FEBRUARY 26, 2001

Brooke: Laura, it's the last chance to jump on the pastry cart. Death by fudge cake, two forks, no waiting.
Laura: Hmm, sorry. No, not for me, Mom.
Brooke: Ok, then I guess I won't have any, either. It's no fun breaking your diet all alone. Then, did I tell you who I interviewed for "Tempo" yesterday?
Laura: Who?
Brooke: Sybella de Courcey.
Laura: And she is --
Brooke: Oh, she is, according to your Aunt Phoebe, what you would call the creme de la creme of European society. She jets between her chateaux in Nice and her villa in Torino and her West Palm Beach playhouse.
Laura: Well, life is rough.
Brooke: Oh. It gets better. She's young, she's gorgeous, and she has zero body fat.
Laura: Sounds like a zillion women with too much time and too much money.
Brooke: Well, you know what? I hate to burst your bubble, but she also has a soulful conscience. Sybella is very active in the world conservation movement, which is actually the focus of the "Tempo" article I was doing with her.
Laura: Oh. Sipping designer water and saving the whales. Who says women can't have it all?
Brooke: Honey, you know, I know you're still smarting over Leo.
Laura: No. If that were true, it would be death by fudge cake, one fork.
Brooke: I'm sorry that it didn't work out between the two of you.
Laura: I mean, Leo's still hung up over Greenlee. And besides, my heart was never really in it anyway.

Woman: Brooke. How nice to see you again.
Brooke: Sybella. Sybella, this is my daughter, Laura.
Laura, this is Sybella de Courcey.
Sybella: Laura, I saw some of your photos in your mother's office. You are very gifted.
Laura: Oh, thank you.
Brooke: Oh, would you like to join us?
Sybella: Just for a moment. I am meeting someone.
Brooke: I was just taken aback seeing you here. I thought you were actually on your way back to Europe.
Sybella: I ran into an old friend, a count I have known since our school days. We got caught smoking behind the headmaster's office.
Laura: Oh, your count was a bad boy?
Sybella: Oh, he was incorrigible.
Brooke: You can't be talking about Count Andrassy?
Sybella: No, no, no. Not Dimitri. He is an old friend of Mama. My friend is roughing it on his new yacht.
Brooke: Oh. In Pine Valley? It's such a small town. I hadn't heard of any royalty visiting.
Sybella: Oh, here comes my bad boy now.

[Leo walks into the Pine Valley Inn dining room]

Edmund: Thank God we kept Alex on the phone long enough to get a trace. The tracking signal puts her just north of the Great Lakes, across the Canadian border.
Dimitri: We finally found her.
Edmund: Yeah. We don't know how long she's going to be there, though. I'll tell you what. I'm going to call Eugenia, tell the kids I'm leaving. Why don't you call the airstrip, get the jet fueled up, pack a bag, and I'll see you in 15 minutes.
Dimitri: Edmund, there's no need to pack a bag.
Edmund: We don't know how long we're going to be gone.
Dimitri: We're not going anywhere.

Man: Who did you call?
Alex: We were running low on supplies. I called the store.
Man: You're lying. I heard you. You were talking to your husband.
Alex: So what if I were? I didn't tell him anything.
Man: He could have traced the call.
Alex: Yeah, I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking. You have my word it won't happen again.
Man: Damn straight.

David: Good God. She survived.
David: Leslie? It's David. Can you hear me?
Jake: There's no time for this. Let's get this patient a room. I need a full-body MRI and prep for surgery.

Joe: Tad? Tad, I heard they brought Leslie in.
Tad: She's alive. Jake's prepping her for surgery.
Joe: Is she conscious?
Tad: She opened her eyes.
David: The woman fell from the top floor of the Chandler Building. How the hell did she survive?
Jake: She was lucky. An awning broke her fall.
Greenlee: That's not true, Jake. You saved her life. Leslie was about to be toe-tagged and body-bagged, and Jake brought her back from the dead. He's a miracle worker.
Joe: What's her condition, Jake?
Jake: Well, she's extremely critical, multiple injuries and bleeds. We're going to have to get her into surgery before she codes out again.
Joe: Get to it, then. Jake -- Jake -- going to need this.
Jake: All right. Thanks.
Greenlee: Hey. Good luck. I'll catch you later.
Jake: Ok, all right. Thank you, thank you. Let go of me, Hayward.
David: You're not touching her.
Jake: You back off, Hayward.
David: I'm taking you off this case.
Joe: That is beyond your authority. Jake treated Leslie at the scene, she's his patient.
David: Yes, and Jake did a bang-up, Joe, but I'm taking over.
Jake: Just who the hell do you think you are?
David: I'm a cardiac surgeon, Jake. And it's highly probable that Leslie sustained heart damage in that fall.
Jake: Well, if she did, I will consult with Dr. Heinemann.
David: Dr. Heinemann is not on call. I'm here now, and I'm prepared to operate.

