FEBRUARY 8, 2001

Bianca: I couldn't believe it when you said you were right down the street. How did you get here?
Sarah: Took the train.
Bianca: No suitcases or anything? What's wrong, Sarah?
Sarah: Oh, Bianca, I couldn't do it.
Bianca: You couldn't do what?
Sarah: Be Ian's wife. Smile at him every time he came home from work, fall asleep next to him -- I couldn't do it, any of it.
Bianca: You left your husband?
Sarah: Ian could tell something was wrong. I'm not a very good actress.
Bianca: You bailed?
Sarah: I had to. Getting ready for bed every night with a knot in my stomach. It was even worse when he wasn't there. I was alone, and I still felt like a prisoner. And I kept thinking about you.
Bianca: I've been thinking about you, too.
Sarah: You have no idea how surreal it was.
Bianca: You know, if I were older, I'm sure my mom would be forcing marriage on me, too. I mean, she's tried everything else.
Sarah: Oh, God, your mom. Oh, my gosh, if she finds me here, she'll go nuts. I'm sorry. I have to go. I wasn't thinking. I'm sorry.
Bianca: No, no, Sarah, you're here now. I'm not going to let you leave.

Vanessa: Adam?
Adam: Good, good, you're back among the living. I thought you'd never wake up.
Vanessa: Why are you here?
Adam: I'm here to straighten something out. Last night you were babbling some nonsense about Hayley being Arlene.
Vanessa: What? I don't understand.
Adam: Good. Good. I mean, of course you don't because you were probably delirious. I just don't want you dredging any of that nonsense up today again or any time, particularly not around Det. Frye. You'd just confuse him. Now, I'm sure you -- you need to collect your strength, so just forget I was here.
Vanessa: Wait. Adam, wait a minute. I do remember -- Hayley was right there when I got shot. She was acting very strangely. You know, she seemed to think that she was Arlene.
Adam: No, no, no, no, no. No, no, no. That's exactly what I don't want you yammering on about.
Vanessa: But --
Adam: No, no, no, no, that whole scenario.
Palmer: Get the hell away from my wife, you shark! She just got out of -- what the blazes is wrong with you?
Adam: Palmer, don't get into a snit. I was just trying to help her straighten some things out.

Derek: Excuse me, folks.
Palmer: Yes. Who's that?
Derek: I thought you'd like to hear this right away. We found the man who shot you, Mrs. Cortlandt.

Mateo: You're right. There is a full moon. You're right. Come on.
Hayley: Enough astronomy. Let's get into anatomy.
Mateo: No, no, no, take it all in. Take it all in -- the sand, the dunes, the waves. It doesn't mean anything to Arlene, but it means everything to Hayley.
Hayley: Shall I leave you alone with your memory?
Mateo: My memory? No, no, no, it's our memory, mine and Hayley's. I could never be alone on this beach. Neither could Hayley. This is our place.
Hayley: Well, gee, I'm getting all misty.
Mateo: Arlene wouldn't understand, but this is our home base. Anything good that's ever happened to us has happened right here, Hayley. You know that, right? My whole life changed when I met you. I loved you the first time I saw you. You were in that wedding gown, and I swore myself that one day you would dress that way again when we got married. And I did get to see you wear that wedding dress for me, right on this beach. That was the happiest day of my life. I mean, your mother said I was persistent. I'm the stubbornness guy in the world when it comes to you. I don't ever want to think about losing you. That's why I asked you here, on our beach, so that you could feel everything that we mean to each other. I know you can do it. Just fight, please. You've always been so much stronger than your mother. Come on, please. Just do it for me. Please, come back to me.
Hayley: M-- Mateo, what are we doing here?
Mateo: Hey. Hayley?
Hayley: Yeah?
Mateo: Oh, thank God. Thank you, God.
Mateo: I knew you could make it out. I don't want to ever let you go.
Hayley: What are we doing at the beach? I don't remember anything. What happened to me?
Mateo: Well, you haven't exactly been yourself lately.
Hayley: Wait. This doesn't involve alien abduction and space ships, right?
Mateo: No. Nothing like that.
Hayley: Ok, good. Go. Tell me.
Mateo: I don't know how to put it, so -- you've been assuming the personality of your mother lately.
Hayley: What? I don't understand.
Mateo: You've -- you've been acting -- come here. You've been acting like Arlene. You've been gas lighting us to make us think that she was -- so we would confess to what happened that night on the beach.
Hayley: But -- me? I was acting like Arlene?
Mateo: Yeah, you were sneaking around so nobody would see you -- anybody that knew you -- but you were sneaking around, pulling pranks as Arlene, and then I guess you didn't remember doing any of this.
Hayley: So I'm the one that trashed our condo and knocked out Tina and --
Mateo: Yeah. You really don't remember?
Hayley: No, I feel like I'm Norman Bates. How did you figure this out?
Mateo: It took a while, but we were convinced that Arlene was back, that she came back to wreck our lives. We --
Hayley: I -- this is so weird. I'm wearing her clothes.
Mateo: No, it's ok, just -- it's ok. Just don't go back there, all right? The important thing is that you made it out.
Hayley: Because of you. I remember that part. I was having a dream that I was drowning in ice water, and I didn't care. And then I heard you calling me, and you told me that you love me and you wanted me to come home. And that brought me back to the surface.
Mateo: Just please don't go back, ok?
Hayley: Like it would be a conscious choice. I don't understand why I would run around pretending to be my mother. I've spent my whole life trying not to be her.
Mateo: It's all been screwed up lately, I mean, since that night on the yacht when you were --
Hayley: When I strangled my mother.
Mateo: You wanted to confess right away. We didn't let you and I think the guilt of what happened just ate you up inside and -- you wanted to bring her back to life. I'm so sorry, Baby.
Hayley: You have no need to apologize. I'm the one who committed the crime, and my father's the one who covered it up.

