FEBRUARY 18, 2000

Paolo: Allora. We drink to ecstasy.
Marian: Uh, listen, I brought all the necessary papers for you to sign.
Paolo: You Americans. So anxious to close the deal, huh? In Tuscany, we savor life's special moments. This, Marian, is such a moment.

Scott: What is Marian doing with that guy?
Becca: He's very attentive.
Scott: Yeah, well, she should be home, celebrating her anniversary with my dad.
Becca: Well, maybe he's a client.
Scott: Let's find out.
Greenlee: Hey. Mind if I crash your party? Hey, Scott, thanks for giving Ryan a shoulder. Cold comfort's better than nothing.
Becca: Looked like your shoulder was a washout. I saw Ryan leave.
Greenlee I could tell that needed some time alone, so I sent him home.
Becca: Oh. Oh, thank you.
Scott: Thanks.
Greenlee: Oh, food. I'm famished.
Becca: Work up an appetite chasing Ryan, huh?
Leo: An unlikely threesome.
Scott: Oh, hey. Well, why don't you grab Greenlee and make it a twosome? Look, there's a free table right over there.
Leo: No, thanks. I'm exactly where I want to be.

David: Well, this is a nice surprise. I thought you were working late.
Erica: Well, I was. But then I got to thinking about you coming home to an empty room and you would be exhausted, no one to kiss you.
David: Hmm.
Erica: No one to tell you how magnificent you are. So I came right over here, came over here to fix that.
David: You're just what I needed.
Erica: Hungry?
David: I'm absolutely starving. All I had for lunch was a pot of coffee and a handful of antacids.
Erica: You see, I knew that you would be way too exhausted to go out for dinner, so I ordered something guaranteed to spike your bad cholesterol.
David: Hmm. You're very naughty.
Erica: Share it with me.
David: I will.
Erica: How was your day?
David: It was all right. I spent most of it wading through foundation paperwork. Alex took the day off to go to Jake's wedding.
Erica: Oh, well, I hope that you took the opportunity to have all the locks changed. I mean, Alex Devane has no business running a philanthropic organization- or anything else, for that matter. So, did you tell Joe that he has a murderess on his staff?
David: Um -- no.
Erica: David, what are you waiting for? Listen, if you are worried that Joe is going to think that you're playing party politics, I mean, I will certainly talk to him.
David: No, Erica. I will deal with Alex and Joe Martin in my own time and in my own way.

Dixie: Hey. I'm just taking her outside. Going to meet up with Liza. We'll see you later.
Alex: Ok.
Dixie: Oh! Got you.

Alex: Joe, can I help you with that?
Joe: Oh, no, no, no. Listen, if I let a guest help with the cleanup, Ruth would have my head.
Alex: All right.
Joe: Alex, thank you for being here for Gillian.
Alex: Yeah. I couldn't believe it when Ryan walked in.
Edmund: Yeah, I think we all sort of held our breath.
Joe: Yeah, well, at least it had a happy ending, anyway.
Alex: I love Gillian and Jake. I hope their lives are very blessed.
Joe: What?
Alex: Oh. I have to warn you about something, Joe. I think you might hear some very disturbing news about me soon.
Joe: Oh?
Alex: Yeah. David found out something about my past. And if it is revealed, there could be some serious repercussions for the hospital and myself, and I don't think he's going to be discreet about this.
Edmund: I'm surprised he hasn't come to you already, Joe.
Alex: Exactly.
Joe: Does this have to do with your practice before you came here to PVH?
Alex: No. My personal life. Several years ago in London, a man was killed. And I was responsible for it.

Dixie: Yeah, you're so sweet. Such a pretty girl. You're such a pretty girl. Yes, you are. Oh, you don't like that. Ok. Did you like the wedding? Hmm? Did you have a good time? Daddy was handsome, wasn't he? Yeah. He's a good-looking guy. And Gillian, yeah, she was pretty, too. She's a beautiful bride, yeah. She's so pretty. Just like you. You were the most excellent guest at the entire wedding. Yes, I must say. What do you think about Ryan showing up, huh? Yeah, that was pretty interesting. Want to guess why he was there, hmm? I can guess. What do you think? No. You're smart remain silent on the subject. Well, don't worry. Uncle Tad is going to figure out all the answers to the mystery, huh? Come on. Ooh, let's stand up. Yeah.

