DEC 6, 1999

Dixie: Oh, he's sleeping. Well, I'm his niece. Could you tell him that I called? Thanks. I'll call back later. Bye. Hey. What, did you get, like, five pizzas?
Tad: Sweetie, we got a lot of people coming. Who was on the phone?
Dixie: The hospital.
Tad: Oh. How's PC.?
Dixie: Well, apparently, he's doing a lot better.
Tad: Thank God. I can't believe it was just this time last night that he got shot.
Dixie: I know. I don't understand why we don't have any answers, like who was that gunman after?
Tad: Yeah, and what's the deal with Vanessa's new son? And why on earth would she keep him a secret? I guess in the meantime we should just be happy that Palmer's going to make it. I'm going to put these in the oven, ok, keep them warm?
Dixie: Yeah, ok. Hey.

Becca: Hey. How are you doing?
Scott: Hey.
Dixie: Hey, happy hunting, huh?
Scott: Yeah, Becca found the perfect tree.
Becca: Mm-hmm.
Dixie: Oh.
Becca: It took us a little while to wrestle it to the ground, but we got it without any loss of limbs.
Dixie: Excellent. That's great. Can't wait to see it.
Becca: I know.
Tad: Hey, guys. Where's the tree?
Scott: It's outside. Do you want me to get it?
Tad: Nah. Leave it out there.

[Doorbell rings]

Becca: Let's build a fire.
Scott: All right.

Dixie: Speak the same strange Martin language. Hey!
Tad: Hey. Dixie: How's it going?
Brooke: Hi, everybody.
Jamie: Good, but where's Junior?
Dixie: Junior's upstairs finishing his homework, but I bet he's done by now, if you want to go upstairs.
Jamie: Ok.
Brooke: Stop it.
Dixie: Don't kill the child.
Brooke: Is his face still all right?
Tad: Don't break anything!
Dixie: How are you?
Listen, Tad just got, like, five pizzas. Do you want to stay and have dinner with us?
Tad: Yeah.
Brooke: Yes. But I can't. No, listen, I want to do a little Christmas shopping. They're having this huge toy sale at Toy City. It's one day only, so I have to go.
Dixie: Oh.
Tad: Excellent. I mean -- speaking of Christmas, what are you doing?
Brooke: I'm going to be at Aunt Phoebe's. Laura's traveling in China for the holidays, so she's not going to be home.
Tad: Oh. Aunt Phoebe's. You must be ecstatic.
Brooke: Just stop it, all right? I don't hear enough of it from her that I don't have a significant other in my life, please.
Dixie: You have a significant other. You have Jamie.
Brooke: I know that.
Tad: Yeah, you've got me, and you've got Jamie's new step mom and stepbrother, all of whom are expecting really expensive gifts this year.
Brooke: What a shame. All right, listen, I'll be back in a little while. I appreciate you taking my son. Maybe there'll be something for you.

[Tad and Dixie laugh]

Brooke: Sorry, you guys. I'll see you in a little while, all right?
Dixie: Ok.
Brooke: Bye-bye.
Dixie: Bye-bye. You're so bad.
Tad: You're right.

[Liza listens to message on her voice mail]

David's voice: Hey, Liza, it's David. Listen, I'm going to be leaving town on some business. So whatever it is that you want to talk about is going to have to wait. I'll call you when I get back into town.

