JANUARY 26, 2000

[Doorbell rings]
Woman: Hi there. You must be Amanda.
Amanda: Yeah.
Woman: Is your mommy home?
Amanda: She's up stairs lying down. She has a headache. Who are you?
Woman: Well, I'm a friend of your daddy's. I was just wondering if you or your mommy had heard from him. You know, where he is or how he's doing.
Brooke: You have exactly 10 seconds to get off the property before I call the police.
Amanda: She's a friend of daddy's.
Brooke: You have a lot of nerve taking advantage of a child. You know, it's people like you that give journalists a bad name.
Woman: I --

Brooke: I'm sorry. I'm sorry, ok? I didn't mean to scare you.
Amanda: She was a reporter?
Broke: Yeah.
Amanda: How could you tell?
Brooke: Oh, trust me, I could tell.
Amanda: Why won't they just leave us alone?
Brooke: Listen, this is not going to go on forever, ok? People will forget, and they'll stop calling, and they'll stop showing up at the door. They will.
Amanda: If my daddy was here, he'd tell them to am-scray.
Brooke: You bet he would.
Amanda: I miss him.

Mr. Wedgewood: What is this, "Candid Camera"?
Tad: Uh --
Rae: Uh-oh.
Mr. Wedgewood: I thought you both said you wanted it to be discreet.
Tad: We do, but --
Dixie: My husband doesn't know anything about this. I'm so sorry. I'm always taping him without his permission. I wanted to capture the moment when you tell us that you could help us adopt a baby.
Mr. Wedgewood: Oh, really?
Dixie: Yeah, I'm in to cinema verite.
Tad: Drives me crazy.
Mr. Wedgewood: Well, it's one thing to videotape your husband. It's another to do it to a total stranger without his permission.
Tad: No kidding. Especially a lawyer. Are you nuts? We could get sued.
Dixie: You know, you're absolutely right. I'm so sorry. Look, let me just take care of this right now. Whoop -- there it is. I'll take it out. And --

Opal: Oh, girls. Hi. How are you?

Mr. Wedgewood: Yes, well, look, it's been very nice meeting both of you, but I'm really not interested in media coverage.

Eugenia: I can't believe --
Gillian: Grandmama?
Eugenia: Oh, darling.
Gillian, I'm in the living room. Oh, there's my lovely great-granddaughter-to-be.
Gillian: Hello, Grandmama.
Eugenia: Hello, precious. Hello, my precious.
Gillian: What is this trunk doing here?
Eugenia: Well, it finally came all the way from Budapest.
Gillian: Oh.
Eugenia: Yes. Thanks to Dimitri's wonderful bequest, I was able to send for the rest of my things. Some wonderful, wonderful, dear possessions of mine a in here. Oh, lord. Oh, look. Oh, look. My wedding veil. It's a little yellow, isn't it? Age. But that can be taken care of.
Gillian: Grandmama, this is so beautiful.
Eugenia: Isn't it?
Gillian: Do y think I could borrow it r my wedding?
Eugenia: Would you want to?
Gillian: Oh, yeah. Yea. I don't have Mama's.
Eugenia: Oh, that would be wonderful. You're going to be married in June. I was married in June. We were both surrounded by white roses.
Gillian: Oh, it sounds glorious.
Eugenia: No man was ever handsomer than Alexi that day.
Gillian: And I'm sure you were just as beautiful.
Eugenia: Oh, yes. Oh, look.
Gillian: Oh, what is that?
Eugenia: It's a baby dress. A baby dress. It was mine. Look.
Gillian: Oh, wow. It's so delicate.
Eugenia: Yes, it was embroidered by your great-grandmother for me when I was about Colby's age. Would you like Colby to wear it at your wedding? Yes? Mademoiselle Colby, your Papa is so lucky that he is marrying my granddaughter.
. Gillian: I wonder if he'll always feel that way.
Eugenia: Now, why would you say that? Gillian, why are you feeling this way? I mean, what --has it something to do with that secret you were going to tell me when Jake interrupted us?
Gillian: Yeah.
Eugenia: Well, darling, we're alone. Tell me.
Gillian: But we're not alone. Even though she's just a little baby, there's a chance she could remember.
Eugenia: Gillian, remember what?
Gillian: Let me go put her down for a nap, d then we can talk. Come on, let's go.

