FEBRUARY 1, 2001

Dixie: Tad?
Tad: Jake said you needed me. Are you -- are you ill?
Dixie: No, I'm fine. Jake shouldn't have said anything. He shouldn't have called. There's nothing to worry about. He had no right to call.
Tad: What the hell did I just walk in on?
Dixie: David had to perform emergency surgery. I came with him, ok? I didn't expect --
David: Dixie, you don't have to explain for me.
Dixie: No, I'm not, ok? Just let me handle this.
Tad: You're handling me now? Is that it?
David: Don't go blaming Dixie for something that --
Tad: I want to talk to my wife. I don't want to talk to you. Do you understand me?
Tad: I left you at home in an ice storm. Was he at the house?
Dixie: No, no.
Tad: Then where were you when this emergency came in? Why were you with him, Dixie?

Bianca: Mom? Where are you?
Bianca: Are you downstairs?
Bianca: Mom?
Bianca: Mom?

Rain: Miss Kane.
Erica: What is it, Rain? You've got $10,000 in your hands. Why aren't you leaving town?
Rain: Look, I never go back on my word.
Erica: What an enormous comfort to me.
Rain: I mean it. We have a deal. It stands. I just want you to know something. You can pay me off and you can pay off the next girl who gets too close to your daughter, but you're never going to make your little problem disappear. Bianca is still going to be --
Erica: My daughter. She will always be my daughter, and I will do anything to keep her safe.
Rain: Just so you know, she was always safe with me.
Erica: Just leave, Rain.
Rain: She loves you. She really does.
Erica: Don't you ever come near my family again.
Rain: All right. Ok.

Leo: She's waking up.
Adam: Vanessa, where's Hayley?
Palmer: Adam, do you want me to have you anesthetized?
Adam: Was Arlene with Hayley? Did she kidnap my daughter?
Leo: What they hell is the matter with you? She just had a bullet pulled out of her chest.
Adam: Was Hayley with Arlene on the deck of the yacht, Vanessa? Please tell me.
Leo: Ok, you've had enough for the night, old man. Let's go.
Vanessa: Hayley! Hayley, no, no. No --
Adam: Vanessa, just tell me. Tell me what happened.
Vanessa: This -- she was -- she -- she --
Adam: What? She was what, Vanessa? Hayley was what?

Hayley: All right, all right. You convinced me. I'll go with you to Sea City.
Bud: Now, that's my girl.
Hayley: Let's use the back exit. I'm trying to avoid someone, if you know what I mean.
Bud: Who? Oh, man. Why is that guy always looking for you?
Hayley: Because he's married to my kid and he thinks I can help him rope her in. Come on, let's get out of here and away from him.
Bud: Fine by me.
Hayley: Cover my rear. Not that you need any help.
Bud: Arlene, you slay me.

Mateo: Where you going?
Mateo: So I'm looking for Hayley. Do you know where I can find her?
Hayley: You know, I realize you have a mild obsession with that little garden gnome I gave birth to, but this is really bordering on icky -- coming to a bar in the middle of the night while I'm trying to take care of my needs.
Mateo: Come on. Where is she?
Hayley: Beats me. Hope your car's all warmed up, buddy.
Bud: Mm-hmm.
Mateo: You see, I really need to see her.
Bud: Listen, are you deaf? She said she doesn't know where your wife is, so just get out of the -- ow.
Mateo: God, I'm in such a bad mood, you know?
Hayley: Oh, for the love of Pete.
Mateo: This one's mine.
Bud: You people are nuts.
Hayley: Oh, Bud.
Bud: No, forget it. This isn't worth it. All talk and no action, Arlene, makes it a very bad word.
Hayley: Why, Mateo, I didn't know you cared.
Mateo: You ready to go?
Hayley: Yes. Let me just straighten out my lip gloss.
Mateo: I really need to see Hayley. Do you know where I can find her?

