JANUARY 18, 2001

Gillian: You do need help, don't you?
Man: I always need help. This is a very busy place.
Gillian: So, then, I can have the waitressing job?
Man: You have experience?
Gillian: Oh, yeah, yeah. I have served in some of the finest establishments in the world -- you know, Paris, Vienna, Vadzel --
Man: Who-zel?
Gillian: Wildwind?
Man: You've served at Wildwind parties?
Gillian: Oh, yeah. Yeah, sure.
Man: You're hired. I just lost a waitress this morning. You ready?
Gillian: Thank you.

Myrtle: The thing is, Opal, Erica is not taking this thing at all well.
Opal: And doesn't it kind of surprise you, Myrt? I mean, after all, the woman knows more gay people than you and me put together.
Myrtle: Well, they're not her daughter. I tell you, I'm going to have to speak to her. If this -- if this business goes on too long, if this parting between the two of them goes on too long, I tell you, it's never going to be mended.
Opal: I know it. It's a sorry state.
Myrtle: Oh, I could use a pick-me-up. What about you?

Opal: Gillian?
Myrtle: Hi, Darling.
Opal: You work here?
Gillian: Yes, I do. Well, good evening. May I get you something to drink?
Opal: I'm so sorry. I had no idea.
Gillian: No idea of what, Opal?
Opal: Well, I mean, that you and Ryan were, you know --
Gillian: Well, what is wrong with me working?
Myrtle: Oh, nothing. Absolutely nothing, Darling. I mean, it's just -- it's just --
Opal: A little bizarro.
Myrtle: Well, wait, no --
Opal: Come on, let's
face it. The girl's royalty. Myrtle: Yes, I know.
Opal: Oh, and looky -- here is Ryan coming to check on his princess as we speak.
Myrtle: Honey, how long have you worked here?
Gillian: Three and a half minutes. Did he see me?
Opal: Not with those reflexes.

Man: What are you doing?
Gillian: I'm taking an order.
Man: There's another deuce to cover over there. Don't leave them waiting.
Gillian: "Deuce"?

Erica: Jack, I -- I wish you would have called first.
Jack: Well, I was on my way home from the office, and I just thought I'd stop by and check up on you.
Erica: I'm fine. I -- I'm expecting someone, however.
Jack: Well, then I won't be staying long. So -- tell me how you are.
Erica: You don't want to know how I am.
Jack: Sure I do.
Erica: No, you don't. You just want to find out if your friend Brooke got through to me, that's all. You saw her, right? And you are informed now about our little chat.
Jack: Yes, I did see her. But I heard about your latest decision from Bianca herself. And I must say that I think she's more than a little confused by the way you're behaving, Erica.
Erica: She's confused about my behavior?
Jack: Why are you being sarcastic with me?
Erica: Why are you naturally assuming that I am at fault?
Jack: Did I say that?
Erica: In so many words.
Jack: Do you know what your daughter did? She defended you. She tried to explain why you dumped her from the young enchantment cosmetics campaign and went with the girl who torments her every day at school. She justified that for you. That's how much she loves you. And do you know how much it hurt her that you chose this Shannon person instead of your own child?
Erica: Jack, look -- you clearly don't know the whole story here. First of all, Bianca made it completely clear to me, I mean, in no uncertain terms that she wants nothing to do with the enchantment campaign or any campaign whatsoever. And, secondly, do you know how much Bianca has hurt me?
Jack: Erica, being gay is not something that Bianca's doing to hurt you. She has no more control over her sexual orientation than you or I.
Erica: I don't believe that.
Jack: Oh, Erica, come on, for God's sake --
Erica: No, Bianca wants me just to approve. Bianca wanted to tell me that she's gay, and I'm just supposed to say, "oh, ok." Jack, I'm sorry. I can't do that. I just can't. And I won't.

Bianca: Becca? Hey.
Becca: Bianca, hi! Wow. How are you?
Bianca: I'm ok. Did you just get back?
Becca: Yeah, this morning.
Bianca: Wow. So, how were your holidays? How's your family and everything?
Becca: It was great. Thank you. How are you doing?
Bianca: Oh, you mean you heard about my little scandal in Pigeon Hollow?
Becca: I was in the market waiting in line, and I saw those nasty tabloid headlines. I just couldn't believe it. What did you do when you saw those rags and it said "Erica Kane's Daughter Is --" you know --
Bianca: Gay.
Becca: You poor thing. That is such a hateful thing to print about somebody. I bet your mom is suing for libel, isn't she?
Bianca: Becca, it was no fun to have my name in the headlines like that, but it's not not true. I am gay.

