FEBRUARY 4, 2000

Mateo: Ok, you can tell me the truth. It's not too gaudy, is it?
Hayley: Not from where I'm sitting.
Mateo: So should we make an official engagement announcement?
Hayley: Oh, it's going to be hard keeping it a secret if you keep kissing me like that.

[Hayley gasps]

Hayley: Oh!
Myrtle: Look who's come to their senses.
Hayley: Well, you know, we figured why fight it.
Myrtle: Well, you figured right, and I'm very happy for both of you.
Mateo: Thank you.
Hayley: Oh, thank you.

Myrtle: Rae, darling, have I kept you waiting?
Rae: No, no. No, Myrtle. You're right on time.
Myrtle: Hey. Hey. Is something wrong?
Rae: I'm a fraud.
Myrtle: Oh, come on.
Rae: Don't you think it's time I admitted it to myself?

Ryan: Hi.
Hayley: Hi.
Ryan: Thanks for coming.
Hayley: Well, how could we not? You sounded slightly desperate.
Ryan: I appreciate you showing up, too, Mateo.
Mateo: The three of us together. Wow.
Hayley: Can I show him?
Mateo: Go ahead.
Ryan: Wow.
Hayley: Nice, right?
Ryan: It's beautiful.
Hayley: Thanks.
Ryan: It's beautiful. You know, some people are put on this earth to be with each other, and I think I'm looking at the perfect example of that.
Hayley: So what was so important that we had to drop everything and meet you here?
Ryan: Well, Jake and Gillian are getting married in a couple days.
Hayley: Judging from your expression, I'd say you think that's a bad thing.
Ryan: That's actually why I asked you here. I asked you here to help me get to her before she makes a huge mistake.

Alex: Who's the lucky girl? Who's the lucky girl to have these two as her parents?
Jake: Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you.
Alex: There we go.
Jake: Hey. Ah.
Gillian: Hi, sweetie.

[Colby fusses]

Jake: Hey, what's wrong
Gillian: Jake?
Jake: Yeah?
Gillian: I'd like to have a moment to talk to Alex.
Jake: Sure.
Alex: Want a little bottle?
Jake: Sure. You want to go drool on Edmund? Let's go drool on Edmund.
Edmund: Let's talk to the men. Yeah, come on.

[Colby fusses]

Edmund: Come on.

Jake: Here we go.
Edmund: Want to have this? Yeah. Just like my little girl.

Alex: She's so sweet.
Gillian: Oh, Alex. I have so much to say to you. I mean, just the fact that I can even express what I'm feeling, I really, really owe that to you.
Alex: No. You recovered your speech because you're a strong, brave young woman and because you have a lot of Dimitri in you. I'm so grateful you're in my life.
Gillian: You know, I could always go to him. Whenever I wanted to talk to him, he'd always be there and he would never judge or scold me.
Alex: He's watching over you. And I'm here for you, too. Did you want to talk about something?
Gillian: Uh, well, the world's just, you know, spinning a little faster than usual. When I get married --
Alex: Mm-hmm?
Gillian: Will you please be my matron of honor?
Alex: I would love to. Are you sure? That would be great.
Gillian: Yeah.
Alex: Oh, thank you.
Gillian: Oh. You're such a blessing in my life. You know, you're like family.
Alex: I love you, too.

Jake: Aw. Can anybody get in on the hugs and kisses over here? Hmm?
Gillian: Only if you're family, and that pretty much qualifies all of you.
Jake: I think it does.
Alex: Oh, there's enough for everybody, I think.
Edmund: Well, we wouldn't have it any other way.
David: Let's take a moment to think this through.