Tad: Why are you so anxious to get involved all of a sudden?
David: This is not your concern, Tad.
Tad: There's no love lost between you and Leslie. She just finished carving you up. Why do you care whether she lives or dies?
David: Because it's my job, Tad. I took an oath.
Tad: You mean the one that goes, "first, do no harm"?

Nurse: Dr. Martin? Ms. Coulson's code blue.
Jake: Let's get a crash cart in there, stat.
David: Jake --
Joe: Hold it, hold it, hold it. Let Jake do his job.

Edmund: What do you mean, we're not going anywhere? You want to wait? For -- for what?
Dimitri: We're not going, period.
Edmund: I -- we're hours away from finding Alex.
Dimitri: I realize that.
Edmund: So what do you want to do? Do you want to call the feds? You want to bring in Interpol?
Dimitri: No, no. Under no circumstances will any authorities be brought in. Alex's location will remain our secret.
Edmund: Dimitri, we've been racking our brains, we're been going crazy trying to find Alex for months, and now we've found her. What, do you got cold feet?
Dimitri: Look, I -- I'm as anxious as you are to bring her home.
Edmund: Well, then why are we stalling?
Dimitri: You heard her. She warned us not to go after her.
Edmund: Well, that was probably because somebody was just listening.
Dimitri: Yeah. Someone who may be holding Alex's life and ours in their hands.
Edmund: I don't give a damn about my safety.
Dimitri: Then maybe you should think twice before you endanger Alex's.
Edmund: So what's the plan? She's in danger -- we just sit here and we do nothing?
Dimitri: I have to trust that Alex knows what she's doing.
Edmund: I don't believe this.
Dimitri: Look, Edmund, Alex implied that she would find her way home eventually.
Edmund: So that's it? It's just business as usual?
Dimitri: No, no, no. It's what Alex wants. I have to respect that for her sake and for ours.

Alex: You didn't have to do that.
Man: You were warned against making contact with the outside.
Alex: I didn't give anything away. No harm was done.
Man: It was a mistake to bring you here.
Alex: You needed me. You still need me.
Man: Look at this. Look at your reflection. If you want to see that reflection in the morning, you better listen to what I'm telling you. Otherwise, we could all wake up dead -- all of us.

Leo: Sybella. You look even more gorgeous than usual.
Sybella: So do you, Cheri. Or must I call you Count?
Leo: No, we've known each other too long to rest on formalities.
Sybella: In school days, we were not so innocent, n'est-ce pas?
Leo: Well, yeah, I still dream of girls in navy blue jumpers and matching knee-high socks.
Sybella: However did you end up here in Pine Valley?
Leo: Well, I -- I accepted a challenge from my Zen master, and rather than contemplate my navel, I decided to come here to meditate. Let me let you in on a little secret, Sybella.
Sybella: What's that, Cheri?
Leo: Pine Valley is nowhere near Nirvana. I was going out of my mind with boredom before you showed up here.
Sybella: Well, my navel happens to be free for contemplation.
Leo: Hmm. So then why don't we shift this clambake back to my yacht.
Sybella: What about dinner?
Leo: We have other appetites to satisfy.
Sybella: I need fuel, Darling. Champagne and caviar are the food of love.

Brooke: So, Leo is impersonating a royal now. A count, no less.
Laura: Oh, doesn't surprise me. Everything about Leo is bogus.
Brooke: Honey, something about him must have attracted your attention.
Laura: Oh -- I was taken by his boyish charm and his killer smile.
Brooke: Listen, I know it can't be easy to sit here and watch him with somebody else.
Laura: No, hey, if Sybella wants a guy who's totally surface, she should go for it.
Brooke: Are you sure this doesn't bother you?
Laura: Mom, please.
Brooke: Ok. Ok, hey, I'm just the mother. I'll just pay the check.

[Telephone rings]

Brooke: Excuse me. One second, Sweetie.
Laura: Ok.

Brooke: Hello? Oh, Hank, yes. Hold on one second. Can you settle the bill, and I'll meet you in the lobby? I need to take this.
Laura: Sure.
Brooke yeah? Ok.

