JANUARY 27, 2000

Gillian: You want to get married because you want to sue for custody of Colby?
Jake: I'm sorry. I -- I know it's abrupt. I'm just at a total loss.
Eugenia: You know, a united home front could seem to give Colby a stable family environment.
Jake: Yes.
Eugenia: It could.
Jake: Gillian, I love you, and there's nothing clearer to me than my dream of us spending our lives together -- even if Colby didn't exist. But she does, and she's my life, and I want to raise her the right way. And the only way I can think to do it is to get her as far away from Adam as possible. I need to get custody right away.
Gillian: And we would stand a better chance if we were married?
Jake: Yeah.
Eugenia: You two -- you'd like to discuss this alone, wouldn't you?
Jake: Yeah.
Gillian: Ok.
Jake: Thanks, Eugenia.

Gillian: I'll walk you to the stairs. I don't know what's right.
Eugenia: Well, Colby's happiness has to be your one real concern. Oh, love.

Gillian: Jake -- something happened. What is that?
Jake: I don't know. I'm trying to figure that out. I need to know -- are we going to do this?
Gillian: But what about Liza? We can't just take her baby away from her.
Jake: Colby's my baby, too. I -- I -- I wish I had another choice, but this is the way things are. I'm ready for a fight. Are you?

Marian: Liza, you have to tell Jake the truth. You have no choice. If this goes to court, it's going to be a question of time before you have to tell Jake he's not Colby's father.
Liza: I want him to be Colby's father.
Marian: Even if it means losing custody?
Adam: Oh, that word. Are we talking about Colby?
Liza: Yes, and a possible custody battle, thanks to you.
Adam: Why are you pointing the finger at me?
Marian: You know, if I were any less of a lady, I would show you the finger that everyone gives you behind your back, Adam.
Liza: Why don't you save that for later, Mother. Could you please go so Adam and I could talk?
Marian: My granddaughter's future is at stake here, Liza. You want me to leave?
Liza: Please.

Adam: Liza --
Liza: Please, stop.
Adam: Liza, Colby is ours. Together we can protect her from anything.
Liza: Is that so?

Alex: Do you think you can trust me? I'd really like you to. I know something happened, and so far you've felt that it was better to keep it inside. And I really understand that. Believe me but I want you to know that I will be here until we can figure out what it is that's hurting you and make it go away. Oh, hi. This is my friend Edmund. Edmund, this is Karen.
Edmund: Hi, Karen.
Alex: Step outside. I'll be right back, ok? Hi.
Edmund: Hi. Any progress?
Alex: No. Not really. I have a call in to the case worker that referred her, but --
Edmund: You need more information?
Alex: Yeah, I do. About the family, if there's any history of abuse. So far it's just blanks, and it's very frustrating.
Edmund: Listen, Alex, maybe you should take a break. You know, there's a party going on at S.O.S. Mateo's throwing for Hayley. Maybe you want to come along?
Alex: I don't know. Parties are the last thing on my mind right now.
Edmund: Maybe that's why you can't refuse.
Alex: Yeah. Well, I'd like to go, but I don't want to lave her alone right now.
Edmund: Ok. She's lucky to have you. You've formed a -- seems like strong personal bond with her. And I was just wondering if it resonated for you on a deeper level.
Alex: There's something I want to tell you. I think it's kind of important.

[Music plays]

Mateo: This is getting a little weird. You know you're a star now, right?
Hayley: Oh, if I am, I'm only shining for one man in this universe.
Mateo: Yeah?
Hayley: Mm-hmm.
Mateo: Would that be me?
Hayley: Can you handle it?
Mateo: It's what I live for.
Man: Excuse me, Hayley? Tommy Brussard from "Fashion Now." Could I get a few comments from you about the show?
Mateo: Can I make a comment? She's incredible, right? Go on, go on. It's the price of fame.
Hayley: You sure?
Mateo: I'll be here when you get back. Yeah, go, go.