Palmer: What does that mean, you've found the man? Is he in custody?
Derek: He's under arrest.
Palmer: Ah.
Derek: He's sitting in a holding cell right now.
Palmer: Who is he?
Derek: His name is Duffy Olyphant. He's a licensed private investigator, but he has a reputation for working on the shady side of the street.
Palmer: Duffy Olyphant? Never heard of him. Vanessa?
Vanessa: What? I don't know him.
Palmer: Why'd he shoot my wife?
Derek: Well, we still haven't found that out yet. We've interrogated him for hours, and so far he hasn't given up anything.
Adam: You're sure you have the right man?
Derek: We found the rifle in his car. The ballistics and prints are conclusive.
Palmer: Mm-hmm. I don't suppose you have any theories?
Derek: No, not really. But word is Olyphant doesn't do anything unless he gets paid for it, and he must be making a bundle to keep his mouth shut this long.
Palmer: You will get the truth out of him?
Derek: Oh, yeah. Even a hard case like Duffy won't want to sit still for an attempted murder rap.
Palmer: Hmm.
Derek: He'll flip.

Leo: Well, well, well, aren't we popular.
Vanessa: Oh, Leo.
Leo: What an eclectic group of admirers.
Vanessa: Hello, Leo, darling.
Leo: I brought Laura by to see how you're feeling.
Vanessa: Oh --
Leo: Better I take it.
Vanessa: Oh.
Adam: Well, I won't crowd you. I was just leaving.
Palmer: Not so fast. There are very few men in Pine Valley wealthy enough to hire the silence of a hired killer. I'm one of them. You're the other.

Sarah: I should have known you'd always stick by me. You've always been a more devoted friend to me than I have to you.
Bianca: Stop it, Sarah.
Sarah: I never should have gone through with that stupid wedding. I would have saved myself and Ian a lot of pain.
Bianca: You were just trying to find a solution that would cause the least conflict. You were willing to sacrifice your own happiness, Sarah. But I think we're both starting to realize that that's not the way it works.
Sarah: I wasn't being selfless. I was just plain scared of my mom. I wish I could have been brave and stood up to her like you stood up to your mom.
Bianca: Yeah, like I'm brave.
Sarah: You are. You told her who you are. You even told reporters. All I want to do is hide.
Bianca: Sarah, give yourself a little credit. You walked away from the situation. That took a lot of courage.
Sarah: I didn't walk away. I ran -- while Ian was at work. I didn't even leave a note. Oh, God. The first thing Ian did -- he probably called my mom. I can't face her, Bianca. I can't.
Bianca: Ok, ok, we'll just -- we'll just try to figure something out because this is going to be the first place she looks.
Sarah: Oh, I have to go. I can't deal with her, and I don't want her to come after you.
Bianca: No, ok. Then we'll go away together. All right? We'll go far away from our families and all those pressures.
Sarah: You would do that for me after everything I did?
Bianca: What did we promise each other in rehab? That we would always be there for each other. I meant it then, Sarah, and I mean it now.
Sarah: I don't know what to say.
Bianca: How about "Can I borrow some clothes?"
Sarah: But we can't. Your mom will never let you go.
Bianca: Just wait right here for one second.
Bianca: I was already packed to go. I mean, if you called me 10 minutes later, I would have been gone already.
Sarah: You're running away, too? Why?
Bianca: I realize that my mom and I are never going to work things out. So I decided I would get out of here. And now look at this. I don't have to go alone.
Sarah: This is incredible. But are you sure, Bianca?
Bianca: Yeah. Don't I look sure?
Sarah: We still think alike. I love that.
Bianca: Yeah, but we better not tempt fate. Let's get out of here before my mom gets back.
Sarah: Definitely.
Bianca: Sarah? Sarah.
. Bianca: Sarah, what's wrong?
Sarah, what made you so weak? Oh, my God. You stopped eating again, didn't you? You think I can't spot it? We were in a ward full of anorexics for months. How long has it been since you ate something, Sarah?
Sarah: I don't know. Four or five days, maybe.
Bianca: I'm going to get you to a hospital right away.
Sarah: No! No. No hospitals, please. As soon as they admit me, Ian and my mom will know where I am. There'll be records, insurance questions --
Bianca: Sarah, you need somebody to take a look at you right away. I think you need an IV.
Sarah: Look, I will try and eat something, but no hospitals.