Jake: I am -- I'm sick of this. This lying to me and -- I'm being jerked around.
Liza: No, I'm not jerking you around.
Jake: You told me -- you told me -- you swore to me Colby wouldn't spend one more night over at Adam's place.
Liza: You don't understand. Uh -- who have you been talking to?
Jake: Barry Shire comes in here, and he wants to see you. And he asks me who the name of my lawyer is -- my lawyer -- because he wants to set up a new custody arrangement. Then he lets it slip that you spent the night last night at Adam's place and you have no intention of moving out.
Liza: It's not what it seems.
Jake: You know what? You know what? I hoped it wouldn't come down to this, but I have no choice, Liza.
Liza: No choice in what? About what?
Jake: I'm going to have to go after full custody of Colby.
Liza: You can't do that.
Jake: Watch me.
Liza: I am her mother. She needs me.
Jake: If you can't provide a loving, stable, sane home for her to grow up in, then you forfeit certain rights.
Liza: Jake -- Jake, I can provide a loving and stable home for her. Maybe not the kind of environment that you were raised in --
Jake: It's the polar opposite of the kind of home I was raised in. You have a dysfunctional -- you have a freakish marriage to a man who's got no morals. It's no home for my daughter to grow up in.
Liza: Jake.
Jake: No. No. I can't do this anymore. I can't because I can't trust you.
Liza: Jake, I am the only one x who can make this work.
Jake: I thought you were on my side.
Liza: I am on your side.
Jake: How? How? You go to Monaco with Colby on a business trip, which I thought was a great idea, but you vanish. I didn't know where my daughter was. And then you're supposed to meet me here. I'm supposed to give her to you. Where are you gosh, I wonder. Barry The Gecko" Shire walks in here and tells me about custody suits and lawyer and the fact that you're still shacking up with Adam. What the hell am I supposed to do?
Liza: You don't understand.
Jake: No, I don't. I don't -- you're half the woman that I thought you were. You're weak and indecisive. Whenever it comes to Adam --
Liza: That's not fair.
Jake: It's not fair to Colby. You promised me you were going to fix this.
Liza: I am it's not so simple. There is so much more there than --
Jake: What? What? What? More than him switching stem cells and taking the station? Tell me. What?
Liza: You just have to be patient. I need more time.
Jake: I want to know what the hell is going on. What the hell else has he done? If it's keeping you from packing your bags, I want to know right now.

Eugenia: There's a lovely bond developing between you and Colby. It's growing stronger every day. I can see it.
Gillian: I love her. And I want to do what's best for her. Just not sure what that is.
Eugenia: Gillian, come sit down. Talk to me. Come on. Tell me, what is this secret that you're keeping from Jake?
Gillian: It's Colby.
Eugenia: She ill?
Gillian: She's not his child.
Eugenia: What?
Gillian: She's Adam's.
Eugenia: Adam? Adam Chandler? But I thought that Liza was impregnated by artificial insemination.
Gillian: She was. By Adam. Adam -- he bought the fertility clinic and he switched the samples.
Eugenia: Good Lord. That's positively machiavellian. Does Liza know this?
Gillian: She didn't for a long time, but, yeah, she knows.
Eugenia: How did you find out?
Gillian: David Hayward told me. And I rushed off to Jake to tell him. And that's when I had the car accident.
Eugenia: Adam Chandler should be in prison for this.
Gillian: Yeah, but he's not. And now he's trying to force me to tell Jake the truth.
Eugenia: Well, why doesn't he tell him himself?
Gillian: Because if he does, Liza will no longer allow him to see Colby, so -- if I tell Jake the truth, then it'll break his heart and Colby will lose a wonderful daddy. And if I don't tell him, then --
Eugenia: He would see it as some sort of betrayal, yes.
Gillian: So what am I supposed to do, Grandmama? How can I break this awful news to the man I love?
Eugenia: You don't.