Singer: Across the great divide I wanna stay inside in your world don't know why -

Mateo: Hey.
Scott: Hey, man, I think you aced this one, buddy.
Mateo: Yeah?
Scott: Yah.
Mateo: Thank you, man.
Scott: Party's excellent.
Mateo: Great, great. I owe you guys. Thank you very much.
Becca: The best is yet to come. I cannot wait.
Adrian: Uh, actually, it's already here.
Mateo: Yeah?
Becca: Yeah?
Tina: What's going on?
Mateo: Oh, nothing. Just going to give Hayley a night she'll never forget.

Singer: You only have to say you love me

Greenlee: Ryan?
Ryan: Hey.
Greenlee: You look great.
Ryan: Thanks. Thanks. What's up?
Greenlee: Listen, can we forget about that stupid thing that I did? I mean, I should've known that a man like you would never accept such an extravagant gift.
Ryan: And what kind of man is that?
Greenlee: A man who can have whatever he wants if he puts his mind to it.
Ryan: The model boat was one thing. It's just that 40-foot real version was just a little bit too much.
Greenlee: I've already sent it back. Come on. Take me for a spin.
Ryan: No, no, no, not tonight. Don't give me that look. I meant what I said, Greenlee. We want different things.
Greenlee: Are you sure you know what you want? That's the problem, isn't it?
Ryan: Look, I don't want to get into this right now. I just got here. Why don't we both just do our own thing and have a good time, ok?

Leo: Hey. Where's the look of triumph? What, no luck with the sweet smile and the "do-me" pumps?
Greenlee: I have a guaranteed way to win Ryan back. And he just walked in the door.

Singer: You only have to say you love me love me love me

Leo: Are you sure you won't reconsider? I mean, I've seen this type before they're always as dumb and vicious as they look.
Greenlee: And easy to catch if you throw them the right bait. Ryan's going to love saving me from the pool boy over there.

Ken: Pretty, huh?
Man: Yeah. Somebody's going to have some fun tonight.
Ken: Oh, yeah. Of course, you know, that all depends on your definition of fun.

Greenlee: Here he comes. Play along.
Ken: You asked for me, and here I am.
Greenlee: I see.
Ken: I'm ready for a dance. Maybe more.
Greenlee: Let's see if your luck holds out.
Ken: Sounds good. You want a brew?
Greenlee: I never mix. Especially on my third vodka.
Ken: Keep drinking. I'll be back. Leo: Hey, I'll take a martini, dirty, three olives.

Leo: Your third vodka?
Greenlee: It's tonic water.
Leo: Oh, yeah, but Ryan will think that you're getting drunk and try to save you from yourself when Kenny-boy makes his first move?
Greenlee: Ryan's a hero. He can't help it. Just tie me to the train tracks.
Leo: Yeah, and then I'm supposed to go running to Ryan, yelling, "help, help, Greenlee's in trouble."
Greenlee: Yeah, and you better sell it. Otherwise he won't come. Ryan has to think I'm in way over my head.
Leo: Well, you probably will be. But you forgot to mention -- what's in this for me?

Hayley: Right over there.
Tommy: Thank you very much.
Hayley: Ok? Got it?
Tommy: Thank you.
Hayley: Sure.
Ryan: Hey, hey!
Hayley: Hey!
Ryan: The woman of the hour!
Hayley: Can you believe all this?
Ryan: Yes, I can believe all this. You deserve all of this, Hayley. Just don't forget who told you so.
Hayley: I won't forget.
Ryan: And I can only imagine what you've been going through about what happened to your Uncle Trevor. You never fold, Hayley. Congratulations. Getting through that show's a major accomplishment.
Hayley: That's very like you, Ryan, to be so happy for me.
Ryan: You never looked quite so happy. Mateo filled me in. You guys are back together.
Hayley: Looks that way.
Ryan: Good for you, Hayley.
Hayley: Thank you, Ryan.
Ryan: Another "I told you so."
Hayley: Oh, what? What did you tell me?
Ryan: That there is such thing as soul mates and that it would never be over between you and Mateo.
Hayley: Yeah, how you knew that and I didn't --
Ryan: You always knew that, Hayley. Mateo will be a part of you forever.
Hayley: Yeah, more so now than ever, if that's possible.
Ryan: That's the way it should be.
Hayley: They say, "never quit before the miracle." We almost did.
Ryan: Yeah?
Hayley: Yeah. See, when you -- when you stop hoping and stop trying for something, you never realize that the miracle is just waiting around the corner.