Adam: Hayley was what, Vanessa? What?
Vanessa: Hayley --
Adam: Just --
Vanessa: Hayley is Arlene.
Adam: What? What did she -- what the hell did she say?
Palmer: For God's sakes, she just came out of open-heart surgery.
Leo: It's ok, it's ok. Just rest. You're fine.
Adam: No, no, she's not fine. She knows what happened on that yacht and she's trying to tell me. Vanessa, just -- please, you've got to tell me what you saw onboard the yacht.
Leo: I'll tell you what she saw. I'll tell you what she saw. She saw the deck face-first after some lunatic with a gun and shot her. Ok, you just get out of my mother's face.

Vanessa: Palmer?
Palmer: Yes. Yes, darling. Yes, I'm here. I'm here.
Vanessa: What -- who -- who's --
Palmer: No, no, everything's going to be just fine, just fine. Look, Leo's here. Look. See?
Vanessa: Oh. Uh-huh.
Palmer: And your son David operated on you and you're going to be just as good as new.
Vanessa: Oh. Ok. Oh.
Palmer: Vanessa?

David: It doesn't matter where Dixie and I were tonight, Tad. I had an emergency, and Dixie helped me through it.
Tad: Are you going to tell me what happened, or are you just going to stand there and let him do it for you? Dixie?
Dixie: I was at the Sleepy Hollow Inn with David. He was on call and he had to come in and operate on his mother, and -- so I came with him in the Medevac because the roads were covered with ice and snow. That's what happened tonight.
Tad: I left you folding laundry in our living room, Dixie.
Dixie: I know.
Tad: Wait, no, no, no, no. When I left to go skiing with our children, you told us that you were going to stay in for the night.
Dixie: I was.
Tad: Well, what, did you get a better offer?
Dixie: No.
Tad: Well, then you lied to me. What the hell happened? I mean, did you wait for me to leave town with our children so that you could go to him? Is that it?
David: That's not at all what happened, Tad.
Tad: Tell me what's going on before I hit him.
David: I found her, all right? She was wandering in the night the no coat on in the middle of an ice storm because of you.

Jake: All right, come on, let's go.
David: Get your hands off of me, Jake!
Jake: Leave them alone, David.
Dixie: David, I'll be ok. Please.

Dixie: I'm sorry you had to find out like this.
Tad: What exactly am I finding out?

[Erica gasps]

Erica: Oh! Bianca!
Bianca: Mom!
Erica: Honey, what's wrong?
Bianca: I -- I thought that you were in your bed upstairs, and then I couldn't find you, and I heard these noises.
Erica: Oh, Honey, I'm so sorry.
Bianca: Where were you?
Erica: I didn't mean to worry you.
Bianca: I feel like such a jerk.
Erica: No, I didn't mean to worry you.
Bianca: Where were you, Mom?
Erica: Well, I remembered that I had an appointment.
Bianca: Really? This late?
Erica: Yeah, and I knew you'd gone to bed, you know, for the night, so I didn't want to disturb you.
Bianca: I freaked out when I realized that you were gone.
Erica: Oh, Honey, why?
Bianca: I don't know, I don't know. I guess it's just with everything that's been going on and how upset we've both been, I thought you were mad at me and --
Erica: And what?
Bianca: I don't even know. Mom, I'm sorry for sneaking Rain into the house without asking you. I was just really worried about her because it's winter outside and she had nowhere else to go.
Erica: You know what, Sweetheart? Let's not even talk about that anymore, ok? I'm not angry anymore.
Bianca: Ok, ok, but I just want you to believe that I was trying to help out a friend.
Erica: Honey, it's over.
Bianca: Ok, but the reason that Rain was staying here --
Erica: Bianca, it's done. This will never happen again.
Bianca: What?
Erica: I said it's done. What don't you understand, Honey?
Bianca: It's the way you said it.
Erica: What do you mean?
Bianca: "It will never happen again."
Erica: Well, it won't, will it? I mean, I have your word.
Bianca: You did something tonight, didn't you?
Erica: I'm sorry?
Bianca: You did something tonight, to Rain, didn't you?

