FEBRUARY 9, 2001

Gillian: Morning.
Ryan: Princess. You all right? You look a little pale.
Gillian: Oh -- I'm fine, fine.
Ryan: You sure? You sure it's not the boat? You still getting your sea legs?
Gillian: Yeah, that must be it.
Ryan: Yeah? Well, the first time I went ocean fishing, I turned completely green. And this old, salty guy told me the best thing to steady your stomach is to have a big, fat meal.
Gillian: Really?
Ryan: Yeah.
Gillian: I feel just the opposite.
Ryan: Well, that's because you haven't tried my specialty -- bacon, eggs, hash browns. What do you say, scrambled or sunny-side up?
Gillian: You know, a piece of dry toast will be just perfect, really.
Ryan: A piece of dry toast, really? Maybe for a bird. Stay here. I'll fix it up for you.
Gillian: Ryan, do you have to work today?
Ryan: Yeah.
Gillian: Because I was wondering if we could maybe take a drive before you start your day, you know, to talk?
Ryan: We could talk right now.
Gillian: Oh, phones ring. I'd rather just be alone with you.
Ryan: Is something up?
Gillian: Oh, couple things.
Ryan: You ok?
Gillian: Yeah, I promise.
Ryan: Ok. We'll take a drive after I feed you.

Gillian: How am I going to tell him the truth? How am I going to tell him I'm pregnant?

Sarah: Thank you.
Bianca: Did you sleep ok?
Sarah: Yeah. I felt safe with you here.
Bianca: Well, you are. But, Sarah, we need to get your strength up. Do you think you could eat something?
Sarah: I don't know.
Bianca: How about -- you could just start out with a couple of grapes or something? Here. It's a little drafty in here.
Sarah: I'm ok.
Bianca: I got some water. Do you think you could take a sip?
Bianca: Good. Want to -- want to go back to sleep for a little while or something?
Sarah: If that's ok.
Bianca: Yeah, that's fine. I got to head back to the house just for a little while and make sure my mom didn't realize I was gone.
Sarah: I don't want you to get into trouble, Bianca.
Bianca: I don't want you to worry about anything anymore, ok? Now, is there anything special I can bring you?
Sarah: No. But you'll come back soon?
Bianca: Yeah. As soon as I can. You know that, right?

Erica: Opal, hi. Oh, come on in.
Opal: Well, you are up and perfect already, I see.
Erica: Well, thank you. So are you. What's up?
Opal: Well, the kids are off school today for those teachers' conferences, and Petey went ahead and booked himself solid for video games with his buddies. And I just figured maybe you, me, and Bianca could, you know, spend the day getting spa'd up.
Erica: Oh, at the Glamorama?
Opal: Where else? I booked Sven just for you for massages. My treat, of course.
Erica: Well, this is a very thoughtful idea, Opal.
Opal: Yeah. Well, I figured you and the kid deserve it, and me -- you know, I don't need an excuse, so why not?
Erica: Except I'm not so sure if my kid is going to go for it.
Opal: Oh, yeah? She's still mad about what you did to her friend, huh?
Erica: I didn't do anything to her friend.
Opal: Paying her 10,000 bucks to stay away from Bianca is nothing?
Erica: I can think of worse things to do to somebody.
Opal: Well, you could be right.
Erica: Anyhow, Bianca and I got way past that last night.
Opal: You did? Well, great. Well, then, come on. Let's continue the momentum and drag her off to the Glamorama.
Erica: Maybe you're right. Maybe if I ask her, maybe she'd like to do this. Maybe she would think it would be a way to rebond.
Opal: Well, that's what I'm here for. Just call me the rebonding queen.
Erica: Ok. I'll go ask Bianca if she wants to do this.
Opal: Great. Great.

Erica: Her door is locked. When I knocked, there was no answer.
Opal: Well, that's teenagers for you. You know, they could sleep through Armageddon. Erica, what are you doing?
Erica: I'm looking for my master key. I'm going to find out what's going on in there with my daughter.

Hayley: Don't look at me that way, Mateo.
Mateo: You know everything's going to change as soon as you make that phone call, right?
Hayley: I know that. But no matter what happens to me legally, whether it's prison --
Mateo: Don't even talk about that.
Hayley: I'm going to take a shower, and then I got to call Derek.
Mateo: Ok.