Mateo: Are you sure that's what you want to do?
Hayley: Yeah, I got to figure out what Arlene's doing.
Mateo: But we're not even sure if Arlene's the one that's --
Hayley: Oh, what, is responsible? Who else could be so vindictive? Who else would break into this apartment and trash it and break into my father's home and leave that sick gift in Colby's crib with a note that says "Confess" while she slept? What if something happened to her?
Mateo: Nothing's going to happen to that baby. Adam won't stand for it.
Hayley: Adam is losing it. Liza's losing it. It's up to me to figure out Arlene's next move --
Mateo: You're not doing anything --
Hayley: Before Arlene does.
Mateo: Because if Arlene shows up, I'll handle her.
Hayley: Oh. All right. Look, I set this whole thing in motion. I'm the one that tried to kill Arlene. If she comes after somebody, it should be me.
Mateo: So you're going to bait her? You're going to bait Arlene or whoever's trying to imitate Arlene to do what?
Hayley: Oh, my God.
Mateo: What?
Hayley: The necklace is gone. The necklace that I left hanging here is gone. She came in and took the necklace.
Mateo: Stay here. I'll make sure she's not still in the apartment.

[Hayley screams]

Mateo: What happened? What happened?
Hayley: What does that say? What?
Mateo: "You can't live with the guilt."
Hayley: Oh, God.
Mateo: It's the same handwriting that was in the crib on the note with -- in Colby's crib. What --
Hayley: That's my do
Mateo: What? Hayley: That's my doll. Harry gave that to me when I was a little girl. I used to keep it in the closet here in a box. Arlene must have found it. She hated that doll.
Mateo: Wait. I'm not getting this. What is --
Hayley: Harry gave me that doll for my birthday one year when Arlene forgot it was my birthday. And he said it was from her, and that always drove her crazy.
Mateo: Ok. What's it doing -- I'm not getting why it's out there, though. What --
Hayley: She's right, you know. I can't handle the guilt of trying to kill her, and she knows that.

Tina: Oh, no -- what happened?
Mateo: Uh -- I don't know. Just --
Tina: You were robbed?
Mateo: Yeah. We don't know what's missing or --
Tina: But look at this place. I mean, who would have done this?
Hayley: My mother.
Tina: Your mother? Good God, why?

Jack: What are you saying, Erica? That you can't accept the truth about Bianca, so --
Erica: How can you be so sure about what is the truth?
Jack: Ok. You do realize that Bianca thinks that she can't talk to you about her being gay?
Erica: Yes, of course I know that.
Jack: I hope you plan to do something about that.
Erica: I already have.
Jack: Yes, Bianca tells me you want her to see a psychiatrist. I certainly hope this psychiatrist is not one of those reparative therapists. Because if that's the way it is, I would take a chance I'm overstepping my bounds here and suggest that you think about that some more.
Erica: I see. Now you don't give me credit for anything.
Jack: No, Erica, I just know when you get into a certain mind set, that's it.
Erica: Look, this is not about brainwashing my daughter into any way of thinking. That's not what the purpose of seeing the therapist is about.
Jack: Good.
Erica: When I was battling my addiction to prescription painkillers, therapy saved me. More importantly, when Bianca was battling anorexia, therapy saved her. Now, why wouldn't I offer this to my daughter? Don't lecture me, Jack. All I have done is hire a very reputable, very highly recommended therapist to come and talk to my daughter and me. And, Jack, your opinion in this whole thing about what I'm doing -- your opinion has no place in this conversation.
Jack: Will you at least try to remain open to the possibility --
Erica: I'm open to protecting my daughter. Period.
Jack: That I know is the truth.
Erica: Thank you.
Jack: I just hope you consider what that means exactly under these circumstances. And that's all I'm going to say. I'll see you.
Erica: Jack -- ever since your brother and I brought Bianca into the world, all I've cared about is her happiness and her safety. She was my baby then. She's my baby now.
Jack: And she always will be. I really hope you can work this out -- for you and for your baby.
Jack: I'll see you.

Becca: Bianca, you're gay?
Bianca: Yeah, I am.

