FEBRUARY 22, 2000

Myrtle: Yes. St. Joseph, Missouri. The names are -- the names are -- oh. I'll call you back later. Thank you.
Rae: Hi.
Myrtle: Hi, darling. Couldn't you sleep?
Rae: You have friends in St. Joseph? I know it's none of my business, but is that who you were calling?
Myrtle: Yeah, an old Carny buddy. Would you like to join me in a hot toddy?
Rae: Ok.
Myrtle: Good. Now, let me see where -- oh, where did I put the --
Rae: You all right, Myrtle?
Myrtle: I always keep them together. Oh, here it is.
Rae: You seem a little nervous. Something's troubling you. Come on. What is it?
Myrtle: The secret about hot toddies --
Rae: Yeah?
Myrtle: Is you put the cloves in the lemon.
Rae: Yours?
Myrtle: Yes. It's an old file, a resume.
Rae: Really?
Myrtle: Yes.
Rae: Kind of looks like the same kind of file that we found when we were looking for the Fannie Battle home. Myrtle, Myrtle, you remember what you said to me when I found you in the record room in Elsah? You said that you came there to protect me, so if I found anything I wouldn't get upset. Did you find something out about my daughter, something that you think I shouldn't know?
Myrtle: Rae, it wasn't you. It was me. I lied to you.
Rae: What do you mean, you lied?
Myrtle: About Elsah. I went here to protect myself. I knew you'd be going through the files, a so I was afraid that you might find out that --
Rae: Oh, my God. This is your file? Myrtle, you have a child, too?
Myrtle: Yep.
Rae: Myrtle. Oh, my God.

Ryan: Greenlee?
Greenlee: Ryan. What are you doing here?
Ryan: What are you doing here? And why are you crying?
Greenlee: Got another one of those?
Ryan: No, just this one. I wasn't expecting company.
Greenlee: Right. I'm sure you weren't.
Ryan: Hey, listen, about earlier today, I know you were just trying to be a friend. I'm sorry I cut you off --
Greenlee: Oh, God. Get over yourself, Ryan. I'm not crying over you.
Ryan: Ok. That's 0-2 today. I'm going to go enjoy this someplace else.
Greenlee: Ryan, wait. Don't go. Please. I didn't mean to snap at you. I'm just -- the day didn't turn out the way I'd hoped, either.
Ryan: I can relate.
Greenlee: No, you can't. Mine's a joke compared to what you've been through. I'm just being pathetic, really.
Ryan: Tell me what happened. What, did you overexpose the film? Forget to take your lens cap off? What?
Greenlee: Today's my birthday. Not one single person remembered.
[Knock on door]


Stuart: Why's she knocking? Oh. Adam.
Adam: What in blazes is that getup?
Stuart: You don't recognize it? I'm the king of hearts.
Adam: Oh, your wedding outfit. How could I have forgotten?
Stuart: Oh -- the candles. Come on in.
Stuart: It's our first wedding anniversary, so I made a special dinner, and, well, I thought it'd be romantic to get dressed up like this.
Adam: Hmm. And Marian?
Stuart: She didn't get here yet. I need -- I need to get some more candles. I got really excited tonight, and I lit those way too soon. You know, some people say that time goes faster when you get older. No, no. They're all wrong about that. No. Time goes faster when you're happy. I don't believe that a whole year has passed. Never been happier in my life.
Adam: Don't be so melodramatic, Stuart. You're always happy.
Stuart: Yeah, mostly. There's all kinds of happy, you know? There's sunny-day happy, and there's "I just painted a picture I'm proud of" happy, and there's soul happy.
Adam: "Soul happy"?
Stuart: Yeah. You know, how it feels -- that tug you feel when you're looking at somebody you really love and you feel like your chest is just going to burst open with happiness and pride.
Adam: Well, I'm sure the sentimentality comes with the costume.
Stuart: Come on. I've seen you when you hold Colby. You've felt it, too.
Adam: Are you comparing my daughter to Marian Colby?
Stuart: I'm not comparing anybody with anybody. What I'm doing, I'm just talking about how it feels when you look at somebody you really love. The way I feel with Marian Chandler. Her name's Chandler, Adam. We're married. And I'm going to love her forever and ever.

