FEBRUARY 21, 2000

Rae: Well, I am going to say it one more time. I thank you, Myrtle. I really appreciate your support.
Myrtle: No, it's nothing. It was nothing, darling.
Rae: It is. Don't be silly. You gave up everything, Myrtle. You flew to another state, all so you could help me find my daughter's adoption papers? I'm just so sorry, you know, that, well, we didn't come home with something.
Myrtle: Well, darling, you did find out a lot -- you discovered a lot in Elsah today. I mean, you will find your daughter. You just keep at it.
Rae: Oh, I'm not going to give up. You know, I was hoping -- I know it sounds silly -- that there'd be a file just sitting there with my name on it, and it would have all the information I need to find her.
Myrtle: Your daughter's name -- it could be in Dr. Prendergant's bible.
Rae: Yes, I hope so. You know what? I'm going to go upstairs. I have a lot to think about. It's been a big day. All right? Thanks again.
Myrtle: Yeah.
Rae: Ok.
Myrtle: I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Rae, you didn't find your file, but I'm not sure how I feel about finding mine.

Erica: Myrtle.
Myrtle: Oh!
Erica: You're here.
Myrtle: Erica. Erica, my heavens.
Erica: Myrtle, do you know that you had your friends scared to death?
Myrtle: I -- oh, darling, I was just going to make a cup of tea.
Erica: . No. We have to talk first.
Myrtle: About what?
Erica: Myrtle, you didn't answer your phone all day. You never opened the boutique. I mean, Myrtle, I was really worried that something happened to you.
Myrtle: Darling, I had to go out -- I had to go out of town.
Erica: Well, it certainly must have been very important. Opal told me that you never went to Jake and Gillian's wedding.
Myrtle: Yes, I do regret that, but I had some personal business I had to see to.
Erica: Myrtle, you are acting very strange. And what's that -- what's that you're hiding behind your back?

Alex: Move one inch and I'll snap your neck like a twig.
David: Do you have any idea how out of control you are? It's very Jekyll and Hyde --
Alex: Shut up!
David: What are you going to do, break my neck in front of all these people?
Edmund: Alex! You all right?
Alex: Oh.

Becca: Please calm down.
Greenlee: Third graders get more action on the playground.
Becca: Stay out of it.
Scott: You know, he has no right to force himself on you like that.
Greenlee: Possessive.
Becca: Look, let's go. Now. Come on. Come on. Please. Look, you're right. He had no right to do that. I'm sure he's drunk or something. That's not Leo's style.
Scott: "Not Leo's style"? He's a hustler and a parasite. And, you know, I really wish you wouldn't encourage him like that.
Becca: What? I slapped him.
Scott: I'm sorry. Look, I didn't mean it like that. It's just it came on top of seeing Marian with that sleazy client when she should be home with my dad and -- did you see where she went?
Becca: No, I didn't even see her leave.

Greenlee: You know, if we weren't such good friends, I'd be jealous. You look like a fabulous kisser.
Leo: Actually, that went better than I expected.

Marian: Look, Paolo, I can only stay a few minutes. I've got to get home to my husband.
Paolo: Oh, everything in this country is rush, rush, rush, huh?
Marian: Well, I'm really, really pleased that you found a house, but I've got to tell you that most house buyers don't feel the need to celebrate as much as you do.
Paolo: Well, I must confess, I have been dawdling a little because I would like to savor your company. Things will move quickly now, though.
Marian: Oh, good. Where's your checkbook? You said you wanted to give me a deposit.
Paolo: Yes, of course. Did I tell you something? The reason why I choose you to be the real estate person -- I picked this up in the lobby the first day I come to Pine Valley.
Marian: Oh, that's our listing magazine.
Paolo: Si. Yes, and I look inside. And when I see your picture, ooh, I knew what I wanted.
Marian: Oh, well, that just great. Listen -- why don't you just give me a deposit, and then we can open an escrow account for you in the morning, ok?
Paolo: Such a vision. With the promise of the fire underneath the cool, lovely outside. You are the only broker for me, Marian. Initiate me into the $5 million club, huh?
Marian: Are you out of your mind?

