her, she'll be fine.
Gillian: Ok. Liza: Ok. You ready?
Gillian: Yeah.
Jake: Much better pass.

Liza: I missed her. So, Christmas was really nice for the two of you?
Jake: Yes. Things are getting a little bit more -- a lot more serious between us, which is why I wanted to talk to you. I'm hoping Gillian's going to be a bigger part of my future. And since you're Colby's mother --
Liza: What? You want my blessing?
Jake: Hmm --eah. I guess. That's exactly what I want.

Palmer: If you ladies will excuse me, I have to call the office.
Vanessa: Oh, well, fine. Palmer: Just -- just be a minute.
Vanessa: Fine. I'll keep Erica company.
Erica: Vanessa, David is a doctor who happens to be very, very much in demand. I mean, naturally he's going to have to miss lunch once in a while.
Vanessa: Oh, certainly. But most doctors don't schedule surgery during lunchtime.
Erica: But David isn't most doctors. Besides, I'm sure it's an emergency.
Vanessa: Or he could have been held up by that very attractive new partner of his.
Erica: Are you referring to Alex Devane? She's not his partner.
Vanessa: Well, partner, co-director, whatever you want to call it. They're working together side by side. And when he's not helping her off stepladders and everything -- you know, David -- David being the lady's man he is, I'm sure he's noticed her feminine assets.
Erica: Oh, Vanessa. Try as you will, I happen to know that David finds her absolutely charm less.
Vanessa: Oh.

Palmer: Vanessa, I think we should sit down. I'm running just a little late.
Vanessa: Oh, sure. Fine, darling.
Palmer: Oh, Erica, why don't you join us? I mean, David's not coming.
Erica: Oh, no, no, no. No, thank you. You enjoy your lunch.
Palmer: Thanks.
Erica: Ok?
Palmer: Listen -- don't be a stranger.
Erica: Ok, I won't.

[Knock on door]

[Water runs]


David: Alex?

[Water stops]

Alex: Oh.
Alex: What the hell are you doing in my home?
David: Your front door was unlocked.
Alex: So you came in without knocking?
David: Of course I knocked, twice. Obviously you didn't hear me because the water was running.
Alex: Get out.
David: Listen. I just came by to check on you. All right? The way you ran out of my office, I was worried about you.
Alex: Don't worry about me.
David: Why is it that everything I do seems to set you off? I just came by to offer another peace offering.
Alex: Oh, this is getting ridiculous.
David: Yeah, well, at least one of us is making an effort.
Alex: I want you to leave.
David: Why are you so tense? And why are you drinking, what, brandy in the middle of the afternoon?
Alex: I was thirsty.
David: Alex, if you told somebody what was bothering you, maybe you'd feel better.
Alex: Nothing's bothering me except you. Now, get out!
David: No, I'm not going anywhere until I get to the bottom of this.
Alex: You're invading my privacy.
David: Look, I can't make up any more for you for anything that you feel that I've done in the past. Now, Siobhan's death was a long time ago, Alex, and it is unhealthy for you to obsess about it as if it happened yesterday.
Alex: So I'm supposed to forget what you did to her?
David: I did not kill her, Alex. And I am bending over backwards to prove to you that I am not some kind of threat.
Alex: Oh, I'm so sick of this conversation.
David: You know something? If ever we're going to -- if ever we're going to make this partnership work, if ever we're going to fulfill Dimitri's legacy, you're going to have to tell me what the hell it is about me that bothers you so much.

Jake: What?
Liza: So you want my blessing. That sounds so formal.
Jake: Is it too old-fashioned?
Liza: I -- are you really in love with her?
Jake: Yeah -- yes. I -- I am. I am.
Liza: Oh, Jake.
Jake: "Oh, Jake." Ooh. It just -- it just snuck up on me.
Liza: Oh.
Jake: Do you approve?
Liza: Oh, well, you know, we've had our moments, but she's kind of grown on me.
Jake: She's come a long ways since she was that bratty little princess when she first blew into town. You know?
Liza: Wow. That's -- that's really great. I mean, she's gone through a lot, so -- of course she's grown up a lot, too.
Jake: She's -- she's become this loving, giving person. I mean, it reminds me of what Colby did for me. It made my emotions a lot more deeper and -- and a lot clearer to me, especially how I feel towards Gillian. And when she got in the car accident, it hit me how much I want to be with her, how much I cared for her.
Liza: Wow. So, have you made it official?
Jake: "Official"?
Liza: Official. Have you -- have you asked her to marry you?
Jake: No, no. That's -- that's just a little too soon, don't you think?
Liza: Oh, come on. That's what people do. They ask people to marry them when they fall in love.
Jake: I know that's what they do, but it's all -- you'll be the first to know when that happens.
Liza: Hmm.
Jake: And if it does happen, I guess that would mean that Gillian would be Colby's stepmother and --
Liza: Hmm.
Jake: You know, all that -- whatever. But, so, what do you think? Do you approve? Is it ok?
Liza: Yes, I do. Go for it.
Jake: Thank you.
Liza: You have my official blessing.
Jake: Thank you, thank you.
Liza: Well, I guess since we're talking about everything, I should tell you that I'm going to go to Europe.
Jake: Really?
Liza: I've planned a trip there right after the Crystal Ball.
Jake: Well. Business? Pleasure?
Liza: Business, actually. It's a conference for women on media.
Jake: Oh. Where you going?
Liza: Monaco.
Jake: Wow. Ooh-lah. Might get a little blackjack in there on the side.
Liza: No, no. I don't think I'll be doing that, but I am going to take Colby with me. They're going to provide daycare.
Jake: Gosh. My daughter's going to be bilingual before me.
Boy. Liza: Ah, yes. Oui, oui.
Jake: That'll be a lot of fun for her.
Liza: Do you mind?
Jake: No. No. Absolutely not.
Liza: Good. Because I just sort of need to get away. I need a break. Get away from some of the reminders of Adam.
Jake: I understand. I mean, as far as I'm concerned, time away from Adam is time well-spent.
Liza: Ah.

