JANUARY 4, 2000

Edmund: Here.
Alex: Oh. Thank you.
Edmund: You're welcome.
Alex: I'm falling apart. I'm never like this.
Edmund: I'm sorry. This is my fault. I shouldn't have asked you to come to this party. I pressured you.
Alex: No. No, no. It was my choice to come. Oh, I should have listened to myself -- the feelings I was having, those nightmares. New Year's Eve. Ugh. I could have killed someone.
Edmund: But you didn't. Ok? You didn't. David Hayward -- he's got a dislocated shoulder. That's all.
Alex: I pushed him.
Edmund: Alex, can you tell me what happened exactly right before he fell, when you were at the top of the stairs?
Alex: I'm not sure.

[Horns honk]

Erica: We're not moving. Why not?
David: Looks like a police car blocking the road. Must be an accident.
Erica: But, David, we have to get to the hospital for your cat scan. Tell the driver to turn around.
David: Erica, relax. I'm sure it's not a concussion. My eyesight isn't even impaired. I don't have a headache.
Erica: David, you were knocked unconscious. I mean, you have to have that checked out. And Joe called ahead. They're waiting for us. I wish Joe had also called the police so we could have Alex arrested for assault --
David: We've already been through this. I do not want the police involved.
Erica: And I don't understand that. I mean, Alex Devane pushed you down a flight of stairs. You could have been killed.
David: But I wasn't.
Erica: Well, I think she should be arrested for it.
David: Nobody saw her push me. It would be my word against hers, just like it was with Siobhan's. They'd probably believe her now, just as they did back then.
Erica: So you're just going to let her get away with it? David, I'm telling you, just because she wasn't successful in her attempt to kill --
David: I have no intention of letting her get away with anything. Alex made a lethal mistake tonight, as she will soon discover.

Greenlee: Thanks.
Ryan: You're welcome.
Greenlee: I guess it was a bad idea, huh? Getting it on in a mausoleum.
Ryan: Wouldn't have been my first choice.
Greenlee: Why? You think this place is haunted?
Ryan: It is for me.
Greenlee: I'll protect you from all the ghosts, including your ex-wife. Why was Gillian following us? Was she following us?
Ryan: She wasn't. She wasn't. She's with Jake now. Plus we're the ones that are trespassing, all right? So let's get back to the party before your grandmother realizes you're not there.

[Music plays]

Jake: Have you decided? You're laughing. That can't be bad. Tell me.
Gillian: I want to share a life with you and Colby.
Jake: You sure? You don't have to -- take your time --
Gillian: No, no. You're a wonderful man, and I feel so lucky to have met you, and I love you.
Jake: You do?
Gillian: Yeah, and I trust you. And watching you with Colby --
Jake: She loves you very much.
Gillian: You know, I've never had much luck with men in the past, but Grandmama said that would change if I only had faith.
Jake: Well, good. I was hoping you'd feel that way.
Gillian: And I never wanted to be divorced. I've always dreamed of -- of being with one man for the rest of my life.
Jake: You don't have to grow up in a castle to feel that way.
Gillian: I've grown up, Jake, and I want what's real, and I want to be your wife.

Hayley: Mateo --
Mateo: Shh. Don't speak. Talking just gets us in trouble. Just dance with me. Come on.

Marian: Darling, what's in the envelope that Barry gave to Jake?
Liza: Mother, I don't have time to explain. You have got to get the letter back from Jake before he reads it.
Marian: Is it about Colby's paternity?
Liza: It's proof the Adam is her father.
Marian: Oh, my God. Did Adam do this?
Liza: Mother, I don't have time for your 20 questions. Please, you've got to get this letter back from Jake.
Marian: Ok, if I get it, what do you want me to do? Burn it?
Liza: I don't know. But if Jake reads the letter, it's going to break his heart. Please, please hurry. I'll be waiting for the all clear.

