DECEMBER 15, 2000

Dixie: Excuse me. Hello?
Dixie: Can you tell me why it is that you're so attracted to her?
David: Are you kidding? She's Erica Kane.
Erica: I'm Erica Kane.
Dixie: Yeah, I got it. But what is it you see in her, anyway?
David: Well, she's ravishingly beautiful, sexy, desirable -- oh, and she's available.
Erica: That means I'm not married.
David: To Tad Martin.
Erica: Or anyone.
[Erica and David laugh]

[Telephone rings]

Dixie: Hello? Oh, hi, Tad. Hi, Baby. Oh, I'm sorry. No, I'm fine. It's just -- I was having a nightmare.

David: Here. Drink this.
Erica: Oh, thank you. Thank you, David.
David: No, you should drink it first before you thank me. I make a lousy cup of coffee.
Erica: Oh, no, I wasn't talking about the coffee.
David: Oh.
Erica: I really needed help last night. I really did. I mean, sometimes it isn't easy raising a child alone. I like to think that I'm good enough to do it by myself, but -- I'm very grateful to you, David, for staying with me and helping me sort through this -- this mess I'm in with Bianca.
David: I wouldn't read too much into the silent treatment, Erica.
Erica: You know, Blanca's not opening up to me. That's really the least of my problems. David, I'm still spinning over these accusations that Brooke English has made against my child. She says my child pushed her daughter over the side of a yacht?
David: You're going to have to talk to Brooke again. You know that. As much as you'd probably rather stick needles in your eyes.
Erica: Can I tell you something else that's bothering me?
David: Ok, just one thing?
Erica: Why isn't Bianca pitching a fit about these terrible accusations against her? Why? I mean, if it were me, I would --
David: Ay --
Erica: Ok, that's right. Bianca is not me. That's a point you made this morning, about 4:30.
David: That's right.
Erica: I don't know too many people who would be willing to listen to me all night.
David: Well, I don't know many people who would even think to ask me.
Erica: Why couldn't we work it out, David?

Gillian: Hey.
Ryan: Hey.
Gillian: You gone all night?
Ryan: Yes, I was. You didn't make it to bed, did you?
Gillian: No, I -- I was staying up waiting for you. I was going to cook you some dinner and make sure everything was warm and cozy. What? You don't think I have it in me?
Ryan: No, no, no, no. That's not it. I just don't want you to feel like -- I don't know -- you got to be Martha Stewart for me or anything like that.
Gillian: Well, I haven't bought a glue gun yet, so you're safe. You are safe, aren't you?
Ryan: I missed you.
Gillian: I missed you, too. It's bad, isn't it?
Ryan: Yeah, baby, it's really bad.

Singer: They know that Santa's

Mateo: Hey -- look what I found.
Hayley: Oh! Uncle Stuart gave that to me.
Mateo: It's a little worse for wear, but --
Hayley: Oh, that's ok. I don't mind. He always thinks of me.
Mateo: He thinks of everyone.
Hayley: Oh, it's true. I mean, he even forgave Arlene. And she ran him over, left him for dead, locked him away so no one could find him, and he still found a way to forgive her. How does he do that?
Mateo: Beats me.
Hayley: You know, that's my big problem. You know, I won't forgive people for being what they can't be and, I mean, that's always been the big problem with my mother.
Mateo: What are you talking about? You've given your mother a million chances, and every time you do, she swallows you whole, Hayley.
Hayley: I know, but look at how it all ended, with her last memory of me being so ugly -- you know, my hands around her throat. Oh, this was a bad idea. You know, I thought we'd take out the Christmas decorations and throw up the tree and everything would be fine. I was wrong.
Mateo: Listen, Hayley, your mom, she does what she wants to do. She always has. Just -- why don't we try to let it go, huh?
Hayley: I can't. I always have this weird feeling around Christmastime, you know. I'm always waiting for my mother to ruin it because she always did. She would always come falling down the stairs dead drunk, trip over the furniture --
Mateo: You know this Christmas is going to be different, right?
Hayley: It's not going to be different because I still feel like she needs me because of what I've done to her. I feel like -- like I owe her something. And I can't help it. I feel like she's somewhere alone and scared and she wants me to tell her that it's ok, that it's ok to come home.
Mateo: She doesn't want you to come after her. You know that, right?

