JANUARY 17, 2001

Edmund: "Pinguitude." Still haven't had a chance to use that one, Alex. So, what was this, anyway? Crib notes for a spelling B?
Alex: It was a game I used to play with my father.
Edmund: A word game?
Alex: Yeah. I mean, the object was to try to find a word that he didn't know. So I would -- I'd pore over the dictionary until I could find a really obscure word, then I'd scribble it down on a piece of paper and hand it to him at dinner.

Dimitri: Those are my wife's private belongings.
Edmund: I know.
Dimitri: Do you have any respect at all, Edmund?
Gillian: You're in a good mood.

Ryan: Oh! Nothing can compare to the feeling of having you back in my life, but as far as work goes, yeah, it's pretty good.
Gillian: Tell me.
Ryan: Well, you know how I was bumming about Adam firing my entire staff at incredibledreams. That's all changed now. The very last person on this earth that I thought could help me has helped me.
Gillian: Who?
Ryan: Leo.
Gillian: Leo Leo?
Ryan: Leo, Leo, yeah. I thought hiring him would be a disaster.
Gillian: You mean he's actually working?
Ryan: Better than that. You know that girl that he hired --
Gillian: Yeah, Philomena.
Ryan: She has got the intellectual horsepower of a roomful of guys like Adrian at MIT.
Gillian: Can you afford her? You know, these computer geniuses, they get a lot of money.
Ryan: Yeah. I'm kind of working on that. For some reason, he thinks it's a privilege to be working for us, but I'll straighten it out. I'm just so -- just jazzed that things are finally going again.
Gillian: I'm so happy. But you have a lot of stuff to do, and I have to get going.
Ryan: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Where you going? I thought maybe we could have a little lunch or something.
Gillian: I have a few errands to run.
Ryan: Oh. All right. I'll go with you. What's in the bag? Returning something?
Gillian: Uh -- no, it's just -- nothing to worry about. Ryan.
Ryan: Just -- this is the gown that I bought you.
Gillian: Yeah.
Ryan: Forget it, Gillian. I know what you're trying to do. Ain't going to happen. No way.

Tad: Where are your clothes?
David: I think you should leave, Tad.
Tad: I am leaving. Do you mind if I take my wife with me?
Dixie: Tad, would you please leave us?
Tad: What?
Dixie: I won't do this here.
Tad: What will you do?
Dixie: At home. Please?
David: She doesn't want you here. Tad --
Tad: You know something? Right now I want to kill you, so maybe you should stay the hell out of my way!
David: Threatening me doesn't change the fact that she doesn't want to speak with you!
Dixie: David, will you please stop? This is not helping anything.
Tad: That's right, David, you're not helping.
David: No, you are trespassing. Do you understand me?
Tad: Me I'm trespassing?
Dixie: Stop it. Would you two stop it? Stop it!
Tad: What did you expect? What did you think was going to happen? Dixie, what are you doing?
Dixie: David, would you please leave us?
David: Are you sure you want to be alone with him?
Tad: Just who do you think you are?
Dixie: Yes, I'm sure. If you please would just leave us, I would really appreciate it.
David: Only if you're absolutely sure.
Tad: Get the hell out now.
David: I'll be downstairs.

[Door opens and closes]

Tad: I only regret I didn't beat him to death on that boat.
Dixie: Well, the night is full of regrettable events, isn't it?
Tad: Dixie, this is all wrong. This is all wrong. We're supposed to be stronger than this. We certainly fought hard enough for it. Now, he's got nothing to do with us. How could you possibly let him speak for you? You did it. You did it, didn't you? You slept with David.