David: You had to do it, didn't you, Jake? Why did you feel the need to call your brother?
Jake: Because I'm trying to help two people who love each other work it out.
David: Oh, yeah. Because you did such a great job working out your own relationships, right?
Jake: Don't you get into a spitting contest with me, David.
David: Dixie has a right to make her own decisions, Jake.
Jake: And her husband has a right to know when somebody's trying to come between them.
David: Do you have any idea how much your brother has hurt her --
Joe: Is this ever going to stop?
Jake: Just hang on, hang on, Dad.
Joe: And listen, what are you doing?
David: I'm sick of your son!
Joe: This -- this is the ER! Now, doctors, let's at least give the appearance of professionalism. What is Tad doing here?
Jake: I called him. He has a right to know what's going on.
Joe: And does he know? Does he know where Dixie's been tonight?

Dixie: I was home by myself like I said I would be, ok? And then Palmer and Vanessa came over, and they told me that they saw you at the Valley Inn with Leslie, arguing with her outside her hotel room.
Tad: What exactly did they hear?
Dixie: That you're still sleeping with her.
Tad: No. That isn't what they heard because it's not true.
Dixie: Then how come you came over to the house after seeing her without telling me, Tad?
Tad: Because I want her out of our lives for good. That's the only reason I went to see her in the first place. I was trying to fix things between you and me!
Dixie: So you're trying to fix things between you and me, and yet you go and you have an argument the your girlfriend first. That's nice. Was I second choice?
Tad: No, of course not, never. Look, it's completely obvious to me that your uncle and his wife completely misinterpreted whatever it was they heard outside that room. It's also obvious to me that you once again jumped to the worst possible conclusion without even asking me what happened.
Dixie: Well, I just found out that you had an affair with Leslie Coulson a couple of weeks ago, and you kept it from me. So excuse me if I can't give you the benefit of the doubt right now.
Tad: No, no, no. So what are you saying? You check into a cozy little bed-and-breakfast in the country somewhere to clear your mind and the good doctor just happened to be there? Is that it?
Dixie: You don't know what you're saying.
Tad: All right, fine, fine. Then you tell me.
Dixie: I couldn't stay in the house. So I got in the car and I drove my car off the side of the road, and I ended up in a bar.
Tad: A bar. And Hayward just happened to be there?
Dixie: Yes.
Tad: And you expect me to believe this?
Dixie: I don't expect anything from you, ok? Maybe that's the problem.
Tad: Ok. Ok. Now, you answer me one question, and I'll leave you alone. Did you sleep with him again tonight?

Mateo: So what are you drinking tonight, Arlene?
Hayley: Do you think that's all I worry about, booze?
Mateo: Just a question. First round's on me.
Hayley: Pineapple juice, straight up. Is that ok with you?
Mateo: Fine by me. Pineapple, no ice, for the lady.
Bartender: All right. Right away, my friend. What can I get for you?
Mateo: Oh, I'm good. Thanks.
Hayley: I know what you're up to.
Mateo: I'm not up to anything. I'm just -- Hayley was worried about you.
Hayley: Hayley only worries about what color dress to wear to my wake. Thank you, Cookie.
Mateo: Yeah, I know what you mean. You know, they think that you hurt her tonight.
Hayley: Figures.
Mateo: They say you kidnapped her.
Hayley: I got her right in my back pocket. This is too perfect.
Mateo: What do you mean?
Hayley: Well, Hayley strangles me, and then that no-good father of hers throws me off a boat, and the whole world is worried about poor Hayley who's been MIA for all of a minute and a half. Well, you can forget it. I'm not helping you people. I don't want to play.
Mateo: Play what?
Hayley: Hayley had her chance. She could have told the police exactly what she did, even though that no-good father of hers was whispering in her ear day in and day out to keep quiet. She could have told them what she did. She chose not to. She never pays. But that's all in the past now.
Mateo: Why is that?
Hayley: Because Hayley's gone and she's not coming back.

