JANUARY 6, 2000

Erica: Good morning.
David: Hey. Did you sleep well?
Erica: I slept very well.
David: Good.
Erica: I had a remarkable dream.
David: Really? Well, why don't you tell me about it.
Erica: Well, it was very late. And I was just about to drift off to sleep when all of a sudden there was music.
David: You mean like an orchestra?
Erica: No. Like a piano. From downstairs.
David: Well, that sounds very mysterious.
Erica: Yes, it was. And so I was just about to investigate when all of a sudden, I saw a vision.
David: A vision?
Erica: Mm-hmm.
David: Well, did you have a miraculous experience?
Erica: No, that was later. No, this vision was a tall, dark, handsome man, far from saintly --
David: Hmm.
Erica: With deep, unfathomable eyes and pretty fabulous eyelashes, standing in my bedroom.
David: Did you scream?
Erica: No. No. Because I just knew instinctively that he would never hurt me. And I just felt this invisible force drawing me to him. And so I moved closer, closer to him.
David: And?
Erica: And that's when something miraculous happened. He drew me into his arms, and I felt like I was home.
David: Well, that's a dream you're not going to wake up from. You are home.
David: Ooh, ooh. Aye.
Erica: Oh, I'm sorry. Your shoulder. I'm sorry. Are you in pain?
David: No, no, it's ok. It's just a little sore. It's my own fault. I should be wearing my sling. I was just about to put it back on when I got distracted.
Erica: None of this is your fault. That demented woman tried to kill you. And really, David, I wish you had listened to me and have her arrested.
David: All right, let's not go through this again, all right?
Erica: But she pushed you down a flight of stairs. I mean, you have to do something.
David: Oh, I plan to. There's no telling what Alex might try once push comes to shove.

Alex: Hi, Rae. Hope you haven't been here too long.
Rae: No, no. I'm on my first cup.
Alex: Great.
Rae: So, how are you feeling today?
Alex: Good, good, thank you.
Rae: Good.
Alex: Thanks for meeting with me.
Rae: No, no, I was happy that you called. A little surprised, but I was happy.
Alex: Oh?
Rae: Well, last night you were shaken and withdrawn, of course.
Alex: Yeah, well, I was upset by what happened.
Rae: Yes. So, tell me, what can I do for you?
Alex: I wanted to -- oh, thanks. Have you spoken with Edmund?
Rae: About you or about Dr. Hayward's accident?
Alex: I just wondered if he --
Rae: What, that he said something to me that you had said to him in private?
Alex: No. No, I don't think he would do that.
Rae: No, I don't think he would, either. Listen, you and I don't know each other very well -- I mean, we can certainly change that -- and I know that you're very troubled about something. So if you want to talk about it, you do know that whatever you say to me will be held in the strictest of confidence.
Alex: What do you expect me to tell you?
Rae: Oh, I don't know. I thought because you wanted me to meet you here this morning that you might want to talk.
Alex: Oh, some kind of a session?
Rae: Well --
Alex: No. No, I'm sorry. No, there's been a misunderstanding. I didn't -- I called you because I -- I -- last night you were very concerned about me, and I wanted to thank you for that. And I wanted to tell you that I'm fine and you needn't be concerned.
Rae: Alex, you don't believe that any more than I do.

Tad: Yes, baby, come to Papa. Ooh. Brownsville chocolate. Yes.
Dixie: And on an empty stomach, no less.
Tad: You have a problem with my breakfast?
Dixie: Honey, you keep this up, you're going to be overweight and toothless.
Tad: Let me tell you something --
Dixie: How can you eat all this sugar first thing in the morning?
Tad: Sweetheart, it's not all that much sugar. It's one candy bar. You know, there's people out there paying good money for herbal supplements to get exactly this kind of endorphin rush. As far as I'm concerned, my alternative is cheap, effective, and tasty.
Dixie: You're going to be taking an alternative nap in about an hour.
Tad: Food dance.
Dixie: Oh, God.
Tad: I know exactly how we're going to fill that hour, too.
Dixie: Don't you even start with that with me. The boys are on holiday break. You remember?
Tad: Yes, but Jamie's gone with Brooke to see the ice show, and Junior tore out of here about half an hour ago, something about the Lansburys' dog having --
having puppies.
Dixie: Puppies?
Tad: Yeah.
Junior: Hey, mom, Tad? Can we keep her?
Tad: Oh, no.
Junior: Mr. Lansbury said it was ok if it was ok with you guys.
Tad: Now, wait a minute there, St. Francis. I thought you and your brother wanted a ferret.
Dixie: Right.
Junior: Nah. She's way cooler. Wait till Jamie sees her. Isn't she cute?
Dixie: Come here. Bring her here. Come over here to Mama. She's adorable.
Tad: Honey --
Junior: She's a girl puppy. It's perfect, right? Now you guys can have someone little to look after. Am I in trouble?
Dixie: No. Of course not, sweetie. It just comes as kind of a big surprise. Tad and I should talk it over, ok? So why don't you go out in the back and play with her, ok?
Junior: Ok.
Dixie: We'll come find you.

