DECEMBER 21, 2000

Ryan: That's it. That's all I need. Well, I know it's a lot, but it's enough to cover my debts and to carry me through to the first quarter of next year. Yes, but nobody has the vision and the courage that you have. That's why I called you because you are the man. You're right. Uh-huh. You're right, you're right. I probably wouldn't lend money to somebody who sounds -- sounded this desperate, either.

Gillian: Good morning. Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you.
Ryan: Oh, it's ok. I was just dreaming about you. And you know what? I still am dreaming about you because you're all that I need.
Gillian: Oh, baby. I feel the same way.
Ryan: Good. You know, I'm really happy that we decided to skip Christmas this year.
Gillian: Me, too, because that way we'll just have more time to spend with each other.
Ryan: Yeah.

Adam: What is wrong with this picture?
Liza: Right now I can't think of a thing.
Adam: I promised you that we would be married by thanksgiving, and it's almost Christmas now. So let's do it. Let's get married.
Liza: I just don't think it's the right time, not yet.
Adam: Why? What are we waiting for? Arlene was the only obstacle. She's been disposed of.
Liza: Adam.
Adam: Well, I'm not going to pretend to grieve. What happened to her was a terrible thing, but all in all, it's turned out rather well, hasn't it?
Liza: This is not settled -- not by far. Hayley thinks her mother is in Europe living a wonderful life. I mean, how long are we going to keep her believing it?
Adam: Well, not indefinitely, of course.
Liza: Exactly.
Adam: That's why I've informed my man in Amsterdam. And he will notify us before the end of winter that during a terrible snowstorm, there was an awful accident on the autobahn. The driver was killed and her body was quickly cremated.
Liza: Arlene will die?
Adam: Yes, and Hayley can mourn her mother and she will believe that her mother's last weeks of life were happy. See, I've thought of everything.
Liza: You know, I love you.
Adam: Then marry me. What are we waiting for? Let's not -- let's not waste single moment.

Hayley: Hello! Merry Christmas!
Liza: Hey! Look at you!
Hayley: Hi!
Liza: All these gifts are so beautifully wrapped. You've outdone me. Hi.
Adam: Our present doesn't need wrapping. It's a wedding invitation.
Liza: You don't think the fact that we don't have a marriage license gets in the way?
Adam: No, no, not at all.

Val: We're going to start shortly. We'll be handing out a press release after Ms. Kane's introductory remarks.

Erica: You're going to have to wait just like everyone else, Matthew, sorry. But have you ever been disappointed in one of my campaigns? No. And in this one I've surpassed myself, I promise. So just -- patience. Have patience.

Erica: Jack, hi.
Jack: Hi.
Erica: Well, did you come because you want to find out about my brainstorm?
Jack: Not exactly. I was here for a breakfast meeting when I found out that you had absolutely taken over the lobby.
Erica: Oh, well, stick around. It's going to be amazing.
Jack: A breakthrough shade of lipstick, perhaps?
Erica: Oh, you just wait. I'll give you a clue, though.
Jack: Ok.
Erica: It concerns your very gorgeous and very photogenic niece.
Jack: You know, I haven't heard from Bianca in a few days. Everything between the two of you ok?
Erica: Perfect.
Jack: Well, that's great to hear. You know, I was going to drop by the other night, but I saw Hayward's car parked in your driveway, so I drove off.
Erica: Oh, Jack. You should have come in. He didn't stay long. And he won't be back, I can assure you.
Jack: Really?
Erica: Really. As Bianca would say, Dr. Hayward is historical.
Jack: So what happened?
Erica: Well, I made the mistake of confiding in him about Blanca's recent difficulties, and his response was a really crude remark. I mean, I always suspected that he was a man like that, but now I know for sure, and so he is out of my life forever. Val? Bianca should be here by now.
Jack: What exactly did Hayward say?
Erica: Nothing, jack, really, nothing worth repeating. He actually said something really obscene about Bianca.
Jack: Obscene?
Erica: And her roommate Sarah. Val, what's keeping Bianca?
Val: The limo driver's been waiting outside your house, Erica. He says Bianca won't come out.
Erica: Well, what's the problem? I mean, what does she say when you call her?
Val: Well, no one's answering the phone.
Erica: I see. Ok, you keep trying, and if she picks up tell her that I'm on my way to fetch her myself.