Mateo: Yes, hi. In the Philadelphia area code, please. The number for a Mrs. Thornton Woodward. Woodward, yeah. Great. Thank you.

[Telephone rings]

Mateo: Hello?
Woman: Hello?
Mateo: Yes, hi. Can I speak to Mrs. Thornton Woodward, please?
Woman: Speaking.
Mateo: Great. Listen, this might sound a little strange, but I was looking at a picture of you in the newspaper --
Mrs. Woodward: Who is this?
Mateo: Well, here's the thing. You're wearing this beautiful necklace, and my wife would definitely love something like this. And I would like to know where you -- where you got it or --
Mrs. Woodward: It's one of a kind, young man, and I purchased it from an internet auction site, so I really can't help you.
Mateo: Well, if you could just tell me the name of the previous owner, you know, where you bought it from, then maybe -- ok, how about just tell me -- tell me the auction -- the auction site, the web site.
Mrs. Woodward: Jewels by Auction.
Mateo: Jewels by Auction. Great. And maybe if you could tell me -- the owner would be great. You know, I don't see why you just don't tell me that. That -- you know, maybe the designer would help if I could track --
Mrs. Woodward: I have nothing else to say to you. Good-bye.
Mateo: Right, if you could just help --

[Dial tone]

Mateo: You --

Opal: Erica, are you looking to lose your child here or what?
Erica: Opal, her bedroom door is locked. She's not answering.
Opal: What, so you think that gives you permission to go barging in there like some storm trooper and invade her privacy again?
Erica: Opal, these are not ordinary circumstances, and you know that.
Opal: She's sleeping.
Erica: Or maybe not.
Opal: Meaning?
Erica: Well, meaning anything. She could have fallen down and bumped her head. She could be lying there unconscious. Or she may be --
Bianca, hi.
Bianca: Hi.
Opal: Well --
Erica: Hi.
Opal: What do you know?
Bianca: Hey.
Erica: I'm a little confused.
Bianca: By what, Mom?
Erica: Well, I just went up to your room, and your bedroom door was locked.
Bianca: Oh, wow, it's that latch. It keeps getting stuck. We should really get it fixed, Mom.
Erica: Your radio was on.
Bianca: My clock radio. I guess I forgot to turn it off.
Opal: You see, Erica? Your mama's imagination was running away with her. Good to see you.
Bianca: Oh, it's good to see you.
Opal: You are chilled to the bone. What, you been outside or something?
Bianca: No, I just went out to grab the paper.
Opal: Oh. Well, I dropped by to see if I could convince you and your mama to come and spend a day of beauty at the Glamorama with me -- you know, get ourselves all puffed and buffed. What do you say?
Erica: You know something? I completely forgot I am booked at Enchantment today. I have to be there all day. I'm sorry. Rain check?
Opal: What?
Bianca: We can do it some other time, right?
Opal: Right.
Bianca: All right. It's good to see you, Opal.
Opal: Yeah, likewise, Honey. Do you mind telling me just exactly why it is that all of a sudden you got to work all day?
Erica: Opal, it's not all of a sudden, I swear. I just -- I have to meet with a new designer, I have got two phone conferences, and you distracted me for a few minutes. I'd love to go to the Glamorama and get spa'd all day, but I can't. I just can't do it.
Opal: What, so you're sure there is no special reason that you are scuttling your old friend who knows better right out the door?
Erica: Opal, you know, you just worry too much.
Opal: Erica, Honey, listen to me. You got to trust your daughter, or you are going to lose her. You hear me? You'd better.

Erica: Bianca, can you hear me? Oh, Honey, I have to go to work now.
Bianca: Oh, ok, Mom. Have a good day.
Erica: Great. Can we have dinner together later?
Bianca: Sure. Sure. Later.
Erica: Ok.

Jake: Why did you run out on me at the hospital? I went out of my way to get Dr. Clader to see you.
Gillian: I didn't ask you to do that, and I did not like the way you were trying to push me into a corner, Jake.
Jake: Gillian, I'm sorry. I really wasn't trying to push you into a corner. It's just I left several messages on your cell phone, and when I didn't hear back from you, I just decided to come out here.
Gillian: What do you want?
Jake: I want you to start taking care of yourself. You're looking pale, you're drawn --
Gillian: For goodness' sake, Jake! I have a little bit of morning sickness, and you should know that that's normal, and you should know that that makes you look a little pale and drawn. You satisfied now?
Jake: I know, I know. You're right. Liza went through the same thing her first trimester with Colby, and I remember what that's like, and I know it's hard. And I'm really -- I'm not trying to hassle you.

