DECEMBER 30, 1999

[Music plays]
Scott: Hayley?
Matt, Happy New Year.
Mateo: Hey, Happy New Year to you.
Scott: Yeah. I got the new battery. We're all ready to roll if you --
Mateo: You working tonight?
Hayley: Yeah. Riding the wave until the new millennium, you know.
Scott: I found a real great spot out back, very private, very guest-friendly as per Edmund's wishes, so --
Hayley: This night really belongs to Maria.
Mateo: No, hey, it's for everybody.
Hayley: Excuse us.

Jake: Gillian? Wait, wait, wait. I want to ask you something. You know, maybe -- maybe it can wait till later. It won't hurt, I promise.
Gillian: You would never hurt me. I know that.
Jake: This is it. Last night of the century. Let's make it count.

Edmund: Admit it. You're having a pretty good time.
Alex: It reminds me of a cotillion.
Edmund: A cotillion? Boys with sweaty palms that step all over your shoes?
Alex: No, you dance very well.
Edmund: Well, thank you. I got a secret -- my partner. She makes me dance good.
David: Mind if I cut in?
Edmund: I'm sorry. This is my dance.
David: There are hospital backers here, Edmund. It might amp their generosity seeing Alex and me dance together.
Alex: Oh, I can't do this.
Edmund: Alex?
David: What'd I tell you, Edmund? She's verging on meltdown.
Edmund: Look, I told you to stay the hell away from her.
David: Come on, Edmund. I asked her to dance. It wasn't an act of terrorism.

Erica: Alex. You made it after all. I thought New Year's wasn't your thing.
Alex: You tell your boyfriend to stay away from me. His little game isn't going to work.
Erica: What game?
Alex: Oh, pretending to be my friend, cozying up to me in public, buying me presents and bringing flowers to my home.
Erica: David came to the hunting lodge?
Alex: He didn't tell you?
Erica: Well, why would he mention that? That's such a minor part of his day.
Alex: I wonder why he didn't tell you. I suppose he's so good at keeping secrets, isn't he? Well, Siobhan and Gillian.
Erica: No, David and I have no secrets from each other.
Alex: Well, he followed me from the hospital. And he -- he entered my home uninvited. And he surprised me when I got out of the shower in my robe and then presented me with a bouquet of flowers. Don't you think that's strange?
Erica: Office politics. A magnanimous gesture in an effort to placate a very, very difficult co-worker.
Alex: Oh, Erica. You disappoint me. Dimitri said you were such a hopeless romantic. David's really making a fool out of you.
Erica: No. You are the fool.

[Music plays]

Marian: Oh, that horrible Barry Shire. I mean, who does business on new year's eve anyway?
Liza: Greedy industrialists who can't get enough of Adam. I mean, don't sulk. Barry's not going to tie him up all evening.
Marian: Well, he better not tie him up, because that's my job, isn't it, darling?
Liza: Stuart will be here just as soon as he signs off on whatever.
Marian: Yes, but he'll be here as Adam, darling, not Stuart. I won't have anybody -- I won't have anybody to kiss at midnight.
Liza: You know, you're not alone, Mother.
Marian: Oh, Liza. Buck up, darling. Come on. Out with the old, in with the new. When New Year's Day is dawning, you'll be winging your way to Monaco with Colby and hopefully when you return, your divorce will be finalized.
Liza: Yeah. Happy New Year to me.

Adam: Barry, tonight, I make Liza mine again.
Barry: You hope.
Adam: No, I know. I know that I have love on my side.
Barry: Adam, Adam -- let's run through the game plan one more time. This proves that you're Colby's biological father. I give it to Jake Martin.
Adam: That's right. The minute Liza and I leave the party, give it to him.
Barry: In private?
Adam: Hell, no! I want witnesses. Jake Martin's smug little world is about to be rocked off its orbit. I only wish I were there to see it.
Barry: What if Liza refuses your ride to the airport?
Adam: Why should she? She thinks I'm Stuart. When we're airborne, I'll confess everything.
Barry: Liza will have you forcibly ejected from the airplane without a parachute.
Adam: Very funny. No. I will remind her that Liza and Colby and I belong together, that we are a family.
Barry: You're taking a hell of a lot on faith, man.
Adam: Faith's all I have left, Barry. But it can move mountains, you know.
Barry: What about Stuart?
Adam: Forgive me, my friend. I did it all for love. He'll be fine once the drug wears off. And I'll be with my wife and daughter again.