Ryan's voice: Gillian, I love you and I want to be with you. That is, as long as you'll still have me.
Gillian: Oh. I must be dreaming. And if I am, just -- just don't wake me up.
Ryan: This is no dream, my beautiful, sweet princess. And I am going to prove it to you.

Gillian: I just wanted to tell you the news myself.
Ryan: Bad news?
Gillian: No, it's really wonderful news. But I wanted to -- I wanted to tell you myself before we tell everybody else.
Ryan: "We"?
Gillian: Jake and I. He asked me to marry him last night at the Crystal Ball, and I said yes.

Gillian: There must be some way to compromise without tearing Colby apart.
Jake: Liza and I had an agreement she wasn't going to spend one more night at Adam's. Yet, when she gets back from Europe, that's the first thing she does.
Gillian: Maybe something happened.
Jake: Like what? She doesn't seem to have a will of her own when it comes to Adam. She's possessed by the guy. She's agreed to live at the mansion with Colby.
Gillian: When did this happen?
Jake: I talked to Barry Shire. And then I talked to Liza, and she confirmed it. Gillian, I -- I cannot -- I can't stand to see Adam holding Colby, let alone to think that he's going to have a hand in raising her. Colby is going to grow up in our family.
Gillian: You and me?
Jake: Yeah, you and me. I'm sorry that things aren't going as planned. I was looking forward to a long engagement just like you were. And now I'm pushing up the wedding and I'm asking you to help me out in this fight for Colby.
Gillian: And become an instant stepmother.
Jake: I wish there was another way. My daughter's happiness and -- and her security are being threatened.
Gillian: Our daughter's happiness.
Jake: Honey, don't let me force you to do anything you don't want to do.
Gillian: You are a wonderful man, Jake and you're a wonderful father, and nobody knows that better than I do.
Jake: So, are we going to do this? Are we going to get married?
Gillian: We're going to get married as soon as we can, and then we're going to fight for Colby.

Liza: Jake is suing me for full custody of my little girl.
Adam: That's outrageous.
Liza: Full custody. Visitation rights. Emotional bonding on court-scheduled time. It's not going to happen. I am her mother.
Adam: Has he lost his mind? Well, that's a ridiculous question. Martins swim in a gene pool of insanity.
Liza, I am on your side. No court is going to take that child away from you.
Liza: Is this some sort of a pep talk? Because Jake Martin can sue me as much as he wants. He is her legal father.
Adam: Not if you tell him the truth. Personally, I think Jake will get over it in no time flat.
Liza: Oh, well, there's the compassion I was looking for.
Adam: Liza, what do you want from me? I've promised you that I won't tell Jake the truth. Now, are you going to keep lying to Colby about who her real father is? Am I that despicable that I'm never going to be given a chance to know my own flesh and blood?
Liza: I want my daughter to know that she's loved unconditionally. I want her to know that people would put themselves aside to care for her. And on a good day, Adam, that's you. But it's a way of life for the Martins. I wanted her to grow up as a Martin.
Adam: Well, it's going to be a hell of a start, tearing the child's life apart in a custody battle with Jake?
Liza: I will do everything in my power to prevent that.
Adam: Without telling him the truth? I don't see how.
Liza: Of course not. That's what you're counting on.
Adam: What do you mean?
Liza: A court fight is perfect for you, you rotten schemer. A custody battle is exactly what you want to happen.
Adam: You think I want Jake to sue for full custody of my own daughter?
Liza: The odds are with you. You take your chances. You take it to a court of law, let it go to trial, the truth comes out, and you know what? You can never say that you broke your promise to me.
Adam: You know what? I think you underestimate Jake Martin in this. I think he wants full control of that child and he'll do anything to get it.
Liza: You know, Jake -- Jake only decided to sue because Colby and I were living in this house.
Adam: Yeah, well, I'm sorry --
Liza: Thank you, Adam.
Adam: He despises me -- for what?
Liza: For showing me how to stop Jake from suing. And it's all up to you.