Leo: You don't give up, do you?
Adam: Can you see how desperate I am about my daughter?
Leo: Yes, I can, but my mother's on the verge of death, Adam. When she wakes up in the morning, we'll ask her about it.
Adam: When did you grow a backbone, du Pres?
Leo: What am I supposed to say to that? Just leave us alone.
Adam: I'll be back.
Leo: I'll be out in the hall.

Palmer: Leo. Just wait a minute. I think -- I think it would mean a great deal to your mother to see you here when she wakes up. I know you probably don't believe that, but, you see, I live with that woman and I know how she feels. Please?
Leo: Thank you.

Adam: Mateo? Are you there? It's Adam. I'm at the hospital trying to get some information out of Vanessa. I want you to call me as soon as you get this message. I have to know if you found Hayley. I'm on my cell phone.

Hayley: Now I know you're up to something.
Mateo: What do you mean?
Hayley: I tell you Hayley's gone and never coming back and you don't rip my head off?
Mateo: Yeah, well, I'm not taking what you say too seriously these days.
Hayley: Is that right?
Mateo: Yep. Another thing -- you know Hayley didn't get a chance to confess, so I did it for her.
Hayley: What's that supposed to mean?
Mateo: I talked to Lt. Frye tonight. I told him that she tried to -- she tried to strangle you.
Hayley: She did strangle me.
Mateo: You look pretty alive to me.
Hayley: Yeah, well, like I'd believe a word that comes out of your mouth.
Mateo: Yeah, well, let's stop talking, right? You're not too much into it anyway, are you?
Hayley: You got that right.
Mateo: So what do you say we pick up where you and me left off?
Hayley: What?
Mateo: You know, you and me, the yacht party. Listen, I know that I had the punch that everybody else had, that stuff was spiked, but I can't seem to forget that night in the stateroom, just you and me. You know what I'm talking about?
Hayley: You know, I think we were all a little high that night. But if it's one scene I can' get out of my head, it's our bedroom scene. Can't help to think what would have happened if that wife of yours hadn't have walked in on us.
Mateo: I know. Too bad, right? And there's got to be a reason you and I keep ending up together.
Hayley: Why do you think that is?
Mateo: I don't know. Why don't we go somewhere and find out? I can take you to a little place. You want to go?
Hayley: And what are we going to do at this little place, just the two of us?
Mateo: I'll let you handle that. We'll take my car. Yeah?
Hayley: All right, but I'm driving, just to make sure this isn't some sort of little trap. And we're going to your place. I know Hayley's not there. We've had this day coming a long time, you and me. You won't be disappointed.

Bianca: I hope Rain is ok. I wonder if she went to the shelter.
Erica: Honey, could we please stop talking about Rain? How about I make you and me some hot cocoa? Ok? Would you like that?
Bianca: Yeah, sure. Later, Mom.
Erica: Do you remember when I used to bring you hot chocolate when you were little? I brought it to you in bed. Oh, I used to love that little look you'd give me. Bianca: Mom, where did you go tonight?
Erica: Well, I told you. I had some errands to run. I mean, nothing important at all, but just something I certainly wanted to get done before tomorrow.
Bianca: Because you were so angry at me before about Rain.
Erica: Yes, with good reason.
Bianca: Well, how do you go from being ready to ground me for infinity to remembering how nice it was when you used to bring me cocoa in my bed when I was little?
Erica: I don't know. Ok. I was not running errands. I just didn't want to worry you.
Bianca: About what?
Erica: I needed to clear my head, and so I -- I took a drive. I was thinking about you. I was thinking that you are and you always have been my most precious gift, and I was thinking how I will never -- could never let anything come between us -- not anything -- not anger or fear or doubts.
Bianca: Or Rain?
Erica: Or anyone. Bianca, please let's not talk about her anymore, ok? It's not going to get us anywhere, is it?
Bianca: I just don't feel like we've really settled a whole lot here.
Erica: Bianca, when I walked in the house tonight and I saw how frightened you were because I wasn't here, believe me, everything was settled. We can have a difference of opinion. We don't always have to agree on everything. But I love you and I will always love you with all my soul.
Bianca: Well, I love you, too, Mom. That's why this is so --
Erica: Well, so, are you going to let me make you some hot cocoa or not?
Bianca: Is it going to be the famous kind?
Erica: Of course. Is that a yes?
Bianca: Yes. That's a yes.
Erica: Ok.
Bianca: Thank you.
Erica: Thank you.