Leo: So I told him we're going to need a hell of a lot more than two servants.

[Leo and Sybella laugh]

Leo: Oh --

Sybella: Leo, darling, why don't we skip the yacht and head for your family's country estate?
Leo: Country estate?
Sybella: Yes, the one you told me about --
Leo: Oh, yeah.
Sybella: Designed by Monsieur Frank Lloyd Wright.
Leo: Right, right, right.
Sybella: It had a beautiful name.
Leo: It was --
Sybella: Falling Water.
Leo: Right. Right, right, right.

Laura: Excuse me. I'm so sorry to interrupt you, but I think I need to fill you in on a little bit about your noble friend here.
Leo: I think -- yeah, your waiter just came with the check, Laura.
Laura: Leo here, Count Depraved, is a pathological liar.

Joe: You're in pain.
David: It's not as bad as it looks.
Joe: You should let me look at it. You might need stitches and a tetanus shot.
David: It's really not necessary, Joe. I have to get to the OR.
Joe: No, you don't. Even if Leslie requires cardiac care, you're in no condition to operate.
David: Joe, I know my limits.
Joe: Now, listen to me, David. The OR is off-limits to you until Leslie is out of surgery.
David: Fine. Whatever happens, it's on your head.

Joe: Forget him, forget him. Tell me about Dixie.
Tad: She's ok. At least he says so. Her heart's all right. She's been sedated.
Joe: You haven't seen her?
Tad: She doesn't want to see me. Anyway, I have his word for it.
Joe: Yeah. Well, come on. Listen, I'm sure when she wakes up, first thing she's going to do is ask to see you.
Tad: Pop, how did I get here? How did Dixie and I get so lost?
Joe: Well, wish I had the answers for you.
Tad: You know the night of that party on the yacht? She didn't even want to go. She begged me to stay at home and make popcorn and watch TV with the boys. Why didn't I listen to her? We could have stayed at home, where we were safe.
Joe: You know, we all feel at way every once in a while. Like to stay at home and shut the door against the outside world. It's just that we know it's not possible.
Tad: Yeah, but now I have to answer for all the mistakes I made. And one night -- one stupid, drug-crazed night -- started this whole thing. You know, suddenly a lunatic is tearing up my life, my son's kidnapped, and my wife almost ends up dead. And for the life of me, I can't stop thinking that somehow I just let it happen. I mean, I know I should be grateful that I'm not sitting next to her, holding her hand, saying good-bye -- good-bye before they wheel her off to the morgue, praying somehow she'll be able to forgive me. But that's how close I came to losing my wife. And that scares me to death because she's -- she's more than that. She's more than just my wife. She's everything. She's my life. And if I lose her -- I -- I don't know. I don't even want to think about it.
Joe: Ok. So don't think about it. Dixie is going to be fine.
Tad: Yeah, thank God she survived. Even if that clown Hayward is the one who saved her. Now the only question is, are we going to be able to survive Hayward?

J.R.: Where's my mom? Is she ok?
Tad: J.R., How the hell did you get down here?
J.R.: I had the cop bring me. I couldn't wait any longer. I had to see her.
David: J.R., Listen, your mom's pretty tired. She was given something to help her sleep. Why don't you come back tomorrow.
J.R.: Look, I have to see her now, ok?
David: You know, it's really not a good time.
Tad: Why not? Is there any medical reason she can't be with her family?
David: His mother's been through an incredible ordeal. She needs rest.
Tad: Yes, she has been through an incredible ordeal and seeing her son should reassure her.
David: Look, as Dixie's --
Joe: I agree with Tad.
David: As Dixie's attending physician --
Joe: As chief of staff of this hospital, I am the final arbiter. Tad, Junior, you have my permission to go in and see Dixie.
Tad: Thanks, Pop.
David: All right, fine. Don't stay long. I won't be responsible for this.
Joe: You are relieved of responsibility, Doctor. Ok, go ahead. Give my love to Dixie.

J.R.: Mom?
Dixie: Junior.
Junior -- J.R.
J.R.: "Junior" is fine, Mom.
Dixie: Oh, I was so worried about you.
J.R.: I'm fine. Fine. Don't worry.
Dixie: Let me see you. What did Leslie do to you?
J.R.: Nothing, Mom, I'm fine. And look, so are you. And as soon as you're all well, I'm going to take you right out of here, get you away from that psycho Leslie and Dr. Hayward.
Dixie: Honey, David's a good man, ok? He saved my life. He's always there when I need him, really.
J.R.: I don't want to talk about it.
Dixie: I think he was stabbed. I think Leslie stabbed him. I need to see him.
J.R.: Mom -- Mom --
Dixie: You -- you have to --
J.R.: You need your rest. Mom, lay down.
Dixie: You have to get him.
J.R.: Calm down.
Dixie: Is he ok?