Jake: I know that I'm asking you to be an instant wife and mother. I know it's a lot. And I know I'm not giving you much of a chance to think about it.
Gillian: No, it's fine. I know what a terrible person Adam Chandler can be. And you're right about Liza. Adam can be his worst and she would still go back to him.
Jake: I know. I -- she keeps asking me to trust her. But there just seems to be more to it. I can't put my finger on it.
Gillian: Well, I don't think we should wait to find out.
Jake: Really? You ready for this?
Gillian: Yeah. I'm ready for you and for Colby. I've been ready ever since you asked me. And I'm falling in love with your little girl every day. And I want to do whatever's best for her.
Jake: Yeah. I love you. I love you more, if that's possible. I love you. Thank you. Speaking of Colby, I'm going to go check on her, all right?
Gillian: Ok. Bring her back with you if she's awake.
Jake: Ok.

Eugenia: Darling, what -- what's going to happen?

Alex: Ok, so these are just going to be a few tests. And if you need anything, they will page me right here and I will come and get you, ok? Go on. Thank you. Um -- I started to say something, and I'm not going to let this go. You know when you were talking about your childhood -- it started me thinking.
Edmund: Uh-huh? Yeah, I didn't want to live with my father Alfred's abuse, and so I knew that if I was silent it would last -
- Alex: Exactly.
Edmund: Yeah.
Alex: I mean, you can see what's happening with Karen. We're so fragile.
Edmund: Do you see yourself?
Alex: Yes, I do. You know, I've always tried to protect myself, and I've been so frightened to open up to anyone. But I feel safe with you. Um --
Edmund: What is it?
Alex :My mother had sent it to me. I don't know whether she forgot she had it or if she willed herself to forget. She couldn't really cope with the situation when it happened. Anyway, it's the name of a doctor in Wales.
Edmund: Was he a colleague?
Alex: No. That's the hospital where I was taken, where I was committed.
Edmund: Have you spoken to this Dr. Burton?
Alex: No. I don't even know who he is. I blocked out the entire experience.
Edmund: But you think that he may be the one that was in charge of your treatment?
Alex: Yeah.
Edmund: Alex, this is great. This is great news. This man could be the key to the whole reason why you were in the hospital in the first place.
Alex: Yeah, I think so.
Edmund: Why don't you call him?

Singer: I can't get no, I can't get no, I can't get you out of my mind

Mateo: So, how's my plan coming along?
Becca: It's looking good. Looking good.
Mateo: Oh, really?
Becca: As far as I can tell, he's in the back eating the chili.
Mateo: Oh, yeah.
Tina: What plan?
Scott: Oh, you're out of the loop.
Tina: Can I help it if no one tells me anything around here?
Adrian: Hey, listen, everything is going fine. This place is going to flip out.
Mateo: I hope so. I hope so.

Adrian: Yeah. So, what's up? You ready? I mean, get down on the one knee?
Mateo: Will you stop pressuring me? I mean, this thing with Trevor -- I don't know. It's just -- you know, it's pretty heavy stuff, man. Maybe tonight is the right night. I don't know.
Adrian: Look, let's not play this by ear, huh? Let's just do it, all right? All right?
Mateo: Who's proposing here?
Jack: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa, whoa, where you going? I just got here. Am I too late or what?
Mateo: You're just in time.
Jack: Good. What do you got in mind?

Singer: Can't get you out of my mind I'm thinking you and me

[Greenlee laughs]

Greenlee: Stop.

Singer: Anything you want

Ken: You know, you're the first chick that actually laughed at that joke.
Greenlee: You obviously know the wrong women.
Ken: You know, I use to watch you when I came to clean your grandmother's pool.
Greenlee: I'm flattered you even knew I was there.
Ken: A man would have to be dead not to notice you in that bikini.
Greenlee: You know what? I want to dance.
Ken: Let's get another drink first, keep that motor hot.

