JANUARY 25, 2000

Brooke: Janet, why didn't you notify the police?
Janet: I couldn't. Sophie threatened me. She said if I ratted her out, she had someone on the outside that would kill us all. I was so afraid she'd kill Trevor and Amanda. And this little voice in my head said do whatever you have to do to protect your family.

Ryan: Ahem. Hayley. Hayley. Hey.
Hayley: Did I fall asleep? I have so much that I have to do.
Ryan: Wait, wait, wait. Relax. Relax. Sit down. You got plenty of time. Plenty of time.
Hayley: I just had a horrible nightmare about my Uncle Trev.
Ryan: Oh. Is there anything I can do?
Hayley: Oh, I don't know -- wave a wand and make him come back?
Ryan: Oh, I can't believe it, either, Hayley. Trevor Dillon, wanted for murder and on the run.
Hayley: One minute he and Janet have, like, this perfect life with Amanda, and the next minute it all goes to hell, you know?
Ryan: Well, maybe they'll find the real murderer and he can come home.
Hayley: I shouldn't be here, you know? I should be with them.
Ryan: Hayley, this is exactly where you should be. You worked very hard for this.
Hayley: Right now, the timing stinks, you know?
Ryan: Yeah. So you stayed up all night working?
Hayley: It's better than worrying myself into a coma.
Ryan: Ok, you are going to do great. The show is going to be the big hit. And that's the best thing you can do for Janet and for Amanda.
Hayley: Yeah, I guess you're right.

Mateo: Hi.
Hayley: Hi.
Mateo: For you.

Tad: Smile for the camera, honey.
Dixie: This is very professional.
Tad: I'm practicing.
Dixie: Are we set?
Tad: Yep. Just got off the phone with Mr. Lyle Wedgewood, Esquire. We are all confirmed for lunch at the Valley Inn.
Dixie: Well, what kind of sort of subterfuge did you use to get him to slip into our trap?
Tad: I offered to buy him lunch at the Valley Inn.
Dixie: Lunch. Oh! I get it. Did he sound like the kind of lawyer who would, you know, sell babies to the highest bidder?
Tad: No, actually. Not a hint of scum.
Dixie: Do you think this guy will lead us to whoever has Rae's daughter?
Tad: I don't know, sweetheart. Was a long time ago.
Dixie: But there's hope, right?
Tad: Why? Getting nervous?
Dixie: No. I'm not nervous. I just -- I'm nervous for Rae, mostly. I mean, she's playing cool, but obviously this means a lot to her, you know? She's going to be really disappointed if we don't find anything.
Tad: Yeah, I know. I'm afraid she's going to feel like she lost her child all over again if we hit a brick wall. Well, if we're going to nail this guy, we'd better get it in gear.
Dixie: Oh. Here we are.
Tad: Oh, gee. One of your favorites?
Dixie: It was a gift from Opal. Sacrificed for a worthy cause.
Tad: Guess so. Well, here goes nothing.

[Adam remembers….]

Liza: Respect, love -- all in the same sentence -- two things you know nothing about.
Adam: No, you're wrong, Liza. I have flaws, yes. I've admitted them before. I even put them in our wedding vows. But I thought you looked past them and loved me anyway.
Liza: I thought so, too. It turns out I don't know you at all.
Adam: I'm the same man you fell in love with, the same man you married. And I'm so crazy in love with you that here I am again, trapped in the same room that gives me nightmares.
Liza: Please.

Adam: My beautiful wife.

[Door opens]

Adam: Shh. Excellent. Right on time. You have 30 seconds.
Winifred: Will there be anything else, sir?
Adam: No, no. You just go. That partition will descend on its on.
Winifred: Mr. Chandler, you want to stay in here?
Adam: Yes, yes, yes. Yeah, go. Now listen -- not a word. Go.