David: How's Dixie?
Tad: Why don't you tell me? After all, you're the big hero that saved her from certain death, aren't you?
David: Then I guess we should both thank God that I was there in time.
Tad: In time to save Dixie. Well, I guess time just kind of ran out for Leslie, didn't it? I don't care how many stories you spin, you and I both know the sole reason you want Jake off Leslie's case is the same reason you dropped her off that building -- because you want her dead.
David: You've got it all turned around, Tad. I save lives, I don't end them.
Tad: Unless your victim comes between you and what you want.
David: Leslie Coulson means less than nothing to me, alive or dead.
Tad: Is that why you let her go?
David: I already told you what happened. I held on to Leslie as long as I could. My strength gave out because of the injury to my arm.
Tad: You didn't have any trouble hanging on to Dixie.
David: That was before Leslie carved me up.
Tad: You got an answer for everything, don't you? You're forgetting one thing -- I was there. I saw your face, remember, just after Leslie fell. To me it looked like you didn't have a care in the world.
David: And you're forgetting one thing, Tad -- Leslie was your lover. She helped you destroy your marriage. You had more to gain from her death than I did.
Tad: Yeah, but I wasn't the one with her life in my hands, you were. And the fact is you couldn't wait to get rid of her.
David: And why would I want to do that?
Tad: Simple -- she knows where all the bodies are buried. She was your partner in crime, and she knows exactly what happened at that party on that yacht.
David: Boy, you'll stretch this as far as you can to cover up your own sins of the flesh, won't you?
Tad: No, I don't think so. I think the mistake you made is you underestimated your partner. Once you hopped her up on Libidozone, she was prepared to do anything she had to just to get what she wanted, including kidnapping and murder. Your little game got lethal. You lost control. So your partner had to be eliminated before she had a chance to rat you out.
David: Well, you are right about one thing, Tad -- Leslie Coulson is insane. So anything she says will be dismissed as the ratings of a lunatic.
Tad: Sounds to me like you're already working on your defense. You must be more nervous than I thought.
David: Your attempt to hold on to Dixie by implicating me is absolutely pathetic.
Tad: You'd better pray that Leslie dies on that operating table. Because if she doesn't, you're both going to rot in prison.
David: You know something? I don't give a damn that your father's the chief of staff. I want you out of this hospital now.
Tad: Look, you want to fight? Come on, you want something?

J.R.: Dad!
Dixie: Stop it, both of you!
J.R.: Come on, back in bed.
Dixie: Stop it. No, I'm fine, fine. Tad, you have got to stop accusing David. He is none of the things that you say he is. He saved my life.
David: Dixie, you really have to --
J.R.: Stop.

[Junior punches David on his injured arm]

David: Ow!
Dixie: Oh! Junior, stop it! Stop it! What's the matter with you? David? Oh, my God. David? David? Oh, my God. Somebody -- somebody do something!

Leo: Sybella, this is Laura.
Laura: Yeah, we've met. Sybella: Laura, why did you call Leo a liar?
Leo: It's just her warped sense of humor, that's all.
Laura: No, it's not a joke. Leo is a pathological liar.
Leo: You know, it's getting late. Why don't we order?
Laura: Listen, I don't mean to disillusion you on your date he, but he's no royalty. The closest he's come to Frank Lloyd Wright's Falling Water is a museum post card. And that yacht isn't his. It's Adam Chandler's. He is hired help.
Leo: You know, the dilled crab cakes look absolutely to die for. You should take a look at --
Laura: Oh, and by the way, I hope you brought your own credit card because Leo doesn't have two dimes to rub together. He's an out-of-his-luck loser who has a habit of playing seduction games with girls who should know better. C'est vous, Babe.

Sybella: Leo? Come here, you bad boy.
Leo: Be gentle, please.
Sybella: Take that and this. Oh, you are forgiven.
Leo: I am?
Sybella: It is your misfortune but not your fault that you have become common with a needy American female.
Laura: Um, hold on a minute.
Sybella: Laura, you tell me lies about Leo because you are jealous and would prefer to have him to yourself.
Laura: That is so not true.
Sybella: I think I am right. But it is of no consequence. Tonight belongs to me and my bad boy. Leo, I'm going to fix my face. Work this out with your little friend and make sure she is gone when I get back.
Leo: Ok, bye-bye.