[Stuart hums]

Who says it doesn't pay to be an artist. Ah, yes. Yes.
Stuart: Now I just have to wait for my beautiful wife.

Paolo: Marian, my wild tigress, let us not play games with each other. We both know what we want. We could be magic together, Marian. Despite what you say, you still send out all the signals.
Marian: Oh. Ooh. Well -- look, I'm extremely flattered here, ok? Really, I am. And there was a time, you know, not too long ago that I would've taken you up on your offer. Your offer. But that time is no longer here, and that was before I met my husband, ok?
Paolo: But your husband doesn't need to know.
Marian: Oh, no, no, no.
Paolo: Marian, come. Let us pleasure each other, yes?
Marian: I would never jeopardize my relationship with my husband -- never.
Paolo: You give me 15 minutes. Espresso sex is oftentimes the most spirited. You know what I mean?
Marian: Listen to me, Paolo, ok? I hope one day that you meet someone as sweet and as loving as Stuart is because then you'll understand why I have to keep saying no to you, ok?
Paolo: I can be a very loving partner, cara mia.
Marian: I'm sure that most women find you extremely attractive. But not me and not now. Capiche?

Becca: I'm sure she's at home having a wonderful anniversary dinner with your father right now.
Scott: Yeah. I just didn't like the way that guy had his hands all over her, you know?
Becca: Look, Marian can take care of herself.
Scott: She shouldn't be at a bar, drinking with a client, anyway. She's supposed to be home with my dad.
Becca: Well, why don't we go over there and me sure she made it home all right?
Scott: Yeah, that's a good idea. Let's go.
Becca: Thank you for sticking up for me.
Scott: Anytime.

Greenlee: That was rather impetuous -- planting a big, wet one on Becca right under Scott's nose. Did your feelings for the village virgin suddenly overwhelm you?
Leo: Hardly. Although I must say that Becca's lips are quite luscious. Actually, that was a desperate stab at diversion. It worked perfectly.
Greenlee: Ooh, I love it when you get all sneaky. Tell Greenlee everything.
Leo: Well, Scott was about to spoil a bit of intrigue that I put a lot of effort into.
Greenlee: He was just talking to Marian and the -- oh, I get it. You're pulling the reins on that Italian stallion she was with.
Leo: His name is Paolo Caselli.
Greenlee: And I take it Paolo is a love machine for hire.
Leo: Don't be crass, Greenlee. Paolo is a seduction artist.
Greenlee: Why would you waste him on Marian?
Leo: He's earning vaults of money for romancing Marian. I'm just the middleman.
Greenlee: How sordid. I love it.
Leo: Good. Because now you can help me put on the finishing touches. And you did agree to be my accomplice in this little scheme, so --
Greenlee: And just how naughty do I have to be?
Leo: Just follow orders. Come on.
Greenlee: You mean I don't get to improvise? Leo?

Edmund: What did you do to her?
David: What did I do to her?
Alex: I can't take any more of this.
David: She nearly snapped my neck. I'm lucky she wasn't carrying a scalpel. You're too dangerous to be walking in public, Alex.
Edmund: Stop that now!
David: I'm not the one you should be worried about, Edmund. What about her patients, huh? What happens when one of them look at her funny and sets off a bad reaction? The day she readjusts someone else's windpipe -- now, that is going to be the mother of all malpractice suits. And we can kiss the foundation good-bye.