Ryan: What were you going to do with the gown?
Gillian: I was just getting it cleaned.
Ryan: You haven't even worn it yet.
Gillian: Ryan, you gave this to me as a present, which means it's mine, which means I can do with it whatever I want.
Ryan: I know exactly what you were going to do with it. You were going to take it back and use the cash to help keep us going.
Gillian: Ryan, I've never returned anything in my life.
Ryan: Well, I didn't say it wasn't going to be an adventure for you, especially without a sales receipt.
Gillian: Ok, so what if I'm returning it?
Ryan: I love you so much. You're willing to do anything just to help me out, and you will never know how grateful I am for that.
Gillian: Well, can you blame me, after what happened at the Valley Inn with your credit card being denied? I hated that. It was so embarrassing.
Ryan: I know, I know. It's supposed to be the ultimate rejection, right? "Mr. Lavery, you've been declined." You know what? I don't really care.
Gillian: Look, you don't have a penny. If I could sell this dress, return it, it could give us the cash we need right now.
Ryan: Look, I'm going to have to lay some ground rules then.
Gillian: Oh, rules? For us?
Ryan: Mm-hmm. Number one, you cannot sell anything you own to help me get out of debt.
Gillian: I can ask Dimitri, maybe, for money.
Ryan: No, you can't. You can't go to family. You cannot get a secret loan from Dimitri. You can't sell your crown. You can't dip into your inheritance.
Gillian: Ok, so that's rule number two. I hate it.
Ryan: Well, you'll get over it.
Gillian: Ryan, listen, it's not fair. We were supposed to be in this together. And I can't just stand here and do nothing while you're struggling. And if I return this dress, we can have me money. And you know what? I have more than enough clothes in my closet.
Ryan: Well, I want you to have even more. I want every single dream that you have ever had to come true. And I know just where to start.
Gillian: Me, too. Get solvent.
Ryan: You mean with my company? I'm going to do a whole lot more than that. I'm going to make the most successful internet company the world has ever seen.
Gillian: And then?
Ryan: And then a huge wedding.
Gillian: Ryan, I don't want a huge wedding.
Ryan: Really? Well, I do. Listen to me. After your divorce with Jake is final, I want to throw you the most magnificent wedding that you could ever possibly imagine. I want you to wear diamonds and silk and platinum. I want to have -- I don't know -- doves and white lilies. I want a chamber orchestra playing "The Wedding March" and Pavarotti singing "Here Comes the Bride."
Gillian: I just want to be your wife.
Ryan: Well, that's good because you're going to be. And it's going to be every single thing that we have ever imagined, ever dreamed of.
Gillian: Ok, ok, ok. Ok, ok. I'm not going to return the dress. I'm going to keep it, ok?
Ryan: Good. I'll tell you what. You can wear that dress when I go to Adam Chandler's office and I buy the company back from him.
Gillian: And then we can come home and you can take it off me. And we can think back to this day when I almost returned it.
Ryan: And then we can make love and we can live happily ever after.
Gillian: And for now, let's just skip to the end part.