Adam: Who was that?
Liza: The pilot.
Adam: What was that about an all clear?
Liza: Um -- I told him that we weren't ready, but then, when we were ready, he would give us the all clear.
Adam: Ok, I see.
Liza: Is Colby awake?
Adam: No. She's asleep. I told the nanny we wouldn't need her for the rest of the week.
Liza: Why?
Adam: We'll be in Monaco.
Liza: Oh.
Adam: I can't tell you how relieved I am that you understand why I did what I did. And we can be the family I've always wanted us to be.
Liza: Yes, it's wonderful. No more lies, no more deceptions.
Adam: No more. I hate to do it, but we're going to have to wake Colby up once we've packed.
Liza: Really, what's the rush? If we don't leave tonight, we can leave first thing in the morning.
Adam: What about Jake?
Liza: What about him?
Adam: The whole Martin clan is going to be pounding on our door the minute he reads the letter telling him he's not Colby's father.
Liza: Well, I don't think he's going to read that letter tonight. I don't think that letter's going to be the first thing he's going to do. He has other important things on his mind, like Gillian.
Adam: Possibly, but --
Liza: And if he does read the letter, then I really would like to be here to reassure him that he's going to continue being in Colby's life.
Adam: Well, you can tell him that when we get back from Monaco. I'm anxious to start on our second honeymoon.
Liza: Well, Adam, I just want you to slow down. There are some things that we need to work out.
Adam: Yes. Precisely why I would like for us to be in Monaco.
Liza: I'm just curious, really, how you got out of the safe room. How you escaped from there. I mean, I guess it's not so safe after all.
Adam: Well, I used a heating duct. It was very 007. I've been moving in and out of that room since before Christmas.
Liza: Really?
Adam: Yes. I was standing in the middle of the Martins' living room on Christmas Eve, listening to Tad spewing insults about me.
Liza: Well, that must have been very challenging, you pretending to be Stuart pretending to be you.
Adam: It was never my intention to deceive you, darling. But when you refused to let me out of the safe room, I got a little desperate.
Liza: You know, I had very good reason, Adam.
Adam: Yes, you did. You were getting back at me for keeping secrets from you. But I think we're even now. So we can go on from here -- you, me, and Colby, together, the way we were meant to be.

Alex: David triggers something in me. It's a visceral reaction, but I can usually control it.
Edmund: Alex, any sane person would be completely nuts after the year you had. You know that? You're entitled to a meltdown.
Alex: It's not going to happen again.
Edmund: Well, maybe. Maybe it will, maybe it won't. But even if it did, do you know how strong you are? Do you? A year ago, you met Dimitri. You knew he was going to die, and yet you still loved him. You opened up your heart to him.
Alex: I couldn't help myself.
Edmund: Can I ask you a question?
Alex: Yeah.
Edmund: You said before, when you pushed him, you weren't really sure who he was?
Alex: Yeah.
Edmund: Ok. Then, who?
Alex: I don't know. He seemed threatening somehow.
Edmund: Someone who hurt you?
Alex: Yeah, I don't remember. I should, shouldn't I?
Edmund: Listen, Alex, maybe this would be easier to talk about with a woman. Do you want me to get Rae Cummings? I could get her --
Alex: No. I don't want that. Thank you. Thank you. I feel better now.
Edmund: You sure?
Alex: Yes.
Edmund: Because I promised Dimitri that I would be --
Alex: I know, I know. I'm positive. I'm fine. I'm tired. Where's my wrap?
Edmund: Listen, let me walk you back to the lodge, ok?
Alex: No. I don't want that. You have a whole house full of guests and -- thanks, Edmund.

[Music plays]

Rae: Alex is so hostile towards David. And I tried to get her to open up, but she won't.
Joe: Doesn't trust any of us very much. Not yet, anyway.
Rae: Well, I think you'll wear her down.
Joe: You think so? She's a very controlled lady.
Rae: You know, some people have accused me of that.

Leo: This seat taken?
Becca: Oh, yeah. Scott just went to go reload his camera.
Leo: Well, in the meantime, it would be a shame to waste this dance, don't you think?
Becca: Oh, you know what? You're right. Excuse me. Ryan?
Ryan: Yeah.
Becca: Do you want to dance? Please say yes. Please say yes. I'm trying to avoid someone.
Ryan: Well, let's dance.
Becca: Ok.

Leo: Uh-oh. Looks like Millicent the Vigilant isn't your only problem.
Greenlee: Just shut up, Leo, ok?