Adam: I'm claiming what is rightfully mine. It's a pity your family had to learn the hard way, but my daughter Colby's needs come first.
Tad: Colby? What has Colby got to do with anything?
Adam: Well -- well Ryan crashed the wedding. I'm sure it was quite an upset.
Tad: Oh, yeah, was a real show. What does Colby got to do with Ryan?
Adam: Well, I assumed Ryan was there to woo Gillian away from Jake.
Tad: I don't know. You tell me.
Adam: Well, how would I know? I wasn't there. What did Ryan say?
Tad: He didn't say anything. Then again, he didn't have to, did he? All he had to do was stand there and wait for Gillian to do something.
Adam: Well, unrequited love is quite a burden. So the wedding went off as planned?
Tad: Oh, yeah. No thanks to you, Jake and Gillian are now man and wife.
Adam: So you're holding me accountable for the actions of a spurned lover?
Tad: Oh, you bet I am. Oh, yeah. Because there's a lot more to it than that.
Adam: Really? Well, why don't you use your anemic detective skills and go question Ryan about it?
Tad: Who do you think told me to talk to you? He warned me about something awful going down between you and my family, and that's where Colby comes in, isn't it? You going to deny it?
Adam: Deny it? Unequivocally not.

Scott: Look, I don't mean to be harsh, but Becca and I are here together, the two of us, on a date.
Becca: Scott gave me this.
Greenlee: Does this mean you're going steady?
Becca: Yeah, funny.
Greenlee: Hmm. Tomorrow she'll be wearing Scott's varsity letter jacket. So, you ready to move to something a little more upscale so we can celebrate?
Leo: What's the occasion?
Greenlee: Ryan's still available. That's reason enough to pop a cork.
Leo: Great. I'll order a bottle of the establishment's finest.
Greenlee: And still have change from a $5 bill. I don't do domestic, honey.
Leo: What happened to your sense of noblesse oblige, Greenlee?
Greenlee: I was vaccinated, and you just want to sit vigil for Becca. Oh, but not to worry, Leo. The corn pone princess won't be deflowered over a cheeseburger. Who's that with Marian Chandler?
Leo: I don't know. A client.
Greenlee: He's an outrageous flirt. What's he soliciting, antiques? She's got to be over 40.
Leo: Be nice.
Greenlee: Nasty's more fun. Think I'll introduce myself, treat Mr. Continental Charm to fresher produce.
Leo: Don't get involved. Leave it.
Greenlee: What's it to you?
Leo: Nothing. What happened to your play for Ryan?
Greenlee: Ryan's not here, and I want to have some fun tonight if you're going to waste your time mooning over Becca.
Greenlee: Leo, you know that man. Spill.
Leo: I'm ordering champagne. Orsini reserve. Martin recommended it.

Adam: You Martins have declared war on me and Liza. Colby goes to the winner.
Tad: And that's why you had Ryan show up at the wedding uninvited.
Adam: Oh, did I really?
Tad: Yeah. Makes sense, doesn't it? Because all he's got to do is stop the wedding. Either that or cast out on Gillian's commitment to Jake. Either way, you bring it up in court, make the argument that the wedding was nothing more than a marriage of convenience, a desperate grab by Jake to get custody of his daughter.
Adam: My word. You should consider joining our legal team.
Tad: Well, you just consider this, old man -- Colby has nothing to do with what is rightfully yours, and no matter what happens in that court, she's never going to.
Adam: Oh, really? Are you so sure about that, Tad?
Tad: Yeah. What I can't believe is after all the stupid, sadistic things you've done to screw up your own children, you'd be deluded enough to think that that baby belongs anywhere near you.
Adam: Oh. You've uncovered my worst intentions.
Tad: No, but I'm getting close. There's still something else, isn't there? "What did Ryan say?" That -- that's an interesting question for you to ask, especially since you asked him to show up. And Liza has been begging me for months not to dig too deeply in Colby's history because she was panicked that I would discover something. And now here you are, acting as if you know something, but your smarmy little lips are sealed. Is that right?
Adam: [English accent] by Jove, Holmes. You are a clever boots, you are.
Tad: Ok. What do you say you and I play a little game of 20 questions?