Edmund: You know, I was hoping --
Dimitri: No, it doesn't matter what you were hoping, Edmund. You crossed a line, a line I will not allow you to cross.
Edmund: Dimitri, why do expect me to just erase the fact that I had a life with her? You know, we did share something.
Dimitri: Yeah, what you had shared is over. It's no longer the case.
Edmund: Yeah, but it was the case, ok? And if you're angry right now or in pain, you're the cause of it, all right? You let us believe you were dead -- twice.
Dimitri: Yeah, I know the role I played. That doesn't give you the right to hold on to what you had.
Edmund: Listen to me. I'm going to use everything I find -- everything -- to try to find Alex for you.
Dimitri: I don't want you going through my wife's things. Can you respect that?
Edmund: I was trying to help.
Dimitri: Can you respect that?
Edmund: For now.
Dimitri: Edmund --
Edmund: That's as good as you're going to get right now. What the hell's gotten into you, anyway? Besides the obvious.
Dimitri: Just stuff. Stuff that I don't want to try to explain.
Edmund: Well, just give me the short version, ok?
Dimitri: The short version? Erica.
Edmund: Oh. See? That was easy. One word, everything's crystal clear now. What did she say this time?
Dimitri: That she spoke to Alex on Ryan's yacht just before she disappeared.
Edmund: She's just remembering this now?
Dimitri: Yeah, yeah, yeah. She saw the two of us at each other earlier, grabbed the moment, and slammed Alex for setting us up to hate each other.
Edmund: Ok, well, from Erica's perspective, that would make sense.
Dimitri: Told Alex to leave town before we ended up at each other's throat.
Edmund: Oh, that's vintage Erica.
Dimitri: Yeah. Yeah, but Erica believes she got through to Alex and that's why she disappeared.
Edmund: Well, that might be very good for, you know, Erica's ego, but that's not the Alex we know. She doesn't run away from problems.
Dimitri: I know that. Stayed and tried to save my life. I was dying, and she wouldn't let me go.
Edmund: Look, forget about Erica, ok? Forget what she said. Let's just use what we have to find Alex, ok?
Dimitri: All right. What do you got there?
Edmund: It's not recent.
Dimitri: Let me see. Looks like a child's writing.
Edmund: Yeah.
Dimitri: "Pinguitude." What is that, a kid's code?
Edmund: Not exactly.
Dimitri: You need to tell me what it means.
Edmund: It was a word game she used to play with her father. Stump Dad she called it. It was something they played before -- look, it doesn't matter, all right? It has nothing to do with her vanishing.
Dimitri: When did she tell you about this game?
Edmund: The cottage in Bristol.
Dimitri: Mm-hmm.
Edmund: She found that piece of paper. She just started, you know, going down memory lane.
Dimitri: Go on. Go on.
Edmund: Dimitri, I am sure that there are some things that you guys just didn't have the time to talk about.
Dimitri: Edmund, Edmund, wait. Let me -- let me -- what if Erica, what she said, is partly right?
Edmund: What part?
Dimitri: That Alex chose to leave town.
Edmund: But why?
Dimitri: Because she wasn't over you.
Edmund: Look, Dimi, I don't know how many times you want me to tell you that Alex is yours, ok? Look, before you came back to life, we had started to share a life.
Dimitri: Yeah, I know that, and I wish I could say, "Hey, hey, it doesn't matter," but it does.
Edmund: It bothers you that I know a story about her childhood and you don't?
Dimitri: It's not a story about her childhood. It's the love you shared, confiding in each other. She talked about becoming Sam and Maddie's mother
Edmund: We talked about you, too. We talked about how you died and a part of us died, too. Look, it was our grief that brought us together. Do I have to keep apologizing for that?
Dimitri: No, you don't. You don't have to apologize for that. I just wish that these images wouldn't keep creeping back into my mind. I'm sorry. Now, let's see what else you found.
Edmund: See for yourself.