Erica: I have known from the moment I laid eyes on Alex Devane. I have known. Haven't I told every single person who would listen? That haughty English attitude -- that didn't faze me once from the beginning.
David: But these are just rumors.
Erica: These are accusations, and accusations like this are not born out of thin air, David. And self-righteousness and a smug attitude can just carry her just so far when the truth is nipping at her heels. I've been right about her from the beginning, David, and now we know. David, she murdered a man.
David: Allegedly.
Erica: Ok, believe me when I say that the hint of scandal is just as good as the real thing. We take this immediately to Joe Martin.
David: And what exactly will that accomplish?
Erica: He is going to have to insist that she resign as co-director of the Andrassy foundation.
David: With nothing but hearsay to support his decision?
Erica: He would not have to dig very deeply to find the truth. Geoffrey Ashford was a major figure in the British diplomatic corps, and his death may have been very discreetly covered up, but the fact remains that Alex Devane is the last person to have been seen with him alive --and on New Year's Eve, no less.
David: According to your sources.
Erica: Very reliable sources.
David: No. No, no. It's not enough.
Erica: What more do you need?
David: We need proof that Alex is capable of murder. The woman is a world-renowned physician. People aren't going to accept the charges on good faith.
Erica: What do you have on your mind now, David?
Erica: Well, whatever it is you're planning, I certainly hope it involves running Alex out of town or throwing her in jail.
David: Oh, believe me, I would take either one, but unfortunately, Alex has already made the first move. You heard her. She's already threatening to overturn Dimitri's will, take the foundation elsewhere.
Erica: Well, if she does, we will simply tell Joe why she's running.
David: It's not enough.
Erica: David, it's murder.
David: He'll call it hearsay. My credibility's already in question with Joe. No, what we need is something so Joe can see that she is capable of killing somebody.
Erica: David?
David: What?
Erica: You're still planning on using yourself as bait, aren't you, just to see if you can get her to blow up.
David: Erica, think about it. How difficult will it be to send Alex over the edge? She already shoved me down a flight of stairs. All I have to do is push a few buttons and -- poof -- she's gone.
Erica: Gone? On what, on a rampage? And how do you think she'll attack you next time, David, with a gun or a knife?
David: No, no, Alex is not a maniac. She's just a little unbalanced, that's all.
Erica: Well, I'm not going to let you risk finding out exactly how crazy she is. I am not going to let the man I love be so cavalier with his life -- and how dare you be so selfish.
David: Wait a minute wait a minute. Let's go back for a second.
Erica: No, no, don't try --
David: No, no, no, you were just saying --
Erica: I was just saying that I love you and I don't want to lose you and I will not -- no.
David: Yes.
Erica: No, I didn't mean --
David: Yes, you did.

Rae: I've spent my entire career helping people. You love the irony in that?
Myrtle: A very successful career.
Rae: Oh, yes, very successful, very. I win the great prize for solving everybody's problems.
Myrtle: But when it comes to your own --
Rae: I'm totally inept. True. I mean, look at me, Myrtle. I'm a mother. I've compromised my whole life because of it. I mean, do I know where my daughter is, how she is, who she is? No.
Myrtle: But this black-market baby lawyer --
Rae: Lyle Wedgewood.
Myrtle: Well, can he help you?
Rae: Help me? He threatened me that I should stop searching.
Myrtle: Does he know anything about your daughter?
Rae: Says he doesn't. Told Daniel the same thing, but -- you see? I'm right back to where I started, aren't I?
Myrtle: Oh, darling. I am sorry.
Rae: You know, I used to think it was just biological. You know, I could go on with my life, even have other children. But that's not what's happened here. She's part of my soul, Myrtle. I have to try and find her. I have to.
Myrtle: Rae, do you really?
Rae: What are you talking about?
Myrtle: I mean, try to forgive yourself. Try to forgive yourself and let all this go. I mean, have faith that your child may have made her way in life without you.

Mateo: Well, what are you going to do? You going to bust in the chapel and stop the wedding?
Ryan: I actually hadn't gotten that far yet.
Hayley: Please. You're beyond that point. I mean, you're having fantasies about some happy ending you and Gillian never had.
Ryan: I'm motivated, yes, by a lot of things -- by thoughts that I've had, by regrets.
Mateo: Well, have you spoken to her?
Ryan: I tried, yeah. I tried. Of course, she's confused. She was upset.
Mateo: Yeah, I mean, she's ready to marry the man she loves and you show up with old, unfinished business? She's going to be confused. She's going to be upset.
Ryan: Look, all I'm asking you guys to do is I need help to get her alone for one last talk, because I know if I call her, she's not going to want to see me.
Mateo: Well, I mean -- I'm sorry to be a little harsh, man, but get a clue. Look at her. She's happy. I mean, what else is there to say? She's made up her mind.
Ryan: I don't think she is happy.
Hayley: Then why would she be marrying Jake?
Ryan: I don't think she knows. And if she does know, I think it's for all the wrong reasons.