Janet: Amanda, what happened?
Amanda: I'm sorry, Mommy. You always told me never to open the door to strangers, but you were upstairs taking a nap and Brooke was feeding Smokey in the kitchen.
Brooke: It was just a reporter at the door pretending to be a friend of Trevor's and trying to get Amanda to tell her where Trevor was.
Janet: Oh, sweetheart. I'm so sorry for everything that's happening to you.
Amanda: It's not your fault he had to run away from the police. . He didn't kill anybody.
Janet: Your father's a good man. He would never harm anyone. And he loves you so much. Everything's gong to be ok, so I don't want you to be scared or worried.
Amanda: I'm ok. How's your headache?
Janet: Better. You want to read something out loud from your book?
Amanda: I can't. I have to go write Daddy a letter. Then when we find him, we can mail it to him.
Janet: That's sweet. I know how much he'd appreciate that. Will you send him my love, too?
Amanda: Sure.

Brooke: Listen, kids are very resilient. They find a way to get through the worst of times.
Janet: Most kids don't have a father who's accused of murder and forced to live life on the run.
Brooke: She will get through this, Janet, and so will you.
Janet: And what about Trevor? Being accused of a crime he didn't commit. Hiding out god knows where. And she's counting the minutes till he comes home. And she's being so brave. She doesn't even cry.
Brooke: She's worried about you.
Janet: She said that? Why?
Brooke: She says that you talk to yourself in the mirror. And she's afraid that you're getting sick again.

Tad: Excuse me? You're worried about the media?
Mr. Wedgewood: Television, radio, the whole Megillah.
Dixie: Why would we want to put you on television? Mr. Wedgewood: Well, clearly, you've chosen me to profile on your new show. I mean, I hear it's going to be called "Nothing But The Truth."
Tad: Mr. Wedgewood, that's not why we contacted you. We contacted you because we want to adopt a child.
Mr. Wedgewood: Who was it that said everyone has 15 minutes of fame? Was it Andy Warhol? So your camcorder was going to get you a little preview footage?
Dixie: No. Honestly, I was just taping you and my husband for personal reasons.
Mr. Wedgewood: Mm-hmm. I see. Look, I'm not a good subject. Your audience would find me much too boring. But thanks for thinking of me.

Tad: Oh, that went awfully well.
Dixie: Let's go fill Rae in. Come on.
Rae: Please tell me what happened.
Dixie: Sorry.
Rae: I mean, I thought the story was very plausible, didn't you?
Opal: So what is going on? Who is that guy
Tad: A lawyer -- one that specializes in illegal adoptions.
Dixie: We were trying to pull a little secret operation.
Tad: We were until he spotted the camcorder in Dixie's purse.
Dixie: I don't think that's what spooked him, though. I don't.
Rae: What was it then?
Dixie: I think -- he was buying my cover story until he turned around and looked over at you. Then things got dicey.
Tad: Really? Rae, what's going on? Do you know this guy?
Rae: No. No, of course I don't know him. I've never seen him before in my life.
Myrtle: Well, Rae is a very important radio personality. He may have seen a picture.
Dixie: I don't know. He knew about Tad's show. He wasn't spooked until he turned around and saw Rae.
Tad: It's not possible he knows something about your daughter, is it?
Rae: No.
Tad: I mean, the guy des specialize in stolen babies.
Rae: You know what?
Opal: Stolen babies?
Rae: It may be possible. I don't know. But it was a long time ago that my daughter was given up for adoption. I mean, how in the world would Lyle Wedgewood know anything about her? That is so remote. All I was hoping is that maybe, just maybe, he would give me a lead to Daniel. That's all.
Dixie: Still, if there's even a chance, we could at least ask him.
Tad: Come on. Let's see if we can catch him.

Opal: I feel like I skipped a few chapters here. You have a daughter?
Rae: Yes. I mean, she's grown up. I saw her once, when she was born.
Opal: And you had her put up for adoption?
Rae: No. No, no. No, no. She was taken from me. She was stolen and sold on the black market.
Opal: Oh, my --
Rae: I would never, ever have given her up. Not if it was my choice. Never.

