FEBRUARY 8, 2002


Kendall: At first I didn't understand. Now I see how much you really loved Frankie.

Anna: You're Ryan's father?

Hayley: The disk is hidden in the passageway. I put it there myself.

Jake: But I could use a first mate. Why don't you come with me?

David: The woman is deranged at best. That's enough to put her away.
Greenlee: Put who away?
David: Vanessa.


Leo: You're not going to have our mother committed, David.
David: It's for her own protection, Leo.
Leo: She just lost her home -- and her husband and her identity for -- so she's acting a little crazy. So your first thought is to call the men with the white coats? Come on.
Greenlee: David is right, Leo. Your mother needs help.
Leo: Oh, and look who's suddenly concerned about my mother's well-being. Greenlee, you've been working overtime to get Vanessa out of your hair. This isn't any of your business anyway.
Greenlee: I'm going to be your wife.
Leo: Yeah, well, if you think that you can tell me who's in and out of my life, maybe we should rethink that.

Jake: Hey, listen, where are the interns who are supposed to update these charts? Are they hiding or sleeping around here? Where they at?
Nurse: The accreditation process starts tomorrow, Dr. Martin. The paperwork has to be processed by then.
Jake: Well, that's fine, all right? I just don't know why I'm the guy who always gets suck doing this stuff. That's all I'm trying to say.
Mia: Do you really need an answer to that question?
Jake: Hey, hey, Mia. I'll be right with you.
Mia: No, no, it's fine. Take your time. You look busy.
Jake: Yeah.
Mia: So, did you do it? Did you give your notice?
Jake: Oh, oh. Well, no, not actually, I just --
Mia: You know what? Forget it. It's fine. Obviously, you like it here after all, so I will make my own great escape from Pine Valley, and I tell you what -- I'll send you a post card.

Erica: I'm so glad that you came to see me. I was just thinking about you. But, of course, I never, ever stop.
Bianca: Look, I came to tell you something. I'm going to -- my birthday is tomorrow.
Erica: Did you think that I forgot? Honey, that was the happiest day of my life. I just -- I wasn't sure how exactly you'd like to celebrate this year, but whatever --
Bianca: Celebrate? You're kidding, right?
Erica: No, whatever you want, Honey.
Bianca: I want my independence. I'm going to be 18 tomorrow, I'm going to be an adult. I want to take control of my trust fund and finally be free of you.

Liza: Why don't you just call Derek and at least you could find out what they have on Mateo!
Adam: I did that, I told you. I got nothing from him.

[Doorbell rings]
Liza: Dixie -- Tad. I didn't expect to see the two of you together.
Dixie: We came right from the airport. Excuse me, I'm sort of anxious to see J.R.
J.R.: Hi.
Dixie: Hi.
J.R.: Hey.
Dixie: Oh, you have no idea how good it is to hug you.
J.R.: Why, what's up?
Dixie: Uh -- nothing. Tad and I wanted to talk to you about some --
[Phone rings]
J.R.: You know what? I got to take this.
Dixie: Oh. Go ahead, go ahead.
Adam: Tell them you'll call them back.
J.R.: You know, it's -- it's about school.
Adam: Don't go far!

J.R.: Hello?
Ryan: J.R., It's Ryan. I have a job for you.
J.R.: Look, I told you, I'll give you the -- I'll give you all the money for wrecking the bike, but I'm grounded and I am stuck here right now. There's -- I can't leave.
Ryan: Perfect. Perfect. Listen, this is not a moneymaking job. I need you to sneak me into your house.
J.R.: Ryan, no. No way. I am in enough trouble as it is. I can't go doing that.
Ryan: No, no, no, no. You do what I tell you, remember? Great. Look, I'm on my way over. Meet me at the front door. Ok? Good-bye.

Kendall: I know why you keep blowing me off, Ryan.
Ryan: Maybe that's why it's not working.
Kendall: I saw you with your arms all over her. Hayley Santos, right? Don't even deny it. And you get on my case about screwing people over.
Ryan: Yeah. Pathetic, really. But you know what? Knock yourself out, Kendall. Spy all you like. I mean, that -- that is if you really care who I've got in my arms.

