FEBRUARY 16, 2001

Gillian: Oh!
Ryan: What, what, what -- what's wrong?
Gillian: Oh!
Ryan: What's wrong? Gillian: God, it hurts!
Ryan: Is it the baby? Is that -- ok, ok. I'm turning around, and I'm taking you back to Pine Valley.
Gillian: Wait. I think it stopped.
Ryan: I don't care. I don't care. I'm getting you to a hospital right now.

[Engine sputters]

Gillian: What is wrong?
Ryan: I don't know. I don't know, I don't know. It's not turning over. It's probably just the starter.
Gillian: Can you fix it?
Ryan: Uh -- yeah. Definitely, definitely. I can fix it. I just -- I'll get you back on the road in no time.
Gillian: Can you hurry up?
Ryan: Ok, ok. Shh. Just relax. Ok. Now, I am not going to let anything happen to you or the baby. I promise.

[Gillian screams]

Vanessa: Leo, my Leo, in love. Well, I suppose I should be jealous.
Leo: Oh, Mother, please.
Vanessa: No, no. It wasn't so long ago, Darling, that you said that there was no other woman in the world for you except me. Remember?
Leo: No.
Vanessa: Oh, yes, you do. You won the school prize. They gave you a -- it was really a red stone ring, but we said it was a ruby. You slipped it on my fingers, and you made me promise that I was always, always going to be your best girl.
Leo: Spare me.
Vanessa: I still have that ring in my jewel box. Well, I'm still your best girl. And as such, I'm going to give you full-out permission to fall head over heels in love with Greenlee Smythe.
Leo: But I don't want to be head over heels in love with Greenlee Smythe.
Vanessa: That's no crime. Not compared to our last capers. Darling, look at me. I admit I'm genuinely fond of Palmer.
Leo: No, no, no. You're in love with his lifestyle.
Vanessa: Well, the two are not mutually exclusive.
Leo: Is it really that easy for you to sucker somebody that you care about?
Vanessa: Easy? Heavens, no. Palmer knows me like the back of his hand, my dear. No. He still controls all the money. I can't even write a check without his approval. Do you know that? But Greenlee -- now, there's an --
Leo: No.
Vanessa: An entirely different story.
Leo: No, Greenlee's a pain in the butt.
Vanessa: But she adores you and she'll do anything you ask. All you have to do is start siphoning off her trust fund a little bit. Then you and I can kiss Palmer and Greenlee good-bye, sail off to Rio as we --
Leo: No, forget it! It is out of the question. Greenlee can't be the target anymore.

Greenlee: I was an accident?
Roger: Accident, mistake. You bollixed up the works, my dear.
Greenlee: You and Mommy didn't want me?
Roger: Kids were never a part of our future, Dear.
Greenlee: Why not?
Roger: Well, because they're a damned nuisance. Thumb-sucking, sticky-fingered, clamoring for attention. We'd go to our friends' homes and watch them make a fuss over their little rug rats. "Oh, little baby cut a tooth. Little Rodney said 'Ma-Ma.' What a clever little lad." As if that were his entree to Stanford. And on the way home, your mother and I would renew our vow to remain childless.
Greenlee: What?
Roger: Your mother never liked to share the spotlight, Dear. I'm sure you noticed that. Frankly, we both had an aversion to propagating the species. I aimed to be the end of the family line. The almighty Greenlee bucks were going to end right here.
Greenlee: Then how --
Roger: How did you sprout? We were having cocktails one evening at our friends', the Hodges, and we both had one too many martinis over our limit. I woke up the next morning with a terrible headache and a premonition of doom. Sure enough, Mary went to the doctor and that damn rabbit died. That lucky rabbit.
Greenlee: Why didn't you just get rid of me?
Roger: Oh, believe me, we thought about it. But your mother felt that Woody and Millie would enjoy a grandchild, and they were thoroughly thrilled -- just not thrilled enough to make me a partner in the family business, but the joke was on me. We had you for no reason at all.