[Doorbell rings]

Mateo: I'll get it.
Hayley: Who could that be so early in the morning?
Liza and Mateo: Hey!
Mateo: Liza.
Liza: I brought some gifts.
Mateo: Oh, cool.
Liza: You can put them under your tree --
Mateo: All right. Come on in.
Liza: It's good to see you up and decorating, getting into the spirit and everything.
Hayley: Well, that's Mateo. Mateo is forcing me. Going to do some decorating. It'll be nice.
Liza: It'll be a great Christmas. You'll see.
Hayley: Yeah. You want to stick around and help decorate the tree?
Liza: I'll stay for a little bit.
Hayley: Oh, great. Well, then, you can untangle this bag of lights. I've got to -- excuse me. I've to go find the blinky bulbs and --
Liza: Ok.
Hayley: Outdoor bulbs.
Liza: Take your time.

Liza: So, how is she really?
Mateo: What do you mean?
Liza: Adam told me.
Mateo: Told you what?
Liza: About Hayley strangling her mother and how he threw the body overboard and she doesn't know what she did.
Mateo: What the hell is he trying to do, huh? Why doesn't he just take out an ad?

Hayley: I know what you guys are talking about. Don't worry. I'm not going to force Liza to tell me what you told her you got me for Christmas. I like surprises. Blinking or non?
Liza: Blinking.
Hayley: Girl after my own heart. Ok, well, continue your "Hayley's Wonderful Surprise" discussion while I go find some extension cords.
Mateo: Ok.

Mateo: Who else did he tell?
Liza: Listen, just calm down, ok? He got caught, and he didn't lie about it. We're the only ones that know.
Mateo: Your mom knows.
Liza: No, I know that she knows, but we are going to do everything we can to protect Hayley from the truth.
Mateo: Don't you see that if we don't tell her the truth we're not actually protecting her? Huh?
Liza: You don't mean that.
Mateo: I -- I don't? My wife wakes up in the middle of the night screaming. Anytime she looks in the mirror, she sees her mom's face with her hands wrapped around her neck. Come on. I mean, I have to, like, listen to her say that, and I have to lie to her?
Liza: Mateo, the flip side is how would Hayley feel if she knew she killed her mother?

[Doorbell rings]

Liza: Adam is in Europe, and he's creating a paper trail. And I know this goes against everything that is in you, but Hayley cannot handle this kind of truth. My God, who could?


Liza: We're not deceiving her. We're trying to save --

Hayley: Guys, what, are you losing your hearing? That must be some present you're discussing.
Man: Hi. Overseas package for Hayley Santos.
Hayley: Yeah, that's me.
Man: Thanks. Thank you.
Hayley: Thank you.
Mateo: Hayley, what is it?
Hayley: It's from her again.
Liza: What?
Hayley: It's from my mother.

Ryan: Derek didn't buy that I was being set up.

