JANUARY 31, 2000

Hayley: You were aware you were walking around with that, right? I mean, it is yours, right?
Mateo: Yeah, yeah, it's mine. But I'll put it back over here --
Hayley: No, not so fast. You never said what it was.
Mateo: It's nothing much.
Hayley: Really? Like cufflinks or a tie clip or something? Doesn't sound like cufflinks.
Mateo: And you can tell all that just by shaking it?
Hayley: I have an excellent ear.
Mateo: Yeah.
Hayley: You going to tell me what it is?
Mateo: It's --
Mateo: Why don't you go ahead and open it.
Hayley: No, no. You open it. Please?

Gillian: Why can't I marry Jake?
Ryan: Gillian, you can marry whoever you want. I -- I just think it's too soon. I mean, you guys haven't been a couple for that long. You hardly even know each other.
Gillian: We've been friends for over a year now.
Ryan: Yeah, but that's different. You haven't even lived together.
Gillian: We've been living together at Myrtle's.
Ryan: That's not the same thing.
Gillian: Well, you know what? It works for us.
Ryan: Gilly -- do you remember how we rushed into things?
Gillian: Jake and I are different. You know, you can't compare it.
Ryan: I'm not trying to compare it except to say that they're both rushed.
Gillian: Well, we -- Jake wants to sue for custody of Colby, and we would have a better chance if we were married.
Ryan: And you want to be a part of this? Liza is a great mother. Why would Jake want to take Colby away from her?
Gillian: It's not that he wants to. He has no choice.
Ryan: At could be worse than taking a child away from --
Gillian: Don't you dare accuse him. You have no idea.
Ryan: Well, then help me understand.
Gillian: Jake doesn't want Adam to be Colby's father. He doesn't want him raising her. And you know that they're going to get a divorce, right? So Liza was going to move out. Now she's not. And now Jake wants to sue for custody, and that's why we decided to move up our wedding.
Ryan: So with me it was to beat out the immigration department, and with Jake it's Adam Chandler.
Gillian: You know what, Ryan? Just forget about it. This has nothing to do with you, anyway.
Ryan: Yes, Gillian, it does.
Gillian: How? What is this about, Ryan?

Becca: How are we going to find the right room?
Leo: I don't know. I don't know. I guess we can't stay just yell, "Here, Slimeball."
Becca: Ok, look, we don't have a lot of options, so why don't you start knocking on the doors, and I'm going to wait for the hotel manager.
Leo: You might be waiting a while. Looks like they're pretty casual around here.
Becca: Look, Leo, we don't have all night. Greenlee doesn't have all night. We have to do something right now.

Greenlee: Ken, don't. Please, don't. Don't -- don't -- don't!
Ken: Relax, baby. Stop fighting me.
Greenlee: I'm not, I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. You ripped by blouse. You didn't have to do that. I mean, I would've taken it off.
Ken: Oh, yeah?
Greenlee: Yeah. Yeah, I mean, it's my favorite blouse. Now it's ruined.
Ken: I'll buy you another top, ok? I mean, if it is some fancy design --
Greenlee: No, no, no, that's not the problem. I mean, you know, what's the rush? The night is still young. I mean, we could take our time, right? Back rubs, maybe even a shower. I don't suppose you have any candles or anything?
Ken: Candles? No, I don't travel with candles. Not since Y2K, anyway.
Greenlee: Y2k. That's a good one. Ah! No!
Ken: Thought you could play me, didn't you? Hmm? Yeah.
Greenlee: Ken, let me go. I swear I won't run. Please, you're hurting me.
Ken: Why should I believe a word out of your lying mouth? You know who you are? A little slut who thinks she can tease her way in and out of every situation.
Greenlee: I'll make it up to you, I swear. I'm sorry that I used you to get Ryan. I'm sorry. I really am.
Ken: You don't give a damn about me. You don't care who you use. You just say what you have to say, do what you have to do to get what you want.
Greenlee: I'll make it up to you, I swear.
Ken: Oh, you'll make it up to me -- starting now.