Tad: You want another beer? I'm buying.
Jake: You know what, Tad? Liza is right. I mean, look at us. I mean, we're pathetic here -- sitting around, crying in our beer.
Tad: I like salty beer.
Jake: Hmm. Well, it's different for me because I don't have anyone waiting at home for me. But you -- you've got Dixie.
Tad: No, I don't. I'm the last person in the world she wants to see right now.
Jake: So you're saying you don't want to try to work things out with your wife?
Tad: No, Jake. I'm saying I have tried, ok? Over and over again. And every time I do, she makes it perfectly clear that she doesn't need me in her life.

Dixie: Ok. All right. I know Tad keeps a flashlight in here somewhere.
Dixie: Ah!
Leslie: All the better to see you with, my dear.

[Dixie screams]

Leslie: Oops. Now you're really in the dark. But you're used to that, aren't you?
Dixie: What do you want?
Leslie: You know the answer to that as well as I do.
Dixie: Look, this sick game of yours is over!
Leslie: Ooh, the game is just beginning. We play until I win.
Dixie: Look, Tad doesn't want you. Ok? So why don't you just get out of here before I call the police.
Leslie: Ooh, and how are you going to do that, Dixie Belle? The phone is on the fritz.
Dixie: I have a cell phone!
Leslie: With a dead battery. I'd rather play hide-and-seek. I'll hide, and you seek.

[Leslie laughs]

Leslie: Over here, Dixie.

[Clock ticks]

Leslie: Tick-tock goes the clock. Dixie: Where are you?
Leslie: Still lost in the dark, Dix? Well, here's a clue -- when the going gets rough, you can find me in a trap.
Dixie: Ah! Very funny.
Leslie: Let's face it, Babe -- you can't keep up with me.
Dixie: Ah!
Leslie: I will always be one step ahead or one step behind. I'm as close as your shadow. Over here, Dixie. No, over here. I'm over here. Now I'm over here. Here. No, here. Here I am, Dixie. I'm over here. And here. No, I'm here. Here I am.

Vanessa: Now, Leo, don't let a little sentimental attachment get in the way of our success.
Leo: Those plans were made a lifetime ago.
Vanessa: But, Darling, we are at the top of our game right now. Do you remember the dowager we fleeced in Monte Carlo?
Leo: Yes. And she was a mean old woman. She deserved it.
Vanessa: But she was worth a king's ransom. Besides that, you were her lucky charm at the baccarat table. Remember, she tipped you a million francs one night? Which was nothing compared to the other perks she settled on you.
Leo: Oh, what fun, Mother. You remember her son came after me with a dueling pistol, or did you forget about that little detail?
Vanessa: Oh, yes. But Darling, honestly, the pistol was so old, it never would have fired. Ooh. And we did get out of there with our lives and a few baguettes, to boot. So what better place to lay low for a while than Pine Valley?
Leo: You came here because of David.
Vanessa: David was a sideline, really. Our targets were always Erica Kane and Palmer Cortlandt, as it turns out, and Greenlee Smythe. And look at it -- we have both struck gold --
Leo: Vanessa --
Vanessa: Me with palmer, you with Greenlee.
Leo: Count me out. Ok? I'm out of the game.
Vanessa: Oh, Darling. You're not out of the game, you're just out of practice.
Leo: No, the stakes are too high, Mother.
Vanessa: No, the stakes are always the same as they've been. We grab as much cash as we can, and we head out to a new adventure. We kiss dullsville good-bye and say hello to the -- the world of glitterati.
Leo: I like it here.
Vanessa: Yes, yes. Well, slumming can have its charms for a while, Darling, but you and I crave adventure. Come on. We crave it like a drug. It's who we are. It's what we do.
Leo: You and I don't want the same things, mother. Not anymore.
Vanessa: Oh. You do like living on Adam's yacht, don't you? And what if it were your yacht? And you had a full staff of servants and a crew and enough capital to tell them to sail you off anywhere in the world you wanted to go? That is the style you've grown accustomed to.
Leo: You know, there are, believe it or not, more important things than money.
Vanessa: Oh. You can only say that because you are so very young. But honestly, Darling, you say you're in love with Greenlee. But I know eventually you will grow tired of that little harpy and you will look for a quick getaway. All I'm asking you to do is make certain your pockets were filled with a little cash then.