Erica: Bianca, I know that you're a grown woman now. But still --
Bianca: Look, I am not doing this out of anger, ok? I'm just taking control. I'm going to manage my own trust fund and I'm going to move out of your house permanently.
Erica: That would be such a mistake.
Bianca: Fine. Fine. Let me make it. I'm going to be staying at Myrtle's until I find something more permanent, and there's nothing that you can do about this, mom. Nothing. I'm just asking that you let me do it quietly and easily. I don't want to give Donald Steele any more headlines.
Erica: Look. I know that tomorrow is your 18th birthday. That's very exciting. And I know how that feels. Believe me, I do. I remember how I just -- I counted every second until I could have my freedom. But I never thought at all about leaving home.
Bianca: Well, once again, Mom, I'm not you.
Erica: No, I just meant that every girl needs her mother. I still miss my mother every single day of my life. And your grandmother and I, we fought a lot more than you and I do.
Bianca: Yes, I know, Mom, and you still have to win.
Erica: No, Honey-- I'll be better, I swear I will.
Bianca: You can't --
Erica: You're an adult. I accept that, I know that.
Bianca: You can't change, Mom. I -- I saw the look on your face when you found me hugging Frankie's sister.
Erica: Well, I was in shock. I mean, I thought that Frankie had come back from the dead.
Bianca: It was total disapproval. It was just the same as it was with Frankie. You haven't learned a thing, Mom. You still think that everything that you did was right and you would do it all over again.
Bianca: But all that's changed now because you are 18 and because I know that you can leave anytime you want.
Bianca: Right, so I'm going to save us a lot of hassle and I'm going to just leave now.
Erica: Well, could I at least give you your birthday present?
Bianca: Mom --
Erica: Please?
Bianca: I -- I'm not in the mood for presents.
Erica: Oh, come on. I know you're going to like this. Val and I, we looked all over for a jeweler who could make this for you. Look.
Erica: I faxed him copies of -- of your old locket, the one your father gave you, and he copied it. See?
Bianca: It's exactly like it.
Erica: Exactly. And so this one can replace the one that -- that you gave Frankie and all the bad memories that go with it.
Bianca: And we can just start over, right? We can just pretend that Frankie's murder never happened, right?
Erica: No, of course not. We can't do that, but we can --
Bianca: Mom, it is so easy for you, isn't it? You can just create your own reality. Get Val on the job, spend a lot of money. You can erase the past and it's like nothing bad ever has to happen. Even with Kendall.
Erica: Kendall? What has Kendall got to do with any of this?
Bianca: You tried to erase her, too, didn't you, Mom? God, maybe that's why she's become the way she is.

Kendall: God, what a hypocrite you are. You lecture me on how to behave and here you are, shacked up in a motel with a married woman.
Ryan: You know what? I'm going to give you some advice now, Kendall. Mind your own damn business and don't tell anybody that you saw Hayley here. You understand?
Kendall: Hmm. You know how pathetic losers like me are when they've got a juicy secret like this one.
Ryan: Do I sound like I'm kidding? Because I'm not. You tell anybody about Hayley and me and you're going to pay for it. Ok?

Greenlee: No, I know you don't mean that. Of course we're getting married -- even though Vanessa would like nothing better than to break us up.
Leo: Hmm. So why didn't you tell me you went to see her? Wouldn't be because you tried to bribe her and then blackmail her, would it?
Greenlee: I was trying to talk to her like a normal person.
Leo: Mm-hmm.
Greenlee: But David is right. She's not normal. Not even close.
Leo: And, what, designing your own cover for "The Informer" is normal? Greenlee, like I told you before, this is none of your concern.
David: Of course it is her concern, Leo. She's coming between the two of you.
Leo: So you agree with her? And you agree with him? Does it matter what I think?
Greenlee: Look, Leo, I know you cut your mother a lot of slack, but she's acting weirdly irrational, even for her.
David: Yeah, and she doesn't even know about the Larry business.
Greenlee: Larry? Vanessa's ex-chauffeur/lover? I know he's the guy that beat Leo up. There's more?
Leo: No, there isn't. And I'm in no mood to speak to either one of you about this, so just drop it.
Greenlee: Fine. Don't speak to me. But David is a doctor. If he thinks his own mother is mentally imbalanced, you should believe him.
Leo: Why? He's done nothing but try to distance himself from Vanessa. Now suddenly he wants to play the concerned son by putting her away? Forget it. He doesn't give a damn about Vanessa. He just wants payback for the way his father died.