Gillian: So he just dismissed it out of hand?
Ryan: Yes. And while I was being bright-lighted, whoever it was that planted that bogus contract between me and that lab technician was probably halfway to Tahiti.
Gillian: I don't believe it. So the police didn't help you at all?
Ryan: No, it's ridiculous. Believe me, I know. Why would I drug guests that have paid good money to be at my party?
Gillian: Well, did you tell Derek that?
Ryan: Yes, I told him 100 times. And look at this. Look at this. These are all messages, stacks of messages from potential investors that want answers. Answers that I can't give them.
Gillian: Why would anybody think that you did this?
Ryan: I don't know, Gilly. I don't know, but you know what? It doesn't matter because they need a scapegoat and I'm it. I was -- I was right on the edge of having absolutely everything that I've ever wanted my entire life. I had -- you know. I had nothing. I came from nothing. I finally felt proud to be who I was, to be where I was, and I had everything that I wanted for one night -- absolutely everything -- even you. And somebody is trying to take this away from me.
Gillian: You should be proud, Ryan. I am so proud of you, I can't even describe it. And we're going to fix this, and we're going to fight for it, and you're going to have everything that you've ever wanted. And I'm here for you, and I'm here with you, and I'm not going to let you give up.
Ryan: Wait a minute. What is that, another bill from the caterers?
Gillian: Yeah, it came last night. Did you forget to pay it?
Ryan: No, not exactly. This is a fortune. Look at this. "Pay upon receipt." I bet you they think there's no money left because of all the bad publicity.
Gillian: Is there money left?
Ryan: Yeah, there's some. There's some money left. $900 For the punch bowl? What are they, insane? What was it made out of, 14 karat --
Gillian: Why would anybody want to take a punch bowl?
Ryan: David Hayward.

David: Erica, we can't be together.
Erica: I know. I don't know why, though.
David: We don't coexist. We consume. Two narcissists can't live together. Now, don't blow your stack because I said that --
Erica: No, I'm too tired to fight back, anyway.
David: Yeah, well, even if you weren't, you know it's true.
Erica: But I'll tell you what. Whenever I need you, you're here.
David: That's because I still care about you, Erica. Even an egomaniac like myself can.

Bianca. Hi.
Erica: Hi.
Bianca: David -- Mom, did you guys stay down here all night?
Erica: Yes, we did. Right here, Honey, yes. David very kindly offered to stay and counsel me on all these horrible accusations that Brooke English is making against you.
Bianca: What do you mean?
Erica: Oh, Honey, Brooke's hatred of me is legendary. But now she's trying to incriminate you in her daughter's fall off Ryan's yacht --
Bianca: Mom, just drop it, ok? Leave it alone.

Erica: Did you hear that? You see what I'm saying? "Drop it." "Drop it." That's what she says to me about everything -- whether it's the clothes I like to see her wear or these horrible murder charges brought up by a jealous woman like Brooke English.
David: Well, she's certainly carving out her own independence. And she's obviously not taking what Brooke said seriously. I mean, that's an approach that you would be wise to adopt. I mean, just so that you could save yourself from a coronary.
Erica: David, look, you don't understand. Bianca -- well, I didn't tell you this last night --
David: Tell me what?
Erica: Look, it's just I'm so thrown by it, I don't know how to discuss it, so I -- I don't. Bianca ran away to New York city alone the other day. Jack and I actually had to go there and get her.
David: She ran away?
Erica: She went to see this girl that she roomed with at the eating disorder rehab center. They had a really intense friendship. In fact, Bianca was so sure that she didn't want me to know about it, she ripped all the pages out of her journal.
David: Really?
Erica: Mm-hmm, all about the rehab center. Anyhow, I knew that this Sarah was trouble, so when she called asking for Bianca, I told her to stay away.
David: Well, why would you do that?
Erica: Because she hurt Bianca very badly, because she really betrayed Bianca. But Bianca was so willing to forgive her, I mean, the minute Sarah called to ask for her, Bianca found out about that and went running off to New York. I mean, why would she do that? She got hurt all over again. That could have been avoided. I mean, why would Bianca seek out someone who had hurt her so badly?
David: Oh, I don't know. Why do we all go back to the people who hurt us? We always think that we could work it out.
Erica: I don't understand it in this case because this was just temporary -- you know, this was a temporary friendship in a temporary rehab center. So why would she go running off like that?
David: Erica, Erica -- come on.
Erica: "Come on" what?
David: Well, it seems that maybe they were more than just friends. I mean, maybe Bianca and this girl Sarah had some sort of a sexual encounter.
Erica: What did you say?
David: Erica, you never thought that perhaps --
Erica: No, I never thought. Not once! Not -- David -- how dare you say such a horrible thing. I mean, how dare you!
David: Erica, you are taking this so out of context. I was simply responding to what you just said to me.
Erica: What I just said? How could anything that I just said possibly lead you to think that?
David: You said that Bianca had an intense friendship with this girl, right, and that she was shutting down about it. Now, why is it so hard for you to believe that maybe they had a sexual --
Erica: David -- stop. Don't even say that. Do you hear me?
David: I was merely suggesting that this may have happened.
Erica: "Merely suggesting"? I see. Well, you see, this is exactly why we could never have a future together -- because you take what I say, then you distort it, and then you speak about it without any regard to my feeling about it.
David: Wait a minute. This isn't about you. This is about your daughter.
Erica: Yeah, my daughter. My daughter. Don't you understand that, David? All I'm trying to do is protect her. I mean, I have been fielding horrible insults about her. I never thought I'd have to do that with you.
David: Wait a minute. I didn't insult Bianca.
Erica: Oh, no? What would you call it?
David: You know what you're sounding like? You want me to say the word?
Erica: No, I -- you know what? I want you to get out of here right now.
David: Wait a minute. Erica, please, I wasn't --
Erica: Get out. Get out.
David: Fine.