David: Hey, good looking. Can I buy you a drink?
Leslie: Well, it'll be my third, but that should just about do it.
David: Rough day, huh?
Leslie: You could say that.
David: Surprising. From what I understand, you were delivering the final blow to Tad's marriage last night.
Leslie: Didn't go quite like I'd hoped. Look.
David: What am I looking for?
Leslie: He throttled me.
David: I don't see anything.
Leslie: My throat was turning black and blue.
David: Leslie, there's nothing there. Not even a scratch.
Leslie: Well, there was enough there yesterday to convince the police that he had attacked me.
David: Police?
Leslie: Yeah. I charged Tad with sexual assault.
David: What?
Leslie: Well, he kicked down my door, and he dragged me back to his place so I could talk to Dixie.
David: This is getting better every second. Why would he want you with Dixie?
Leslie: He wanted me to explain that the only reason he slept with me was because he was drugged.
David: And you refused.
Leslie: I couldn't say there was nothing between us.
David: No, because you're an honest woman.
Leslie: Don't be snide, David. Tad is like a lot of men. He's afraid of change.
David: No, Tad is afraid of losing Dixie. So, how did the police get involved in all of this?
Leslie: Well, Tad started it. He threatened to charge me with breaking and entering, theft, credit card fraud. I mean, I had to fight back somehow.
David: So you came up with sexual assault?
Leslie: I am an officer of the court. Do you know what a B&E charge would do if I'm convicted? Jail time. No, forget it. I'm not going to risk that, not even for Tad.
David: Well, I have to be honest with you, Leslie. I'm a little confused by your strategy. I mean, how do you plan on winning Tad over by slinging criminal charges against him?
Leslie: What I need now is support, David, not judgment. I had a very rough night, and a good portion of that was spent at the police station.
David: Calm down.
Leslie: I'm losing ground, David. Tad turned Jake against me. I mean, he's my client. He threatened me with disbarment in public. And pretty soon, I'm going to have the whole Martin clan down on me.
David: All right, take it easy. We'll figure something out.
Leslie: I already have. Tad's mine. I mean, that's it. The only thing standing in my way is that wife of his.
David: Leave Dixie out of this.
Leslie: If I'm going to get what I want, I definitely have to get rid of her.
David: You don't touch her.

Dixie: You have no right to accuse anyone. Not after what you did with Leslie.
Tad: But I told you how that happened. Dixie, I was drugged. That's the only way I could possibly be unfaithful to you.
Dixie: From what I've read about that Libidozone, it only lowers a person's inhibitions. You only do what you already want to do. It's already in your heart.
Tad: No. No, Honey. Leslie Cousin's not in my heart. You are. And there's no room for anybody else but you.
Dixie: How do you know that?
Tad: How do I know? What kind of question is that? How can you possibly doubt -- Dixie, I was drugged. You told me that you had had feelings for David, and I just got screwed up.
Dixie: What, are you blaming me now?
Tad: No, no. I'm just trying to tell you how things got completely out of control. And now, not only do you have things all wrong, you won't believe a word I say.
Dixie: Oh, I have things all wrong?
Tad: Yes.
Dixie: You didn't have an affair with Leslie?
Tad: No. No, there was no affair.
Dixie: You are such a liar. I was there in your room. I saw it. I saw all of your things. I saw where you have your little escape.
Tad: I -- I came here to tell you that that was all a setup. It was a fake. No, I swear to God. She created the entire thing, Dixie. She did. She stole my luggage from the airport for my clothes. She broke into our house, she stole my wedding ring so she could make it look like more than just her pathetic fantasy.
Dixie: Oh, please.
Tad: I'm not telling you that it's easy to believe. I'm just telling you the truth! I swear to God, it's the truth. Because that's what we're dealing with here, aren't we? I was drugged. You told me that you cared for him, ok? And I went ballistic. I couldn't even think.
Dixie: And then there was Leslie.
Tad: Yes, there was Leslie. There was Leslie. Why did I do it? I don't know. Except the fact that I was so hurt, I was so angry and so vengeful, I -- I just didn't know what I was doing. I didn't remember that I had done it until the next day. And now she created this, ok? I am telling you the truth. She stole my credit card so my name would be on record and then she set up that room.
Dixie: You're telling me she just fabricated this entire affair?
Tad: Yes. I swear to you, she's deranged. Oh, my God, I don't believe this. I -- I -- you know, I knew this was coming, but I -- I just didn't want to believe it.
Dixie: Well, I guess I just didn't want to believe that you could break your promise to me after all these years. I thought, perhaps -- I don't know. I mean, maybe we need more than we can actually give each other, Tad.
Tad: Oh, for God's sake, just listen to me, ok? Leslie set it up. She planned the whole thing, probably with David's help.
Dixie: Oh please. Would you stop it? Do you realize how desperate you sound?
Tad: I am desperate! I got every right to be because he's been trying for months to come between the two of us and now he's done it. He has done it because you let him.
Dixie: You turned away from me, Tad, ok? Would you stop making all these ridiculous accusations and just admit what you did?
Tad: I have.
Dixie: "I was drugged. I was out of control. Leslie set up this whole room, and, oh, David helped her." It's pathetic!
Tad: You don't want to believe me, do you?
Dixie: What I want is for you to be honest with me. That's all I want. I want you to live up to your vows. No matter what the situation was with Leslie, you should have told me. You should have been honest with me, and you know that. But I guess what I want really is just not that important to you.
Tad: Wrong. You're everything to me, and you always will be. But that doesn't matter, does it? Because -- it doesn't matter that I tell you what I did or why I did it or how much I regret it because the fact is you wanted to do this. You wanted to use it as an excuse to come here and be with him. And you wanted it for a long time.
Dixie: Now you're attacking me.
Tad: Well, you were working with him for months. You had to think about it, to wonder what it would be like to be with him.
Dixie: Well, you didn't have to wonder, did you? You knew what it was like to be with Liza, but you just went ahead and did it anyway. You knew how it made me feel. I don't see -- working together, the two of you, the little business trips. All your little conspiring as business partners.
Tad: I thought we worked through that.
Dixie: No, not we, me. I'm the one that had to bury my fears and just trust you. But you don't want to talk about that? Fine, we won't. Let's talk about Leslie.
Tad: It's not a life. I told you, I've got nothing to do with that room.
Dixie: Forget the room! Why didn't you tell me then, the night of the party, if you're just so damn innocent? Why didn't you tell me the next morning? Why didn't you just say something before you made love to me?
Tad: You're right. You're right. I made a mistake.
Dixie: A mistake?
Tad: A huge mistake.
Dixie: Why? Why do it? The drug didn't make you lie. Why? Why didn't you just trust me and tell me what happened?
Tad: Because I couldn't. Because I was scared to death of this. I couldn't afford to hurt you again. I couldn't risk you or my family.
Dixie: So you're lying to protect us. Aren't we past that?
Tad: I don't know! All that was in my head was what you told me after Liza -- that if I did it again, if there was one more infidelity, that you would walk out on me for good.
Dixie: You should have forgotten what I said. You should have trusted me and told me.
Tad: I was afraid you couldn't forgive me. And you know what? I guess I was right.