Liza: Scones.
Adam: Your favorite.
Liza: Oh, you.
Adam: Oh. It's currant scones with clotted cream and strawberries -- fresh strawberries.
Liza: Good food is not going to save this marriage.
Adam: Well, it couldn't h
urt. Go on, go on, try one. Liza: Are they poisoned?
Adam: Would I do that to you?
Liza: You did it to Stuart.
Adam: I didn't. That was a tranquilizer. Here, look. Hmm. Delicious. Fresh out of the oven this morning.
Liza: This morning? Where did you get these?
Adam: I told you, I restocked the food. I showed you last night.
Liza: You left here and you -- you left here and you came back!
Adam: No, I didn't.
Liza: Yes, you did.
Adam: No.
Liza: Yes, you did. You came back here. You came back herewith this.
Adam: I swear I didn't do that.
Liza: All of this has been just a big trick, hasn't it?
Adam: No. Oh!

Tad: Perfect. Great. Ah! Wait a minute.
Rae: What?
Tad: It's all right. Come on in.
Rae: You going to let me in on this joke?
Dixie: It's a purse-cam. We're going to use it to tape Wedgewood.
Rae: Really? Well, I hope you're going to be a little more subtle about it.
Tad: Absolutely. Dixie's going to operate the purse.
Dixie: Well, honey, you know I'm not good at focusing.
Tad: Yes, you are, sweetheart. I keep telling you, this is the ultimate in point-and-shoot, ok -- and it holds your lipstick.
Dixie: Oh, that's charming.
Tad: No, I'm serious. Think about it. All you got to do is at the right time, you check your makeup, right?
Dixie: Yeah.
Tad: Then you put the compact back in your purse, you press the button. Just make sure the purse is pointed at Wedgewood. That's it.
Rae: Tad --
Tad: Listen, I got something for you, too.
Rae: I can still hear.
Tad: Hardy har-har. It's a present from Adrian. Apparently, you put this in your ear, you'll be able to hear the guy sweat.
Rae: Great. Great, great. Just great.
Tad: What is it, Rae? Rae: Look, I really appreciate your enthusiasm. I really do. I just wonder if you know what you're getting yourselves into.
Dixie: We know how much this means to you.
Rae: It could be very dangerous, Dixie.
Tad: Honey, .We accept the risk.
Rae: You know, if you wanted to back out of this whole thing, I would certainly understand. I mean, there are other ways that we can get this story.
Tad: It's a lot more than a story, for all of us.
Rae: John Sykes said this guy is connected to the mob - my God, if anything happened to either one of you --
Tad: Like what, honey? We're meeting for lunch at the Valley Inn. What's he going to do, huh? Pull out a butter knife and spread me to death?
Rae: He sells babies for profit. He's capable of anything, believe me. And if he feels threatened in any way --
Tad: We'll try to be ready for anything. But we are going to go through with this.
Rae: Tad --

Jake: Hey. Am I interrupting?
Tad: Hey, buddy.
Dixie: With Colby. And look at the little suit!
Rae: How cute.
Dixie: My goodness.
Rae: Hi.
Jake: Have you seen Liza?
Td: No, not this morning.
Jake: Well, we arranged for me to drop Colby and she was supposed to be here, but she's a no-show, so I guess I'm going to have to take her back.
Tad: Oh, no, no. Wait a minute.
Jake: What?
Tad: I got an idea. Why don't you just hang out? Wait here for a while. I mean, we're about to take off, but I know Liza's due in. After all, Hayley's new show starts today.
Jake: All right. We'll hang for a little bit.
Tad: Good. All right. Come on, guys. Time to get this show on the road.
Rae: We have to go. Bye-bye, Colby.
Dixie: Bye, baby.
Rae: Bye, Jake.
Jake: Bye-byee
Rae: Got everything?
Tad: Yeah. All set.
Dixie: Ok. See you.
Tad: Come on, sweetie.

Jake: Oh. What happened to mommy? What happened to mommy?