[Telephone rings]


Bianca: All right! Shut up.


Bianca: I'm on my way.


Bianca: Hi. I was just -- I was just on my way to the Enchantment campaign.
Leo: Yeah, I see.
Bianca: What do you think?
Leo: You look like her.
Bianca: Yeah, Mom dreamed up this -- this new campaign idea. It's supposed to bring us closer together.
Leo: Well, knock 'em dead.
Bianca: I will.
Leo: I just came to get the rest of my stuff. You know, I'm going to miss not seeing you every day.
Bianca: Me, too, Leo. It's been really great having you around.
Leo: I'm just a phone call away.
Bianca: Well, I'm sure that you're going to have lots to do at your new place. And besides, things are really good around here. Mom and I have been getting along really well lately. I feel really great about everything.
Leo: Who the hell are you kidding, Bianca? You're falling apart.
Leo: Don't let Erica make you do this.
Bianca: It's a mother-daughter campaign. What is the big deal? Why shouldn't I give it a chance?
Leo: You know why. Because you're lying to your mother and you're lying to yourself, that's why.
Bianca: I have two years until I'm 18 and I'm out on my own. I don't have to think about coming out till then. You said so yourself.
Leo: Yeah, well, maybe I did. I said it because I thought it might make you feel better, that's why.
Bianca: Well, maybe I still need to hear it.
Leo: I know you better now, Bianca. You're my friend. I care about you. Don't do this. Don't -- don't turn into this person.

Vanessa: Oh, my, how lovely.

[Greenlee gasps]

Vanessa: Good morning, Dear.
Greenlee: Mrs. Cortlandt. Leo isn't here just now.
Vanessa: Oh, I know, I know. I just came by to visit you. Well, here you go. Don't worry, darling, that is only a housewarming gift. Christmas present to come, but I want to make certain I pick the absolute perfect thing.
Greenlee: Oh. Well, all Leo and I want for Christmas is to be alone together.
Vanessa: Yes. Well. You two are deliriously happy, aren't you?
Greenlee: Yes, we are.
Vanessa: Well. My Leo in love. You know, this is a first. You should be very proud of yourself. And I would be a tiny bit jealous except that I think you're so good for him.
Greenlee: Well, I love your son very much.
Vanessa: Yes, do you have any idea how important you are?
Greenlee: To Leo?
Vanessa: To me. You see, Leo and I have always had this very special relationship. Well, it's really more than a mother and son. We've been comrades in arms, the two of us against the world. I'm sure he's told you about it.
Greenlee: He's told me a lot of things.
Vanessa: Well, then you also know that we haven't been quite as close as I'd like us to be lately, and you could do so much to bring together, and, well, that would be the best Christmas present anyone could give me.
Greenlee: If Leo doesn't want to be friends with you just now, I can't say that I blame him.
Vanessa: The Paolo thing, huh?
Greenlee: You let Leo sit in jail for murder when you knew he was innocent.
Vanessa: Yes, and you know, darling, my son knows somewhere deep down that that was just a terrible misunderstanding. No, no, no, he would accept my apology if it weren't for his male pride. And anyway, you know how men are. I mean -- well, I know you know how men are.
Greenlee: I can't help you, Mrs. Cortlandt. Leo is better off keeping his distance from you, so all you're getting for Christmas from us is a lump of coal in your stocking. But I'll be sure to tell him that you dropped by.
Vanessa: Oh, my dear. You have no idea. You have no idea how it warms my heart to know that my son has fallen in love with someone who is exactly like his mother.