Janet: So what if I talk to myself in the mirror? Amanda and I have discussed it. And she realizes that the only reason I do that is because Trevor's not here to talk to.
Brooke: Look, Janet, all I know is that Amanda has been through a lot for a kid. I mean, she believed for a long time that Natalie was her mother and then Natalie died.
Janet: I know, Brooke. You really don't have to remind me of this. I mean, I feel bad enough as it is for the part that I played in it. But Amanda and I have come a long way since then.
Brooke: I know that. And I know that you adore her and she adores you. I just -- I don't know if she's ever going to be able to forget that --
Janet: That I was Janet from another planet? Well, I'm not that person anymore. It's in the past. She knows I'm not like that. And because of her and Trevor, because of the love they gave me -- that's what saved me.
Brooke: But Trevor is not here now.
Janet: He'll be back. Or he'll send for us. We'll be a family again. He promised me and Amanda.
Brooke: Listen, I hope that day comes soon. But in the meantime you have a little girl who's afraid because she feels she lost her father, and she's afraid because she feels she's going to lose her mother, too.
Janet: I'm not going anywhere.
Brooke: I'm not talking about physical distance.
Janet: You think I'm losing it, don't you?
Brooke: No, I don't.
Janet: But you're saying Amanda does.
Brooke: I just think Amanda wants to feel safe.
Janet: She is safe. I would do anything to keep her safe, anything to protect her.
Brooke: Do you really mean that?
Janet: Of course.
Brooke: Then what do you think about seeing Dr. Jaffe again?
Janet: You think I need a shrink?
Brooke: I think that she's familiar with your case.
Janet: My case? I don't believe this. Why -- why are you saying this?
Brooke: Look, hold on, ok? This was not my idea.
Janet: Well, then whose was it?
Brooke: It was Trevor's -- because he thought it would be good for you and for Amanda.

Gillian: So you don't think I should tell Jake the truth?
Eugenia: That is my advice, yes.
Gillian: But you're the one who said that I could never keep any secrets from my fiancé.
Eugenia: Oh, darling, I was talking about little jaunts to the jeweler's or buying a whole season's wardrobe at some haute couturier. This is an entirely different situation. A child's happiness is at stake. And Adam Chandler does not deserve Colby. I mean, any man who would go and buy a fertility clinic so that he could make some woman secretly pregnant -- well, it's below contempt. That's my opinion.
Gillian: I agree with you. But what if Colby grows up and she finds out the truth? Then there's a good chance that she could hate me.
Eugenia: Oh, my darling, it's not your concern.
Gillian: I'm about to marry Jake. He trusts me.
Eugenia: He trusts you to keep his happiness.
Gillian: Which could disappear in one second.
Eugenia: Gillian. Gillian. Liza is Colby's mother. It's her concern. She obviously wants Jake to be the father. That should be the end of it.