Greenlee: God, I am such a stupid fool. I've -- I've spent my whole life trying to please you, trying to find the one thing that would make you proud of me, to get you to smile at me just once?
Roger: That's always been your problem, Greenlee. You set such low goals for yourself.
Greenlee: Did you ever love me, Dad? When I was a baby, did you ever hold me or make a fuss over me? Did you ever think to yourself, "That's my little girl"?
Roger: Oh, now you're getting maudlin.
Greenlee: I would have done anything for you -- turned a hundred cartwheels, won a spelling bee, painted you a perfect sunset. But it wouldn't have mattered. I never even existed for you, not even after I was born. I never had a chance.
Roger: You're just like your mother -- a bottomless well of self-pity.
Greenlee: You adore Mommy. That was always the problem. You were so crazy about each other, there wasn't even any room for me. Roger: Grow up, Greenlee. Your mother and I were never a love match.
Greenlee: What about all the trips you took together -- Gstaad, Athens, Marcella? Your lives were an endless honeymoon.
Roger: Your mother's itinerary. We followed her art shows. Have you ever actually tried to converse with an artist? Huh? With apologies to Gertie Stein, there is no there there. Anyway, your mother's idea of happiness and mine did not intersect on any plane.
Greenlee: Then why did you stay together all these years?
Roger: Why do you think? M-o-n-e-y. Mary's, not mine. And she never let me forget that. Neither did Woody. You know, I should have walked long ago when I still had an opportunity to score a good settlement.
Greenlee: You married mother, stayed with her for her money? My God, Daddy. Does Mommy know?
Roger: Well, listen, kid. It's been a bear of a day, and I'm the worse for the booze. It's the gin talking, so forget about it. Don't -- forget about anything I said.
Greenlee: You told me there's no room for me in your life, Daddy, that there never has been. How the hell am I supposed to forget about that?

Roger: What -- oh. Oh. Bartender? Once more.

Tad: Are you sure you don't want another glass of suds?
Jake: No, no. Are you sure you don't want to check on Dixie?
Tad: Yes. Right now, she's probably thanking Hayward for the roses he sent her.
Jake: Oh, no, no. You don't know that for sure. Tad: Yeah, and I'd kind of like to keep it that way, so could we please change the subject? Please tell me that grumpy little smile on your face is not because of Greenlee Smythe.
Jake: Nope. Nope, nope, big brother, not even close.
Tad: By all means, why don't you spread a little sunshine in my otherwise miserable life.
Jake: All right. Well, I guess I can tell you because Mom and Dad already know. Gillian -- she's pregnant, and the odds are the baby's mine.
Tad: Huh?
Jake: Yeah. The night of the's party? You weren't the only one on Libidozone. Gillian and I got together, and we made a child.
Tad: Wait a minute. How -- how do you know it's not Ryan's?
Jake: I just know.
Tad: Does Ryan?
Jake: Yeah. He's not thrilled about it, but I am.
Tad: Uh -- well, congratulations -- I guess.
Jake: Thanks. Thanks. I mean, it's no secret that finding out that Colby wasn't mine hit me hard and I didn't think I was going to get over it, but now I'm going to be a father for real. And this time, I'm going to make sure that he or she knows me from day one. And I'm just counting the days.

Gillian: Oh.
Ryan: Hey there. Hey, how you feeling?
Gillian: I'm better.
Ryan: Yeah? Really?
Gillian: Yeah, really.
Ryan: Ok.
Gillian: Did you fix the car?
Ryan: No, I didn't. I don't have the tools.
Gillian: What are we going to do? Ryan: Well, I'm going to call a tow truck, and I'm going to have them come and pick us up and drop us off at the hospital, that's all.

[Gillian moans]

Ryan: Damn it.

Gillian: What?
Ryan: I don't get a signal. We're too far out.