Tad: He meant well, honey.
Dixie: Oh, I know, I know. Well, we wouldn't be the first couple to adopt a puppy that couldn't have a baby. She did kind of have your eyes.

Trevor: Another one, huh?
Janet: I found it hidden between the branches of the Christmas tree.
Trevor: I still don't understand how all those candy canes wound up all over the living room. I mean, we locked the doors. And with all the presents and stuff, Hayley wouldn't have left the house open.
Janet: Well, maybe Smokey got a hold of the bag of candy canes and had himself a merry old Christmas.
Trevor: What? He had to get a hold of 50 bags of candy canes for that many candy canes. We didn't have --
Amanda: I saw Mr. Butterfield in his back yard in his pajamas with his recycling bin.
Trevor: Sweetheart, what did we say about privacy, huh?
Amanda: It wasn't my fault if he was in his back yard. And he was in his pajamas.
Janet: Well, I guess she's got a point. Sweetheart, are you going to be warm enough in the arena in this?
Amanda: Mommy, I'm watching an ice show, not skating in one. Can I take my binoculars? Jamie and I could really see the skaters with these.
Janet: Sure. Just don't lose them.
Amanda: Ok.
Trevor: Yeah, or bonk somebody on the head with them.
Amanda: I know.
Trevor: You'd better hurry up. I mean, if we're going to meet Jamie and Brooke, you'd better get your coat on, lickety-split. You sure you don't want to come?
Janet: No, no.
Trevor: Breakfast?
Janet: I'm on a roll with the tree. Be sure to say hi to Brooke and Jamie for me.
Trevor: Yeah, we -- we will. I mean, you can do that anytime, honey.
Janet: Are you kidding? I've already got ideas for decorations for Valentine's Day. I got to stick with this.
Amanda: Let's go, Daddy.
Trevor: Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Janet: Just make sure you keep an eye on her. Ask Brooke to do the same.
Amanda: Hello. Amanda's still in the house. She can take care of herself.
Janet: I know, sweetheart. It's just that I love you so much, I just worry about you. I want to make sure you're safe.
Amanda: I will be. I love you, too, Mommy.
Trevor: Yeah, I love you, too, Mommy. And take it easy.
Janet: I will. See you soon.
Trevor: Yeah. Ok. Let's go.
Janet: Bye.

Janet: It's a new year. Beginning a new millennium. So good riddance. What's over is over. What's gone is gone. That includes you, Sophie. You're dead, so live with it. And you, too -- the one in the mirror. It's over. It's finally over. And now I think I'm going to take a nice, hot bath.

[Water runs]