Liza: I really can't say anything more.
Jake: You always ask me to trust you. Now it'' your turn.
Liza: It's not that I don't trust you.
Jake: Then -- Liza, I'm Colby's father. I deserve to know if you're going to stay living with this guy you're divorcing. You're still divorcing him, right?
Liza: Of course I'm still divorcing him.
Jake: Then what the hell's going on?
Liza: It's complicated.
Jake: Ah! For little simple Jake, it's too complicated? Meaning I don't understand?
Liza: No -- you never understood my relationship with Adam.
Jake: You got that right. I don't understand how a beautiful, smart woman can spend more than five minutes with a cod, ruthless slug like Adam Chandler.
Liza: He's not always like that. He --
Jake: No, don't start. Don't defend him. God! Are you still in love with him? Is that what this is all about? Oh, my -- if you want to waste your love life, that's your problem. But we're talking about my -- our little girl. And she's depending on her parents to look after her well-being.
Liza: I'm doing everything that's humanly possible.
Jake: You are? Like providing a home for her with a father that she can look up to?
Liza: You don't --
Jake: I'm her only chance. I will not -- I will not let her down.
Liza: Adam is not Colby's mother. I am her mother. And you are going to have a hard time in court proving that I am unfit.
Jake: If you stay with Adam, your sanity is definitely going to be called into question.
Liza: I can't believe this. You signed on as a donor. No strings attached. This fatherhood thing was not supposed to be a part of it.
Jake: But it is a part of it. And there's nothing that's going to change it. I'm her father.
Liza: I don't want it to change. There is no one on the face of this planet that I want to be her parent than you. You have to be patient. Please.
Jake: I've been patient. I've been so patient, but nothing's changed. Nothing has changed. That's why -- Liza, there's too much at stake.
Liza: Where's Colby?
Jake: She's fine. I haven't kidnapped her. She's fine. She's at Wildwind with Gillian right now. I just didn't want her to be here. I want this to be resolved.
Liza: Well, it's not going to get resolved overnight.
Jake: No, it's not. But I didn't want her picking up on the fact her parents are fighting over her.
Liza: Well, we don't have to fight.
Jake: Well, we will. Can she stay there for now?
Liza: For tonight, yes. After that, I'm not making any promises.
Jake: I know. That's the problem. I'm going to talk to a lawyer.
Liza: You know, if you do that, if you sue me for custody, you're going to regret it the rest of your life.
Jake: The only thing I'm going to regret the rest of my life -- you think I can stand it while Colby gets raised in Adam's house? Really. I'm sorry.
Liza: Not half as sorry as you're going to be.

Eugenia: Aren't I right? Isn't it clear that Liza wants Jake to be Colby father even though she knows Adam is?
Gillian: Yeah.
Eugenia: Yes, well, then she's not about to tell him the truth.
Gillian: But other people know -- Adam and David. And how long before somebody lets it slip?
Eugenia: Oh, I don't know. Five years, 10 years, a lifetime. Perhaps never.
Gillian: Well, I can't live my life like that -- always in fear that it's going to come out and he'll leave me.
Eugenia: There's no chance that it will come out.
Gillian: How can you be so sure?
Eugenia: Gillian -- Gillian, when you went to tell Jake the secret, that's when the accident occurred, isn't it?
Gillian: So?
Eugenia: And then you went to the hospital, you had aphasia. You couldn't communicate.
Gillian: What are you getting at?
Eugenia: It is not a coincidence. It's fate. The fates are conspiring to keep Liza's secret and to help you preserve your husband's happiness and your own happiness.

Rae: My parents died. I was raised by some cousins. They were very strict. And my one cousin was even a minister. When they found out I was pregnant, obviously, you can imagine they were just a little upset.
Opal: Oh. Oh, honey, you poor thing.
Rae: I -- I was an embarrassment to the family. They didn't want anyone to know. They were so ashamed of me that they asked me to have the baby at home.
Opal: And it came out all right?
Rae: I was fine, yes. I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. She was very pretty. It was hard. It was a hard labor. I was tired. I went to sleep. And when I woke up, they told me she was dead.
Opal: Oh, my Lord. That is horrible.
Rae: I got a letter from my Aunt Clarice, who was dying. She told me that it was all a lie, that the baby hadn't died. I guess she wanted to clear her conscience because she didn't want her soul to rot in hell.
Opal: Well, if she thinks one last-minute confession would keep her out of hell --
Myrtle: Did she tell you anything else?
Rae: Not much. Not really. She didn't know who the lawyer was who put the baby up for adoption. All she could say was that the doctor had crossed state lines. And, of course, that's here. .Here the trail ended for me.
Myrtle: You think your husband might know where she is?
Rae: That's why I'm so desperate to find him, Myrtle.
Opal: Boy, do I know how you feel. I mean, thanks to my lousy, low-down first husband, I lost both of my boys. And that is a hurt that never heals.
Rae: I know.
Opal: I mean, luckily, they both ended up in loving homes. And I just tell myself that they were better off.
Myrtle: Yes, yes, darling, they were. And don't forget, you got a second chance. You did get Adrian and Tad back.
Opal: Yeah.
Rae: See, that's all that I really want. I just want a chance to see my daughter again just once.
Opal: Well, don't give up on that dream, honey. I am living proof that miracles happen every day.