[Becca sighs]

Bianca: What are you thinking?
Becca: I just -- I don't know what to say. Bianca: Well, nothing is really different except that people know. I mean, it's not like something happened to me. This is who I am. It's who I've always been. I was really hoping that you'd be cool with this.
Becca: It's just -- I didn't know.
Bianca: Nobody knew. I wasn't really talking about it to anyone. So, are we going to be ok as friends?
Becca: Yes. Sure. Of course we're still friends. I would never judge you. It's just that I've never known any gay people. I -- I don't exactly understand.
Bianca: That makes two of us. Look, Becca, I know it's different. I never really knew gay people, either. If you want to know something, if you have questions or anything, you can feel free to ask --
Becca: No. That's your business.
Bianca: No, but I'm telling you that it's all right. I mean, it's not like you're a nosy reporter or something I want to talk about this with my friends --

Man: Here's your order, Becca.
Becca: Oh -- Jay, thank you. Here's the money. Well, I'll see you later, Bianca.
Bianca: Ok. Becca -- Happy New Year.
Becca: Yeah. You, too.

Man: Tell you, Ryan, I was worried when all that negative publicity came out about your company in the papers, but I can't complain about my revenue stream off our banner ads on the web site.
Ryan: Very, very glad to hear that, Stan. Thank you for sticking with us.
Stan: A little jumpy about the new ownership, though. I like the way you ran the place.
Ryan: I'm still running the place, Stan. The only thing that's different are a few of the initials that come after my name. Other than that, it's all the same. And that is going to change in time.
Stan: How do you mean?
Ryan: Well, I plan to buy back from Adam as soon as I can raise the capital.
Stan: Are you looking to raise cash fast?
Ryan: Who isn't?
Stan: Right, but do you mean it?
Ryan: Stan, you holding out on me? You got a car full of venture capital guys out there?
Stan: Better. Got a real estate idea, and it's foolproof. But you need a strong stomach. You still got one after what you been through?
Ryan: Hey, if it's foolproof, why worry?
Stan: I like the way you think.

Opal: Psst - here he comes.
Man: I'm sorry. Is there a problem here?
Myrtle: Oh, no, no, no, no. Oh, no, she is the best waitress we've had in this place. Am I right?
Opal: Absolutely. We just think she is first-rate, a whiz kid, quick learner.
Man: Well, that's nice. I suggest you take the order for those gentlemen. Now.

Stan: Well, hello.
Gillian: May I -- may I take your order?
Stan: Only if you tell me your name.
Ryan: Ahem. It's Gillian.
Stan: You've been holding out on me, Ryan. You know this beautiful girl?
Ryan: Yes.
Stan: Well, I'm not shy. Are you taken?
Gillian: Yes. Completely.
Stan: You sure?
Ryan: Stan -- this is my fiancée.
Stan: What?
Ryan: This is my fiancée, Gillian Andrassy.
Stan: You live on a yacht.
Ryan: And?
Stan: I just thought -- well, the markets have been crazy. Every little bit helps, I guess.
Gillian: Can I get you something to drink?
Ryan: Not until you tell me what's going on here, Gillian.
Stan: You know what? I'm going to go. No hard feelings.
Gillian: No.
Stan: Good. I'll call you, ok, Ryan?
Ryan: Ok, I'll be in touch, too. Thank you. Thank you, Stan.

Gillian: Listen -- let me just explain, Ryan. You know, first of all, I had no idea that you were going to come here with your clients --
Ryan: Stop, stop, stop. Stop. Gillian, what are you doing taking drink orders in a bar?
Gillian: Well, I heard you on the phone trying to get another credit card, and I just -- I just want to help you out a little bit.
Ryan: You don't have to serve drinks to drunk salesmen to help me pay my rent, Gillian. I wish you'd talked to me about this.
Gillian: It's not a big deal.
Ryan: It is a big deal. I can pay my debts myself, ok?
Gillian: It's our debts. We're in this together.
Ryan: Baby, I love you. I love you more than words can say. But if you serve another drink in here, I'm going to have to carry you over my shoulder and take you home --
Gillian: Ryan, this is honest work, Baby.
Ryan: You're royalty. You're royalty.
Gillian: So? Have you seen the Duchess of York on TV yet today? Nothing wrong with a royal getting a job. Ok, look, there is another way. I can ask Dimitri for the money.
Ryan: No, you can't ask Dimitri. We discussed that. I don't want you asking your family for money.

Man: Excuse me, Mr. Lavery?
Ryan: Yeah, mm-hmm?
Man: You have a call in the lobby on our house phone.
Ryan: Thank you. Look, I'm going to go take that. You get your jacket. I'm going to be right back. Get your jacket.