Dixie: How's New York? Oh, really? That long? No, I understand. It's just, you know, I miss you. No, no, it's important. You got to do that and straighten out this whole thing with I don't know what I'm going to do. Ruth asked me to come over to the hospital and help decorate, and everybody's been so nice to me over there while I was there, so I thought I would go. Yeah, I bet you're sorry that you're missing it. You know, it just doesn't feel like Christmas without you here. You know, mistletoe -- that's very cute. You don't need that to get me in the mood. Yeah, you know I do. Ok. All right. Just don't work too long, ok? Yeah, I love you. Yeah. All right. Bye.

[Dixie sighs]

Dixie: Maybe David won't even be there.

Gillian: What about David Hayward?
Ryan: This weird thing happened the night of the party. Hayward and one of the waiters had their heads together. Right when the waiter was about to carry away the punch bowl, I stopped him. But Hayward had already paid him, like, 50 bucks or something, and I gave -- you know, I gave him hell for messing with the crew, but I didn't stop and ask him what he was up to because I never thought that -- I don't believe this. Do you think Hayward spiked the punch?
Gillian: I don't know.
Ryan: Well, the guy -- the guy, the waiter, was about to take away the punch bowl, which is what Hayward paid him to do, I think.
Gillian: Well, why?
Ryan: I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I had so much on my mind that night. I couldn't keep my eyes off of you. Why would he do that? Why would he drug the guests and try and frame me?
Gillian: You know what, Ryan? Maybe -- maybe he's not after you. Maybe --
Ryan: What, what? Wait, wait. What do you mean?
Gillian: Well, I was there when David and Jake were attacking each other and David's reputation was on the line, and now tad wants to sue him for, you know, sexually harassing Dixie. So maybe he's after Jake or Tad.
Ryan: You think?
Gillian: Well, I mean, it makes as much sense as anything else. Ryan that son of a -- he is not going to get away with this.

Hayley: It's from Amsterdam. It says "open immediately. Do not wait until Christmas."
Liza: I hear they have great cheese in Amsterdam.
Mateo: If you want me to open it up, I --
Liza: That's lovely.
Mateo: Oh.
[Music box plays]
Hayley: Yes, it is.
Liza: It was really thoughtful of Arlene.
Hayley: There's no way my mother sent this me.
[Music stops]

Hayley: What the hell is going on?
Hayley: That woman not once -- not once in all these years has she sent me a birthday card or a Christmas card, and now suddenly she is sending me expensive antique music boxes from Holland? If she had extra money, she'd spend it on herself!
Liza: Well, maybe she's just trying to break some old patterns, you know, after everything that's happened. Maybe you should just take it at face value.
Hayley: There is no face value where my mother's concerned, and no amount of pattern-breaking in the world is going to change that. You'll have to excuse me. I don't really feel much like decorating. I just -- I don't have it in me to hang lights.