Liza: Get me out of here now.
Adam: Would you like a strawberry?
Liza: Adam, I want out of here. I want out of your life. I want out of this marriage. I want out.
Adam: Liza, we have a deal.
Liza: Open this partition.
Adam: Liza, why waste this beautiful moment, this wonderful food?
Liza: This moment? This moment epitomizes everything I hate about you. It's all a fraud, including this.
Adam: Oh, Liza, Liza, we slept so sweetly in each other's arms last night.
Liza: Oh --
Adam: Can't we just enjoy that?
Liza: You're blackmailing me. You're -- you're blackmailing me into living in this house after we're divorced.
Adam: It's only because I --
Liza: What, you love me? You love me? If you love me, you'd let me go, out of this place and out of this agreement.
Adam: I can't! Liza, believe me, staying in this house is going to work out just fine.
Liza: Oh --
Adam: You'll see. And as far as being confined in here, well, this -- this partition is designed to go up and down automatically once every 24 hours.
Liza: You mean we're stuck in here until tomorrow morning?
Adam: Well, yeah.
Liza: I refuse to believe that. You will open this right now.
Adam: I can't. There's no way.
Liza: Oh. How could you?
Adam: Oh, come on. Why do you think -- I will do anything to keep you here, to get you back. Doesn't this prove that?
Liza: "Prove"? You know what this proves? This proves that you do nothing but love to control me.

[Door opens]

Marian: Oh, my God, it's true.
Adam: Oh, my God, it's you. What are you doing here?
Marian: I thought Winifred was hitting the sherry bottle again. I had to see this for myself.
Liza: Mother, would you please get me out of here? I'm just standing here.
Marian: Get you out of there? This very instant, my darling. There you go.
Liza: Thank you.
Marian: You weren't in there all night, darling, with him, were you?
Liza: Oh, yeah. He locked me in there and told me there was no way out.
Marian: Got homesick so soon, Adam? We should keep him there forever, darling, you know, just like a pet snake. We could feed him a rat every morning, starting with Barry Shire.
Liza: It wouldn't do any good, mother. This partition has been rigged by him to go up once every 24 hours.
Marian: Why don't we throw him in the wood-chipper out back and get rid of him once and for all?
Liza: I'm so tired of talking about it. I just want this divorce finalized.
Marian: Unbelievable.
Adam: Liza --
Liza: Here, sign these.
Adam: Well, no, not until Barry reviews them.
Liza: We had a deal. You want to see Colby, you give me a divorce, pronto.
Adam: We have a deal, remember? I pledged to honor my end of the bargain, but only after Barry has a look.
Liza: You're stalling.
Adam: It's good business. I would never ask you to sign legal documents without counsel.
Marian: That's what you did to Stuart.
Adam: Isn't there someone else you can go torment?
Liza: Mother, I can handle it. This is between Adam and me.
Marian: All right, darling. But if there's any trouble --
Liza: Don't worry. I can take care of it.
Marian: Ok. Call me later, ok? Liza: Mm-hmm.

Adam: Good. Now we ca have a civilized discussion. Who you calling?
Liza: Yes, Barry, it's Liza. Adam has some papers he needs to sign. He needs to review them as soon as possible. Could you please come to the house? Really? That's great. Thank you.

Mateo: Listen, you've always trusted Trevor in the past. You got to do it now.
Hayley: Yeah, but this is crazy.
Mateo: Look, all you can do is have faith, be there for Amanda and Janet.
Scott: Hayley?
Hayley: Just keep reminding me of that.
Scott: Hayley?
Mateo: I will.
Scott: We need you for wardrobe.
Hayley: Here we go.
Mateo: Go, go, go, go.

Ryan: You're good, man. You helped her.
Mateo: Is there a phone anywhere?
Ryan: Yeah. Right back there.
Mateo: Thanks.