Myrtle: Erica, I'm sorry if I -- if I upset you. I -- I'd just come in the door. I haven't answered the phone. I haven't even checked my voice mail.
Erica: Well, where have you been?
Myrtle: Well, I had to go out of town unexpectedly.
Erica: "Out of town"? Myrtle, that covers an awful lot of territory. What is that you're clutching?
Myrtle: Erica, it is a personal matter, and I would like you to respect it.
Erica: Myrtle, respect what? I really have no idea what it is you're talking about. But I can certainly see that you're very troubled by it. Let me help you.
Myrtle: No, darling, you can't. It's just too late for all that.
Erica: No, Myrtle, you are -- Myrtle, you're like a mother to me.
Myrtle: Oh.
Erica: Please, please, why don't you just tell me. You know that you'll feel much better once you do.
Myrtle: I -- I -- I can't, darling. I just -- I -- I can't.
Erica: Myrtle, of course you can. What is it you're always telling me? That a secret loses all its power to hurt you once you open up and you talk about it with a friend.
Myrtle: Erica, this is so hard. I --
Erica: Myrtle, you listen to me. I love you, and nothing you could possibly tell me could ever change that.
Myrtle: I -- I thought all this was behind me. I --
Erica: Oh, Myrtle, please talk to me. I just can't stand to think that something -- something may be wrong in your life. And you know that I would never, never repeat anything you told me in confidence.
Myrtle: I -- I had a baby.
Erica: Oh, Myrtle. Oh. When?
Myrtle: Oh, it's so long ago. So long ago. I was a girl in the Carny, and he was a young man who worked on the wire. He was so handsome and so kind, so sweet and courteous to me. You know, when the audience went home at night, we used to sneak over to the Ferris and have a friend crank us up to the top. And we'd sit there and talk and laugh for hours. Just look at the stars over the prairie. Well, the upshot was I got pregnant. You know, he was my first love. My first everything. You understand that.
Erica: I do. So what happened?
Myrtle: Well, he left the Carny. I mean, that happened quite often. Nobody was surprised. People -- but he left before I could tell him that I was going to have his child.
Erica: Oh, you poor thing.
Myrtle: So, there I was. I had no one to talk to. The Carny boss was very good. He said I could stay on. I did. And then, a few months later, in a little place called Elsah, Illinois, I gave birth to the most beautiful baby girl.
Erica: Oh, Myrtle. Oh, Myrtle. I'm so sorry.
Erica: So, what happened then after the baby arrived?
Myrtle: Well, I -- I didn't know what to do. The only life I knew was the Carny life, and, well, that's not a life for a child. And I was really too young to know how to be a mother, so I finally figured out I'd better give the baby up for adoption.
Erica: You did the right thing, Myrtle.
Myrtle: Yes.
Erica: But why is this coming up in your life right now?
Myrtle: Well, it's so strange. Well, now that it's out, it's not a secret, but Rae Cummings, she has been searching for her baby, a baby girl that she thought had died at birth.
Erica: I didn't know.
Myrtle: Oh, yes. And her search took her to the Fannie Battle Home, where I had given up my baby, in Elsah, Illinois.
Erica: Is that where you were today?
Myrtle: Yes, yes. I knew Rae would be going through the files, and I was afraid she might come across mine, so I got there this morning and picked it up just before she could see it.
Erica: You were able to do that?
Myrtle: Mm-hmm.
Erica: Did you show it to Rae?
Myrtle: No. No, I felt to ashamed.
Erica: Is that what you were hiding behind your back earlier?
Myrtle: Yes. This is it.
Erica: Did you read it?
Myrtle: No. I just -- I glimpsed at it. She was adopted by a couple in St. Joseph, Missouri. You know, it's so weird because I can't remember the name of the street the Pine Valley Library is on, but I can remember the name of every tiny little town in the Midwest that was the Carny circuit.
Erica: Myrtle, tell me something. What do you intend to do with this information?
Myrtle: I don't know. You know, for years, every day of my life, I've thought about her, prayed that she was cared for. But, you know, I never dared look for her. Well, now, you know, I've got names and addresses and --
Erica: Oh, no, Myrtle, don't even think about that. No, no, no. The best thing you can -- the only thing you can do with this is burn it.
Rae: Burn what?
Myrtle: Rae.

Edmund: Ok. Well, you obviously had some kind of martial arts training.
Alex: When? Why? I'm a well-educated woman. I'm a doctor, for God's sake. Why would I need to learn hand-to-hand combat?
Edmund: I don't know. I never had you pegged as a future Ninja.
Alex: What scares me is that I don't know when this violent side is going to come out.
Edmund: Ok. Listen to me. There's only two times I've ever seen you lose it. One, there was a guy at a mall with a gun at your head. All right? The other time is with David Hayward. He pushes your buttons. It was just self-defense.
Alex: Right.
Edmund: Yeah.
Alex: David makes a sarcastic comment, and I come this close to putting him in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. Oh, yeah, that seems fair. Oh, I hate this feeling. I don't know how to control it.
Edmund: Let's get out of here. Let's go back home, ok? Talk about it there.
Alex: Yes. I think I've done enough damage here for one night.
Edmund: Yeah.