Singer: Can't get you out of my mind when I wake up in the morning

Leo: Doesn't look like Ryan's biting.
Greenlee: He will.
Leo: Where's the gorilla?
Greenlee: Over there.
Leo: I say we revamp this plan, Greenlee. Even though Kenny doesn't scare you, he ought to.
Greenlee: Are you going to help me or not?
Leo: To grandmother's house we go. I tell Ryan that you're in over your head and that Granny's out of town. Lo and behold, Ryan comes riding I on his white horse to save you.
Greenlee: Very good.
Leo: You have noticed that Ryan doesn't seem to give a damn what you're doing.
Greenlee: Well, it's your job to make him care. Act worried about me.
Leo: Well --
Greenlee: Play up all this stuff about Ken being a jerk.
Leo: That won't be hard. But you forgot to mention -- I mean, what is in this for me?
Greenlee: What about my undying friendship?
Leo: Whoever said I wanted that?
Greenlee: Oh --

Man: You going to let me in on some action with that rich chick?
Ken: There's not going to be enough of her left, dude. I had my eye on her even before her grandmother fired me. Oh, yeah. I've been waiting for this.

Singer: I got what you need anyplace you want me, baby take my anytime

Hayley: What are you doing? All right.
Adrian: I want you to have a seat and relax, all right?
Hayley: Frisk me if I don't.
Adrian: Just relax. Be with you in a moment.

Singer: Can't get no, I can't get no, I can't get you out of my mind

[Music stops]

Mateo: Hello, hello, hello.
Adrian: Shh, shh, shh, shh.
Mateo: Can I have your attention, please? Tonight is a very special night. Now, we all know Hayley's put together an amazing new television show and with an amazing crew -- you guys together have made the "Wave" a hit after only one show.

[Cheers and applause]

Mateo: So, Hayley, you are the strongest, the most dynamic, intelligent and beautiful person I know. To you and your success.
Jack: Hear, hear!

[Cheers and applause]

Mateo: Jackson, come on up.
Jack: Sure.
Mateo: You do the honors.
Jack: I will be happy to. Mateo Santos, everyone. The coolest cat that ever was.


Jack: But now on to Ms. Vaughan. The reason I'm here is because I'm the only person that's been around here long enough to have seen her when she first hit town. Ladies and gentlemen, you would not believe that this former rebel -- when I first met her she had black hair with eye makeup to match and, cute little raccoon though she was, who would believe that she would become the Hayley Vaughan that we know today, the epitome of grace, style, charm, and class?

[Cheers and applause]

Jack: So, Hayley, tonight, we celebrate you. And now I'd like to introduce a man who needs no introduction. But the song he's going to sing is a gift for you. Ladies and gentleman, Mr. Brian McKnight!

[Cheers and applause]

Tina: I am so impressed! How did you meet him?
Becca: Oh, Mateo has major connections. All we had to do was' cater to his every need. Whoo!

Woman: Brian!

Brian: Hayley, this is for you.

[Brian Sings]

Jack: Yeah!

[Cheers and applause]

Eugenia: I worry if you let Jake go through with this custody suit it will force Liza to tell the truth.
Gillian: Grandmama, you're the one who said that if Jake was meant to find out the truth that it would have come out already.
Eugenia: Yes, but that's when all the parties were on status quo. That has changed now.
Gillian: Well -- well, that's -- that's why I have to do everything I can to help Jake and Colby. And I just feel that I can do some good, you know, if I support them and give them my love. I really don't have any other option.
Eugenia: And what if the truth comes true?
Gillian: Then he'll forgive me and you'll know that I tried to protect his life with Colby.

Jake: Now, look who's here. Who's over there? Grandma Eugenia. Who's that with the dark hair? Who's that? Oh, she's pretty. She's very pretty -- ooh.
Gillian: Hi, sweetheart.
Jake: Oh, yeah.
Gillian: Hey.
Jake: Mmm. I was just telling her we're going to love her and give her so much happiness, more than she could ever imagine. Hmm?
Gillian: Yes, we are.

Liza: All Jake wants is a loving and secure home for Colby. If he gets that, he won't sue.
Adam: Well, you'll never be able to convince him that our home is the answer. He went ballistic because you spent one night here.
Liza: That's because he correctly assumed that I was here with you. If I was alone, there wouldn't be a problem.
Adam: Well, would you like for me to become invisible in my own house?
Liza: No. But you should leave.
Adam: What? You mean move out?
Liza: Pack your bags, Adam.