Becca: Wait, wait. Wait, ere are you going?
Scott? Scott.
Scott: How could she do this? My dad is the most kindest, loving, trusting man on earth. How could -- how can she do this?
Becca: I don't know, I don't know, I don't know. Where are you doing?
Scott: To the gatehouse.
Becca: To do what?
Scott: I don't know, but I can't stay here.
Becca: Wait, wait.
Paolo: Buona sera. I just finish up.
Leo: No, no, no, you're not finished. Her husband was supposed to find you two up here, not her stepson.
Paolo: Oh. Well, that is not my problem, my friend, huh? I was hired to get the lady into the bed. That's what I did.

Marian: Stuart?

Leo: What did you do to her? What's wrong with her?
Paolo: Well, she -- she was boring, eh? "I love my husband, I love my husband," so I had to make her come around. I slip a little something, just a -- wha-- what?
Leo: You idiot!
Leo: You drugged her? Well, what the hell is the matter with you? What did you give her?
Paolo: Take it easy. Is nothing. Something --that wear off very soon. What you look so nervous about? I did what you told me to do.
Leo: No, no. I told you to seduce her, not rape her.
Paolo: "Rape"? I didn't rape her. Come on. Nothing happened. I still have my honor.
Leo: Your honor? You sleep with women for money. You're slime.
Paolo: Oh. And you hire me to do it, right? You put this whole plan together, right, so what does that make you, huh?
Leo: Just get the hell out of here.
Paolo: With pleasure.
Leo: Here. Payment for services rendered. Now beat it.
Paolo: Thank you very much. You know, I wish I could say it was a pleasure to business, but it wasn't. Next time you need the favor, you call somebody else, uh? Ciao.

Marian: Stuart? Where are you? Where am I?
Leo: Excuse me, ma'am? Are you all right? I saw a man take off out of here. He even left the door open.
Marian: A man?
Leo: Yeah.
Marian: That must be my client, Mr. Caselli. He left? We didn't finish the deal. I have to go -- I --
Marian: Oh, no. Oh, my God. What have I done? Oh, my God.

Scott: I don't know. I guess I should have been expecting this all along.
Becca: Scott, that's a terrible thing to say.
Scott: No, you don't know how Marian used to be before she hooked up with my dad.
Becca: I work at the Glamorama. I hear gossip all day long. Maybe in your father, Marian found the woman she always wanted to be.
Scott: What? What the hell is going on? Why are you defending her?
Becca: Because I found out very recently that things aren't always what they seem. Before you go condemning her, talk to her, see her side of things.

Stuart: I hope you won't be offended if we don't include you tonight.
Adam: Oh, no, no. I wouldn't dream of intruding.
Stuart: Ok. Good.
Adam: Well, then, good night.
Stuart: Good night. Adam?
Adam: Yes?
Stuart: You came by to apologize, didn't you?
Adam: What do I have to apologize for?
Stuart: For all the bad things you've done this past year and the mean things you said to me and Marian and --
Adam: Stuart, I would like to pretend the last year never happened. I think we all have things -- did things that we regret. And I'm glad that we can start fresh this year -- me, Liza, Colby, and you.
Stuart: And Marian.
Adam: Yes, of course. Stuart, if -- if you ever need me for anything, to talk or whatever, I will be there for you any time. Don't even hesitate.
Stuart: Ok. Thanks. Likewise.
Adam: Thank you. Good night.
Stuart: Good night.

Myrtle: Oh, my. Look at me carrying on after all this time.
Rae: You know what? You should talk. You should just let it out.
Myrtle: Well, you know, Rae, times are so different now. I mean, nowadays, people don't look at you twice if a woman has a child by herself. But back in those days, you know, having a child alone, that marked a girl for life.
Rae: Must have been so hard for you.
Myrtle: Hard? No. You know, my life wasn't that easy. I didn't care how people might treat me. I did care very much how they might treat my child. And I didn't want her to be getting the brunt of that terrible judgment of theirs.
Rae: I do understand that.
Myrtle: Well, sweetheart, it's a little different from yours. You know, your child was stolen, but I gave mine away willingly.
Rae: That must have been such a difficult choice.
Myrtle: Yes. Yes, it was. But I wanted her to have a better life than I could give her, so I had to be strong and not look back.
Rae: Myrtle, do you ever wonder about her?
Myrtle: Oh, yes, yes. I think of her every day. And, you know, for years -- for years, whenever I pass a little girl about the size that I thought my daughter would be, just for a split second, I would look and wonder, is she mine?
Rae: You ever try to find her?
Myrtle: Oh, no, no, no.
Rae: Why?
Myrtle: I couldn't. I mean, in those days, they sealed records, you know?
Rae: Oh. Yeah.
Myrtle: Not now. And when I heard that you were going to look for your file, I thought, well, perhaps I could find mine, too.
Rae: So this is her file? These are her records?
Myrtle: Yes, yes, but, darling --
Rae: Myrtle --
Myrtle: I don't want to --
Rae: Don't you want to know who she is? Don't you want to know -- know her?
Myrtle: Rae, the question is if she wants to know me.