Dixie: Hi, Liza. Hi.
Liza: Hi. How's my girl?
Dixie: She's so good.
Liza: Oh.
Dixie: She's such a good girl.
Liza: Come here.
Dixie: She's such a people person. Got her? Ready? Oh. Handoff.
Liza: Oh, goodness. Get you all nice and warm. So did you take lots of pictures? How was the wedding?
Dixie: The wedding was very interesting. Very interesting. Ryan showed up, stopped the ceremony for a little while, but it went on. Tad happens to think that Adam was involved.
Liza: What?
Dixie: Mm-hmm. Ryan sort of hinted at the fact that Adam had something to do with him being there. I don't know -- maybe to make Jake's part of the custody trial look bad.
Liza: Well, what -- what could Adam say to Ryan to set him off?
Dixie: Well, you would know better than I. But it's interesting, isn't it? Every time you turn around, you think Adam's getting better. Just gets worse.

Alex: Geoffrey was threatening me, I panicked, and I pushed him down the stairs.
Edmund: It was self-defense, Joe.
Alex: I had seen him kill his daughter when she and I were children, and he was threatening me with the same fate if I told anyone.
Joe: Alex, I wish you had told me about this before.
Edmund: It was a repressed memory.
Alex: Yeah, it had come back in bits and pieces and through hypnosis. But David was the real trigger.
Edmund: He reminded Alex of Geoffrey.
Alex: Yeah, in his manner and in the way he came after me and he grabbed me and he accused me of being irrational.
Edmund: Which is why Alex pushed David down the stairs New Year's Eve.
Joe: That was not an accident.
Alex: No, Joe, it wasn't. In my mind, David was Geoffrey. It was as if I had been transported back in time to that New Year's Eve all those years before, and something just snapped, you know, and I pushed him the same way as I had Geoffrey.
Joe: Was there a trial then?
Edmund: No. No record of one. No charges seem to have been filed, either.
Joe: I don't understand. I mean, even if it were self-defense, there had to be an arrest.
Alex: As far awe know, there wasn't.
Joe: Why not?
Alex: I don't know. I really don't. The whole thing is a mystery.
Joe: Yes, I can see that. I can imagine hw traumatic it must have been for you.
Alex: You understand why I needed to explain this to you?
Joe: Yes. Yes, I do now. I agree that if all this becomes public knowledge, it will have very serious consequences for you, as well as for the hospital and the Andrassy foundation.

Rae: Thank you. Hello, Mrs. Prendergast.
Mrs. Prendergast: You set any score in horoscopes?
Rae: No. No, I don't. Not really.
Mrs. Prendergast: Sensible gal. To me they're nothing but hogwash, but they can be good for a laugh. Mine says, "it's a good day for romance." Now, who's going to romance me? Some broken-down old goat with clacking dentures and hair growing out of his ears?
Rae: We -- we understand you just lost your husband.
Myrtle: Our condolences.
Rae: Yes, of course.
Mrs. Prendergast: Doc was a good man. Are you pretending to be long-lost relatives, making a claim on the will? I hate to put a leak in your dinghy.
Rae: No, no. That isn't why we're here. I'm Rae Cummings and this I& my friend. This is Myrtle Fargate.
Myrtle: We've been talking to Audrey at the town hall records office.
Rae: Right, she was nice enough to let us look through the records for the Fannie Battle Home for Unwed Mothers. We understand your husband delivered some of the babies there.
Mrs. Prendergast: Oh, doc did a lot for those -- those shameful girls. Delivered I don't know how many of their illegitimate brats. He even managed to find good homes for most of them.
Rae: Do you know if your husband took money for arranging any of the adoptions?
Mrs. Prendergast: Anything's possible.
Rae: You do know that's illegal, don't you?
Mrs. Prendergast: Where's the crime in money changing hands? Doc worked long hours. He had expenses to cover. Why shouldn't he just turn a small profit? Anyway, especially because those girls -- they didn't want or deserve those little ones.
Rae: Mrs. Prendergast, with all due respect, you do know that your husband did more than just sell babies. He stole them from innocent young women.
Mrs. Prendergast: Innocent? Oh, now, that is a hot one. You know, those girls were nothing but tramps, vamps, sluts.
Myrtle: Mrs. Prendergast. Don't you dare get angry and call names like that.
Rae: Do you think it might be possible that your husband was the kind of a man who would tell a woman who just had a baby that she had died because he wanted to sell that baby?
Mrs. Prendergast: If he did, it was because that mother was not fit to raise a baby! Some wild alley cat, should have been neutered! Taking the kid away would have been an act of kindness!
Rae: Kindness? Is that what you say? Kindness? Not only is it illegal, it is completely cruel! Don't you understand that?
Myrtle: Rae, darling, calm down, darling.
Rae: She's defending a monster.
Myrtle: I know, I know. Mrs. Prendergast: Who are you to call names?
Mrs. Prendergast: Who the hell are you? Are you snoops, anyway? Are -- are you reporters? Are you feds? You get out. Get the hell out while the getting's good!