[Gillian screams]

Ryan: Shh. All right, ok. Ok, baby, ok. Listen, we passed a service station about a mile back. I'm not going to leave you here, so if I help you, do you think you can walk with me? Do you think you can do that?
Gillian: Yeah, I'll try.
Ryan: Yeah?
Gillian: I'll try.
Ryan: Ok. Ok. I'm going to come around to your side of the car.
Gillian: Oh, God.
Ryan: I'll be right there. Hold on.
Gillian: No. Oh.
Ryan: Ok. You got your scarf? You all bundled up?
Gillian: Yeah.
Ryan: Come here now. Take it easy. It's ok. There we go. There we go. All right. That's a good girl. Hold on. Shh, shh, shh
. You ok? Gillian: Yeah.
Ryan: Shh.
Gillian: Ryan --
Ryan: It's ok. Gillian? Can you say something? You all right? Can you hear me?
Gillian: I'm sorry.
Ryan: No, no. Don't be sorry. Don't you dare say that. I'm going to put you back in the car now, ok? It's all right. Everything's going to be ok. Here we go. Shh. Hey. Here we go. I got you. I got you. I got you. Careful.
Gillian: Oh.
Ryan: Careful, careful. Hey, watch your head. Watch your head, Baby. Ok. I'm just going to put the seat back a little bit for you, all right?
Gillian: Yeah.
Ryan: Yeah? There you go.
Gillian: My God. Ryan: Here's the blanket. Here's the blanket. There you go.

[Gillian moans]

[Gillian screams]

Gillian: Oh, Ryan! The pain's getting worse!
Ryan: You'll be all right. I promise you.

Vanessa: You must admit, Darling, we were one wonderful team.
Leo: It had its moments.
Vanessa: Yes.
Leo: But I'm not going to go back. Ok? You were a much better accomplice than you were a mother. Sorry.
Vanessa: Well, Darling, I -- I did try to teach you all I knew about survival, and, well, you were an excellent student.
Leo: Yeah, but I failed at everything that mattered. And I'm not blaming you. Believe me, we were a hell of a pair, Vanessa.
Vanessa: Yes, we were.
Leo: And I do -- I remember everything. And you're right -- most of the marks that we took deserved to the be taken, but not Greenlee. She's already been stolen from. Her father is looting her trust fund, if you can believe it.
Vanessa: Roger?
Leo: Yeah. This guy's a real piece of work, believe me. Greenlee deserves better than he's delivered, and I'm not going to be the last in a long line of disappointments for her.
Vanessa: Oh, my. You really care for this girl.
Leo: More than I thought possible.

Greenlee: Damn you, Daddy! I don't need you. I don't need anyone.

[Clock ticks]

[Music plays]

Dixie: Ah!

Dixie: Hey, this game is over! I am calling the police!

Dixie: Ok. Ok. Ah!
Leslie: Die! You bitch, die!

Tad: Not for nothing, but how did Mom take it when you, you know, told them about Gillian's baby?
Jake: Well, they didn't exactly jump up and down and they didn't mention it to you, so --
Tad: Don't take it personally, all right? I mean, I kind of understand where they're coming from. It's not like she isn't going to marry another guy.
Jake: Tad, Gillian and I were married when this child was conceived, and we're still married.
Tad: But when is the divorce coming through?
Jake: Well, I had to put a hold on it until I can do a paternity test and I know 100% that the baby's mine.
Tad: Well, it looks to me like you're already handing out cigars and picking the kid's college.
Jake: Did you ever just know something before it ever happened?
Tad: Yeah. I knew that Hayward was going to blow up my marriage. What's your point?
Jake: I know in my heart that the child that Gillian is carrying is my child.
Tad: You know, Jake, there is a good chance that it's somebody else's.
Jake: There is a small chance.
Tad: Nothing I say is going to bring you back down to earth, is it?
Jake: Absolutely not. I'm going to be a dad, and there's no doubt about it.
Tad: Well, then I wish you well.
Jake: Thanks.
Tad: I do.
Jake: I know you do.
Tad: Just do yourself a favor -- if you ever need any advice about being a father, go to Dad.
Jake: What? What? You love being a dad to Jamie and Junior. You love that.
Tad: Greatest job in the world.
Jake: It is.
Tad: You know, especially when they're young and they still think you can do no wrong.
Jake: Are you talking about this situation with Junior?
Tad: Yeah. Dixie and I were kind of hoping that we could, you know, keep him safe, keep him out of it. But I guess we blew it, let the bogeyman into our lives, right smack in the middle of our marriage. Dixie's too blind to see it. She's convinced that there's good in everybody, including a reptile like Hayward.
Jake: I wish the whole world knew that he was rotten to the core. And it's a shame that Junior has to find this information out about his mother being involved with this jerk. It's a lot for the kid to handle, and it's got to hurt.
Tad: Yeah. Hayward's done a real number on my whole family. But the person who's really going to be destroyed is Dixie.