Gillian: Have you ever stopped to actually feel joy? In that moment when you start to feel it happen, have you ever tried to touch it somehow, give it words? It's almost impossible.
Alex: You know, when Dimitri was saying his vows, I could hear him speaking, but there was, like, this light coming out of him and surrounding him, drawing me into him. That's what it felt like, and I knew then that that was pure joy.
Gillian: And how long did you feel that way? Through everything?
Alex: Yeah. It's the one thing I knew I would never lose. And I want that kind of love for you and Jake.
Gillian: Thank you. That's what I wish for us, too.
Alex: You're taking on a tremendous responsibility.
Gillian: Yeah. Yeah, but I'm ready for it. I mean, don't they just look gorgeous together?
Alex: Yeah.
Gillian: And I'm going to be part of that.
Alex: Yeah, children -- they bring such incredible energy with them. They are so -- oh, you're really entering a whole new world there.
Gillian: Have you ever wanted children?
Alex: Yeah. Yes, I wanted children. I think no though, that probably, you know -- I thought of maybe working with children in pediatrics or something at the beginning of my career, but --
Gillian: Alex? You ok?
Gillian: Alex, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to upset you.
Alex: No, no, no. I don't know where that came from, actually.

Edmund: Alex?
Alex: Yeah -- no, please don't be worried.
Jake: We know you're happy for us, but --
Alex: There's no need to cry, right?
Edmund: I think, you know, Dimitri always wanted children.
Alex: Yeah. Yeah, we talked about it. He wanted an army of boys.
Edmund: Well, that sounds like my brother.
Alex: Look, you know, there's always going to be something that will remind me of Dimitri and what we wanted out of life. What you two should do is hold onto your dreams and your future with Colby. It'll give you so much strength and --
Edmund: It's been a long day, hasn't it?
Alex: Yeah. Let's just change the subject.
Edmund: Yeah.
Jake: I heard somebody say something about matron of honor. Was I wrong?
Alex: Oh, that would be me.
Edmund: Excellent choice.
Jake: So, what are you guys wearing?

Mateo: How do you know she's marrying Jake for the wrong reasons?
Ryan: Because I know her better now than I ever have.
Hayley: Oh, really? Even after you dumped her before by saying that you couldn't love her? Now you can?
Ryan: Look, I realize I have a lot to answer for. I understand that. If you have questions about my behavior in the past, they're legit and they're on the table. But this isn't about me. This is about her.
Mateo: Are you sure?
Ryan: Well, I'm sure that this marriage wouldn't be going so quickly if Jake didn't decide to take Liza to court for full custody of Colby.
Mateo: Oh, man. What, you think that he has a better chance to win custody if he's not single? He has to show that he's part of a stable family unit, right?
Ryan: Well, the guy might as well get a mail-order bride.
Hayley: I can't believe that he would actually sue Liza for full custody. What's the problem? Everything was working out perfectly before.
Ryan: All I see is Gillian rushing into a marriage to make it look good to the judge. That is not love.
Mateo: Wait, wait, wait. What if she's down with the whole thing. What if she's ready to start a family with Jake? I mean, she's got to love him if she's going to take that responsibility on. Come on.
Ryan: The whole reason why I asked you guys here today is because -- you remember S.O.S.? Do you remember when you said that you and Mateo almost gave up before the miracle? Do you remember that?
Mateo: Yeah. I guess we were just lucky.
Hayley: Listen, what really is this all about, Ryan? Because the way you're presenting it is that you're just a friend trying to stop another friend from making a big mistake and everything, but I don't think that's all there is. I mean, there is more to it, right?