David: I tell you, you've really outdone yourself.
Erica: Oh, I think I'm very domestic, calling room service.
David: Hmm. I love it when you spoil me.
Erica: Oh, that's what I do when I love someone. I want you to know that my whole world revolves around you.
David: Tell me something -- is it always that easy for you?
Erica: What?
David: You know that you're the first woman that ever heard me say "I love you." And I thought it a thousand times before I could even say it.
Erica: But that's going to become easier and easier every moment we spend together.

[Telephone rings]

Erica: Allow me.
David: Thank you.
Erica: Hello? Opal? Yes, it's me. Yes? Well, have you tried everywhere? Yes. All right. Yeah, I'll be right there, opal. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm going to have to cut this evening short.
David: What is it? Is it Bianca?
Erica: No, 's Myrtle. She's disappeared.
David: Disappeared?
Erica: Yes, she closed the boutique and then she didn't show up at Jake Martin's wedding. That's so unlike Myrtle. She wouldn't just vanish.
David: Well, would you like me to call the hospital?
Erica: No, that's all right. Opal already did that, first thing.
David: All right, listen, why don't you make a list of her friends, her contacts, ok? We'll cover more ground on the phone.
Erica: No, no, no. Opal has already organized everything, and Myrtle might need me. I'm sorry. I'm going to have to call you later.
David: Wait a minute. Whoa, wait a minute. Wait a second. What is this? I offer my help and you push me aside?
Erica: Are you saying that you would actually like to make time for this?
David: That's exactly what I'm saying. Why shouldn't we do this together?
Erica: Well -- because Opal has already organized everything. And -- and Myrtle's going to need my help.
David: All right, listen, before you rush of, answer me one thing. How is it one minute I'm the center of your world, and the next you don't need me?
Alex: Joe, I apologize if there is any kind of scandal over this. David is not going to keep quiet about it.
Joe: Look, what I really don't understand is how a man could die under those circumstances and had the whole thing be hushed up.
Alex: Well, I don't know. I've tried to remember, but so much of it is a blank.
Edmund: The records were sealed by her majesty's secret service, Joe.
Joe: Well. It's a remarkable story. But thank you for the advance warning. But having to relive these horrible experiences -- must be taking a terrible toll on you. How you holding up?
Alex: I'm not sure.

Adam: 20 Questions? How fitting for a TV host.
Tad: Number one -- this secret, whatever it is, is about Colby.
Adam: Yes.
Tad: Number two -- you and Liza know something that my family doesn't.
Adam: Well, that list would be endless, but in this particular instance, yes.
Tad: Number three -- Ryan knows about it, and that's what you were hoping he would spill at the wedding.
Adam: Technically that's two questions, but we won't split hairs. My answer is --