Mateo: What the hell's he trying to do? Will you just tell him to leave it alone?
Liza: No, I know. He probably thought he was helping. I will talk to him.
Mateo: I'm going to protect my wife. Me, ok? Tell him just to stop sending gifts, just to stop everything.
Liza: I understand. Just calm down. For Hayley's sake and for the sake of this entire family, you have got to keep this a secret for the rest of your life.

Jake: Thanks, Dad. Gillian.
Gillian: Jake, will you please stop accusing Ryan of drugging the people who came to his party? He didn't do it. You know this.
Jake: All right,
Gillian, it's out of my hands. The police are looking into it now.
Gillian: No, the police found planted evidence. He would never do such a thing. He would never broker a deal with a hospital employee to create a cover-up.
Joe: Gillian, I'm assuming that Ryan asked you to come here on his behalf.
Gillian: No, Joe, he did not, and he doesn't even know I'm here. He'd be furious if he knew. Jake, listen. Ryan has no motive to do this. And the more you say it, the more impossible it becomes for him to defend himself. His company is in jeopardy, and it's just not fair.

[Pager beeps]

Joe: Excuse me. I'll be right back.

Jake: All right, look. I know you, and I know you wouldn't do this if you didn't believe in all of your heart that the man is innocent.
Gillian: He is innocent, Jake. He is 100% innocent.
Jake: Ok. Assuming that he was set up, assuming that someone made it look like and went to great lengths to make it look like Ryan did this, if what you're saying is true, who would do that and why would they do it, Gillian?
Gillian: We think -- we think it's David Hayward. Ryan put it together this morning.
Jake: How?
Gillian: Well, Ryan saw him tip a waiter at the party to remove the punch bowl for no apparent reason. And at the time he thought, you know, it was just David being David. But now the punch bowl's missing, the caterers are charging Ryan for it, and -- I mean, doesn't it just sound like a little bit too much of a coincidence to you?
Jake: All right. Assuming Libidozone ended up in the punch bowl, that would explain why almost everyone at that party had a reaction. But why, Gillian? What would David Hayward have to gain by slipping it in a punch bowl?
Gillian: The only woman he can't have -- your sister-in-law.
Jake: Dixie.
Gillian: Dixie.

Dixie: Hey, Genna.
Genna: Oh, Mrs. Martin. Hello. I heard you were coming by to help.
Dixie: Yeah. Is my mother-in-law around?
Genna: Ruth was just paged.
Dixie: Oh. Well, I guess I'll just dive in and help you myself.

[Pager beeps]

Genna: Oh.
Dixie: Not you, too?
Genna: I have to take this. Sorry.
Dixie: That's ok. Go, go, go. I'll just dive in.
Genna: Thanks.
Dixie: Bye. Oh.
Dixie: Oh!

[Door opens]

Joe: Gillian gone?
Jake: Yeah. Yeah, she was pretty upset.
Joe: So, what do you think? Is she right when she says Ryan had nothing to do with drugging those people?
Jake: It's possible.
Joe: You say that because you have a reason, or is Gillian still getting to you?
Jake: She always gets to me, but she's right. I think I may have been way, way off about Ryan, Dad.
Joe: Oh. Well, if it turns out that way, we'll deal with it. We will.
Jake: I shouldn't have been so quick to judge him.
Joe: Anybody in the world would have accused him if -- you know, given the evidence we've seen so far, anyway.
Jake: Anybody in the world wouldn't want to make that man pay the way I did. Just -- it's unbelievable, really.
Joe: What is?
Jake: How much Gillian loves Ryan.
Joe: I'm sorry, son.
Jake: Yeah. She was here with me now, and I was just looking at her face, and I know how she feels because it's -- it's how much, Dad, that I still love her.