Liza: Let's just hope you keep your mouth shut about Colby while you're wherever you're supposed to be.
Marian: Oh, there you are, darling. I've been looking all over the house for you.
Liza: I was just checking Adam's date book in case there was something he was supposed to be doing. I wondered where he was.
Marian: Darling, why would you want to see Adam after all the horrible things he's done to you? Anyway, I'm here to invite you to dinner tonight -- you and Colby with me and Stuart.
Liza: I can't. Having dinner at Tad and Dixie's. Jake set it up.
Marian: With or without Colby?
Liza: With.
Marian: Oh. Well, let's go up and get our precious darling ready to party then.
Liza: What was that?
Marian: What was what?
Liza: What was that? There was a sound or something.
Marian: I didn't hear anything.
Liza: No, I did. I distinctly heard a sound. It was like somebody crying for help.
Marian: But that room is soundproof. You --
Liza: Yeah. Oh, mother. Oh, wow. You know, this is the safe room. And I know it's soundproof and Adam knows it's soundproof. But we're the only two people who knew that.
Marian: Oh -- well, I guess Stuart must have told me or something. I --
Adam: Excuse me. Hello?

Jake: What's this person doing?
Gillian: Rocking?
Jake: Well, it does start with an R. Try again.
Gillian: Running.
Jake: Good. Good. Excellent. Ok. Let's see what we have here. Let's try this one. What's she doing?
Gillian: Skiing.
Jake: You are doing great. This is the best you've ever done. This is great. I made one up myself. Artistic abilities here. Ok, now, what word describes this person? Doesn't she look familiar, huh? Ah, the night that you followed me around when I had a date with nurse Kelly. You had the blond -- oh, yeah. Ok, now, what word describes this person? Crazy. No, no, no, no. Adorable.
Alex: Hey.
Edmund: You know, that's the first time I've heard you laugh since you got in this joint.
Alex: Oh, yeah, he's very good medicine.
Edmund: How are you feeling?
Gillian: Um -- want -- go home.
Edmund: What do you think, doc? You think she can be home for the holidays?
Alex: Oh. I don't see why not.
Gillian: Ho, ho, ho.
Jake: Alex, you're a regular Santa Claus.
Alex: Yeah.

David: Thank you.
Erica: David -- wait.
David: Hey, beautiful lady. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be home packing?
Erica: Oh, David, I have been trying to rearrange my schedule so I could go to Europe with you. And I'm sorry. I can't. I just can't. I'm sorry.
David: But you're the one who suggested it.
Erica: Yes, I know I was. I really feel terrible about it, but I have this photo shoot that I cannot reschedule. I mean, Donatella's doing my clothing, and you know what demand she's in, and there is this board meeting that I really forgot about.
David: Oh. Ok, well, I guess I'll just go to London and dig up the dirt on brother Leo by myself.
Erica: I hope you keep me posted. I don't even know if he's your brother. Really, I have my doubts. But what I did do is I had Val draw up a list of possible sources for you.
David: Thank you.
Erica: Ok.
David: I will keep you posted.
Erica: Good. Well, I thought as long as I was here, I should check on Gillian. Aren't you coming?
David: Well, Alex removed me from the case, remember?
Erica: Alex? You're not going to take that woman seriously, are you?
David: You're absolutely right. Come on.

Alex: I thought I made myself clear, David.
Erica: Oh, get over yourself, Alex. Who do you think you are, the hospital police?
Alex: Oh, Gillian's BP. Just shot up. I told you not to come in here. Now, get out.

[Janet remembers being in the well with Amanda]

Janet's voice: I wouldn't hurt you for anything in the world, Amanda. I tried to pull you out of this well. Ok, I did some bad things. But it was an awfully long time ago, and I won't do anything like that again, I promise. Do you believe me? Amanda, please. I would never hurt you in a million years. I love you.
Amanda: Did you love your sister?
Janet: Very much.
Amanda: But you hurt her. You threw her down here. You wanted to kill her.
Janet: We've come a long way. There's no way I'm going to let anybody harm you.

Trevor: Hey, babe. Hey. Hey, hey, hey. What's going on? You ok?
Janet: Sure. I just get a little emotional this time of year. I have so much to be grateful for.
Trevor: No, this isn't just emotions. You've been like a cat in a room full of rockers ever since Derek showed up here asking questions about that old cellmate of yours, the one that escaped? You're not afraid she's going to show up here, are you?