Adam: What do you say? Come on, there will never be a better time.
Liza: Call Barry.
Hayley: Oh. There's going to be a wedding! Isn't that fantastic?
Mateo: Good thing we took the morning off.
Hayley: Oh, I think this is -- it's just a great thing that you're doing, really. I mean, I understand your initial hesitation, because it feels like Arlene is still fresh, hanging over everybody's head, but I think that once you and dad get married that you'll be able to put her in the past. At least I hope you will be able to.
Liza: Well, you know, I know that everything's happened really fast, but we have to remember that everything has turned out as best as it possibly could.
Hayley: I know that. I try to keep that in mind.
Liza: I know you're blaming yourself, but what happened that night on the yacht was not your fault. We were all drugged. That caused everything.
Adam: Well, Barry's sending over our Christmas present.
Liza: You know, wait. That was fast, even for you.
Hayley: Yeah, don't let him fool you. I'm sure he had this all worked out with Barry a long time ago.
Adam: Whoa. I can't pull anything over on you guys, can I?
Hayley: Listen, if I were you, I'd get this done as soon as possible. I mean, Arlene may be on her best behavior now, but get a few drinks in her and who knows -- she could show up here causing all kind of trouble.
Adam: Oh, I didn't tell you. She stopped drinking.
Hayley: And you believe her?
Adam: Well, we may have to wait a while to see that she's serious about it, but maybe that's why she wanted to wait a few weeks before she talked to you.
Hayley: Well, that's great. I hope and pray she makes it this time.
Adam: Well, I think she's serious about it. She looks better than I've seen her in a long time.
Mateo: Adam, I need to talk to you about something. Sorry. Come here.

Adam: What is it?

Ryan: You know, I just -- I just remembered an errand that I have to run.
Gillian: Aw. Will you be long?
Ryan: No, no, no, no. I can do this one quickly.
Gillian: Ok. I'll just wait here, since we -- since we don't have all that depressing Christmas shopping to do, thank goodness.
Ryan: Yeah. Thank goodness.
Ryan: I'll be back.
Gillian: Ok.
Gillian: Hi, Mr. Endenning? This is Princess Andrassy. I would like to have a meeting with you. I want to make this the most special Christmas ever.

Mateo: Listen to me --

Adam: Hayley. Have you seen the staff Christmas tree in the back parlor?
Hayley: No, but it's always on the top of my list every year. Are you trying to get rid of me?
Adam: No.
Liza: Maybe the men are planning a special Christmas surprise.
Hayley: What could be bigger than a surprise wedding?
Liza: I'm not sure, but let's give them a minute. Winifred did outdo herself this year.
Hayley: Will you help me with this?
Liza: Yeah, sure.
Hayley: This is everybody's presents. Thanks. Well, maybe this will be a wonderful Christmas after all.

Mateo: What are you doing? You starting to believe your lies now?
Adam: Did you see Hayley's face when I told her her mother was on the wagon? Now, what is it you want? You want the truth? Which is more important to you? Or your wife's happiness?
Mateo: Ok, ok, ok, listen, I know we had to lie. Ok, but why do you keep on feeding her information about Arlene when you know we'll never see her again?
Adam: A few weeks ago she was ready to take a drink because she thought she'd killed her mother. And now she's hopeful and ready to have a wonderful Christmas.
Mateo: You told her Arlene's on the wagon. What's next, that she's going to marry the king of Holland and she's expecting twins? I mean, who do you think you are?
Adam: I'm trying to help her, Mateo.
Mateo: Adam, Adam, Adam, Adam, what are you going to do when Hayley wants to talk to her mom on the phone? Or when she wants to get on a plane to go see her?
Adam: That's all taken care of. If you're interested, I'll tell you what's going to happen next.
Mateo: You're not going to stop doing this?

[Doorbell rings]

Mateo: Adam -- Adam --
Adam: Just --
Mateo: Adam --
Adam: Later.

Ryan: Adam. Good morning. Can I talk to you for a second?
Adam: Yes, certainly. Come in.
Ryan: What's up, Matt?
Mateo: Ryan, how are you?
Adam: I was expecting you to come back, but not quite so soon.
Hayley: Hey, Ryan. Merry Christmas.
Ryan: Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas, everybody.
Hayley: Wow, you seem very cheery. Having better luck with your business problems?
Ryan: Well, I've decided to create my own luck. I'm not going to wait for it to come to me.
Hayley: Huh.
Ryan: I hate to break up a family thing here, but could I talk to you for a second, Adam, please?
Adam: Mm-hmm.
Hayley: Oh, sure you can. Mateo?
Mateo: Yes?
Hayley: Come here. You have to see what Winifred did.
Mateo: Oh, gosh, I can't wait.