Dixie: Oh, whoops. Thank you.
Hello. Hi!
David: Hi.
Dixie: Hi. Are you here to help?
David: "Help"?
Dixie: With the decorations? Because that's why I'm here -- to help with the decorations. That's the only reason why I'm here today -- because Ruth called and asked me to come and help with the decorations.
David: Nobody invited me to help.
Dixie: Oh. No?
David: No.
Dixie: Oh.
David: I just came by for some coffee.
Dixie: Coffee.
David: But, you know, I can go to the cafeteria. It's ok.
Dixie: No, no, no, no. Don't go to the cafeteria. Cafeteria coffee is really bad. The coffee here is good. It's just bad for some reason. I don't know why.
David: Really?
Dixie: You know, thank you so much for helping out Junior and getting him those headsets. That was really an extremely smooth move.
David: Well, I didn't do it to impress him -- or you.
Dixie: Oh, no. I know. I know. I know you didn't. You just -- it was great. He didn't know that you did that, by the way. I didn't --
David: And you're not going to tell him?
Dixie: No. That's up to you, of course.
David: So, how is he today?
Dixie: Junior? Oh, forget it. He couldn't squeeze his head out of the door this morning. You created a monster.
David: Well, his band is really great.
Dixie: Yes, he's a great kid. He's a really -- he's a really great kid. And, you know, I can't thank you enough for getting the band those headsets. That was really neat, you know? I mean, his whole group -- they couldn't have performed without them.
David: You don't have to keep thanking me, you know.
Dixie: Well, I do, and I have to pay you, certainly.
David: What? No. What? Wait a minute. Forget it.
Dixie: Oh. What, are you kidding me? I --
David: Dixie, no, no, no --
Dixie: That was the right thing to do --
David: No, no, no.
Dixie: To pay you.
David: I wanted to do it, all right? You don't have to pay me, so just -- just forget about it.
Dixie: Ok.
David: I mean, and when your son's became -- when your son becomes famous, you can thank me during one of those retrospectives where they interview the parent, ok?
Dixie: Oh, ok.
David: My brush with fame.

Ryan: Get over here, Hayward. Tell me something.
Dixie: Ryan, my God --
Ryan: Why the hell did you set me up?

Erica: Call Stella and tell her I will give her an exclusive on Blanca's wardrobe for the next shoot but she has got to really promise me that she will speak to all the editors of the -- Bianca, what are you doing home from school, honey?
Bianca: There's no classes till this afternoon, Mom. It's teachers' conferences.
Val: I knew that. I emailed you the memo.
Erica: Yes, I remember. Well, you know what, then? This is perfect. I'll tell you of my plan.
Bianca: What plan?
Erica: I was just filling Val in on this. We are going to take an entirely new approach for the young enchantment campaign.
Bianca: Really? How?
Erica: Well, now that I have seen all the amazing chemistry between you and Leo, I just want the whole country to see. I want to get a jump on it. I want the whole country to see the sparks between you two, the dashing young man Leo and the beautiful young girl Bianca. And so we're just going to schedule all these promotional appearances all over the country.
Bianca: When?
Erica: Right away.
Bianca: Mom -- I started school so late. I really don't -- I don't want to miss that much, and -- and with what happened with dad, I really --
Erica: Honey, I don't want you to worry about anything. You're going to have a tutor, of course. But think of this, Honey -- chaperoned trips with Leo. You can see all the sights. You can have romantic dinners.
Bianca: Romantic dinners?
Erica: And then I will schedule all sorts of shopping sprees to couture houses in New York and in Philadelphia and in Boston -- no, I think we will skip Boston. Don't you think that would be best? Bianca? Bianca? What is it, Honey?
Bianca: It's just -- it's --
Erica: What?
Bianca: It's -- it's so --
Erica: Just tell me. Tell me how you're feeling, honey. Please. Tell me what's wrong. I'm here for you, Sweetheart, every day, no matter what. Just -- just tell me.

Erica: Val?
Val: I'll be in the study when you need me.

Bianca: Mom, I -- I love you so much. I don't want to hurt you. I --
Erica: Oh, Honey. You couldn't hurt me. How could you hurt me? I love you, too, Bianca. You know how much, Honey. Just tell me, Honey. Please just tell me. I know. I know this has been -- oh -- such a painful time for you. First that horrible Sarah and her horrible mother trying to make you feel like an outcast. Then that awful Brooke English throwing those accusations at you about pushing her daughter off the boat. I mean, honey, I know. I know. It's been such a -- a terrible time for you. But it's ok. Listen to Mommy. It's ok.