Liza: Don't you dare say another word.
Tad: Liza. Perfect timing. I was about five minutes away from finding out the awful truth. You could save me the trouble.
Liza: I doubt it.
Tad: Well, Adam here tells me that you know something that could change the whole spin of this custody battle.
Liza: This custody battle is not my idea. It's Jake's idea. He wants it this way, and so we're playing it his way.
Tad: What do you say you and I declare a peace? You lose the moron, I'll make sure he drops the custody suit.
Liza: Look, Tad, you know what? He won't go for it. He won't do it. He's made up his mind.
Tad: Liza, you swore you would leave Adam. Do it. You kick him to the curb and I swear I will get him to reopen negotiations.
Adam: Is there anything as insufferable as a self-righteous Martin?
Liza: I'm looking at him.
Adam: Liza --
Liza: No, I know what you did. I know this little scheme of yours -- having Ryan go and try to stop the wedding, ruining Jake's chances in the custody case. You know, and now you want to use Tad. And you know what? I'm not going to stand for it.
Adam: Liza, you swore me to secrecy, and I've kept my word.
Liza: In spirit. But in fact, you're leaking little bits of truth so all hell can break loose.
Adam: Would it be so terrible if the truth came out? Everybody knows already.
Liza: Not Jake.
Adam: All right, but Jake should know. He'd be forced to drop the custody suit.
Liza: Are you purposefully obtuse? I don't want him to know. I don't want it. Colby then loses her chances of the love and the security that I have wanted for her. You may not want that for her, but I want that for her.
Adam: And my wishes just don't matter?
Liza: Your wishes? You had your wish. You had your vote.
Adam: All right, you remember that you tried to compromise and wooden-headed Jake refused, and now he's declared all-out war. And the truth is on our side.
Liza: What good is the truth if it could very well destroy me?

Joe: Alex, if there's anything I can do to help --
Alex: Joe, you know, if it's in the hospital's best interests that I resign or take a leave of absence, I totally understand.
Joe: Well, we don't want to be premature on that kind of a decision. In any case, you know, you're the best judge as to what's right for you.
Edmund: Joe, I think Alex can handle it -- you know, the job. She's a professional.
Joe: Still, having to recall all those experiences must be taking its toll.
Edmund: On the contrary, I think she's bounced back remarkably well. I think she's the epitome of grace under fire and I think she's the strongest woman that I've ever met.
Joe: Tell me, how is your working relationship with Hayward?
Alex: It's always been strained. I just deal with him.
Joe: He still trying to provoke you?
Alex: He has to lose interest soon, doesn't he?
Joe: Well, if I were you, I wouldn't let down my guard just yet.
Edmund: Yeah. Me, too.
Alex: You know what? I'm not concerned with him. I need to find some answers for myself.
Edmund: You will. And I'll help you.
Erica: You're not being pushed aside. That's nonsense.
David: Well, it certainly feels that way. And I'm not just talking about tonight or Myrtle specifically. This is a recurring theme.

Erica: What does that mean?
David: I am the center of your world when it comes to your terms, your schedule. But I'm always pushed behind, I'm always taking a back seat to your friends in distress or Enchantment or the next trip or photo shoot.
Erica: Oh, excuse me, but I really consider Myrtle disappearing to be an emergency.
David: Yes, so do I, and I understand your concern.
Erica: You know, I don't think it's possible for you to really understand my concern or what Myrtle means to me. I mean, you were raised by a viper who pretended to be a mother, but try and understand that I had a mother who loved me unconditionally, who was always there for me, and, when she died, I was blessed with a second woman to come into my life who helped me cope with the loss of my mother and who's been there for me all the time. And now she's missing and she may need my help, and you have the nerve to fault me for that?
David: That's not at all what I'm doing. I'm just suggesting that it would be more sensible to stay here, make phone calls together, instead of running around town.
Erica: I really think that's because your world is -- it's all about you. And my world is not that small.
David: Oh, really? Well, isn't that interesting. Just a few minutes ago, it revolved around me.
Erica: I'm going to find Myrtle.
David: Fine.

Marian: Just check this out. I think that this will clear up that question.