Edmund: Alex, Alex, this Dr. Burton -- he just may be the key to help you reconstruct that time in your life you don't remember anything about.
Alex: But I'm not sure that I want to know..
Edmund: If that was the case, you would have taken this card and you would have ripped it up a long time ago.
Alex: This -- your mind sometimes can -- can suppress things in order to protect itself, and maybe it's better forgotten.
Edmund: Maybe, doctor. But maybe your mind is telling you that it's ready to deal with these things. Alex, you're knocking yourself out trying to help Karen. Why don't you help yourself?
Alex: Because there are entire years that I don't remember.
Edmund: I don't think you're comfortable with that anymore. It's time, Alex.

Hayley: Tonight was awesome. Oh, you're so sneaky.
Mateo: I know.
Hayley: I mean, come on. Brian McKnight? I'm still in awe. Thank you so much. I've been so consumed with getting the show off the ground and, you know, worrying about Uncle Trev that tonight was like an oasis.
Mateo: Yea. That's what I wanted to do, and I wanted you to forget everything for a while, you know?
Hayley: Is something on your mind? You look like you wanted to say something else.
Mateo: Me?
Hayley: Yeah.
Mateo: Just this.

[Music plays]

Ken: Greenlee, I never would have guessed. You and me?
Greenlee: Why don't you get another drink?
Ken: Let's do that someplace else.
Greenlee: Great. You know, my grandparents are away for a while and their house is empty. How would you like a personal tour of every room?
Ken: Yeah. Let's go.
Greenlee: Ok. Could you wait a second? Give me a sec.

Greenlee: Find Ryan. Looks like I'm in big trouble.
Leo: Let's hope not.

Adam: You want me to move out of my home and go where?
Liza: You could buy an island if you wanted to.
Adam: I have an island.
Liza: Well, then, go there!
Adam: To mollify Jake Martin? No way.
Liza: You switched the sperm sample. That was a felony. And you know what, if you want to send Stuart and mother and me to jail, you go right ahead, for kidnapping and for fraud and -- and you know what? We'll just take you down with us.
Adam: Liza, we don't have to play hardball. Why can't we come to an amicable conclusion to all this?
Liza: You know what? This house is community property in the divorce settlement. I want it.
Adam: So you're slicing up the pie now?
Liza: Well, here they are. You should have thought of that before you sent Barry Shire over there to go whispering in Jake's ear. We had a workable agreement, and you blew it. Now, I am going to pick up my daughter. I want you to sign these papers and be gone when I get back.

Edmund: Did you hear anything?
Alex: Nothing. No. Nothing at all.
Edmund: You didn't get to speak to Dr. Burton?
Alex: The hospital had no idea who I was talking about. According to them, Dr. Burton has never worked there. They never even heard of him.

Leo: Hey, have either of you two seen Ryan Lavery?
Tina: He was just here a few minutes ago.
Adrian: I'm sure he's around here somewhere, but good luck finding him in this crowd.

Ken: I bet you've never been to a place like this before.
Greenlee: Why are we here? My grandparents have plenty of beer. Let's keep on going to my place. It's more comfortable.
Ken: There's been a change of plans.

Marian: Oh. What's wrong, Adam? You look like you had to give away some of your own money.
Adam: What are you doing here, you harpy? Get out.
Marian: Liza must have won another round, huh? Oh, by the way, darling, I'd be happy to deliver the divorce papers to her lawyer if you'd like --
Adam: Get out! Ow.
Marian: Right. Of course.

[Adam dials the phone]

Adam: Get over here.

Liza: I know I'm probably the last person that you want to see right now, but I wanted to tell you that what you said to me made a lot of sense and you were right. Colby should grow up in a home that is happy and secure, and I could provide that for her. I have asked Adam to leave the house.
Gillian: Liza --
Liza: Adam does not control me, Jake. Colby is what matters to me, and she can live with me. You can come and go as you choose. The house is really big. You could even sty there --
Jake: Liza, it's too late--
Liza: If there was time --
Jake: It's too late.
Liza: I thought that you --
Jake: Gillian -- Gillian and I are getting married as soon as possible.
Liza: Well, that -- that's wonderful.
Jake: I'm suing for custody of Colby - full custody.

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