Rae: Don't, Myrtle. Don't please ask me to give up, because I can't.
Myrtle: I'm not even going to try to tell you what I know you've been feeling in your heart all these years -- that maybe she's found a very happy home, wonderful parents, has a very good life, in spite of all the pain that you have been feeling not knowing her.
Rae: You know what? You're absolutely right. How would she know the difference between me and whoever else it was that did raise her?
Myrtle: But it doesn't do anything for the pain. Believe me, I know.
Rae: They told me she was dead.
Myrtle: Oh.
Rae: They let me live with that memory. Don't you think if I had known she was alive that I wouldn't have gone looking right then? I have grieved for her all of my life. And now she's alive. Don't you think it's my duty to try and find her?
Myrtle: Rae, she doesn't know you exist.
Rae: She was robbed. And so was I.
Myrtle: It's unfair of me to expect you to give this up, but I just feel that trying to reconnect with a child that you've never known -- you are asking for more pain.
Rae: Know what? You don't understand. I don't have to love who she might have been. I can love her for real. I just want to tell her how much I adore her, that's all. And you know what? After that, she can just walk away from me, honest to God.
Myrtle: Turn your head. There's a man who could make your dreams come true, and he just walked through the door.

Erica: No, it's not the way I meant it to come out.
David: I don't care how you said it. You said it.
Erica: I was under duress.
David: I'll take it! Say it again.
Erica: No.
David: Oh, come on, Erica, give in. Admit. Own up to it. Own up to what we both know you've been feeling for a long time now.
Erica: No.
David: You love me. Say it. Come on, it's easy. Move your lips. Just say "I love you." You could even throw in "David" at the end, if you want.
Erica: You don't know. You don't know how I've been fantasizing. I mean, all through Europe, I just imagined that we'd be gliding through the canals in Venice. I thought we might be in the tower bridge, veiled in the London fog, our arms wrapped around each other. You know, this was just not the way I planned to say it.
David: I'm right here, Erica. Just tell me.
Erica: No, this was certainly not the time or the place.
David: Stop fantasizing! This is real. It was the perfect way for you to tell me.
Erica: How could it be when it just jumped out of my mouth?
David: Because you can't hold back any more than I can. We're two of a kind, Erica, controlling everything that we can manage -- our world, our feelings. The only thing we can't control is each other and the way we feel for one another.
Erica: So what am I supposed to do?
David: Just give in to it.

{David and Erica kiss]

David: I love the way you told me.
Erica: Will it hold you for a while?
David: Oh, I can die a happy man now.
Erica: Oh, don't even kid about dying -- not with Alex lurking. No, I meant what I said, you know. I don't want you to taunt her.
David: Ok. Would you prefer it if I taunt you?
Erica: Definitely. You can start right now.
David: Listen, can we meet up later? I have a few patients I need to see.
Erica: Oh, yeah, that's the old doctor's excuse. I don't buy that for a minute.
David: Well, you can go on my rounds with me, if you'd like.
Erica: Really? And where's our first stop? Wildwind?
David: I resent the implication. You told me you want me to stay away from Alex, and I am nothing if not cooperative.
Erica: I nothing if not serious.
David: Yeah, well, just as I am serious about you running to Joe martin with rumors about Alex being a killer. You aren't going to do that, now, would you?
Erica: Of course not.
David: Ok. So we don't do anything until we discuss this further, right?
Erica: I promise.
David: All right.
David: I love you, too.

Erica: But sometimes loving you is just going to mean that I can't keep all my promises.

[Telephone rings]

Alex: Hello?
David: Alex, this is David. I have some news for you.
Alex: What do you want?
David: Actually, I've been going over the paperwork of one of our patients.
Alex: Which patient?
David: Young Karen, I'm afraid.
Alex: What do you mean you're afraid? What's happened?
David: Well, maybe I shouldn't put it that way. I know that you've formed somewhat of an attachment to the girl.
Alex: Get to the point, doctor.
David: The paperwork from the social worker wasn't in place. She has no foster home to go to.
Alex: Well, that was deliberate. Then she can stay at the hospital.
David: No, she can't. I'm releasing her to her family, ASAP.
Alex: Are you out of your mind? Anyone can see she's been abused.
Because she can't speak. Whatever happened in that home was so traumatic to her --
David: Alex, I told you this before -- your emotions are overriding your better judgment. We need the bed. Oh, and one more thing -- don't ever rescind one of my orders again.