Ryan: Why didn't you tell me it was your birthday earlier at BJ's or at WRCW this morning?
Greenlee: You mean, like, be my own P.R. person? How pitiful is that?
Ryan: Well, how pitiful is sitting on a dock in the dark feeling sorry for yourself?
Greenlee: Gee, thanks for pointing that out. I feel so much better now.
Ryan: I'm sorry. I was just surprised, you know? What about your parents, your folks?
Greenlee: If they remember to glance at their appointment book, they may notice, but then again, since I haven't heard from them, I don't think they even bother to do that.
Ryan: Well, San Diego's three hours behind us, right? And you've been running around like a maniac working all day. I'm sure they tried and they couldn't get in touch with you. I bet if you check your voice mail, there's going to be a message and they're going to be singing "Happy Birthday" to you. Go ahead. Use my phone. Check it. Go ahead.
Ryan: Well?
Greenlee: It's my mother.
Ryan: You see? Call her. Call her back.
Greenlee: Hi, Mom. It's me. I got your message. Uh-huh. Well, I work on a style show, Mom. I can't embarrass myself. I'll write it off, or you can. You know, you're good at that. Nothing. Mom? I -- I got to go. No, just leave my credit statement where it is, ok? Bye. She got my credit card statement. I hope your calling plan has unlimited long distance. That call was a waste.
Ryan: I'm sorry, Greenlee. Greenlee: Oh, it's no problem. It's no problem. The way my mother sees it, if I get older, she gets older, so we're both ageless. Ageless. Neat, huh?
Ryan: Come on, Greenlee. Why don't you just tell me what you're really feeling, please, about your birthday, about your parents ignoring you? No walls, no glib comments.
Greenlee: Why bother?
Ryan: Because I want to see who you really are, not who you're trying to be. Can you do that?

Scott: I can't keep quiet about this. Becca: Well, ma
ybe you don't have to do anything. Maybe they can work this out themselves.
Scott: She's making a fool of my father, the same way she did with her last husband. I won't allow this.
Becca: Well, you don't have to. You really shouldn't get between a husband and a wife.
Scott: His real wife is dead. Marian is the town tramp.
Becca: Look, she's not. She's not anymore and not to Stuart.
Scott: Well, she better not come looking to me for forgiveness, all right?
Becca: So what are you going to do, Scott?
Scott: I don't know. But I'm not wasting any more time around here. I'm going to talk to my dad. You coming?
Becca: No. You're on your own on this one. I'll call a cab or something.
Scott: You sure?
Becca: Yes. But please, please think about what I said before you open your mouth.

Marian: Would you -- would you please turn around and -- while I get my coat on? Thank you.
Leo: Can I get you anything?
Marian: Pardon me?
Leo: Can I get you anything?
Marian: Yes. Maybe several aspirins and a pot of hot coffee would be nice. You can turn around now. Thank you. Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh. My head. Could you please pass me my clothes?
Marian: This really must look terrible to you.
Leo: No. It's none of my business, really. I'm sorry if I intruded.
Marian: Oh, no, no. You were very kind to come to the aid of a lady in -- who am I kidding? I'm no lady.

Rae: You know what? Finding her can't ever change what happened. And I certainly have no illusions about she and I suddenly having this instant relationship. But God, I would just love to look her right in the eyes and say, "I love you," and tell her that I never -- I never wanted to lose her.
Myrtle: You know, I was not supposed to see my child. They didn't think the child and the mother should ever bond, so they took the baby away very quickly before I could see it or touch it or anything. And, of course, I was crying my eyes out. And this nice woman in the place slipped the baby into my room so that I could be alone with it just for a couple of minutes. And I held that child to my heart. And I told her that she was going to live with two lovely people who'd give her the sort of life that I couldn't give her, but that I would always love her and she would always be in my heart.
Rae: You know what? You could tell her that again. You could. Maybe -- maybe she really needs to hear that as much as you need to say it, Myrtle.
Myrtle: Darling, so long has passed. I mean, I don't even know if Raymond and Sarah Washburn are alive or live in St. Joseph. I just don't know.
Rae: What did you just say?
Myrtle: Raymond and Sarah Washburn.
Rae: St. Joseph, Missouri?
Myrtle: Yes, yes. Do you know them?
Rae: Yes. They're my parents.
Rae: Do you know an address?
Myrtle: Well, no. They're names, you know? Do you have a sister?
Rae: No. No. I'm an only child.
Myrtle: Well, look, there must be another couple. I mean, they probably moved.
Rae: May I look in here?
Myrtle: Yeah, sure.
Rae: Oh, my God. Your baby was born on my birthday.