Leslie: Let go, David.
David: Do you hear me? Dixie is off-limits.
Leslie: If you don't get your hands off me --
David: You stay away from her, otherwise, you'll deal with me. And Jake Martin's threats will seem like a love song compared to what I'll do to you if you go near Dixie. Am I clear?
Leslie: Back off, David, or I'll go straight to Dixie and I'll tell her everything her cardiologist has been up to.
David: Dixie won't listen to you.
Leslie: Oh, I think she'll be fascinated to hear how eager you were for me to go after Tad while you seduced his wife.
David: That's a great story, Leslie, but it's your word against mine.
Leslie: You know, it was very important for me to be with Tad on the yacht the night of the party. I mean, you made it very clear it had to be at a specific moment.
David: Do you have a point?
Leslie: You know, it's almost as if you knew exactly what would happen when the Libidozone hit.
David: That's ridiculous.
Leslie: You know, you may think I'm obsessed, but I'm not stupid. Doesn't take a genius to figure out that you knew where that Libidozone would take us.
David: Come on, Leslie. You're reaching.
Leslie: You know, what do you think Dixie would say if she found out that you poisoned a boatload of people just to drug her husband into cheating on her?

Ryan: Princess, you'll look so beautiful in this.

Ryan: Hi. Yeah, your bank sent me an offer? Right, for a credit card. Yes, 835. The gold card would be great, thank you. Oh. Well, all right. The regular card will be fine. Whatever limit you can give me. Thank you.