[Car approaches]

Bianca: It's my mother.
Sarah: Can you hide me? Please, Bianca, you have to help me.

Jack: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Just a second. Now, before you go charging in there, why don't you take a few deep breaths and decide what you want to say to Bianca just exactly?
Erica: Jack, I don't have to prepare to talk to my daughter. Where are my keys?

Leo: So, how are you feeling?
Vanessa: Oh, safer, darling, in any event. But, you know, the detective here just told me that he's arrested the man who shot me.
Leo: Who was it?
Vanessa: N-- nobody. I mean, but the important thing I forgot to ask you -- did he have my necklace in his possession?
Derek: I'm afraid not, Mrs. Cortlandt.
Leo: You know, you are unbelievable. You know that? Most people who come out of a near-death experience are more resolved to live a more spiritual life. But not you. The first thing you want to know about is your stolen jewelry.
Vanessa: All right, darling, don't tease. I'm far too weak for that, please.
Leo: Well, it's a good thing the bullet lodged into your heart, not one of your vital organs.
Vanessa: Darling, that's enough, really. Leo, honestly. You know -- do you know what kept me from going towards that light after surviving a near-death experience? Darling, do you know?
Leo: No. What?
Vanessa: Well, actually, the thought of you. I dreamed or something that you were right here all the time holding my hand. Was it a dream, Leo, or were you right here? Hmm?
Leo: I was.
Vanessa: Oh. Oh, I knew it.
Leo: Yeah, Laura and I were on our way to New York when Greenlee called and told us you'd been shot, so we turned right around.
Vanessa: Leo, that's so loyal.
Leo: Yeah, well, don't make too much of it. We both know that you've rehearsed your deathbed scene many times. We didn't want to deprive you of an audience.
Vanessa: He's so naughty, isn't he, Lieutenant?
Leo: Yeah, well, now that we see that you're on your road to recovery, we're going to be taking off.
Vanessa: Oh, don't go yet, darling. Please stay. Just hold my hand for a moment.

Adam: That's preposterous. Why in the world would I want Vanessa dead?
Palmer: Now I know you did it. You always get self-righteous when you're guilty as hell.
Adam: Yeah, well, maybe you're trying to divert suspicion from yourself, Palmer. The last time somebody tried to shoot that lady you'd hired a hit man because you thought you were being cuckolded. Maybe you brought the guy back to finish off the job.
Palmer: Well, I'll finish you off!
Derek: Hey! Hey, hey, hey! What the hell is wrong with you two?