Hayley: Ryan? Rye, you got a sec?
Ryan: Yeah. What's up?
Hayley: I didn't get a chance to tell you before. I just wanted to thank you for all the hard work you did with the sponsors. I mean, Enchantment and the Glamorama -- it's very impressive.
Ryan: Hey, don't forget S.O.S.
Hayley: Yeah, I'm sure that was a real tough sell.
Ryan: Hayley, after today, they're going to be lining up.
Hayley: Oh, from your lips.

Greenlee: You know, the office looks like a floral shop. Erica Kane sent a huge arrangement.
Scott: You know, Hayley, we really should do a quick run-through because I think we might be going a little long and should look for possible cuts, ok?
Hayley: Right. I just -- I need my notes.
Greenlee and Ryan: I'll get them.
Ryan: No, you guys relax. I'll get them.
Hayley: Thanks.

Woman: So what are you thinking? Something like this?
Hayley: Oh! Ooh. Yeah, this is great. Yeah, I think this is really -- oh, thanks. Thank you, Ryan. What do you think?
Ryan: I think that would look great on you.

Greenlee: Hey -- are Hayley and Mateo back together?
Tina: Yah, ever since he rescued her from that fire. You know, maybe I should turn helpless and play damsel in distress. Really worked for her. Here.
Leo: You know, it's funny. Her eyes don't look green. Greenlee? Hey.
Greenlee: Hayley's victim thing worked with Ryan, too. That's it.
Leo: Where you going with this?
Greenlee: I have to figure out a way for Ryan to come to my rescue somehow.
Greenlee: And I think I've got it.
Leo: The pool jockey? You've got to be kidding me. What can he do?

Hayley: I think I'm going to take this. Take it, give it a good once-over.

Ryan careful. You ok?
Greenlee: Sure.
Ryan: Hey, I'm sorry about, you know, our conversation.
Greenlee: Already forgotten.
Ryan: Cool as ever.
Greenlee: Mm-hmm.
Ryan: I was afraid that -- I don't know -- that things would be sticky around here or something.
Greenlee: Why? We both had fun, right?
Ryan: Right.

[Hayley laughs]

Greenlee: Things to do.
Ryan: Yeah.

Greenlee: Kenny? Ken, that's right. It's Greenlee. I -- I said I'd call. Why don't you drop by WRCW? Sure it's on the level. I even have a surprise for you.
Greenlee: Yeah, yeah, I'm looking forward to it, too. Uh, great. I'll see you then. Ciao. You're impossible.
Leo: Big plans?
Greenlee: Kenny the pool boy's looking for his after-shave even as we speak.
Leo: You're taking this damsel in distress thing a little bit far, don't you think?
Greenlee: Kenny's a skip above Cro-Magnon. I can handle him.
Leo: You're dipping rather deep into the gutter, aren't you?
Greenlee: Slumming can be fun -- especially if I get what I want.
Leo: There are other ways, Greenlee.
Greenlee: Ooh, like the great soup kitchen adventure?
Leo: Hey, that wasn't so bad.
Greenlee: Not so fun, either.
Leo: The guy's a loser, Greenlee. Setting yourself up to be alone with him seems -- well, it seems risky.
Greenlee: Don't get boring on me, Leo.

Eli: I'll bring it up with her when Liza gets here.

Becca: Hi. Scott: Becca. You made it.
Becca: I would not miss your first show.
Scott: Yeah, well, technically, it's Hayley's, but thanks a lot. Thanks for that party.
Becca: Oh.
Scott: I had a really great time.
Becca: Oh, you're welcome.
Scott: Especially once everybody left.
Becca: Gosh, I did, too. I hope you're not disappointed.
Scott: An Oscar? You kidding me?
Becca: No. I mean, about not -- I mean, I know --
Scott: I could never be disappointed in you.
Becca: I know you want more.
Scott: And I do. I want more of your sweetness, your -- your laughter, and your honesty.
Becca: Thank you for understanding.
Scott: Shh. No apologizing. But it is tough to say good night.
Becca: It is, isn't it?
Scott: Yeah.