[Music plays]

Jack: I see you're not dancing. Why? Where's your date?
Brooke: Where's my date?
Jack: Yes.
Brooke: Where's your date? Chardonnay, I believe the lady's name is.
Jack: Yes. Well, poor lamb. She came down with a little bit of flu.
Brooke: Oh.
Jack: Yes.
Brooke: The flu.
Jack: Yes.
Brooke: Oh, that's too bad.
Jack: Yes.
Brooke: Listen, I hope she has a quick recovery.
Jack: Me, too.
Brooke: And in the meantime, I guess that means I win.
Jack: Oh. Not so fast. Where's your date?
Brooke: Oh, I'm sure he'll be here soon.

[Greenlee laughs]

Greenlee: Oh, you're the only man who's ever got that joke.
Leo: Uh-oh.
Greenlee: What?
Leo: The party didn't grind to a stop when we made our entrance.
Greenlee: We've been noticed by all the right people.
Greenlee: Evening, Gran.
Millicent: Oh.
Leo: Ms. Greenlee. Mother. Dad.
Palmer: Mm-hmm.
Vanessa: My, don't you two look wonderful.
Millicent: Oh, they look as if they stepped out of "Town and Gentry."
Greenlee: Your son is very attentive.
Leo: Well, your granddaughter's made me the envy of every man here.
Greenlee: Oh. There's Hayley. We should meet and greet.
Vanessa: Well, you two run along. Have fun.

Millicent: They look just like Woodruff and myself when we were their age.
Palmer: Woodruff? Must have been the stone age, right?
Vanessa: Millie, do you hear wedding bells?
Millicent: Mm-hmm. It's a question of timing and breeding.
Palmer: Waiter? Two. Champagne, ladies. What shall we drink to?
Vanessa: I know -- to a dynasty in the making.

Leo: Snow job complete.
Greenlee: They'll be digging out for days.
Hayley: Hey, you two. Come flash some glam for the cam.
Leo: Should we strut for the paparazzi?
Greenlee: Better. She's my boss.
Scott, is the camera loaded?
Leo: No good if you're shooting blanks.
Hayley: Oh, just -- please. Ahem. Greenlee Smythe and Leo Du Pres set their fazers for stun with a look that's both tony and traditional. Greenlee, is that another Arabella?
Greenlee: Yes, it is, and there's a story behind it. Actually, Jewel wanted this gown for a party in London, but I was at the design studio in Milan and --
Leo: Don't look now, love, but you just got upstaged.
Hayley: Ahem -- thanks for the tasty sound bite. It's great.
Greenlee: But I'm not finished.
Leo: Au contraire. You just got stuffed

. Joe: Edmund.
Edmund: Hey, Joe.
Joe: Congratulations on the turnout.
Edmund: Thank you very much. Glad you could make it.
Joe: Yes. .
Edmund: Where's your better half?
Joe: Oh, she's hosting a party for the kiddies in pediatrics. But she'll be joining us.
Edmund: Oh, I hope so..
Joe: Yeah.
Edmund: Listen, Joe, thank you for your very generous donation. .
Joe: Oh, listen, our pleasure. But tell me one thing -- what in the world do I do with this?
Edmund: Oh.
Joe: Huh? .
Edmund: Well, we're going to hang those crystal ornaments on this guy right here. We're calling it the Tree of Humanity. It's just to keep a connection and remind us of all kindred souls who've touched our lives.
Joe: It's a lovely sentiment. .
Edmund: Thank you.
Joe: I've not seen Alex around. .
Edmund: Well, she's kind of had an overwhelming experience. She's just taking a breather.
Joe: Nothing serious? .
Edmund: No, no. I remember my first New Year's Eve without Maria. She's probably feeling the same way.
Joe: Yeah -- missing Dimitri. Let's do what we can to get her through it, ok? .
Edmund: Thanks.