David: Alex should know by now that I'm not the turn-the-other-cheek type.
Erica: Well, do you think that she wants another confrontation, an excuse to finish you off?
David: Maybe.
Erica: David, I don't know how you can be so calm. I mean, look, I don't care if you have to overturn a boatload of tea, just get her out of here, get her back to England.
David: I'm working at it. But she's not going to give up co-directorship of the Andrassy foundation --
Erica: But I still --
David: Not after she fought so hard to keep control of it.
Erica: But I think there's a way to force her out, especially now. I mean, you may have covered for her, but you both know very well that she tried to kill you.
David: Yes, but why? You know, I still can't get a handle on it. You know, I keep replaying the events over and over in my head. And it was just so weird. It was like we were dealing with two totally different realities. I went to see her. I went to tell her that we needed to talk, that her behavior was totally irrational. And she became unhinged. She's telling me to let her go, that I'm hurting her, and I wasn't even touching her. Next thing I know, she's screaming, saying, "leave me alone," and running out of the room. I followed her out into the hall, right? And I -- I asked her what was wrong. I remember the clock chimed at midnight at that moment. And I was standing across from her, and she looked like she was such a wreck, you know? I really wanted to get back to you, but I just couldn't leave her there at that time. I told her that whatever happened to us in the past needed to stay there, in the past. Then she screamed as if she saw something, something terrible, right? But there was nothing there. She ran away. So I followed her. I caught up with her at the top of the stairs, and I grabbed her arm. I was just trying to stop her, you know, to calm her down before she went down to the party. We struggled a little bit. I lost my footing at the top of the stairs, but I regained it. And the next thing I know, she's deliberately pushing me down the stairs.
Erica: That's when I came in.
David: I got the feeling that she didn't even see me, that she was looking at someone else.
Erica: You know, maybe she was. But the bottom line is that she is dangerous and she needs professional help. So please don't provoke her. Don't. I mean, she's too dangerous.
David: Well, you want her out of our lives for good, don't you?
Erica: You know I do.
David: Well, then let me do what I need to do, ok?
Erica: Well, where are you going?
David: Actually, I'm going back to Wildwind.
Erica: Oh, great.
David: Yeah, well, Stella called last night and said that she found my watch. It must have fallen off my arm when I went down the stairs. I told her I'd pick it up this morning.
Erica: So you're leaving me?
David: I'm merely running an errand. I could never leave you, Principessa. Ciao, Bella.

Alex: I would like to get to know you better, Rae, but just not on a professional capacity. There's no need, really.
Rae: You know what, Alex? You always need to stay in control no matter what. If there's a problem, you act on it and you fix it. If there's an obstacle, you rise above it. Asking for help is just not an option. In fact, you don't ask for it. You give help, right?
Alex: That's pretty accurate for someone who doesn't know me very well.
Rae: Well, I'm cheating a little because I'm really describing myself. We're very much alike. We're both in a healing profession. We both have to keep up a certain image. But there's nothing wrong in showing people that you're not strong all the time. You know, there's no shame in asking for help.
Alex: I know. But I don't need help. Thank you for having coffee with me. I'm going to pick up the check at the bar. And I appreciate your concern. I do, really.
Rae: Well, if you want to talk --
Alex: Yeah, I'll call.
Rae: Ok. Hey -- your gloves.

Trevor: There they are. Hey.
Amanda: Hey.
Brooke: Hey. How's everybody. Where's Janet?
Trevor: Mommy wants to take down the tree. She wants a little downtime.
Jamie: Hey, Mom, this is awesome. Can we go look out the window down the street?
Brooke: Ok. What do you want me to order for you?
Jamie: Pancakes.
Brooke: Pancakes.
Amanda: Me, too.
Brooke: Was there ever any doubt?
Trevor: Stay where I can see you, ok?
Amanda: We're going to be right over there. Mom's been very overprotective these days.

Brooke: So, what's going on?
Trevor: I think Janet's watching too many shows about protecting your kids. I mean, I think it's a good idea and all, but I think she's really overdoing it with Amanda right now.
Brooke: Oh, come on. You know, I've been the same sometimes. And quite frankly, these days, I think it's better to err on the side of caution.
Trevor: Yeah, I suppose. I just --
Brooke: You just -- is there something else going on?
Trevor: She's just acting weird.
Brooke: Meaning what?
Trevor: I think she's hiding something and she doesn't trust me enough to tell me about it.
Singer: Jingle bell jingle bell jingle bell rock

Janet: Trevor? Amanda? Tim?

Singer: Snowing and blowing up bushels of fun now the jingle hop has begun
Janet: Oh. Don't panic. Must be some sort of power surge or something.

[Music stops]

Sophie: I'm back.
Janet: Oh!