Dixie: Well -- are you ready?
Rae: Yes. Absolutely.
Tad: All right, let's just take a deep breath, ok?
Rae: Ok. Oh, Myrtle.
Myrtle: Hi, everybody.
Rae: I'm so glad you could join me.
Tad: Wait, what are you talking about? A lunch date? Is that a good idea?
Rae: Well, I thought it would look more natural if I was having lunch with a friend.
Myrtle: Tad, Tad, I am one of them and I want to see that lowlife in jail.
Tad: All right, all right, all right. You're one of the team. Now can we please sit down before he walks in and finds us talking together?
Rae: All right, all right. Would you please be careful?
Dixie: I will.
Rae: Ok. Ok. Oh, thank you very much.

Tad: Did a Lyle Wedgewood come in yet?
Maitre d': No, sir.

Rae: This is a little gift from Tad. It's so I don't miss word.
Myrtle: Well, what if you hear what you don't hope to hear?
Rae: I'm an optimist. Do you realize that this could be the day that I finally get a clue about -- about Daniel or -- or even my daughter? Oh.
Myrtle: If it comes to nothing?
Rae: Then I'm just going to keep trying. Listen, I'm not going to fall apart, I promise.
Myrtle: Darling, you have invested so much of your heart into this, and I just hate to see your hopes swept under the carpet again.
Rae: Well, if this is a dead end, I mean, the story could certainly help a lot of people. Hey, come on, don't worry about me. I'm a tough broad.
Myrtle: Yeah, I know that.
Rae: Ok. Here we go.

Dixie: Honey, it's not a centerpiece.
Tad: Hardy har-har. I'm just making sure he's in the shot.
Dixie: My husband, the auteur.
Tad: Move the wine glasses in frame.

Man: Mr. Martin?
Tad: Yes? Oh, excuse me. How did you -- how did you know?
Man: Our phone conversation. You said you'd be the rakishly charming gentleman with the beautiful blond, and you did not lie. How do you do, Mrs. --
Dixie: How do you do? Nice to meet you.
Man: Nice to meet you.
Dixie: Won't you please sit down?
Man: Thank you. I will.
Tad: No! Not there.

Jake: You know what that is? That's the big hand. And that means your mommy's late. Should we call her? Why don't we call her. What's the number? What is it? Mm-hmm? Yeah? Ok.

[Telephone rings]

Liza: Hello?
Jake: Hey. It's me. Where are you?
Liza: I'm sorry. I got held up. I'll be there as soon as I can.
Jake: Ok. Try to come as quick as you can because I got to get to the hospital.
Liza: I'll hurry.
Jake: Any fallout from last night? You did tell him that you're divorcing him and you're moving out, right?
Liza: Yes, I told Adam.
Jake: Well, then good, it's over. Right? That's it. No more interference from him.
Liza: Look, Jake, I'll talk to you about it later, ok? Bye.

Adam: Well, what did Mr. Marly-Mouth want?
Liza: I'm going to the station. When I get back, I want those papers signed.

Barry: Those the papers? You all right?
Adam: Yeah. Breakfast exploded.
Barry: Well, listen, are those the papers Liza mentioned? You want me to look those over?
Adam: No, 's not necessary.
Barry: Whoa, Liza said that she --
Adam: I know what Liza said, but I don't know what Liza wants and it's not a divorce. Here's what I want you to do. I want you to set up a meeting with Jake Martin, right away.
Barry: And?
Adam: And I want you to convince him that he has to file a custody suit against Liza.
Barry: What? Why?
Adam: I want to help Jake launch his crusade to help protect Colby from me. Just make it happen. You find Jake. He's waiting for her at WRCW right now. Don't let Liza see him.
Barry: I'm on my way.