Becca: Hey. Dixie wanted us to string this popcorn up for her.
Scott: What? After a long day's cutting down her Christmas tree, she's going to put us right to work?
Becca: Hey, now. So guess what?
Scott: What?
Becca: I talked to my parents last night, and I think I'm going to go home for Christmas Eve.
Scott: But you can't.
Becca: Why not?
Scott: Well, there's going to be a party at the S.O.S. And a live band.
Becca: Oh, well, I mean, that's going to be New Year's Eve, and I'll be back by then.
Scott: Well, what -- what about Opal at the Glamorama? I mean, it's going to be crazy then. Won't she need you?
Becca: Well, I already talked to her, and she said I could take a few days off.
Scott: I was just hoping that --
Becca: Hoping what?
Scott: That we could spend Christmas together.

[Doorbell rings]

Tad: Oh, no. No, don't get up. I'll get it. That's fine. I mean, the door's right there. You guys -- no, please, continue mooning at one another. I mean, I know it's my house, right? Jeez.
Rae: Hey.
Tad: Hey.
Rae: Look what I found. Santa's elves must have come early this year.

Liza: You want to tell me how on earth you managed to get him in there?
Adam: Hello?
Marian: Well, he was trying to lock me up, Liza, after I heard him planning to kidnap Colby.
Liza: You what? What?
Adam: I wasn't going to kidnap her --
Liza: Now, how did you know this?
Marian: I heard him tell his pilot to fuel up the jet. He was going to take his daughter away. I had no idea when he'd be coming back.
Liza: You know, you are the lowest of the low.
Adam: She is -- she's my daughter. I have a right to see her. Now, let me out of here before I lose what's left of my sanity!
Marian: Absolutely not, Adam. You're going to stay in there until Liza gets her divorce and total custody of Colby.
Adam: You're not going to take Colby away from me.
Liza: Well, isn't that what you were planning on doing to me?
Adam: No.
Marian: And as far as the law is concerned, Jake and Liza are Colby's parents, and if nobody else knows, then --
Adam: Well, other people do know. Gillian knows, for instance.
Marian: Gillian knows.
Liza: David told her.
Adam: David Hayward knows, too?
Liza: Oh, no -- you know, I don't even want to get into this conversation. I will handle David.
Adam: He's a loose cannon, you know.
Liza: Oh, here he goes.
Adam: Jake will never forgive you if he finds out from someone else.
Liza: You know, as much as I hate to admit it, he's right. You -- I hate you. I hate you for putting me in this impossible situation. I hate you. I hate you!

Alex: David, every time she sees you, she gets upset. I mean, what am I supposed to do, put a guard outside the door to stop you coming in here?
Erica: Is that true, Gillian? Is that why you get upset? Because you see David?
Alex: She can't answer for herself right now.
Erica: She can nod yes or no. Gillian?
Edmund: Look, look, listen, it doesn't matter right now. Why don't we just take this outside. We can discuss it. Gillian needs rest. Come on.
Jake: It's all right. I'll look after her.
Alex: Ok, sweetheart, I'll be back first thing in the morning, ok? You get some rest. I am so serious, David. I will put a security guard outside this door if you don't stop coming in here.
Erica: Who do you think you're talking to? This is the doctor who saved her life.
David: Erica, I can speak for myself.
Alex: But she is my patient now, and she's making progress, and I don't want you causing a setback.
David: I am not in the habit of jeopardizing my patients' well-being.
Erica: Unlike you, Alex, who allows your personal problems clearly to cloud your professional judgment. Accusing David of some ridiculous thing like prostituting Gillian?
Alex: Could you keep your voice down, Erica?
Edmund: What?
Alex: And you know what? This is none of your business.
Erica: Is that why you don't want him to head the Andrassy Foundation? Because if it is, it's totally unfounded. He clearly denies it. It is not true.
Alex: Edmund, we should go, shouldn't we, because we're going to be late for that thing -- that, that thing --
Edmund: The movie?
Alex: Yes, the movie.
Erica: Oh, Edmund. What is going on here? You can't be serious. You're dating this woman?
Edmund: Let's go.