Gillian: Ahem. All right, I'm going to take off. I have some things to do.
Ryan: Well, give me a hug first, please. You're not going to go selling anything on me, are you?
Gillian: No. Nothing like that, I promise.
Ryan: I know you, princess. I know you. You said you weren't going to come to Chechnya, and you popped out of a cargo box, almost gave me a heart attack.
Gillian: You make it sound like I never take no for an answer.
Ryan: You don't.
Gillian: The dress is right there. And, don't worry, I have all your new rules memorized.
Ryan: I'll see you later.

Dixie: I don't know what to say, Tad. If that's what you want to believe --
Tad: You're not going to try to deny it? That's what you were doing, waiting for me to make a mistake, marking time until I did something unforgivable?
Dixie: No.
Tad: I hurt you with other women. People like to get even, Dixie.
Dixie: Not in a marriage. You're not supposed to keep score anymore in a marriage.
Tad: You say that to me after I come to you, I tell you what I did, why I did it, and how much I regret it and you use it as an excuse to come here and act on your feelings for David?
Dixie: I -- I -- I never said I had feelings for David.
Tad: You said you cared for him.
Dixie: That is different.
Tad: Well, which is it? Do you care for him as a friend, or do you got a crush on him?
Dixie: I don't know. All I know is how hurt I was when I saw you and Leslie together in the hall and she was promising that I would never find out about the two of you. I saw you, Tad. I saw some clerk deliver perfume -- my perfume. I went in the room, I saw your things.
Tad: And that made you want to sleep with David?
Dixie: I don't -- I have not -- I have not thought it that far through.
Tad: Can't we at least be honest? You have feelings for him. You said so.
Dixie: I guess I do.
Tad: Well, you still mean everything to me. I've never been sure of much more than that.

David: Thank you. There's no way that anyone can link me to the Libidozone scandal on that yacht.
Leslie: Never say never. In the court of public opinion, circumstantial evidence will smoke like any other gun. You had access to the drug.
David: And so did every other member of the medical profession.
Leslie: So you were just being a bottom feeder, taking advantage of a bad situation and another man's wife?
David: I may be an opportunist, Leslie, but that doesn't mean it's criminal.
Leslie: Plead the fifth, David it's your only hope.
David: Yeah.
Leslie: You know, you never did tell me how you managed to slip the drug into the punch. What, is that a story you're saving to tell your kids? You know, the ones with Dixie. Ooh, I forgot. She can't go that route. I, on the other hand, can give Tad a child.
David: You know, I'm not well-versed in this area, but I'm becoming increasingly more concerned about your mental health.
Leslie: Thanks for the sweet nothings, but I'm fine.
David: Are you really? You seem obsessed with Tad, to the point that I fear you're not thinking clearly, Leslie.
Leslie: I'm clear enough to know that you have plenty to hide.
David: Leslie, I think it's in your best interest to go away for some time before you do something that might really jeopardize your reputation around here. You're already fighting for your law practice, and having the Martins as enemies isn't pretty.
Leslie: Then you're not going to be my savior?
David: I could probably get you the help that you need, but I can't be discreet about it.
Leslie: You know, being around you, David, "paranoid" is just another word for being smart.
David: Then get smart. Check yourself in someplace for some rest and don't mention Dixie again.
Leslie: Has anyone ever beat you at anything, David? I mean, look at you. You're terrified that I might tell Dixie something that could make her sick.
David: Leslie --
Leslie: I'm not your puppet. Don't sit here and try to figure out how to handle me. You don't care about anybody -- not Tad, their kids, the rest of the m Martins, nobody -- as long as you get what you want. Well, you're not going to use me and throw me away.
David: You mean like Tad did?
Leslie: All right, go ahead, play your game, as long as you make sure that you're there for Dixie in the end. Well, you know what? If my law license is revoked and Tad slips away, I'm going to lose it.
David: Oh, it gets worse?
Leslie: Oh, cute. But you've been warned, ok? I am a firm believer in payback, and I'll start with you and end with Dixie.
David: I think I've heard enough. Leslie, you can't prove anything when it comes to me.
Leslie: Of course I can, David. I'm a lawyer.