Man: Keep moving, folks. There's no loitering.
Leo: Are you the hotel manager here?
Man: Yeah. You looking for a room?
Becca: Yes, but there's already two people in it.
Man: Come again?
Leo: Greenlee Smythe and Ken somebody. We're trying to find them.
Becca: Right.
Man: You got to be kidding.
Becca: No.
Leo: No, wait, man, wait. The girl we're looking for might be in real trouble. She's 5'2", blond, very pretty. Big brown eyes.
Becca: Yeah.
Man: Get this, fella -- I can't help you.
Becca: What?
Leo: Freeze! I'm an undercover vice cop. I happen to have been tracking this place for a couple of weeks. And if you don't cooperate, I'm going to have you taken in for harboring and interfering in a police investigation. Do you understand me?
Man: A cop?
Leo: Yes.
Man: Sure you are, Starsky. And I guess she's a Charlie's Angel.
Leo: I'm warning you.
Man: I've been warned. Let's get a look at the badge.

Ken: Ah!
Greenlee: Ah!
Ken: That's it. Now you've gone and done it. You want to play rough? We'll play rough.

David: Greetings, Principessa. No, no, not at all. I was just making rounds. My patient's not even in the room. Which reminds me -- I tried calling you in Switzerland and they said you checked out. Well, where are you staying? What if I need to contact you? Erica, what is going on? Why all the mystery? Wait a minute. Just --
Vanessa: David, I've been looking everywhere for you.
David: Listen, I better go. Call me later, ok? I miss you. Bye. Don't ever do that again.
Vanessa: Interrupt a phone conversation between you and Erica?
David: Interrupt me or barge into a patient's room.
Vanessa: David, I don't see a patient.
David: What do you want, Vanessa?
Vanessa: The question is, what do you want? That humiliating little scene at the Valley Inn the other night -- what was that all about, David?
David: Well, the truth speaks for itself, mother.
Vanessa: You intentionally ruined the entire evening. You know, if you didn't want to come to my little dinner party, why didn't you just say so?
David: I did!
Vanessa: Well, thankfully, Woody was too drunk to care, and I sent Millie some flowers early the next morning with all of our apologies.
David: Well, hopefully my apologies weren't included.
Vanessa: David, really, what is it going to take? I have tried to find a way for us to start over ever since I came into town. I've made attempt after attempt, and you rebuke every single overture. Well, as a matter of fact, you go out of your way to be rude to me, downright nasty. You walk over me and leave me for dead when I first come back to town.
David: Well, that should have been your first clue. I didn't want you here then, and I don't want you here now.
Vanessa: Well, get over it, David, because I'm here to stay.
David: Well, if you're talking about your marriage being your anchor, I would say that's debatable. But frankly, I don't give a damn what you do. As far as I'm concerned, you don't exist anymore. So why don't we make it reciprocal, shall we?

Hayley: Is it real?
Mateo: It cuts glass, if that's what you're asking.
Hayley: What's it for? I mean, is there any, you know, particular reason you have a diamond ring in your pocket?
Mateo: Well, actually, I've been -- I've been holding it for a while now.
Hayley: How long?
Mateo: Well, not -- not long. Just weeks.
Hayley: Weeks?
Mateo: Yeah, you know, since before the fire at the warehouse. I almost gave it to you once, you know, but the timing wasn't right. And I've been -- I've been waiting for the right moment, so --
Hayley: Right moment for what?
Mateo: Huh?
Hayley: I mean -- you know, is there something you wanted to do with it, something you want to ask me maybe?
Mateo: Are you -- are you -- are you too cold? Do you want my jacket?
Hayley: You're asking me if I want your jacket?
Mateo: Yeah.
Hayley: Only if it comes with that glass-cutting rock in the pocket.

Gillian: Why are you here tonight, Ryan?
Ryan: Because I had to see you.
Gillian: Why?
Ryan: Because. Because I've been thinking about life, about my life, and about you. And about all the mistakes I made -- well, not all the mistakes I've made -- but the big mistakes, the life-changing mistakes.
Gillian: Well, it's a new year. You're just counting stock.
Ryan: Taking stock. But, yes, that's exactly what I was doing. I was taking stock, and I realized that I didn't get it all wrong. I married you. You know how sometimes you don't realize how lucky you are until the things that mean the most to you are almost lost?
Gillian: What?
Ryan: You were the best, truest thing that ever happened to me, Gillian. I didn't get it then. Our suspicions of each other kept getting in the way. Man, did we fight. But I realized that there was a reason for all of that combustion after the smoke cleared. I discovered that I was in love with you, that I could love. And until you, I didn't think that that was possible. I didn't want to be responsible for another person. I didn't -- I didn't want to care for another person. I didn't want to need another person.
Gillian: What are you saying, Ryan?
Ryan: We found out how great we were together when -- when it was almost too late.
Gillian: Almost?
Ryan: Yeah. I've been thinking -- did we give up on each other too soon, Gillian?