Man: You just started your shift. What did he mean, get your coat?
Gillian: Oh, it's -- I got it covered. Oh, no.

Jake: Gillian?
Gillian: Yeah, it's me, Princess of beer nuts and wine. You have a problem with that, or can I get you something to drink?

Hayley: My mother isn't normal, Tina, so she doesn't do normal things.
Tina: I know all that stuff, Hayley. Your mom has been pretty awful. But why would anyone do something like this? And I thought you said that she left town.

[Telephone rings]

Mateo: Hello?
Man: Yeah, is this Matt Santos?
Mateo: Who's this?
Man: I heard you were showing around a picture of blond lady.
Mateo: Yeah, I was.
Man: Bartender here told me about it. I think I seen her.
Mateo: Are you still there?
Man: Yeah, but -- Mateo: I'll be there in 10 minutes. I got to go.

Hayley: Mateo --
Mateo: Someone spotted -- spotted her. I'm going to make sure.
Hayley: Well, then, I'm going with you.
Mateo: You're not going anywhere because look at this place. You think I want you to have a confrontation with her? You're staying here, ok?
Hayley: All right. Be careful.
Mateo: All right, I will. I promise. Tina --
Tina: Don't worry, I'll stay.
Mateo: Ok. Lock the doors.
Hayley: But, Mateo --
Mateo: No, no, just don't -- don't do anything. Just stay here until you hear from me. Ok?
Tina: Do you want to tell me what's going on?

Erica: Please make yourself comfortable, Dr. Trent.
Dr. Trent: Thank you, Erica. And, please, call me Pamela.
Erica: Pamela.
Pamela: Where's Bianca?
Erica: Well, she's not home from school yet, but she should be here any second. So, you come very highly recommended. I am very anxious to hear what you have to think about our situation.
Pamela: Well, I'm happy that you called me. I find my family counseling the most satisfying part of my practice.
Erica: I am so relieved that you're here. I mean, ever since Bianca told me about her problem on Christmas Eve, we have been at loose ends. I mean, I know that there's no good time to do this, but to tell me on Christmas Eve --
Pamela: If you don't mind, Erica, I'd like to stay away from the topic until Bianca gets here. She'll feel much better knowing that we're not getting a head start. Erica, your daughter does know that I was coming here today, doesn't she?
Erica: I -- I must admit that --
Pamela: She doesn't know?
Erica: No, I didn't tell her that you would be here, but I did ask her to come home directly after school.
Pamela: That is really not helpful. I wish that you'd been honest with me and her.
Erica: What are you doing?
Pamela: I'm leaving. We can reschedule when it's convenient for both you and Bianca.
Erica: Oh, no, please, you can't do that. Please, you must stay and help my daughter. Please stay. Bianca.
Bianca: Hi, Mom. Who's your friend?
Erica: Bianca, this is Pamela Trent.
Pamela: I'm a family therapist, Bianca. I thought your mother had told you I was coming.
Bianca: You hired someone to shrink me in my own living room? Mom, I told you I don't need a therapist.
Erica: Bianca --
Bianca: No, no, I'm fine the way I am. You're the one with the problem. Dr. Trent, I am not going to be deprogrammed, ok?
Erica: Bianca, please don't be rude.
Pamela: I am not a reparative therapist, Bianca. All I'll do, if you want me to stay, is listen and help any way I can. It's up to you. I'm fine with your decision, no matter what it is.
Bianca: Do you think you could help us talk to each other?
Pamela: I'd like to try.
Bianca: All right, then. Please stay.

Jake: Well, I'm just surprised to see you here like this, so I'm sorry.
Gillian: No, no, no, no. I'm sorry, Jake. It's just I've had this job for 20 minutes, and everybody I know on this planet has been here, and they all seem so surprised that I'm trying to earn an honest dollar here. I mean -- there's nothing wrong with me and Ryan. It's just -- you know, I'm just trying to help out a little bit until things get a little easier, that's all.
Jake: I understand. You really don't owe me any explanation. And I bet you're going to be really good at it once you get a chance to wait on someone who doesn't know you, so --
Gillian: Thank you.
Jake: You're welcome. Just -- listen, in case you're wondering, the attorney filed the papers.
Gillian: Yeah, I heard.
Jake: Things are going to be final soon. You know, Gillian, it might be inappropriate to ask this, but I'm going to ask it anyway.
Gillian: Ask what?
Jake: You have any second thoughts about saving our marriage?
Gillian: Jake, I have a lot of regrets about the way I hurt you, but I am where I want to be.