Dixie: J.R., I'm just -- I'm just trying to tell you something.
J.R.: You know what? I know what you're going to say. You went to get a divorce and ended up not getting it, right? Big surprise.
Dixie: No, we got a divorce. It's just that something happened on the island.
Tad: You ok?
Dixie: Yeah, I'm ok. I'm fine.
Tad: Are you sure? They told us to go right to the hospital.
J.R.: Mom? What?
Adam: What happened?
Liza: Are you sick?
Dixie: No.
[Dixie coughs]
Dixie: Honestly, I'm -- I'm fine. I just -- we had a little scare while we were there.
J.R.: It's her heart again, isn't it?
Dixie: Yes, it is, but I don't want you to worry about it.
J.R.: Damn it. Are you sure you're ok?
Dixie: I'm fine. I just have to go to the hospital for a little while so that they can monitor me. And I -- I'm assuming that it's ok that you stay here with your father for a little while longer.
Adam: Look, course, yes. This is J.R.'S home.
Dixie: Good, thank you. And, Liza?
Liza: J.R. Knows the rules. I trust that he will honor them.
J.R.: Yes, of course.
[J.R. Sighs]
J.R.: You know what? I'm going to go to the hospital with you. You know, I can ditch my homework. It's --
Dixie: No, no, no.
J.R.: It's not a problem.
Adam: Think again, Mister.
Dixie: You don't have to ditch your homework, really. Please, I'll be fine.
J.R.: Are you sure?
Dixie: Yeah.
Tad: We'll call you as soon as we find out anything.
J.R.: Ok, good. Well, you know what? I need to get a book. I left it out in the foyer.
Dixie: Ok, go.

[J.R. opens the front door and finds Ryan waiting for him]
Ryan: You're late.
J.R.: I'm sorry. There's, like -- everyone's in there.
Ryan: Who?
J.R.: My mom, my dad, Liza, Tad, everybody. What do you want?
Ryan: I need to pick something from inside one of the secret tunnels.
J.R.: Why?
Ryan: Nah, mind your own business and remember I own you.
J.R.: Be quick. Do you know your way around here? It's like a maze.
Ryan: Uh -- no. You better show me.
J.R.: I can't.
Adam: J.R.?
J.R.: I'm supposed to be in there doing my homework.
Adam: J.R., You finished out there?
J.R.: Yes, Sir. Coming.
Adam: Don't even think about going out. Get back in here and finish your work.
J.R.: Gee.

Erica: Bianca, have you asked yourself -- have you asked yourself, how did it happen that Kendall just so happened to be there when you met Maggie? I mean, doesn't that seem a little convenient to you?
Bianca: What?
Erica: Kendall wanted me to see you with Maggie, with Frankie's sister. She wanted that. It was no accident that I happened to run into you and Maggie. Kendall set me up, and she probably did the same thing with you.
Bianca: She did not. She was just there.
Erica: I am not going to allow you to get involved with Kendall. She's going to turn you against me.
Bianca: Well, Mom, it's a little late for that, don't you think?
Erica: No, I don't, and I won't accept it.
Bianca: Well, I'm sorry, there's nothing you can do about it. I'm going to see whomever I please from now on, even blood relatives, ok? Tell Coral that I will be by in the morning to get my things, ok? Please.
Erica: Well, all right. Go and live with Myrtle, but please, just be careful of Kendall.

[Bianca leaves Enchantment and Chris arrives]
Erica: Chris. Chris --

Jake: Would you mind filing these charts for me? Thanks. Hey. So I got a minute. What's up?
Mia: Look, you know what? It's not a problem, really. Sailing around the world with you would have been really sweet, but I can get out of here even quicker on an airplane.
Jake: Well, listen, the plans haven't changed, Mia. They've just been postponed.
Mia: You know what? I mean, it's ridiculous. You say that you want an adventure, but you love it here. I mean, you love being the go-to guy. You love saving the day, so why pretend otherwise?
Jake: Because I meant what I said. I am done saving the day in this hospital. They can go and they can find somebody else to do all of the dirty work. You know, Linda, forget it, all right? No more charts and I mean it. Linda: I made you some cocoa. I know how you like it.
Jake: Well, thank you. Hot cocoa.
Linda: You're welcome.
Jake: All right, all right, listen. I cannot wait to get on the sailboat and take off, and the plans and the offer stands. If you want to join me, you're more than welcome.
Mia: Well, that depends. What's the postponement for? Personal reasons?
Jake: Well, actually, strictly professional reasons. David Hayward is about to be fired from this hospital, and I'm going to stick around to make sure that he stays fired.