Laura: How dare she.
Leo: The French are more relaxed about romance. I don't know.
Laura: And what is your excuse, huh? You dump Greenlee, you send me signals, and, when nothing happens, you make me think it's because of Greenlee and your broken heart.
Leo: Laura, I never --
Laura: Listen, I felt sorry for you. I thought it was because of Greenlee. Listen. Obviously, you weren't nursing a broken heart. And now you're lying your way into other women's beds, pretending to be somebody your not?
Leo: Score one for you, girlfriend. I'm a player. I'll be whomever I need to be just to get us through the night. But the rush never lasts. As soon as I come back down, I'm onto my next adventure.
Laura: So, that's what I was, a conquest?
Leo: Laura, I tried to let you down easy. I really did. I tried and I tried, but you were onto me the whole time. What can I say? I'm a gigolo.
Leo: I'm sorry. I really, really am.
[Laura slaps Leo]

Leo: Oh -- ow!

Pilot: Welcome aboard, Mr. Marick.
Dimitri: Malcolm. How long before we take off?
Malcolm: The flight plan has been filed. We should get clearance from the tower within the half-hour.
Dimitri: That's great.
Malcolm: Ok.
Edmund: Excuse me. That seat taken?
Dimitri: Yep, you followed me.
Edmund: I followed your lead.
Dimitri: Well, you always were smarter than I was.
Edmund: Sorry, Dim. I know you. You would die before you'd give up on Alex.
Dimitri: I just knew that Alex was afraid that we were being monitored by the same people that are holding her captive.
Edmund: Well, if that's the case, then we're dealing with somebody with global connections.
Dimitri: Exactly, which puts Hayward out of the picture as a suspect.
Edmund: Maybe we were a little hasty crossing charlotte off the list. Dimitri: You think Charlotte was capable of engineering Alex's kidnapping from her jail cell?
Edmund: Alex's so-called mother is a black widow spider. She's capable of anything.
Dimitri: Well, then she probably had Wildwind wired for sound.
Edmund: Ergo your little performance to throw her off the scent?
Dimitri: Which bought us some time -- enough time, I hope, to save Alex. What did you tell Eugenia?
Edmund: Oh, that -- I don't know -- you and I got into a fight and I needed to get away to clear my head.
Dimitri: Yeah, well, I'll call her and tell her I was called away on business, even though I hate lying to my family.
Edmund: Maybe you won't have to. This time tomorrow, we'll be flying home with Alex.

Malcolm: We've got clearance from the tower. Please fasten your seat belts and get ready for takeoff.

Leo: You know, I think I've made "Guinness" for the most slaps by a woman scorned.
Greenlee: Don't tell me the two lovebirds have had their first quarrel?
Laura: We're not lovebirds. This is our first and last fight.

Greenlee: Oh. Poor Leo. I could've told you it wouldn't last. Laura's just not your type.
Leo: Don't start in on Laura, Greenlee.
Greenlee: It's just that street urchin chic is so yesterday. You need a woman who's worldly and sophisticated.
Leo: Why don't you go to the back of the line. You and I are not happening.
Greenlee: Who said we were?
Leo: You came here because you just saw what happened between Laura and I and you want to take her place.
Greenlee: Don't flatter yourself, Leo. I'm already spoken for. I've been spending the evening with Jake Martin, who really knows how to show a girl a good time.
Leo: What, did the mad doctor suddenly go invisible?
Greenlee: He got called away on an emergency. He's meeting me here as soon as he can. Waiter?

Waiter: Good evening, Ms. Smythe.
Greenlee: Good evening. I'm going to need a table for two, candlelight, and a bottle of your best bubbly. I'll be joined by Dr. Jake Martin.
Waiter: Well, if you'll just follow me, please.
Greenlee: Enjoy your dinner for one.

J.R.: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hit him so hard.
Dixie: How is he, Joe?
Joe: His wound is deeper than he let on. Lost a lot of blood.
Dixie: You're going to help him, though, right?
J.R.: Is he going to be ok?
Dixie: I certainly hope so.

[David moans]

David: Dixie?
Dixie: Yeah.
David: Dixie?
Dixie: Yeah, I'm here. I'm right here. I'm right here. Everything's going to be ok.
David: Don't -- don't leave me.
Dixie: I won't. I won't.

Joe: Get his blood typed. I'll stitch him up. Cube two.
Nurse: Ok.
Joe: Also prepare a tetanus shot.
Nurse: Yeah.