Ryan: Hey, Jake.
Jake: Ryan. Listen -- I got to meet with an associate in the dining room, so see you.

Ryan: Gillian, I really don't want you working here.
Gillian: Ryan, just let me do this, ok?
Ryan: No, no, no. It's degrading, and I don't want the woman that --
Gillian: Baby, stop it. I know what this is about, and I'm not going to have it.

Hayley: Tina, this is a mess. Obviously this is a mess. I mean, it's a big, fat mess. But the less I say, the better for everyone.
Tina: Why? This isn't just about you coming home to find your apartment trashed and saying your mother is responsible, is it? Something is up, and it has been since the night of Ryan's party on that yacht. Oh -- what the hell is that?
Hayley: I -- I --
Tina: Hayley, what is that supposed to mean? Who would have left something like this?
Hayley: I don't -- I don't really know, and I don't want to talk about it.
Tina: You know what? But someone has to talk about it. I'm going to call Derek.
Hayley: No! Tina, you can't do that.
Tina: This is crazy, Hayley. Someone very sick is trying to freak you out, and they are winning. I don't know why you think your mother would come into your home and trash the place, but that doll with the noose -- that is psycho!
Hayley: Well, that's my mother, Tina. It's Arlene. She's responsible for all of this.

[Music plays]

Singer: If I fall along the way pick me up

Mateo: You call me?
Man: You're Matt Santos, right?
Mateo: Yeah. Hey.
Man: Yeah, they told me what you look like.
Mateo: You didn't tip her off, did you? Is she still here?
Man: No, she's gone.
Mateo: What?
Man: She left a while ago. I couldn't get her to stick around unless I bought her a round, and I wasn't about to do that, so --
Mateo: Listen, the next time you see her, the next time you see her, you keep her here, you call me, and you make sure she's here when I show up, all right? Are we clear on that?
Man: Hey -- I'll do my best. She's hot, that one. She's kind of jumpy.
Mateo: You talked to her?
Man: Well, a little. I mean, mostly I just listened.
Mateo: What did she say?
Man: Boy, not a lot that made sense. She said something about people getting away with murder having to pay. Do you know what that's about?
Man: Well, excuse me.
Mateo: Did she -- did she say anything else?
Man: She said you'd know what it meant.
Mateo: You told her that I was looking for her? She knew that you were going to speak to me?
Man: Sorry, Man. Times are tough.
Mateo: Tell me what's going on. Come on.
Man: She gave me 100 bucks, told me to call you, say what I said. Then she made me swear that I'd be real specific about the time.
Mateo: She gave you a specific time?
Man: Mm-hmm. Said you'd come running. She was right.
Mateo: She set me up.

Tina: What happened with your mother, Hayley?
Hayley: She's angry with me.
Tina: And this is how she shows you, by hanging a doll?
Hayley: I had it coming.
Tina: What are you talking about, Hayley? You're scaring me.
Hayley: Look, I did a bad thing, and I deserve what I get. And that's really all I can say right now. And I've got to go lie down if you don't mind. You don't have to stay.
Tina: I told Mateo I would wait with you.
Hayley: Ok. If you want to. I'll be fine.
Tina: Will you?

Ryan: No, I won't stop it, Gillian, because I did this to you.
Gillian: I know why you're overreacting.
Ryan: I'm not overreacting. I just want to get you home and get you out of this ridiculous apron.
Gillian: You're thinking that I didn't have to work in a hotel bar when I was married to Jake, that I had a house and a family and I was a doctor's wife.
Ryan: It's all true.
Gillian: And I left it all behind as soon as I knew I could be with you.
Ryan: You knew what your future would be while you were with Jake, Gilly.
Gillian: Ryan, nobody really knows that. I was pretending to be happy with Jake. I'm happy with you.
Ryan: Look at you. Look at you. Look what my stupid mistakes have made you do.
Gillian: Baby, your stupid mistakes are part of life's little setbacks. Everybody has them. There's nothing wrong with me working here.
Ryan: I just -- I just want more for you.
Gillian: And I'll have it. Because you always do what you say you're going to do.
Ryan: I just -- I just --
Gillian: Ok, would you stop it? I don't care what people say of me working here, and neither should you. It's not a disgrace for me to have a job.
Ryan: That's not what I meant.
Gillian: Ok, then would you just be quiet for now and let me love you this way? Please?
Gillian: I love you.
Ryan: And I want to marry you yesterday.
Gillian: I told you, as long as I can have you and a small little church and the justice of the peace, I can be the happiest woman in the world.
Ryan: Wait. I meant what I said about making our wedding unforgettable.
Gillian: You're impossible.
Ryan: Yeah, well, you're more impossible.
Gillian: All right, so then we're even.
Ryan: Yes, we are.