Tad: It's a simple yes-or-no question. Did you sleep with him?
Tad: God, how did we get here? How -- how could you do this to us?
Joe: Folks, this is really not a good place to have this talk. Tad, why don't you take Dixie home and you can talk in private.
Tad: I can't. I don't live there anymore.
Tad: Doctor brought you to the dance. The doctor can take you home.
Joe: Tad. Ta--

Joe: Dixie, do you need a ride home?
Dixie: Uh --
David: I'll get her home, Joe.
Dixie: I know you want to go to Tad. It's ok. Please go. It's ok.

David: Come home with me, Dixie.
Dixie: I think I, you know, just need to be alone tonight. You understand.
David: Come with me. Come on. I don't think either one of us wants to be alone tonight, Dixie. I know I don't.
Dixie: You should be here with your mo you know, and Leo.
David: I never feel more alone than when I'm with my family. But when I'm with you, all of that goes away.
Dixie: You saved your mom's life tonight.
David: Because of you.
Dixie: Because you're a great doctor, because you care about your mom.
David: No. You are so wrong. Do you know what I was thinking when I was operating on her tonight? I was looking at her heart, literally, and I kept thinking, "this is the woman who taught me how to hate."
Dixie: Don't say that.
David: Well, why not? It's the truth. It was like the world's biggest joke. I let her die, I never live it down. I save her life, and I give her selfish soul another chance to ruin mine.
Dixie: You have no idea how much you have to give.
David: But I do, Dixie, when I'm with you, when I'm holding you in my arms, when I kiss you. I feel it when we make love, Dixie. That is you. You're the one that brought me here. You're the one that gave me the strength to do what I needed to do tonight. And I can't turn back again -- not now, not ever.
Dixie: You know, a lot has happened tonight. I think you don't know what you're saying.
David: No, no, you're right. A lot has happened tonight, Dixie, and the only thing that happened that made sense is us. Don't let go of what we found together tonight. Please.

Tad: Excuse me. A double bourbon, neat, please.
Tad: Great. The family that collapses together drinks together, right?
Joe: This family's not collapsing. We are here to look after you.
Tad: Yeah, is that what you call it? What the hell do you think you were doing? Why did you call? You want to set me up like that?
Jake: You actually think that I set you up, Tad?
Tad: Well, why the hell did I have to be there?
Joe: Quiet down. Shh. Enough. Enough.
Tad: Again.
Joe: Now, calm down. Tell us what happened tonight.
Tad: Well, gee, Dad, I guess you got most of the highlights, along with everybody else in the ER, Huh?
Joe: Yeah, yeah, I did, but just tell me one thing -- were you really at Leslie Cousin's hotel room tonight?
Tad: Yes.
Joe: Why?
Tad: I was trying to save my marriage.
Joe: How?
Tad: By tricking her into a confession about Hayward, getting her to admit that he was the one responsible for putting the Libidozone on that yacht at the party.
Joe: Was Leslie involved in that?
Tad: I think she is. I think the two of them did it together just so they could split me and Dixie up.
Jake: Oh, you still think that Hayward is responsible for this Libidozone?
Tad: I know he is. All I got to do is prove it.
Joe: But what about Dixie?
Tad: Dixie has been brainwashed by Hayward at every given turn. That's why I'm doing this -- so I can prove to her that he has manufactured every single moment they've been alone together.
Jake: Tad, there's one problem, and you're going to have to face it.
Tad: What's that?
Jake: Maybe Dixie knows exactly what she's doing.
Tad: What's your point?
Jake: What if she's with David Hayward because she wants to be?
Tad: Bro, what did you say?