Tad: We haven't talked about Bess in a long time.
Dixie: I know. I'm fine, honestly. I have so much to be thankful for. I'd rather just concentrate on that, you know?
Tad: You make me very happy. You know that, right? As far as I'm concerned, any puppy that wins your heart is just fine with me. As a matter of fact, I think it's a great idea. Come to think of it, a boy needs a dog. Somebody to go out and pull things with, drag road kill into the house.
Dixie: Puppy poop.
Tad: Yes.
Dixie I have two words --
Tad: No, it's not that --
Dixie: Puppy --
Tad: Big house --

[Knock on door]

Tad: You'll never even know -- I know, I know. But listen, you better hope that this isn't Mr. Lansbury because, you know, I'll take her right now. I'll go dressed like this.
Rae: Hey. Hi. Too early?
Tad: Hi, Rae.
Rae: Hi.
Dixie: Hi.
Tad: What do you mean, too early? Did we have something planned for this morning?
Rae: No.
Dixie: Come on in. We're just being lazy bums.
Rae: No, no, we don't have an appointment. But you said, you know, we wanted to bat some ideas around about the show and -- I'm interrupting, aren't I? I do smell hazelnut coffee, though.
Dixie: I'll put on another pot.
Rae: Oh. Don't go to any trouble, Dixie. You are a darling. Hey --
Tad: What?
Rae: Are you avoiding me?
Tad: What do you mean, avoiding you? I practically see you every day.
Rae: You asked me to come up with some ideas for the show, didn't you? I did research. I even did some preliminary interviews. I sent you a memo on it a couple of days ago. You haven't gotten back to me. Why?
Tad: The black-market baby thing.
Rae: Yes, that. Come on.
Tad: Look, don't get me wrong.
Rae: You should be running with this.
Tad: Honey, honey, please, ok? Look, I appreciate all the work you put into it. The initial stuff was great.
Rae: You don't want to do this? Why?

David: Returning to the scene of the crime?

Brooke: So, when did you notice this change in Janet's behavior?
Trevor: I guess it was when Derek came over to the house asking Janet about her old cellmate, Sophie Malinowski. She busted out of Statesville prison, and he was wondering if she had tried to contact her.
Brooke: Well, that's creepy. Had she?
Trevor: No. But ever since then, she's talking about the old stuff, you know? It's like she's haunted by who she used to be.
Brooke: Well, that had to be very scary.
Trevor: Well, I keep trying to reassure her, remind her of the woman that she's become, but it's not working. I mean, she's still pretty shook up. I love her, Brooke, and it kills me to see her fighting this by herself. And she doesn't have to. But how can I help her if she won't let me in?

Janet: Sophie. You're alive.
Sophie: Yeah, no thanks to you. It's a good thing I kept up my weight training.
Janet: You don't have to do this. I won't go anywhere.
Sophie: Oh, you're right about that.
Janet: You can untie me. I promise I won't try anything.
Sophie: Said the woman who brained me and tried to open my skull with a candy cane.
Janet: I didn't mean it.
Sophie: You brained me and threw me in a dumpster. I wake up, a rat is eating pizza crust off my face.
Janet: What was I supposed to do? You threatened Amanda.
Sophie: I needed results. I got them, didn't I?
Janet: Yeah, and then you went back on the deal. I gave you $50,000.
Sophie: It wasn't enough! Not for the kind of life I want, the kind of life I deserve. I needed more. I told you that.
Janet: Well, then you might as well let me go because you won't get any of the money if you keep me tied up here.
Sophie: Oh, no. It's not about money anymore. It's about my satisfaction. Mick was wrong. I am going to get mine as soon as that hubby and kid walk through that door.
Janet: No! No, you can't do that! No!
Janet: Sophie, listen to me. You don't have to do this. You got diamonds. You got cash. You could just walk away from this. You don't even have to untie me.
Sophie: How accommodating.
Janet: It's not worth it. If you hurt my family, it's only going to make it worse for you.
Sophie: I killed a guard, girlie. It's a little late for that speech. Besides, that's where this little crowbar comes in. It's a nice touch, if I do say so myself. See, everyone's going to think you did it. Poor Janet. She finally snapped.
Janet: No one would ever believe I could hurt Amanda or Trevor.
Sophie: Oh, no? As weird as you've been acting lately? Honey, I think they are just going to shake their heads and wonder why they didn't read the signs.
Janet: You want people to think I killed my own family?
Sophie: Flip city, baby.
Janet: Don't hurt Amanda. You've met her. You know what a good kid she is. She likes you.
Sophie: Oh, you're lying.
Janet: She does. She thinks you're a good person. We were just both dealt a bad hand in life. And we've tried so hard. I mean, we've done our best, but -- but it's been a fight every step of the way.
Sophie: You got that right.
Janet: Do you know that you were the first person to ever help me? When I got to Statesville, you showed me the ropes. You taught me how to survive. You saved me.
Sophie: You were pathetic. You could have gotten us both killed.
Janet: You kept me alive. Remember when my sister died -- what you told me? You said that we were sisters now. And then you gave me that necklace so I could have one that was identical to yours. I kept it all these years, Sophie. Amanda loves it. I was going to give it to her when she grew up.
Sophie: Yeah, yeah, she's an ok kid. I swear, Janet, if you are handing me a load of bull --
Janet: I'm not. I'm not. You got to believe me. I am so sorry that I hurt you. I want to make it up to you. Let me try. But you have to let us start over as sisters again. You're going to have to trust me. Can you do that? Can you trust me? Please?