Myrtle: Any luck?
Tad: No. We caught up with him in the parking lot, but he really doesn't want to talk to us.
Dixie: I have a feeling that he's on to us.
Tad: Ok, folks, what do we do?
Opal: Well, you tell me. We got to figure out something.
Tad: Yeah. Well, until we do, how about we eat lunch? Come on, Mama. Want to tie on the feedbag?

Myrtle: Listen, Rae, darling, could I have a word with you in private? Ok?
Rae: Ok.

Janet: Trevor thinks I should see Dr. Jaffe? When did he tell you this?
Brooke: When he called, when he wanted me to make sure that you and Amanda were ok.
Janet: What exactly did he say?
Brooke: Just that he is worried. He's worried. He's been worried for a while.
Janet: Since when, exactly?
Brooke: Really, since Derek told you that Sophie had escaped from prison. He said that you -- from that point, you were on edge and you would go off and not tell him where you were. He thought basically you were hiding something from him.
Janet: Well, of course I was hiding an ex-con that had just killed a prison guard and was threatening to kill my whole family.
Brooke: He knows that now.
Janet: But he still thinks I should see a shrink?
Brooke: Janet, he loves you. And he's concerned about you. Janet: About what? That I'm going to turn back into Janet from another planet?
Brooke: Janet, aren't you worried about yourself?
Janet: No, I'm not worried because I fought those demons and I won.
Brooke: It still wouldn't hurt to talk to Dr. Jaffe.
Janet: I didn't come after Sophie, you know. She came after me, tried to kill me. I just defended myself. It wouldn't even have happened if she had not shown up here.
Brooke: But it did happen and she did show up. You know, you've been through a horrible ordeal.
Janet, you killed somebody. I've been there. I know what it's like to wonder about yourself. This is not something that you should try and handle by yourself, and Trevor would not want you to do it all alone.
Janet: I can handle my feelings, Brooke.
Brooke: By doing what? By talking to yourself in t mirror? Why do you keep looking in the mirror?
Janet: I'm not.
Brooke: Yes, you are. You've been doing it ever since we started talking about Dr. Jaffe. There isn't any shame in needing help once in a while, you know? I mean, if you're worried about Amanda, I would be more --
Janet: I can take care of my daughter myself.
Brooke: I never said that you couldn't.
Janet: But you implied that I needed help.
Brooke: No, I didn't. I think you're a wonderful mother. Look, you know, if you don't want to talk to Dr. Jaffe, there's a psychiatrist who counsels women at the shelter. I could give you her name and number. Would you just -- would you just think about it?
Janet: I don't know.
Brooke: Look, just sleep on it, all right? And just -- just let me know.
Janet: All right.
Brooke: I'm going to go up and check on Amanda, if that's ok.
Janet: Fine.

Myrtle: I hope I'm not speaking out of turn here, but, you know, since you came to Pine Valley and came to my house, I've grown real fond of you.
Rae: I feel the same way about you, Myrtle.
Myrtle: And I know how much all this means to you -- finding your daughter and getting to know her after all these years.
Rae: More than anything.
Myrtle: I've got a little bit of a worry about that. Has it occurred to you the possibility that all this may not have a happy ending?
Rae: You mean she may not want anything to do with me, that she believes I abandoned her?
Myrtle: Well, there is that possibility. I've known it to happen once. A friend of mine in the Carny. But anyway, that's another story.
Rae: Then I don't know what you mean.
Myrtle: Well, it's just possible, darling, that you may never find her.
Rae: No. No, that's not possible. I am going to find her. If it takes me the rest of my life, I'm going to keep looking.
Myrtle: Well, forgive me. I just felt I had to say it.
Rae: I know. I know. You're being a realist. I understand.
Myrtle: Well, life is sometimes not very fair. We have to -- we have to make peace with the past, not spend the rest of our life looking back instead of forward.
Rae: But I am looking forward. I'm going to embrace this dream with both of my hands. I'm going to make it happen.
Myrtle: Ok.