Adam: Last night I told you I was ready to take off your hands. I assume you're he to cut a deal.
Ryan: Yeah, m ready. Let's cut a deal.

Greenlee: I'm not like you, Mrs. Cortlandt. If what Leo says about is half right, I'm nothing like you.
Vanessa: Darling, I would never admit to being like me, either, except I feel like I'm looking right into a mirror, and I might as well fess up, right? I am manipulative, possessive, and congenitally selfish.
Greenlee: Why would you want someone like that for your son?
Vanessa: Because that is exactly what he needs. And how isn't Leo going to get through life without someone to push him?
Greenlee: You don't have a high opinion of him.
Vanessa: Au contraire. I just am not blinded by my love for him. Look, Leo is a joy in anyone's life. He's clever in his own way, but he is lazy. He hasn't an ambitious bone in his body and, well, I know you're never going to be satisfied with that.
Greenlee: Why are you really here, Mrs. Cortlandt?
Vanessa: Simply to encourage you in whatever plans you have for Leo. Look, I know you're going to want him to have a career, an impressive title, money in the bank, and, in case you haven't already thought of it, probably the best way to get that is through your grandfather.
Greenlee: My grandfather?
Vanessa: Yes. Really, I did try to forge an alliance between Palmer, my husband, and Leo, but to no avail. But, you know, with you behind him, I know that he could --
Greenlee: I have no intention of changing Leo, ok, Mrs. Cortlandt? I love him exactly for who he is and he loves me. We understand each other and we accept each other's failings.
Vanessa: Ok, then you have no secrets between you.
Greenlee: I beg your pardon?
Vanessa: I mean, there's nothing you'd just die about if Leo found out.
Greenlee: I -- I don't know what you're talking about.
Vanessa: Oh, well. Actually, neither do I. It's just that, well, knowing you the way I think I do, dear, there has to be something, and rest assured I will find out about it.
Greenlee: You came here to break us up, but it won't work. I love Leo with all my heart and I'll do anything I can to stay with him. You're the one who's going to lose him if you get in my way.
Vanessa: But, darling, you have nothing to fear from me as long as we're friends. But if you make me an enemy, well, I don't give you and Leo a prayer.

[Knock on door]

Marian: Well, good morning. How are you enjoying your new home?
Greenlee: It's perfect.
Marian: Oh, well, thank you. Listen, I just got a call from the co-op board. They said they never got the signed, notarized agreement of the bylaws.
Greenlee: Oh. Oh, oh. That's right. I was meaning to take that down to them. I have to look for it.
Marian: Well, please could you get them? I'd like to close the file on the sale.
Greenlee: Yeah, yeah, just a second.
Marian: Thank you.

Marian: Well, hello, Vanessa.
Vanessa: Marian. Do you know you are really a wise woman?
Marian: Really? How so?
Vanessa: Well, you've kept your day job. I mean, one never knows when a husband's going to dump you and you need to go back and find a way to feed yourself.
Marian: Well, you'll never have to worry about that, will you? You can always go back to the world's oldest profession. I mean acting, of course.