Man: Is there a problem?
Tad: Uh -- no. Uh, sir, no problem. I'm sorry. It's a little embarrassing. I -- I'm a little hard of hearing in my right ear and, if you don't mind, I'd be much more comfortable if you'd sit in this chair.
Man: Oh, of course.
Tad: Thank you.
Man: Not at all.
Dixie: Well, thank you so much for agreeing to meet with us on such short notice.
Man: Oh, don't mention it. Your husband was so urgent and slightly mysterious on the phone. I just had to satisfy my curiosity.
Tad: Yeah, well, both Dixie and I are very eager to -
- Man: To eat, I hope. You know, the chef is a friend of mine here. The winter menu here rivals anything in France. Don't you agree?
Tad: Absolutely. Um -- Mr. Wedgewood, I'd like to -- Mr. Wedgewood: Oh, oh, veal in black truffle sauce. Can you believe they actually train pigs to find truffles? And it's a very short season. We're very, very lucky.
Tad: Yes, we are. Very lucky. Especially if you can help us.
Waiter: May I take your order?
Mr. Wedgewood: Oh, yes. Now, the drinks are on me, please. What will you have, Mrs. Martin?
Dixie: Well, thank you. I'll have a glass of chardonnay.
Mr. Wedgewood: No, no, no.
Dixie: Oh. Oh, no. Uh, cranberry juice.
Mr. Wedgewood: Excellent choice. And you, Mr. Martin.
Tad: I'll have the same.
Mr. Wedgewood: Now, for me, I'll have -- I'll have a glass of this cabernet -- unless you're hiding a bottle from the vineyard's reserve.

Leo: Ahem. Ahem. Ahem. Excuse me. I hate to ruin the moment, but Hayley's looking for you.
Scott: Thanks. I'll catch you after the show?
Becca: Ok.
Scott: Ok.
Leo: Whoa, whoa. What's the rush?
Becca: Well, Hayley's show is about to start and I don't want to miss it.
Leo: I was hoping that we'd get to dance at Scott's surprise party.
Becca: Well, it wasn't much of a surprise, thanks to Greenlee.
Leo: Was still a great party. You know, I meant that about the going back to the soup kitchen. Maybe tonight.
Becca: Well, I'm busy. But I could call around and see if anyone can use you.
Leo: Are you ever going to take me seriously?
Becca: Probably not. See ya.

Greenlee: Our lady of the soup kitchen a little chilly?
Leo: She'll warm up.
Greenlee: Well, you know, since you're into being such a good Samaritan, do me a favor.
Leo: Another one?
Greenlee: Stingy. Becca certainly has her work cut out for her.
Leo: What is it? Greenlee: All you h
ave to do --

Mateo: Hey. All set?
Adrian: Oh, yeah. S.O.S. Is in full party mode. We're good to go after the show.
Mateo: Thank you. That's great. She's something, huh?
Adrian: Indeed she is. So you going to give her the old ring tonight?
Mateo: I want to. I mean, she's doing a great job of holding it together. But I think she's wrecked about Trevor, you know?

Eli: You're late, Madam Executive Producer. "Wave" is on in less than 30.
Liza: I have to go get Colby. Just two seconds.
Eli: No time. Quiet on the set! And we're live in five, four, three, two, one.

["Wave" theme plays]

Hayley: Welcome to "Wave." You want style? We got style. You got style? We'll give you some more. Our show's not just about looking good. It's about living well and loving well. That's right, today's topic -- romance. Whether you're into hot and heavy or warm and cozy, no matter. Whether you like satin sheets or flannel, we've got some tips --

Jake: Isn't she pretty? She's pretty like you, hmm?

Hayley: Remember, that doesn't necessarily mean --

Barry: Jake? I'm looking for Liza.

Hayley: A starry, moonlit walk with the right person's all you need.