Becca: Hey, instead of staring, why don't we go over there and see what the deal is?
Scott: What, like I'm checking up on her?
Becca: We can be subtle about it. Come on. Hi.
Marian: Oh, hi. How are you two?
Becca: Good. How are you?
Marian: Great.
Scott: Just grabbing a burger.
Marian: Well, we're just closing a deal.
Becca: Oh.
Marian: This is my stepson, Scott, and his friend, Becca.
Becca: Hi.
Marian: This is Signor Caselli. He's about to buy a house.
Scott: That's great, but, hey, what happened to the anniversary celebration with Dad tonight?
Marian: Oh, he knows I might b a little late. Uh-oh. As a matter of fact, I can't delay any longer. I've got to get home.
Paolo: Oh, mi dispiace. Allow me to pay for the check. I've monopolized you too long. We be off, ok?

Marian: Ok, great. Thank you. Thanks, kids, oh, for rescuing me. I was trying to keep this client happy because I'm going to make a hefty commission when I sell this house.
Scott: Yeah, but, you know, I think Dad might rather have you home than get some -- I don't know -- overpriced, expensive gift.
Marian: Well, why shouldn't he get them both?

Greenlee: Ooh. With no apologies to your boss.
Leo: Who?
Greenlee: Tad. His Orsini reserve tastes like swamp water. If you want to get back in my good graces, go buy me a real drink. Tequila sunrise.
Leo: Ok. Mmmmmmm.

Leo: What's the delay?
Paolo: Leo, I am an artiste. Huh? My work cannot be rushed.
Leo: It has to go down tonight.
Paolo: Can do nothing with the stepson hanging his nose around.
Leo: I'll take care of Scott. You just make sure that Marian gets back to your hotel room.

Edmund: How about a couple of hot toddies to warm us up?
Alex: Yeah, that would be great, thank you.
Bartender: Sure, be right up.
Alex: I'm glad we came here. I didn't fancy going back to an empty house. That was rough with Joe.
Edmund: You did fine. And you know what you told him before about taking a leave of absence? Don't even think about it. What you do in the hospital is important and you're doing a great job at it.
Alex: Glad someone thinks so.
Edmund: I do. I do. Besides, you didn't see Joe pushing you out the door, did you?
Alex: Oh, I don't know. That could have been a little different if he'd been at the mall and seen his reserved British doctor suddenly turn into Xena, Warrior Princess.
Edmund: I think you had some moves Xena doesn't have. That was very good.
Alex: I can see the headline now -- "Alex Marick, neurologist, K.O.'S armed robber." Patients will love it.
Edmund: You have a sense of humor. That's great. You keep it, all right? You start to lose it, that's when I start to worry.
Alex: You should worry now. I am. I don't trust myself.

Adam: Liza? Revealing the truth can only work to our advantage.
Liza: If I had gone to Jake the moment that I had found out, maybe he wouldn't have blamed me. Maybe he would have felt badly for me.
Adam: You don't need Jake's pity.
Liza: I only held back for Colby. I was overwhelmed. Now Jake is going to see us as equally guilty.
Adam: Guilty of loving our child with everything that's in us?
Liza: But keeping him in the dark. I had my reasons and you had yours, but in the end our silence costs me everything.

Myrtle: Mrs. Prendergast, there is no need for you to get into an uproar.
Mrs. Prendergast: She badmouthed my dead hubby.
Myrtle: She didn't mean it that way. She didn't mean it that way. Now, we are not here to make a fuss or to pass judgment. We are simply here to try to find one very, very special child that we think your husband delivered.
Mrs. Prendergast: Oh, I -- I admit Doc -- he had faults. He was a decent man. He was a decent man. He used that extra money to give medical care to those folks that couldn't afford it. People always came to doc for handouts. He didn't run them away, the greedy beggars. That's who they were.
Rae: Do you suppose your husband kept records of those babies -- those he got the extra money for?

Alex: Great.
Edmund: Alex, the times that you've reacted with force, they've been justified. Now, you perceive --
Alex: No. I nearly killed David. How can that be justified?
Edmund: I'm not saying -- I'm not saying it hasn't been scary as hell.
Alex: It is scary.
Edmund: Yeah.
Alex: I feel like I am sleepwalking through my past. And then wake up and it's all a jumble.
Edmund: It's not going to last forever, ok? It won't, I promise. And I'll help you.
Alex: You know, I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but I would prefer forgetting about it all if it meant that I could get on with my life.