Bianca: My mom is on her way to pick me up.
Leo: So you're not going to listen to me?
Bianca: Leo, if you really want to my friend, then stop giving me such a hard time. I have to do this.
Leo: Bianca, we already tried to be the super couple. We crashed and burned. Learn from it.
Bianca: This will be different.
Leo: No, this is going to be worse. You're setting yourself up to be another Erica. Are you ready for interview after interview? "Tell me, Bianca, what do you look for in a boy?" "If you were stranded on a deserted island, who would you rather be with -- Kevin Richardson or Justin Timberlake?"
Bianca: Oh, I'll do it. I'll answer it. Just like my mom says, it's a game, Leo.
Leo: No, your soul will shrivel up. By the time you're 18, you won't even know who the hell you are.
Bianca: Look who's talking! You know what? Don't tell me how to live my life when you have no idea what you're getting into, playing house with Greenlee, pretending that you love her.
Leo: I do love her.
Bianca: You don't even know her. She is the definition of shallow. She's a liar and worse.
Leo: Oh, don't lash out at Greenlee because I'm telling you something you don't want to hear. Greenlee has never done anything to you.
Bianca: No? You know what? I'm glad you're moving out. It's just like with my mom. I can't be truthful with you, either.
Leo: What do you mean? What, be-- because she's trying to set us up as a romantic couple? What?
Bianca: Yeah, that's it.
Leo: Right. Bianca, and I don't want to help you lie. If I told you to hang in there and play the game, I was wrong. It's costing you too much.
Bianca: I'm not ready to tell my mom the truth. It would mean that for the rest of my life --
Leo: For the rest of your life what? Well -- can it really be that bad to tell your mother the truth?
Bianca: Do you know that thousands of kids every day come out to their parents and wind up on the street and can't go home again?
Leo: You really think that Erica's going to disown you for this? Bianca, what are you really afraid of?
Bianca: That our lives are never going to be the same again. That every time she looks at me, she'll be reminding me of how much I have hurt and disappointed her.
Leo: Are you sure that Erica's the one that you're going to disappoint? What are you more afraid of, Bianca, telling your mother the truth or finally accepting who you really are?

[Door opens]

Erica: I want you to leave, Leo.
Leo: I'll get the rest of my stuff.
Erica: No, I'll have Coral send it to you. It's over. Go.
Leo: You know where to reach me.

Erica: You are so lovely.
Bianca: Aren't we very late?
Erica: Yes, we are, but let them wait. I just want to enjoy this moment. I can't cry. I'll ruin my makeup. Can hardly catch my breath. I mean, you are just beyond my wildest hopes of what my daughter would . Do you know of all the people in our lives who I wish was here?
Bianca: Grandma.
Erica: Grandma's always here. I mean your father. I really think that Travis should be here today to share this moment with us. He loved you so much, and I know that you made him very, very happy. Seeing you like this, I just know that it would give him such joy. I've been wanting to give you something for weeks. Just been waiting for the right moment. It's here.
Erica: This is from your father.

Vanessa: You know, Marian, if you play your cards right, I might be able to throw a substantial commission your way. Palmer's been talking about erecting a mansion for me, if, of course, we can find the right location.
Marian: Oh, I'm sure you could find the right location. But I doubt that Palmer could erect anything for you, Vanessa. I mean, you've been talking about having a mansion built ever since you got married, haven't you?
Vanessa: Oh, yes, well, actually, living at the Valley Inn has afforded us a great deal of freedom to travel and keep our options open.
Marian: Oh, it's really nice that you have all those options.
Vanessa: Mm-hmm.
Marian: Because you live in a town where everyone dislikes you.
Vanessa: Well, that's not quite true, Marian. Although Palmer and I travel in different circles from you and your sweet, simple husband, we do have some very dear friends.
Marian: Really? Name me one. The only person who's ever been a friend of yours in this town is the horrible Arlene Vaughan, and no one has seen her since the night of the party.
Vanessa: I beg your pardon?
Marian: I said the only friend you ever had in this town was Arlene Vaughan.
Vanessa: No, the part about Arlene being at the yacht party.
Marian: I never said she was at the yacht party.
Vanessa: You -- can you be sure that she was not?
Marian: Well, of course. I mean, we were all standing there in the salon together. I mean, if Arlene had been there, we all would have seen her, wouldn't we?
Vanessa: Unless, of course, she was in disguise or --
Marian: Oh, don't be ridiculous.
Vanessa: No. No, my necklace was stolen that night, Marian. I know that Arlene had her eye on it from the very beginning. You know, she could have come onboard disguised as a cook or a steward or anything. I have to tell Palmer about this. He can find Arlene if anyone can. The police have had no luck whatsoever, and I'm going to tell you, my husband is not about to lose $500,000 that easily.
Marian: Look, I wouldn't waste your time if I were you. I mean, because even if Arlene was on the yacht that night, I mean, she's long gone now. I heard she ran off to Europe.
Vanessa: Europe? Where in Europe?
Marian: I don't know.
Vanessa: Well, if you don't know, who does? I have to find her immediately. I have to locate her.