[Knock on door]

Adam: Yes. Yes. Liza can't turn her back on me now.
Erica: Adam. What are you doing in David's office?
Erica: You still haven't answered my question, Adam. What are you doing in David's office?
Adam: I was looking something up in my file.
Erica: I happen to know that David keeps his files locked. You broke in, didn't you?
Adam: No, no, it was --
Erica: Oh, you're such a liar. Look at this. This is the DNA. Test that he ran on you, the one that proves that you are Colby's father.
Adam: Yeah. Give me that.
Erica: I should have guessed.
Adam: Give me that, please.
Erica: Why, so you can hurt David? You can use this against him?
Adam: No, no. That's not my intention.
Erica: Because I will not let you.
Adam: The only person I'm going to use it against, if I do, is Jake Martin.
Erica: Why?
Adam: Because I'm going public. I'm claiming Colby as my daughter.
Erica: I thought you didn't want anyone to know.
Adam: No. Quite the contrary. I want the world to know, so the Martin family will stop interfering in my daughter's life.
Erica: Well, what about Liza? She'll be furious with you when she knows you switched the sperm samples. You were afraid she'd leave you if she found out.
Adam: Liza already knows, Erica. And you're right -- she's furious. I think in time, though, she will come around.
Erica: Well, then, how is having this file going to change anything if Liza already knows?
Adam: I have a plan. I can't tell you the details right now, but I need to take that with me when I leave -- I need it for proof.
Erica: You broke in to David's files. That's against the law.
Adam: Yes, I know. But I'm asking you, I'm begging you as a parent, to understand my predicament and let me go. Erica, what if this were Bianca and some other woman -- Barbara, perhaps -- was trying to take your place in your own child's life?
Erica: She already did.
Adam: Well, then you can understand what I -- what my problem is, what I'm going through here. Can't you find it in your heart to help me on this? Colby is my flesh and blood. I love her more than anything else in this world. You can't take that away from me.

Janet: Why wait till spring? Tim would be so surprised if we showed up --
Trevor: Sweetheart, babe, it's a great idea, tre romantique. But the timing is wrong.
Janet: Well, you just finished with the Marlow case and --
Trevor: And I got three other cases right on the front burner. Ever since Belinda went to Phoenix, I've been to up to my eyeballs. You know that. And I can't talk about it right now. I got to got to work, and -- but I love you for thinking about it. I really do. And tell Amanda I'll pick her up for that sleepover. That's tonight, right?
Janet: Right.
Trevor: All righty, bye.
Janet: Great.
Trevor: Bye. Janet: Bye.

Janet: Yes. I'd like the number of the sanitation department, please. Thank you.
Janet: Hello. I'd like some information about the dumpsters that you have behind the mall. What do you with the stuff that's in them, I mean, after they get filled up? Uh-huh. That's not very helpful. Uh -- thanks.

Image: What are you, whacked? That phone call can be traced.
Janet: I have to find out what happened to Sophie.
Image: Oh, will you relax? She's probably landfill by now.
Janet: I don't know that for sure.
Image: Well, I do. Sophie's gone, dead as disco. So why don't you stop acting guilty and start enjoying yourself.