Greenlee: You know, my personality does not need dissecting, especially today. I'm fine with who I am and who I want to be.
Ryan: That's why you're crying?
Greenlee: I was in "poor me" mode. A momentary indulgence. I'm over it now.
Ryan: Ok. If that's the way you want to play it.
Greenlee: You sound like you care. What's the deal?
Ryan: My parents didn't exactly put my needs first either.
Greenlee: I don't mean to be disrespectful, Ryan, but my parents weren't exactly abusive. They reserved their fun exclusively for each other.
Ryan: You mean your parents don't like each other?
Greenlee: It was love at first sight for Mary and Roger, and it has been every since. Mutual adoration. They're hopelessly obsessed with each other.
Ryan: Wow. My parents hated each other, hated their kids. So I guess your folks set the bar pretty high, huh, finding true love at a glance?
Greenlee: I don't want to replicate my parents' life.
Ryan: But you do want to get married, right?
Greenlee: Sure, I do. And I even want children one day. But I won't do to them what my parents did to me.

Leo: Mrs. Chandler.
Marian: Oh, please, don't call me that. I don't deserve to be called that.
Leo: Are you sure that I can't get you anything?
Marian: Look, I really appreciate what you're trying to do. You were raised in Europe, and you're obviously worldly. But you know what happened in this room, Leo. You saw the man leaving.
Leo: I can forget, really.
Marian: I'm not asking you to do that. I mean, do you think --
Leo: I don't think anything, honestly. I don't care what other people think. I draw my own conclusions. And I'm sure you're a very nice person.
Marian: No, no. My husband is a very nice person. That's about the nicest thing you could say about someone, you know? That's a rarity these days. Stuart is very sweet, kind, and loving. You know that he rescues spiders? Puts them on little white pieces of paper, and then he puts them outside our cottage door so they can crawl away and live.
Leo: He sounds amazing.
Marian: He is the miracle of my life. Before I met Stuart, I was dead inside. I didn't even realize that I'd given up on myself. But through some crazy twist of fate, God brought us together, and we fell in love. And tonight is our first wedding anniversary.
Leo: Here. Go home to your husband. And forget about all this. It doesn't matter.
Marian: You're wrong. It matters. It matters more than you know.

Leo: Damn you, Adam chandler.

Becca: Mrs. Chandler, are you -- what are you doing here?

Stuart: Did you find Marian?
Scott: Yeah.
Stuart: Where is she?
Scott: Dad, Dad -- there's something I think you ought to know.
Stuart: Why didn't she come with you?
Scott: Uh -- she was -- she was with someone.
Stuart: The client, right?
Scott: Yeah.
Stuart: Yeah, yeah. She thought he wasn't going to make a decision tonight, but I guess he changed his mind.
Scott: No, Dad --
Stuart: You know, she doesn't think I know what's going on. But I do.
Scott: You do?
Stuart: Oh, yes. She's been trying to work all these extra hours to make some extra money to buy me a really, really expensive anniversary present. And I told her that I -- that I didn't want anything fancy. But sometimes she's a very fancy woman, you know? Very fancy. I told her that I already had what I wanted. She got it for me one year ago today.
Stuart: Are you ok?
Scott: Yeah. I just hate seeing you waiting.
Stuart: Oh, that's all right. I don't mind to wait. It's fine to wait for somebody you love. That way you know no matter where they are, they're on their way home. Did she say how long she'd be?
Scott: No. I didn't want to interrupt her.
Stuart: Oh, that's ok. I got plenty of candles -- and a microwave. Thanks for checking up on Marian, and I'm sorry you had to interrupt your date with Becca. But I just get so impatient.
Scott: Yeah.
Stuart: Yeah. That's going to happen to you when you fall in love. I used to feel that way about your mom. But I never thought I'd feel impatient again. But thanks to Marian, I do.
Scott: Yeah.
Stuart: Scott, didn't you say you wanted to tell me something?
Scott: Just you're a good man and I'm proud to be your son. I got to go. But if you need anything, call me, ok?
Stuart: Ok, ok. Good night.