Erica: Oh, she is so arrogant. I despise that woman.
David: I hadn't noticed.
Erica: Hmm. What are you smiling at?
David: Your feistiness. I like it. Listen, I have to go on rounds. Would you like to meet for dinner later?
Erica: Oh, David. I can't. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I have an appointment that I have to keep.
David: Um -- so I guess this is good-bye for now. You're going to miss me?
Erica: No, not a bit. Will you keep me informed?
David: I'll call you every single day.
David: Remember, I love you.
Erica: I will. Bye.
David: Bye.

Jake: Well, your pulse is back to normal. You feeling all right? You lightheaded? All right, good, because your surprise is about ready to show up. Liza's coming by with Colby. You are not going to believe how big my little girl's getting.
Gillian's voice: Oh, Jake. You poor man. How can I tell you she's not your daughter? It'll break your heart.

Adam: She's just upset. She'll get over it.
Marian: Oh, please. I think confinement has addled your brain.
Adam: She knows that she has to tell Jake before Hayward does. Or Gillian.
Marian: If David hasn't told people already, he won't, will he? And as far as Gillian's concerned, she can't talk right now.
Adam: Oh, no, maybe she can't right now, but she can write? Maybe she's jotting it down as we speak, Marian.
Marian: Well, why would she want to do that? Why would she want to bring Jake's world crashing down about him, Adam?
Adam: He'll -- he'll get over it.
Marian: You know, Jake and Liza were an item once. This might just rekindle it, you know. Jake may fall apart, and she'll just pick up the pieces. Of course, she'll be a rich divorcee, won't she, and have total custody of the little baby that he absolutely adores.
Adam: I won't let that happen.
Marian: There's nothing you can do about it, is the, darling, because you are locked up in there, aren't you, Adam? Sweet nightmares, darling.
Adam: Come back here, damn it!
Marian: Bye, Adam.
Adam: Marian?
Marian: Bye.
Adam: Marian!

Jake: Hey.
Liza: Hi.
Jake: I was just going to call you.
Liza: You were?
Jake: Hey, sweet pea.
Liza: Little pumpkin.
Jake: Oh, how are you? Oh. Somebody really wants to see you right now. Yes, Miss Gillian wants to see you. Is that all right?
Liza: Sure.
Jake: Ok. All right. You ready? Huh? Why don't you come in?
Liza: Oh -- no. I'll wait out here.
Jake: I think she would really appreciate the company.
Liza: Ok.
Jake: Ok. All right. Here we go.

Liza: Hi.
Jake: That's all right. Look who's here. Hasn't she grown? She's got so much hair. I know we're going to keep your hat on, though. She's got a couple of teeth and -- yes, yes. You want to hold her? It's ok. It's all right. Here go. Oh. Oh, it' Gillian. Say hello. Yeah. I wish I had a camera right now. Two of the most important people in my life.

[Colby fusses]

Jake: Oh, it's ok. Aren't they beautiful?

Scott: How's that?
Becca: Looks perfect.
Scott: Good. Look, I just thought that now that we're over that whole Greenlee hump that maybe you'd give me another chance.
Becca: You're here, aren't you? I mean, I didn't kick you out on the curb.
Scott: Yeah, but Christmas just won't be the same without you.
Becca: Scott, I really miss my family, and I haven't seen them in months.
Scott: Well, why don't I come with you? Never mind. You don't have to answer that now. But would you think about it?