Hayley: My kid is not much of a decorator, or is this your doing, Honey?
Mateo: You want a soda or something?
Hayley: Actually, what I had in mind is much sweeter.
Mateo: Oh, yeah?
Hayley: Listen, would it help you to relax if I assured you there is no way that wife of yours is going to walk in on us tonight?
Mateo: Are you sure?
Hayley: Yeah, why? Is this some kind of trap?
Mateo: No.
Hayley: You know, there's no way I'm giving up Hayley to you -- not when I have you all to myself here in this little condo of yours.
Mateo: Hey, listen, you know why I wanted you here. I hope you know I'm sincere.
Hayley: Honey, there is nothing sincere about sex. Not the kind I have, at least.
Mateo: Where you going?
Hayley: Don't worry. I'm not going to shimmy out the bathroom window. I got too much waiting for me right here.

[Telephone rings]
Adam: Yeah, Adam.
Mateo: Hey. It's me. I found Hayley.
Adam: Thank God. Is she all right?
Mateo: She's -- she's -- she's not herself.
Adam: What do you mean? Where is she?
Mateo: Don't worry about it. She's with me. She's safe. I'm going to handle this.
Adam: I want to see her.
Mateo: No, Adam, not tonight. The only reason I called you is to let you know your daughter's not with Arlene. Ok? I'll call you in the morning.

Hayley: I should have known. I'm out of here.

Vanessa: Leo.
Leo: Mother.
Vanessa: Oh. What happened?
Leo: Nothing. A bunch. But it's ok. That's all that matters.
Vanessa: Ok.

Erica: What are you looking for, hey?
Bianca: I forgot about this part.
Erica: What part?
Bianca: The little marshmallows. You put so many in, I can hardly see the hot cocoa.
Erica: Oh, is it too much, Sweetheart? I can take some out.
Bianca: No, no. I like it this way. A lot.

Joe: Oh, Tad! Stop it! All right, all right.
Jake: I'm sorry, all right? I'm sorry for calling you and having you come get Dixie, and I'm sorry for telling you what I think about the two of them together. Just forget it.
Tad: I'm sorry. You ok?
Jake: What, do you think you hurt me or something? You're still a bully. Dad and I are here for you. We want to help you.
Tad: You can't. I got to do this by myself. It started with Hayward and Leslie. It's going to end with me.
Joe: How are you going too that?
Tad: I'm going to prove to Dixie that every single thing that's gone wrong with us happened because of Hayward. I'm going to get my marriage back.

Dixie: David, I -- I just -- I need to go home. I'm sorry. Becca's with my kids. I want to be there with them when they wake up. You know, I just need to be with my kids. You understand, don't you?
David: Yeah.
Dixie: Thank you.
David: There's one more thing, though.
Dixie: What is it?
David: I love you, and I'm not going to let that go.

Mateo: Listen, I wasn't talking to Adam about you.
Hayley: I just heard you!
Mateo: He wanted to come over here. I didn't want him to interrupt us, you know? And plus, where are you going to sleep tonight? You're going to sleep here, right?
Hayley: I don't trust you anymore.
Mateo: Well, not yet.
Hayley: I am tired.
Mateo: Yeah, me, too.
Hayley: All this talk about fooling around has made me not want to fool around -- yet.
Mateo: Well, you know I'm a morning person anyway.
Hayley: Well, I didn't know that, and now I do.
Hayley: Are you just going to sit there all night and watch me sleep?
Mateo: Yep. Big things have happened for us, Arlene. I've got to think about it all.
Hayley: Don't think too hard. You're going to need all the energy you can get tomorrow.


Jake: You cannot terminate this pregnancy.

Dixie: I came here to talk to you and to see if you and I could work things through.

Leslie: I came for my Libidozone.

Laura: Do you want to go someplace else?

Alex: Dimitri, it's Alex.

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