David: Well, look who's out pub crawling. How was Jake's wedding?
Edmund: It was great, thank you. Um -- Alex told Joe about Geoffrey and how he died, so that little bomb you planned to drop? It's been defused.
David: Why would I waste my time trying to hurt Alex? She's already set to self-destruct.

Becca: So what do you guys have planned tonight?
Marian: I don't know. Stuart has a surprise planned. He hasn't told me yet. I can't wait to get home and see him.
Leo: Greenlee, do me a favor -- divert Scott's attention.
Greenlee: No.
Leo: I'll remember this the next time you need somebody to pull a thorn out of your paw.

Leo: Excuse me for interrupting, but could I talk to you for a minute?
Becca: What for?
Leo: You'll see. Excuse us.
Becca: Wait. I'm sorry. Excuse me.

Marian: That's all right.

Becca: Leo, that was rude. What do you want?
Leo: What I've wanted since the first moment I met you.

[Leo grabs Becca and kisses her]

Becca: Whoa, whoa!

Mrs. Prendergast: Doc didn't keep records. There's no use raising him from the dead. That's all you'll get from me. Now, look, you get out before I call the sheriff.
Myrtle: Let's go, let's go, Rae.
Woman: Don't believe the old bat. Doc's records of the babies he farmed out to families were written down in the family bible, locked up in his roll-top desk.
Rae: The bible -- is it here? Can I see it?
Woman: The desk got sold at auction after Doc passed.
Myrtle: Well, forgive me for asking, but what made you decide to tell us this now?
Woman: I let Doc take my baby boy.
Myrtle: Oh.
Woman: Please go.
Rae: God, Myrtle. Every time I think I'm getting close --
Myrtle: I know.
Rae: I have to find the bible. You know that.
Myrtle: Well, honey, we won't find it tonight, that's for sure, so let's take the first plane out of this godforsaken town.
Rae: Yea, let's.

Liza: Adam, you know how many enemies I've had in this town, how long it has taken me to prove to people that I've changed. Opal, Ruth, the Martins have embraced me and they've forgiven me. Tad is my best friend, and I don't want to lose that. If I tell Jake the truth and I tell him that I was involved in all of this, then I just go back to being the town's scheming manipulator. And I don't want that. I don't want that back.
Adam: Ok, I know. Believe me, I understand what you're saying. But it won't come to that. I won't let it.
Liza: Don't you get it? Lies take on a life of their own. Colby's going to find out. And she's going to find out and she's not going to understand and she's going to blame me, when you were the one who set the lie in motion! Me and my daughter are the ones who have to suffer the consequences, Adam.
Adam: You're looking at the worst scenario.
Liza: There is no good case. If Tad goes and he digs up the truth and he unearths the truth, I will never, ever forgive you. Colby and I will be lost to you.
Adam: Those are hard words, Liza. But I don't buy it. You're never going to be able to let go of me because I'm in your blood. I'm in your soul.
Liza: Don't touch me. I'm going to go get my daughter.

Scott: Hey, hands off, man!
Becca: Whoa, Scott, I've got it. It's ok.
Scott: No, no, it's not ok. What the hell do you think you're doing?
Leo: Hey, mea culpa.
Scott: What?
Leo: I drank too much bad champagne. Made me see things. Becca a la botticelli, draped in pink hues and sun gold. I couldn't resist.
Scott: Yeah, you look at Becca the wrong way, you answer to me, ok?
Greenlee: Boys, boys, give peace a chance.
Becca: Look, Leo, you owe me an apology.
Leo: How can I say sorry to something that I want to do again?

Paolo: Yes, well, the check is finito. So, allora, we proceed my hotel?
Marian: Oh, no, no, Paolo. I'm afraid that's impossible. I've got to get home to my husband right away.
Paolo: Ah, indulge me just a few more minutes? I left my checkbook back in the room. So I want to give you what you earned, ok?
Marian: Uh, ok, a couple of minutes.
Paolo: Bene.
Marian: Ok.

David: Watch out for stairways.

David: The lady that just left? She's a royal nut case. Grey must have a death wish. She probably killed his brother. Chances are he's next on her hit list.
Alex: Move an inch and I'll paralyze you for life.

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