Alex: Your smugness. You're so smug. Your girlfriend, certainly. Why do you keep pushing this? Why can't you just leave me alone?
David: You're the one that said that you wanted to be co-director of the foundation. You said that you would be able to do this.
Alex: Yeah, I know what I said, but we're not working together right now.
David: Yes, but we can't avoid each other, either.
Alex: When we're dealing with the foundation. But at other times, just leave me alone!
David: Well, how are we supposed to work together, Alex, if you get upset every time that you see me? Come on. Answer that question honestly, and we'll start from there, all right?
Alex: Why? Why, so that you can twist that? You can twist it. No, I don't think so.
David: Do you -- do you not want us to get along? Is that it? As I recall, you're the one that said that we should work together as a team. Alex, how are we supposed to make this foundation a reality if you can't even put forth a little effort?
Alex: I don't know. I don't know. I don't want to talk about this. Could you go, please? Just leave?
David: Why are you being so irrational?
Alex: I'm not being irrational! Get out, or I'll call the police.

Jake: Who'd have thought we'd end up sharing some precious little person, so special? Every time I see this face -- you know, she's really changed my life.
Liza: Yeah, I know. Hi. Is she asleep?
Gillian: Yeah.
Jake: What'd I tell you? She works her magic.
Gillian: Well, she's such an easy baby.
Liza: Oh, she can be, but when she's teething -- oh, my goodness.
Jake: Oh, no, no, no.
Liza: Holy terror.
Jake: Gillian knows. She's been up with me at myrtle's on more than one occasion all night long.
Liza: Well, then, I'll take this opportunity. I'm sorry.
Gillian: I don't mind, you know. I adore Colby.
Liza: Well, that's really great. Well, I guess that is really great since you'll be seeing a lot more of her.
Jake: Mm-hmm.
Liza: I should start packing for my trip.
Gillian: Trip?
Liza: Yes, I'm going to Monaco.
Gillian: Oh!
Jake: Business trip, I guess, or pleasure. I don't know.
Gillian: Oh.
Liza: Oh -- does she need inoculations before we go to Monaco?
Jake: Oh, I don't know. I'm not sure. I'll check with her pediatrician, though, and get back to you.
Liza: Thanks.
Gillian: I adore Monaco. I have a lot of friends there. I could phone some people. They would like to have you for dinner.
Liza: Oh, thank you. I don't think I'll really have the time. It's a working vacation.
Gillian: You might not feel like work once you get there.
Liza: Oh. Well, I guess I'll see you guys.
Jake: Yeah. I -- I will be back to see Colby and you before you guys go. I'm going to miss you so much. And I'll be waiting for you at the airport.
Liza: All right.
Jake: I'll be waiting on the runway. All right?
Liza: Ok.
Jake: You take care.
Liza: Thanks. You, too.
Jake: I'm going to leave this here.
Liza: Yes. Here, give this to me.
Jake: I'm just so used to doing this whole thing.
Liza: Yes, ok. Good-bye, now.
Jake: Bye-bye.
Gillian: Bye.

Erica: Why should I do you any favors?
Adam: Oh, Erica. After everything we've been through together?
Erica: Yes, that's my point exactly. And David and I are a couple. And I won't keep any secrets from him.
Adam: It's not as if David doesn't know the truth about Colby.
Erica: Well, why don't you get your own DNA. Tests run?
Adam: Liza and I are leaving town in a couple of days, and I need to take that along as proof.
Erica: I thought you said that she's furious with you. Why would she agree to leave town with you?
Adam: Well, she -- she doesn't know.
Erica: She doesn't know what?
Adam: I am trying to save my marriage and my family here. Erica, you have an extraordinary heart. Few people feel the maternal bond as powerfully as you do.
Erica: Yes, it's something I was born with.
Adam: Yes, and that's why I know I can count on you. So I'm begging you, I'm pleading with you as a parent -- don't take my child away from me.
Erica: You promise this won't harm David in any way?
Adam: I swear it.
Erica: Say it again.
Adam: I swear on my daughter's life.
Erica: All right, go. I never saw you here.
Adam: Thank you. Thank you. After all this time -- I'm -- your generosity of spirit always amazes me.
Erica: Look, just go. Will you please go now? Don't push your luck?
Adam: Go.
Erica: Oh, Adam? Just so you know -- you owe me.
Adam: Whatever you want. Ask and you shall receive.

[Bell rings]

Voices: Four, three -- Happy New Year!

["Auld Lane Syne" plays]

Alex's voice: No!

[Knock on door]

Alex: I told you to leave me alone!

Image: Look at me. Oh, come on. Get a grip.
Janet: Go away. Image: I said look at me. Come on. The hard part's done. You keep acting like this, and Trevor's going to get suspicious. Sophie's gone for good.
Janet: Then who put that stick in the garbage?
Image: It wasn't Sophie. Jeez.
Janet: Yeah, right.
Image: What were you supposed to do? She was going to nab your kid. You had to protect Amanda.
Janet: You're right. I had no choice.
Image: So just relax. Everything will be fine. Sophie can't hurt you anymore.

[Knock on window]

[Janet gasps]

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