Stella: Excuse me, Mr. Santos. Maddie woke up from a bad dream. I can't find Mr. Grey. Could you possibly read her a story?
Mateo: Do you mind?
Hayley: No, of course not.
Mateo: Ok. Sure.
Stella: Thank you. Thanks.
Mateo: Will you be here when I get back?
Hayley: Yeah, I'm not going anywhere.

Jake: Colby's going to have the best of both worlds. She's going to have two moms who love her and are going to raise her.
Gillian: And when she's old enough --
Marian: Oh, hello, Jake, darling. Do you mind if I borrow Gillian for just one minute?
Jake: Well -- why?
Marian: Well, darling, this is kind of a female thing, ok?
Gillian: Well, can't it maybe wait?
Marian: No, darling, it can't. Come along. We'll be right back. Thanks so much.
Gillian: Meet me over there.

Marian: Gillian, has Jake read that letter yet?
Gillian: What letter?
Marian: The letter that's going to destroy his life if he reads it. We've got to steal it from him.
Gillian: Marian, I think you've had too many bubbles.
Marian: Darling, if he reads the letter, he's going to find out he's not Colby's father. Now, I know you know all about Adam, ok?
Gillian: That's what's in the letter, the one the lawyer gave to him earlier?
Marian: Yes.
Gillian: No, I'm not going to let this happen to him.

David: Oh, good, we're moving. They must have cleared the accident.
Erica: David, did you mean what you just said, about making Alex pay?
David: You're damn right.
Erica: Well, thank goodness. I was beginning to think you had suffered major brain damage.
David: You know, I always knew that she was jealous and mean-spirited. But this violent streak -- I never would have imagined it.
Erica: Really? She didn't exhibit this when her roommate died, when she blamed you?
David: No, no, not that I ever witnessed. Whatever's bothering Alex is definitely escalating. I think the woman's on the verge of a breakdown.
Erica: David, I'm really frightened.
David: She's not going to do anything to you.
Erica: No, I don't mean for me. I mean for you.
David: Oh, don't be. I'm not about to let her plunge a scalpel in my back or throw me down an elevator shaft.
Erica: David, this is not a joke. I mean, what Alex did to you tonight, this proves clearly that she's a terrible danger to you.
David: Erica, you're fabulous. Do you realize that a couple of hours ago you stormed out on me? And now you have the look of a tigress.
Erica: I do? The look of a tigress?
David: Yes. As if you would chew off the hand of anyone who raised it against me. I'm honored.

Jake: Not that I'm complaining, mind you, but why did you want to come upstairs all of a sudden?
Gillian: Well, shut the door, and I'll show you.
Jake: Oh. Ok.
Gillian: May I?
Jake: Hmm.
Gillian: I would like to toast -- I mean I would like to propose a toast, to us -- you, me, and Colby.
Jake: Bottoms up.
Gillian: Salud. Ooh. Oh. I'm so sorry.
Jake: It's all right. It's all right. Don't worry about it.
Gillian: I'm so sorry. No, no, no, no. No, no, don't -- don't use a napkin.
Jake: No one will notice. I'll just --
Gillian: Yes, they will. Just take it off, and I will take it to one of the maids so they can sponge it.

Marian: Gillian. Are you sure it's in there?
Gillian: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Marian: Oh, that's it. That's it. Bless you. Thank you so much.
Gillian: You're welcome.
Marian: Ok, bye.
Gillian: Bye.