Junior: Hey, look. The Christmas tree's up.
Dixie: Oh.
Junior: Mom, can we decorate it?
Jamie: Yeah.
Dixie: Well, sure. Go on. The decorations are upstairs in the attic. Go get them.
Jamie: I know where they are.
Dixie: Don't drop anything, ok? Sorry, Rae.
Rae: Oh. No, please, don't apologize. I like being around children. Especially this time of year. So, Tad, tell me, when do you start developing your new show? You said you wanted to do something different. Like what?
Tad: Yeah, I'm working on it. I'd like to do a sort of "roving reporter expose in your face" kind of format.
Rae and Dixie: Really?
Tad: Yeah.
Dixie: You do?
Tad: Absolutely. Ambushing Adam on live television was kind of a rush. I wonder if I can make a living at it.
Rae: You have to be pretty fearless to do that, you know.
Dixie: Oh, he's fearless all right. Anybody who'd jump out of a plane to prove a point.
Rae: Yes.
Tad: Thanks for bringing that up again. Right. Anyway, listen -- no, don't make jokes. You know, if I'd had a video camera last night, maybe we'd have figured out who the shooter was.
Rae: I can't believe I missed the whole thing. And who's the guy I read about -- Leo -- that staggered in, you know, just before the shooting?
Dixie: Well, apparently Vanessa has another son she didn't tell anybody about. Rae: Ah.

[Doorbell rings]

Becca: I'll get it.
Becca: Leo?

Trevor: Amanda's sleeping?
Janet: I thought I heard her calling, but I guess I was mistaken.
Trevor: You know, you never answered my question about Sophie what's-her-name. You think there's a chance she might show up here?
Janet: Of course not. I mean, she knows my life is completely different now. I'm the last person she'd want to hook up with.
Trevor: I wouldn't be so sure about that. She's dangerous. I mean, she killed that guard. I think I'm going to stick around tonight.
Janet: Trevor, no. Come on. It's your bowling night. The guys are counting on you. You're their highest scorer.
Trevor: Yeah, but -- you sure it's ?
Janet: Of course. Come on. Go out with your friends. You deserve a night out.
Trevor: You make it sound like hanging out with you and Amanda, it's the worst thing in the world for me, but it isn't. It's actually the best.
Janet: For me, too.
Trevor: You know, I don't say this often enough, but I'm really proud of you. Amanda couldn't have a better mom and I couldn't have a better wife.
Janet: I'm the lucky one.
Trevor: I'm the lucky one.

[Trevor laughs]

Trevor: Whoo, whoo, I better get a move on or I'll never get out of here. I won't be back late.
Janet: Ok. Have fun.
Trevor: Make sure you lock the door.
Janet: I will. Bye.
Trevor: Bye.

Sophie: I thought he'd never leave.
Janet: Amanda?
Sophie: I hope you didn't wake the poor tyke with that screaming. When I saw her, she was sawing logs -- little angel.
Janet: How did you get in here?
Sophie: Wasn't easy. The trellis outside her window's awful wobbly.
Janet: You climbed the trellis?
Sophie: You betcha. I am as good at getting in as I am at getting out.
Janet: You know, this isn't funny, Sophie. If she'd woken up while you were breaking into her room, she would have been scared to death.
Sophie: You forget Amanda and I are buddies.
Janet: You just stay away from her.
Sophie: You know, I was worried about her being sent home sick from school.
Janet: How did you know that?
Sophie: Because I'm watching her. And since I can't keep an eye on her 24/7 -- I mean, a gal's got to catch some shuteye once in a while -- somebody else is.
Janet: Do you have any idea what my husband would do if he knew you were threatening our daughter?
Sophie: Do you have any idea what will happen to your daughter if you don't come through with the money you owe me?

Brooke: Hi. Thanks.
Brooke: Do you mind if I join you?
Jack: Oh, not at all. Please do.
Brooke: Well, thank you. Now, don't look in here.
Jack: No?
Brooke: I've been shopping for you. I need fortification before I go to the other end of the mall.
Jack: Well, what if your mystery man shows up? Won't he be jealous?
Brooke: Probably. But he's working.
Jack: Of course he is. What can I get you?