David: I am not discussing my father's death with you.
Leo: You don't have to. I sat there and listened to you blame her for his death, David. But she's the one who suffered.
David: Vanessa?
Leo: Yes.
David: Vanessa suffered for my father's death?
Leo: Oh, you're the one who ended up with all the money.
David: What, are you out of your mind? Do you honestly think that matters to me?
Leo: Look, my point is, is that he had cut her out of the will --
David: Oh --
Leo: Before he killed himself.
David: You don't know what the hell you're talking about, all right, so back off,
Leo, I'm warning you.
Greenlee: Leo, please.
Leo: Oh, you lived the cushy life, David, and she was kicked out to fend for herself and then for me.
David: Yeah, right, and she managed just fine, didn't she, Leo?
Leo: Yeah, she did manage just fine. And I saw the way she lived and what kind of life she had to lead because of that. But you know what? No matter what happened to us, no matter how bad things got, she never once said one mean thing about you.
David: Oh, please, please!
Leo: You were always the genius brother, the doctor.
Greenlee: Maybe she said that to make you feel inferior.
Leo: Nice, Greenlee. Thanks a lot.
Greenlee: Oh, Leo, we've seen Vanessa's movies. She's a brilliant actress and she always has an agenda.
David: Look, listen to me. Leo, I'm not out trying to get revenge on our mother. I cut that woman out of my heart a long time ago. It was the only thing I could do to survive. I'm sorry that you aren't able to do the same.
Greenlee: It's not too late, Leo.
Leo: Would you both just shut up? You had far more of an agenda than Vanessa ever had. And you -- since when are you the expert on parents? What about the sickos who raised you? Didn't they always work it out so that they were in Switzerland when you were in San Diego, and then they were in San Diego when you were in Switzerland?
Greenlee: Stop it. Why do you feel you have to hurt me? I'm trying to help you.
Leo: But I don't need your help! All right?
Greenlee: Fine! I'll go!
Leo: Go! Why dot you run to Jake?
Greenlee: That was a really mean thing to say.
Leo: Why? You always run to Jake when things don't go your way, Greenlee. And he is understanding yet noble, as he provides a strong shoulder for you to cry on, doesn't he?
Greenlee: After the way you've been treating me, who would blame me for running to Jake?
Leo: Not me. Go if that's what you want. Believe me, I'm not going to try to stop you.
Greenlee: Of course. Why would you need me when you have your mother?
[Greenlee runs out of the loft]

David: I'm sorry, Leo.
Leo: Oh, would you give it up. I don't need a big brother right now.
David: Yeah, you do.

[Knock on door]
Kendall: Hi.
Bianca: Hi. I didn't call.
Kendall: Oh -- that's ok. Come on in. How are you holding up?
Bianca: Fine.
Kendall: Bianca, you have been on my mind all day. I think you are so brave.
Bianca: I'm brave?
Kendall: Yeah, totally. If someone that I loved was murdered and then I ran into someone who looked exactly like him, oh, God, I don't know what I would do. But you dealt with it.
Bianca: Well, you saw the way I dealt with it, Kendall.
Kendall: Well, you kept it together. I'm glad I was there to help you whatever way I could.
Bianca: Right. Actually, that's why I'm here.
Kendall: You don't have to thank me.
Bianca: Oh, I know I don't. Kendall, we're sisters, right?
Kendall: Right.
Bianca: So you'll tell me the truth?
Kendall: About?
Bianca: When you called me over to SOS., did you know that Frankie's twin sister would be there? Did you set me up?