Jake: Makes two of us. She was supposed to meet me here.
Barry: Ah. Well, I'll come back. Listen, as long as I'm here, why don't I get the name of your attorney?
Jake: Why?
Barry: For the custody agreement.
Jake: Liza and I have -- we have our own situation we've worked out.
Barry: Yeah, I understand that. Up until now it's all been very casual.
Jake: Barry, it's actually worked out very fine for us right now. So we've had no problems, except for Adam.
Barry: Well, Liza mentioned to me that she thinks it's more for a more formal agreement.
Jake: Well, that's news to me, but if that's what she wants, it's fine.
Barry: Well, glad it's going to be so amiable.
Jake: Why wouldn't it be? Liza and Adam are getting a divorce. She's moving out. Liza probably wants me to spend more time with Colby. Maybe some legal agreement makes her feel more secure. That's fine by me. I don't care.
Barry: From what I gathered, Liza wants Adam to have more time with the baby.
Jake: Um -- I don't -- I think you're confused, counselor. They're over. It's through with them.
Barry: Where'd you get the idea she was moving out of the house?
Jake: It's not any idea I got. She told me.

Ryan: Oh.
Jake: "Oh," what?
Barry: Well, I hate to be the one to break this to you, but Liza isn't leaving Adam.
Jake: Is this some kind of a joke? They're getting a divorce. It's over.
Barry: She called me from Adam's house this morning.
Jake: She was probably over there for the divorce.
Barry: I just came from the house. She -- hello? She spent the night.
Jake: Shire, that doesn't mean anything. I just talked to her on the phone.
Barry: Oh, man, I am sorry. I am sorry if I spoke out of turn. I --
Jake: Ok, let me get this straight according to you --
Barry: Uh-uh, according to Liza.
Jake: No, according to you -- you -- she wants to stay with Adam. She wants some kind of formal agreement so Adam can spend more time with Colby?
Barry: You're a fast study, doc.
Jake: Well -- where did this come from?
Barry: Well, I assumed you knew. I certainly didn't think it was a secret.
Jake: Hey, hey, what the hell -- what's going on here?
Barry: Well, it's not for me to say, but I suggest you be prepared.
Jake: All right. I'll be in touch.
Barry: Have your attorney call me, Jake.
Jake: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Barry: And please, you'd better get moving on this.

Jake: Hey. You're not going to stay another night over there. You're not going to stay one more night over there, ok?

Jake: Gillian? Hey, it's Jake. Listen, could you come by WRCW and pick up Colby? Just -- there's just a little change of -- I'll tell you later, all right? I'm fine. Thank you, sweetie. You're the best. Ok. Bye.

Hayley: Well, that's it for our first "Wave." I hope you've had as much fun as I did, and I'd like to thank everyone who helped make this happen. See you next time.

Eli: And we are out!

[Cheers and applause]

Liza: Nicely done.
Mateo: You were great! It was great!
Hayley: I love you.
Mateo: Hey, everybody, party at S.O.S. Everybody's invited.
Liza: Congrats.

Greenlee: Hey there.
Ken: What's going on?
Greenlee: A new show. "Wave." I'm an assistant.
Ken: Looks like I missed the party.
Greenlee: Oh, it hasn't even started yet. That's where you come in.
Ken: Oh, yeah?
Ken: So where's the surprise you promised me?
Greenlee: Stick around and you'll find out.
Ken: Is there more where that came from?
Greenlee: Yeah.

Rae: I think he's more interested in the menu than he is them.
Myrtle: Darling, they're just settling down.
Rae: You don't suppose he's on to them, do you?
Myrtle: Anyone can make that worm turn, it's Tad.
Rae: Maybe.