Erica: You're an absolute fool to keep on with this incessant bad-mouthing of David. I mean, you really need to grow up, Alex. David shared your seamy history with me.
Alex: I bet he did.
Erica: To insinuate that he's stalking you is ridiculous -- I mean, especially since David rejected you.
Alex: What?
Erica: Oh, come on, Alex. You came on to him when you were residents in London and he clearly wasn't interested in you.
Alex: Oh. That's brilliant. Go on.
Erica: So you wrongly, wrongly blamed him for your roommate's suicide and you continue to blame him to this day, just because he wouldn't kiss your stiff upper lip.
Alex: He came on to me.
Erica: Oh. Please.
Alex: I made it clear that I wasn't interested and so he went after Siobhan.
Erica: Hmm.
Alex: He made her fall in love with him to get at me and it cost her her life.
Erica: My, my. You really have missed your calling, Alex. You should have been a writer of romance novels for the criminally insane.
Alex: Don't you ever wonder whether he's using you the same way that he did Siobhan?
Erica: No, Alex, I never have. David's problem is you. You can't have him, but you want to tie him to you. And now you're spreading your vicious lies about him.
Alex: Oh, that's absurd.
Erica: Is it? You ordered him to work with you. Is that a rational choice?
Alex: I keep my enemies close.
Erica: You are completely blind to your own paranoia. And yet it's so clear to me what I see. I see a very needy, needy creature who's on the verge of a breakdown.

David: Hello, ladies.
Alex: If you think I'm lying, why don't you ask him? Watch him squirm.
David: Ask me what?

Hayley: Becca, tell me, who is responsible for your look?
Becca: "My look"?
Hayley: Yeah. Who put you all together?
Becca: Oh. Well, I guess I did.
Hayley: You saying you made your dress yourself?
Becca: Well, yeah. Sewing relaxes me. It's kind of a Zen thing.
Hayley: Well, what about your hair and your makeup?
Becca: Oh, well, I just -- I just kind of put my hair up and put some bobby pins in it and then I went down to Kesler's drugs and got some makeup and put it on.
Hayley: Unbelievable. See that, folks? Eye-popping proof that sometimes doing what comes naturally is best. Thanks, Becca. Got that?

Scott: Hey.
Becca: Hi. How was I?
Scott: Amazing, just like you.
Becca: Thanks.
Leo: Chandler's like -- like so articulate.
Greenlee: Ah, this night's going to be a royal snore.
Leo: What about your friend with the abs?
Greenlee: Ryan decided to blow off the party
. Leo: Well, don't look now, but your party guest just arrived.
Greenlee: Where's Gran?
Leo: Oh, stirring the pot with Vanessa.

Greenlee: Looking for me?
Ryan: I was just cruising around.
Greenlee: Dance with me. Maybe we can liven up this wake.

Edmund: Adam, welcome. And kudos on your great cash giveaway. That's a side of you I didn't know you had.
Adam: It wasn't my idea, Edmund.
Edmund: Well, your money's going a long way to help a lot of people.
Adam: Look, Edmund, if you're pandering for another donation --
Edmund: No, no. No charge. Just congratulations on a job well done.
Adam: I'm never going to make it till midnight.

Marian: Well. Good evening, Adam.
Adam: Marian.
Marian: Excuse me.
Adam: Liza. You've never looked lovelier.
Liza: Oh. Thanks, Stuart. So, how did you get away from Barry?
Marian: Darling, Stuart's a wizard at handling people. But, darling, I'm the only one who knows where his secret tickle spot is. Aren't I?
Adam: Stop that!
Marian: Oh. I'm sorry.
Adam: You're not supposed to be speaking to Adam, let alone knowing his tickle place.
Marian: Ok.
Adam: Excuse me.
Marian: Oh.
Liza: He seemed a little tense.
Marian: Well, darling, of course he's tense. He's playing Adam. But I'm warning you -- at the stroke of midnight, I'm going to grab my husband, go into a very private place, give him an enormous New Year's Eve kiss.

| Erica: You lied to me. You broke our lunch date saying that you were with a patient, and all the while you were out there throwing bouquets at Alex Devane.
David: Is that what this is about? Erica, you saw Alex. The woman is a virtual basket case. I felt as my new partner that that warranted a house call.
Erica: With flowers?
David: The sooner I gain her trust, the sooner she goes back to England. Now, that is our common goal, isn't it?
Erica: No. Look, I don't like this. I don't like being lied to. And I do not appreciate being played for a fool.
David: Erica, if this is jealousy rearing its head --
Erica: I am not jealous. Should I be jealous of Alex? I'm not. I don't like Alex. I've made no secret of that. But I can certainly live with that. What I can't live with, what I won't tolerate, is that I cannot feel that I can trust what you tell me.
David: What else did Alex say to you?
Erica: Nothing I care to go into here.
David: All right. Ok, good. Well, then, why don't we go downstairs and enjoy the party?
Erica: No. As far as I'm concerned, the party's well over. I'm going home.
David: Oh, wait a minute! Come on! Are we going to let Alex destroy our evening?
Erica: It may have started with Alex, but it has ended with you.
David: No! No. This evening belongs to us. When we go down those stairs, I want us to bask in our triumph, Erica. Now, I intend to enjoy the spotlight and I want to share it with you.
Era: Oh, I'm not sure there is room enough in that spotlight for you and me and your enormous ego.
David: Well, that was completely uncalled for.
Erica: Not to mention your nerve. You expect me to walk down there and work the party for you, to dazzle people for you, to get them to raise money for the great Dr. David Hayward? At this moment, you know how I feel? I wouldn't trust you to treat a hangnail.