Ryan: All right. All right, that looks good, but I want it spelled out that you're going to accept all the liability for impending lawsuits arising from the yacht party.
Adam: Once I take over, there won't be any lawsuits. All right, there you are. Congratulations. You're walking away with quite a piece of change.
Ryan: That should be enough to settle my debts, pay back all my small investors.
Adam: Hmm, a commendable goal, but your investors should have known the risk they incurred.
Ryan: People like Myrtle Fargate? Adam, they believed in me. I let them down. I can't just leave her hanging.
Adam: Myrtle Fargate. Oh, boy. Ryan, I'm a little bit disappointed in you. You said you wanted to follow in my footsteps, you said you wanted to own pine valley someday, and here you are at the first sign of trouble and you want to quit.
Ryan: Well, I guess you were right, Adam, I'm not quite like you. But the good news is -- the good news is that I realized it before it's too late. There's more important things than owning the world.
Adam: More important than following your dream? And here you are ready to sign it over, give it all up just because a few people ingested some drug on your yacht and it caused a minor scandal. Good grief, look at me. I blew up a building and I'm still here.
Ryan: No doubt about it, Adam -- you are invincible.
Adam: And don't you doubt it.
Ryan: I'll vacate the yacht as soon as the deal goes through.
Adam: Not necessary. You can stay there during the transition. Just don't forget I own it.
Ryan: All right, well, call me when you have something for me to sign, all right?

Hayley: Hey. Rushing off so soon?
Ryan: Yeah, I got to get going. Once again, Merry Christmas.

[Door closes]

Liza: What was that all about?
Adam: Oh, nothing. Something about an incredible dream.

Man: It's exquisite. But why would you want to sell a piece like this for any price?
Gillian: Because I have something that's even more valuable.

Marian: Look, if I were you, I just wouldn't tell anybody about the conversation we just had right now.
Vanessa: Really? Why not?
Marian: Well, they probably wouldn't believe that you lost your necklace at all, that's why.
Vanessa: Well, that's absurd.
Marian: Oh, is it? Well, that's what I believe. I think you still have the necklace and you're trying to collect the insurance money. I mean, how ridiculous. The thought of Arlene rushing onboard this boat in a disguise to run off with your jewels? I mean, how ridiculous can it get?

Greenlee: Marian, here it is. Sorry. I couldn't find it.
Marian: Oh, no problem. Vanessa and I were having an amusing conversation. I hope you and Leo have a happy and long life in your new home.
Greenlee: Thank you. We will.
Marian: You're quite welcome. Good morning, ladies.
Vanessa: Marian.
Marian: Thanks again.

Greenlee: I'm sorry that I kept you waiting, but, you know, I was thinking about it, and I agree. Mrs. Cortlandt?
Vanessa: Yes?
Greenlee: We should be friends.
Vanessa: Oh.
Greenlee: For Leo's sake.
Vanessa: Yes, yes. Yes, dear, of course, and we will talk, we will talk. We will have lunch, darling. Kiss, kiss.

Vanessa: Lt. Frye please. This is an emergency. This is Vanessa Cortlandt. Yes, I have information about my stolen necklace. Please --

Adam: We did this. We gave Hayley her life back.
Liza: I hope so.
Adam: Now it's our turn.

[Doorbell rings]