[Bianca weeps]

Erica: You're my little girl. You're my beautiful, sweet, innocent little girl, and you always will be. You'll always be my baby, Honey. You'll always be my baby.

Stuart: Thanks for seeing me, Derek.
Derek: Oh, I'm happy to, Stuart. I know it must be important. You're not the kind of person that comes to the police station with a rumor.
Stuart: Yeah, well, it is something. I just --
Derek: Yeah.
Stuart: I don't know what it means yet.
Derek: Well, has a crime been committed, Stuart?
Stuart: Oh, I hope not. No, I think it is more like a missing persons kind of thing. And after what happened to me, you know, losing my memory and everything, I'd hate for her to be missing and then nobody know it because she'd --
Derek: Stuart, Stuart, who's "she"?
Stuart: Oh -- Arlene.
Derek: Arlene Chandler?
Stuart: Yeah. I have a bad feeling about this, Derek.
Derek: Well, tell me.
Stuart: Well, a few weeks ago, she came to see me in my gallery. And she was -- she was down. She was lost, really, really upset, and I told her that it might be the best thing if she just -- just went away for a while. And then I didn't see her for a while, and I figured that she'd gone away for a while.
Derek: And now?
Stuart: Well, she had nothing -- no friends, no family that would talk to her, and no money. And the manager of the Pine Cone Motel told me that he hadn't seen her for quite a while. And here's what's really scary -- she left all of her things there.
Derek: Well, maybe she's coming back for them.
Stuart: Yeah, that's what I thought. But my niece Hayley told me that Arlene had left and hadn't taken any of her expensive jewelry with her, which is just exactly what she needed to get started somewhere else, and that's not like Arlene, and -- not at all.
Derek: Stuart, is there anybody that would like to see her disappear?
Stuart: Well, there are about 50 people, I guess, who feel that way. You don't really think something bad has happened to her, do you?

["Greensleeves" plays]

Hayley: I saw Liza's face. I know she doesn't get why I don't think this is -- why I know this is not from my mother.

[Hayley sighs]

Hayley: Never mind. I called Eli at the studio.
Mateo: You did?
Hayley: Yeah. And I found out that I don't have to be at the production meeting until after lunch, which I thought was a good thing.
Mateo: You -- you do?
Hayley: Yeah. I've got some -- some serious making up to do to you.
Mateo: Ah, come on.
Hayley: I know I haven't exactly been a joy to behold these past few days.
Mateo: Hey, just being next to you is a joy to behold.
Hayley: Well, there -- there we have it -- further proof that you are perfect. But now that we've established that, I'm serious. I know I've been zero fun lately.
Mateo: What are you saying? You want to cut loose a little?
Hayley: I'm not saying I want to have a laugh riot, but I wouldn't mind a few hours alone with my husband, just telling him how much he means to me.
Mateo: I love you.
Hayley: I know that. And every time you try to make me feel better about everything that's happened with my mom, I feel it more. And I just want to thank you for standing by me when I -- when I really need it the most.

Ryan: Did you drug the guests at my party?
David: What?
Ryan: Did you put Libidozone in the punch at my party? Is that why you paid off the waiter -- to hide the evidence?
David: I don't know what the hell you're talking about, and you're in public --
Ryan: Tell me, Hayward, why did you set me up?
David: I didn't set you up!
Ryan: Why'd you put phony evidence on my yacht to make me look guilty for something that you --
Dixie: Ryan, for God's sake, let him go!
Ryan: Tell me! If you don't tell me right now, Hayward, I swear to god I will kill you right here.


Leslie: You're just in time. Get in and scrub my back.

Brooke: Let me talk to him. You're wrong about this. You'll see.

Jake: I've just been served with your petition for a no-fault divorce.

David: I guess I should have known that I could never pull this off. You got me.

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