Edmund: Alex. What are you doing here all by yourself?
Alex: Oh, feeling a bit claustrophobic.
Edmund: David a little too close for comfort?
Alex: I can handle him.
Edmund: You shouldn't have to. Listen, if he gives you a problem, if he gets out of line, you let me know.
Joe: Edmund.
Edmund: Joe.
Joe: They're all clamoring for the host to make a toast.
Edmund: Ah.
Joe: Alex, I'm delighted you could make it.
Alex: Hi. Good evening, Joe.
Edmund: Please tell the clamoring throng I will be out shortly.
Joe: I will, indeed.
Edmund: Thank you, sir. Care to rejoin the party?
Alex: Actually, I was thinking of calling it a night.
Edmund: Really? This early?
Alex: I don't do crowds so well.
Edmund: Well, listen, you know, you can always just coast on my arm.
Alex: Oh, and smile at strangers till my cheeks ache? I don't know. I'm not in the mood.
Edmund: Ok. Well, listen, you don't have to stay. But just so you know -- I want you to.
Alex: Fine. Go and do your speech. I'll be in in a minute.

[Music stops]

Liza: Though I hate to interrupt your bliss, but the music has stopped.
Jake: Oh. Who needs music?
Liza: The two of you are ready to ring in the new year?
Jake: The future has never looked better.
Liza: Good.
Jake: Only thing missing is my beautiful daughter.
Liza: Well, I'll bring her back speaking beautiful baby French talk.
Jake: I can't wait that long for my Colby fix.
Liza: Well, you'll just have to for now.
Jake: Oh, ok.
Liza: But she'll be happy to see you.
Gillian: Oh, oh, Jake, look. There's champagne!
Jake: Mmm.
Gillian: Mm-hmm.
Liza: Oh, Edmund's going to do a toast.
Jake: Oh. I'll grab some glasses. I'll be right back.

Gillian: You know, I really could never tell him that Colby's not his daughter.
Liza: Well, that's a promise that might be hard to keep -- I mean, especially since you and Jake, the two of you are crazy about each other.
Gillian: A promise is a promise.
Liza: Well, then, it's a promise that we'll keep together.
Liza: Then there's David Hayward. I haven't really had a chance to talk to him.
Gillian: No, he won't tell. He -- he swore to me.

Dixie: Stuart.
Any New Year's resolutions?
Adam: [As Stuart] oh. Well, lots.
Tad: Name one.
Adam: I'm not going to pretend to be Adam anymore.
Dixie: Oh. That's a good idea. That must be hard.
Tad: No, wait a minute. Just wait a minute. Don't hang up your suit just yet, ok? I still got one more gig left for the new, improved Adam chandler.
Adam: I'm not sure I want to hear this.
Tad: Oh, you're going to love it. You're going to love it. How about you come back on my show, and this time, you donate Chandler mansion to charity?
Adam: Uh, I -- Adam would never do that.
Dixie: Oh, I know, but Santa Adam would.
Tad: Stuart, come on. It's a natural. The idea is you turn over the house to serve as a home for runaways and unwed mothers, homeless families. All you got to do is staff it with cooks and counselors and -- and a medical crew. What do you think? Adam: Oh, I don't know. I -- it's a -- I'll just have to think about that and decide later.
Tad: Yeah. I'm sure you will. It's a big decision.
Adam: Yeah.
Tad: We'll talk about it soon.
Dixie: Ok. See you later.

Adam's voice: Have fun while it lasts. By tomorrow, Liza and Colby will be mine. And Jake and all you wretched Martins will shatter like glass.

Edmund: Ladies and gentlemen --

[music stops]

Edmund: Ladies and gentlemen, does everyone have a glass of champagne or something to toast with?
Gillian: Yes.
Edmund: Because in a few minutes, I want you to raise your glasses and drink to an evening we will never forget.