Bianca: I mean it, Dr. Trent. If this is some kind of trick to cure me of being gay, then I will be your poster child for failure.
Pamela: I am not here to pass judgment or cure anybody of anything.
Bianca: I bet.
Erica: Bianca, do you have to be so confrontational? Dr. Trent is only trying to help.
Bianca: Dr. Trent, you are the second person tonight who has told me that they're not going to pass judgment on me, and, funny, that's all I feel.
Pamela: You said you wanted my help to communicate with your mother.
Bianca: That's right.
Pamela: Then let's try that, ok?
Bianca: Ok.
Pamela: Erica, is there anything you'd like to say to your daughter to start?
Erica: Actually, there is. Bianca, I'm sorry that I hired Shannon to replace you at Young Enchantment. I had no idea that she was tormenting you at school. I'd like to make it up to you. So if you'd like to pick up where we left off, if you'd like to come back to modeling, I'd be thrilled to have you.
Bianca: Well, thank you, Mom. That's very nice. And very generous of you. And I think I might like that a lot.
Erica: Wonderful.
Bianca: With one small change.
Erica: What -- what change?
Bianca: Well, Mom, for the campaign, don't you think that it would be a mistake to photograph me draped all over some pumped-up male model?
Erica: Oh, Honey, that was never the intention --
Bianca: Well, why don't we do a shoot with me and another girl?
Erica: Dr. Trent, do you see what Bianca does to me? Constantly challenging me and baiting me and trying to make me have a reaction.
Bianca: And every time I do, you turn around and you try to pretend that this isn't happening.
Erica: That what isn't happening?
Bianca: I'm gay, Mom, remember?
Erica: Of course I remember that you told me that, Bianca. You tell me, Dr. Trent, tell me, is it possible for a 16-year-old girl to make that decision about herself?
Pamela: Why don't you speak to Bianca directly?
Erica: Because that doesn't work. Bianca won't listen. She has an answer for everything, and she's always right.
Bianca: You know what -- I am so tired of this.
Erica: What else is new?
Bianca: No, Mom, I am so tired of being despised in my own home.
Erica: "Despised"? Bianca, where is that coming from? You know very well that I don't hate you.
Bianca: Oh, come on, Mom. You would trade me for a Shannon in a second.
Erica: Of course not. Bianca: Somebody who's prettier --
Erica: She's not prettier than you. You're beautiful --
Bianca: Somebody who is straight, like you.
Erica: That's not true. Bianca: Can you tell the truth, Mom? Can you?
Erica: What truth?
Bianca: That you're ashamed of me.
Erica: I'm not --
Bianca: That you think I'm sick.
Erica: No --
Bianca: Perverted.
Erica: No, I don't.
Bianca: Mom -- stop lying! Tell Dr. Trent the truth! Tell her how you feel about having a gay daughter! Tell her!
Erica: All right. I feel cheated. And I feel like it's all my fault. I love you more than anything. But I don't know if I can ever accept this, Bianca. I just don't know. And I hate myself for feeling like this. Do you understand me? I hate myself. And I've never been so frightened about anything in my life.

Gillian: Ok, now let me get back to work, ok? That's if the manager hasn't replaced me already.
Ryan: Gillian --
Gillian: Are you going to be good, or do I have to get tough with you?
Ryan: Oh -- ok. Ok, but I'm giving you that wedding I promised.
Gillian: Ryan, listen. I could get married in Las Vegas in one of those Elvis places and still be the happiest woman in the world. Ok, I have to go work now.
Ryan: Hmm. Mm-hmm.

Ryan: Stan?
Hey, Ryan Lavery. Yeah. No, no, no, don't -- don't sweat it. It kind of surprised me, too. Look, about that real estate deal you were telling me about -- I'm in.

Mateo: Oh, God -- Tina? Tina? Hey -- you ok? Hayley? Hayley? Hayley!
Mateo: Oh, my God.
Hayley: What's the matter? Oh, no. Oh, no.


Gillian: Woo!

Adam: What scam are you trying to pull this time?

Tina: I'm calling the police.

Erica: This session is not about me or my problems with men.
Pamela: It's very much about you.

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