Ryan: Jake, what the hell are you doing here?

Mateo: Great. Thank you so much. Come on in. Listen, you're the best, Stuart. I can't -- I'd love to explain what's going on.
Stuart: Well, I know most of it. Adam told me. How's Hayley?
Mateo: She's -- she's herself again, but there's some things I need to handle, and I don't want her to be alone, so --
Stuart: You're still afraid she -- you're still afraid she might be sick?
Mateo: It's not that. It's just that you know she wants to call the police and tell them what happened with Arlene. But I think that there might be a chance I can save her from that, so --
Stuart: Yeah, well, how are you going to --
Hayley, hi.
Hayley: Hi, Uncle Stuart.
Mateo: Hey.
Hayley: What's up?
Mateo: Do me a favor.
Hayley: What?
Mateo: I know you want to call Derek and tell him about the confession and everything, but --
Hayley: Yes.
Mateo: I just need you to hold off for a little bit. Just give me a little more time, please. I need to do something -- some stuff.
Hayley: What do you have to do?
Mateo: I don't want to keep you in the dark. I'm 100% behind you. I just need some more time.
Hayley: Mateo, I really can't put this off any longer.
Mateo: I'm not asking you to. I don't even really want you to. And I'm going to be there every step of the way with you. I just need you -- just --
Hayley: But --
Mateo: Just trust me, please? Trust me? Please wait?
Hayley: All right.
Mateo: Ok? I love you. Thank you. Thank you, Stuart.
Stuart: Yeah, yeah. Yeah, ok.

Hayley: Now you know?
Stuart: Yeah.
Yeah, Adam told me everything.
Hayley: You're ok with it?
Stuart: I love you. That's all I know. Could I make you a cup of tea or something? Hayley?

[Bells jingle]

Stuart: Hayley?
Hayley: Oh, damn it, Arlene, leave me alone.
Stuart: Hayley, what's wrong?
Hayley: Nothing. She's never going to leave me alone until I tell the truth.
Stuart: Hayley, who are you calling?
Hayley: Derek. I have to tell him the truth about what happened to my mother.

Ryan: Jake, you want to tell me what you're doing here?
Gillian: He was just coming by to tell me that our divorce will be finalized tomorrow, that's all.
Ryan: Really? Well, could have done that on the phone.
Jake: I think the three of us need to talk.
Gillian: No.
Jake: As much as I wish it didn't, it does involve all of us, so let's --

Mateo: Hey, Ryan? Hey, man.
Ryan: Hi.
Mateo: Oh. Sorry to bust in on your conversation. Hey, Jake. Can I talk to you?
Gillian: That's fine. You go --
Ryan: Gillian, what's going on?
Gillian: Mateo needs to talk to you. It's fine. I'm fine, really.

Mateo: Thank you. Listen, Hayley's --
Ryan: What's up?
Mateo: Hayley's in trouble, and I think you can help.
Ryan: Name it.
Mateo: I need to find out some -- there's some confidential information on this web site I know about. Vanessa Cortlandt's necklace -- someone put it up for auction.
Ryan: The stolen necklace.
Mateo: Right. Do you think you can do it?
Ryan: Well, yeah, I'm good, but I've got this whiz kid computer genius friend of Bianca's that's even better. Listen, are you going to be all right? I'll be back in a second.
Gillian: That's fine. I'll be fine, really.
Ryan: All right, come on.
Mateo: All right.

Stuart: Hayley, could I do something for you? Call Mateo, maybe?
Hayley: No, no. I'm glad he's not here to watch this.

Stuart: Hayley, what you did doesn't change who you are. You -- somebody gave you a very dangerous drug. And if it hadn't have been for that, you never would have done what you did to your mother. You weren't yourself. You know, maybe we should go. Mateo didn't want you to see Derek until he got back, so maybe we can leave before Derek gets here.