Stuart: Ooh. Oh. I'm so sleepy. I'm sleepy. Toast. The -- no. That's not right. Oh. Oh, my gosh. The -- I'm late for the party. I got to wake up. Wake up. Wake up! Wake up! Marian and Liza are going to expect Adam there to snarl in the New Year. No. Wake up, wake up.

Edmund: And finally, I'd like to thank everyone who came tonight in the spirit of giving. Here. Edmund: And finally, I'd like

[cheers and applause]

[music plays]

Vanessa: Oh. And here's to the gift that keeps on giving.

Leo: Where's Scott? Off diddling his tripod?
Becca: Why do you care?
Leo: I don't, but if you were my date, I wouldn't leave you alone.
Becca: Well, speaking of dates, where's yours?
Leo: Mingling. Do you want to go exploring? I heard there's a stunning Tissot in the west wing.
Becca: You relate to second-string French impressionists?
Leo: You know Tissot?
Becca: I know what I like.
Leo: And what would that be?
Becca: None of your business.

Greenlee: Wildwind's even bigger than Gran's. We could get so lost, no one could find us.
Ryan: You get off on keeping us a secret.
Greenlee: Among other things. Let's make a list, starting with A.
Greenlee: Ryan? Ryan? You were a million miles away just now.
Ryan: More like a million years.

Tad: Liza. So, where exactly is Adam spending New Year's? Six feet under?
Liza: Don't joke, Tad.
Tad: I'm not. I'm not. I'm serious. I just wish you'd tell me what it was he's done to merit banishment. All I could say is whatever -- it must be pretty bad if Stuart's willing to sub for him.
Liza: Just leave it alone. Ok? You don't want to know.

Dixie: Honey, Liza's right. Leave it alone.
Tad: Et tu, Dixie?
Dixie: I'm just hoping what we don't know won't hurt us. Or Junior.

Jake: Thank you. Here's to the end of a perfect evening. We should do this again next year. Want me to walk you upstairs?
Gillian: It'so not even midnight.
Jake: Well, somewhere in the world it must be midnight. I got to get up early and go to work tomorrow.
Gillian: Jake, you said earlier that there was something that you wanted to ask me, so ask.
Jake: I did? Oh, yeah, yeah. Well, it's -- it can wait. You're probably tired, aren't you?
Gillian: You fink.
Jake: Fink?
Gillian: Double fink.
Jake: Oh, double fink.
Gillian: Triple --
Jake: Oh, you're in big trouble, Missy.

Barry: Somebody here looks like they're having fun.
Jake: Hey. What are you doing?
Barry: I'm mixing business with pleasure. I'll leave you to the latter. Excuse me.
Jake: All right. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Barry: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
Jake: Oh, boy. Barry: I am a clumsy oaf.
Gillian: I'm sorry. No, no, I'm such a klutz. I'm really sorry. Are you ok?
Barry: No, that's all right.
Jake: Serving papers, counselor?
Barry: Ah, something like that, yes.
Jake: You all right there?
Barry: Oh, I'm fine, really. Did I get any on your dress?
Gillian: Oh, no, no, I'm fine.
Barry: Ok.

Adam's voice: The minute Liza and I leave the party, give it to him.
Barry: In private.
Adam: Hell, no! I want witnesses. Jake Martin's smug little world is about to be rocked off its orbit. I only wish I were there to see it.

Barry: Happy New Year.
Jake: You, too.
Gillian: You, too.

Adrian: You know, we're creeping up on that midnight hour.
Hayley: Is there someplace you need to be?
Adrian: There's somewhere you need to be. Ok, excuse moi. They're playing our song.

Edmund: Alex. Hi.
Alex: Hi.
Edmund: You didn't leave. Alex: No, I heard your speech. It was lovely. Very moving.
Edmund: Well, thanks. You think you can tough it out till midnight? The band's getting hot.
Alex: No, I've had enough party now, thank you.
Edmund: Fine. You win. I'll grab your coat, I'll walk you to the lodge.
Alex: It's ok. I'm fine.
Edmund: It's no trouble.

Opal: Oh, Edmund, excuse me, but Maddie and Sam have made their way down the dessert table, bless their little hearts, and they're asking for their daddy.
Alex: Go, go, please.
Edmund: Ok. You'll be fine? Um -- listen, in case I don't see you -- Happy New Year.
Alex: Happy New Year.

Rae: Alex. If you want to stay, we can talk about what's bothering you.
Alex: No. What's the point?
Rae: Dr. Hayward, can I have a word with you?