Hayley: You said Vanessa was shot? How the hell did that happen?
Mateo: The cops don't know, but they think that -- I think he was aiming at you.
Hayley: ? Why?
Mateo: Adam gave this guy a picture of Arlene, and he saw you in that wig and this getup, and he bought the act, so --
Hayley: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Adam hired someone to kill Arlene?
Mateo: Hold on. Listen, Adam claims it was a misunderstanding, that he told the guy that if he found Arlene to get rid of her. All right? Anyway, I really don't know what happened. I mean, nobody knows. I mean, you were there when the shots were fired. Do you remember what happened?
Hayley: No, I don't remember any of this. This is like -- I just know I was having this horrible nightmare about becoming Arlene, but it turns out that it wasn't a nightmare at all. I was actually assuming her personality.
Mateo: Yeah, you had her MO down cold. I mean, you -- you were hanging out at her favorite dives.
Hayley: Bars?
Mateo: Yeah.
Hayley: Did I take a drink? Did I ruin my sobriety?
Mateo: As far as I know, you didn't drink, ok?
Hayley: How far did I take this? Because if you give Arlene a couple of drinks --
Mateo: I checked --
Hayley: She'll sleep with anything that moves.
Mateo: I talked to people, and they said -- they assured me that all you did was hang out at the bar and sit down and flirt a little bit. But we can take you to the hospital and get you checked out to see if, you know, you had any alcohol or anything else.
Hayley: I bet I hit on you, didn't I?
Mateo: I remained faithful.
Hayley: Well, there you go. I really -- I do need to see a psychiatrist because if I have proven one thing, it's that I really have driven myself crazy.
Mateo: I'll get you all the help you need. You know that.
Hayley: I'm going to need you more than anyone or anything.
Mateo: You got me.
Hayley: You know, with Arlene's death hanging over my head, I really do have to go to the police and confess.
Mateo: Well, do we have to think about that right now? I mean, come on. I just got you back.
Hayley: No -- no, Mateo. I don't want to just -- I don't want to have an argument about this. I want to go to the police right now and tell them now.
Mateo: No! No. What's this ?
Hayley: Mateo, please, please let go. I have to confess.
Mateo: Can't we just put it off for a few hours?
Hayley: What would that accomplish?
Mateo: I just got you back. I can't stand the thought of losing you again. I -- we need this night, just you and me, so -- I just want to hold you close. Come on, we're half freezing. I've got the keys here to your father's cabin. Let's just go take a nice, warm bath, we'll get a good night's rest, and in the morning, we'll -- we'll talk to the police.
Hayley: First thing?
Mateo: Absolutely.
Hayley: Ok.
Mateo: Was it the cuddling that got you?
Hayley: Actually, it's the hot shower. And I have go get out of these tacky clothes.
Mateo: Ok, come on, let's go.

Derek: Mr. Cortlandt, you are understandably upset about what happened we do have the shooter in custody and we will find out who hired him.
Palmer: Mm-hmm. Well, I certainly am interested to see that the guilty one is punished.
Adam: Yeah, I don't want you to rule anyone out.
Derek: All right, all right, all right. I'm going to go back and I'm going to interrogate him right now. He's had about an hour's sleep. He ought to be groggy and inconsistent. You two behave.

Vanessa: Where are you going?
Leo: Back to New York.
Vanessa: Well, Darling, you just got here.
Leo: Yeah, well, I promised Laura a night in Manhattan, and I'm going to give it to her.
Laura: Leo, we don't have to rush off. I mean, your mother's been through an ordeal.
Vanessa: Oh, well, thank you, Dear.
Laura: Mrs. Cortlandt, considering everything you've been through, you look wonderful.
Vanessa: Oh, that is the stupidest lie I've ever heard.
Laura: What?
Vanessa: Honestly. Well, I mean -- I -- I've just had a horrendous thing in my life. I mean, I've just been through invasive surgery. I look like something the cats wouldn't even deign to drag in.
Laura: Still, you look very elegant.
Leo: Well, don't --
Vanessa: Oh, please.
Leo: Don't try to compliment my mother, Laura. It only annoys her.
Vanessa: Now you don't really have to go, not right now.
Leo: Yes, we do. Our stretch chariot awaits.

[Vanessa sighs and chuckles]

Leo: I'll be sure to stop by and see you tomorrow, all right?
Vanessa: Oh --

[Vanessa dials the phone]

Vanessa: It's Mrs. Cortlandt. I need to speak to you right away. Well, both of our futures are at stake here.