Brooke: Listen, I don't want you to take this the wrong way, all right?
Trevor: Go ahead.
Brooke: Is Janet on any medication?
Trevor: Medication? No. What, do you think she's reverting? No way. She fought her demons. She won.
Brooke: She had two very good reasons.
Trevor: She still does.
Brooke: Well, maybe something has changed.
Trevor: Like what? I love her. She knows that. Amanda's doing great. What reason could she have?
Brooke: Maybe ghosts from the past. I mean, why would Derek think that Janet would know anything about an escaped con?
Trevor: Standard procedure. He's got to check out anybody who could possibly contact this Sophie Malinowski babe.
Brooke: And Janet said that she hadn't contacted her.
Trevor: No, no, she hadn't.
Brooke: Well, what if Janet is lying?
Trevor: You take the kids to the show. I'm going to go home.

Erica: No, David, I'm sorry. I am not going to give Alex a second chance to kill you. No, I am going to get to the bottom of this right now.

Alex: You're following me.
David: Why would I do that? I came by to get my watch. I lost it after my accident. Have you seen Stella?
Alex: No. Excuse me.
David: What's the rush, Alex? You were just making your way up the stairs. Do I make you nervous? Listen, I'm actually glad that we ran into each other here today. I want you to know that despite the fact that my surgical career could have been ended, I harbor no ill will towards you after my accident last night.
Alex: Oh, stop calling it that. You know as well as I do that it wasn't an accident. Why did you cover for me, saying that you tripped and fell? What is in this for you?
David: There's nothing in this for me, Alex. I'm merely thinking of the foundation. We can't afford this kind of scandal. Besides, nobody saw you do it. It would be my word against yours.
Alex: You're assuming that I would lie.
David: Well, you didn't actually contradict me when I said I tripped. Look, don't worry. I understand why you wouldn't want to admit to the world that you tossed me down a flight of stairs for no apparent reason.
Alex: You're enjoying this, aren't you?
David: Actually, my shoulder is killing me and I don't know when I'm going to be able to perform surgery again, so the answer to your question is no. But I am, however, very curious. You don't know why you did it, do you?
Alex: No.
David: You told me to stop hurting you. I wasn't even touching you, Alex. Were you talking to me or someone else?
Alex: What, are you a shrink now? I don't have to stay here and listen to this. Clearly we can't be expected to work together anymore, so I suggest that you resign from the foundation.
David: Perhaps you should be the one to resign, Alex.
Alex: I can't do that.
David: You mean you won't. Then I suggest we start again. Unless, of course, you're afraid that you're going to throw me out of a window.
Alex: Oh, don't be ridiculous. As much as I despise you, I never intended to hurt you.
David: I was the only one there, Alex. If not me, then who did you intend to hurt?

Tad: I just think the timing's wrong. You got to understand this is a new show, all right? And a story about a black-market baby ring, while very powerful -- I'm just afraid it's a little dark.
Rae: I so disagree with you. Do you know how many women all over the world have babies stolen and then sold? Don't you think people need to know when they go to adopt a baby that it might be an illegal child?
Tad: I'm not saying I'm not going to do it. I'm just saying that I'll do it later in the season, ok?
Rae: When? When I'm gone? I mean, this is hard-hitting stuff, Tad. Think of the families. Think of the women who have already lost babies.
Tad: I understand. I know about the emotional importance, ok? That's one of the reasons I don't want to do it. It's a little close to home. Dixie lost a baby three months ago.
Rae: I know. I know. She told me that. I'm sorry. I guess I'm being a little insensitive. Ok.
Dixie: No, you're not. I think it's a great idea. I agree with Rae. It's an important story that needs to be told. You should tell it.