Erica: It's just that I've always been able to make her come around, you know, and I thought that she was going to love that locket that I had made for her. But then --
Chris: Look, Erica -- please, I'm trying to get some work done here.
Erica: Please don't be cold with me, Chris. Can't stand it that everybody I care for is just turning against me. And don't pretend you don't feel anything.
Chris: Of course I feel -- for Bianca. That poor kid has been put through hell, Erica.
Erica: Well, then why don't you help me? Help me get through to her. What do I do? I mean, she and I -- we would have made peace by now if it weren't for Kendall. Kendall is the one who's keeping Bianca's anger alive.
Chris: No, you only have yourself to blame for that! You're the one who brought Kendall back into your life, you.
Erica: How dare you throw that in my face!
Chris: Look, I don't care.
Erica: Do you think I wanted to do that?
Chris: Look, I'm trying to do my job here!
Erica: You don't care? Fine. Then get out! Go! You no longer have my permission to look in my computer system.
Chris: Look, I appreciate your permission, but I have a warrant. Mateo's been arrested.
Erica: Yeah, well, damn your damn warrant, Mr. Stamp!
Chris: Now look what you've gone and done, Erica. You wrinkled my warrant. But luckily it's still good. Now, if you want me gone, you'll let me get this done.
Erica: Look, of course I care about Mateo. What are you looking for anyhow that's so important?
Chris: I got a glimpse of the computer program that Proteus was using. There was nothing incriminating on Mateo's hard drive, but there's got to be something here.
Erica: Not in my Enchantment system.
Chris: I don't know. But if there's something here -- uh-huh, I'll find it. I'll find it.

[Ryan finds the disk]
Ryan: Mateo, you better be right about this. If you can use this to nail Stamp, then he'll be out of my life for good.

[Ryan sighs, leaves the tunnel and listens]
J.R.: You know, I finished all my homework. You can check it if you want.
Adam: Oh, I believe you. Now go upstairs and read a couple of chapters of that novel.
J.R.: Why are you still on my case? You know, how many times do I have to say it? I'm sorry that I took Liza's car without permission.
Liza: You know what? If you live here, we just have to know that we can trust you.
J.R. You can.
Adam: The way we trusted Mateo?
J.R.: Ok, look, Mateo's innocent. That has nothing to do with this.
Liza: Regardless of whether Mateo is innocent or not, we don't need another problem in the family.
J.R.: Now you're going to go against him, too, Liza? You know, I can see my dad loving it -- loving it -- that Mateo's going to jail, but not you.
Adam: Did you get any drugs from Mateo?
J.R.: What?
Adam: You heard me.
J.R.: You know what, Liza? You don't have to worry about me living in your house because I'm not going to. I would rather live in a cardboard box.
Liza: J.R. --

[Adam, Liza and J.R. run into Ryan in the main room]
Adam: What are you doing in my house?
Liza: Ryan, what's going on? What are you doing here?

Erica: You have a right to be angry with me. I lied to you. I lied to you and I handled everything badly.
Chris: Look, please, please --
Erica: And you felt that I was using you. But surely after all that we have shared, Chris --
Chris: Look --
Erica: You must understand that was not my intent and that I have my child to worry about.
Chris: Look, we've already been through this. I told you I don't care anymore.
Erica: Well, then I have to explain myself better.
Chris: I don't want any more of your explanations!
Erica: I told you that Bianca always comes first with me. I told you that. And I didn't lie to you about that, did I?
Chris: No. No, you didn't lie about that.
Erica: And you even said that that was one of the reasons that you --
Chris: What? What? "Loved"? "Loved" you? Is -- is that the word you're looking for, Erica?
Erica: Yes. That's what you said. And you said you admired the strength and the intensity of my love for my daughter. Don't you remember saying that?
Chris: I said a lot of things.
Erica: Look, I understand why it's so hard for you to comprehend what it is because you don't have a child of your own. And unless you're a parent yourself, it's very hard to grasp what you would do if you found your child in trouble like that.
Chris: Will you stop? You -- you think that just because I've never rocked a child to sleep or -- or planned for his future that I can't understand how a parent loves or cares?
Erica: Well, then why don't you see that what I was doing was all about protecting --
Chris: Well, believe it or not, Erica, I know what it takes for a parent to lie to protect their child. I know! But I also know when you've taken things too far, and this has gone too far!
Erica: And I'm sorry. Chris, I am truly sorry.
Chris: I wonder. I wonder if -- if you could ever understand what it's like to give your heart and your soul to a person only to find out that you're part of a lie.
Erica: I can see that I've hurt you, and I never meant to do that.
Chris: No. But I get you know, I get what your motives were. But I can't understand. I can't accept how you didn't trust me.
[Chris walks out of Erica's office]