Liza: Come on, mother. Call me back.
Adam: Here we are.
Liza: What are we drinking to?
Adam: To being reunited. To having it all, finally.
Liza: What about Jake?
Adam: Jake will be fine. He's a Martin. That's what the Martins do. Mom will bake him an apple pie, and he'll shoot some hoops.
Liza: He loves Colby.
Adam: He'll have his own children.
Liza: Adam, you're talking like he's giving up his puppy.
Adam: Liza, Colby is not his child. He can't go on for the rest of his life pretending that she is. That's not fair to him or me or Colby. Now, please, let's just forget about Jake right now and focus on us.
Liza: You're right.
Adam: We're being reunited as a family.
Liza: I should be thankful for my blessings. To us.
Adam: To us.
Liza: You know, I have to tell you, I feel badly about locking you up in the safe room.
Adam: You do?
Liza: At the time, I felt it was the right thing to do.
Adam: Come here. I love you. I love you more than I've ever loved anybody in my life. And I would forgive you anything. You're very beautiful tonight. I think you get lovelier with every passing day.
Liza: I do?
Adam: Oh. Every night when I was laying in that miserable bunk bed, I would think about you and I would dream about you. Send you kiss after kiss.
Adam: Liza --
Liza: Adam --
Adam: What?
Liza: Wait.
Adam: What is it? What is it?
Liza: Nothing --
Adam: What? Liza, I can see it in your eyes. You're afraid of me.
Liza: No.
Adam: Don't be afraid.
Liza: I'm just stressed. After everything that's happened.
Adam: Well, what can I do to relax you?
Liza: You can draw me a bath, and you can wash my hair the way you used to.
Adam: My specialty.
Liza: I'll be in in just a minute. I'm going to check on Colby.
Adam: Don't keep me waiting too long.

[Telephone rings]

Liza: Mother?
Marian: Yes, darling, it's me.
Liza: Did you get it?
Marian: I got the letter. Now, what do you want me to do with it?
Liza: Just bring it here. Bring it here right now. I'm upstairs in the master bedroom.
Marian: Where's Adam?
Liza: Mother, he's in the -- he's in the shower, and he's not going to be -- he's waiting for me. Would you please hurry?

Liza: You're not going anywhere, Adam.

Gillian: Stella is just looking for some cleaning fluid. She'll bring it back when she's done.
Jake: That's ok. Don't worry about the jacket. I don't care about the jacket. All I care about is you. All right, I want to propose a toast. It's my turn. To the sweetest, kindest woman I know, that I could ever hope to know, that I could ever be lucky enough to marry. Did I say gorgeous? I mean -- no, no, no. More than gorgeous. Better than gorgeous. Devastatingly beautiful. There's one other thing. Here's to sharing everything, including family, which with me is Colby and the whole crazy Martin clan. They all come with me. Cheers.
Gillian: I've always wanted to be part of a big, loving family. So I'd like to propose a toast.
Jake: Ok.
Gillian: To a beautiful man whose heart is always in the right place.
Jake: Thank you. So, when do you think we should tell people?
Gillian: Um -- I don't know. When would you like to?
Jake: Maybe we should wait till you're 100%. We'll have our own special celebration. Till then, we'll just keep it our own little secret.

Erica: Look, I decided to come back to the party because I decided that I wouldn't let you ruin my evening.
David: Oh, really?
Erica: Yes, really. The Crystal Ball is in Dimitri's honor --
David: And Maria's.
Erica: And I wanted to be there for him.
David: Mm-hmm, ok, so why are you here with me right now?
Erica: Because -- just forget it.
David: I don't want to forget it. And why does it seem as if you're ready to go to battle with Alex to protect me?
Erica: You don't need my protection. And I am still very angry at you for taking her flowers and not telling me and, most of all, for lying to me, for pretending to be with a patient. And most of all -- most of all for having to hear it from her, how you came on to her all those years ago in London.
David: I never came on to Alex. Oh, damn it, Erica. Who are you going to believe, the man who makes love to you every night or the woman who just pushed him down the stairs? Yes, I gave her flowers, but I told you why. It was all part of my campaign to send her packing. And if that's too subtle for you to comprehend, well, I'm sorry.
Erica: Well, then, all right, all right.
David: All right. It all backfired anyway. Because of her psychosis, I'm here with a dislocated shoulder. Probably won't be able to just perform surgery for at least a week, which makes me hate her even more. Are you happy about that?
Erica: A little.
David: And I agree with you. There is something going on with Alex, and it's deeper than Siobhan's death or any run-in we may have had in the past.
Erica: Finally.
David: And I intend to find out what it is. But enough about Alex. Let's talk about us.
Erica: Well, we'll have to do that later. We're almost to the hospital.
David: Driver, go around the block. We're not getting out of this limo until I say so.