Dixie: I'm going to be right with you, ok?
Tad: Wait, Honey, Honey. Come on, you got to stop worrying about David and start worrying about --
Dixie: That man saved my life.

J.R.: Come on.
J.R.: Sorry, Mom. I didn't mean to get you all upset.
Dixie: I know. It's ok. I know you didn't mean to hurt David.
J.R.: Can I get you some water, anything?
Dixie: No, I'm fine. You're a good kid, you know? Always looking out for me.
J.R.: Tad is, too, Mom. You've got to believe it. He loves you. He really does.

Tad: How'd it go? Is Leslie going to make it?

Edmund: All right, I think we want to avoid landing at an international airport in case it's being watched.
Dimitri: I agree. We got -- got a couple choices. There's a private airport here. We can get ground transport --
Malcolm: Ahem. Dimitri: Yeah, Malcolm?
Malcolm: Yeah, I just wanted to let you know that we are on schedule for Ontario.
Dimitri: Good, good. Malcolm, I want you to land the plane at this private airport here.
Malcolm: Oh.
Dimitri: What?
Malcolm: Um -- well, I have to make sure the airfield is open.
Dimitri: Well, do that. I'll look for another alternative in the meantime, all right?
Malcolm: Ok, great.
Edmund: Let me see that.

[Telephone rings]

Man: Are you airborne?
Malcolm: Yes, sir. We're on course. We're going to land at a private airfield. I'm not sure which one yet.
Man: Dimitri and Edmund think they're being clever.
Malcolm: What should I do, Sir?
Man: Carry out their orders. Let them think they have the advantage. We'll catch up. Call again as soon as you know their final destination.
Malcolm: I have a bad feeling about this, Sir.
Man: You'll feel better $100,000 from now.

Man: I knew my special brew would help you sleep. It's best you sleep while I figure out our next move.

Waiter: Anything else? Anything else I can do for you, Ms. Smythe?
Greenlee: Just put the champagne on ice until Dr. Martin arrives.
Waiter: Certainly.

Brooke: Laura. Honey, I was waiting for you in the lobby. Was there something wrong with the bill?
Laura: No, I -- I had to say something to Leo and I said all the wrong things and I ended up slapping him.
Brooke: Oh, dear.
Laura: Now I feel like a fool, and it's not fair because I'm right and he's a jerk, and I hate myself for caring because he just is not worth it.
Brooke: You know what? I'm going to get that fudge cake to go. We're going to go home, pig out, and we're going to talk. Ok?
Laura: Mom, that's sweet, but I think I just want to be alone.
Brooke: Well, how are you going to get home?
Laura: I'll call a cab or --
Brooke: All right, all right. Listen, if I'm asleep when you get home and you want to talk, wake me up.
Laura: Ok.
Brooke: Ok?
Laura: Ok.
Brooke: Ok.
Laura: I'm going to go wash my face.

Brooke: Oh. Oh, I hope she is not like mother, like daughter, always attracted to the wrong man.

Sybella: Bravo.
Leo: Hmm.
Sybella: I want you to take me on board your yacht.
Leo: Sybella, I'm going to do one better. We're going to weigh anchor and we're going to set sail.
Sybella: Where would we go?
Leo: 20,000 leagues away from here. I don't care. Let's go.

Greenlee: Yes, is Dr. Martin still in the OR? No, let me speak with him. Well, just interrupt him for a second, ok? Tell him it's Greenlee Smythe. He'll want to talk to me. What? He's not taking personal calls? I am sick and tired of people saying no to me. Next time I call you, Jake, you are going to fall all over yourself to talk to me.

Jake: Leslie survived the operation, but just barely. She's on life support. She's unable to breathe on her own.
Tad: What are her chances?
Jake: Hard to call. Next 48 hours are critical.
Joe: She makes it, she's going to owe her life to you.
Jake: So what happened to Hayward? I thought he was so vested in this case.
Joe: Well, his stab wound was more serious than we thought. I stitched him up and left him sleeping.
Tad: Just do me a favor? Try to keep him the hell away from Dixie?
Joe: David's lost quite a bit of blood. He's not going to be bothering anybody tonight.

Leslie's voice: I'm going to destroy your life, your reputation, your career -- everything that means anything to you!


Laura: I need you to help me get rid of Leo.

Ryan: I'm the valet and you're the master?

Joe: Has David Hayward been in here? We can't find him.

David: Just a few short seconds on your own, all your worries and mine will be gone forever.

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