Alex: Oh, cold -- ooh. I'm sorry about the movie. I just wasn't in the mood for comedy after all that nonsense with David.
Edmund: Enough jokes for one day. Where do you want to sit?

Brooke: It's Edmund and -- you guys, you want to join us?
Jack: Come on over here.
Edmund: Is that ok with you?
Alex: Well, if we have to.
Edmund: All right. Hey, guys.
Brooke: No, we haven't ordered yet, so you're just in time.
Alex: Oh, perfect.
Jack: I thought you swore off this guy as an escort after last night.
Alex: Oh, that's right. Well, we decided to go to the same movie.
Edmund: Yeah. We had a run-in with Hayward at the hospital. Kind of spoiled our mood.
Brooke: Listen, how is Palmer doing?
Alex: Pretty well, I hear.
Brooke: Yeah?
Alex: Yeah.
Brooke: Good, good.
Jack: I can't believe we let his assailant get away.
Brooke: I can't believe that the two of you ran after him. The guy had a gun, you know? He could have shot one of you.
Edmund: Never crossed my mind.
Jack: Crossed mine.
Brooke: Well, I'm glad it did. Anyway, something more pleasant -- I got my invite to the Crystal Ball.
Jack: Oh, yes.
Brooke: It was exquisite.
Jack: Beautiful.
Edmund: Oh, well, thank you. We want to do something special.
Brooke: You aim to please. So, what is it going to be this year? Hmm? Hmm?
Jack: You're going to have to go some to beat last year's, I'll tell you that.
Edmund: Well, you're just going to have to wait and see.
Brooke: Well, I guess I'll need -- I'll need a new ensemble, yes?
Jack: Oh, for Pete's sake. Maybe you can get this mystery man of yours to help pick it out.
Brooke: I think I can pick out my own dress, thank you very much. Anyway, Alex, Edmund throws a wonderful party.
Alex: Oh, well, I'm sorry I'm going to miss it.
Edmund: No, you can't miss it. You're listed. You're my guest.

Becca: Um -- come in. Come in.
Tad: Well, speak of the devil.
Rae: So that's Leo, huh?
Leo: Sorry. I -- I should have called. You're having a party, and I wasn't on the guest list.
Becca: How'd you know where I lived?
Leo: I read it off the police report while being questioned by PV'S finest. I brought you this gift.
Becca: What's this for?
Leo: A thank-you present. Open it.
Becca: Ok. Um -- I'm sorry. I can't accept this.
Leo: Why not?
Becca: It's much, much too extravagant.
Leo: You saved my life.
Becca: No, no -- I didn't.
Leo: Well, as good as.
Scott: You heard her. She can't accept it.
Leo: Well, then, if you won't accept my gift, will you at least let me buy you dinner?

Jake: The other day, she said, "Da-Da."
Liza: I'm going to make a phone call, ok? I'll be right back.
Jake: Ok. Anyway, you don't know how glad I am that you're getting better.
Gillian: Thank you.
Jake: Yeah. When I first heard you had the accident, I -- I don't know -- just the thought of losing you just made me realize how much you meant to me. So, you hurry up and get better so we can pick up where we left off.
Gillian: Ok.
Liza: Hi. Sorry. You know, we really should get going because we don't want them to hold dinner for us.
Jake: Ok. All right. I'll come back a little bit later and check on you, ok? Bye.