Mateo: Well, do -- do you want it or not?
Hayley: The coat or what?
Mateo: What are you talking about? Are you talking about this? Because, Hayley, I've been waiting for the perfect moment, and --
Hayley: Mateo, look around you. It's a clear, crisp night and a gazillion stars and the moon is full and you can smell the pine trees in the air, and some may say that this is the perfect night.
Mateo: I -- I guess should've noticed all that, but I was too busy staring at you. And there's another reason why I've been holding back.
Hayley: Why?
Mateo: Well, you know, the -- the whole thing with your Uncle Trevor, I know you're really worried about that, and I don't want to lay anything heavy on you while you're thinking about that or, you know -- I don't want you to make any major decisions on us because I don't want to rush you. Ok? I -- I don't want to pressure you because, you know, the thing is that I can wait.
Hayley: I can't. I mean, putting our lives on hold any longer -- there's just no honor in it. Plus, my Uncle Trevor wants us together. And so do I.
Mateo: You do?
Hayley: So, is there anything that you want to ask me at this perfect moment, on this perfect night?
Mateo: Yeah. Mateo: Hayley, will you be my wife?

Gillian: What you're saying makes no sense.
Ryan: I never stopped caring about you, Gillian. You have to know that. And I only stepped out of your life because I thought I was doing you a favor. But what I didn't realize was how incredibly empty my life would be without you.
Gillian: I can't believe what I'm hearing.
Ryan: Every word I'm saying is true. Can't we try again, Princess?
Gillian: How can you do this to me?
Ryan: Do what?
Gillian: Tell me these things, ask me these questions, Ryan! I asked you these questions myself, and you just -- you just pushed me away! I backed away, stepped away, gave you your space only so that you could fill it with Hayley, and still I waited and you dismissed me as your ex-wife, Ryan, not even your friend.
Ryan: Believe me, Gillian, I was confused.
Gillian: Well, you still are! You said we were finished, Ryan. And you said I have to go on with my life and I did it, and now all of a sudden you tell me how empty your life is? Well, I'm happy, Ryan. I am happy --
Ryan: Gillian --
Gillian: And if you can't stand that, then that's too bad!
Ryan: Gillian, stop! You're wrong. You're wrong.

Ken: Keep your mouth shut and stop struggling.

[Greenlee screams]

Ken: You want to make this harder than it has to be? Shut up! Shut up! Shut up.

[Greenlee stops screaming]

Ken: That's better. That's better. You might as well pipe down because Ryan is not breaking through that door to rescue you from the big, bad pool boy. That was the plan, wasn't it? Well, now you're going to find out hw big and bad Ken really is.

Becca: They're in there!
Leo: You got to open this up!
Man: Sorry.
Leo: Our friend is in real trouble! She could be hurt!
Man: And she might be having a good time. Some of my customers get a little rowdy. You can bet they'll pay for it.

Ken: You're going to pay for that.
Greenlee: Stay away from me! Somebody!
Ken: Hey, I said shut up!
Greenlee: Somebody, help me!
Becca: Look, mister, please. What is it going to take? Please.
Leo: I think I know. Hold on.
Becca: What?
Leo: Take it.

[Greenlee screams]

Becca: Come on, mister.

Leo: Open up the door. Hurry up!
Becca: Hurry.
Leo: Get off her!
Becca: Greenlee!
Ken: What the --
Leo: Hey, I said get off her!
Ken: Get out of here, rich boy! Find your own room!
Becca: Come on, Greenlee. Come on. Let's go!
Leo: Get off her! Get her out of here!
Ken: Greenlee, come back!
Leo: Come on, Kenny. Things got a little bit out of hand, man. It's -- it's all over now, ok?
Ken: Uh-uh, Richie Rich.
Ken: You want to play the hero now, huh?
Leo: Come on. Chill out, man.
Ken: You come in and bust in on me and my girl, and you tell me to chill? Well, maybe you got more than you bargained for, huh, Batman?

Becca: Leo? Leo, what's going on in there? Greenlee, come on. We have to call the police.
Greenlee: No. No police.
Becca: He's got that guy --
Greenlee: No! No police! I can't! I just can't! I can't! I can't!

Becca: Leo, the police are coming!