Kendall: You think I set you up? What kind of a sick person would do something like that?
Bianca: Just answer the question, Kendall.
Kendall: How about you answer it?
Bianca: Look, every single memory that I have of you is bad. I don't recall you being anything but mean and twisted.
Kendall: That -- that's not my fault.
Bianca: But I don't want to hate you, Kendall. I really don't. It takes far too much energy, so just tell --
Kendall: Don't -- then don't hate me, Bianca. I don't hate you. I would never, ever do anything bad to you.
Bianca: So then you didn't know about Maggie?
Kendall: No, I had no idea she would be here. Oh, my God. She got to you.
Bianca: Nobody got to me, Kendall.
Kendall: We were getting along, and she couldn't stand that.
Bianca: Look, I'm here on my own.
Kendall: Oh, my God. One by one, our mother is turning everyone in Pine Valley against me.
Bianca: One by one?
Kendall: Yes. Jackson Montgomery was here.
Bianca: For what?
Kendall: To bribe me. He shoved money in my hand to get me out of town.
Bianca: Well, Mom isn't responsible for that. She and Uncle Jack aren't even close anymore.
Kendall: Well, then he thought it up on his own to get close to her.
Bianca: No, Uncle Jack isn't like that.
Kendall: How much you want to bet she poisoned his mind full of bad thoughts about me?
Bianca: Kendall, you're just making this up.
Kendall: No, I'm not. Whether or not he knows it, your uncle jack is doing Erica's dirty work for her. And whether or not you know it, so are you.

Leo: Look, David, this -- this brother thing is just a technicality, so if you want to pretend just to be strangers, that's -- that's perfectly fine with me.
David: Yeah, well, I would mind, Leo. All right? I spent my entire life alone. I never even gave it a second thought. But I like having you in my life.
Leo: Spare me.
David: No, come on. I was best man at your wedding, remember? And I felt that we've been developing, you know, kind of a nice connection.
Leo: So the perfect way to bond, in your opinion, is, what, to get together and measure mother for a straitjacket?
David: What if she really killed Larry, Leo -- the way she did Paolo?
Leo: We have no evidence of that.
David: Yeah, but even if we don't have hard evidence right now, we both know she's capable of it. Do you honestly believe that we should just turn a blind eye to that?
Leo: Look, Mother isn't pure evil the way she is in your mind, ok? Is she a weak person? Yes. Has she become selfish in order to survive? Yes. But, you know, despite everything she's done or may not have done, she's always loved me. And in her own twisted way, she's always loved you, too.
David: Look, look -- I understand why you need to stand up for her, ok? When I was a kid, I didn't think anybody was more beautiful in the entire world. And when she decided to be kind, I was the happiest kid alive.
Leo: So maybe I saw more of that side of her than you did.
David: All right, well, maybe I'm jealous about that.
Leo: Maybe?
David: Leo, please, let's not become enemies over this, all right? No matter what Vanessa's done, she has -- she's a problem for both of us. You know that. I mean, look how she's coming between you and Greenlee.
Leo: No, that's no reason to have her committed, David.
David: All right, all right, maybe this isn't the time to try and figure this out. I know -- you're right, she has gone through a lot lately, but no matter what face you put on it, Leo, she's not handling it well.
Leo: Oh, I guess not. Maybe she does need some help.
David: That's all I'm saying, ok? So why don't we try and get that for her? We can make sure that she has a full psychiatric evaluation.
Leo: And you're going to handle it? David, come on, we both know that you're not going to have Vanessa's best interest at heart.
David: We'll do it together, ok? Nothing can be done without your consent.
Leo: Let me think about it.
David: I promise you I'll do my best for her, Leo -- if not for her sake, then for yours.
Leo: Don't say another word.
David: All right, brother.
[Leo sighs]

Leo: Yeah, Enchantment. Could I speak with Greenlee Smythe, please? No, no -- I'll just -- I'll try back later.