[Knock on door]

Stuart: Hayley.
Hayley: Derek. Thank you for coming so quickly.
Derek: You said it was an emergency. Are you ok?
Stuart: Yeah -- oh, yeah, I'm fine. It's just --
Hayley: I murdered my mother. The night she disappeared, the night on the yacht at the party, I killed her. I found her trying to seduce Mateo, and I lost it, and I followed her out onto the deck, and I strangled her to death. And that's --
Adam: That's a lie. That's an outright lie. And you have to disregard it.
Hayley: Dad, please, don't do this.
Adam: Derek, my daughter is ill. She's been confused. She's disassociating. And you have to ignore what she just said because it's patently untrue.
Hayley: Stop it! Let me talk.
Adam: Hayley, you don't know what you're saying.
Hayley: The hell I don't! For the first time in months, I'm actually telling the truth. There's nothing you can do to make it better, dad. No one can. I killed Arlene. I killed my own mother.

Bianca: How's that?
Sarah: Thanks. You'd make a good nurse.
Bianca: Nah. I hate the shoes. Here, look. We can share.
Sarah: I'm sorry, Bianca.
Bianca: Sarah, don't apologize. I want to do this.
Sarah: No, I mean I'm sorry, I can't eat.
Bianca: Look what else I brought from home. My dad gave me this for my 12th birthday, remember?
Sarah: "Annabel Lee."
Bianca: Yeah. Remember how we memorized it?
Sarah: Then why'd you bring the book?
Bianca: You never give me a break, do you? "It was many and many a year ago --"
Sarah: "In a kingdom by the sea --"
Bianca: "That a maiden there lived whom you may know by the name of Annabel Lee." Sarah?
Sarah: I can't remember the rest.
Bianca: I bet you do.
Sarah: I'm too tired. But I like hearing you. I like falling asleep hearing you.
Bianca: No. No, Sarah, you can't -- you can't go away from me. Sarah, I can't do this alone. Sarah, I need you to try.
Sarah: There's nothing to try for, Bianca.
Bianca: No, no. I won't let you give up. Sarah, please! Sarah, you're scaring me. Sarah, please don't give up now.

Adam: Derek, she doesn't know what she's saying. She's been very ill.
Hayley: I am perfectly fine, and I'm telling the truth.
Adam: Where's Mateo? Why is he letting you do this?
Stuart: Maybe you should let her talk, Adam.
Adam: You don't understand, Stuart. No one except me here understands what's happening.
Derek: Adam, will you shut the hell up and let Hayley speak?
Adam: No! Not without a lawyer. Not one word.
Stuart: Adam, this is what made her sick in the first place. You have to let her talk.
Derek: Go ahead, Hayley. Why don't you have a seat?
Hayley: The night of the party on the yacht, I fought with my mother out on the deck. I put my hands around her throat, and I started choking her so she couldn't breathe, and I didn't stop until she crumpled onto the deck.
Derek: What happened next?
Hayley: Well, I checked for a pulse and there wasn't one, and so I -- you know, I lost it, I freaked out, and I ran away. I left her there by herself. And I went to get Mateo, but he wasn't very helpful because he had been drugged, as was everyone else on the boat that night.
Derek: Go on.
Hayley: We finally got it together, and we went back out to the deck to check on her, and she was gone. I mean, Arlene's body was gone.
Adam: Oh, for God's sake.
Derek: Adam, put a sock in it. Hayley, I need for you to tell me something. Was Arlene dead when you left her there? I mean, are you sure that you strangled her, that she died when you strangled her?
Hayley: I checked for a pulse. There was none.
Adam: That's what I've been trying to say. I've been trying to point out to you and to her before she concocted this ridiculous story --
Derek: Adam --
Adam: That Arlene recovered. She got up, and she wandered away under her own steam. My daughter didn't kill her mother.

Jake: When? Gillian, when are you going to tell Ryan that you're pregnant?
Gillian: It's not easy, Jake. I've been waiting for the right moment.
Jake: You're not telling him because you know it's my baby. And because I am the father, I now have to be responsible to make sure that you get prenatal attention and a decent doctor.
Gillian: Who do you think you are, Jake? I'm not some child who can't take care of herself and who's not responsible. I'm not drinking alcohol and I'm taking care of myself the way I always do, and I don't need you to hover over me and tell me that I'm being negligent when I'm not!
Jake: Ok. All right, all right, listen. Listen, I don't mean to hover over you. Gillian, you don't know what this means to me.
Gillian: And you don't understand, Jake, that this is my body!
Jake: And you're carrying my child. And you're not being responsible about it. You're still my wife, all right, and this divorce isn't final yet.
Gillian: What? Do you hear yourself, Jake?
Jake: I can stop it, you know.
Gillian: What?
Jake: Gillian, if you keep this up, you leave me no choice. I'll stop this divorce. I swear it.
Gillian: I can't believe you.
Jake: And I can't believe you. I don't know what else to do. I have no leverage with my own child. If I don't assert myself and my fatherly rights now when we're married, I'm never going to have them. Gillian -- hey, look at me. Put yourself in my shoes just for once and think about it. This whole story reeks of what happened to me before. Do you actually expect me to just let you and Ryan run off in the middle of the night and take my child and block me out of your life and go on living happily ever after? You more than anyone -- you know -- you know I couldn't possibly go through that again.