[David hangs up]

Alex: David? David?

Edmund: What's he up to?
Alex: Oh. He's ordered Karen to be released to the custody of her own family.
Jake: That's insane. I read that chart. We haven't fully assessed the home life in that case.
Alex: You know what? If he wants to start something, that's fine with me.
Edmund: Alex, Alex, wait a minute. Just -- he wants you to come in just like this. He's just baiting you, full of emotion, no plan. That makes you vulnerable.
Jake: You know, call my dad. He'll settle this thing in five minutes.
Alex: I'm sick of dragging people into this. He's wanted a fight since the beginning and that's what he's going to get.

David: Nurse? I just had a very troubling phone conversation with Dr. Marick. For some reason she doesn't seem herself.
Nurse: I hope everything's all right.
David: Yeah, yeah, me, too. Listen, if you see her tonight, just keep a watch out for her, ok?
Nurse: Yes, Dr. Hayward.
David: Thank you.

Alex: Oh, I'm sorry I have to leave. I had every intention of staying. But I promise I will be by your side at your wedding. I promise you.
Edmund: Alex, why don't you just let us call Joe? I mean, it's his job to handle this kind of stuff.
Alex: No, David is making this personal and I'm going to respond to it that way.
Gillian: She going to be ok?
Edmund: Well, it's not the toughest fight she'll ever have to deal with. But you know what you should worry about? What caterer are you going to call?
Jake: Oh, food
. I like food. Edmund: What kind of food?
Jake: Hamburgers, chips, hot dogs --
Gillian: Caviar.
Jake: Whatever you want, you get, my dear.
Gillian: Or you know what? I could always cook for you guys.

[Colby talks]

Jake and Edmund: Ooh.

Adrian: Hey, guys.
Hayley and Mateo: Hey.
Ryan: Hey.

Rae: Adrian?
Myrtle: He's street smart, he's got a degree from M.I.T., He's government trained. And if he can't help to find your daughter, she can't be found.

Adrian: How you doing, Ryan?
Hayley: Ryan's in crisis.
Adrian: Oh. Kind of glad it doesn't involve either one of you.
Mateo: Yeah. Well, it took us a while, but -- I'll go hang out with Adrian, ok?
Hayley: Ok. Uh --
Adrian: Hey, is that a ring I see on Ms. Vaughan's finger?

Hayley: You know, I don't mind telling you that your timing is lousy.
Ryan: Hey, realizing you love somebody the day before they marry somebody else is not the best way to go. What can I say?
Hayley: Well, I guess you answered my last question.
Ryan: If this was about me, Hayley, and about my feelings, I probably would make a move.
Hayley: But?
Ryan: Jake loves her. I can see that. He's a good man. He's everything that I'm not.
Hayley: Ryan, you are sweet and considerate and wonderful, and you're not exactly bad to look at. Ok, so what aren't you?
Ryan: I'm not a doctor. I'm not a family man. Jake knows what he wants. He doesn't flip all over the place.
Hayley: Where is this coming from?
Ryan: I'm trying to express myself. I'm trying to be honest.
Hayley: No, you're realizing that you love Gillian. And if that's what you're planning on telling her, I suggest you keep it to yourself.
Ryan: But what about giving up before the miracle?
Hayley: That only works if you both see it.
Ryan: We do.
Hayley: Excuse me?
Ryan: I'm telling you, Hayley, Gillian still loves me. I saw it in her eye last night when I tried to talk to her. It's overwhelming and it's terrifying for us, but we got to deal with this.
Hayley: My God, Ryan, you'd better be sure.
Ryan: That's why I have to see her again. That's why I need your help. If I'm wrong and she doesn't love me, fine. But if I'm right and she marries Jake and she becomes Colby's mother, it's not going to work, not if I'm in her heart. The marriage will be built on a lie.
Hayley: And if she does love you? Then what? Are you going to be with her? Or you going to one day just wake up and go, "you know what, I made a mistake -- sayonara, Gillian"?
Ryan: No, I'm prepared to be with her. But let's be honest -- I can't offer her what Jake can offer her.
Hayley: Then why are you going through all of this? Don't start selling yourself short, Ryan -- not if you want my help.
Ry: All I want is some time with Gillian on neutral ground. I need to find a way -- I need your help to find a way to talk with her, to tell her how I feel and just to hear what she has to say.
Hayley: And if she still chooses Jake?
Ryan: Well, then I won't interfere anymore.
Hayley: And you'll be ok with that?
Ryan: I'll have to be. Going to help me?