Leo: Oh, excuse me, miss. Could you tell me which room Paolo Caselli is in?
Woman: Yes, sir. It's room 912.
Leo: Thank you very much. Ok. This is the part of the program that demands stealth.
Greenlee: Quiet -- Eurostud at work.
Leo: Shh.

Marian: It's inconceivable that I would ever betray Stuart.
Paolo: You are right. I am a cad. I beg your forgiveness. Allow me to toast -- to your happy anniversary, yes?
Marian: Oh --
Paolo: Oh, mama mia. Oh, que stupido. Oh, no. Take the towel -- in the bathroom there's a towel. You clean -- it come right out.

Paolo: It would have been so much easier if you just sleep with me, Marian. But, since my charms are not enough for you -- Paolo: You leave me no choice

[Stuart hums]

Stuart: En garde. Ah. I respect the honor of your presence.

[Noise outside]

Stuart: Shh.
Stuart: Oh. Hi, Scott.
Becca: Hi.
Stuart: Becca, come in.
Becca: Oh. Oh, we're interrupting.
Stuart: No, no, no, no, no. You come right in.
Scott: Hey, you really went -- you really went all-out, huh?
Becca: Yeah. I love your outfit.
Scott: Isn't that what you wore to your wedding?
Stuart: Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Becca: Looks great.
Stuart: There's one for Marian, too. We're going to dress up for our anniversary. But --
Scott: But she's not here yet?
Stuart: Um -- no, not yet. I'm expecting her at any minute.

Paolo: No damage, I hope.
Marian: Oh, no, no, it's fine. And now I really have to say good night.
Paolo: Yes, of course. But first we toast. To your marriage.
Marian: Oh.
Paolo: Your anniversary.
Marian: Just one. Ok.
Paolo: Ok. To your husband, who is twice the man I will never be.
Marian: Well, let's just say to true love, ok?
Paolo: Yes. Bottoms up.

Leo: Come here, come here. Ok, I need you to go to the other end of the corridor and call Stuart Chandler. Ask for Marian. And when he tells you that she's not home --
Greenlee: Are you sure she's in that room?
Leo: Oh, yes. Paolo always gets his woman. Make up some plausible story about how -- how you saw Marian at the Valley Inn, something to get him down here looking for her.
Greenlee: What's in this for me?
Leo: Other than getting the pleasure of royally deceiving somebody?
Greenlee: Mm-hmm.
Leo: A sumptuous dinner with champagne. How's that?
Greenlee: I pick the vintage?
Leo: Get Stuart down here, and you can name your bubbly.
Greenlee: You know, you're lucky I'm desperate to celebrate tonight.
Leo: Would you just do it already, please?
Greenlee: It'll be a pleasure.
Leo: All right, go.
Greenlee: Marian's a total loser. Relax. Stuart's in the bag.

David: What are you doing?
Leo: David. You shouldn't sneak up on people.
David: Oh, I don't think you're in any position to be giving lessons in etiquette, Leo.
Leo: This isn't what it looks like.
David: Really?
Leo: Uh-uh.
David: You know, for somebody who was practically raised in a hotel, you haven't learned very much, have you?
Leo: What do you mean?
David: Most of the doors are opened with cards nowadays. And even if they're not, you can't really peek through the keyhole anymore.

Erica: I was just giving Myrtle some housecleaning advice.
Rae: Well, as one of her boarders, I can tell you, she keeps a very tidy ship.
Erica: Oh, I know she does. The thing is, we're very alike and we tend to hold on to things, and I think sometimes it's best just to let it go.
Rae: Well, don't let me interrupt you guys. I just wanted a little tea.
Myrtle: Oh --
Rae: May I?
Myrtle: Help yourself.
Rae: Thank you, Myrtle. And you know what? Don't keep up too late. Myrtle and I had a good day today, didn't we? Ok. Erica, nice to see you.
Myrtle: Get some sleep.
Rae: Thank you. See you. Good night.
Erica: Good night.
Myrtle: Good night.