[Knock on door]
Vanessa: Hello, Darling.
Leo: Come in, Mother. You just missed David.
Vanessa: Yes, I saw him, but he didn't see me.
Leo: Well, that's probably good because he probably would have slipped the net over you and carted you off to the loony bin.
Vanessa: What did he say?
Leo: He wants to have you committed.
Vanessa: Oh, that's absurd. And what did you say?
Leo: I defended you.
Vanessa: Oh, Darling.
Vanessa: Oh, Darling.
Leo: But I'm not sure why I defended you, Mother. Because I think you might be crazy.
Vanessa: Oh.

Adam: How dare you come into my house uninvited.
Ryan: Adam, I was picking up some documents for Gillian's playground.
Adam: Have you ever heard of a doorbell?
Ryan: Well, would you have heard over the battle going on in there? Look, the door was open, I came in. Obviously, it was a bad time.
Adam: That's very perceptive. You know where the door is. Use it.

[Adam leaves]
Liza: So you want to tell me about these documents for Gillian's playground?
Ryan: I made that up, Liza. I wanted to come and see how you were doing, and I think I heard how you're doing.
Liza: It's just this thing with Mateo. Adam's kind of impossible.
Ryan: You know what? The problems of the Chandler family are really none of my business. You chose to stick around. You really have nobody to blame but yourself.
Liza: I did what I did for Colby.
Ryan: You know, you keep saying that. But a woman who owns her own TV station and runs a multinational could probably make a pretty nice life for her daughter all on her own. So I think there's another explanation.

Erica: Oh, let me in,
Kendall. Kendall: Sorry.
Erica: Fine. Then we'll have it out here. You have stooped to a new low, Kendall.
Kendall: You mean even for me?
Erica: I mean even for you. I realize that Bianca is no match for you. She is 18 years old and she thinks that she's all grown up, but she is still a child, and she is easily fooled, Kendall.
Kendall: Do you think so? Well, come on in, then, and say hi to Bianca. Let's see which one of us can fool her the easiest. Don't be angry, Bianca. Erica only meant -- well, just what exactly did you mean, Mother?
[Bianca leaves Kendall's room - saying nothing to Erica]
Erica: Oh, you have made a big mistake, coming between my daughter Bianca and me.

[Ryan opens Liza & Adam's front door and runs into Chris]
Ryan: Ha. Are you ever going to stop following me?
Chris: I wasn't looking for you, Ryan, but now that I see you, want to tell me what you're doing here?
Liza: First, why don't you tell me what you're doing here, Mr. Stamp?
Chris: Mrs. Chandler.
Liza: Yes, I know. Federal agent.
Ryan: Doesn't mean you can trust him.
Derek: Hi, Liza.
Liza: Derek, what are you doing -- search warrant?
Derek: We'll do our job as fast as possible.
Ryan: Good luck, Liza, and make sure you count your silverware after they're gone because --
Chris: You're not going anywhere. Now tell me what you're doing here.
Ryan: Or what, Stamp? You going to arrest me? Or worse? Aren't you getting me confused with my father?

Greenlee: Jake. I'm so glad I found you.
[A teary Greenlee falls into Jake's arms]

Vanessa: Have me committed? Hmm. Leo, you should know by now what passes as your brother's sense of humor.
Leo: But he wasn't kidding. Come on, you have to admit that your behavior's been downright bizarre lately.
Vanessa: Oh, really? What do you expect? I mean, honest -- I find your accusations about Larry equally bizarre.
Leo: Well, then tell me what the hell happened to him.
Vanessa: I don't know! But I can almost guarantee you, darling, that we don't have to worry about him anymore. I'm sure he's popped up somewhere already, you know, and spewing his charm around some other unsuspecting woman.

[Mia is out jogging and stops by the boat house. She sees a body floating in the water]
[Mia screams]


Erica: You're here to make me pay.
Kendall: It's high time someone did.

Anna: Look who I ran into.
David: You shouldn't have brought them here.

Ryan: Am I under arrest?

Greenlee: What do I want?
Jake: This.
[Jake kisses Greenlee]

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