Leo: You hear that, Kenny? The police are going to be here in a couple minutes, man.
Ken: Better not waste any time then, huh?
Leo: Come on! This isn't necessary. None of this is necessary. Chill out. You probably have women throwing themselves at you all the time. What -- what is your problem with Greenlee?
Ken: She's just like that snooty grandmother of hers.
Leo: What -- what does her grandmother have to do with any of this?
Ken: She fired me! No notice, no nothing!
Leo: She fired you, huh? Well, here. Take my watch -- ah! Damn it!
Leo: Get out of here!

[Becca screams]

Becca: Oh, my gosh. What happened?
Leo: We got to quit meeting like this.
Becca: Oh -- oh, my gosh. You're bleeding. Hold it -- hold it right there. Come on. We've got to get you to the hospital.
Leo: Well -- well, aren't you going to wait for the police?
Becca: They're not coming.
Leo: But you said --
Becca: I know. I know what I was said, but that was for Ken's benefit. Greenlee couldn't call them.
Leo: What? After I nearly lost my hand defending your honor?
Becca: Leo, calm down.
Greenlee: I'm sorry. This is all -- all my fault.
Becca: No, this is not your fault.
Greenlee: Oh, God, no, no. We can't call the police. No, no. No police, ok? Nobody can know about this.
Becca: Ok, ok. But you know what? Come on, let me get you to the hospital, ok?
Greenlee: No, no, no. They'd call my Gram and then she'd freak out and she'd send me to San Diego to live with my parents.
Leo: Yeah, well, maybe that wouldn't be such a bad idea.
Greenlee: No, no! Please, nobody can know about this, ok? I'll be all right.
Becca: You're not -- Greenlee! Greenlee, come back!
Leo: Yeah, she'll be all right. What about me?
Becca: Ok, ok. Come on. I'll take you to the hospital. Put your arm around my neck, ok? Are you dizzy?
Leo: No, I'm all right. Just like old times.
Becca: Yeah.

David: Just stay out of my way and I'll stay out of yours.
Vanessa: Well, except Pine Valley's a small town, David. I mean, we're bound to run into each other from time to time, you know? For heaven's sakes, we even live in the same hotel.
David: Fine. I'll move out.
Vanessa: What about some social events? At public affairs, we're expected to appear together. About that, you know, what do I do, just brace myself for another humiliating attack?
David: Is that what you're worried about, Vanessa? That I might cause another scene? Well, you can relax. It takes too much effort.
Vanessa: You know, David, you don't fool me for a moment because I know that you real do care. Deep down. Because deep down, you're still mother's little Prince.
David: Don't! Don't you ever call me that again. You may have fooled your other son, but don't you try that garbage with me.
Vanessa: David, is that what this is all about? You're jealous of Leo's and my relationship? Because, darling, we could have the same thing. You know, the only difference between you and Leo is that Leo lets me love him. Darling, if you just give me a chance--

Hayley: Your wife. I never, ever thought I'd hear you say those words again.
Mateo: Yeah. You know, there was a time there when I didn't think I would ever say those words again. And then there was a time there I never thought I'd have the chance to ask you to marry me.
Hayley: It's a beautiful ring.
Mateo: You like it?
Hayley: Yeah.
Mateo: Yeah? Well, wait. You know, if you don't want to wear it right now and, you know, you don't have to or you don't have to give me an answer right away. Just take your time. I'm -- I'm not going anywhere.
Hayley: Can we really start again?
Mateo: I think so.
Hayley: And I know everything? I mean, I know everything there is to know about your past life and everything?
Mateo: Well, I mean, there's a few things that I haven't told you, like I used to eat peanut butter-and-mayonnaise sandwiches, but other than that --
Hayley: Well, sorry I asked.
Mateo: No, but to answer your question, you know everything you need to know. There are no life-changing surprises lurking in the wings. I am an open book to you. And I'm yours, totally and completely.
Hayley: Will you come someplace with me?
Mateo: Anywhere. Want to go to a meeting?
Hayley: No. It's someplace just as important.
Mateo: Ok. Should I hold it? Ok. Come on.