Erica: Well, she acts like she owns the place. Listen to me, Myrtle. I understand how tempted you are. I know you want to find out about your daughter. You want to see how she turned out. And I know that you want to tell her how very sorry you are that you had to give her up.
Myrtle: You're right on all counts.
Erica: Well, I have three very important words for you, myrtle -- don't do it.
Myrtle: Darling, this file has information about my own flesh and blood. I must pursue it.
Erica: Myrtle, it will cause you nothing but pain and suffering. I mean, if your daughter had to face any hardships whatsoever, you will just face this unbearable guilt. And even if she had a fairy tale of a life, you will never stop kicking yourself for what you had to give up.
Myrtle: Darling, it'd be no worse than the anguish of not knowing.
Erica: Myrtle, it could be 10,000 times worse. And you have such a full life, Myrtle. And I'm like a daughter to you.
Myrtle: Oh, darling --
Erica: That should be enough.
Myrtle: I adore you. I adore you. You know that.
Erica: Yes. You have to understand you cannot go back and fix things that happened years ago. Now, promise me, Myrtle -- promise me you will drop it.
Myrtle: Well, I'll sleep on it.
Erica: All right. I feel very, very bad, Myrtle, that you had all of this just weighing on your heart for all these years. I just want to make sure that you have no more pain.
Myrtle: I know, I know, I know. And I tell you something. If my daughter has turned out to be half as good as you, she's going to be a very wonderful woman.
Erica: Thank you. Well, good night. And call me. Call me later if you can't sleep, all right?
Myrtle: I'll call you in the morning. And thank you for taking care of me tonight.
Erica: Of course.
Myrtle: Thank you so much.
Erica: All right.

Edmund: Ok. So there are some chapters missing from your life story. But I'm willing to bet they'd make for some interesting reading.
Alex: Oh, I know you're trying to make me feel better.
Edmund: Once we sort out your past, things will be more manageable.
Alex: Depends what's there, doesn't it?
Edmund: We find out the whole story, it won't be as scary. And we will find it out. I promise you.
Alex: I don't know what I would've done without you.
Alex: I don't want to be around your children anymore.
Edmund: You'd never hurt my kids. You'd never hurt any kids.
Alex: Can't take that chance.
Edmund: Alex, I would trust you with anything. Anything. I know what you've been through. What we've been through together. I know you can handle this.
Alex: How do you know that?
Edmund: If Dimitri told you to trust him, wouldn't you?
Alex: That's not fair. You're not Dimitri. You're a completely different man. Edmund: Ye
ah. That's right.

[Edmund and Alex kiss]

Edmund: Uh, Alex, I was -- are you all right?
Alex: Yeah.
Edmund: Whoo. My timing is lousy. I'm sorry. Ahem.
Alex: Well, I didn't stop you. Did I?
Edmund: No. No, I guess I -- at least you didn't kick me over the couch and toss me through the window. I threw myself at you, and I lived to tell about it. That's an improvement, you know.

David: My baby brother, a common hotel room peeper.
Leo: Don't be preposterous, David. I was looking for you. I was going to ask you for brunch tomorrow. I just couldn't remember your room number, so I was checking a few doors and listening to see if I could hear your voice.
David: So this was just a random stop on your rounds?
Leo: Absolutely.
David: You have no idea who's in that room?
Leo: I do not.
David: Why don't we find out?
Leo: Let it go, David.