Sophie: You expect me to believe this fractured fairy tale? "Trust me. I tried to kill you, but I think of you as a sister." I mean, jeez. Of course, then again, you probably do, seeing as you tried to kill your real sister, too.
Janet: Come on, Sophie. I panicked. The money thing -- it was too much. You asked for too much. I never wanted you to go to prison. I didn't turn you in. I just wanted you to leave so you'd be safe.
Sophie: And out of your life.
Janet: No. I was afraid that you would get caught and that they would find out that I'd been helping you all along, and then we'd both go to prison for the rest of our lives, and I couldn't take the chance. I've been out longer than you have. You want too much. You push too hard, Sophie. You got to go slow. Take it easy.
Sophie: I thought you were trying to get rid of me.
Janet: I wasn't. You didn't listen to me. I listened to you. Let me be there for you. Remember when I came back from Natalie's funeral? I had to say good-bye in handcuffs and leg chains. I lost Amanda. I had nothing to live for. And when I came back to the cell, there you were with that necklace, showing me that you cared, showing me that somebody cared. You were my lifeline. The necklace was, too. You know, I wish you'd just untie me now, and I'll make us some tea and sandwiches. It'll be like old times. We'll figure it all out -- before Trevor and Amanda come home.
Sophie: You lying hussy. A lifeline, huh? Wanted to give it to Amanda, huh?
Janet: I was wearing it. It must have come undone. The clasp -- it must have fallen off.
Sophie: Shut up. Just shut your face.

Rae: We could do this like a sting operation. We could get a couple, have them approach a lawyer who is adopting these babies. And I already have a hit list. You could actually be part of that couple. I mean, you know, it would be good for the ratings if you want to do it.
Tad: No, I would want -- I have no problem with that. It's just that, you know, I am on television. I might need some kind of disguise.
Rae: Yes, I think you do, too. We can figure that out later on.
Dixie: Who's the other half?
Tad: What other half?
Dixie: Of the couple. Who's going to play the wife?
Rae: Well, it should probably be an undercover person. Could be a reporter.
Dixie: How about me?
Tad: Well, honey, I don't think that's a very good idea.
Dixie: Why not?
Rae: Dixie, this could be a very emotional piece.
Dixie: Yeah. I mean, I hope so. Should be, right?
Rae: Right.
Dixie: Exposing people who sell babies, preventing women from being exploited. That sounds really important. I would like to be a part of that.
Tad: Are you sure?
Dixie: Yeah. I can do it, Tad. Come on, please let me.
Tad: Ok. Let's do it.

Alex: You're going to drag this out, aren't you?
David: I want to work this out, Alex, which is what you should want to do. Unless there's something that you're not telling me.
Alex: No.
David: Do I have any more incidents like last night in store for me?
Alex: Oh, come on.
David: Should I be afraid of you?
Alex: Stop it.
David: Well, Erica seems to think so. She believes that you're lethal.
Alex: I don't give a damn what she thinks about me. All right. If you insist that we're going to continue with this working relationship, I promise I won't kill you.
David: That's very comforting. Then I won't pursue it. What happened last night is just between us.
Alex: What did you say?

Man: What happened last night is just between us.
Alex: Geoffrey?

David: Who's Geoffrey?
Alex: What?
David: You just called me Geoffrey.
Alex: I did?
David: Yes, you did. You just said his name. Who is he?

Erica: Yes, the next time I'm in London. I will. I will have Olga arrange a dinner meeting. Yes. But now back to the subject at hand. No. No, Ms. Chadwick, this investigation has nothing to do with Enchantment. This is strictly personal in nature. What I'd like you to do is I would like you to send me a dossier on Alexandra Devane Marick just as soon as possible.

Sophie: Save it, sister. You played me for the last time. And, you know, you forgot the first rule I ever taught you -- never expose your back and never con another con.

[Car approaches]
Janet: [Muffled] no. No. No.

Sophie: Well, well, well. Papa bear -- back at last.
Janet: No. No. No.
Sophie: Ok. Whoever comes through that door first gets it right between the eyes.
Janet: No, no.
Janet: No.

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