Mr. Wedgewood: Ah, thank you.
Tad: Mr. Wedgewood, Dixie and I --
Mr. Wedgewood: Superb. Mmm. Light tannins. Just the faint hint of black cherry. You really should try some of this.
Tad: As much as I'd like to join you, I can't discuss the finer points of California wine right now.
Mr. Wedgewood: Oh? Why is that, Mr. Martin?
Tad: Because my wife and I would like very much to have a child, and it's impossible for us to have one on our own.
Mr. Wedgewood: Oh. Oh, I'm so sorry. Is it your health?
Dixie: No, my health is fine, actually. I just can't have a baby.
Mr. Wedgewood: Ah. Female issues.
Tad: Exactly.
Dixie: Yes, but I want more than anything to have a baby with Tad.
Tad: A baby girl.
Dixie: Yeah.
Tad: Exactly like Dixie.
Dixie: With Tad's --
Mr. Wedgewood: Tad's charm.
Dixie: Yes.
Tad: Will you help us?
Mr. Wedgewood: Well, you certainly know what you want.
Tad: And what it takes to get it.
Mr. Wedgewood: Well, as a devotee in the finer things of life, I've learned that the more unique the item, the more expensive it tends to be.

Myrtle: What's happening?
Rae: I think he's going to bite.

Tad: You understand, money isn't an issue.
Mr. Wedgewood: You're a very lovely couple and you're both very sincere. And I wish you the best in your search.
Tad: But you are the best. That's why we contacted you.
Dixie: Please, you have to help us.
Mr. Wedgewood: No, please, Mrs. Martin, you mustn't get desperate.
Dixie: Well, I am desperate. We are desperate.
Mr. Wedgewood: It's important to you?
Dixie: Yes. It's more important than anything in the world.
Tad: We'll pay whatever's necessary for a child. And for your discretion.
Mr. Wedgewood: I see.
Tad: You can be discreet?
Mr. Wedgewood: You -- you want to keep this private, hmm?
Tad: Very.
Mr. Wedgewood: Just between us?
Tad: No further than this table.
Mr. Wedgewood: Well. If that's true, why are you videotaping me?

Hayley: Can I talk? I'm sorry. What do you think about, like, a show on spring fever?
Liza: Oh, I think it would be great, but you should enjoy this because it was great.
Hayley: Yeah? Really?
Liza: Yeah. If the telephone calls and the e-mails are any indication, you're going to be a hit.
Hayley: I didn't think it would be like this, you know?
Liza: I did.
Hayley: Oh! Thanks.

Leo: What's going on?
Ryan: Hey.
Leo: What's up with Greenlee?
Ryan: Not my territory. You two looked pretty cozy at the surprise party.
Leo: Yeah, I thought so, too. But, you know, I asked her out and she turned me down cold.
Ryan: Huh. Guess you're not her type.
Leo: Oh, yeah, like that guy is?
Ryan: Her grandmother sees those two and she's going to end up n a convent in San Diego.

Ken: So, when are they going to give you your own show?
Greenlee: Oh, I don't -- I'm so young and inexperienced --

Hayley: Has anyone seen Greenlee?
Greenlee: Um, I got to go. I'll meet you at S.O.S.?
Ken: Sure, babe.
Greenlee: Ok.
Ken: Hey --
Greenlee: See you there.
Ken: You can bet on it.

Man: Ken! Hey.
Ken: Herman. Hey, long time no see.
Herman: Yeah. Since when have you been cozying up to old lady G's grandkid?
Ken: Oh, it's one of the perks of the job.
Herman: I heard the witch canned you.
Ken: She did. She stiffed me for my bonus. Now I'm going to collect.

Jake: Bye, Gillian. Bye, sweetie. Thanks for coming by. Bye, Colby.
Liza: I'm so sorry I'm late.
Jake: Oh, I was just trying to call you. Were you held up?
Liza: Oh, just errands. Nothing important.
Jake: Oh.
Liza: I'm so sorry that I held you up and made you late for the hospital. Where's Colby?
Jake: Not here.
Liza: But, Jake, I thought --
Jake: Were you just going to keep jerking me around?
Liza: Jake, I wouldn't --
Jake: You and Adam keep going back and forth. You're playing these games and I'm sick of it!
Liza: I'm not --
Jake: I'm sick of it! Are you lying to me?

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