Erica: She better be here. I certainly don't want her traipsing around at this hour. Bianca?
Jack: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Just go a little easy. I mean, she may still be so angry about this whole Rain thing. She might not be able to talk to you about it. You know what I mean?
Bianca: Yeah, well, that's exactly why we are going to discuss it this evening, Jack. I mean, you never want to go to bed angry, never. Bianca? Oh, Honey. Oh, I'm so glad that you're home. Hi.
Bianca: Hi. I was just heading to bed.
Erica: Well, let's sit down and talk, ok, just for a moment. Sit down. I want to apologize.
Bianca: You do?
Erica: Yeah. Paying that girl, Rain, probably was not the best way to handle the situation. And I'm sorry she got arrested. I certainly wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. Bianca: I know that, Mom. I -- you know, I'm sorry that I hurt your feelings, too.
Erica: You're not mad at me anymore?
Bianca: No, no, I'm -- I'm just really tired. But I didn't mean to blow off at you, really. I think I'm going to head to bed.
Erica: Ok.
Bianca: Good night.
Erica: Good night, Sweetheart.
Bianca: Good night, Uncle Jack.
Jack: Good night.
Erica: Honey, do you want me to make you some hot cider?
Bianca: Oh, no, no. I'm fine, thanks. But you should whip some up for Uncle Jack.
Erica: Jack?
Bianca: It's Mom's new thing. We're both sick of cocoa.
Jack: You know, it's funny. I was just thinking to myself the other day "boy, am I sick of cocoa." I'll try some cider.
Erica: Ok, I'll be right back, Jack.
Jack: Ok.
Erica: Good night, Sweetheart.
Bianca: Good night.

Jack: Bianca, wait, wait. Wait just a second, please.
Bianca: What?
Jack: What's going on here?
Bianca: Nothing. I'm going to bed.
Jack: Yeah, well, I'm just a little bit confused.
Bianca: About what?
Jack: Not too long ago, when we were at the Valley Inn, you were very, very upset with your mother. You were about as angry as I've ever seen you, and now it's like it never happened. What gives?
Bianca: You and Opal helped give me a little perspective on it.
Jack: Really? Because it seems to me you've gotten over this awfully fast.
Bianca: Uncle Jack, you said not to hang on to my anger, let it go.
Jack: Just like that?
Bianca: Mom apologized. I apologized. I'm really beat. Good night.
Jack: Boy, you're in a big hurry to get upstairs there, and I take it you're hungry, huh?
Bianca: Yeah. A lit
Jack: Yeah. Bianca: Uncle Jack, you're, like, super suspicious. What's going on?
Jack: That's what I'd like to know, Bianca. Is Rain up there? Because I'm telling you, if you brought that girl back to this house, your mother's going to have a small Holstein calf, ok?
Bianca: You think that I'm hiding Rain upstairs?
Jack: I think, maybe, sure, yeah.
Bianca: Well, you're wrong. I haven't spoken to Rain since she called me from the police station.
Jack: Is that right?
Bianca: You don't believe me. Ok, why don't you come up to my room and search it.
Jack: No, that's ok. You tell me that's the way it is, that's the way it is. You go ahead upstairs. I'll see you in the morning. Sorry.
Bianca: Ok. Good night.
Jack: Ok, good night.
Bianca: Uncle Jack?
Jack: Yeah?
Bianca: Thank you for everything.
Jack: You're welcome.

Erica: Jack, is something wrong?
Jack: No, no. Nothing at all. Everything's good.
Erica: Ok. Then come in the kitchen with me because the cider is ready.
Jack: You're so domestic all of a sudden. You're going to be doing, like, a cooking show or something? Did you stomp these apples yourself?

[Erica laughs]

Vanessa: Uh. Oh -- oh, there you are.
Greenlee: This better be important. I hate hospitals.
Vanessa: Well, dear, sometimes we have no choice, do we?
Greenlee: Ha. I can see that. You look like death. And these walls aren't helping. Who choose these colors, anyway?
Vanessa: Oh, goody. I love a woman with candor.
Greenlee: Good, and then let's skip the chitchat, Vanessa, and get to the point.
Vanessa: Ok, first, would you pour me a glass of water? I need to take my pill.
Greenlee: Don't they have candy stripers for this?
Vanessa: Merci, merci. Now do me one other favor, darling -- please turn around.
Greenlee: Did that bullet ricochet up and scramble your brain?
Vanessa: Greenlee, I'm about to do you a very large favor, and I want to make certain that you're woman enough to handle it.
Greenlee: Ok, we're done. A word of advice -- get a private duty nurse.
Vanessa: Ah. I understand Leo broke off with you.
Greenlee: Good-bye, Vanessa.
Vanessa: Do you want to get him back? I could help you.
Greenlee: I'm listening.
Vanessa: Well, it's quite obvious that this creature Laura he's dating is totally inappropriate for him.
Greenlee: You're telling me.
Vanessa: Yes, dear, I am telling you. Now, Leo happens to have very expensive tastes more attuned to the things you're familiar with, Dear.
Greenlee: My trust fund makes me a better match?
Vanessa: Well, no, I would say it's more a matter of temperament and breeding, both of which you have. You're definitely high-maintenance, but you come by it honestly.
Greenlee: So you're just playing matchmaker with Leo's best interests at heart.
Come on, Vanessa, what's in it for you?
Vanessa: Well, as much as it honestly pains me to admit this, Leo and I don't always see eye to eye.
Greenlee: There's an understatement.
Vanessa: Well, if I should help you get Leo back, maybe someday you will help me with Leo -- should the need arise. You and I don't have to pretend we like each other, Dear.
Greenlee: Another understatement.
Vanessa: But we do understand each other. Yes, I think we do.
Greenlee: We're two peas in a pod, all right. Now, get to the part where Leo wants me back. How are you going to accomplish that?
Vanessa: Well, he will -- he will tire very quickly of this bore he's dating right now, Dear.
Greenlee: I don't get it. What does he see in her?
Vanessa: You know something? Leo goes on these periodic quests to try to be true to his -- what he thinks is his better side. It's an unfortunate habit that I have never quite been able to break. But he always snaps back eventually, Dear.
Greenlee: Well, what do I do in the meantime?
Vanessa: Enjoy yourself. Show Leo what he's missing. Give him a glimpse.
Greenlee: I can do that.
Vanessa: Oh, well, I'm sure you can, dear. And whatever you do, whatever -- Leo was with any other woman, Laura or anyone, don't -- just be relaxed. Have a facade that's friendly and warm, and never, ever -- and I can't overemphasize this too much -- show your jealousy or your possessiveness because --