[Alex at Dimitri's crypt]

Alex: My darling, I'm coming apart. Alex: I miss you so much. You were everything to me. I'm falling apart. I'm slipping away. I'm so afraid here in this place without you. I need your strength. I'm so alone here. I know what you'd say. You'd say, "why don't you lean on Edmund?" But I can't. He's a dear man. He has a kind heart. But he's so American. He tries to make me feel that it's ok I'm coming unhinged, but it's not ok. And he asks so many questions. I'm doing things I don't understand. The voice in my head -- I'm losing control. I'm so afraid of what I might do. I wish you were here. You could just put your arms around me, make me feel safe. Edmund thinks I'm strong. You knew the real me. And for some unfathomable reason, you loved me in spite of everything.

Erica: David, this isn't the time to discuss our personal relationship. You have to get the x-rays.
David: The x-rays can wait. This can't.
Erica: What's so urgent?
David: You keep saying that you trust me. Y don't you start acting like it?
Erica: Because Alex --
David: Alex is a liar. You said from the second she hit this town that you didn't trust her. Why is it that you're constantly giving her the benefit of the doubt when it concerns me?
Erica: I didn't say that.
David: I'm falling more deeply in love with you every day, Erica, and you're constantly coming at me with these ridiculous accusations.
Erica: Well, Alex is very serious about her accusations.
David: Look -- I did not cause Siobhan's death, and I certainly did not come on to Alex.
Erica: If you didn't, then why does she keep on saying that?
David: You know why. She's trying to get back at me. The woman is psychotic, for heaven's sake.
David: I've given you my heart, Erica, and all I've asked in return is that you trust me, trust in the love that I have for you. Why is that so hard for you to do?
Erica: It's not --
David: One minute, you're with me, the next, you're against me. You're here, you're gone. It's like I can't even depend on you. Do you know what that feels like, to love someone the way that I love you?
Erica: I'm sure it's very painful.
David: Yeah. It is. I don't know. Maybe I'm asking too much. Maybe you've been hurt by so many men in the past, betrayed by them, you can't make that leap of faith. Don't you know by now that I would never, ever do that to you?

Jack: Ah, well, there you are. Looks like I'm just in time. More champagne?
Brooke: Oh, no. I think I'm just fine, thank you.
Jack: More dancing, maybe?
Brooke: Oh, I don't know. What would Chablis say?
Jack: Chardonnay, Chardonnay. The girl's name is Chardonnay.
Brooke: California girl, huh? Blond, crisp, not too dry.
Jack: And how about Mr. No-show? Did he have a name?
Brooke: Yes, it was Cab.
Jack: Cab.
Brooke: That's short for Cabernet.
Jack: You're so funny. You're very funny. You're also very busted.
Brooke: I'm very funny.
Jack: You're busted.
Brooke: You are very busted.
Jack: Why? How am I --
Brooke: Because there is no Chardonnay. So there.
Jack: Ok, there is no Chardonnay. You're right. And there's no Cabernet, either.
Brooke: No.
Jack: Well, so much for meaningful relationships on demand.
Brooke: Evidently.

Hayley: You know, your wife has hidden talents.
Joe: Well, she shows me something new every day.
Hayley: Yeah, she and Tad are cleaning out the Cortlandt's in a poker game. Nickels are flying everywhere.
Joe: Beneath that benign exterior beats the heart of a card shark.
Hayley: Yeah, you two are so great together.

Leo: Fine champagne is to be savored, not gulped.
Greenlee: I need a quick mood lifter.
Leo: Where's handsome?
Greenlee: If you're talking about Ryan, I don't have him on a leash.
Leo: Looks to me like you're the one heeling -- and rolling over.
Greenlee: Not. But unfortunately I can't just snap my fingers and get him to fall in love with me.
Leo: That's never been a problem for me.
Greenlee: Aren't we modest.
Leo: Just telling it like it is. Women can't resist me. Especially when I put my mind to it.
Greenlee: Get me a shovel.
Leo: I mean it. I mean, I just pick the one I want, and she's mine.
Greenlee: Prove it.
Leo: Prove what?
Greenlee: That you've got the magic touch. Go make little Miss Virgin Tyree fall for you and then dump her. If you're really God's gift to women, Rapunzel should be another notch on your bedpost. She's far too happy. Fix it before I hurl.
Leo: You're on. This ought to be delicious, actually.