Ryan: I'm sorry, Gillian. I didn't mean it to -- to be like this.
Gillian: Then how was it supposed to be, Ryan? You come here almost a year after we got our divorce and you tell me that you want to try again? What am I supposed to do, just drop my who life and fall into your arms? Do you have any idea what you're asking me to do?
Ryan: Yes. I'm asking you to give it some thought.
Gillian: You're asking me to choose!
Ryan: You don't have to decide right now, Gillian.
Gillian: What if I don't want to decide? Ryan, this isn't just about me. It's about Jake and Colby, a little baby.
Ryan: What was I supposed to do, Gillian? Wait until you were married to tell you how I feel about you?
Gillian: And you telling me these things is supposed to make a difference?
Ryan: Well, doesn't it?
Gillian: Just -- stop it, ok? Just stop it! No, don't touch me!
Ryan: I'm just trying to --
Gillian: No, I can't deal with this right now, ok? Just -- I can't deal with it right now.

Jake: Good news! I just talked to Leslie Coulson, my attorney, and she says we practically triple, triple our chances of getting Colby if we're married. What's wrong?
Ryan: Hey, Jake.
Jake: Hey, Ryan. What's going on?
Jake: Everything ok?
Gillian: Yeah.
Ryan: Yeah. Yeah. I just -- well, I'm working with Hayley on that new show of hers, and she asked me to come by here and ask Gillian if she wants to be a consultant on a new European segment.
Jake: European segment, huh? Really?
Ryan: Yeah. Turns out Gillian's a little camera shy, though. Anyway, I'm sure you guys have lots to talk about, so I'll -- I'll get out of here.
Gillian, I'm sure Hayley will call.

Gillian: So what'd the lawyer say? Should we go ahead and get married or go ahead with the custody suit? Should my name be on the suit?
Jake: Slow down, slow down.
Gillian: No, I just want to know.
Jake: Ok.
Gillian: I just want to know.
Jake: All right. Then I'll tell you. Why was he here, really? He sells airtime at WRCW. He doesn't book guests for European segments. Honey, what's wrong? What happened with him?
Gillian: It's nothing.
Jake: Sit. Sit. Things have been really crazy with me lately. Everything with Colby and work at the hospital. And maybe it seems like I'm taking you for granted, and I want you to tell me if you feel like you're being left out or -- or overwhelmed by everything. I just want you to be honest with me.
Gillian: Jake, you're a wonderful man, and I'm not unhappy.
Jake: You're unhappy. What's wrong? Hey. Look, if -- if you're having second thoughts about getting married, I want to know. I want -- I want us to start o on the right foot and be totally honest with each other.
Gillian: Totally honest?
Jake: Yeah. Do you still -- do you still feel things for Ryan? And tell me the truth. I -- I don't want to push you toward something you're not ready for, and if we have to postpone the wedding and take a little bit more time, then we will.
Gillian: You're willing to risk losing Colby for me?
Jake: But this -- this is about us getting married because I love you. And I can't imagine my future without you, but if -- if you're not there, if you're not ready, then we'll -- we'll wait. I'm willing to wait. You're worth it for me.
Gillian: Yeah, but I just thought, you know, we'd have a better chance of getting Colby if we were married.
Jake: This isn't about Colby. This is about -- it's about us, you and me. And besides, if you were unhappy and we got married, what kind of home would that be for any of us? But I need to know. If -- if you're having second thoughts, if you're having doubts, I need to know.

Vanessa: David, you're hurting me.
David: Don't you ever confuse how I feel about my father's death and how I feel about your relationship to your bastard son. You stalked me my whole life, Vanessa, because I'm the one that got away.
Vanessa: You are my son, David.
David: Oh, please. Spare me your phony shows of maternal instinct. I know you, Vanessa. I know that you eat your young and your husbands alike. Hopefully, someday, Palmer and Leo will see that, too, before it's too late.
Vanessa: All right. I've had enough of you. And don't say I never tried!
David: Fine. Good riddance.

Vanessa: Leo, for God's sakes, what happened to you?
Becca: We're looking for his brother. There's a wait in ER. And he needs stitches.
Vanessa: Stitches? Oh --
Leo: Vanessa, it's nothing. I had a -- I had an accident with a dull knife and a stale bagel.
Vanessa: Darling, all that blood. For heaven's -- you need help right away.
David: Let me take a look at that.
Becca: Oh.
David: This isn't a superficial kitchen knife wound. This is a stab wound. What happened here?
Leo: I was -- I was stupid, really.
Becca: No. He jumped in and saved a woman's life tonight, and the thug stabbed him in the hand with a switchblade. He's not stupid. He's a hero.