Leslie: I tried to play nice and cut you a deal -- you give up Tad and set up house with David. You turned me down. My offer wasn't good enough. You had to have both men!

[Dixie groans]

Leslie: Well, you know what? You can't have Tad. He's mine! You got it? That's it for you, Dixie Belle. You are going to fade out and I am going to fade in like you've never existed!

[Music plays]

Singer: I want to get away

Greenlee: Damn, it's dark up here. Great. That's even worse. Fog.

Singers: Yeah, yeah

Singer: I want to get away I want to fly

[Tires squeal]

[Greenlee screams]

Greenlee: Ryan?
Ryan: Yeah, yeah.
Greenlee: Ryan, what the hell are you trying to do, get us both killed?
Ryan: Are you ok? Are you all right?
Greenlee: No, I'm not all right! What are you doing standing in the middle of the road?
Ryan: My car stalled. I can't get it started.
Greenlee: Well, does that mean you have to make us both roadkill?
Ryan: No, you don't understand. I tried to flag you down. Gillian is -- is sick. She needs help.
Greenlee: Well, now, we all need help. My car is stuck on a rail.
Ryan: Well, you know what? Get behind the wheel, and I'll push.
Greenlee: No, I can't do that, Ryan. I'm sorry.
Ryan: Well, we have to try, Greenlee.
Greenlee: "We"? I think I've got whiplash.
Ryan: I'm sorry. I really am. I'm sorry, but Gillian is very sick and we need to get her to a hospital. She needs a doctor ASAP.
Greenlee: Well, what do I look like, Ryan, a Siberian Husky? I can't get Gillian down this mountain.
Ryan: Well, look, I passed a service station about a mile down the road.
Greenlee: So call for a tow.
Ryan: I tried to call for a tow. I can't get a signal out here. We're too far out.

Gillian: Ryan, hurry!

Ryan: Greenlee, listen to me --

Gillian: The pain is getting worse!

Ryan: You got to go for help. You have to go for help, please.
Greenlee: Me? Yeah, right. I can't hike in these designer mules. You go.
Ryan: I can't. I got to stay with Gillian. She's in bad shape.
Greenlee: No, I'll stay. Otherwise, we're going to sit here and wait here for another car to come along.
Ryan: Listen to me. You don't understand, all right? She's pregnant, and something is wrong with the baby. This is a matter of life and death. You've got to help me.

Vanessa: Oh, well, no offense, Leo Darling, but your Greenlee is one very spoiled prima donna, and I'm not sure she's worthy of all your devotion.
Leo: I'm not devoted to her.
Vanessa: She's so self-obsessed. I mean, she's so -- let me tell you something. If the tables were turned and she could take advantage of you, Darling, she would jump at the chance.
Leo: You're not telling me anything I don't already know, mother. I know what Greenlee is. I'm just not going to steal from her, that's all.
Vanessa: Fine. What do we do, find another heiress and spend time wooing her and gaining her trust? I mean, why not -- why do you want to waste six months when Greenlee is right there ripe for the harvest?
Leo: Forget it! All right? Listen to me -- it's not going to happen.
Vanessa: All right, Darling. Don't bite my head off.
Leo: Palmer is a very plump pigeon, Mother. Why can't you just be satisfied with that?
Vanessa: Because I told you -- he has an absolute death grip on the money. Although he -- well, he does treat me very well. And since my near-death experience, he seems to have softened considerably. So maybe I could -- I could think about sticking around for a while longer.
Leo: You always have been a trouper, Mother.
Vanessa: Well, while I'm still working on Palmer, please go back to Greenlee. Let her spoil -- come on, Darling. You'll end up with, if nothing else, a wardrobe, some jewelry --
Leo: Are we having the same conversation right now? Listen to me.
Vanessa: All right. Leo: I'm talking to you. I thought that I just said that I'm not getting back together with Greenlee.
Vanessa: But you just said that you were madly in love with her.
Leo: Which is exactly the reason why we can't be together.
Vanessa: Well, now you have me thoroughly confused.
Leo: Look, Mother, I broke up with Greenlee because she was dishonest with me. But I'm just as bad as she is.
Vanessa: What? You never tried to kill anyone.
Leo: What do you think it is that we do? We move in on people, we gain their trust, and then we clean them out. I broke up with Greenlee because she was dishonest with me, and the whole time we were plotting to take her for everything that she was worth.
Vanessa: But, Darling, Greenlee never has to know that.
Leo: Sooner or later, I'd have to tell her. I'd have to. I can't do that to Greenlee. She would never survive the truth.