Liza: Adam, are you in --
Marian: Adam went out, darling.
Liza: Where?
Marian: I don't know. But as soon as I saw him go down the driveway, I rushed up here and started packing. And I've got all of Colby's clothes in suitcases.
Liza: Mother, I never asked you to do that.
Marian: I know you didn't, darling. But since you've rented out your loft to Scott and Ryan, I thought you might want to move in with me and Stuart until you find a place of your own.
Liza: Oh, mother, come on. That's just a few steps away.
Marian: But at least you won't be here under his roof.
Liza: Doesn't matter.
Marian: What doesn't matter?
Liza: It's not going to happen, anyway.
Marian: What's not going to happen?
Liza: Mother, I'm not moving.
Marian: Well, of course you are, darling.
Liza: No. I'm not going anywhere.
Marian: You're staying here with Adam?
Liza: Yes.
Marian: Are you out of your mind?

Janet's voice: But he still thinks I should see a shrink?
Brooke's voice: Janet, he loves you. And he's concerned about you.
Janet's voice: About what? That I'm going to turn back into Janet from another planet?
Brooke's voice: Janet, aren't you worried about yourself? About yourself?

Image: What a crock.
Janet: What is?
Image: Brooke's trying to make you think you're losing your marbles. Isn't that rich.
Janet: She's just concerned, that's all.
Image: Concerned? Yeah, right. Why don't you try opening those baby blues, you moron. She's jealous.
Janet: Jealous of what?
Image: Is your brain so fogged in you've actually forgotten that she lost a daughter? Janet, she's after your kid.
Janet: She's just being a friend, that's all.
Image: Fine. Don't believe me. But when it happens, don't say I didn't warn you. Brooke's after your turf. Who's hubby been calling while he's been out on the lam? Brooksie-poo, not you.
Janet: He's afraid our line might be tapped.
Image: Ha! Now, do you want to remain queen of denial? Or do you want to do something about that home sweet home breaking bimbo upstairs?

Myrtle: Oh, my. Look at the time. I said I would help out at the shelter this afternoon.
Rae: Oh.
Myrtle: Are you going to be ok?
Rae: Yes, I'm fine.
Myrtle: Ok. Bye, darling.
Rae: Bye-bye.
Myrtle: You'll be in my prayers.
Rae: Thank you, Myrtle.

Mr. Wedgewood: I know what you're trying to do.
Rae: Excuse me?
Mr. Wedgewood: You're looking for your daughter. Did you get my name from Daniel?
Rae: Daniel?
Mr. Wedgewood: I already told him I don't know where she is, and even if I did, I couldn't tell you. So do yourself a favor, Doc -- back off.

Eugenia: Well, you don't have to make up your mind right away. You're not getting married till June.
Gillian: That's true.
Eugenia: Yes, well, you have all that time to think about it. Use that time.
Gillian: Yes, you're right.

Jake: Hi. Glad you're here.
Hi, Eugenia.
Gillian: What's wrong?
Jake: Liza's going back on her promise. She's staying with Adam. So I have to sue for custody.
Gillian: Oh, no, Jake.
Jake: Mm-hmm. The best chance I have is if we're married. We can't wait till June. We got to bump up the wedding.
Gillian: To when?
Jake: Now. We have to be married right now.

Liza: I have no choice. I have to stay.
Marian: Well, for heaven's sakes, why, Liza?
Liza: Adam and I are in stalemate. I threatened that I would press charges against him if he didn't sign the divorce agreement and stay away from Colby.
Marian: Well, that's good.
Liza: And he says he's not going to keep quiet about Colby's paternity if I don't stay and raise her here.
Marian: That's blackmail.
Liza: And then Jake finds out that I haven't left Adam, and he's suing for full custody.
Marian: Good Lord. This is a total disaster. What if he succeeds, Liza?
Liza: He won't.
Marian: How do you know? Do you have some kind of plan?
Liza: No. But I'm her mother.
Marian: Jake is a doctor, darling. He's from one of the most respected families here in Pine Valley, darling. If there's even the slightest chance you could lose Colby --
Liza: I'm not going to lose. I can't lose. She's my whole life.
Marian: Liza, you can't let this go to the courts. Now, listen to me. You've got to stop this before it gets any more out of control. You have got to tell Jake the truth. Right now.

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