Eugenia: You are a wonderful dancer.
Ryan: Thank you.
Eugenia: Of course, not quite as dreamy as my lovely Alexi.
Ryan: Well, that's very high praise, coming from you, Duchess. Thank you.
Eugenia: Ryan, sit down. I want to talk to you.
Ryan: Ok.
Eugenia: I want to tell you that I'm so happy that you're friends with Gillian after everything that you've put each other through.
Ryan: Me, too.
Eugenia: Yes, and I do wish somehow you could have worked it all out, but -- because I'm so fond of you.
Ryan: Well, that goes both ways.
Eugenia: Well, someday there will be another love and there will be another in-law-in-law.
Ryan: Never. I mean, I couldn't possibly replace Duchess Eugenia.
Eugenia: Oh.

Stella: Here you are, all nice and clean.
Jake: Oh, Stella, thank you.
Stella: You're welcome.
Jake: Thank you very much. I appreciate that. That's weird.
Gillian: What is?
Jake: The letter Barry shire gave me is gone.
Gillian: Oh, maybe it just fell out. We could go look for it.
Jake: No, no, no, no. That's probably just bad news, anyway. I don't want to deal with it.
Gillian: Yeah, no, no --
Jake: Is he here, I wonder?
Gillian: No, no lawyers tonight. Let's just have some fun.
Jake: Fun, yes.

Marian: Here you are, darling. Mission accomplished.
Liza: Good work, mother.
Marian: What are you planning now to do, darling?
Liza: I've hired a private jet. I'm leaving Adam.

Adam: Liza, your bath is ready!

Liza: Be right there!
Marian: Where are you going?
Liza it's better that you don't know. That way Adam can't force it out of you. Be sure you give that to him.
Marian: Ok. I love you, darling. Be safe.
Liza: I'll be in touch, mother.
Marian: Stay well, all right? And watch little Colby, too. Take care of her.
Liza: I will. I will.

Adam: Your bubbles are waiting.

Adam: What the hell are you doing here? Where's Liza?
Marian: Oh, you've got bubbles on your cheek, darling.
Adam: I said, where's Liza?
Marian: I don't know, but she asked me to give you this, Adam.
Adam: Where did you get this?
Marian: It doesn't matter. But what does matter is that Jake Martin never read it.

Liza's voice: "If you tell Jake the truth, you'll never see me or Colby again."

Adam: Liza. Liza! She's taken Colby. Where have they gone?
Marian: I don't know, so forget about getting out the bamboo shoots to shove under my fingernails, ok, Adam?
Adam: She can't have gotten very far.
Adam: She took my passport.
Marian: Up the creek again, are you, darling? Sorry. I'm just fresh out of paddles.

Erica: David, we're here. Please go get those x-rays.
David: Not until you tell me one last thing.
Erica: What?
David: What went through your mind when you saw me lying on the floor at Wildwind?
Erica: I don't know.
David: Oh, yes, you do. You felt panic.
Erica: I was very concerned.
David: You were terrified. And whether you want to acknowledge it or not, you reacted like a woman in love.

Edmund: Joe, where's your better half? It's about time to decorate the tree with the crystal ornaments.
Joe: Oh, my goodness. Well, last I heard, she was fleecing Palmer at the poker table. I'll go get her.
Edmund: All right. Tell her there's going to be a surprise announcement.
Joe: Really? What about?
Edmund: Well, if I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise. You're just going to have to wait with everybody else.
Joe: Hmm. Well, I never.

Rae: Come on, tell me, did Alex leave?
Edmund: Alex left, yes. She went home, and she said she was feeling fine.
Rae: Well, we both know that's not true. Whatever it is that's bothering her is not going to go away.
Edmund: I'll be watching.
Rae: Good. She's going to need you. I'm going home.
Edmund: Good night.
Rae: Good night.

Eugenia: Edmund, isn't it time? I can't wait.
Edmund: Yes, it is. It is, my dear. It is time. Ladies and gentlemen -- ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please. I hope you all brought the crystal ornaments that were given as invitations to the party. Maybe look something like this. There you go. Thank you. These will be decorating the tree of humanity. And when we do that in a moment, I want you all to think about the people who have touched our lives and changed our world, for good and for bad, as we enter the next millennium.

["Sentimental Journey" plays]


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