Erica: Well, I certainly hope you're not planning to light that thing in here.

[Pager beeps]

Jake: All right. Listen, I got to head over to the ER. So, what are your plans for the rest of the night?
Tad: Oh, I'm just going to go home and watch the late news.
Jake: All right. Well, I got a better plan. Why don't you go home, tell Dixie what went down between you and Junior in the park.
Tad: You want me to fill her in on the fact that I just told her son she slept with somebody else? She's going to love that.
Jake: Well, Junior is a smart kid. All right? And you only confirmed what he's probably already guessed.
Tad: It's not going to matter to Dixie. She's going to take my head off.
Jake: Well, go home and find out.

Dixie: Oh, my God. What have I done? Ok. Don't panic. Think.

[Cell phone beeps]

Dixie: Hi. Yes, I need a police to come to my house right away, please, and an ambulance. Yes. I'd like to --

Ryan: Greenlee, this is an emergency, all right? She's in a lot of pain, and she can't walk.

Gillian: Oh, Ryan, please hurry!

Ryan: I'm coming, baby! I'll be right there! Listen, I would go myself, but I've got to stay with her. She's terrified she's going to lose this baby.
Greenlee: I didn't know you two were expecting.
Ryan: I just found out myself. Please, will you go? Will you go? If you do this for me, I will do absolutely anything to repay you. If something happens to her --
Greenlee: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I get the picture. You know, you and your Princess always treat me like something you stepped in. If I were smart, I'd thumb a ride and leave you here to fend for yourself.
Ryan: But you're not going to do that.
Greenlee: Why not?
Ryan: Because you know what it's like to love someone beyond reason and you would do anything to save that person.
Greenlee: Wrong. I don't give a damn about you or your Princess or anyone. But it's cold and a walk will warm me up, and I'll call an ambulance when I hit the station.
Ryan: Oh, thank you! Thank you. Thank you, Greenlee.
Greenlee: I better not get frostbite. Give me the flashlight.
Ryan: Ok. All right.

Ryan: Gillian, it's going to be all right. Greenlee's going to get help. Gillian? Gillian, it's going to be all right. Wake up, Baby. Princess, wake up. Gillian?

Erica: Well, I have never encountered such rudeness in my life.

[Erica coughs]

Roger: You know, that cigar you just ruined was an El Cubano. You have any idea what one of those costs?
Erica: Billy, will you please inform this gentleman that the Pine Valley Inn is a smoke-free environment?
Billy: You heard the lady. Sorry for the inconvenience, Ms. Kane.

Roger: Ms. Kane? Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

Vanessa: Well, it's -- it's obvious that you and I don't see eye to eye on the matter, Dear. So if you say that Greenlee Smythe is off limits, I suppose I have no choice but to accept that.
Leo: Thank you. I know how disappointed you are.
Vanessa: Yes, well, I'll get over it. No hard feelings?
Leo: None. And I wish you the best of luck separating Palmer from his fortune. I really do. But I'm out of the game -- for good.

Vanessa: For good. But not forever for good.

[Dixie screams]


Roger: Unrivaled success fascinates me, as do beautiful women.

Junior: Why don't you just leave me alone, and my mother.

Tina: Greenlee, are you all right?

Leslie: The things I do for love.

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