Leo: I was helping a lady in need.
Becca: Mrs. Chandler?
Leo: You know about this?
Becca: Where is she? Is she all right?
Leo: She went home.
Becca: Well, did she tell you what happened?
Leo: No, she was really upset. But, you know, I figured that it wasn't really any of my business, so --
Becca: What is going on with you? One minute you kiss me like some barbarian, and the next you're full of decency and sensitivity. Do you have some sort of split personality or something?
Leo: I'm complex. Period.
Becca: So, did you punch out the guy, too?
Leo: What guy?
Becca: The guy that was at BJ's, the client.
Leo: I don't remember any guy.
Becca: You're lying.

Greenlee: You know what? I hate you seeing me like this.
Ryan: You never have to worry about being real with me.
Greenlee: You mean you like me crying all the time?
Ryan: I mean, I like you. You. Not when you're trying to be anything or anybody else. I've told you that before. Listen at me. Man. You ever want to tell me to shut up, just feel free. Go ahead.
Greenlee: Why do you say that?
Ryan: Because of what I did today, making a fool of myself busting into Gillian's wedding at the last minute. You know, I actually thought that if she saw me there, she'd call the whole thing off. But after I saw the look on her face, I couldn't have been more wrong.

Greenlee: Ryan told me that he loved me, that I was the only woman that could ever make him feel that way. And I gave him everything. Everything. And then he just trashed it all. Greenlee: You were together at the Crystal Ball. Greenlee: No, this is last night. Ryan made love to me till dawn, and then out of nowhere, he told me it was over. Wham, bam, thank you, ma'am.

Greenlee: I am so sorry, Ryan.
Ryan: Thank you, Greenlee. I know you mean that.

Myrtle: Surely you must know if you were adopted. I mean, didn't your family tell you?
Rae: My family. No. My family is so secretive, so, my God, Myrtle, they never even told me about my own daughter. Why would they tell me about me? I only knew because my Aunt Clarice told me on her deathbed.
Myrtle: But, honey, there must be some mix-up.
Rae: What kind of mix-up?
Myrtle: Listen, I don't know. But, listen, your baby -- your baby was sold at the Fannie Battle home. Now, they may have put your parents' name down instead of yours.
Rae: Why did it end up in your file? Did you ever meet the people who adopted your child?
Myrtle: No. I wasn't allowed to. I must say, the day they took my baby away, I did look through the window when they were getting into the cab, and they looked like a very nice couple. The woman was very pretty with red hair, and the man had -- he was in a uniform. And I thought he was some kind of hero because he was walking with a limp.
Rae: My mother had red hair. My father was wounded in world war II.
Myrtle: Who are you calling?
Rae: The one person who can tell me the truth.

Ryan: All right. Come on. You're coming with me. I'm going to round up some friends, and you're going to hear a chorus of "Happy Birthday" before this day is over.
Greenlee: What friends, Ryan?
Ryan: Good point. Sorry. You have to suffer through a solo rendition. All right? Come on.

Leo: You're calling me a liar?
Becca: I saw you talking to the man at BJ's, and it looked like you knew him pretty well.
Leo: Oh, so it stands to reason that I helped him lure Mrs. Chandler up into this room?
Becca: Did you?
Leo: No! Gee, Becca, I helped him figure out where to go to the men's bathroom. I thought that you trusted me.
Becca: Trust you? You just grabbed me and kissed me in front of Scott. Trust you? I don't even know you. Look, I'm going to go.
Leo: Well -- can I give you a ride at least?
Becca: Thank you, but no. You've done enough for one day.

[Telephone rings]

Leo: Hello.
Adam: What's happening with Marian and your friend?
Leo: It's over. It's finished.
Adam: And no one knows I'm involved?
Leo: No. And nobody's going to even suspect that you're connected. How about me? Is anybody going to suspect me or connect me in any of this?

[Adam hangs up]

[Dial tone]

Leo: Mr. Chandler? Adam?

Marian: Happy anniversary, my dear sweet love.

Rae: Did you know that your mother told me the truth about my daughter? You knew. No, Sally, come on. Don't blame you. That's not even the reason I'm calling you. I need you to answer a question for me. I'm desperate to know the answer, and you're the only one that I think can. Were Sarah and Raymond Washburn my biological parents? Sally, for God's sake, just tell me the truth, please.
Rae: Thank you. No, no, I'm not ill. No, we'll talk. We will. We'll talk soon. I promise.
Rae: My parents never wanted me to know that I was adopted.
Myrtle: Dear God. It's true.

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