[Gillian moans]

Jake: What? What?
Gillian: I'm just --
Jake: What?
Gillian: It's morning sickness. I need air.
Jake: Gillian, wait, wait.

Hayley: This is certainly not a story I concocted, and my mother most certainly did not get up and wander off the boat after I strangled her to death, ok?
Adam: No. No, it's not -- that's it, Derek. No lawyer, no more talk.
Derek: Hayley, Hayley, what about the note that Arlene sent us?
Hayley: That wasn't from her. That was me.
Adam: Do you see what I'm saying? She's sick.
Hayley: No, no, no. I was confused then, Derek, but I'm very clear now on this.
Derek: Hayley, what do you mean, that the letters were from you?
Hayley: I don't know the technical medical term of what happened to me. I don't know what to call it. I just -- I started to assume my mother's personality. However, in terms of what happened prior to that, I know exactly what I did to Arlene. Derek: So -- so Arlene was dead when you left her. Are you sure?
Hayley: Yes, I told you -- I checked for a pulse. There was none.
Adam: Well, I found one.
Hayley: Oh, will you please stop it.
Adam: I checked Arlene. I found Arlene. I found a pulse. I was under the influence of that drug that night, too, you know. So I didn't give it a second thought. I picked her body up and threw it over the side of the ship.
Hayley: That is not true! She was already dead when he found her.
Adam: I am the murderer. I killed her.
Hayley: Stop. He is trying to protect me, Derek. Don't believe him. She was already dead when he found her body.
Adam: No, she was alive, and I killed her.
Hayley: Will you please stop it, Adam?
Adam: So arrest me and leave Hayley here alone with my brother, who can see that she gets the help she needs.
Derek: All right, that's it. That's enough!

[Reggae music plays]

[All you see is a woman, in a tropical location, wearing a large hat and drinking]

Bianca: Sarah, I know that the last thing you want to do right now is eat this, but -- but you just got to get your strength up or I don't know what I'm going to do.
Sarah: I don't want to make you angry.
Bianca: And I don't want to force-feed you, Sarah, but you got to get something in your system or else you're going to be in big trouble. Sarah, we've both been here before.
Sarah: There's no point, Bianca.
Bianca: No! I won't -- I won't let you say that.
Sarah: It's better this way. I feel better this way.
Bianca: Sarah, it's your disease talking. Don't listen to the committee. Listen to me. Sarah, look at me. Look at me let me help you. Please let me help you. I will do whatever I can to make you better, to make you stronger, and then we will face whatever is out there waiting for us together, ok?
Sarah: But my whole life is a lie.
Bianca: No.
Sarah: It's a lie, and that's all it'll ever be.
Bianca: No, Sarah, it wasn't a lie with me.
Sarah: It's too late.
Bianca: Oh, God. Now I know how my mother felt when I was sick. Sarah -- I can't make you want to get better, but do you understand it's impossible for me to just sit by and watch someone I love give up? Sarah. Sarah, I'm going to have to take you to the hospital if you -- if you don't -- Sarah. Sarah! Sarah, please -- please! Come on, Sarah, you got to try. You got to try for me. Please, Sarah. Please!
Bianca: Sarah, please, can you hear me? Please? Sarah.
Erica: Bianca --
Bianca: Mommy, help me help her. Please?