[Vanessa sighs]

Vanessa: Believe me, my dear, this is really the only way.

Hayley: You understand why I have to go to the police in the morning, right?
Mateo: Let's forget about all that right now, all right? Let's just think about you and me. Ok?
Hayley: What about Vanessa?
Mateo: I called the hospital. She's fine. She's fine. She's in stable condition. She's going to be fine. How about I run that hot bath for you?
Hayley: Wait, I want to make sure of something first. You're not going to try to talk me out of confessing?
Mateo: No. I promise. First thing in the morning, we'll go over to the police and we'll talk about -- we'll tell them everything we know about Arlene, all right?
Hayley: Good. I keep trying to remember anything that I did while was channeling Arlene.
Mateo: Don't, don't, not tonight, no. Tonight, I -- I want your full attention.

Erica: Well, Jack, I hate to gloat, but it looks like a mother's instinct has won again. You see, I knew that Bianca would get over than temper tantrum she had about Rain. I knew it. I am so glad it's over.
Jack: Yeah, from your mouth to God's ears.

Sarah: Wow. It's just like you described it.
Bianca: Yeah, it still has that fairy-tale quality.
Sarah: Rapunzel, Rapunzel.
Bianca: We'll be safe here.
Sarah: I should sit down.
Bianca: Oh, I'm sorry. Yeah, sit down. How about a snack? In keeping with the setting, some grapes or something?
Sarah: I -- I don't think I could keep anything down right now.
Bianca: Sarah --
Sarah: Look, I -- I just need to rest. I promise I'll shoot for breakfast tomorrow.
Bianca: You're shivering. Why don't you lie back?
Sarah: I'm so lightheaded.
Bianca: It's all right. I'll take care of everything.
Sarah: Thank you, Bianca.
Bianca: Shh.
Bianca: Don't worry.

Greenlee: Well, guess I'll try things your way.
Vanessa: Only, Greenlee, just don't slip up because once you are cast out of Leo's heart, it takes a real all-out affront and campaign to win his way back in. Believe me, I know from experience. Oh.
Vanessa: Oh, goody, we're back on track.

Leo: Greenlee. What are you doing here? Thank God you're not donating blood.
Greenlee: I was just visiting your mom.
Leo: Why? The only thing you two have in common are swapping curses.
Greenlee: Vanessa wanted to thank me for letting you know she'd been shot.
Leo: Well, Laura and I are off to New York.
Greenlee: Have fun, kids.
Leo: All right.

Mateo: How about I build a fire and we'll stretch out next to it, huh? Yeah?

[Mateo sighs]

[Hayley is asleep - and Mateo reads the newspaper]

Mateo: "Mrs. Thornton Woodward attends the reopening of the Philadelphia Historical Society"?

Mateo: That's Vanessa's necklace. What the hell is she doing with it?
Mateo: If the necklace isn't at the bottom of the bay, then neither is Arlene.


Mateo: Hayley's in trouble, and I think you can help.

Hayley: I murdered my mother.
Adam: That's a lie. That's an outright lie.

Jake: This divorce isn't final yet. I can stop it, you know.

Bianca: Sarah, I'm going to have to take you to the hospital. Sarah!

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