[Telephone rings]

Stuart: Hello, Marian?
Greenlee: No. Mr. Chandler, this is Greenlee Smythe.
Stuart: Oh. Greenlee, hi. Hello.
Greenlee: Actually, I was trying to reach your wife.
Stuart: She's not here right now.
Greenlee: Oh, that's too bad. You know, my grandmother wanted me to tell Mrs. Chandler that that house the new client is interested in might be available if she moves fast.
Stuart: Great, great. I'll tell her as soon as she comes in.
Greenlee: Oh, you might be too late. Darn, you know, I just saw your wife at the Valley Inn, and she slipped off before I could tell her. I'd hate to see her lose the sale.
Stuart: Oh, yeah, she'd hate that.
Greenlee: Yeah.
Stuart: Well, maybe I ought to go tell her myself.
Greenlee: You know, that would probably be best for everyone.
Stuart: Ok, well, thank you, Greenlee. Bye.
Scott: What was that about?
Stuart: It was Greenlee. Something about a house. She wanted to tell Marian about a house. I'm calling her cell phone. She's not picking up.
Scott: Wait a minute. Since when does Greenlee know or care anything about real estate?
Stuart: Well, actually, the message, she said, came from her grandmother. She said that she'd just seen Marian at the Valley Inn. Yeah. I'm going to have to go over there and tell her about the house.
Scott: No. Hey, listen, I mean, she's probably already left, and you guys would just end up crossing on the road, so, look, we'll go there, and if she's here, we'll tell her that you have an important message for her.
Becca: Yeah.
Scott: Ok?
Stuart: Thank you. That's very nice.
Becca: Good night, Mr. Chandler.
Stuart: Good night. Becca: I mean, my Liege.
Stuart: Oh.
Becca: You guys have a good time, ok?
Scott: Good night, Dad.
Stuart: Good night.
Scott: And happy anniversary.
Stuart: Yeah.

Stuart: So far, it's bee a pretty lonely one.

Marian: Oh, boy. That was very toasty. No, I mean that was very tasty. Oh, boy, oh, boy. I got to get home to my sweet Stuey Duey, so -- good night. I -- whoo -- think I better get a cab.
[Marian passes out]

Paolo: Oh, boy. I told you I make you forget about the husband.

Edmund: Alex, I --
Alex: No, don't. Not now.
Edmund: Because?
Alex: It's complicated, isn't it?
Edmund: Yeah.

[Telephone rings]

Alex: Oh. Sorry. Excuse me. Yeah?
Man: I'm trying to reach Dr. Alexandra Marick.
Alex: Yeah, this is she.
Man: This is Steve Ernst. I'm a writer for "U.S.A. This week." I just pulled a story off the wire service that says you single-handedly subdued a burglar at a shopping mall. Could I talk to you about that for a few minutes?
Alex: No. No comment.

Edmund: What was that?
Alex: A reporter.
Edmund: Oh.
Alex: Oh, I don't believe this is happening to me.
Edmund: All right, listen, I'll handle your calls, ok? Don't worry.
Alex: No. You should go. I'm just going to crawl into bed and pull the covers up, and I just want today -- all of it -- to be over.
Edmund: Unplug your phone. Good night.
Alex: Good night.

Alex: Oh, hi. I'd like a flight, please, to London. No. One way.

Myrtle: Operator, what is the area code for St. Joseph, Missouri?
Rae: St. Joseph?

Leo: Please, David, don't toy with me. Just go back to your room, and I'll explain everything to you over brunch tomorrow, I promise.
David: I can't wait to hear that story.
Leo: Ok, then. Good night.
David: Oh, and, Leo -- 906. That's my room number. Now you don't have to put your ear to every door in the hotel. Good night.

Greenlee: Hey -- mission accomplished.
Leo: Did you call Stuart?
Greenlee: He's on his way.
Leo: Excellent.
Greenlee: Ok. Now that I've done your nasty business, can we move on to the dinner and champagne part of our itinerary?
Leo: No, it's going to have to wait till another night. I got to see this through.
Greenlee: You can't bail on me. Not tonight. It's my --
Leo: Your what?
Greenlee: Never mind.
Leo: I'll make it up to you, Greenlee, I promise, starting by retrieving your car from the valet. I don't want you to be here when the fireworks go off.
Greenlee: I don't even get to see the fireworks?
Leo: I'll give you the play-by-play tomorrow. Come on.

Scott: You know, I don't know why they didn't just stay at the bar.
Becca: That lady down front sure knew who you were talking about.
Scott: Yeah, Paolo. He's probably tried to paw her, too. Oh, 912.
Becca: Oh, that's the one?
Scott: Yeah. They might have been expecting us, huh?

Paolo: My little cannoli, huh? My wild tigress.

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