Adrian: Look at you, man. You got that happily married glow already.
Mateo: Yeah, I got your glow.

Myrtle: Excuse us.
Mateo: Oh, yeah, yeah. I'll see you later.
Myrtle: Adrian, could we have a word with you in private, please?
Adrian: Sure.
Rae: I need a favor.
Myrtle: We need your skills.
Rae: Myrtle tells me that you worked for the government in intelligence. Is that true?
Adrian: I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.
Myrtle: Oh, come on.
Adrian: It's just one of our old jokes. Guess you've heard that one.
Rae: No.
Adrian: I'm sorry, ladies, but I'm just a humble saloon owner now.
Myrtle: Oh, come on. Your type never gets rusty. And you've always had a soft heart for a good cause, I know.
Adrian: Ok, what's the cause?
Rae: I thought my daughter had died at birth.
Adrian: But she didn't.
Rae: No. She was sold on the black market. I want to find her.
Adrian: I know a little something about that kind of business.
Myrtle: Yes, I know you do. Look how your life has changed since you found out that Opal is your mother. And Rae here wants the same chance with her child.
Adrian: All right. I'll see what I can do.
Rae: Well, I was hoping for a little more than that.
Adrian: Ok. Let's have a seat and you tell me what you know so far.
Adrian: And this lawyer, Wedgewood --
Rae: Yes.
Adrian: You say he knows where to find your daughter?
Rae: Well, if he doesn't, he certainly has information that would help. You see, I gave my husband, Daniel, money to try and find her, and then he disappeared. But I believe that Wedgewood knows where he is and is just not telling me.
Adrian: Ok. And this lawyer -- he works for the mob?
Rae: Well, that's what we were told, that he's connected.
Adrian: Well, there's a lot of money, in fact, in this trade business. I mean, I wouldn't take anything that Lyle Wedgewood says lightly. His threats are very real. And, in fact, I'm sure they extend to anyone who tries to help you.
Rae: What are you saying? That you're too scared?
Adrian: Yeah, I wish. I didn't get that in the gene pool.
Rae: So you will help me?
Adrian: Well, isn't that what's supposed to happen? You know, you go to someone that can help you and they do so? The question is, how far are you actually willing to go to find your daughter?

Hayley: Oh. You're just in time. I have a decision to make.
Mateo: To help or not to help.
Hayley: Ryan thinks that Gillian is still in love with him, too.
Mateo: And it took you this long to figure out you still loved her.
Ryan: Oh. Does it matter?
Mateo: Well, if she wasn't about to marry somebody else, no, it wouldn't.
Ryan: All right. Well, if Gillian loves me, Jake deserves to know. And if she doesn't, then good for him.
Mateo: Why shouldn't she marry him? I mean, look at her. One minute you're with her, one minute you're not with her. You're with Hayley. You mess around with Greenlee. I mean, come on.
Ryan: You're right, you're right. You're right. I know that. What can I say? But none of us are angels. I think sometimes we don't know ourselves. And I'm trying to change that. That's what I'm trying to change. I'm trying to change that by expressing my feelings. Would either of you do anything less?
Mateo: Call her.
Hayley: Oh, jeez. You're asking me to lie, you know, and I hate that. But I'm going to do it because I believe in you.
Ryan: I can't ask for anything more than that.
Mateo: That's for sure.

[Telephone rings]

Gillian: Oh. Hello?
Hayley: Gillian. It's Hayley. Um, I was wondering if I could talk to you now, if that's possible.
Gillian: It's late and I'm here with Jake. We're making wedding plans.
Hayley: That's what wanted to talk to you about. Uh, I can't get into it over the phone. Could you meet me at the boathouse?
Gillian: Right now?
Hayley: Yeah, if that's possible.
Gillian: Ok. I'll meet you at the boathouse. It's Hayley. She wants to see me now.
Jake: Why?
Gillian: I don't know. She sounded kind of strange.