Leo: Well, how are we ever going to get to know each other if we don't spend any time together?
Scott: Maybe she doesn't want to do that.
Becca: Well, I -- um --
Dixie: You know what? Excuse me. We're just having a little family get-together here. I didn't get to meet you in all the commotion. I'm Palmer Cortlandt's niece. I'm Dixie.
Leo: Ah, part of the dynasty.
Dixie: Well, I wouldn't exactly call it that. You're Vanessa's son, right?
Leo: Leo Du Pres.
Dixie: Nice to meet you.
Rae: Mr. Du Pres, I'm Rae Cummings. Nice to meet you.
Leo: I'm delighted to meet you.
Rae: I understand you came here, well, under less ideal circumstances.
Leo: Yes, it was all a very unfortunate misunderstanding.
Rae: Or a case of mistaken identity.
Leo: Yeah, something like that, yeah.
Dixie: Well, look, we were just about to eat. So you're welcome to join us. It's just pizza -- nothing fancy.
Leo: You're very kind. But why don't I take a rain check?
Tad: Well, maybe some other time.
Rae: Nice meeting you.
Dixie: Yeah, nice to meet you.
Leo: And if you won't accept my gift or let me take you out to dinner, I will find another way to thank you.
Becca: It's really not necessary.
Leo: Necessity has nothing to do with it. Good night.

Liza: Hi.
Becca: Oh, hi!
Liza: Hi.
Becca: Come on in.
Liza: How are you?
Becca: Good. How are you?
Liza: Good, good.
Rae: Hello, Liza.
Liza: Hi. Oh. Rae, this is Jake.
Jake, Rae Cummings.
Rae: Hello, Jake.
Jake: How are you?
Rae: Nice to meet you.
Jake: So nice to meet you.
Rae: This is your baby.
Liza: Yes. This is the baby.
Rae: What's her name?
Liza: Colby.
Rae: She's adorable. You think I could hold her?
Liza: Of course.
Rae: You're sure?
Liza: Sure, if it's ok with her.
Rae: Colby, will you come to me?
Jake: There we go.
Rae: Hi. Hi. Hi, baby. Hi.

Edmund: Come on, Alex.
Jack: Thank you.
Alex: Thank you.
Edmund: It's to benefit Maria's and Dimitri's foundation. And since Dimitri wanted you to be the head, it is only fitting.
Jack: What a sweet-talker. How can you possibly say no with a buildup like that?
Brooke: Really.
Alex: Oh, you know, this is a conspiracy, I swear. All right. As long as you take me shopping, Brooke, in New York.
Brooke: Absolutely. I was wanting an excuse.
Alex: You know what? I need some more hot water in my tea, please -- oh.

Erica: I'm supposed to meet --

Alex: Ugh.
Edmund: Is she following us?
Alex: I don't know. I just can't go another round with her this evening.
Jack: Erica, hi.
Erica: Oh. Hi.
Jack: You -- you looking for somebody?
Erica: Yes, yes. As a matter of fact, I am.
Edmund: Dr. Hayward, I presume.
Erica: No. Actually, I just left David at the hospital. If you'll excuse me. Edmund.

Trevor: Okey-dokey. What's so all-fired urgent you got to pull me away from my wife and my bowling game?
Erica: It's your wife I'm worried about.

Janet: I have racked my brain trying to figure out a way to get you that money. It's just not possible.
Sophie: The woman who passed herself off as her own sister and fooled how many people, including your own husband, no less, can't scrape together a few bucks? Please. Do I look like I just fell off the turnip truck?
Janet: I'm a different person.
Sophie: Horsepucky. You can strap on an apron, lead a girl scout troop, and bake cookies till the cows come home. You're still the person that rearranged a guy's brains with a crowbar, and I know you can do anything you put your mind to.
Janet: What if I put my mind to getting rid of you?
Sophie: Go ahead. Snuff me out. But I have to warn you -- anything happens to me, you'll never see that brat of yours again, alive or dead.

Tad: Want to help me with the nog?
Rae: Is that what you want? Huh? Is that what you want?
Dixie: So, Rae, do you have children?
Rae: No, not anymore. I lost a daughter.
Dixie: Really? So did I. Last summer.
Rae: I'm sorry, Dixie.

Junior: Come on, Jamie. Let's get some more decorations.
Jamie: Yeah.

Becca: I'm really sorry about Leo coming by like that.
Scott: That's ok. I can't blame him for wanting to take you out.
Becca: Well, he certainly isn't shy.
Scott: Well, he's smart enough to see what he likes and to go for it.