Mateo: I don't think we have enough ornaments.
Hayley: Well, that's because Winifred takes --
Adam: Ah.
Courier: Mr. Chandler?
Adam: Yes, yes.
Courier: From Mr. Shire.
Adam: Good, good, good. Thank you.
Liza: You know, actually, I think there might be boxes of ornaments still up in the attic.
Adam: Here's what I want to hang on the tree.
Liza: The marriage license?
Adam: Yes, after we're married, put it right in the center. You two come to the church with us. You can be our witnesses.
Hayley: Well, yes. I can't believe it. There's really going to be a wedding. But wait, what about Marian and Uncle Stuart?
Liza: Oh, Mother -- she was showing houses today.
Adam: Well, Stuart's up at the lake painting a Christmas present.
Hayley: Well, don't you want to wait for them?
Adam: Well, no, I don't want to wait any longer. Something else is going to --
Liza: Wait a second, now. We could at least just try to call her on her cell phone.
Adam: Leave them a note, tell them to meet us at the church.
Liza: Excuse me, but what is the rush?
Adam: Well, I have a minister waiting for us at the church.
Liza: Yeah, see, this was all planned. There's no arguing with you. You know, we're getting married today.
Adam: Finally!
Hayley: Yay. Wait, wait -- the note.
Liza: Oh, oh, oh. Paper
. Adam: The note. Pen.
Liza: Yes.
Adam: Pen, pen, pen.
Liza: Do you have one?
Adam: Yeah. Here. All right, write, write.
Liza: Ok.
Adam: Message. Note.

Erica: Your father gave me this locket on the day you were born.
Bianca: What did he say when he gave it to you?
Erica: That he loved me very much.
Bianca: You loved him then, too, didn't you?
Erica: Oh, yes, I did. Especially on that day, when we saw you for the first time and we realized what a remarkable person we had made together.
Bianca: I wish he were here now.
Erica: Well, he would be just as proud of you as I am, Honey.
Bianca: I wonder.
Erica: Well, don't, because I know he's watching over you. And one day when you have children of your own, you and the man you marry, you will feel exactly the same kind of intense joy and pride that I'm feeling right now. That's what I wish for you. And I know that Travis would, too.
Bianca: Thank you for giving me this, Mom.
Erica: Well. We'd better go, right, because otherwise there's going to be a complete riot down there at the Valley Inn if the Enchantment women don't show up. Are you ready?
Bianca: Can I just take a few moments here, Mom? I just want to sit here alone with my locket. But I'll be around. I'll be along really soon.
Erica: Ok. Just don't take too long, ok? Because all of America is waiting to see the most ravishing mother-daughter team they've ever experienced. Ok. I'll tell the limo driver that you'll be out very soon.

Bianca: Oh, Daddy. Help me.

Erica: Ladies and gentlemen. Ladies and gentlemen, I am so pleased that you're all here today and that you're so eager to see the unveiling of my new Enchantment line.
Matthew: Eager?
Reporter: You kept us waiting. You think you can keep us waiting?
Matthew: Did you plan this?
Reporter: Is there a problem with this campaign?
Erica: Please just bear with me for another moment. My beautiful daughter Bianca is going to be arriving shortly, and wait till you see her. I promise she won't disappoint you. In fact, every mother should be so lucky to have such a remarkable daughter. And wait till you see us together. I mean, we are an unbeatable combination.

Bianca: Do you remember the day of the science fair, Daddy? We went for pizza afterwards and just talked for hours. I almost told you then. But we were having such a good time. And I thought there will be time. I know exactly what you would have said, too. You would have totally understood. You'd have said, "everything's going to be ok, Baby." But there was no time. I lost you. Now I have to go and do what Mom wants me to do. You're not here and I have to -- I'm afraid of being the person I really am, so I'm just going to be the person that Mom needs me to be.

Bianca: Sarah.

Marian: Hi, everybody.
Liza: Mother. We were just leaving you a note.
Marian: Oh, what about?
Liza: We were leaving. We're -- we're getting married. Marian: You're what?
Now? But how?
Adam: Here's how, right there.
Marian: Oh, great.
Hayley: And there's a minister waiting at the church right now.
Liza: So, come on.
Adam: Well, let's go.
Marian: Wait a minute -- we don't have something old, new, borrowed, or blue.
Adam: Oh, I've got all that in the trunk of my car.
Marian: In the trunk of your car?

Adam: Oh, Derek. We were just on our way out. Could you come back later?
Derek: I'm sorry, Mr. Chandler, this can't wait. I have a few questions that I need to ask you about the whereabouts of Arlene Chandler.


Mateo: I know you can handle this. You know I love you, right?
Adam: Then shut up. If you love your wife, then don't say another word.

Erica: Bianca, what are you doing? What are you trying to say?
Bianca: You know. I want you to see who I am.

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