[Colby fusses]

Jake: Well, you know what? I think it's time for you to go to bed. All right. Right.
Gillian: You know, in just a few days, we're going to be in your parents living room getting married.
Jake: I'll be dreaming about it until it happens.
Gillian: Yeah.
Jake: All right, good night. Say good night.
Gillian: Good night, angel.
Jake: We want that, too. Want that, too.
Gillian: Here.
Jake: And the phone. Oh.

Alex: Can I just leave this here, please? Thanks.

Geoffrey's voice: You didn't hear anything, you didn't see anything.

David: Dr. Marick? Are you all right?
Alex: Yeah. Step away from her and come outside, please.
Alex: Everything's going to be all right, love. No one's going to hurt you, ok?
David: Is there a problem here, doctor?
Alex: Don't play games with me, David. I know you're using that little girl against me.
David: I beg your pardon. I don't know what you're talking about.
Alex: Like hell you don't.
David: This is ridiculous. You're being totally irrational.
Alex: No, I'm not! Geoffrey: No one would believe such an irrational woman.
Alex: Oh, shut up, Geoffrey!
David: Alex, I'm David.
Alex: I know.
David: You just called me Geoffrey. Are you confusing me with Geoffrey Ashford?
Alex: Who?
David: I'm very concerned about you, doctor. You just called me Geoffrey.
Alex: Why can't you just leave me alone?

Erica: Edmund. Oh, I'm so glad to find you alone. I hope it's not too late for a visit.
Edmund: Yeah -- no, no, I was just tucking everybody in.
Erica: Does that include Alex in the hunting lodge?
Edmund: Not now, Erica. It's late.
Erica: Edmund, I have some disturbing news to tell you.
Edmund: Well, if it's about Alex, I'd rather not hear you badmouth her anymore, ok?
Erica: No, this is really something that you should know. This would make you think twice about having Alex in your home, having her around your children -- much less running your brother's foundation.
Edmund: Ok, ok, that's enough. Just please leave, Erica, all right, and take your gossip with you.
Erica: David warned me not to come to you with this.
Edmund: David knows you're here?
Erica: No, he does not, and he wouldn't like it if he found out. But David and I were discussing this terrible fact about Alex's past. I really felt that you should know this. Edmund?
Edmund: You just couldn't leave it alone, could you? No.
Erica: Where are you going?
Edmund: You and David. The two of you should be ashamed.
Erica: Edmund, you really should hear this.

Rae: You -- you really have to understand something. You're starting to give me a little hope here.
Adrian: Well, I can't make you any promises. I mean --
Myrtle: Well, but you will, you will do your best, won't you?
Adrian: I'm not quite sure that my best will be enough, though.
Rae: Well, look at it this way -- it's more than I've got right now. So do you have a plan?
Adrian: There's always a plan, Rae.
Rae: Ok.

Hayley: Oh, what have I done?
Mateo: You helped your friend.
Hayley: Yeah, but I also potentially destroyed a wedding and ruined somebody else's life.
Mateo: No, look, look, look, if Ryan and Gillian realize they're meant to be together, that they still love each other, then that's fate. If she slaps him across the face for bringing up the fact that they should get back together, then that's fate, too. It has to play itself out.
Hayley: Yeah, but did I have to give it a push?
Mateo: You really didn't give it a push. You gave Ryan a chance. He's taking most of the risk.
Hayley: Is that what you did? Take the risk with me again?
Mateo: Oh, Hayley, what we have is so deep. I didn't have the choice.


Gillian: Hayley? Ryan: It's me.

Alex: Stay away from me.
Alex: Stay away from me.
David: Are you talking to me, Alex, or you talking to Geoffrey Ashford?
Alex: You don't know anything.
David: Do I remind you of him? Would you like to do to me what you did to him?
Alex: Please leave me alone.
David: Look at us, Alex. We're standing on the stairs again. Isn't that convenient? Maybe I could make this easier for you.
Edmund: Did you hear what she said?
Alex? Alex: Ah!
Edmund: Alex? Alex, what is it?

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