Edmund: I wish we could have found something, anything.
Dimitri: Yeah. Yeah. Here, you can put this back in there.
Edmund: We can handle this, Dimi.
Dimitri: Edmund, I'm not sure of that anymore.
Edmund: Come on. I've made it this far with my life. You can handle it.
Dimitri: You know, I feel like half a man without her.
Edmund: She's out there. We know it.
Dimitri: Ah. And which one of us is she thinking of? Right? There I go again, right? I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Edmund.
Edmund: It's not a contest, ok? You hear me?
Dimitri: Yeah.
Edmund: It's not a contest. She loves you. She loves you first. She's married to you. And that is why I am going to find Alex.
Dimitri: You know, you're far more forgiving than I am.
Edmund: Maybe that's why God made me your little brother. Teach you about humility.
Dimitri: That sounds right to me.
Edmund: Tell me about Erica.
Dimitri: Oh, Erica, Erica. Do we take what she said seriously, the theory that Alex left to save us from tearing each other apart, or do we stick with David Hayward and wait for him to trip up?
Edmund: I'm still with Hayward.
Dimitri: I'm just tired of dead ends, Edmund. I want my wife back.

Junior: Incoming!
Jamie: Dad!
Tad: Hey.
Junior: Tad, what's up?
Jamie: What's up?
Junior: How's it going?
Tad: How are you guys? What are you doing, huh?
Jamie: We're getting our gear.
Junior: Street hockey.
Tad: You going to play with your new sticks?
Jamie: Definitely. And the new goalie glove you gave me.
Tad: Good.
Junior: Tad?
Tad: Yeah?
Junior: What's wrong? Is something the matter?

Edmund: All right, let me play devil's advocate, ok?
Dimitri: All right.
Edmund: Let's just say there is some truth to what Erica said.
Dimitri: What, Alex left because of us? No. No, she disappeared from Ryan's yacht. She did not leave of her own accord.
Edmund: No, that would be stupid, but, you know, we got to examine every possibility.
Dimitri: All right, all right. Where do you think she would have gone?
Edmund: Well, let's consider her past.
Dimitri: I don't know. Where?
Edmund: England.
Dimitri: The cottage in Bristol?
Edmund: It's a place to start.
Dimitri: All right. Let's book the first flight out of here.

Gillian: Ahem. Excuse me. Are you the manager?
Man: How can I be of assistance?
Gillian: Do you have any openings for a waitress?

David: Where's Tad?
Dixie: He left.
David: Are you all right?
Dixie: No.
David: Of course not.
Dixie: Excuse me. I -- I got to go.
David: Let me take you.
Dixie: No, no, no.
David: Dixie, I'll be right here.
Dixie: I know.
David: If you need me, just call. I'll do whatever it is that you need me to do.

Tad: Just a bad day.
Junior: That's all?
Tad: Yeah, that's all. Some days are worse than others.
Jamie: What happened today?
Tad: Just acquisitions and mergers.
Junior: My dad freaks out about that stuff all the time.
Tad: Well, then you know how it is.
Junior: Don't let it get you down, Tad. You're bigger than that stuff.
Tad: That's good advice.
Jamie: Want to watch us play?
Tad: Yeah, sure. But I think I need a minute first.
Junior: Take it. We'll be by O'Malley's driveway.

Man Singer: Fallen from your grace and you can't be replaced God knows how hard I've tried

Woman Singer: In time even memories fade away with time you might live to forgive and forget and it won't be too late
Both: I broke some promises sometimes I lied to you but one thing will always be true I'll never stop loving you


Man: Well, hello.
Gillian: May I take your order?
Man: Only if you tell me your name.

Bianca: You hired someone to shrink me in my own living room?

[Hayley screams]
Mateo: What happened?

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