Mateo: So how's taping going?
Hayley: Great. We're taking a break right now.
Mateo: So you're free? May I have this dance?

Jack: Oh, there you are. And here I am waiting, waiting, waiting. Where is this guy? Where's this mystery man? Where? Where? Where?
Brooke: Mystery man?
Jack: Where?
Edmund: Brooke, your escort called and he can't make it tonight. Some sort of emergency?
Brooke: Oh? Oh.
Jack: Emergency? What?
Brooke: Oh, gee, that's too bad. Oh. Appendectomy. Hmm.
Jack: His?
Brooke: Not his. A patient's. He's a doctor.
Jack: Oh.
Brooke: Mm-hmm.
Jack: Well, look at us. Through no fault of ours, we're -- well, neither one of us wins our little contest, do we? We're both dateless, aren't we?
Brooke: I guess there's nothing to be done.
Jack: I wouldn't say that.

Adam: It's about time to drop the bomb on Jake.
Barry: I still don't see how you're going to pull this off. I mean, Liza will know you're not Stuart.
Adam: With love all things are possible, Barry. Don't forget, wait till we leave. Then give him the letter.

Adam: [As Stuart] Liza, would you like to dance?
Liza: Oh. I'm -- I'm divorcing Adam. It's probably not a good idea. You should probably dance with my mother.
Adam: Oh, that's not a good idea, either.
Liza: Oh.
Adam: Adam hates Marian.
Liza: Yeah. Well, I should be leaving around now anyway.
Adam: She told me about your trip. I thought maybe I could drive you by the house and we could pick up Colby and I could just drive you to the airport.
Liza: Well, that's ok. I have my own car.
Adam: But there are a lot of drunks out tonight. I'd really feel better if you let me drive you and Colby.
Liza: Thanks. Ok. We can leave after midnight.
Adam: Good. You know, if I were Adam, I'd be feeling a little misty right about now.
Liza: Adam doesn't do misty.
Adam: You're wrong, Liza. Come on, dance with Adam. For Auld Lang Syne.

Leo: What happened to your secret lover?
Leo: Looks like Ryan only has eyes for his ex. So where does that leave you, Greens?

Jake: All right. It'a almost midnight. And I do have something to ask you before we kiss this year good-bye.

David: We need to talk.
Alex: Stop following me.
David: First, you come unspooled when I ask you to dance. Then you fill Erica's head with suspicions about me. Your behavior is completely irrational.

[David's voice echoes]

David: Alex, what is going on?
Alex: Oh, let go. You're hurting me.
David: I'm not touching you. Wait a minute. What the hell is this? Some kind of a setup? What, you want to get me charged with harassment to get me fired? Is that your game?
Alex: Why can't you just leave me alone?
Alex: Leave me alone, please!
David: What the hell is wrong with you?

Jake: Well, I -- I know I've pretty much tipped my hand, so I guess I'll just -- come out and ask you. Will you marry me?

[Gillian and Jake kiss]

Ryan: (to Greenlee) So, you want to party? Come on. Let's party.

Tad: I propose a resolution.
Dixie: Oh, yes?
Tad: Mm-hmm. What do you say we make 2000 the year of Tad and Dixie?
Dixie: Oh. Here, here.

[Dixie laughs]

Tad: Perfect.

Mateo: Are you sure you don't want to change partners?
Hayley: Why would I want to do that?
Mateo: Well, because -- at midnight you have to kiss the person you're with.

Liza: Oh, Stuart. Don't you want to be with mother when the clock strikes 12?

All: Eight, seven, six --

Adam: [As Stuart] I'm right where I want to be.

All: Five, four, three, two, one -- Happy New Year!


["Auld Lang Syne" plays]

Men and women: Happy New Year!

[Clock chimes]

Stuart: I made it just in time.

Rae: Hi. Happy New Year.
Edmund: Happy New Year.
Rae: Thank you.
Edmund: You see Alex leave?
Rae: Ah -- I think she's upstairs.
Edmund: Really? I thought she wanted to be home by midnight.
Rae: I'm a little worried about her, Edmund.

David: Alex, all right, look -- I'm not going to hurt you, but you've got to stop going after me. What's in the past is done. Leave it there.

Man: You won't say a word, Alexandra. No one would believe such an irrational woman.

Alex: Oh, God! Please leave me alone!
David: Alex, wait! Alex, please -- oh -- oh! Oh!

[Alex pushes David down the stairs]

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