Rae: Hey.
Dixie: Oh.
Tad: Nog.
Rae: Yeah.
Dixie: Nice. Nice nog.
Tad: Nog.
Jake: Cheers.
Liza: Thanks.
Jake: No? Yes?
Liza: No, sure.
Jake: All right.
Liza: So, you know, I wanted to ask you about Gillian. I mean, you haven't really left her side since the accident.
Jake: Ah, yeah, well, we had a few dates before the accident
Liza: Yeah, but not exclusive. I mean, you dated that nurse. And then there was Wendy.
Jake: You monitoring my private life? Look, I just want to make sure that Gillian was over Ryan, and now that she is --
Liza: So -- so what exactly is it?
Jake: I think it might be love.

David: This will only take a minute. Listen, Gillian, I just want you to know that I'm sorry for upsetting you earlier. I know that you're worried about what I might say to Jake.
David: Look, when I blurted out the truth about Colby, I did it to provoke Adam. I have no intention of telling Jake anything.
Gillian: Thank you.
David: And no matter what Alexandra Marick has to say about it, I'm going to make sure that you make a complete recovery. Have a good night, Gillian.

Leo: Brother David. Good. I was afraid you'd left already.
David: What do you want?
Leo: I need you to take care of this for me.
David: What is it?
Leo: My hospital bill. I don't have insurance. And since you're on staff, you can just have the charges waived.
David: You want me to pay your hospital bill? No, I'm sorry. I don't think so. Why don't you go to Mommy Dearest. I'm sure she's footing all your other bills, isn't she?
Leo: I just thought you could save her a few bucks.
David: Well, you thought wrong. Excuse me.
Leo: What are you doing after duty? I'll buy you a drink.
David: I don't drink with people I don't know.
Leo: David, we're family. And I, for one, couldn't be happier about it. I always wanted a big brother to look up to. I'll see you soon, I hope?

David: I don't know what scam you and Vanessa are pulling. But enjoy it while you can, little brother, because it won't be too long.

Trevor: What's got you worried about Janet?
Erica: Trevor, she came to me today, and she asked me for a good deal of money. She said it was for a charity. But then she left before I could even give her the check.
Trevor: Well, how much money was she asking for?
Erica: $50,000.
Trevor: 50-- That's the same amount of money she wanted for this cockamamie stock tip.
Erica: You're kidding. Well, Trevor, do you think that she's in some kind of trouble?
Trevor: I don't know. I sure as hell am going to find out.

Janet: Don't you dare threaten my child!
Sophie: Get me the 50 G's, and I will never darken your doorstep again.
It's as simple as that. Janet: Fine. Fine. I'll get you the money. I don't know how, but I'll get it.
Sophie: Well, make it quick. I am wanted in three states. I got to get out of the country because there is no way in hell I am going back to the joint. The guards will kill me for taking out one of their own.
Janet: Ok. Ok, just get out of here. Got it?
Sophie: Give sweet little Amanda a kiss from her Aunt Sophie, will you? Be seeing you -- real soon. I'll just dip out the back.

Image: If you think she's going to go away after you fork over the 50 grand, you need a reality check. As soon as you hand over that money, she's going to be back for more. Amanda will never safe.
Janet: Sophie won't be back. She's going to Brazil to have plastic surgery on her face.
Image: Oh, and you think that's a good thing?

[Makes buzzer sound]

Image: Wrong. I mean, all she has to do is move next door. You're never going to know the difference until Amanda is headed for a dirt nap.
Janet: Stop saying that.
Image: You got two choices here -- either you stand around wringing your hands or you actually do something to solve the problem. What? You don't think you got it in you? Now, what kind of a lousy excuse for a mother are you? She threatened to off your kid.
Janet: But Sophie said if anything happened to her --
Image: So you let her low life friends know that nobody messes with Janet Green and lives to tell it. Nobody.

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