Mateo: Sorry. I can't believe I left my cell phone.
Ryan: No worries, man. Here, take this one.
Mateo: I got to call Hayley before she gets jazzed and tries to talk to the cops. Come on, come on, come on, come on. No answer. I mean, what -- what -- where could she be?
Ryan: Are you sure that this Katarin Smirnofski is Arlene? How do you know that?
Mateo: Come on. Those two names are the names of the two most expensive vodkas that you can buy. That's Arlene's drink. She's probably in the Caribbean right now with the $500,000 she got from that necklace. Do you think maybe he took her out on the beach for a walk? Would Stuart -- you know, I can't stay here. Listen, I'm going to catch a flight and --
Ryan: What are you talking about, flight? Where are you going?
Mateo: I don't know. I'll figure that out just -- thank you. I owe you.

Ryan: Gillian?

Derek: I'm going to go speak with the DA.
Adam: Derek, let my daughter go.
Derek: Until I get the real truth -- at least to my satisfaction, Adam -- nobody's going anywhere.
Derek: Five minutes, Stuart, and then you have to clear out.
Stuart: Ok. Ok, Derek. Thank you.
Stuart: This is so sad.
Hayley: Uncle Stuart, did Mateo say where he was going?
Stuart: No, no, he -- he told me what he told you -- to wait to call Derek.
Adam: And why, again, was Derek called?
Hayley: Uncle Stuart, please, see if you can't go and find Mateo. And call Liza for Adam.
Stuart: Ok. Yeah. I'll try.
Adam: Thank you, Stuart.
Stuart: Yeah.

Adam: Hayley, we have to get our story straight. Let's tell it my way -- that I found Arlene, she was alive, and I threw her overboard.
Hayley: I can't do it, Dad. I'm sorry. This is -- you don't understand. I had to tell the truth. I won't feel any better knowing that you're in prison for something I did. This is the only way.
Adam: No, this isn't the only way. Throwing your life away is not the only way, Hayley.
Hayley: What life, Dad? What life?
Adam: Oh, Hayley, please.
Hayley: Dad, I lost any life I had when I killed my mother. It's over. I've done this to myself.

Bartender: Mrs. Smirnofski --
Arlene: Ms. Smirnofski. Katarin Smirnofski, like the vodka. Which you could put a little splash of in this and then maybe you could tell me when I could meet you, when you get off?
Bartender: You have a call.
Arlene: Hmm.
Bartender: 2:00.

[Arlene laughs]

Arlene: Yeah?
Mrs. Woodward: I'm the one who bought your necklace.
Arlene: How did you find me? Mrs. Woodward: Dear, if I have the money to buy a necklace like yours over the internet, do you really think finding you would be so difficult?
Arlene: What do you want?
Mrs. Woodward: Someone called me and asked where I got it.
Arlene: Who?
Mrs. Woodward: He didn't say. Now, I was promised there would be no repercussions for this purchase.
Arlene: Look, Honey, there won't be. Just keep your yap shut, ok?
Oh, Honey, do you think the concierge could charter me a yacht?
Bartender: Yes, ma'am.
Arlene: Great. Could you do me a favor and book it for me?
Bartender: Where to?
Arlene: Oh, another island far away from here. Off the map.

Gillian: If you ever cared for me, Jake, you will not stand in the way of this divorce now!
Jake: I'm not giving up this baby.
Gillian: Oh, Jake --
Jake: I'm not. I'm sorry that you're having to go through this and I'm sorry you're having morning sickness. You can tell Dr. Clader when you go for your first appointment.
Gillian: Oh. I can't tell Ryan this. I can't tell him.

Gillian: "Ryan, I have to go away." No, I don't. No, I don't.

Ryan: What are you still doing here?
Jake: Forgot my gloves, Ryan.
Ryan: Where's Gillian?
Jake: I don't know. She was just here a minute ago.
Ryan: Well, where is she?
Jake: Ryan, I just said I don't know. She's here on the boat somewhere.
Ryan: Did you say something to upset her?
Jake: I'm out of here.
Ryan: That's a good idea, Jake. You want to hear another good idea? Don't come back.
Jake: You know, I'm afraid that's not possible, Ryan.
Ryan: What are you trying to pull here, Jake? Do I need to slap a restraining order on you to keep you away from Gillian?
Jake: You know what, man? I don't give a damn what you think you're going to slap on me, all right? You're not going to keep me out of Gillian's life as long as she's pregnant with my child.


Ryan: You're going to have a baby.

Bianca: Sarah's mother. What's she doing here?
Erica: I called her.

Hayley: I would like to waive my rights and accept my punishment.

[Arlene gasps]
Mateo: It's so good to see you, Arlene.

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