Mateo: So, you bring me to the club and it's closed?
Hayley: That's just the point, it's closed. We have the whole place to ourselves.
Mateo: Ah.
Hayley: Ah. Oh, no lights.
Just candles. Mateo: Candles?
Hayley: Candles.
Mateo: Ok.

[Music plays]

Hayley: Yes.

Vanessa: How on earth could this happen, you running into some knife-wielding, switchblade-wielding thug? Young lady, I would really like to know what you did to get my son into this.
Becca: Me?
Leo: Wait. Becca had nothing to do with this. In fact, I'm the one that dragged her into this whole mess.
Vanessa: Well, I find that hard to believe.
David: Ye, I'm sure you would. Listen, why don't we try to keep this down. We are in a hospital I'm going to clean this for you, but you are going to need stitches. .
Leo: Don't worry, mother. I'll be good as new.
Vanessa: Oh.
Leo: Ow.
Becca: Oh, well, I guess -- I'm going to go, too.
Leo: No, no. No, stay. Stay.
Becca: Really?
Leo: Yeah.
David: Look, why don't you just wait here. This won't take long.
Becca: Ok.

David: Come on. We'll go do this in here. Thank you. Have a seat right here.
Leo: Don't worry, brother. I don't have cooties.
David: I'm going to clean this out with peroxide, then I'm going to cover it with a sterile bandage so they can give you stitches down in the ER. Ok? When is the last time you had a tetanus shot?
Leo: I don't know. Maybe 10 years ago? I hate needles
David: But you're not afraid of knives? So tell me -- why did you lie to Vanessa about being stabbed?
Leo: I don't know. She worries too much, you know? It's not good for her heart.
David: Vanessa's heart is made of granite.
Leo: You know what? How many times do I got to tell you? I'm not going to listen to you dump on mother.
David: Spoken like a true lion cub. How gallant. I wouldn't take this hero thing too seriously, Leo.
Leo: I don't.
David: Good. See, before you start saving other people's lives, I would recommend that you start concentrating on saving your own.

Mateo: So, do you still want the ring and the jacket?
Hayley: I don't need the jacket.
Mateo: Just the ring. Can I put it on? All right. Here we go.
Hayley: Now, this is perfect. I love it. I love you.
Mateo: I love you. I -- I can't wait to tell everybody.
Hayley: Listen --
Mateo: Yeah?
Hayley: Can we hold off on that just a little while? It seems like a little too soon to start celebrating -- you know, with everything that's happened to my Uncle Trevor and everything.
Mateo: Sure.
Hayley: Yeah?
Mateo: Sure. I understand. Maybe we'll just make it our little secret.
Hayley: That is, if I can just keep this smile off my face.
Mateo: Oh, yeah? Maybe I can help you keeping that smile off your face.

Ryan: Greenlee? Hey. What are you doing here all by yourself this time of night? Greenlee: I needed to be alone. What time is it?
Ryan: It's late. It's really late. It's too late for you to be here all by yourself. You want me to give you a ride someplace?
Greenlee: No, no. No. Please, just sit down. Sit with me.
Ryan: So, how late did you stay at S.O.S., At the party? I saw you there with Leo, didn't I?
Greenlee: Yeah. How long did you stay?
Ryan: Oh, not too long. I cut out. It was too crowded for me.
Greenlee: You left? Right. Of course.
Ryan: You ok? You know, I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but you don't look so good.
Greenlee: Thanks.
Ryan: I hope it doesn't have anything to do with me. Look, I've been doing a lot of thinking tonight. A lot. And I was thinking about mistakes I've made and missed opportunities. And I'm -- I'm really sorry if I treated you badly.
Greenlee: Really?
Ryan: I should never have led you on. It wasn't fair. I let you think that I was open for anything, and the truth is I'm really not. I'm still in love with somebody else.

Gillian: That's just like you. You always put everyone ahead of yourself, even me.
Jake: Especially you.
Gillian: I've never met a man like you. You just -- you make me feel so --
Jake: So -- what? Tell me.
Gillian: Loved and safe, like I could depend on you forever.
Jake: You can.
Gillian: I just hope that I can be there for you one day if you need me.
Jake: I have no doubt that you'll be there for me. So, does this mean --
Gillian: Mm-hmm.
Jake: Yeah?
Gillian: Yes. Yes. We -- we're going to get married as soon as we get that license.
Jake: Are you sure? Are you sure?
Gillian: Jake, I've never been more sure of anything in my life. I want to be Mrs. Jake Martin.
Jake: I love the sound of that.

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